Intercessory Prayer

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well a few months back we started conversations on prayer it was designed to be a relaxed kind of setting so I was walking the floor but I didn't really prepare for a relaxed setting tonight I'm even though now I wish I had so bear with me as I try to figure out exactly how do I want to do this so we'll stay up here as much as possible but I I kind of wanted to stay down there anyway and now believe it like that but thank you so much so we started these conversations on prayer and in May that's when we began because I really wanted to address this idea that you can you can ask God for something and we have this mindset that sometimes he says yes sometimes he says no and then sometimes he says maybe I wanted to address that because even with that there's another one that says sometimes he says yes sometimes he says not yet and then sometimes he says I have something better in mind I tell you there's always some kind of witty invention some kind of thing that the people come up with but I tell you what I just believe that the Bible the Bible should be my foundation for what it is I believe and why it is I believe because if I can just believe what the Bible says then I know I won't go wrong that I don't have to wonder is it going to work for me but if I see it written in Scripture then I can know and I can have a confidence in His Word and I can have an expectation for results amen and so if I look at scripture I think about Corinthians Corinthians tells us that all of the promises of God are yes and they are amen there's no no one may be in it all of the promises of God are yes and they are amen Psalm 84 tells us that the Lord is the son and a shield that he gives grace and he gives glory that there's no good thing that he withhold from them that walk uprightly before him the psalms also tell us that to those who seek him he they shall lack for no good thing we find it all throughout scripture the psalm says again 146 specifically he says he opens his hand to satisfy every being sane now this is the scripture and I can either believe it or reject it but I for me in my life I chose to believe it and I want to encourage you that if you will take the Word of God and receive it for your life then you'll see a difference in your prayers just immediately I think about even Ephesians that says he does exceedingly abundantly above all that I can ask or think and so I've chosen my life I said I cannot live by epithets I cannot live by cliche I can't live by the latest saying that's not how I can live my life but I can't live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and I'm going to choose to pray like that because that's when I can have a confidence my prayers are not based on anyone's experience it does not matter to me if something else happened that wasn't supposed to happen in someone's life my prayers are base and confidence is based on what God said because if I can believe what God said then I can have it if I trust what other people what happens in other people's lives then I'll always be up and down I'll never be sure can I receive can I receive because it's based on what somebody else is doing and I promise you you never want to base your success on someone's failure oh I hope you hear me you never base your success on someone else's failure always go all the way in and so I encourage you then when you see that something in scripture you go all the way in and say if God said it then I'm choosing to believe his word and so we started off talking about the secret place and when we talked about the secret place we found out that it's very important because in the secret place is where you get focused is where you actually grow in faith and it's also where you have a fellowship a true communion with God and so I encourage you if you have not established a time and a time in the day a time in the day not any old time in the day but a time in the day where you have an appointment with God where it's just you and him not your cell phone not other things that you have to do but an appointment a time that you have set aside just for him if you start off with five minutes is better than no minutes but start somewhere and just create an app or meant with God and always meet him there and you'll see a difference because now you're going into the secret place and he said those who come to me in the secret place he will reward openly and so it's in the secret place that I encourage you that you also take your Bible because there in the Bible's where you will engage his will you'll engage and find out what are his ways and you'll actually find out the history of God because he does not change the next month in June we talked about petition prayer and I gave you three secrets to getting your petitions answered the first the first secret that I gave was that you can petition on behalf of another and if you can make that sacrifice with sincerity you can see God move in your life we also talked about how you can petition with a proactive Thanksgiving that you're not waiting to see something before you give thanks but right when you pray you lift up your hands you lift up your voice with Thanksgiving and you do that daily daily I give thanks unto you Lord because it does not matter if I see it it only matters if I believe it because if I can believe it then I will receive it so I lift up my hands with Thanksgiving because I know that I have received it when I pray and then lastly we talked about how we celebrate we celebrate like you have it and that's that Thanksgiving where I rejoice in my god I'm not waiting but I'm rejoicing right in that moment and if I can do that consistently it won't take long you'll see that every time you pray your answers will come faster and faster it's when people go back and forth that you slow everything down but if you can just be faithful and what God said just like you said remain in me and my words remain of you you ask what you will and it shall be done most people ask and then they pull back they're in and out I believe on Sunday that God will do it by Thursday we don't believe then on Sunday again we're back to believing on Tuesday we don't know Wednesday we do and then we expect to receive something from God but the scripture is very clear that man is a double minded man let not him think that he will she received anything from the Lord and so I encourage you