Cincinnati Bickford Drill Press - Table Raising Mechanism

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[Music] hello Keith right here vis Machinery's org guys I'm out here working today on the Cincinnati Bickford drill press this is the one we got from Adam booth some time back and featured it a month or two ago and we had a little work day out here we got this thing cleaned up stripped all the old paint and stuff stripped off of it and then over my Christmas break I've taken time coming here we've got this thing painted and I've been doing just some miscellaneous odds and ends to it getting it along today I'm one hopefully you try to get this thing finished up and we're going to be working on the base down here so I've got the table off of this machine right now we're going to show it to you in a minute but there's a big table that that raises and lowers down here we got ways this goes up and down on down here on the bottom there's a screw jack basically that has a mechanism where you crank it and it raises and lowers that table through some gears and we've got a little issue in there and we're gonna see we can do a repair if not maybe you have to make a new part to fix it I'm gonna have to get in there and and see exactly what we can do anyway wanted to kind of give you a quick look at this this machine is really looking great and I'm anxious to get it wrapped up and that's what we're hopefully going to accomplish today let's go over here I'll show you the mechanism that we got to work on show you the problem that we got and we'll attack it and get it done so down on the base of that machine you saw the four holes and that's where this little pedestal mounts and in here we've got a basically a screw that goes up and down there's a big gear up here off of the front of the table I see there's a this rod here comes out the front where there's a adjusting screw on here this is a gear here attaches to that so it comes in on the side kind of like such and when this turns it rotates this year and rotates the screw and then that's what basically raises and lowers the table up now up on top of this is kind of business and I'm gonna zoom you guys in here and kind of show you how this works and show you the problems that we got alright so here again is the the gear that goes on top and rotates this actually there's a piece of goes on top of here that it kind of mount to the bottom of that table that actually raises and lowers in so the way this works is is we got this here this is a big race it's an open race there's ball bearings in here the original ball bearings unfortunately several of them were missing when I got it there were still a few in there they were all cruddy I just ordered some brand new ball bearings in here just got these from mcmaster-carr these are 9/16 diameter so there'll be a row of these that go around here and I'm not gonna open those up quite yep and then on top of that you'll have again the ball bearings in there and then this piece fits on top we got another race in here see that right there matching race this piece fits down on there like such and then this part is what mounts to the bottom of the table and this part basically just rotates in here and that when this gear down here at the bottom turns it raises and lowers this whole table assembly so here's the issue let me take this back off so there's this little piece here the screws down in this hole and that's what captures this piece on here so that that's basically sits down inside that hole there and it captures it so that when you particularly when you lower it it pulls the table down coming up gravity's working with you well you see here the threads are stripped out on the bottom thread or two on this where this thing came loose it some time and just in turned there's a hole right here and there's a screw that actually went down in here and screwed this in place so that it couldn't turn and rotate well that screw is sheared off it's broken down in here so we got two issues so number one I need to get the broken screw out and number two need to do something with these threads now I could do go about this in two different ways I could either make a whole new part and we may end up doing that but before I do that it's only about one thread that's really stripped out on this there's plenty of threads in here still too to grab a hold I'm just gonna see if I can clean these up and salvage this piece instead of trying to make a new one if not we'll make another one so anybody that's uh must work on this I think I'm going to see we can get this broken screw out first so when I first came over here this screw is broken and it was kind of sticking up and I just took a file and filed that down flush for the top of this that gives me a little bit of a flat surface to work on here it's not I wish it was flat a little bit more up here in the top area but the center of this I want to get a center punch that's right in the center of this and I think I'm gonna be good enough now to do that Center punch I'm gonna use an optical center punch here to do that and a while back I had a viewer send me one of these you know actually I got two different ones we're going to use this from here today this one is made by murderess or however you say that they make some really nice tools so there's a little brass piece here and you do is you move this around there's a hole through here and there's two little attachments so the first one is this little clear piece now at the top of this is kind of a magnifier and you probably might be able to see if there's crosshairs on the bottom of it down here and what you do is you put this in here and you look down through that hole and you can actually see the crosshairs and you can move this