8 Qualities of an Intercessor. #TheScriptures

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[Music] please write down the qualities of an intercessor please I want to give this to you it's important that you know this write it down number 1 1 there god-centered the a god-centered they are not self-centered Vlada God centered and not self-centered 1 number 2 they love God and love his people they love God and love for God's people to you love enough is easier to love God but do you love God's people do you care 3 they are diligent very diligent diligent for their selfless selfless selfless not self-centered selfless fine they're compassionate do you have compassion do you feel for people do you can be useful for the pain of others [Music] carrying the plane and Abedin Savannah's number six they are pooled bold as a lion the wicked rather when no man pursueth but the righteous are bold as a lion yasiel is number seven they know the Word of God you must know the scripture so when a prophet comes and give you a prophecy in the contradict Scripture you will tell him thank you very much for the accuracy of your prophecy but I know Scripture and I also know God for myself so you judge prophecy based on Scripture and of in a conviction whether you have an a witness in your spirit to what is being told or not to that for this number nine number eight they must prevail in prayer even when they are mocked or disappointed even when you are disappointed in you have bought some time as an intercessor you'll be mocked you become a mockery usually has nothing to protect em Priya Priya Priya Priya that's what you see because you can't pray enough and I want to also establish something I need you to have a prayer life to trade three times a day great 30 minutes in the morning ten 15 minutes in the afternoon another 10-15 minutes in the evening some 10-15 minutes before you go to bed sometime I do five times a day four times a day minimum so in the morning about thirty minutes a little bit here a little bit there a little bit there sometime in the afternoon you just walking you off is just one toll Arkadiy hustle aha sees lima like a tulip in people ahaziah a back the frontiers of the enemy I bring one dirty bandage and the average of the powers of the Dark Kingdom I find the voice of the blood 10-15 minutes you break you go do you come again [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 41,594
Rating: 4.8911915 out of 5
Id: TdnghnYGraI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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