that when you lock and load on something that you found in Scripture do not change it doesn't matter what it looks like in the natural doesn't matter what people say or think those things are irrelevant when you're walking by faith because you don't walk by facts Amen all right so then tonight tonight we're talking about intercession we're talking about intercession now this is very important because things are happening in our lives they're happening all around us the world is in tumult and everything is going on affects each of us in one way or another it affects some of us deeper than others but there are things happening to us they're happening around us and we're asking these questions even if we don't articulate them we're asking questions like what is going on we're asking questions like where are you Father like what do we do father we're asking these deep questions and we're waiting for him to actually do something right we're waiting for him to do something God do something but I believe that God is present in every calamity that he is present in every problem that he is present no matter what you're facing whether it's a situation that's beyond you or you think you can handle it he is present right there he is there in the mist I also believe that his word gives us insight and direction into how we are to flow or follow his order in life whether that is his direction and his insight from my life individually or whether that's based on his insight in his direction for my family for my city for my nation or for the world God has answers and it's all found in his world so it's very important for us to understand what is God saying but you cannot know what God is saying if you are not in his presence so it's very important to stay in this presence because as I mentioned before most people use one approach for different issues they use one approach for different issues and then they expect some kind of result but that's not how the Scriptures show us that there are when you have to as Jane says when you're suffering that you should be praying when you're cheerful you should be singing songs that when you're sick he says call for the elders of the church that when you're praying for your leaders he says pray with supplication so that you may live a peaceable life in all godliness with reverence when you're challenged he says speak to the mountains but our challenge is what we do is we use one approach and most times that approach is begging oh god please and we act as though God doesn't want to do it like he's not interested in us and we really don't even have any expectation in our hearts that he'll do anything and so well here there are times when you have to go into a different kinds of Prayer and one of those times is intercession and so I'd like to turn our attention to Israel's predicament so that we can get a better understanding of how intercession is applicable when we're asking questions about what is going on in the world around me whether that world is right here in your address your home address or whether your world is beyond on your on your job or whether your world is literally the world that we're living in what is going on so I want to invite you to turn to Ezekiel 22 it's going to be on the screen I believe but just for our purposes I just want to kind of outline because the scripture is so long I just kind of pulled out what I saw were salient points and so what I saw there is people Israel in a predicament it lays out the problem and one of the problems was that the parents were treated with contempt parents were treated with contempt that was one of the problems that the scripture outlines there in Ezekiel it also says that lewdness was taking place lewdness it says impurities of various kinds of violations now you can read it I didn't want to get into it I didn't know children are in the room so it may be whatever but you got the idea impurity of various kinds of violations was happening in the area there were bribes to shed blood there were bribes to shed blood there was extortion without justice that's what was going on in Ezekiel and there was no distinction between holy and common no distinction at all everything is just okay everybody's just doing what's right in their own eyes everyone's just following the dictates of their own heart there was a disregard for God's ways and the poor and the needy who were oppressed in response now we can look at verse 31 God said so I saw it for a man among them who would make up a wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land that I should not destroy it but I found no one therefore I have poured out my indignation on them I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath and I have crepin Pence their deeds on their own heads says the Lord God I submit to you tonight that God is looking for someone someone to pray that is exercise their god-given authority to speak to mountains and bind and loose and decree and declare some things God is looking for someone who will stand in the gap just as he looked through it looked at the zekiel and said I'm looking for someone based on all of these issues that's going on in Scripture which I think mirrors what's going on right here in the land today so if one person is willing to stand in the gap I believe that we will be able to see a difference when we're looking at injustice when we're looking at evil when we're looking at debauchery debauchery being an indulgence of sensual pleasures that we will see a difference because God is looking for someone who will be willing to pray so I say where is the remnant where are the people who are willing to make the sacrifice who are willing to turn aside from the busyness who can see the problem and stop declaring what are we going to do what is God going to do where are you God and turn their face down and begin to seek the face of our God see I really do believe that and remember this is a conversation so y'all okay so I really do believe that what has happened to the church is there is a spirit of stupor that's over the church where everyone's just relaxed and casual everyone's waiting for somebody else to do it everyone's thinking oh well that church has it and we're so busy we're so a sluggish that we're not in place as a church can be to pray or we're pit against each other looking at this church that they're this kind of church and thus that kind of people and we're not looking at the real