Church of Christ Series Pt 5 | Willie B. Williams III

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[Music] excited as we continue our series dealing with the church of christ uh if you please open up your bibles turn to ephesians chapter one uh and verse 22. this is a recap from our wednesday uh night bible class but i want us to dive into verse 22 and we'll look at verse 22 and verse 23. if i can have another translation on the screen i want to have about two or three different translations uh because i want to be able to make this point as we build and go uh from there ephesians chapter one and verse 22. uh and understanding that we're we're dealing with and and doing our teaching of the church of christ during our teaching of the church of christ uh in ephesians i'm going to read it in the king james version uh and then we'll read about two or three other versions so that you can have a full understanding when i make the statement that i'm about to make then you'll understand where we'll will continue on on this morning uh and so uh this needs to have you need to have an understanding uh and clarity uh on ephesians chapter 1 verse 22 and 23 so that when we make other statements uh you don't think we're sounding error again or we're we're trying to put anybody else down it would be on the basis of scripture and so in verse 22 the bible says and have put all things under his feet um that's referring to god to jesus that's that's god the father to jesus god have put all things under jesus's feet and then the bible says jesus was a recipient so the bible says and gave him to be head over all things to the church so even though jesus uh is god and even though the father is god their relationship is that the son heeds to the father matter of fact when jesus was on earth jesus says i don't do anything unless my father uh says so i don't operate matter of fact i'm here to accomplish what my father wields so even though jesus is god and i need to make this clear god is not a name god is a position and so what we believe in the church of christ is that in the position of god there's the father there's the son and there's the holy spirit and they're all working in our lives matter of fact you are made in the image of god you have a soul you have a body and you have a spirit and they are all you right there they're all you so when we say god just like there are three parts of you your body is not your soul because when you die your soul uh goes up to the father uh to be judged so your your soul is not your body and your spirit is not your soul they're all three different matter of fact in order for you to become living god had to breathe spirit into you so that you can become a living soul right so uh the spirit uh goes and then the uh the the when there's death the uh the body goes away and then your soul is what stands on judgment day yeah right so your don't let your don't let your spirit which is your mind and your thoughts that's why you can control your thoughts and you can you need a matter of fact we're feeding our spirit this morning so that it can lead the body in the right way matter of fact when you receive the holy spirit the holy spirit connects with your spirit to teach you how to be holy and righteous right so there's three parts of you just as in the godhead there's the father the son and the holy spirit so in this in dealing with the church the bible says in verse 22 the father gave the son all things not some things but everything is under jesus's feet and he also gave him something else and gave him to be head over what all things to the church jesus is head over what all things to the church i want to make this very clear there there is no head outside of jesus there's not a there's not a co-chair there's not a council that we don't that's why in the church of christ we don't vote this is not a democracy this is this is not not a democracy somebody says well what are you doing no it's not we don't ask we don't ask what do you think we say what do we say what does the what does the bible say right so church of christ there is no democracy we don't vote nothing is done on popular opinion which i think about that community i think we need to do a little something different uh you know i think we need to upgrade on uh you know you know we could you could change the cup but you can't change the content i used to always think so why are cups so small why can't i get a bigger i want a bigger i'm thirsty i'm gonna get a bigger bigger cup now you can change the cup you can change the size but you can't change the content right you can have a bigger piece of the bread but you can't change the content right we don't vote on any of that so the bible says and gave him to be head over all things to the church this is the part that i want you to be a focus on verse 23 and verse 23. the bible says in in verse 23 the church which is his which is his body right so jesus being head over the church was not only a gift from the father right so if if anybody says why i have a church when did god give you right so i only read of the father giving his son a church i don't read of the father giving any any human a church right so god the father gave his son to be head over all things to the church and then the bible says which is his body now the scripture specifically tells you what body part jesus is the scripture tells you jesus is the head what's also should be clear is jesus is not the hands jesus is not the feet jesus is not the legs the body is you the scripture specifically tells you who jesus is in the church he's the he's the head you are the first corinthian chapter 12. you are the body now the foot shouldn't say to the hand i don't need you right now first corinthians chapter 12 is discussing our relationship with each other in the body but don't mistake your role you're not the head i don't care if i'm the preacher i'm not the i'm not the head i'm a body part we're all parts right so one thing that's very clear is that when you get baptized into jesus christ you're not whole you're a part you're