I Heard What You Said, But I Know What You Meant | Pursuit Night - September

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Joshua chapter 10 we're gonna start at the seventh verse Joshua chapter 10 starting at the seventh verse I'm going to give you an abbreviated version of what the Lord has placed in my heart because what I believe the Holy Spirit's intention has largely taken place which was to have an impacting eternal encounter in worship that's what pursuit night is but I don't want us to just have external and expression I need to get a seed of the word in this good ground if that's all right the Spirit of the Lord is here since his presence and I'm learning how to navigate the different aspects of his glory there are moments when I'm exuberant and I'm very loud and I'm demonstrative in their moments like this where the quiet of his Spirit just rests in the room there are times when my son or my daughter will climb up into my lap and they don't want to talk they just want to sit there and I believe that God longs for that level of intimacy with us God has no grandchildren he only has children so none of us are one generation removed we literally can climb into our father's lap and if we have nothing to say that is enough that we are in his presence and we can just breathe and sometimes you don't know what to say and he's like I already know anyway in an era where people want you to express yourself in front of them to prove your spiritual maturity it is refreshing to know that I don't owe anybody anything and I can worship here or not here I can be loud or sit down you can shout and I can sit still and God will still respond there is no right or wrong way to worship Joshua chapter 10 starting at the seventh verse reading from the New King James so Joshua ascended from Gilgal and he and all the people of war with him in this season you need some people of war this is not peacetime this is war spiritual warfare it requires as pastor germane so eloquently stated people who will intercede it's funny I'm either growing up in the spirit or I'm getting old because stuff I used to love then doesn't quite do it for me anymore I don't watch as much TV there's too much going on in the earth I can't just sit there and be entertained the reality of the Spirit is better than any reality TV show I could watch and the fact that God has chosen us to participate with him is no small thing but you need people of war watch this and all the mighty men of valor my prayer is that relentless will always be a church where men and their potential is unlocked Unleashed and celebrated there are many churches that attempt to neutralize or make men impotent because whoever is in leadership wants all of the glory to come to them and they're intimidated by strong men I don't want you to call me Dad I want your kids to call you dad I don't need titles I just need you to be everything God called you to be so when you walk in the house your kids know they got a man of God covering the house that your wife knows she's got a man of God now none of us are perfect ain't nobody perfect and the more calling you got the more Devils come so if you want a weak mealy-mouthed man who has no destiny then by all means help yourself but if you got yourself a warrior warriors come with scars so ladies please ask the Holy Ghost to give you the discernment for the scars of the man that God has given you because oftentimes we don't even know when we got cut or when will bleed we need somebody that will cover us I know where the scars are I don't need you to remind me every day how broken I am I need somebody that's gonna speak some life so let's make sure I don't even know where that came from but I need you to hear me in the spirit we are in wartime Devils want to break up families and tear up relationships and it's not just cuz he doesn't want your marriage to work he wants your kids he wants your legacy he can't get you you already saved he's trying to get your kids he wants your kids to be like well if God couldn't help then he certainly can't help me they prayed all the time always in church and didn't work out for them so why would I trust you the devil is a lie we gonna fight through it we're gonna stay together we're gonna build relationship build families we need some mighty men of valor where the mighty men at I'm I ask again cuz some of y'all got your button-down I'm like I wasn't prepared give me another chance I don't I don't know I wasn't really ready what a mighty man that mighty men [Applause] let me tell you all the stuff that's happened today that's the thing that I'm blessed these women to mostly like yes Jesus amen mighty man's Jesus men's men's men's [Applause] [Laughter] man's Jesus thank you Jesus for the means and the Lord said to Joshua do not fear the enemy for I've delivered them into your hand not a man of them shall stand before you here's the word I want you to grab Joshua came upon them suddenly somebody say suddenly I want you to write this down you've stepped in to suddenly suddenly is not a moment suddenly as a door you stepped in to suddenly suddenly is not a moment it is a season it's a door that unlocks a season you stepped in to suddenly Joshua came upon them suddenly suddenly having marched all night from Gilgal so the Lord routed them before Israel killed them with a great slaughter at Gibeon chased them along the road I want you to know God's about to chase your enemy the thing that's been chasing you God's about to chase it I wish I had 16 human beings whatever has been chasing you whatever's been keeping you up at night God's about to keep it up at night the people that have been plotting against you God's about to handle them they're not gonna be able to rest because they mess with the wrong one tell somebody they messed with the wrong one they weren't just messing with you they were messing with the word on your life and they didn't realize when they messed with you they were fighting against God and God is not playing with people in this season I need you to hear that again God is not playing with people in this season where he had grace for people in the past he's about to go ahead and handle it right in this area