HIM Global Summit 2021 | Cindy Jacobs | Session 10

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[Music] oh [Music] oh yes foreign oh is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] take this fainted heart take these even when my strength is [Music] oh [Music] take this hold me through this even is it hurts [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] is hallelujah hallelujah who has been here every day haven't missed a session who's like wow this is the conference it never ends it goes on and on my friends like i was wrecked yesterday afternoon i was like i can go home now but hey god good he gives you more than you've ever asked for and cindy she just knows how to bring the house down you know going to be worth it look at your neighbor say it's worth it i'm glad you stayed can i uh ask you guys if you are okay and your feet don't hurt but so bad and if your feet hurt be healed in jesus name can i ask you guys to stand with me you guys definitely could come down here to the anointed section you might even get a [Music] i was going to say something i'm like oh they're online hey [Music] i wanna i wanna share something with you just to get you ready for tonight is that okay now listen we all know that when prophets are speaking there's this thing that's going on they're going to prophesy over me how many you guys ever been like me and you've been to a pro where prophet speaking and you kind of like have this expectation it didn't happen and you're like walking out of there trying to heal yourself it's okay it's okay i know i have so when it is you you're like yes and then you don't even hear what they're saying because they're like it's me you know what i'm talking about i've had to get enter healing when i didn't get a prophetic word i'm like why didn't they get me man god you know i need it so saying that i want to share something with you then and and listen i have been to so many cities around america during this covet pandemic and seen some of the craziest things i've ever seen in my life i'm serious and i was sharing with our tuesday night crowd a few weeks ago something that god had really really done in my life and the lord led me to this scripture where it talks about john the baptist was standing in front of this crowd and it says they were looking at john the baptist with great expectation say that with me say great expectation say it one more time great expectation they were wondering if he was the messiah right and what does john say to them he says i baptize you with water but one one's coming that i'm not fit to carry his air jordans he's going to baptize you with what holy spirit and fire you know one translation says that they were looking at john with they they had so much anticipation they were standing on their tippy toes everybody say tippy toes [Music] and the reason why i say that is the children of god hadn't heard from god for 400 years and now there's looking at john the baptist and jesus is about to come on the scene and it says they had great expectations say it again say great expectation and then when you think about the woman with the issue of blood she pushed her through the crack pushed herself through the crowd because she had what great expectation then you think about blind bartimaeus okay and and jesus calls him and even though the crowd told him to calm down he throws off his cloak not even knowing if he's going to get healed why because he had what great expectation and i'm telling you fred i know that we're talking about what's coming i know that we're happy with what happens in the past but can tonight can we be a group of people that says god i have a great expectation for what you're going to do tonight amen are you with me can you lift your hands in the house of god can we put an expectation on god that says god i i i know you're gonna do something tonight i know that the lame are gonna walk i know the blind eyes are gonna be open i know that the lost are coming to come home i know that i'm gonna hear about what's coming in the nest next season but god i need you to do something tonight i need to see your face tonight i need to have an encounter with you tonight because i have a what a great expectation amen do you know why people get healed at benny hen's crusades it's because they go there believing that they can be healed it's your faith because you have a what a great expectation can we worship god tonight with an expectation like god you i know you're going to do something tonight lift your hands father in the name of jesus we have an expectation to see your face tonight we have an expectation we look at you and we say god have your way have your way do something amazing we don't want just a feeling we want to see a move of god tonight crack open the heavens rip the roof off this building tear the floor out do whatever you got to do shake us in the name of jesus stir us up god pour something on us like we have never seen before come holy spirit in jesus mighty name now if you are lifting those hands i want you to worship tonight with no distractions i want you to look at jesus tonight like you see his face i want you to cry out like tonight is a night that anything can happen and if you believe that when i count to three i want you to give god a shout one two three come on shout it out sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for all that you've done [Music] thank [Music] and you that [Music] [Music] you is thank you [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] thank you for all you've done [Music] all is you've done is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] you're the light that breaks the darkness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] jesus [Music] me together tonight [Music] out of the darkness [Music] [Music] he [Music] tonight [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] i don't know about you but i'm so thankful for the blood i'm so thankful for the cross come on how many of you were dead but now you're alive come on [Music] i wasn't [Music] [Music] and [Music] is out of the darkness into your glorious day [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] see [Music] come on can we put your hands together tonight [Music] let's go all the way in tonight [Music] [Music] is from the heart of god [Music] if [Music] we come alive [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we [Music] river [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] with me [Music] [Music] [Music] river springs [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] salvation in the river [Music] hey come on he's here in this room right now can we just take a second we're not in a hurry tonight [Music] just begin to lift up your praise to the lord don't wait on us don't wait for us to sing a song just begin to lift up your [Music] praising [Music] so [Music] you've seen what you can do oh god of wonder your power has no end greater measure [Music] things are possible [Music] you've already you rose in victory and now you're seated forever on the throne [Music] oh [Music] things are possible [Music] oh [Music] the darkest night [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] come awaken your people [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] this [Music] yeah can we just press in right here the kind of breakthrough is in the room tonight [Music] the god of breakthrough is in the room right now [Music] [Music] [Music] you can light it up [Music] is the talk is there is nothing impossible so whatever it is [Music] you can light it up [Music] you've already [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] say get out of the pity party like get out of like i need this i need this and just declare who he is just declare who he is his glory you're the king of kings yours yours is the victory yours [Music] is [Music] he's the kingdom [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is glory forever [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] yes [Music] this [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i can feel you in this place [Music] [Music] i wish you are here working in this place [Music] is [Music] working in this place [Music] is [Music] [Music] that [Music] is [Music] [Music] that is who you are [Music] [Music] you prophesy you are here [Music] [Music] is is [Music] we remind ourselves i want you to lift your voice [Music] you and even when i don't feel it cuz [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] key [Music] [Music] me [Music] is we got two minutes left in worship and i just feel like something's about to happen in two minutes we're gonna make a sound that shakes the ground we're gonna make a sound that shakes the ground we're gonna make a sound that shakes the ground we're gonna make a sound that shakes the ground we're gonna make a sound that shakes the ground make a sound that shakes the ground we're gonna make a sound that shakes the ground we're gonna make a sound that shakes the ground we're gonna make a sound that shakes the ground up [Music] [Music] shakespeare [Music] [Music] some of y'all [Music] oh man y'all don't know what's coming you don't know what's coming tonight it's already up here i'm telling you receive it receive it receive it receive it come on take it take it church receive hey the fire of god come on come on come on come on come on go in go in go all the way in come on hey you're the god of the breakthrough you're the god of the breakthrough you're the god of the breakthrough you're the god of the breakthrough you're the god of the breakthrough sing that with hate you're the god of the brave [Music] come on come on i want you to sing it one more time with all your heart all your heart i want to hear you sing hey [Music] i want you to put one hand on the shoulder of the person beside you i guarantee you they have hand sanitizer in their pocket [Music] we got all types of hand sanitizers you'll be all right in closing right now i want you to pray