a peace right you're a member right so you're not whole you're a member so the bible says which is his body and then it says the fullness of him that what that phillip thought of now can we get another uh another translation i want you to be able to see this uh but as we make the statement as we're about to move over to first peter the bible and i want you to focus on the word fullness this is the fullness of him that philip all in all uh uh what's that next translation and the church is his body it is made fool once you look at that it's made full and what i'm not making it up i'm not making this up with a statement i'm about to make it's made full and complete by christ who fills all things everywhere with himself he feels right so when i get baptized into jesus christ i am empty i'm a vessel he feels me right he he feels me so the church is filled with christ so it's safe to say that the church of christ completes christ you cannot have a complete christ without the church of christ somebody says i want to see jesus clearly you have to not only embrace his word but you also have to embrace the church of christ if you reject the church of christ you will never see the fullness of christ because the church of christ and christ are one so we went to ephesians chapter five and the bible says that jesus is married it's jesus is married jesus is married and so um if i if i look at uh if i look at brother moran right don't you ever think that if you're dealing with brother moran somebody's watching you somebody said somebody said how you know somebody what if if you're doing any kind of business or interaction brother just know somebody in the room is watching you somebody in the room somebody said how you know that because he's not whole he's not whole by himself he's he's married which means his other side is watching and his other side is one and so if if if if he walked in one question you may ask him is where is your and then he would say come on uh jesus walked in if if if if we invited if we invited jesus if somebody said i want to invite jesus into my life how are you going to invite jesus into into your life and you don't want to be a part of the church of christ because he somebody said well i want the church to cry you don't want his bride how how are you going to be in favor with a husband and reject his wife you can't reject this you can't reject his wife and you know what you can't do you can't take the church of christ and demean it and demote it to something small insignificant or something on the side matter of fact when you're married to something right when you're married to something it's not a lower part of you it's a matter of fact you look at them as one union it's a wholeness right it's a wholeness so the church of christ we don't believe it's a organization and we don't believe that the church of christ is a church we believe that the church of christ is christ now once you start looking at the church as a person then then it should change the way you read the scriptures whenever you're dealing with church that's why you don't go to a person and say what church do you go to that doesn't make any sense i can ask you what address do you worship at that's a better question we need to start changing our speech what church do you worship at cause i'm asking about an address i'm asking what part of the country do you worship but to ask what wife do you attend that doesn't that doesn't make any right it doesn't make any sense imagine how we sound in heaven when he says i have one body matter of fact it was a marriage ceremony because go back to verse 22 go back to it it was a marriage ceremony uh brother williams who performed the ceremony and god has put all things under uh the authority of christ and has made him head over all gave him god brought the bride to jesus and say y'all are one he gave him to be head-on it's jesus received the bride which is now which is now his his because they are he's the head uh when when when a man gets married he's supposed to be he's he's supposed to be uh by scripture by scripture uh he's he's supposed to be the he's supposed to be the head right he's supposed to be the head and the wife actually represents the church wife represents the church and the husband represents christ so the husband should be studying christ because i gotta treat the church right right i gotta treat the church right because if i don't if i don't treat the church right i'm doing false teaching to the world because the marriage is supposed to reflect jesus christ and the church of christ right now if jesus walked in the room he's not complete without his bride that's how beautiful the church of christ is that's how beautiful the church of christ is because we are never alone we have we're always with christ and he doesn't ignore us he always claims us he says this is my church and my church is my body so how you treat my body is how you treat me be careful how you talk about the church of christ be careful of being around circles and being around people who like to talk about the church of christ man you're talking about someone's bride very quickly turn your bibles to first peter that's good i'm excited already i could always hear we're in first peter first peter and i want us to look at verse three now building on that building on that first peter chapter three i want to show you something this morning uh and i hope it's i hope it's a blessing to you that it will deepen your understanding uh and your your belief about how much when you study the church of christ you're studying what you're really studying is how much jesus loves you that's what you're really studying the bible says in verse three of first peter chapter one and verse three blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ which according to his abundant mercy have begotten us again unto a lively hope without christ you didn't have any hope and then christ sought you he called you by the gospel and if you have received the gospel now you have a living hope the bible says by the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead