Church On The Loose | Lakewood Church

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thank you for your love thank you for your grace thank you down to the children in our pond so we give it back to you too yes you restore every it's it's Norse God it's God Gracie we'll shout up our hearts will cry these dry bones are gonna sing again these travels these travels are gonna these colleges come on somebody park miss you all over the school you know he's great clap those hands in this place and somebody give God one more shout in this room come on here we go ah away come on declare it was matter come on shout this out see see jeez as a sign of surrender God we call upon you as over a fugitive strength we thank you that your are very present help at a time I need the seat I'm either sq cinemas head she's buried our this is come on America Jesus you're Jesus come on shake its name Jesus say from my heart from Jesus see you'll see yourself before Jesus I pray that you get glory in this moment be glorified in this church those who are watching around the world a part of the online family I thank you for the worship that has gone up before you we have pressed through our individual challenges issues and trials and have given you what we have now God release what you have Oh God we pressed our way tonight don't let us leave here the same way we walked in you've got to take you love to do anything you made a whole universe in six days so you can break through in the next twenty minutes so I want you to know Jesus we praise to you want anybody to feel like you have to express yourself the way you seen others expressing themselves but some of us have had a very tough week for me so not give God a praise right here right now let me tell you something you know the worst were by the blue they take and they don't stop grunts dinner but I still if you got fine she counts as fine you got twice come on you got Healthy Kids or twice let's go let's go that's all we need y'all forgive me but it's one of your loved ones life is on the line you'd want somebody praying for them Lord Jesus healing throughout this church to the hearts of those and to the issues of those that are watching now speak through your word so that we seal this moment with the substance of the declared written word of God in Jesus name Amen amen and amen you can give the Lord a praise if you take your seat can we thank God for Lakewood Church and our worship team making adversity you think God for relentless Church very grateful for this moment I will not be before you long we are already nearing over time but some miracles require a little more press I'm glad to be home we'll be going through things as always good to know that you can come where everybody I believe that God wants to unlock miracles in the lives of his people I believe that the church is the hope of the world and I believe that this is exactly what Jesus died for at a time like now we need people of God in every place of authority and we don't need anybody who will apologize for the anointing that God has given them take up your rightful position do and God called you to do do it with integrity but for God's sake don't apologize because the Lord has placed you where he's placed you if you go to Matthew chapter 16 starting at the 13th verse again I want to thank God for Lakewood worship just all that God has done through them especially in my life over five years of being planted here and my wife and I wanted to bring our team because I think it's important for the church to understand that we have different functions but we are one church one body it's important for people to understand that Jesus is not coming back for multiple churches he's coming back for one church so the days of competition are over in the days of community are upon us well we walk this thing out together and build and find common ground Matthew 16 verse 13 reading from the New King James Version says when Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying who do men say that I the Son of Man and so they said some say John the Baptist some Elijah and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets he said to them but who do you say that I am Simon Peter answered and said you are the Christ the Son of the Living God Jesus incidents at him blessed are You Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father who was in heaven and I also say to you that you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it I will give you the key somebody say kids nothing worse than trying to get somewhere and you can't find your keys as it is in the natural so it is in the spirit some people want to break free but you're not using your keys you know the Lord has made promises to you but you are not using your keys I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven Jesus is speaking to his disciples about the beginning the advent of the church the genesis of what we now know as the New Testament church and at the end of his communication and conversation with the disciples he says I'm going to give you some keys and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven and I want to want to talk about for a few minutes is from the subject heading church on the loose Church on the loose that's real quiet in here but I want you to hear because there's nothing worse than a church that's in bondage and for too long we have not gotten the full measure of what the Holy Spirit intends for us to be to the earth for whatever reason but I believe in this moment God wants to unlock the full potential of the local church because God wants glory in the local church because miracles still happen in church breakthrough still happens in church signs and wonders still happen in church and Jesus Christ is still Lord of the church so Jesus is walking in a region called Caesarea Philippi and he's walking with his disciples and he asks them this question who do men say that I the Son of Man am and they begin to try to figure out or surmise or tell him what they've been hearing and it's important because if we're going to be a church on the loose we need to understand that each person has a role and they function and a lot of frustration comes to each of us when we are surrounded by people who don't know who we are jesus said who are they saying I am who do they say that I am I want to know what they're saying and so they went through all of these things and then he said well you've been walking with me who do you say that I am the foundational question of every believer must be this if you're gonna write notes who is Jesus to you who is Jesus to you who do you say that I