breakthrough over their life pray breakthrough come on in their ministry in their finances come on with their family and their children come on play blessing over them tonight come on pray breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough come on come on craig right through now now come on come on now when i count to three i want you to let out a shout one two three come on [Music] [Music] now here's what i'm going to ask you to do we don't need to stop what god's doing to continue what god's doing oh somebody didn't hear that we don't need to stop what god's doing to continue so i want you to sit in your seat filled with that fire right there just go sit in that fire because mama said he's going to come up here and it's just going to get more and more thick tonight just sit in that glory in jesus name the river's already over there it's just hit the river i'm telling you i just feel it i'm telling you grumpy christianity doesn't live in the global summit does it god got rid of grumpy christianity wednesday night didn't he hey listen you guys appreciate those cool plastic badges you have now i know that some of you like to take them and hoard them in your house and show all the conferences you went to but if you don't and please don't throw them away we like to recycle because papa chay teaches us to be a steward everybody say stuart so before you throw it away when you go out the door tonight there will be a box for you to drop your badges in and you can keep the little piece of paper in there if you want to keep something as a reminder but please drop those badges in there as well uh if you want to purchase the conference how many guys enjoyed uh sam caster today come on somebody and dr lance wall knew amen how about james gold wasn't that awesome they were amazing you can re-watch or download the entire conference for the next six months purchase full access at harvest im.org uh hey listen we do have a job everybody say at j.o.b [Music] one more time all right harvest rock church is looking to hire receptionists for more info go to harvestroc.church and if you are living in the area and you feel called to be a receptionist here it is one of the most anointed jobs ever we love our receptionist here she just gets to see everybody amen but if you are qualified for that go sign up as well wagner university this is the last night all right now does anybody in here feel provoked to join wagner i'm going to give you some hints right now wagner students is it amazing or what come on you need to sign up tonight two thousand dollar discount because you may get convicted next week to do it and that discount may not be there amen so follow the lord tonight bookstore hours this is your last chance to stop and shop by our bookstore i'm rapping now you guys like that located in the main lobby open one hour after the evening session and uh hey can you guys turn your eyes to the screen for these announcements and then papa chay is going to come good evening and welcome to global summit 2021 advance as one please do not park in any of our parking lots overnight overnight parking is not allowed don't forget ministry time will be in the fire room which is downstairs at 7 45 pm immediately following the evening sessions don't miss a single session it's not too late to register for the full conference evening sessions are free but registration is required register at globalsummit.harvestcim.org two-for-one access with every ticket you'll get full access to global summit both in person and via live stream plus you can re-watch and download every session for six months after the conference him info meeting come hear the vision of harvest international ministry and discover more about membership it's happening saturday april 10th 9 30 a.m downstairs in aa1 don't forget tomorrow morning session starts at 10 30 a.m doors open at 9 30 a.m for him members and special guests general admission at 10 a.m all right how do you know that that announcement is dated right now right and so uh i was thinking that this is like groundhog day i think i saw this before and i did every night but anyway uh let's give a hand for our team our team our staff our volunteers are absolutely awesome in a moment i want to thank them but i also want to just really uh thank our speakers they've been amazing and uh by the way they are the faculty of wagner university you want to know who are some of the teachers you're talking about cindy you're talking about james lance walnut and we have live classes but most of us online and and the good news is now we're partnering with sharla university and you will get two diplomas one accredited one and one a regular wagner university degree and diploma so this is a major shift in development uh since uh last year and so this is all new and we're so excited about this because we know that wagner is going around the world 45 students are graduating from england china next week next month i should say in may and then we have a graduation with around 40 students in japan and we have students in south africa in cairo egypt and i i just uh talked to some pastors from bulgaria who are here and i said we got to bring wagner to bulgaria sophia in fact i'm going to have these pastors stand up i want to honor our past thee they came in the midst of the lockdown in faith and they came all the way from bulgaria amazing you know because we've encouraged all of our international for those who are new to our global summit this is our leadership conference i mean a lot of the people come are from around the world but because of cover 19 it's just primarily the ones even in the united states a lot of our pastors are not here because of just just caution and um and so i just want to commend you for stepping out and coming out and um and so i'm just so grateful that you're here there's some pastors here i want to just really introduce steve strader where are you steve i saw you earlier stand up this is an apostle who hosted the holy spirit 2008 in lakeland california and i was there and we're talking about thousands of people gathered each night together extraordinary signs and wonders that um you know all for those who want to know about the history of it i could talk to you more about it but when i was there for the first three months it was one of the most powerful revival i ever experienced and so i want to thank pastor steve for just loving the holy spirit and hosting the holy spirit i didn't introduce my publisher but larry sparks where are you where he spoke here stand up and he he's the one who published modern day apostles reformers pledge and other books and by the way on my book table just tonight my books are free for a donation all you have to do is whatever the lord leads you to sow into h.i.m it's all going to him i like that it's all going to him uh so um so if you would like to show them to him uh just go to the book and uh table i'm not saying that for the other you have to pay for the other books but at least my books will be on a donation basis and so uh thank you so much for supporting the resource center we'll be closed tonight and so you want to take advantage of uh the amazing 2 000 discount with wagner university i'm shocked i'm the chancellor and i don't even know about it i'm just saying how could you give this away because i'm thinking about the bottom line and yet that's uh benny yang benny yang is our vice chancellor he made that executive decision and i've learned to submit to my team and their amazing team and so i want to go over some of the names of people that have really served behind the scenes and i want to begin with my daughter mary i don't know if she's here i know she's coming she's putting the her two babies down but steve won't you stand on behalf this is her husband steve koi and and mary as you know for those who are here on wednesday night it was a very historic time because first of all it was her birthday the next day on thursday april the 8th but she announced uh that she is stepping down as vice president of harvest national ministry uh god's calling her to focus on being a mom and she wants to have another baby but also she feels called to the political government mountain and i feel there's an awakening going on so she's really waiting on the lord what that's going to look like and so we're really really excited about it and she is a i tell you history maker waymaker we were talking about you know world changer she's one of them and and she she scares me actually she's amazing and so um anyway thank her when you get a chance and she'll be here later on but she's putting down the kids with a babysitter and then she's coming but if you get a chance uh thank her i want to thank our pastors all of our pastors if you're a pastor of harvest rock or pastor and train stand up because i know you've been serving pastor gwen our executive pastor come on marlene come on your pastor of course i want to really honor uh pastor jay koopman who's been emceeing where's jay jay did you go downstairs jay where are you and uh so anyway jay was up here rapping just a few minutes ago and so so jay tony kim where are you tony stand up because tony it's a u.s director for him and he's doing a tremendous job you know i could not for those who don't know we've been doing things that we've never done before at conference we've been shooting our second uh season for our television show and so i've been missing a lot because we've been filming and i've been also meeting with leaders who come in this is arguably the busiest time but it's the most the best best week of my life i'm serious about it there's so much grace and so much uh joy um and we also have our annual board meetings here we have wagner board and hr on board because all the board members are a part of the the the the faculty of wagner but they also speak at our conference and so we're trying to redeem the time how many know the days are evil we need to redeem the times for the days are evil and uh and so we're making