now here's the thing to an inheritance incorruptible undefiled it does not fade away reserved in what let me tell you how great a husband jesus christ is to the church of christ because after he resurrected he said to the church of christ he said hey listen uh my daddy got my daddy got a house my daddy i mean i'm in john 14. my daddy got a house and uh what i'm gonna do is uh we we're gonna be moving soon we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna be moving soon and so uh what i'm gonna do is uh and i don't know if you know this i'm a carpenter i'm going to my father's house and i'm going to prepare a place for us we we're going to have a place no no we're going to be together don't know uh matter of fact there are some faiths there's some faith like jehovah's witnesses there are some faith that teach that uh after judgment day there'll be a group on earth and then there will be a group in here that there'll be division the problem with that is why would christ want to be separated from his bride why why why would christ want to have a section here in a in another group he said no no today he said you will be with me let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also on me in my father's house are many rooms oh and they're good he said i'm such a good husband in my father's house are many rooms i'm preparing a place for us we we will dwell there together in the house of the lord right so that's how that's how wonderful he is and so the bible says to an inheritance right uh to an inheritance uh it's incorruptible it will not fade away um jesus is giving gifts jesus is giving gifts he says i have something and it's reserved do y'all see that look at the universe four it's reserved in heaven for you right it's reserved i have it for you nobody's gonna take it away from you now i want you to skip down to verse 10. we'll just skip down to verse 10. so jesus jesus was doing some working right this was in the mind of god so in order for in order for jesus to prepare a room for his bride and be able to do all of this in heaven god the father god the son and god the holy spirit was working for the church of christ but i need you to understand something's going on in the text the angels was hearing construction and there was movement in heaven and the angels didn't know what was going on hey what was we renovating what's what's going on over there and the sign said keep out i'm talking about in heaven in heaven the father and the son and the holy spirit got together and they had an inheritance and they were gonna have a house and jesus was gonna have a bride and they were gonna do all of this but they didn't tell the angels i'm still in the scriptures i ain't making it up i'm still in the scriptures they didn't tell the angels so imagine the angels in heaven is seeing some it's like somebody getting ready for a wedding who's getting married can you imagine being gabriel or or michael is somebody getting what's the decorations for and what's the what's the control how come we don't know what's going on and this is happening in heaven somebody says brother williams where's your where's your text for that right let's keep reading the bible says in verse 10 of which salvation the prophets have inquired and they did what and they searched diligently so here's the first group the first group the bible says that the prophets who are the prophets when you go back to the old testament and you read about jeremiah and isaiah and you read about david and you read about all of those prophets uh in the old testament malachi the bible says that the prophets were preaching about the wedding of jesus christ the prophets were preaching about the church the prophets were preaching about salvation but they really didn't understand what they were talking about so the bible says in verse 10 of which the salvation the prophets have it they inquired right they inquired and then they did what they searched diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you not them but that should come unto you and then the bible says in verse 11. searching what what were they looking for what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that should follow they didn't understand what was going to happen they're preaching christ but they said well when is this going to take place and where is christ and and and they had all of these questions that they didn't know the answer to then the bible says in verse 12 unto whom it was revealed not unto themselves but unto what but unto us us is referring to the church but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the holy ghost sent down from heaven i want you to read the last phrase of that verse which things the what we're talking about angels in heaven right these things were happening but the bible says that the angels in heaven had a desire y'all see the word desire in their text that the angels in heaven had a desire to look into which means jesus is building his church he's going to the cross he's setting up salvation and the angels in heaven are patiently waiting trying to find out what is that is that something now when jesus was born the bible says that the host of angels the angelic host came and sung a song and said oh praise him and they glorified him the bible says they sang a song but even as they sang a song and jesus came to earth they still was lacking understanding and when jesus was headed to the cross all of the angels in heaven were looking and saying what's happening what does this mean when jesus resurrected the angels in heaven rejoiced but they still was saying okay so this means they were trying to put it together you got to understand all the way back to abraham they were preaching christ and they were preaching the church and they were preaching christ and they were preaching the church they were preaching christ and they were preaching there was a bit little bit of peace here and a little bit of peace there and the angels in heaven saying okay we're trying to put this okay what do you think do you think it's