thing around and line it up and when you get it lined up you hold it in place you pull it out and then you drop in the second piece which is the center punch and you drop it in there pop hit it with a hammer and hopefully you're right on the money so I don't think you guys are going to be able to see the crosshairs down in here with the camera in fact I'm not even gonna try because I just don't think I can do that but I'm gonna look down through here and okay I got a little bit of flat right there in the center that is right on the center our perky darn close drop that down in there take my hammer pop it and wallah we have a center punch hole right in the center of this thing so cool little tool called an optical center punch so we'll try to do is use the left hand and drill bit to see if I can just screw this thing out hopefully that spruce not in there too terribly tight and do that I'm going to use the Carlton drill press and this actually will be the well I did drill a couple of little small holes with it this would really be the first I guess true job I've done on this machine and and I've still got a few little things I need to knock out on this before I was wanting to do a video and kind of featuring it but you guys are gonna get a sneak peek so first thing I need to do is we need to raise up the head and just move it right up that's probably high enough and I think I'm going to do is I'm going to get some tea bolts or something in kind of or maybe a c-clamp I'm not sure but I want to clamp this thing down where it's not gonna move and because the screws moving what I'll do is I'll just lower this down until the jack hits the bottom once it's tightened down hopefully I can kind of jam it in there so it won't move around so let me do that I'll be right back this is a I just used some Bessie welding clamps to clamp this down to the table them again I just kind of jammed this down so it's I mean if I put enough pressure on will still turn it but it's it's I this I think it's gonna be fine for this so the nice thing with these radio drills is you know normal drill press you move your part around under the head of the drill to get it where you want it on a radial drill you move the head to the part this is made for working on really big things a lot of times but it's really convenient so I've got up here at the top let's see that adjust my head in and out so we can come out here to roughly here I'm gonna move this arm up we'll just swing the whole head over and [Music] so if I'm tuned my alignment here what I did was I I took that same Center punch that I punched with I just chucked it up here in the drill press and moved it around until I got it right on that center punch hole so I think we're lined up now I'm gonna swap this out put a drill bit in and what I'm using is this is a left-hand drill bit and the idea with the left-hand drill bit is is that you come in here you drill the hole out but it's turning in the direction that will unscrew that part and with any luck the part catches and it just unscrews it and if it doesn't catch then you still have a nice hole there that you can hopefully put an easy-out or something in and back it out that way so that's up let's see if we can drill this thing out I've got my speed of the machine set for my lowest possible setting which is 100 rpms and I'll get her going in Reverse here and that's uh cool down here and see we get lucky [Applause] it's cutting right now [Applause] see what I'm going to do it's moved off of that Center punch hole that it's got a kind of going downhill there so I think I'm going to do this put a center drill in here and get a good hole started and then come back and try this again so give me just a second I'm going to put a center drill in there to try to get a better holes a center established and I got my Center drill in here now and I'm just going to try to get a better hold going there in this very center of this thing the sooner drill is much more rigid in a drill bit so it will actually hopefully cut right down the middle and get me a good hole started the back and then come back in there on I'm gonna try this again the drill bit still kind of moving over [Applause] this is a challenging piece look at there I got lucky I got lucky I'll take look any day of the week guys see there it pulled that screw right out of there which is exactly what I needed for it to be all right mission accomplished so next issue we got to work on here is see we can straight these threads out and we're gonna try and see we get lucky I've got a just a die stock here this is a 5/8 11 and I'm just gonna see if I can run that down there and hopefully not cross thread this thing worst case would make a new piece but like I said I'd like to salvage this if we can just save some time in the shop and I see again if we can get lucky feels like it's going looky there looky there I think we saved it and liquor there it even formed some of those threats have been rolled over it kind of reformed them even all the way down here at the bottom I'm sure they're not as strong but that will be more than enough to hold that piece in place so good see how it fits over here so before we do that I'm going to just take a tap and run down through here and just clean these threads up I don't know if there they got any burrs or anything in there it kind of feels like there might be something going on in there mighty tight hey what I'm gonna clamp this down give me just a second all right I got that clamp down again that's just gonna go down down the bottom out on the table so that should hold it and makes this much easier that's about it come out of there now the look this is just gonna screw right down in here what I want to do now is go ahead and do a dry assembly