the most of it but i i feel the lord sort of correct me i i feel like i said what was i thinking i i think i'm just gonna add another day so that we could have our board meetings or shoot you know not do it in between the conferences so um anyway the spirit of stupid came upon me for for a moment when i made this decision and so i repent of that in jesus name uh but uh how many of you this is your first time at the conference just wave at me you just got here look at all these heads where have you been no condemnation we're so glad you're here i want to welcome those who are watching online we love you and we're so glad uh how do you know god saves the best wine for the last i i don't think it's a coincidence that we just celebrate the 115 years 115 of azusa street this past week april the 9th and and i didn't know april the ninth was when bonhoeffer was executed um you know the one that was such a reformer as a pastor you talk about courage and uh if you've never heard about bono for i want to encourage you to get eric mctax's book on both amazing grace which is the life story of wibble force but about dietrich bonhoeffer that became a best seller new york times bestseller and it's riveting because you it's a romantic book because he was engaged and he fell in love but they never got married because he was executed before the marriage took place so you talk about sacrifice talking about pastors we have pastor fred berry and wilma just walked in come on let's give a hand for them dear friends right here in the city and um it's uh but anyway um just uh extraordinary story so we're in an extraordinary time and uh there's this is to me i feel uh we have shifted and we've gone into a different era epic area this is uh historic and i don't say that lightly i'm not using hyperbole i really believe that because we've had an extraordinary coven 19 that has impacted every single nation so global pandemic but how many know there's also global awakening and revival that's breaking out absolutely absolutely and i've been teaching from haggai 2 7 i will shake all nations but i will fill this house with glory same verse and the glory of the latter house will be greater than the glory of the former in verse 9 of haggai 2. and so we're in this extraordinary time let me thank these people let me go on and continue to thank sarah nardi where are you she's monday sarah thank you so much jessica goldblush pastor irwin guevara my my security man pastor irwin you don't want to mess around with him he's an incredible lover but he's also a no-nonsense security person he traveled with me to the battleground states when i took uh september and october off and went to eight battleground states and here we are you know just uh we really got to know each other he saw the good bad and the ugly and but i'm so grateful for him because he was willing to lay down his life seriously because you have to understand the context of it during that time as i'm in d.c antifa was just out there and you know they were just looking for a conservative asian korean pastor to mogan and so i thank god for this burly man that was my bodyguard during that time and mark miller who's where's mark miller mark's my my writer mark right there thank you so much rebecca lee rebecca lee pastor rebecca where are you she's probably out there in the lobby but pastor there she is i tell you come on up here because i want them to say she is another filipina beauty and for those who don't know my taste and woman filipino woman are the most beautiful in the world that's not a joke i mean that for those who don't know i married a filipino born in new york city but i married her and um sue rojas yeah i want to just thank you for the incredible job you have done she has organized all the speakers and taking care of them and uh just a million in one thing so let's give come on stand up give pastor rebecca the honor that she deserves thank you so much thank you god bless you there are pastors in our church but she's also my assistant and ruth guterres where's ruth our receptionist ruth are you here and uh thank her crystal and paul kim they've been translating where's crystal kim jacob hyde allison medley our producer for our media ministry i don't know if she's here but please give her my thanks we have a whole media team that's been oh there's david yeah thank you david you could represent her how about tiffany and ryan are on our worship team and so they did a great job come on give them a big hand hilda figueroa also mr lopez daniel fraser come on daniel has been our administrator for the conference where's daniel fraser he's here or he's outside daniel if you're here just stand up anyway he's new uh he just got hired and by the way we are hiring uh by you know god's just growing our ministry and so we're looking for more people to add to harvest international ministry and so we need uh people who are very gifted in management and administration the two weaknesses in my life and so i try to build around my weakness so i encourage if you're looking for a job that is really making a difference around the world i encourage you to check us out on our website we'll post this job olivia tedesco where are you olivia is she around she's part of our media team all these people are missing or they're serving out there jeffrey payne john roquemore lynette marcia ned oversees our permits thank you oh dude stand up lynette you know come on of course her daughter lauren marcia because lauren is our worship pastor in training meredith where's meredith mullin meredith stand up she's also here hannah sheets daryl smith fawn soko-ram von gerald joe nino another filipino corrine kershaw where are you and then of course um i wanna i don't know if mary came in by now but uh we're hoping that we would get her at the tail end but anyway again thank mary and rebecca especially they have been absolutely amazing and i i'm so grateful to be their pastor seriously um you know i'm biased you know but i i feel this is the best church and best team in los angeles can i hear an amen and you're you're the best looking audience in los angeles right now so one thank you so much for being hungry and coming here and uh we have a great i i could just talk about him leaders who are here and we but we'll be here all night and so but we're so grateful that you would take time out of your busy schedule and invest and so into this conference and how many know you have another chance to do that so i'm going to ask cindy come on up here she's going to receive tonight's offering but i want to just say that cindy has been the prophet in my life i know i have many like james gaul lou engel of course my wife really is the one that has the most amazing discerning gift off the charts i've just learned to uh just say two very important words yes dear that's how i say yes dear i get it and uh that saved my life many many times and she's just been an amazing amazing discerning woman and by the way pastor sue will be here tomorrow she's been gone all week taking care of my my oldest daughter and our four grandchildren and but we're over the hump uh the the vital signs that were dangerous signs has has dropped down to normal can we thank god thank you for praying we've been in warfare i just can't give you more of the specifics because to honor gracias that we weren't sure specific except for the intercessors who were praying for us but it's been a warfare while we're here at this conf which doesn't surprise me but how many know he's under our feet come on let me know where to tread upon surface and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy luke 10 19 you have authority and we do too and so god's given us tremendous victory in the midst of uh the challenges that go on and it's just part of life right i mean this is just part of life through much tribulation we enter the kingdom and um and of course he gives us tremendous grace but cindy has been a prophet in my life i can just write a book on all the prophetic words she's given me this h.i.m would not be in existence i was a vineyard pastor for those who don't know we just planted harvest rock church in 1994 i was looking for a lineman covering and i believe that for everyone you shouldn't be a lone wager christian you need accountability and so john wimber was my professor at uh fuller seminary mc510 a very uh just amazing science wonders and church growth course one of the most famous seminar courses in the world and i asked him if he would be my covering and so we became harvest rock vineyard on december the 7th we were asked to leave the vineyard and because we were hosting nightly meetings at mata auditorium and they said you have a choice you could stop the nightly meetings or you could continue them but not as a vendor church and we knew this was of the lord that we had to continue the hosting the holy spirit and so they sent lou and me out they're very nice very gracious and and in fact you know we had a tremendous relationship with carol whimper she would come to our conferences even though we were out of the vineyard so it wasn't like relationally it's just a matter of ideology and philosophy of ministry what we're facing but cindy calls me and she hears about it like a week later that we're out of the vineyard and she calls me and said i just heard you left the vineyard i explained what happened she said you're not to join another network i've called you to be an apostle and you would be like abraham a father of many in fact you will have churches on every single continent this is 1995 december 1995 went way over my head it took me a year to process that word but in late um 96 1996 we started harvest international ministry with 14 churches independent churches that were looking to us because we're hosting the nightly meetings and now we we stop counting churches we don't know how many churches we have at one time i had to count because peter wagner you know he's a church growth uh professor he said i want data i want you to