wrong when this is going to be together and the god the father didn't reveal anything directly to the angels god the father said you don't have to wait and see so here's the question at what point will the angels in heaven say now i understand at what point the angels in heaven they are patiently waiting they're looking into it they're inquiring amongst themselves what is this church thing and then the bible says very quickly turn your bibles to ephesians chapter three ephesians chapter three in ephesians chapter three and i want us to begin in verse eight ephesians chapter 3 and we'll begin at verse 8. paul the apostle is speaking and as he is speaking he's explaining some things about his own spiritual walk he says unto me uh we're in verse eight unto me who am less than least of all the saints he says what i want you to do is i want you to take the least christian you can find i mean somebody who just i want you to take some i want you to find somebody who is barely a christian that's that you deem as somebody that's really low and he says i'm less than that person what he's saying is i don't i don't deserve to be with christ but i thank god that i am i've done some stuff in my life and i've heard a lot of people he's killed people he's sent people in he's he's destroyed families but now he's in christ he said listen i'm i'm not i'm not anybody to be honored or puffed up or talked about i've done some stuff i've made some mistakes is this grace given that i should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ he says out of all the stuff that i've done god still allows me to preach the unsearchable riches to the gentiles this is this is the love of christ verse 9 and to make all men see i want you to i want you to uh to put a mark on emphasize verse nine to make all men see what is the fellowship of the and then the bible calls it or what it's a mystery you know why it's a mystery because the prophets were trying to find out what was going on and the angels in heaven were looking in trying to find out what was going on the bible says there is this mystery that the angelic host was not privy to that the prophets who have passed on were waiting to find out the fellowship of the mystery which notice this from the word from the beginning of the world so the bible lets you know that from the beginning of the world when god said let there be light the angels were trying to find out what was going on can i make this very clear before we go any further uh in genesis 1 1 the bible says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth right so i need you to understand angels precede heavens and earth before god said let there be light there was already heaven matter of fact the war in heaven lucifer was cast down right all of that had that was already a war that had already occurred and then god said in the beginning let there be light when god said let there be light the angels in heaven said okay i wonder what's i mean what we need them for i mean we good right like what you why are we creating why we came in the world god is creating a world whatever god wants god get and if god sends the angels to do something the angels will do it right the servants of the lord when god said let there be man okay but the angels in heaven saying why why and then god said this not to the angels the bible says he says to himself let us the angel say huh angels are not in the image of god we are the bible says that when we die and we go meet to meet the lord we won't be like angels i know sometimes they have uh when some people pass away they say they got their wings no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you don't you you don't you don't want to be an angel the bible says that when you die in the lord you will be like christ oh that's better than the angel church you don't miss your shout that's better than the angel i don't i don't want to be an angel when i pass away i want to be transformed and be like the bible says in first corinthians 15 we will be like him that's where i want to be i don't want to be matter of fact the bible says the bible says we are made to reflect the godhead there is no jealousy in heaven but if there was angels will be jealous of you would you who do you know you know you'll get jealous if there was jealousy there's no jealousy in heaven but if there was jealousy in heaven i can imagine the angels why did you why did you make them to reflect you yeah do you know satan do you know satan doesn't reflect the godhead that's why he hates you that's why he hates you because when god made god made you after the fall when satan was cast out then god made so imagine satan looking saying who do you i don't remember y'all you know why he doesn't remember y'all because we wasn't there we were made after we we we were made after and so and so with that imagine this if the angels in heaven were desiring to look into it then what was satan doing what's going on okay i know jesus you know jesus i know i know jesus but what is he doing you know what i'm gonna persecute him and put him on the cross that'll that'll finish this wait wait a minute why is he where's all these people satan is attacking jesus but he don't know you're helping jesus get married it was in the plan of god that god allowed satan god allowed satan to be the flower girl before isn't it before the bride come down there's somebody that comes and god allowed satan to be the flower girl and satan didn't even realize you were part of this ceremony so he says this he says this he says now that the church is here the objective is to make all men see which was from the beginning of the world it was what it it had been hid where it was hidden god god purposely did not reveal when he said let there be light i'm not telling all of it i'm not going to share all it was hid in god who created all things by what so jesus is creating all things god has a plan of what he's going to do but god said we ain't revealing everything it's a little bit of time we're going to wait well god when you're going to reveal it when you when you're