issues that face our land and so I declare to our house to wake up the time is nearing when persecution will enter into the Western world and if we are asleep we will be absorbed and sucked into or swallowed up in all of the mess so I encourage you tonight States to wake up - wake up to truly make a decision that you are going to be alert and vigilant concerning the kingdom of God and what his will is for you not everybody else but for you what is his will for your life Hebrews tells us that God is the same yesterday today and forever he does not change right Ezekiel tells us there's nothing new Under the Sun and so what I wanted to do is I wanted to point our scripture because when I'm looking at the scripture I'm seeing the same thing it's replicated I'm seeing the same thing so I think if we can see the same thing and we can respond in the way that the righteous respond in Scripture then we should have the same results right it's not like we should assume that we get a different response if we do same thing that the righteous did as opposed to just ignoring the issues or acting as though we can't do anything amen and so I'm going to go through the scriptures fairly fast but I think it'll be okay I think you'll be able to keep up so we're looking at Psalm 81 Psalm 81 11 talks about Israel's idolatry and Israel's disobedience and as a result in fact it's on the screen he says but my people would not heed my voice and Israel would have none of me now this was their position so they're in idolatry and they're in disobedience and as a result the consequence is God gave them over to their enemies he gave them over to their enemies we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but we do have enemies I look at Romans chapter 1 verse 28 and the scripture says there that the people neglected God in other words they here it is in verse 28 and even as they did not like that they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over consequence God gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting seems like the same thing Psalm 78 where God where the people tested God in their heart and they did not believe and by verse 33 it says that God gave them over to futility and fear you wonder why people take different medicines in the sword because they're so anxious they're so afraid what are you afraid of see I believe it's not just about one person this is the thing that's happening because the church is asleep and we have to wake up we have to wake up and see that people are being affected because too much is going on around us same thing that's in the Bible is in our lives today I look at thank you I'm sorry you are I changed the order but Psalm 78 verse 61 it says that there was idolatry where people were turning to everything and everyone but God so whenever you have a need you look into on Suzie Suzie can you whenever there's a problem you look into your boss whenever you have any issue you're looking to all these things that you've created in your own life in your own world rather than looking to God and that is idolatry and I'm not just talking about us individually I'm talking about the body of Christ which is why it is so important for the few righteous if we can just make a decision for the as the few to be a remnant that will seek the face of God I believe we can get his attention Saints I believe we can get us attention and we can start seeing a change all around us I think about Haggai chapter 1 the people neglected God's house and the scripture says that holes was in their pocket and you wonder why there's lack and there's always need even in the body of Christ I think about Malachi Malachi chapter 3 we see we've read that several times where the people neglected the tithe and then there was an experience of economic disaster or the pests devoured the crops so you figure you go to work every day and you're making your money but somehow it's never enough is somehow it's not meeting all of the needs see that's the kind of stuff that we can take care of if we will enter into a place of intercession Joel tutu says the people loved the pleasure of sin more than anything and an invasion of locusts came into the land and so I stand before you just as Ezekiel said as a watchman on the wall to give a clarion call that says we have to wake up God is gracious and he is compassionate he has given his son but people we must be willing to pray we must be willing to really take the time and call upon the name of the Lord he said you if you seek me you will find me if you search for me with all of your heart we can get the finger of God in the situation's that we face whether it's in our individual lives or in the our spectrum just as Moses prayed for his entire nation and he was able to keep the anger of God at bay I believe individually we can pray for our nation Moses prayed for his sister and he stopped and and God heard his prayer in the same way you can pray for people around you and God will hear your pray prayer Nehemiah he prayed for his nation the city was broken down and he prayed he didn't just go run in and start building the wall he prayed and when he prayed that's when he got the understanding of what to do you get it you can't just go running you have to get the mind of price you have to know what is he saying this time what is he requiring from us and Nehemiah heard from God and then he went to build the wall Ezra and Daniel both of them men who prayed for their people they saw a problem with their people and they began to pray and God heard their prayer and there was a change you think about Acts chapter 12 where Peter Peter was wrongly imprisoned but the people got together and prayed and by this was in verse 5 by verse 13 Peters knocking on the door free it doesn't have to take long it just has to take people who are willing to pray so you too are an intercessor who can make the difference you yes you why don't pray like you Quinn you don't have to pray like me you just have to have a passion to pray and you can use the materials that we've printed out for you we created this book for you so you can't pray with power it's okay if you just use the words we just need people who will come together and pray cry out for mercy cry out for his intervention Oh God we need your your grace here we need you to come and show yourself strong in our myths when you think of interesting when you think of intercessory prayer the root word for intercessory