tell me how many churches so we put the survey out to all the churches and i'm going to be honest with you we stopped counting around 35 000 churches this is back in early 2004-2005 but what i do know we're in 70 nations and so that's easy to remember right 70 nations so so that's all we do we we're not about this is not about us it's all about him it's all about we give him praise and glory but that word obviously prophetic words are absolutely amazing obviously you have to test it and you have to uh get counsel and just really discern but i am so grateful and she has just been incredible a sister friend all these people are our friends we love each other we hang around out with each other seriously and uh so uh so it's not like they're professional speakers coming in it's like sam and linda they're some of my closest friends and so what a privilege to to know these amazing uh apostles and prophets uh both in the marketplace and in the church so let's all stand and give cindy a great harvest rock church welcome for the last night she spoke earlier and so thank you cindy [Applause] are you ready for a word just just be seated thank you lord yeah he's got a big anointing too i think it's like boomeranging on me oh now this is what the lord says when i called you to california and i gave you a dream oh i was dreaming for california and i was dreaming for the harvest of california and the lord says i never change my mind and the reason i gave you a picture of a a black man calling you here because the lord says it was a synergy of the ages from seymour [Laughter] can you feel that man that's big yeah especially yeah yeah i mean you know it's like i mean just april the 9th was the anniversary 115th year of azusa street when it started and this week we're in this conference and we didn't plan around this no but i receive that because i've always felt with the black man calling me that something with seymour yeah yeah well we never talked about that by the way berries get up here will you fred where are you i think i saw you come in come up here you two the berries fred yeah i know they always tease about fred and wilma come on that might be before your day some of your younger kids flintstones okay yeah come up here because i feel like there's something uh fred and wilma actually have a ministry right at azusa street and so i just feel it's very prophetic that they're here tonight hi guys i love you so much yeah they just gave an award to sean floyd for something about the william seymour award william seymour award yeah okay come over here because this is all god and father in the name of jesus lord even now now i know you're connecting the dots jay but the fact that god allowed you miraculously to buy this facility on the well of frank bartleman it's it was right here and they tore it down but it's in the ground okay you're getting this are you there okay okay like like this is interactive you understand this okay all right thank you at home you could be interactive screen jump up and down you could even roll on the floor and nobody will see okay come on come on cory just just lay hands on him yeah yeah yeah maybe you have you know worried about that but i feel it's so significant that you all are here tonight and i want to say something right now in america there's great racism against asians and tony you come stand with us too tony was telling me who got beat up old people old asian people get beat up right now elderly uh hurry tony oh hi fred okay and carlos yeah we need some latinos okay okay now now what were you saying about that well just the reports of things coming out as far as the elderly specifically asians being attacked right now but i also told you that it's nothing new it's just about exposure because i grew up my father was beat up multiple times in the streets left where we found his body you know over the decades and so but i believe that god is exposing something here during this season because there's a great reversal on a turnaround and i really believe that there's reconciliation that's taking place in this season like never before and so that's what i was sharing with her well look right here okay god gave a dream to a korean american whose father came a pioneer the korean baptist church is here i know your your daddy and mom are looking down from the balcony of heaven i know my mama and daddy too you know you know probably if you yeah and peter probably if you cut us we still bleed baptists only we're completed baptist you know so anyway but the lord says i have aligned now and the lord says what you are doing and fred you'd be part of that is a reversal of the curses sin against the asian americans i mean your son-in-law has told me stories about what happened with your own grandchild yeah and so this is something that's happened but in the in the purposes and economy of god something is happening god is reaching back and bringing forth the anointings and mixing them up and the lord just wants to say to you that god says this is bigger than you know bigger than you can imagine but i'm going to give you big shoulders wow yeah yeah he needed that no it's it's serious yeah i'm gonna give you big shoulders and tony god is gonna raise you up with a national and visibility and god has called you to this movement and you're stepping into your fatherhood too and not only to heal california to heal america and heal america's wounds because i saw what they did to your daddy i saw what happened when his body had to be healed and god would say there is going to be justice because of your daddy because you have stood and you have believed and you have been faithful so tonight you're getting an upgrade and the lord says you have been re-digging the well and re-digging the well and now you're digging your own wells again and you're re-digging and re-digging but god says now i'm getting ready to open a national platform on a level you cannot imagine i mean literally i see fox news calling i see these news agencies and maybe in the past you would have been more reluctant but the lord says i'm gonna give you a media anointing i'm going to use you for media and the lord says also property you're going to be able to buy have you looked at any property to you're looking yeah to buy azusa street yeah okay little azusa street is in the middle of little tokyo in downtown l.a right where the internment and they took all the japanese out so it is a well and the spiritual fountainhead of the great move of god break racism from that well of the agent yeah yeah so the lord says now look and see what i'm going to do the lord says the bartleman anointing is coming up on you right now says the lord there's a you're going to write new stories in a new way and the lord says it's going to be published and you're going to tell the good news and it's gonna go around the world and the new anointing of the baptism of the holy ghost and the lord says it's gonna pour out you're gonna be a well for the baptism of the holy spirit [Music] amen amen come on let's clap our hands want to pray something specific i want to i want to pray something specific because we've spent friday and saturday on azusa street and we did not know until shannon grove came and reminded us of dietrich buttheifer huffer and april 9th is not only the day of the azusa street revival but it's also the day that that man of god was martyred and we don't know we don't know how this happened but the azusa street revival was sent to germany in 1909 and they wrote a decree the 17 evangelical churches in germany wrote a declaration rejecting azusa street and so we know that what god is putting in our hearts is that we've got to have a move of god because something's coming worse than we've ever seen but before it comes before the devil can take over this whole earth the church is going to arise in great power great power and we're going to push back the darkness and when we push back the darkness and the glory of god is spread all over the earth then he's coming but he's coming for you he's coming for me father in jesus name i pray for the church i pray for the church and they will recognize that we are the bride of christ and jesus christ is a broad he is a group a bridegroom looking for a bride and we must make ourselves ready so i declare and i decree a church that will be full of the fire of god a purified church a holy church a sanctified church fill them afresh with the holy ghost burn out racism burn out sin of every kind burn out compromise burn out weaknesses let the fire of god burn in the church and let us not be ashamed of the holy ghost and let the power of god rest upon each and every one and you'll preach you're prophesied you'll lay hands on the sick you'll cast out devils and nothing will stop the church the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church this is our hour this is the finest hour and what the enemy meant for evil god's going to turn around for good shots i just want to declare to you in this last year the lord walked me through the process i was diagnosed with stage four cancer but the lord himself raised me up he gave me the word of god in his promise and i just want to declare that the right hand of the lord does valiantly the people of god shall live and not die and declare the works of the lord we have authority in the name of jesus over sickness sin and all the destruction because god has already destroyed the destructions in the name of jesus but i just thank you praise you right now every spirit of infirmity is abound in the name of jesus we declare life life life life cancer is but a name and it's under our feet in the name of jesus and the lord would say tonight tonight is a recognition of the keys that i've given unto you the lord said no longer will you walk within weakness and embarrassment but you will walk with the keys that you have been given and he will give to you the he will give you to you kingdoms he'll give you nations and you must exercise your authority from this night