going to show it verse 10 we're in verse 10. the bible says in verse 10 to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers i'm gonna i'm gonna do my best we're going to close in verse 10 and we're going to do my best i want you to get this in verse 10 to the intent this is intentional it's not an accident this was on purpose from the very beginning heaven had a meeting and god said amongst himself this is what we're gonna do before they said let there be light the blueprint was already laid out game plan to the intent that now unto now the next phrase is the audience okay so i want you to get in your mind the next phrase is the audience to the intent that now unto the principalities that means that means rulers and powers where in heavenly places y'all see that so we're not talking about anything on earth verse 10 is not talking about earth verse 10 is talking about what heavenly we're talking about the angelic we're talking about the governors we're talking about the managers we're talking about the rulers in heaven we're talking about heaven administration we're not talking about humans or anything on earth the audience in verse 10 is heavenly places and who who makes up that audience principalities and powers right uh i got to do this can we get another translation i want you to see this in another translation some of you may already have it but i want to be able to uh to read that uh in verse 10 if we can pull that up we'll be patient i want you to be able to see my purpose and my intent is so that there are some scriptures that we read that you may gloss over but you may not have truly seen what the scripture is saying god's purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom and his rich variety to all the unseen rulers look at the end of the verse unseen what unseen rulers and authorities in what this ain't earth when i tell when i say that the church of christ is not a heaven it's not an earthly organization the church of christ extends all the way to the throne of god right now it is the church of christ is a spiritual organization that that connects heaven and earth all together as one bride one family i made this statement earlier just says one person if a person passes from this life to the next they don't leave the church of christ you're still in the church of christ even on judgment day you are still the bride it is the bride which we made this statement why would jesus christ reject his bride on judgment day that's my wife get her in somebody open the gate who's the who's the judge on judgment day the father-in-law that's family at the gate come yo you better get on in here he been he got your room ready he got you he been working he been working for eternity getting your place ready why why would a husband not see his bride and say baby come on in there's a confidence that you have even when we pass from here to there that hey i'm in the lord i'm in the lord not only am i in the lord but i'm a part of the bride of christ so he says this god go back to the king james version go by king james version so the bible says uh the audience is unseen rulers and authorities in heavenly places uh going back to verse 10 i want to read this in uh the king james version the bible says to the intent to the purpose that now unto principalities and powers and heavenly places might be made known by what i'm almost done may be made known by what who's the audience the angelic rulers in heaven is going to get their understanding the word uh the bible says the manifold wisdom y'all see that the word manifold means multifaceted multi-colored another way to say this is there's levels to this thing there's levels to this so god's wisdom is so in-depth and it's so layered and multifaceted and colored that the angels in order for the angels in heaven in order for the rulers in heaven in order for the governors in heaven to fully understand the god that they live with they have to look at the church so that they can understand the god that they dwell with in heaven you see how powerful that is heaven is looking at the church of christ so that heaven can understand god better and it was in the mind of god that i'm going to build the church so that my angels can understand how multifaceted and beautiful and colored i am so imagine when the angels looked at the church of christ that said oh god oh god i see now i finally understand you remember when when uh jesus told peter peter told jesus he said you're the christ and pete and jesus said flesh and blood flesh and blood didn't tell you that i know he says the only one because it was it was a hidden mystery the only one that could have told you who i am it had to be my father it couldn't be the holy spirit he hasn't been sent yet so you don't have that kind of relationship with the holy spirit yet so the only one that was able to reveal to you that i'm the savior oh my my my father allowed a little bit of the secret to slip out he must have he must have just told you and now now you and when peter said you're the christ jesus said oh okay god revealing a little bit more the next verse jesus says and upon this rock i'ma build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it [Applause] can i go one more verse one more person i probably said we'd be loved we're done okay first peter very quickly tell your bible it's the first peter chapter four for first i need permission i just needed your permission in first peter chapter four in verse 16. first peter chapter four and verse 16. i want us to read three verses just three verses first peter chapter four and verse 16. yet if any man suffer as a as a christian don't be ashamed if you're going through it right now don't be ashamed if you're hurting right now don't be ashamed if you're struggling with issues and stuff and things hitting you from all hey it's okay don't be ashamed that's that's one of the worst things for for a christian to do is come into the house of the lord and and you buy on your head because you're going through some stuff matter of fact christians go through stuff lift your head