am if you've experienced Jesus in any measurable way then there needs to be something on the inside of you that can't contain what he's done for you very hard for me to believe that Jesus has done supernatural things in your life and it's easy for you to not talk about it if you eat at a good restaurant you tell people you don't know how's that the restaurant is you suggest that restaurant they haven't paid you you're not getting a cut of any of the money they didn't even give you a coupon for promoting them but we have a hard time telling folks about Jesus who do you say that I am so Jesus is having this conversation and what he asked was almost not as important as where he asked it the Bible says he was in the region of Caesarea Philippi and I need you to understand that and I have a picture show the photo if we have it so the photo this is accesory Oh Philip ah do we have the photo somebody let me know there it is I need you to take a look at this photo this is very important so you understand that Jesus asked this question at a specific moment in a specific place because he wanted the devil to know what was coming and we'll help y'all this is zestiria Philip I and at the top of those rocks is where Jesus they theologians believe he was speaking what you see at the bottom near the trees is a cave this is known as the cave of pan pa n it's a pagan god who is the pagan god of sexuality and sensuality people believe that pan would come out at a certain moment in time and he would bless the people that he would bless the land and he would bless their crops and what they would do you could put the picture back up because I need him to catch this they would they would literally the people who believed in this pagan God they would worship at the foot of this cave they would wallow in the mud and they would literally do every variance and reform of sexuality with one another and with animals the reason why I'm saying that is not to shock you but I need you to understand that Jesus asked him the question Who am I to you in a place that was filthy known for pagan worship where people had done every vile godless thing and he wanted to know do you know who I am and a compromised time see it's easy to worship when you in here but do you know who he is when you're around people that ain't thinking about God will you still represent God when nobody's talking about Jesus when there is no gospel music when nobody has a Bible do you still love Jesus or is your Jesus a convenient Jesus that you pull out on Sundays and put back in your pocket on Monday Jesus is wanting to know can you loves me in a place where people love everything except me it's real quiet in the back put the cave back up I need y'all to see this that cave was also believed by many to be the gateway to hell so now y'all getting a picture of Scripture Jesus was on the top of that rock and he asked him who do you say that I am and then they answered all these questions and he said well who do you say that am it Peter was like you're the Christ the Son of the Living God jesus said blessed are You Simon son of Jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you and now I say your name is Peter Peter Petros small rock off the piece of a bigger rock and upon this rock this revelation but also this actual place I will build my church Jesus is not looking for safe to build his church he's not looking for clean to build his church he build his church where it's dirty where it's grimy where it's stinky he doesn't care what you've done what you've been through what you're going through he wants to build his church right there and he said and the gates of Hell shall not prevail Jesus wasn't talking metaphorically he was standing on the place where people thought hail had rain where where hail ran things and Jesus said i'ma build my church on top of what Hell thought it home I need 37 people to get the revelation that the kingdom of God is about to break ground in the worst place in your life I need a priest right there is there anybody that believes that God can begin to establish his church in the worst most compromised area of their life if you think you're perfect you can't build a church there but if you've ever failed if you've ever missed it if you've ever missed the mark Jesus says I build my church right there and where hell wants rain I will go ahead and take the keys so the promise rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it who is Jesus to you in a time of compromise can God trust you to listen to him in a time when the prevailing winds would take you to the safe confines of safe Christianity when we know right now the last thing we need is safe Christianity we need Christian voices in every area of life we need Christian voices in arts entertainment philosophy academia in medicine we need them in every other field of endeavor we need them in every Hall of government need them everywhere there is legislature House of Representatives Senate office Supreme Court and if we are the hands and feet of Jesus we need to be able to speak to whoever and love everybody will quiet but here's the thing your commitment to God Jameses and the revelation of God is most clearly revealed in the presence of choice everybody has a choice that's why jesus said who do you say that I am you wanted to know you know what they do down there at the base of this cave I'm trying to take you higher tell somebody trying to take you how I'm not that he didn't have a conversation at the base of the cave he didn't show him a picture he wasn't down there in the mud he was above the mud he said you know us down there I'm trying to get you up here because every time Jesus wants to do something he wants to elevate you he wants to take you higher high your name you're thinking higher in your influence higher in your authority Jesus is always trying to elevate you getting you free from the stuff that held you hostage and not just you but generational things that have held everybody in your family hostage do you understand why the warfare is so hard on your life it's because you're not fighting against you you're fighting against the spirit that had your mother your grandmother your great-grandmother your grandfather and now you're resisting you're saying no not here not me not my kids not anybody else is angry because nobody else fought like you because sceptic Travis stopped me from getting to God and I won't let it happen praise brick Jesus wants to be established on the throne of your heart but he can't clearly be established unless there's a competing voice present it's time for the church to make a decision they can't be