of this and just kind of make sure you think it's going to fit together so again we'll take this bottom race put it in here I've already taken this over to my parts washer and cleaned it up there's a little staining down in here that's not coming out but hey I was kind of live with that so this is one of the original ball bearings that was in here a lot of them were missing when that piece came off the top it opened that this cage up and allowed some of the bearings to escape so what I ended up doing was just ordering some brand-new 9/16 inch diameter ball bearings from a master car I'm not going to try to use the old ones some of these even after I clean them up again they're just kind of stained and I'm just not sure about them so there was probably about half of them in there so anyway we're gonna take these brand new ball bearings again I got these from a master car and I think I ordered a package of like 50 Ottoman they were like seven or eight dollars it wasn't that expensive and these are all hardened ball bearings let me get all these lined up now when I symbol this for real here in a little bit we will make sure that we put grease and everything in here to get that charged up but for now I'm just doing a drop it next comes the top piece of course that's got the top race is it up in here and this fits over and that fits down over that that feels good and these two pieces are flushes one another and then we'll take our little keeper here and put it in here and I noticed while ago that it's it's kind of it's got a little run out in it it's a bigger on one side in the other it really doesn't matter all this is doing is it's just just keeping this part from coming up so we'll go ahead and screw that down it's flat all the way across which is good so there's not any angle to it it's just for whatever reason it's got a little run out in it now you got this hole here we got the hole in the bottom and I'm going to spin this around to where they line up right there and when you do that you know it's got just a little bit of play in there I mean that's probably not even a sixteenth of an inch and we pack this with some grease I'll probably take up some of that but I think that's fine next step I've got to do is cut with a screw to go in here I think that I'm going to modify this a little bit I think I'm gonna see if I can found find a screw countersunk screw basically that and I've run a countersink in there and they'll go down in there and be more or less flush with the top of this otherwise that screws gonna stick up higher and I'd have to look on the bottom of the casting okay I don't know how much clearance is in there but anyway I think we better just a countersink it so let me see what I can find there back over here at the Carlton now and what we're going to do is countersink this I've got a little screw here flat head cap screw actually had to run to town I got lucky and found one all they had were stainless steel ones but I got one of those and on a Saturday before New Year's which is tomorrow New Year's Eve I felt lucky to find that one so anyway les come in here and put our counter sink in [Applause] that's good let's assemble it for real this time everything that's been dry fitted put together so again my race goes on first I'm gonna put a some grease around this race here yeah leading that off we were just some trash on the end of that first little squirt of grease all right no ball bearings in here this is an open race which probably isn't the best design in the world just simply because this thing you get a bunch of trash and stuff down in it but that's the way it was designed and I've seen these open races on a lot of stuff and they've actually held up pretty good all things considered over the years so I guess it's an OK design I'm gonna go ahead a little string of grease on this other side as well well I'm at it put these together tell you what I'm one day first a little ole on this shaft through here because it rotates on that all right that looks real good there are little spacer in here keeper whatever you want to call it basically just keeps this thing from sliding apart all right back that back off line up my holes right there oh yeah very good that's not rotating still got this little bit of play in there which is what we want but it's not enough for the ball bearings to fall out and I like it that looks good all right next thing is to assemble this into the table so let's get that set up to do so I got my table here mounted up on the base at the bottom that's pointing out or we can work on it and that assembly basically just bolts into this spot in here there's a key way in the bottom that matches a key that's in the bottom of this piece here to a line and there's to basically just big bolts on there to hold law together so we're gonna try to get this thing in here I got one of the bolts started hi that is mounted in there and the gears turning that's good all right so we're gonna go ahead now and put together our gear that drives all this and a couple pieces in here so you got a boss down here that holds the bottom in the shaft and on top of that the little thrust bearing here it's just kind of a spacer in here that also provides some thrust to allow that to spin easily and then there's the drive gear that fits on top of that and we'll get that in there and I did take this little bottom piece off down here just to give me a little bit better access a little bit more clearance in here and see you guys can see it better and I've marked this both the the shaft and the gear there's a a tapered pin that holds this together so I marked the large side so that I lined it up properly and we'll bring our shaft down through here now down to the thrust bearing get it through