is in seed that's the root word and intercede means to intervene on behalf of another so this is not just you praying about your sin your problem if you have an issue guaranteed 50 other people have the same issue and so when you're repentant you're repenting not just for yourself but you're repenting for all the people in the body of Christ you're repenting for all people that's how you see it done with whether it was with Daniel or anyone or Nehemiah or the sword they prayed and they say we have mercy father on my people they prayed for their whole nation and so it is that you can pray but the challenge is what do we do everyone prays for me myself and I my house my children my my my my and the city is falling down the nation is coming apart and we still talking about bless me take care of me my children my momma we have to be able to see the broader picture we have to be able to see that God wants to do something in the earth and he wants to use you but we have to be able to see and get in place to actually pray see when one person is willing to cry out to God for mercy to cry out with repentance to cry out and and ask God for His grace when it comes to idolatry and all forms of sin where we cry out with humility before him asking for his intervention for the unsaved the unchurched the just all the people in the world when we start crying out when we see injustice when we cry out to God when there's darkness in the earth when we have a dream and you see something happening to someone the dream is not just so you can have a dream no this is your charm to enter see he's revealed it to you so that you can intervene so that you can stand in the gap so that you can pray it doesn't mean anything for you to call them and say I saw you in a terrible dream no that means nothing this is your opportunity to seek the face of God and say I declare in Jesus name she will not be in a car accident I so the assignment of the enemy right now she will not die prematurely I declare in Jesus name he will not lose his job this is your opportunity to intercede on behalf of another that when you see the problem you're willing to say no no not on my watch I am going into the closet and I am not coming out until I have a release that says this is done and you'll know because there will be a burden where you can't let it go where you're crying out to God Father I'm looking to you for the salvation of that young man father he's riding that motorcycle but I'm trusting you I don't care I say the motorcycle because I Drive it sometimes it's like you can get a flash of what's going to happen I'm telling you you can pray and make a difference in someone's life you make the difference whether their life is extended the scripture says in Proverbs that your neighbor dwell safely next to you dwell next to you for safety they dwell next to you for safety they need your prayers they are without a covering but you've got Jesus you are the one who's supposed to make a difference with the people that are all around you when people are working on your job and you see them overwhelmed but they're not talking you don't have to know their business to get on your face and moan and cry out to God to intervene help them more God remove the burden breaks the rope set them free with bill will show yourself strong in their lives every one of us lives life every one of us knows what it's like to feel sad father remove the sadness every one of us knows what it's like to have a need father meet the need every one of us if you're married knows what it's like to be in strength father heal their relationship whatever it is that you feel that's so qualif that prayer qualifies for somebody else and so I encourage you that you don't stay me my and I only about yourself but that you're sensitive to the leading of the Spirit because he's wanting someone to stand in the gap and pray for things that are going on around you then we talk about corporate prayer corporate prayer speaks to people who are willing to gather together because they recognize change is needed and we recognize the only way that change is going to come is when we call on God and so we come together and we seek the face of God which is why we're in our 21-day campaign of Prayer it's our opportunity to come together and pray so if you haven't started praying we invite you we encourage you I join you to wake up and begin to pray we send out an email it's on social media all you have to do is pray what you read just pray we send up we got the books out for you to pray just pray you've got people in your small group that you can pray with just pray whatever it is that's facing you is facing someone else just pray God is speaking he's speaking to us and we're ignoring his voice assuming that the consequences of sin are normal act normal everyday circumstances when the truth of the matter is all of this can change if the people will pray it is not a normal everyday circumstance this is a call for the saints of God to pray amen the Bible says and you've heard it before if my people who are called by my name but humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land I cried out to the Lord and he heard with my voice and he heard me out of his holy hill when my father was I think I can when my father was unsaved I you know everyone wants your parents to be saved right and I believe all of you have someone in your family that you want them to know Christ you want him to know Jesus and so I remember I was praying for him I was interceding for him I was praying on his behalf and there were times when I had to pray for him a prayer of authority where I was talking to the devil and I was saying no you may not have his soul he will not leave this earth until he has declared Jesus Christ as Lord I exercise my authority we will do spiritual warfare next month but for now I exercise my authority then there were times when the Spirit of God just had me moaning and groaning for him where it wasn't any words that I could speak but I was groaning in the spirit for his life then there were times when I was decree in and declaring I declare in Jesus name every companion friend that does not belong in his life I cancelled your friendship now in Jesus name I declare you may no longer have a relationship with him if you're leading him astray I cancel it in Jesus name so there were different ways that I was praying for him and by God's grace today he loves the Lord and He