uneasy you got to feel that say jesus said upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it and I'm gonna give you some keys that's somebody you got your keys and somebody else you got your keys right these three things down Church unlocked Church unbound Church unafraid well I've had a tough week and I was like Jesus are you sure I didn't say I go where you send me but you know but when you are an ambassador which the Bible says we are ambassadors for Christ then we go where our king sends us the church a lot the Bible says whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven the subject was church on the loose church on the loose means we are not comfortable with keeping our Jesus within the safe construct of our one-and-a-half hour to one hour and forty-five minutes sometimes two hours when I'm preaching because sometimes I go over time pray for me but anyway so we go we want our Jesus convenient we want bite-sized Jesus but Jesus cannot be contained in one bite because he wants the church to grow a church unlocked a church unbound in a church on a friend and an unlocked church means that we're not looking for people that just remind us of ourselves the church unlocked means he so ever will that'll come now it's easier said than done because we all like that which is familiar but Jesus didn't die just for you and he didn't die just for the familiar and he didn't die just for the comfortable and he didn't die just for the convenient also he didn't die for us to turn this into a club where we congratulate one another on our perceived version of spiritual authority a church unlocked is a church that can speak to people that don't remind you of yourself and still ascribe to them the same value that you would anybody else a church unlocked means that we are so moved by the finished work of Jesus Christ that we take this revelation outside and we are able to effectuate the hands and feet of Jesus in places where he is not normally celebrated or seen can you be a good Christian on your job I'm not saying passing out tracts cuz sometimes you can't do that you got to be able to be wise as a serpent harmless as it does a church unbound there's too much bondage in church everybody has their own idea of what church should be because we all grew up a certain way some people like exuberant worship some people like a worship that's a little more quiet more contemplative I grew up in a church that was very conservative if you shout it too loud the ushers would come and kindly escort you out until you got yourself together see how that worked out for me because the truth is if I really did get freed from eternal bondage and I got a house that made with hands why should I contain my expression in my exuberance just somebody unlocked me unbound means I'm not gonna walk around with your chains on me I'm not gonna allow your chains to keep me hostage because your calling is different from my calling and my calling is different from another person's calling and because I may not understand your calling doesn't mean God didn't call you to that and Jesus said this John the Baptist neither came eating or drinking and they said he had a demon he said I came eating and drinking and I'm a friend of mine bimmers tax collectors and sinners but wisdom is justified by her children so before we go judging somebody's calling or somebody's where they've been said let's wait for the fruit to be produced there's some people I don't know why you sitting outside the club passing out tracks that's the devil no that might be a place where you're weak but if God treats somebody from that thing he might be able to call somebody back to that thing and say listen I've been in this club I was in there for 10 years and every time I left I left empty I want you to know there's something better than what's in that glass something better than what's on that dance floor and his name is Jesus and he'll fill you in a place that the devil never could you don't know what someone's assignment is so instead of beating them up let's just celebrate what God is doing in our brothers and sisters Church on a loose Church unlock church unbound Church unafraid if we are going to be a church that truly pushes the kingdom forward we can't be scared did you hear what I said we can't be scared the enemy is counting on fear to hold you hostage from doing the thing you were created to do what a what a tragic life to get to the end of it and God showed you a glimpse of everything you could have done have you not listened to the depth but I know where we get it from we we live in a culture of fear scary movies make billions of dollars a year and normally it's a lot of scary movies with like demonic activity somebody sitting there talking y'all having coffee and then somebody gets possessed like well this coffee is really good and they've seen no black people in there cuz we don't play them games it's the movie is also we're gone I love Sally she's like who's down there who's that down there who's trying to turn on that chainsaw it's 2:00 in the morning did you need some help you know sit down somewhere but we're afraid we're afraid of that which doesn't immediately look like us it's unfamiliar we're afraid and we can't be afraid you can't be afraid of people that don't look like you because souls don't have a color I wish I had some help in here I'm almost done Souls don't hammer color we're fighting for solos I'm not fighting for politics I'm not fighting for race I'm fighting for souls we're trying to get him out of flames and I can't be afraid of being rejected while I'm doing the work of the Lord and what God is doing in this season is he's unlocking the gifts of the People of God so that you're not just skilled in one area you're skilled in multiple areas you're not just going to be excellent at work but God's gonna out your personal vision your business your idea your creativity your area of enterprise at endeavor and it's gonna send the right people the right places and the resources to get it done I need somebody to understand that God is not just content with everything you've been through is bigger than the place you're in right now he can't just be contained to Houston God wants to do more tell somebody more that's why I celebrate people like pastor terrain pastor to race stand up real quick pass it to race from one church Potter's House at one la and what an potter's house denver senior pastor two locations but he also preaches and teaches and him and his wife they do tag team stuff supernatural stuff they do all kinds of stuff they both write books they do movies they do all kinds of stuff stuff