forward no longer will you sit back and be weak and and mindless you will be full of the holy ghost you will prophesy and you will find on earth and it will be bound in heaven you will you will lose on earth and it will be loosed in heaven and so today the keys are in your hands says the lord go forth and recover all yeah yeah come here you three i just think like you're kind of like the three musketeers i don't know what it is who catches the catchers i want to know that that's that's you yeah carlos when i looked at you in fact i see all of you the lord said revivalist revivalist revivalist and the lord is gonna set you on fire for revival and from this day there's an anointing for souls souls souls miracles miracles miracles the power of god right now is coming into you the glory of god you're gonna walk in the glory you're gonna talk in the glory you're gonna manifest the glory you're gonna manifest the glory and the power of god across this nation come on take it take it carlos take it take it come on somebody you're gonna manifest the power of god stand your feet you're gonna manifest the glory of god come on come on come on jessa i like it it's mine because that's me oh i like it it's mine i want it i want it ah you're not hungry come on are you hungry over here i want it it's mine yeah yeah yeah yeah listen listen all you have to do is take it all you have to do is take it all you have to say is i want it it's my lance you have a healing anointing i'm telling you i you know we haven't talked that much about this we but the lord says i have given you the anointing even like a healing evangelist and the lord says in the coming days you're going to see miracles miracles miracles astounding miracles and the lord says i'm putting words in your mouth that are full of persuasion and full of power and the lord says you're not even going to have to think about what you're going to say because there's going to be such a weightiness and such a pervasive power of god and the lord says you are between two things right now but the lord says your greatest days are ahead for i'm gonna reach back even at your roots even at your beginning as when you began says the lord and the lord says you're going to re-dig your own wells i see something happening for you concerning new england wow i see the fire of god upon you says the lord and it will not take away from your other gifts it will not take away from your influence even that you got from rush limbaugh and these things that fell on you but the lord says i'm gonna marry the two in a way that is so remarkable you're gonna sit with people and cancers are gonna dry up you're gonna sit with with leaders of nations and heads of nations more more more and everybody the lord says to you you are my warrior and the lord says gather my intercessors together i'm gonna give you a war room and the lord says it's gonna be a worship war room and we haven't talked about this but i see you in this worship war room and i see intercessors coming to you from the north and the south and i see it's prophetic intercession and warfare the lord says that gift in you is bubbling up bubbling up bubbling up bubbling up thank you lord now now take it there come on don't rush the holy ghost don't rush the holy spirit yeah he has to be preeminent yeah just close your eyes close your eyes let's invite you lord we should say more comments more more i was sitting in my chair and i looked down you know uh this has been an unusual weekend for me yeah yesterday it started with all this gold dust which i kept trying to get rid of and scrubbing off my face over and over i think i'm a little tender on my face because i kept scrubbing it and the things just kept coming back then i'm sitting in my chair and my legs i look my legs are just shaking i was thinking oh no what are you going to do lloyd what are you going to okay okay i'm going to get up there fall flat on my face or something you know but you know the dictionary definition of dignity is self-possession and i want to be possessed with him so lord we just know we say now there is an impartation now there is that which your soul has been longing for the lover of your soul is gonna capture you and he's bringing you gifts i literally see a picture like gifts wrapped gifts wrapped and the lord says i'm giving you gifts to unwrap i've given you gifts that are latent gifts that you long for gifts that you dream for and the lord says it's going to be greater than you can imagine even the fact that you were watching online and here in this room this is a great assembly right now but there is a great host of heaven there is a great assembly it's like there's two camps and we see uh the balcony of heaven the greats that have gone the whoa the greats the greats oh the greats that have gone before us yeah yeah yeah and we agree father yeah yeah now just let the holy spirit juice work yeah we don't have to force it nothing we have to we just have to laugh and being agreement now some people are catching that bartleman gifts for writing of revival yeah larry come up here i want to give you some more i know by larry sparks i know i pray uh mercedes i don't know is mercedes here or she with liberty come here yeah thank you lord yeah i just feel this is what the lord is saying to me larry i'm gonna give you a cadre you can comment in just a moment i'm gonna give you a cadre of revivalists and and tommy and miriam wrote me tommy wrote about the wells but the lord says it's one thing to know about wealth it's another to open the wells and now the lord says i authorize you i empower you to command those wells to spring up and the lord says i'm gonna finance this i'm gonna release this and the lord says but this team it's like a god posse it's something that's going to come that's going to turn some major things around and the lord says not only you had that anointing that gordon lindsay in the in the whoa yeah who who promoted brenham but the lord says not only are you going to write about it you're going to do the step for you or a marriage of many anointings in one says the lord and the lord says you passed the humility test and you passed the honor test so lord now come on you passed the humility test and you passed the honor test come on push put your hands up what do you want come on what do you want what do you want cry out what do you want [Music] and you're receiving it you take it by faith you take it by faith you receive it yeah i mean tony that is just hitting you more i can just see that you can come on come on yeah more more gwen yeah more more more yeah that riding thing more yeah it's going down the road going down the road yeah yeah yeah here we go sweetheart that i met in the car rental line oh jesus yeah more more more more more more more thank you lord thank you lord yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah here it is more can you feel it some of you are governmentally called you you feel like hands are pressing upon your shoulders the government is upon his shoulders some of you right now you're gonna start feeling warmth in your hands it's gonna it's gonna literally feel like electricity whoa yeah do you understand what god is doing tonight listen there were wells of racism from from azusa street uh that came after when they in turn japanese there you understand that satan wants to cover up the wells but i commission you to re-dig the wells i commission you yeah just lift your hands we thank you lord for more more yeah yeah i i feel like there was just a way but there's coming a second wave yeah it's just like more yeah it's it's like a wave yeah yeah anybody feeling that warmth in your hands yet wave your hands if you're feeling you're feeling that warmth wow many what about like a sense of electricity anybody feeling that yeah look over here yeah she's feeling definitely feeling that yeah yeah yeah before i walked to this platform i saw two angels standing here yeah and i said what am i walking into a lot of holy ghost fun is what i'm walking into now listen oh it just hit back there yeah see that yeah i just see hands shaking i see the power of god somebody's getting healed in your abdomen right now uh pancreatitis is getting healed there's somebody else that uh esophagitis you're being healed right now there's someone else that that you have a tumor and i curse that tumor it's shrieking right now god's healing tendinitis in your jaw somebody had a lot of problem in your jaw just reach up and feel it i was in argentina praying and i had a word and this young prophet abraham that had seen a vision of me in a 30-foot pillar of fire before i came to argentina she he challenged me you're not taking risk anymore and so i said there's someone here that you have a hole in your head reach up and feel it and there was a woman that had been in an accident and literally they were not able with their medicine at that time to close that and i said reach up and feel it and god drew the bone the skin and the hair under her now this is what's going to happen god has not stopped being a creator you understanding the balcony you understand online god has not stopped being a creator so i'm going to pray for you for that creative anointing for god to put back body parts or heal body parts i mean i've seen people get two new kidneys that weren't kidney failure i've seen all kind livers completely restored so the lord says i'm great of anointing come on raise your hand the same holy ghost lives in you that lives in me lives in che lives in some other of us so right now right now take it now come on come on come on take it wow wow wow this guy thinks of the jeans jacket and you're you're you're you're english boy i don't know what i said but i think it worked okay more lore more lord now some of you are being refreshed by the holy spirit right now literally it's like the wind of god is blowing across you those online in the balcony it's literally like the cells of your body are being invigorated yeah i just feeling something