Turning a Pair of Gear Blanks for a Reed-Prentice Metal Lathe

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[Music] hello Keith rugged Ridge machinery org you guys I'm back in the shop I've actually have been on a little hiatus out here for the last really spending two weeks since I've been in the shop between traveling for work we've had some family stuff going on and is really dug into my shop time last couple of weeks but I am happy to be back out here and we've got a little project that I need to start working on and I'm getting knocked out so basically what I've been sent is this is from a viewer of mine that asked if I could help out he has an old read print enslave seems like I'm working on a lot of those lately for people 16 double-a from 1942 he purchased it a while back they said that when he got it they were saying oh it works great but when they got it in I think he bought it over a website or something but when it came in it obviously has some issues and for one thing back during Hurricane sandy it was actually underwater but you know this cast iron it'll dry out but when they got it they took it apart started cleaning it up and really have gotten down to one little part and there was one little jack shaft with some gears that we're broken in there and I'm gonna zoom you in and I'll show you these parts and I'll show you what we're gonna be doing so these are the parts in question right here and what this is is this gear actually fits up on there I pressed it off but it goes up on this piece here and this is just a little jack shaft a gear reducer it goes from what is that a 12 12 teeth on this one to what was on the other one and this one has 40 teeth on it so 12 to 40 and it's a reducer and this is in the I think in the quick change gearbox on the machine and basically allows them to be able to change a the feeds rates on the machine and as you can see we got some serious issues all the teeth are stripped off of this one and the teeth on the bigger year while they're there some of them have significant some of them aren't actually that bad I don't know why it has that uneven wear in it which is kind of interesting these two little journals on the end fit up in a little bronze bushing for a bearing then again it presses on here and it's keyed in place so we're gonna actually make both these parts and I get them back in business this is a has a diametral pitch of fourteen and I think we've got all of our cutters and everything to cut these on the horizontal mill but to start with we need to make the blanks for these so and this is two separate parts and what I'm going to do is this shaft here we're gonna make it out of this some rod here this is forty one forty that I ended up deciding to go with it some people call it chrome moly it's a good all-purpose steel for making shafts and stuff they're going to be worn with have wear on them I've used this material before when making some years now the bigger year I'm not sure what material this was originally but I'm pretty sure it's cast iron and because of that I've got a chunk of cast iron here that we're going to make that out of and that's very typical when you're making gears you typically want the gear material to be different on the two years with one of them being harder and what I'm being softer you will actually get less wear when you have different hardnesses on the two gears than if they are made out of the same material so anyway that's what we're gonna do and I think we'll start by working on the shafts so I'm going to lay get that set this set up and we're going to again just turn a blank out that's probably going to be what the video is here today is making the blanks and we'll do the gear cutting in a separate video so we'll start by facing this and putting a center hole in it Tata come in with the center drill put a nice Center in that the end [Music] so here's our part we're going to work on this in first and first thing I want to do is cut down to this diameter that's about 60,000 over an inch right now we're about an eighth of an inch over it was a inch 1/8 nominal stock so I've got about 50,000 so I need to cut off of there so we'll just go ahead and touch off here [Music] which is still 40,000 to get a good vet this is not a critical measurement we're at about 90,000 sober going to 60 about 30,000 Spore to take we're right on the money so here's our piece behind it that we're going to be cutting and what I want to do next is I want to hollow out this section in here this is actually going to be one inch in diameter where the gear is so I've got a parting tool I'm going to come in here I'm going to create this shoulder and I'm looking over and create a shoulder on this side and then we'll just cut all that material out in between there down to this nominal diameter so I've got a parting tool in here and we're gonna take that down to what was I measuring on that it's about six hundred sixty five thousandths and I don't think that measurement there is really a critical measurement either we're coming here part down to it [Music] not get a measurement on that hopefully my caliper yeah something about a I need to go 10 20 30 40 50 60 about 60,000 sport in depth reading this off the dial that could be pretty close right there and that's close enough for right now we can fine-tune that once we get down in there if I can that's my next shoulder basically see what we're creating here so uh next shoulder will be right there on that line I've strived that should be pretty close to there go ahead and get it to where I can hopefully get in there and cut all that out we're just going to come in here now and try to little that little section out without getting into the sides cut it out that's gonna be good enough for now right now we're just kind of roughing this out so that's good so you can see where we're kind of at here we got the middle cut out this is a little bit oversized I'm going to trend that up later I'm going to go ahead and rough in this little bearing journal down here I'm gonna leave it a little bit oversized I'm going to finish this between centers one take all these critical measurements we'll take the final cuts between centers just I've already put a little mark on here where my depth is so there needs to be we'll start with Loomis town seventy-five thousand to go where I need to be fighters take 50 we're gonna call it close enough for now I'm gonna flip this part around and we'll start getting the other side roughed out all right we've got our part mounted back in here going the other way now and first thing I want to do is get this in faced and we need to get this cut the length and see this measurement