here because you don't have time to fight with folk you're fighting Devils I can't fight devils and you so God handled him so I could handle these principalities and pull them down I'm trying to take territory is there anybody else but here's what I'm saying he chased him along the road that goes to beds whoring and struck them down as far as Zika and Makeda and it happened as they fled before Israel and we're on the Descent of best whoring that the Lord cast down large hailstones from heaven on them as far as the Zika and they died there were more who died from the hailstones and the children of Israel killed with the sword very important gods about to handle more of your enemies than you can handle stop trying to figure out how to handle people God's gonna handle people some of y'all are finally gonna be able to sleep tonight you've been worrying about stuff yes we know people don't like you they don't know why they don't like you but you can't worry about that it's important that you listen to me their opinion of you is none of your business because they are paying one of your American bills they haven't put one stitch of bread on your table haven't withdrawn not a single dollar from your account you need to give God a praise because all that taught and you're still here all the plotting and you're still here all of that hate and you're still here [Applause] there were verse 12 and Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up to Emma rights before the children of Israel and he said in the sight of Israel watch this son stands still over Gibeon and moon in the valley of Isilon so the Sun Stood Still and the moon stopped till the people had revenge upon their enemies Sun stands still moon in the valley of izalith Sun you stand still over Gibeon moon you stand still over Ashlyn and this in 14 there's been no day like that before it or after it that the Lord heeded the voice of a man for the Lord fought for Israel then Joshua returned and all Israel went with him son stand still now I need you to understand pastor Lacey that this is a very interesting scripture because Joshua was fighting one of God's enemies and because this is Old Testament elder they didn't fight at night you had to fight in the daytime so he was winning his battles God was helping him but they weren't all dead so he needed more life in this season God's giving you more light in the form of Revelation you weren't sure about certain people gods about to turn the lights on for you he's turning the lights on so you can be clear about who is and who's not with you or for you you've got to understand this is war time you got to make sure you got the right people in your life the right intercessors in your space the right prayer warriors you need the right encourages this is not the time to be surrounded by people who don't know the word don't know how to pray don't know how to intercede don't know how to exhort don't know how to encourage I'm speaking to the midweek Pursuit night you're more mature so I can speak to you differently this is not milk's and Christians y'all wants to meet you I want me alright come get this meal right here when I tell you that God has to draw a distinction between those who are with you and those who are not so that you understand your assignment this is a season for clear strategy repositioning and the the revealing of who you actually are not who people think you were this is the season of revealing who you actually are not who people think you were I still have people who are like man you need to come and do some comedy at my church I'm like I'd be at that 15 years ago yeah but you still funny yeah but I'm a pastor nothing wrong with bringing joy but I'm not gonna sit here and do a whole comedy set because I graduated from that season but people will keep you where they need you [Applause] [Music] I wish I had a ten-second praise break they'll keep you there Robert because it makes them feel safer to remember what you used to be because what you're becoming makes them uncomfortable because they haven't grown they haven't matured and they're not changing so they don't like that you're doing something that's outside of their control or their understanding son stand still that's a powerful statement blocking us that's real deal here's the problem the son has never moved the earth moves but Joshua was not an astronomer he wasn't an astrologer he was a warrior he said what he observed the title of my message is I heard what you said but I know what you meant I don't have no help in here I need you to understand in this season God's not looking for perfect words he's not looking for theologians he's not looking for people with every advanced degree he's not looking for the people who know all of the Greek and the Hebrew and the Vulgate and Masoretic he's not looking for the hominid Laclede hermeneutic Lee correct and homiletically sound he's looking for people with just a little bit of Holy Ghost and a whole lot of faith who will say crazy things that don't make sense God is looking for people that will still pray in the spirit over their kids while they're asleep he's looking for people that will walk into a school and say i bind every devil in these hallways this whole school belongs to Jesus God is looking for somebody that'll put some oil on their fingers and walk through the hallways of their child and say pebble you can't have no territory here God is looking for some people that will say crazy things I heard what you said but I know what you meant I need a 10-second praise break 10-second break free [Applause] [Music] I'm tired everybody talking down to people of faith do you hear what I said I come from named Davis y'all don't know named Davis she was my mother's mother she wasn't the most educationally a amazing woman she didn't graduate with a degree from college but she got knowledge the best she could for the time that she was a child they had to work early got married early had kids early she had eight kids married twice neither one of them men was good she did the best she could raise eight kids raise them the know the Lord fast and pray and prophesy and I watched her pray I watched her pray I watched the news