over here i'm telling you feeling yeah wow there's a woman in this section you have been reading about catherine coleman and as you've been reading about catherine coleman you have said to the lord i want that kind of healing anointing who is it come here come here who else i want that katherine coolman anointing i mean it can be a guy too really you know now we're not playing here don't you be messing around if you don't want it you might get something you don't want whoa all of you we'll move up a little bit we're in the healing river right now don't worry about cobalt because you know father we just pray nobody will get covet okay we're having a healing meeting here okay are you serious will you pay the price even if you're persecuted even if it costs you your reputation i've seen every miracle in the book of acts everyone so already the lord's power's on you you ready you ready you ready are you ready all the way over here okay come on take it take it take it take it take it come on take the fire take the fire take the fire are you ready come on come on you gotta want it more look up here look up here you ready look up here look up here i want you to look up here okay take it there it is there it is more more more take it take it take it remember it's a beautiful game what did the disciples say look at us okay look at look here look here look here you ready take it take it take it take it there it is there it is there take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it you ready you ready you ready man guy take it take it there it is come on more more more more more more more hallelujah now you have it now i commission you to go use it in the name of jesus i feel we need to just sing something adoration do we have one of those yes come on with all your heart [Music] come on adore him [Music] come on more war hunger many miracles without anyone touching you i'm feeling that shaking thing again [Music] i live [Music] we're going to sing thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus one more time thank him thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus you jesus [Music] thank you jesus quietly take your seats please quietly take your seats if you can you don't have they don't have to get up if they don't want for the floor just quietly take your seats if you want you can sit on the floor where you are i don't know but just quietly take your seats you know we're singing thank you to the lord and today when i was studying for the message i was thinking about what mike and i should give and i was thinking you know the lord has given so much to me and i was thinking about giving and you know i love this beautiful parable mark 4 says listen behold the sower went out to sow and it happened as he sold that some seed fell by the wayside and the birds in the air came and devoured it some fell on stony ground where it did not have much earth immediately it sprang up because it had no depth but when the sun was up it was scorched and it had no root and it withered away some fell among thorns and the thorns grew up and choked it and yielded no crop but others say but other but other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up increased and produced some 30 60 and some hundred full the other day i was walking our property and mike and i had sown the state flower of texas bluebonnets go texas and we sold last year we didn't get any bluebonnets so this year i decided to pray on that land and then we had some other thing that happened it looked like a bad thing but it actually prepared the ground we had a snowmageddon in texas and we were without power you know pipes bursts etc but somehow that pasture ground that had not been watered enough the snow melted and went into the ground and it broke open the fallow ground that had not been sewn 20 years or more and we have blue bonnets and the lord showed me that we have been in times and seasons where we have been like farmers and we've gone to the ground and we threw our seed on and then we came back and we had no crops we did nothing to prepare the soil the soil was not prepared and then we have other times where the lord showed me where we had planted seed and came back the next day and didn't see a crop and we came back the next day and we didn't see a crop because you know when you sow a seed it takes a little bit of time for it to grow up and so what have we done someone would pull out that dumb seed it didn't do anything but sometimes mike and i had planted trees we planted pecan trees and we planted peach trees and we're gonna have a harvest because we didn't plant a tree we planted a seed we planted a tree we didn't plant a sea i love you honey so right now i want to say to you there is not better ground than this ministry i'm on the board of him i looked at the budget yesterday i looked at where him spends their money they give a lot of it away can i just say that and so i'm asking you to sow into fertile soil you know there's some places that are good dirt and there's some just not good dirt i'm good dirt i believe i'm good dirt okay i believe you're good dirt so i'm gonna ask you to pray some of you i want everyone to give something everyone yeah and if you can plant a tree of a thousand dollars i mean you know mike and i don't do anything we don't ask you to do something we don't do okay we don't believe in that we are casting our bread upon the waters in fact uh a sweet young man said god gave him a dream to give us some money why because every day we're showing like we were just in brighton michigan and i needed twenty seven thousand dollars we needed it to finish doing this well in kenya and build a prayer garden so every offering man i'm up there people said we're crazy look that offering is going to you know it's going to generals and i'm planting the seed generals needs okay i'm i'm putting that seed on this good ground and you know what that church stood up and pledged to us the money we needed and we left with it yeah they gave us 27 000 we'd spent 44 to drill the well but but god did it but listen why am i saying that because tonight i am boldly asking you without apology some of you have a stash i found out during one offering in australia that my husband had a stash that i didn't know about i didn't know when i said somebody has a stash i was fishing in his pond what is a stash something you've been squirreling away maybe you need to get it out of the bank maybe you just want to write say i'm going to do this but i would ask if you'd raise your hand if you want to give by an offering and i want you to do then why can i do this the lord said you and mike are not sowing intentionally the lord showed us a picture that we were literally just well since we weren't sowing intentionally okay we're throwing a little water in the street we're throwing a little water here i mean you know a little seed here here here and here but we started sewing intentionally even our tithe and i just want to tell you it's coming back on every way came back for generals this year we ended up and sam castro's on our board and we ended up as well as we did the year before without traveling that was a miracle so you know what i found is it takes a minute to get anointed to give not out of compunction but some of you need to show for something just like my and if you haven't learned to live that way now is a good time to begin now let me tell you something i gave a word like this in our home church of trinity it's a mega church in south dallas and larry sparks can tell you we're in a move of god like every place you can imagine every the high schoolers the young adults you name it i mean growing from like 50 to 200 in a couple of months for just one class just growing growing growing and uh you know uh so i had a word and somebody needs to take this word i had a word given just generally like this that there were people that were going to be able to buy houses that had not been able to miracle now anybody okay yeah like that word okay papa j can tell you when that word of the lord was for him but you understand she was just sitting in the crowd she was a single mother whose husband left her and left over considerable debt and she started working with schools and students so she was raising her kids but she said cindy sometimes they say miss cindy in texas i took that word and i said it's mine it's mine and she began to believe for that word and and just really come to it she called me about a month ago and said the most amazing thing has happened someone has come along paid off all my debt put 50 000 in a 401k for me and i have 360 000 cash in the bank to buy a house and you can buy a house for that in texas believe me in a pretty nice one but if you live in california do you think god is limited because you're in california god is not a man who can lie i know cause we got yeah they're passing out envelopes come on get it you're gonna write something on mike wants an envelope anybody else want an envelope you will also be able to give up here they have a global summit 7797 or boy globalsummit.harvesttim.org that's an interesting one yeah or probably you know but i want to say everybody gives something we love this it crashes for the nations there we say yay they always say did you get all papa mike's money did you you know until he pulls this you know uh lining out of his pants but maybe you need to plant a tree maybe you're believing for a project maybe you're believing to buy a house whatever we've been sewing for a building into other people's buildings and we're going to go look at a building another building you know what i mean but but i want to say to you you've got to move heaven give and it shall be given unto you not it might be given unto you if you believe this word you have to believe all the word you can't you know take your little whatever it is and cut that part out of your bible don't look at me in that total voice close your eyes and let's see what jesus wants you to do now father we pray