I don't even know then they model because they be on the Instagram that being there with a tiny James all and they fresh outfits and the thing that I love is that he's not afraid to be everything God created him to be why are we only in church on Sunday how come we can't be influencing football on Sunday afternoon praying for the team can I get a name and somebody need to pray for the Texas blesses me Jesus blessed ASEAN's me Jesus blessed God is looking for people that can steward influence can God trust you with influence without you becoming thirsty Kenny put you in front of powder without slipping a note with your own things on it God is elevating passion not ambition if you're passionate from the kingdom he'll put you in front of Kings but if you have ambition you'll be seen you don't be sitting right where you are right now an ambition for self is not Kingdom it has to be bigger than you tell somebody's got to be bigger than you once you become unafraid three things will happen you'll be a church on fire a Church of faith and you'll be a church in the field a church on fire you find in Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 the Bible says they were all in one place and one Accord and suddenly a sound there's always a sound James that precedes the move of the Holy Spirit there's a sound as of a mighty rushing wind suddenly it just comes out of nowhere somebody starts shouting over there then somebody over there gets to Revelation and then they start and then somebody if the house starts waving their hands and then somebody down here says oh I felt it and then there's a sound as of a mighty rushing wind and then all of a sudden the Holy Spirit comes begins to sit on them in tongues of fire but here's the important thing about the first time we see the Holy Spirit show up the Bible says that there were people there who said how can we hear each in our own language so a church on fire is one that even though there is diversity we still have unity inside of the diversity so I might come from a different place but I hear what you're saying because the Holy Spirit helps me to understand you so don't say you have the Holy Spirit but you don't have grace for people that don't look like you don't tell me you have the Holy Spirit but you don't want to talk to people that come from different backgrounds and understanding the Holy Spirit showed up and even though there was a diversity of languages everybody heard the same thing in their native language so the Holy Spirit when he puts a church on fire they're all moving in one direction even though we come from different places a church on fire and then we need a church of faith anybody got faith in here I'll be close it was the next point of Church of faith is a church that says I still believe in miracles and I'm still believing for miracles and even if I don't get in mind if somebody else needs one I must extend my faith towards them until God breaks through for me that's a church of faith a church that says you've got to show up and then finally a church in the field Matthew 22 we find Jesus talking about a king who invited everybody to his banquet people came up with excuses said I'm not coming I got things to do one went to his business somebody else just ignored him then some of the other people the Bible says seize the servants of the King and kill them Jesus was illustrating that there was a moment where the prophets who were sent to the children of Israel they didn't want to hear it so they killed the prophets Bible says the king was angry and he got the people who did this awful stuff and he took him out and then he said to his servants my wedding feast is ready but there's nobody seated so go out to the highways and hedges and invite everyone you see both bad and good that's deep because we think you're supposed to behave before you belong but a church on the loose will let the Holy Spirit be the work of regeneration let the Holy Spirit do the work of sanctification so people can come in they may not know one of the songs it might sit for a whole year but the Holy Spirit is seeding something on the inside of them and so we're not to judge the process of God in someone else's life because a church in the field means we don't go and recycle souls we find people that have been broken and we introduced them to a love that will heal them over time because all of us have things that God is still working on in our lives can I get a name to the man the church unlocked unbound unafraid will produce a church on fire a church of faith and a church in the field let me pray for you because your mandate is to get out of the safe construct of your own understanding and begin to share your Jesus with people that don't immediately remind you of you can you sit at the table and have a conversation about your Jesus with somebody who's not thinking about Jesus and can you do it with integrity sure you can it's our mandate to declare the Word of God and to win souls and to be deliberate about it let me pray for you Lord Jesus bless every person that's here every heart that's gathered and I pray by the authority of the Holy Ghost that you will seal this word that we become a church on the loose unlocked unafraid and unbound and Jesus build your church on the very thing that hell thought it owned and whatever's in us that's not like you we give it to you now and we give you glory in this moment in Jesus name if you're in here and you've never given your life to Jesus heads bowed eyes closed and you need to either give your life to Jesus rededicate your life to Jesus or you want to join liquid Church on the count of three do me a favor stand up where you are one two three stand up and anybody else there others understanding welcome home come on y'all let's do better than that remain standing for a second I want you to pray this prayer with me and those who are sitting pray it with them Lord Jesus it's me I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord thank you for the blood that was shed for me the finished work of the Cross has made me right with the Father I'll never be the same because of what Jesus did the empty tomb has given me a new life I declare Jesus is my Savior and my Lord and today life begins anew in your name Jesus amen we believe if you prayed that prayer you just got saved somebody celebrate new salvation
Channel: John Gray Ministries
Views: 59,529
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Id: eaM9I3pOXnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 51sec (4011 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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