the thrust bearing and then down through the bottom housing and make sure that shafts in the right position it is and I'm going to roll the the hole alright it says I got my star there that's my large side of my star on the shaft get those in line here's my tapering chin put that in there and then I'll take a punch and a hammer here and I'll just drive that pin home and they'll lock it into place that taper will hold and now perfect that's exactly what we want so let's get this top part up here buttoned up and this thing will be ready to go back together mmm this little sleeve just kind of come down here this just guides that and there's a little all spout that goes on the side I need to get new and the one that was on there was shot it's just screws in place Ya Allah and check it all out here everything seems to be working just fine of course this base here would be mobile or stable and that's what screws the table up and down on it so this is ready to go back over on the drill press let's do some rigging and get it moved over there so with my engine hoist I was able to bring this thing right in here and take a quarter turn let's get some bolts going on down here all right it's got that mounted some over here on the backside of this table and you got a the back of this way that kind of holds everything in place there's a keeper that goes back here this basically there's a bolts over to the front and there's three bolts hold it in place then there's a another bolt here to come to the front this is the one that tightens it so when you look tighten this one up it pinches it on there where it won't slide up and down the other ones it keeps it a little bit loose where it can't slide so really we're gonna go ahead and put these bolts in all right you got those tightened up and then from the front side we'll run this bolt through and again that's for tightening everything up so we got the same setup over them the other side with this small addition that this side has a give on it that you used to tighten the table up and I'm just for wear and things like that so we'll start by go ahead and get in our three bolts fit in over here just like we're going to the other side I'm gonna leave it loose and this is the give and give is basically tapered down one side and this side over here is machined at the same taper and you can just this up and down as you do you have the two tapers that are opposite of one another and it widens our or makes this gap wider or thinner depending on where it's at so this is just gonna drop down in here I'm going to make sure we got all on that real good there's actually an old route that runs down through there and I might actually put a little bit on this side to just get it down in there and it's not going down all the way right now because we've got it tight so let me loosen some things up and make a couple of adjustments and we'll get that down there all right we got to get in there now the table was kind of leaning over and I pushed it over and took a hammer and just kind of tapped it down in here so that's good so as far as adjusting this give what we want to do is we want to get it where we can easily crank and raise and lower this table and let things slide up and down but at the same time we want to get this thing as tight as we can get it so I'm gonna put a little shove it down in there a little bit more you're still raising up and down nice all right it's starting to get a little tight right in there so I'm gonna back it off just a little bit maybe just a tad more that's the easy to move table up and down and then we will tighten this Jam that on here to keep it from moving up and down keep it set so there we go so my table cranks up and down really easily everything looks good there you go the Cincinnati Bickford one step closer table moves up and down easily now when we got this machine we could got could not get it to move at all it was a rusted in credit into place the mechanism down there was broken so wouldn't lower anyway we but after taking this thing apart cleaning it up putting it back together taking care of a few issues now that part this back operational again as it should be after the machine itself I'm real close to being done with this I've got a few machinery tags that still need to kind of get restored and put back on here I've already got a couple of them done I need to still drain what oil is up in the head if there's any in there at all I don't think I think it's empty when I got this the glass on the front that covered the where you could see the oil level and see the oil pumping through here that was all busted out and it was dry so I'm assuming there's no oil in here so I need to spend a little bit of time and flush that out get all the whatever's in there out and getting fresh oil put back in here and other than that I think this thing's pretty much ready to go I've already tested the motor and I ran it for just a minute or two even though didn't have you lit just to make sure it was going to run and this it appears to be in good shape so I'm gonna knock that out and I'm gonna do a video down the road featuring this kind of showing you the functions and everything on it but we're getting real close on the Cincinnati Bigford so with that that'll be a wrap guys as always thanks for watching leave me a thumbs up if you like what you saw subscribe if you haven't already and leave me some comments and we'll talk to you later [Music]
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 59,009
Rating: 4.983109 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Woodworking, Metalworking, Keith Rucker,, Optical Center Punch
Id: ptA7M_i7wSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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