those online this should include you in the balcony hey up there come on maybe you can sow ten thousand dollars one time we sowed ten thousand here we've sowed other even larger amounts you know and we need to press ourselves in our giving you know if you're not pressing yourself like every year we want to give more i know che gives a huge chunk of his income away mike and i give a huge chunk of our income away i know he funds they have funded personally things in this ministry and i you know hope it's okay to say that jay didn't ask you sorry i better ask forgiveness and permission quote peter wagner anyway okay you got an envelope i want you to write your name seven 77977 okay now lord anoint us to give in jesus name okay okay you ready okay pass the offering buckets i mean even if you have a pocket full of change you know that's okay seven seven nine seven seven the text to give yeah amen now lord bless them for their giving lord bless them in jesus name seven seven nine seven seven makes checks payable to the h i m oh i can't wait for the testimonies i have so many testimonies i could give you but are you ready for the word say yes i have nine minutes and 10 seconds so it's going to be a homily okay not the full mail deal all right i want to talk to you i'm rewriting my book reformation manifesto i wrote it thank you i wrote it started in 2005 finished in 2007 and people thought maybe some alien wrote that book because he had no idea what i was writing about on how to disciple a whole nation but now we understand revival must come with reformation so as i'm writing this book i am writing about revival and reformation and what a new chapter and the last one awakenings reformation and transformation so i want to talk just a tiny bit about awakenings and then let's make some decrees because i could say to you this is a year it's like a bridge year of awakening and it's going to start getting traction it's already happened i mean not just in america all over the world you know i was talking to bishop bill hammond last week about the end times and we know you know as a day as a thousand years but and so we don't know but one thing the lord showed me was you know and as i was speaking to him he concurred that if it used to be hours it's now minutes for the return of the lord okay we have microchips being put in people's bodies in order from the work we see the antichrist spirit at work in the world but remember the scripture the greatest end-time harvest the world has ever seen and god is coming back for a triumphant church so in the middle of all this we're going to disciple nations so he's marrying matthew 28 great commission with mark 16 signs and wonders discipling nations and we're going to see a great move of god and every one of you is needed raise your hand say me me me me me me me me me now i'm gonna give you two great bible verses about awakening you ready isaiah 59 9-11 awake awake clothe yourself with sprinkle arm of the lord awake as in the days gone by as in the generations of old isn't that we've been saying tonight was it not you who dried up the sea the waters of the great deep who made a road in the depths of the sea so that the redeem might cross over isaiah 52 1-2 awake away go zion now listen to this the prophet is prophesying to the lord are you getting this first awake arm of the lord and then the second verse the prophet is prophesying to a whole city and a people away clothe yourself with strength put on your garments the splendor o jerusalem the holy spirit holy city thou had circumcised and defile will not enter again shake off your dust we've been doing that haven't we shaking off the dust of pain rise up sit enthroned o jerusalem free yourselves from the chains of your neck now listen to this arthur wallace if you haven't read any arthur wallace he's a fabulous writer from the uk identifies this awakening with the birth of revival in his book in the days of thy power listen to what he says revival involves two awakening cries god crying to man awake awake o zion and man crying to god awake awake put on your strength to arm of the lord awake as in the days of old now listen to this it's really good when the voice of the lord has awakened the church the voice of the church will awaken the lord and the power of god will be manifested in the saving of sinners would it seem that for a long time say a long time the almighty has slumbered the cry of the church pierces the heavens let god arise say that with me let god arise and what next let us enemies be scattered come on say let us in and peace be scattered let's stand up and let's say that over california let's say that over america you ready one two three let god arise let his enemies be scattered say it again come on let god arise come on come on come on decree you decreed hallelujah something is moving in the heavens i understand i have not looked this up for myself but second hand maybe you know che that the supreme court has now said churches can be open 100 percent in america amen hallelujah we're winning [Music] okay be seated genesis 26 18 we've been doing this isaac dug again the whales of water which they dug in the day of abraham his father for the philistines has stopped them up after the death of abraham he called them after the names of his father which his father had called them i want to say to you we have such authority in the holy spirit see some people understand power but they don't understand authority i have seen people understand the power of the holy spirit in healing but they don't know how to move in authority and there's a difference when an infirmity is upon a person there are times when you have to be very strong with that spirit in telling it to lead jesus called it the spirit of infirmity i will call it the spirit of infirmity i remember reading something that peter wagner wrote in his book in his autobiography wrestling with theologians and prophets i think something like oh alligators and prophets yeah same thing and a bell wall now anyway and so anyway he said he'd had a migraine for like 79 days in a row and peter wagner john wimber said to him you need to just go after that like you were telling a cat to scat and so he said he did it that night and it left him and never came back that's authority he always had the power but you have to understand the authority of the believer it's time for us to reteach on the authority of the believer it's time to re-dig those wells at kenneth hagin okay i mean it's time for us to understand that no weapon formed against us will prosper it's time for understand that we are healed by the stripes of jesus we were healed by the stripes of jesus it's time to understand we're called to triumph we're called to be overcomers we're called to be victors in this day we're called to be the head and not the tail we know that there are three great awakenings i don't have time to write to go into it but the lord said to me there's going to be a divine convergence of all the great awakenings that we have known in the past in this third great awakening i mean the conviction of sin where people would fall under the power of god crying out to god it's all going to come together now i want to just read your story and then i'm going to pray for you and we're going to land this god kind of turned everything upside down but that's his job one of the keys to any awakening and papa chay we've talked about this and mondo is going to do this i don't know if mondo's here tonight but going to do this for the revived california was prayer j edwin orr said that whenever god is up to something he always sets his people praying so there's always a great prayer awakening before there's a great awakening you understand this there was a great awakening great prayer awakening and you probably have read about it with jeremiah lamphier we have been there on that place and he cried out to god but i want to say when you're pressing towards a great awakening many times there will be roadblocks in your way there will be disappointments and sometimes you will fail john maxwell says fail forward they had a simple format in these prayer meetings noon hour of prayer meetings and this fell and i don't have time to unpack it it's easily seen online but there was a new prayer meeting at a church in downtown kalamazoo michigan thank god for michigan the crowd was standing room only a prayer request was read from a wife asking for prayer for her unsaved husband immediately a man stood as to his feet with tears disclaimed i am that man my wife is a good christian woman and she must have sent that request please pray for me he sat down and immediately a man in another part of the house stood his feet weeping as if he had not heard the first man at all and he declared that was my wife who sent in that request god you've been praying for a prodigal husband or you know have faith my wife is a good christian woman and i have treated her badly please pray for me he sat down and another man stood also convicted that his wife who sent the prayer request and then a fourth one and then a fifth one all confessed they were sinners now i decree to you god is getting ready to do that again i decree to you we are in the beginnings of the great prayer awakening we are in the beginnings in james gaul you're going to have a part of this it's burning in your heart abraham lincoln when they didn't put the end of slavery in the constitution he said that this is a cancer essentially that's gonna come back to bite us or destroy us later but i want to say in this a great awakening it will be a racist free zone god is calling us to make it a divorce-free zone a poverty-free zone he wasn't in food poverty he wasn't in abortion he wants to end human trafficking he wants to take us to a place that we have never been before let god arise come on come on let god arrive say it say it let god rise let the great awakening pour upon california we say california wake up come on come on just like the prophet prophesied to the