up and say ah this is happening don't be ashamed but let him glorify god on this behalf hey y'all i'm going through it glory be to god because if he brought me to it he'll bring me he'll bring me through it it's gonna be all right it's gonna be all right the bible says in verse 17 so i'm suffering and i'm and i may be suffering as a christian i may be going through these things but that's okay because i have a hope what's my hope for the time has come that judgment must begin after what at the house of god so so so what we're encouraging everybody to do is get in the you got to get in the house of god and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey see the god the gospel is connected to the house which is connected to the bride which is connected to christ [Music] when a person obeys the gospel not only do you get all your sins washed away but you become a part of the household and the bride of christ to be brought into the house of god you ain't got to worry about the end because the bible says where is he coming first don't that makes sense yeah not now no despite what you believe if a husband go out of town if a husband if a husband go out of town and he'd been gone a minute and he'd been gone a minute and he's coming back in town that's probably a lot of places he can go probably a lot of places he can go i'm almost done and i'm almost done about a lot of places he can go but but there's a place that he really should go first as a place ladies it's been a minute it's been a minute he's he's been away but as he's coming back in town he may have other people call and say hey you back say yeah i'll get back with you a little bit later there's a place that that i'm trying to go you want to go to the you want to go to your house you you want to go jesus is is away right now he's away right now and uh but he's coming back though he's coming back he's coming back i just want to let you know when he coming back uh he not he's not making he's not making extra stops before he get home he's not making stuff the bible lets us know that when he comes the first place he wants to see it's the church of christ i'm going to see my bride i want to see my family and i'm i'm i have a place that i prepare for you if you're here this morning and you're not in the house of god you have the opportunity to be a part of the house of god if you believe that jesus died for you that he was buried and that he rose again the sacrifice that jesus made was not just a sacrifice so you can benefit it was a sacrifice to be with you i need you to look at the cross the cross is what it cost for us to have a relationship it wasn't something he was just doing just for you it was something that he did to be with you matter of fact there are some people who set up parameters and say hey listen if you you know if you wanna if you wanna be with me you gotta you gotta take me you gotta do this you gotta do that jesus was the opposite jesus says no i really wanna be with you and even though i'm pure and i'm clean and i never made a mistake you're going to have a hard time being with me and i've never made a mistake i'm pure and you're filthy so to help you be okay with being with me i'm gonna take your filth i'ma put it on me so you can be clean because you don't know how to make yourself clean so that because we got to be equally yolked so in order to be equally yolk you can't have your sin and i'll be pure and you don't know how to get clean so give me your dirt and give me all your dirt and give me all your sin and let me take all that sin and i'll carry it i'll go get clean and come back and receive you to myself and then we will be one yeah that's what ephesians chapter 5 is talking about then i will present you without spot or wrinkle a glorious church then we can be together because i know you're gonna have some insecurity if i just take you like this but don't worry we'll get you clean we'll get you right and if you'll be willing to confess to jesus christ the son of god he says mark 16 16 he that believeth and is you shall be saved you know another another way to say that scripture he that believeth and is baptized will be loved for eternity that's another way to say it you can you can be loved for eternity if you're here this morning and you are a christian and you say you know what i've i've lost focus of who i am to christ i've been going through things i've been struggling i've been i've been i've been dealing with this i've been dealing i have lost focus of how much he has loved me i haven't been loving jesus the way that i should i have not been as committed as i should i realized that jesus gave it all and i realized i'm distracted or maybe you have been so distracted your affection has been outside of the body of christ christ has given you all these gifts so that you can benefit his body not the world we have we have our most talented our most gifted our most beloved members of the body of christ and they give their best gifts to the world why would you give the best of you to something that's perishing and something that jesus ain't even coming back for i'm not coming back for that i'm coming back from my house my house should be thriving my house should be blessed matter of fact my house should experience all of the gifts that i know that the holy spirit dispersed and gave out and when the church is lacking and when i say the church i'm not talking about address and i'm not talking about walls when i say the church i'm talking about us because the church is a person and we are the members of that person this is praying time if there's anything on your heart there's anything that you need to recommit or devote to god this is your opportunity god is examining your heart right now he sees what's in your heart right now if there's anything that is dark this is the opportunity to get it clean
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 1,985
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: DTonJuG5eqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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