and I'd see the storm coming and I hear her pray God's in the storm the other way thirty minutes later they said some strange anomaly has occurred and the storm passed over us they didn't know that there was a woman at 3920 Vine Street in Cincinnati praying over the city blocking curses do you know God will turn a city around because of one intercessor she didn't have a theological degree but she had a relationship she walked with Jesus is there anybody that's walking with Jesus [Applause] I'm trying to unlock what's in you because too many people think you need a pastor with 65 degrees so you can feel smarter about your walk you want to walk around in pride based on somebody else's knowledge but it's a lot of people that go to college but don't have no Holy Ghost knowledge you got all them degrees with no Holy Ghost you can read everything in Greek but can't cast out one devil got 15 rows and couldn't pray a headache off my temple give me a mother with a fourth-grade education and a prayer life that'll shake heaven she won't say all the right words I heard what you said mother but I know what you meant I wish I had somebody in here that got somebody in your life does anybody know what I'm talking about you got somebody they don't say all the right words god I come before you now [Applause] [Music] I'm asking for a blessing we need a miracle I got much money don't have a lot of education but I got the Holy Ghost and the man abandons fire I'm saying take the five me with the precious Holy Ghost [Music] I heard what you had and I know it's a minute [Music] I know what you meant what two men [Music] [Applause] I'm just trying to unlock your prayer stop waiting on somebody that you think has a deeper relationship with God maybe if they pray God will hear them I don't preach to services sweated through five shirts I stand right there something can you pray for me Oh bless your heart no ma'am well I cuz the same Jesus that I have access to you have access to could you pray for this tumor did you see the woman with the breath did you see God already there I'm not praying I'll agree with you see I'm not here to be a priest I'm here to unlock your own priesthood I wish I had a couple people that'll shout for me I just need a couple people that'll better run for me I'm not looking for worship I'm not looking for applause my last name is not Christ my last name is great I just got a key imma open the doors for you to walk through I know what you say and I know what you meant [Music] Joshua spoke in the language of appearance he spoke in the language of appearance he spoke what he could observe What did he say Oh dolor he says Sun stands still because as a man's from this perspective it looks like the Sun moves it wasn't until later that he realized that Earth spins on an axis around the Sun that's how we get our seasons you have just stepped into a suddenly season they didn't catch it pastor Isaac they didn't catch it so I'm oh say it again see Pursuit night tonight was an invitation to a season [Applause] and he chose Greenville to unlock a supernatural portal people talk about an open heaven I need you to understand heaven is invading the region has anybody ever seen the Avengers remember the Avengers movie where they were in like New York or wherever and then all of a sudden this portal opens and all of these things came from another dimension there is a dimension right above your head mother I need you to go ahead Chris I'm gonna need your help here it's right above your head and it's more real than where you are right now and the only way to access it is with your mouth and with your praise and with your prayers and with your intercession but to pain that's why there's so much drama in your house never wants you to have disagreement because if any two-putts have agreed on anything it will be fun [Applause] [Music] I need you to find one person on your rope who will agree with you right now that the portal over your house is open [Applause] hold her hand anyway the portal over your house I have set before you and open those that Logan mr. Aztec before you and open that no man I've set before you [Music] and open that no man [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] right a pub go head right yo hey right yo here heavens trying to get something to you it's got your name on it nobody else can have it it's got so first and last name [Applause] but it's voice-activated pastor Robert c'mere hurry hurry hurry [Applause] I've said some crazy things and staff meeting about a month ago I said something crazy can you tell them what I said it was July the 17th of 11:59 pastor began to prophesy and he said somebody's gonna move here from Idaho and then he said Lord Idaho and then he started rattling off a bunch of other things what pastor didn't know is that for the last year my daughter my son-in-law and my four grandbabies have been in Idaho [Applause] on the on their way to South Caroline I'm gonna go ahead and share this too because I mean they need to understand that when you speak something that happens last Tuesday a week ago today they were on their way into South Carolina I was taking pastor to the airport he was flying out of town he asked me about him I said they'll be here in about an hour and he began to prophesy and he said Lord keep your hands on their vehicle make sure they get to South Carolina safely what he didn't know is later that evening I went and seen my daughter and she said daddy for two days the check engine light has been on the card she said I thought we were gonna have to call you to come and pick us up somewhere between here and Idaho she said but as soon as we came across the South Carolina line and I said what time was that and it was the exact same time we were on the way to the airport [Applause] the light went off and hasn't been on sense and they were here last Sunday and I finally got to see my grandson who has one year old sit right there on that fourth row clapping his little hands and praising God so let me so when the man of God speaks you better listen and you better so into the word that he says Mack [Applause] break it down I was led to pray I said God keep the car the check engine light