is going to be one inch 575 from the outside there one inch six-ten so we got what in 2030 about 40 thousands to come off of there so he's gonna come in here and put an indicator on my lathe where I can see how far I'm going by this facing a little bit off to here let's start with zero paint my zero over here on my indicator and get a good measurement now so we're so we got what 25 26 27 28 thousands to go so I should feel just dial that in on my indicator go about ten thousands on this path [Music] I'm gonna come in here and get another good measurement now that's right on money we need eight thousands so I can dial that right in right there that should be right on the money so next time on Dukes is coming here and kind of blend this into this diameter here we will rap thousands all right we need to basically just move cut right down through that little shoulder to Saul ready in there we're gonna take this on down this edge here very lightly [Music] [Music] all right all roughed out alright so now we're going to work on roughing out the gear here and again I got a piece of cast iron for this this is just some extruded cast iron a little bit oversized this gear is three inches in diameter so we're gonna quit and turn that will also face off the front here to start with and just get her going let's start by facing [Music] make sure that cleaned up all the way around and looks like it did so I see our nominal size here is about 1/8 inch over about 75 over now I'm gonna put a hole in this it needs to be a 3/4 inch hole so start out by putting a center hole in it these sinners will find the center stop bouncing around a little bit there but it is putting it right dead in the center of that right now and I'm just wanting a good hole to get started on coming here put it drill in [Music] we've got a 4760 force drill in here that's just one size under 3/4 it's gonna put me a mark on here about where how deep I want to go where we go [Music] that should be deep enough so now to get our hole to the final size I'm going to come in here with just a three quarter inch reamer and we'll feed her in there put a little wd-40 on there for lubrication we'll just go to the bottoms out right there [Applause] by that whole should be pretty darn close to 3/4 now and what we'll do is we will mic that hole and we turn the shaft on the other side we'll make sure that we get a nice press spit on it holes punched through there now we got our outside diameter done so the next thing we got is there's a couple of steps here on the front of this year this goes in about two hundred thousandths there's two steps in here we're going to go ahead and machine that on this side there's also a step on the other but it's a single step on the other side we'll have to do that we flip it around we'll go ahead and do this more complicated double-sided step first and we're just going to come in here say what I'm gonna speed this up a little bit there we go here to touch off I'm going to use a dial indicator to leave my 200000 step phone and I just kind of scribed a line in there you might be able to see it right in here kind of gives me an idea how deep I need to go that's actually going to be a little bit large and that's what I want I want to turn that down the size after I put this in so we're gonna leave things a little bit on the large side so that's about a 25,000 [Music] facing this off [Music] [Music] I'm gonna take another measurement here we should be on our last pass and just make sure we're getting the good all right so I need 19 thousandths more easy row of my indicator we'll dial in nineteen thousand in that measurements not super critical but we want to get as close as we can [Music] see what we got we're about a thousand soar to over but again it's not in a critical measurement so we're good there and this outside here [Music] we're at one-inch 562 that needs to be one inch 350 what looks like on the original here so next thing I'm gonna do is go ahead and work that down so we got about 200 thousands to take off that diameter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see where we're at [Music] all right so we're at 465 then we'll take another 50 off and then we'll figure out what we need to make on that last pass [Music] and we've to hit 350 we've got 1213 thousands to go [Music] right on the money where I want to be alright so there's another step on here and it goes about 80-thousand steep in that diameters of about 174 one inch one seven one inch 75,000 75,000 over an inch so I'm gonna go ahead and come in here and we'll do the same process we did before and get that down to where it needs to be all right we're good all right I'm gonna just deburr just touch off something on there to break all those corners I must going to come in here now and break all these sharp corners don't want to take much off of them but get in closer [Music] [Music] folks as I can get that should be fine so last thing we need to do here on this side is I need to go ahead and part this off and the total thickness of the gear is a little bit under an inch about a spent 940,000 wide so I'm gonna actually park this off a little over an inch so that I got some room to flip it around we can clean that backside up put steps and stuff we need on it on the other side so anyway we got this going here I normally don't use a lot of oil on cast iron I think I'm gonna make an exception in this case [Music] making a lot of noise but it's actually cutting pretty darn good so we're just going to go with it here plenty of material on the other side to clean up anything [Music] so I've got this flipped around now backwards and after that parting gave us a pretty dang smooth finish I'm much growling as it was making I was I'm surprised at how nice that finish turned out yes I look just as good but anyway we need to take this down to the final thickness so I measured it we're about a 25 thousandths over an inch we need to be at about nine hundred and thirty thousand so I've got you know about a hundred thousandths to take off so we're gonna go in here and just face this down and I'll take a couple passes get a a clean up measurement then use my indicator to dial it into the right thickness that little line scribed in there just kind of as a depth again that's not the exact measurement pulled it oversize I can turn that to diameter once we get down there fad I won't bore you guys with all this we'll bring you back in a little bit so our blanks are coming along real nice we got this done there's a double step side and there's a single step side all the dimensions or whether they need to be so this gear is pretty much ready for cutting teeth now I do need