city of jerusalem los angeles wake up san francisco wake up [Applause] god is not coming for visitation he is coming for a habitation lift your hands to the lord now lord i commission here and those watching and those who will watch later how do you know how do you know that you're part of this something in your norm something so deep in your soul and your gut in your belly something so deep inside you begins to burn god gets a hole of your mind will and emotions and he begins to stir within you i pleaded use me lord pick me jesus pick me lord i have been in many places of transformation mike and i work behind the scenes in those transformation videos and we saw transformation come but without reformation it did not stay we must have revival and then informed reformers and then we believe god will give us transformation on a level the world has never seen you're saying well are you talking about utopianism no i'm just talking about something the bible tells us that we can disciple nations just put your hands together and close your eyes for just a moment if you are not right with god tonight if you have come to this meeting for some reason i don't know if you were dragged here but you know that you are not in a position of holiness maybe you're struggling with some addiction or pornography you don't have to be struggling those things you come forward but you know there's something in your life maybe you need to accept jesus christ maybe you're a backslider maybe you need to come have a come to jesus moment i command you in the name of jesus to get up out of your seat run down here right now come on who will be the first come on who will be the first come on there's such a blessing for the first come on i'm getting right thank you sir i'm getting right with god i'm gonna thank you sir i'm a hundred percenter i'm gonna be a hundred percent holy maybe you've been watching films that are very sexually explicit and you need to get rid of that come on it's holiness get up out of your seat there's some of you women you need to leave your seats come on right now you know what pride is like bad breath you're the last one to know you have it get rid of that because god watches what you're doing every day you shouldn't give a rip about what anybody in this room thinks about you in the name of jesus come on come to jesus come on christians pray come to jesus come on come to jesus come to jesus come to jesus i want some people to come pray with us young man thank you babe come to jesus come on god is watching you every day he's watching you when you watch those films he's watching you when you have those lustful thoughts he sees everything you do come get delivered of lust come get who cares what they think i was 18 my daddy was a pastor and i came up because i wasn't sure i was even safe that was the surprise come to jesus come on right now i compel you i compel you to come i compel you to come maybe there's somebody in this room you know is not right with god you go get him you go get him and say come on i will go with you come on i will go with you thank you for coming thank you guys maybe somebody wants to come pray with him come on come on i'm compelling you maybe you're watching online this is a day of salvation give your life to jesus christ make your life count for something both now and eternally there's somebody else that needs to come i don't have peace in my soul there's a father you need to get down here maybe your family needs to pull you down come on come on come on come on come on right now right now come on i'm fishing for somebody i'm a very good waiter you better just give up come on right now you know what you and you're going well i'll just repent right here no you won't the name of jesus i command the pride and the fear to go from you come on right now listen you can't be 98 holy you have to be 100 because it's like two percent i'll kill you thank you son i love you who else thank you son love you who else come on come to jesus this is one of the most important things we have done all night come to jesus i am compelling you to come no man knows no man a woman knows the time of his death what if it was tonight you would be so glad thank you son you would be so glad i waited for you you would say thank you mama cindy because i stand before the throne of god clean and pure come on close your eyes thank you son for coming i that was brave anyone else do you need to go to anyone need to go to anyone and the greatest revivals came when people started compelling others to go let's lift our hands and pray to say father god i want to be 100 holy no compromise no compromise i'm sorry god you're saying that son i'm sorry god yeah you're translating for him yeah i'm no i'm sorry god come on son you have a big big calling you have a big calling yeah you have a big calling the lord loves you i'm so proud of you thank you lord thank you say come into my heart come on make me clean i command every spirit of lust to leave you right now in the name of jesus go command every unclean spirit to go from you now or mismo now every spirit of infirmity to leave i break every curse of witchcraft every generational curse i command every addicting spirit to leave you in the mighty name of jesus i command pornography and sexual perversion which some people say is 40 of the church i command it to go in jesus name be free be free let's lift our hands and thank god for what he's done tonight papa chay love you guys so much love you well let's thank cindy for serving us so well come on give her a hat good word of encouragement it was amazing because um mike jacob just leaned over to me and uh he had a just like a a vision just take a seat for a second because i want to do something that's a little prophetic act here but he had a little vision of of me coming up right after sunday making an apostolic decree ezekiel 37 talks about the dry bones and to prophesy to the bones to come together and send you flesh and then finally the breath and god raised up an exceeding great army and i feel that god's dealing with that in california with a revive california i want to encourage you go to revivecal.org and you could sign up and be part of this great army and i really believe that god's going to use you every single man woman even a child god's going to use in this end time revival but i want to decree over you i want to give an apostolic decree over you that you will be part of god's army and we're talking about moving on signs and wonders the supernatural but unto reformation of society transformation of society sustained transformation and people said what does that look like and i remember ed says well corruption will be eradicated in the government i said i agree with that but while i'm declaring over california that california is going to be a pro-life pro-family state i i believe that i believe we're so close to seeing that kind of transformation obviously that has to impact the government mountain has impact business has impact uh there's so many so many different spheres in order especially hollywood right here but we've been making a decree that hollywood's going to turn into hollywood it's going to be holy let's all stand up i want us to decree this is the last night of our conference and you know it's like cindy said raise your hand and say send me not send my wife not send my brother here i am send me so would you do that right now father i make an apostolate decree over the dry bones in california and i speak the bones to come together in unity that sin you and flesh will come on those bones that you would breathe the breath of the holy spirit and power into our lives and you will make us into a great army the army of god now usher in the greatest revival the greatest reformation in the history of great revivals in california it will all pale they'll all come together in convergence in jesus mighty name amen and amen god bless you if you want prayer for ministry we do have ministries j go ahead with the announcements i want to send you out fire and wind come and do it again open up the gates let heaven on it come rest on sing it with me fire and win holy spirit we love you god come rest come on lift those hands and sing sing to him you're all we want holy spirit come rest on us you're all we want you're all we want one more time holy spirit holy spirit come rest you're all we want [Music] you're all we want put your hand over your heart and just receive we bless you lord thank you for this impartation from mama cindy papa j this whole conference we saw the handwriting of god as holy spirit you know how to orchestrate everything even having fred here tonight wilma the whole weekend was set by you and we take our marching orders church has not backed down look at your neighbor and say this is not a game we came to win hey let me give you a few announcements real quick look there's going to be ministry time in the fire room it's set right after now you can go down there purchase the conference for the next six months at harvest i am.org you can re-watch it you can purchase full access at harvest.i harvest iam.org uh there's a job opening if you guys want to work as a receptionist at h rock you can go to aatrock i'm sorry harvestrock.church and hey have a wonderful wonderful season winning souls and making disciples and bringing reformation revival and changing the world god bless you we will see you hey listen if you want to come to church tomorrow morning we have church here come on harvest rock church be here at ten o'clock and if you guys want to come to our event tomorrow at three in orange county revival winning souls let us worship is going to be awesome bless you [Music] [Music] and adore [Music] no one can overthrow
Channel: Harvest Rock Church
Views: 3,640
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Id: sdEK03ggfBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 35sec (9815 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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