had been on for two days when they hit the state line the light went off because some Devils don't have authority to cross state lines I don't know who this is for [Applause] [Music] with you [Applause] I need somebody to go crazy the devil that attacked Obama pain stay with you the devil that took out your daddy stay with you that cross state [Applause] the check engine light went off and hasn't been on since my mama wasn't my mother found she said God healed the car I need you to listen to it I just gonna sound crazy unless you've ever been here when your car acted up do you ever put anybody ever late hey I wish I had some people who lay hands on cars who will give God praise because God can heal cancer and a carburetor we can heal the tumor and attire we can open your ear or Duncans [Music] do you know that God will heal your car whatever is gonna get you the Destiny he'll heal it [Music] if it's a car a job an opportunity or a person gotta put his hands on it because in this season you are kidding to your intended destination no delay no denial no more slow down no for neutral no board the first no more separation [Music] [Applause] I heard what you said but I know what you mean son stand still [Applause] the son was like I never moved if Joshua had been a learning man he would have said something like Earth's cease moving upon your axis until such time as I have had my way with mine enemies he didn't know to say that all he knows is the Sun moves rises in the east and sets in the west well I'm not finished taking out these Devils so I need you to stay where you are so I can see where they are I need you to know that God's gonna keep the light on till you spot every devil you will not be surprised by one devil in this season you're gonna be able to say hey devil how I see you he gonna show up like roaches under the couch devil Joshua asked the wrong thing and got the right results I need you to know that some of y'all you've prayed the wrong thing but you're gonna get the right answer you didn't even know what to pray for and God's going to answer the posture of your heart over the perfection of your words this message is not for the deep saints it's for the regular folk this is for spiritual folk this is the Holy Ghost field folk I know it doesn't make sense to go lay hands on a house I need to go lay hands on a house even if you sign the thing with the realtor why they talk just put your hand up against what yes I understand they don't even know what you're doing just talk to him in English yes it's nice it's great in your mind Rochelle talk about so keda today she and I my fault but I shop I thought about soon God I think you this whole thing belongs to me I don't know how you're gonna do it but you're gonna give me wisdom to restore my credit you're gonna speak to a banker you gotta speak to mortgage lenders I might and I shall talk about myself Oh guess what did you say yes five bedrooms oh wow what's the egg how many square feet chopped up robot side then and then let me go to the car dealership [Applause] who was that go to the car dealership tomorrow put your hands on it it's not for you to know how guys gonna do it it's for you to know he's already done it it's a finished work did you hear what I said Sun stand still and the Sun didn't move for about 24 hours I need you to understand God's gonna push pause on the whole earth till he finishes taking out your enemies you ever been at a movie and you had to use the bathroom and you didn't want to miss the movie you just squirm [Applause] wouldn't it be great if you were at the movie theater and you can just pause the whole movie you can't do that with a blockbuster cuz it's there unless you got a bootleg some of y'all do at the barbershop and get the bootleg but you can't pause it in real time unless God decides he wants to do something he that's never been done but God is only doing that for people who are crazy I want to Pastor a crazy Church where am I crazy are y'all crazy I bet you came out crazy me I bet you I probably came out crazy yeah he's he's crazy I need big crazy because God says some of y'all are just little crazy he said you've been praying too small late Lord you just helped me to get my rent he's like rent I want to pay off the whole house stop asking him for little stuff ask him for crazy do you know why God answered Joshua cuz nobody had ever asked that before I want you to ask something they never been asked for god I want three elephants and a waffle cone [Applause] I need you to ask for stuff that has never been asked where he said God I want the Sun to stop till I tell you obliterate everything that's trying to kill me God needs you to think crazy speak crazy and believe crazy just make sure your crazy lines up with God's will did you hear what I said think crazy speak crazy believe crazy but in this season suddenly isn't just a door it's a sound in acts and I'm done Paula Silas were praying and singing praises to God right about midnight and suddenly there was an earthquake because suddenly has a sound attached she suddenly has a sound there it is somebody's running I see it run I see I see dreadlocks what a few suddenly has a sound there's somebody else running suddenly doesn't sit still suddenly tells the person next to you excuse me excuse me excuse me and then takes off running suddenly gets out of the pew and comes into the middle sadly if they found suddenly is a mood suddenly is a town suddenly hallelujah suddenly [Applause] is a way [Applause] God is looking for ain't suddenly in the atmosphere son stand still [Music] [Applause] God is looking for a 100 people who will say the craziest things that you can think of god I'm a trillionaire [Applause] I have oil under my land [Music] ah I so a billion dollars a month into the church I live off a pen and so 90 [Applause] and I still have too much God's looking for somebody that don't say crazy things because God will honor crazy crazy faith crazy praise crazy Church [Music]
Channel: John Gray Ministries
Views: 31,027
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Id: eo-7awwdV6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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