to go back and turn all these dimensions to final and I want to do that between centers so just a little bit about you know we we've machined half of it on one side into three jaw Chuck and we flipped it around and did the other side I got centers on both sides but because I flipped this thing into Chuck and you know I want this shaft to be running you know pretty much perfectly true I feel a lot better in those situations to machine my final stuff between centers so basically it'll be supported between centers like this we'll turn it and that way even when I flip this thing around between centers is still gonna be perfectly in line that's a little trick you can use when you're working on shaft work or where you need for you know work on one side if you got to turn it around for it to be perfectly in line on the other side it's gonna be more accurate than ever doing it in a Chuck so that's the method we're gonna use here so let me get this set up for turning between centers and we're gonna get all of our final dimensions on this cut and we should have these ready to start cutting some teeth all right so we've got this over here now set up between centers on the lathe so we got a Center on this side we got a center on this side and we got the drive dog in the middle the drive dog goes up against the face of one of the dials on the chuck in this case you could use a dog driver which is just a little faceplate lookin theme this is gonna work fine and it spins this and it keeps it between centers now I can turn this around and it's going to still be perfectly along that same center line which will make it easy for me to work on either side of this so I've got two dimensions on this side need to be cleaned up first Office's smaller diameter and I think that is what 0.59 one I'll double-check that measurement this is a bearing surface that this runs into probably just have been a little bronze bushing or something on the lathe then next to that is this surface here this will become the actual gear and it needs to be one inch in diameter and I will cut gear teeth on that and on the other side we have another bearing surface and then the be the surface that that larger gear will press up on so we're going to get these turned down to their correct measurements we'll flip it around to the other side and then this part should be done [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna get a good measurement now so I've still got about almost 30,000 to go I'm gonna take another 20 we measure with the caliper or the micrometer then and go from that [Music] as some bright at 600 so I've got about 9,000 to go see where we're at now should be pretty darn close [Music] all right so I'm about a just a little over my mark and actually I think that's where I want to be is because I'm sure this is worn just a little bit so we're probably about four tents over right there and I'm gonna leave it leave good enough alone next thing I need to do this come up here we're going to turn this down that needs again go to one inch and this one's not as critical on the measurement we're about 60,000 sover right now [Music] it's gonna take 10 because I'm sure I got a little bit of spring get another measurement and he flings up that laughs over there and I'm glad I did that because we hit it right on so that's a good lesson there you know a lot of times when you take a big pass like that you'll have a little bit of spring in there so you know we were only you know we had about 5,000 spring in there in this case so because I needed 15 I took 10 taking some of that into account and then I went in there and cleaned it up or if I had to clean it up I could so anyway that worked out perfect there all right I've got a little grooving tool in here and on the original there's just a little relief down here on the bottom side of that and we're just going to replicate that so I'm gonna come in here just plow him a little bit get some clearance and then last thing here we're just going to camp for these hands put a little along there break those edges this is going to be the year I'm gonna do this one a little bit here do the same thing that side is done now we're going to flip this around this side also needs to go to 591 just like the other side and then this is the area that the gear will press up on I read that over there I measure that it's right right dead on the money at 0.75 oh so we're gonna make this probably about 1/2 a thousandth larger so that we can have a press fit into that really even just a couple of tenths will probably be enough so anyway I've measured this we got about 50 thousands to get that down the size so let me come in here and take an initial pass we'll just take about 25 off of it and [Music] all right I'm with I'm on right on one so I need to take probably about a half a thousands off of that we need to also take this a little bit off the other side before I do let me go ahead and cut my grooves in there this one's gonna have two grooves will be one here another group [Music] a little bit and [Music] go ahead and put some champers on here to break those edges and we'll grab some Emery cloth [Music] and I wanna thank you much here [Music] let's just see where we're at [Music] all right we're right where I want to be about a half a you can see that but about a half a thousand sober on that one and this one should be [Music] right on 16 in this right on 16 that's good right I think we're done on this so here we go we got our blanks all made up still need to cut a keyway in this piece and then broach a keyway in here we'll probably put a Woodruff key in that but other than that this is done and then that's gonna pretty much be what we get done today on it well guys that's gonna be a wrap for this episode we got our blanks made like I said we'll need to cut those two key ways and then in the next episode we'll be setting up the dividing head on the horizontal mill and doing some gear cutting so we'll be looking forward to that coming up soon with that will sign off thanks guys for watching as always I'll leave me a thumbs up if you like what you see leave me some comments if you haven't already please subscribe and we'll catch you on the next video thanks for watching you
Channel: Keith Rucker - VintageMachinery.org
Views: 102,515
Rating: 4.9770741 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Lathe, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Metalworking, How to run a lathe, Keith Rucker, VintageMachinery.org
Id: jIMvty4PtqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 3sec (2523 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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