calls on the name of God himself why because I was willing to pray is it comfortable no because there were plenty of times when God woke me up at 3 in the morning and that's when he was showing me what was at work in my daddy's life this is what's going on he would reveal if you will pray God will give stuff to pray for he'll reveal if you don't pray he won't have any reason to reveal to you you're not doing anything with the information so the people go on in blindness they walk off cliffs cliffs and then you get the information late and all you can do is go to the funeral say oh I'm so sorry that happen you don't have to be johnny-come-lately God reveals to redeem he will show you if you will make a decision to get on your face and pray for the people that you say you love they need the prayers and if you will pray God will answer if you start arresting that spirit that's holding them captive against their will then I'm telling you it will break you are not impotent you are not without power you have power and the enemy has tricked us the body of Christ into thinking that we can't do anything about it we just got to wait no waiting twiddling your thumbs is not the wait game that God has given amen and so I want us to pray tonight before we close wow I'm late okay so I do want us to pray I have in this book a prayer for our nation and a prayer for injustice and I wonder is that as I prayed this if I can get everyone in this room I don't care if you have to repeat after me sentence by sentence I just want everyone in the room to pray can we do that but everyone praying you know the issues and you know how you feel about it so just pray if you need to pull out your Bible and pull out a scripture pray the scripture but everyone in the room I just want to invite you into a time of prayer and if I can just hear a rumble in this room I believe that Rumble will translate into the heavenlies and God will hear our cry and I'm telling you it is just like if I if you know how powerful water is water if it drops on one spot long enough it can make a serious impact even in meadows and so I'm telling you you may not see a difference today but if you will continue to drop drop on that issue drop drop in this situation drop right here every time you see that you hear the Spirit of the Lord leading you there and you don't dismiss it and give excuses why you can't do it you will see a difference you will see a difference I didn't go into fear for my daddy cuz I trusted God right I believe the first time I wasn't in fear so I just was led by him if I can't tell you I pray for him every day and I prayed every time the Spirit of the Lord led me and I prayed how he told me to pray and I didn't assume one way works for it all amen so I want you to pray with me as I'm as I'm reading it I just want you to hear that it still has power it's the Word of God and His Word will not return to him boy so as I'm praying you can close your eyes you can look in your Bible but come on everybody open your mouth and pray father we cry out to you because you are the only god who's able to make a difference in the lives of your people and so Lord as we cry out for this nation we say according to your word blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord so farther on behalf of this United States of America I declare you are God and I deem you Lord you told Moses your friend that you wouldn't destroy the righteous with the wicked and with ten righteous you would spare judgment well as the righteous of a righteousness of you in Christ Jesus we plead mercy for this nation and ask you to forgive us for the following for following the dictates of our own evil heart we ask you Lord to forgive us for doing what's right in our own eyes we ask you Lord to forgive us from every form of idolatry rather than looking to you hear us O God come on Saints I believe you can pray open your mouth and begin to pray father hear our cry and save this people just like you heard Moses and Nehemiah and Daniel and saved your people in days of old send laborers into the harvest release the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that people recognize and reverencing acknowledge that Jesus is Savior and Lord almost hi come on says pray you are slow to anger and you are abounding in love therefore have mercy upon us and set upon the set upon every nation every city the banner of Christ over the towns over the cities over the states in this nation so that we are the source of truth and life to all the world we render powerless the work of the Antichrist that keeps people from hearing and accepting the good news of Christ we call the church active and function functioning how God that the demonstration of your Holy Spirit would be at work and we declare the fivefold ministries are effective in this house that the fivefold ministries are effective in the land and the house the kingdom of God is expanding in this United States of America we cry out to your father for justice you alone Lord are just and fair full of goodness and mercy so we come to you because dishonest scales and false weights are an abomination to you and and so whatever it is for God that's going on in this nation that's unfair and unjust we look to you Lord God that you would come in and deliver and completely save right now Lord we choose not to worry because you are our vindication and you are our reward show yourself strong and reveal what what has been done that whatever's been done in the darkness whatever has been done in the secret place Lord bring to light we asked your Lord God to expose the tactics of the enemy that's geared to oppress and destroy let every deception and every hidden agenda be found out intervene and fight on behalf of your people Lord be rock in our refuge beyond defence in our shield today Oh God we will not fear because we believe you are greater we believe Lord that you are stronger that you are bigger than the facts in front of us we believe Lord that your presence insurace victory so in advance we rejoice because you always cause us to triumph is in Jesus name that we pray and all of the believers can clap their hands because they
Channel: Hope Cathedral
Views: 80,261
Rating: 4.8289785 out of 5
Keywords: hope, cathedral, trevon, qwynn, jesus, bible, love, joy, peace,,, jackson, nj, new, jersey
Id: LK2nadLe9YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
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