When We Rest, God Works - Pastor Dennis Sy

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we are in great faith and we're talking about what drives great faith what makes face great and what's a key what's the heart of great faith and many people would give different answers declaring the Word of God praise and worship 30 minutes read eight chapters a day you know all those things but really going to the heart of what is the very foundation of a great faith in God and we look at Hebrews 11 as if you are a longtime Christian you would know this is the Hall of faith where people of different characters in the Bible were mentioned and how faith changed their lives and one of those characters his name is Enoch not a famous guy but something interesting happened in his life he's not as the same as Samson or David or Daniel or Noah and I he is actually less than ten verses mentioned in the Bible about Enoch but he was mentioned in Hebrews 11 it says my face Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death and he was not found because God had taken him now before he was thinking he was commended as having pleased God this man did not see death God enjoyed him so much I've been the Lord just go with me come on let's go to paradise right and they went up and nobody could see enough anymore and he was commended as somebody who pleased God and without faith it is impossible to please him for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek Him that's modern Hazzard Lord we commit this time of studying of the word to you though we know that you're going to reveal many things through the life of Enoch or even as we come may we Lord may you speak to us through the scripture as we open up the word of God may have penetrate our hearts you said that the Word of God is living and active it touches us it changes us it transforms us and so Lord as we look at the great faith of Enoch and what made him Lord one of those people that were put in Hebrews 11 I pray God that it would put the desire in our heart to be like him north to follow in the ways of the people whom you have chosen Lord to live a life of faith in Jesus name we pray amen now it says without faith it is impossible impossible to please God I have a very short intro and then I'll go on to the message so Hebrews 11 we would see without faith it is impossible to please God I think we all know this as Christians everything I do without faith in God won't please him so I can actually start a business and dream big but without faith it won't lease God I can actually come into a time of prayer and pray to God and pray my problems without any faith and it does not B's God as much as it is a spiritual act when we say faith in Hebrews 11 okay what he was saying is faith was the ground of his pleasing God what made you know please God was because of the faith that he had in every mundane little things he would do every day it was done out of faith in God this is not concerning a spirit of you know feeling of excitement it was a faith but an impala pioneers a Jaa's he would do it out of his face with God because without faith it's impossible to please God what does Hebrews 11 tell us also without faith I can't draw near to God because anyone who will draw near to him must believe that he exists according to Hebrews 11 see in a second Amanda I own and meanwhile of having Santa Claus yeah 24 Nagant ako Solano nothing is a chimney pero Ella Han chimney para nega naege right because you believe in Santa right until the time you realize Nilo ornament oh right next enamel in Silla that's why I'm scarred for life okay well up along Santa Claus and so there's no more 24 looking and waiting for that old man to go and put gifts because we know he does not what exists Cena saying in the heartbroken guy you know I love Neil WWE fake huh are you in a good lap no fake yawn bro alright Nilo hoodie enough only Hawk Hogan telegin didn't even a beanie bajo inland knocks on don't be known it's cool yeah Casey I thought he was really gonna Chapman wow supernatural seguro Christian shaking spirit Nick got bored the Sonya but until I realized wow people I own better we depend on our action figures yeah no so why because he does not it's not real therefore I don't have faith in what they're doing anymore actually don't watch it anymore because it's fake for how many years they fooled me that it was real without faith I can't draw near to God do I really truly believe that he exists and this was written the time of Enoch where the culture has multiple gods so for them this was real then and I mean just not waiting Polly and diming just Joseon and and the god of the scripture tells us if you don't supernaturally believe in me and you have many gods to choose from and I'm just one of those gods that won't please me you can't draw near to me and we've experienced that growing up with different gods in the house so I don't know if God really listens because our allegiance was not with the god of scripture it was in this God and this God and this God and this God and this God and therefore I can't draw near to God Hindi Gong collosseum parents go hey Lord because Sea Lord was only one of the options for blessing it wasn't really a connection there was no connection it was all rituals so I can draw near to God and if I can't seek someone also that I can't draw near to write science hobby he will reward those who earnestly see how could you see someone you can't draw near do mahai I know seeking more you can't find because there's no face I can't draw near to that person for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists okay so you have to make a decision before we jump on to the life of Enoch is this the god of scripture the god that I truly believe in or is he just one of those options and there are many today millions of gods today in the world today do you really believe that he exists when you believe you fling your life do you believe only one option for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek Him a reward and many people have experienced that reward which is God if you look at Hebrews at the end of the day the reward is not the blessings it's a God himself we'll talk more about that in the last week now question who is Enoch we look at that in Hebrews 11 two verses about Enoch in Genesis 5 there's actually two verses also about Enoch very simple explanation of how Enochs life went when Enoch had lived 65 years he fathered Methuselah Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah three hundred years and had other sons and daughters thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him this are the verses of Enoch in Genesis very simple life he walked after 65 years here the son and decided at the age of 66 until 365 I will walk with God every day right and that was his commitment to walk with God now twice mentioned in two verses because it was important the writer the of Genesis were saying this is my main point Enoch walked with God every day for 300 years now you read through a scripture like this you underline the repeat phrases what was the emphasis the question I asked was what does it mean to walk with God puts in every survival he walked with God you know walk with God how does that look like for me do I walk with God what's the picture of walking with God now when you talk about walking it's interesting because there's a lot of walk in the Bible I'm actually a master of walking because I don't run right I just walk okay I walk in the treadmill I walk in the street now I don't run but I walk and when you say you walk first very clear thing about walking is that walking is done slowly when I say Larry let's take a walk we're not gonna run we're gonna walk it's gonna be slow we're gonna be talking right that's walking walking is always slow may and I may and mindset when I'm about to go walk around I thought I never stay in London I know hey you know I'm a hexagon oh yeah and your mind break now understand right you're walking you're wanting to know somebody in our hurried life what happens we fail to see because we're always running deadlines BC right when you walk you walk slowly you're opening line like Edgar singer senorita the girl Abigail young regular in a locker than well on in easy mikhailovna boy oh man the cigar in crisp in a bar I come on man no you just walk right what happens when you walk yeah you get out of the house you're walking and then Google occur you see things that was not there before I copy type allow me by a policy topical why because you always go home at night it's dark you enter you get it you don't mind everything now you walk you see the grass you see the flower you see the road hey you been tonight okay learnin pilita in church the same way you walk when you walk what happens you get to see what you're here right and you're here and you're here but because well I'm in the morning now and they be afternoon many times in the service we run right Koenig oregano hey Manila bring my girl and you're walking away because you're not walking you're running because if I stop and walk it's gonna be different right if I walk like I see you what's your name Christian how long have you been here two years I've never seen him all right I'm about what's your name Carl up a lot all right Facebook friend get everybody back all right he go in there all right better two years gonna need though it's not bearable imagine this guy attends the church I pastor for two years and I've only seen him now why we're always fast this means the Lord bless you and keep you in serenity but opposition burst on the highway I'm just saying it's bad social ethics you know I'm just saying you can do it you're forgiven it's just in Tagalog it's best awesome all right let's go back to Christian he's here for more than 700 days hundred plus weeks I've never met him why aside from 9:00 in the morning I haven't seen him I passed by him and what now I'm deliberately looking and I saw this guy Oh Christian but I don't know him how will I know him I have to have coffee with him yeah oppa I remember coffee tire all right any budget can right so I have to get his number and say let's have coffee right you're single you're married you see I don't know anything about it right because I've never really sat down and talked with this guy I just run and because it's 4:45 the next service is 5:30 Alana see Francis right but now there's a time I need to go right and we just passed by people right we don't get to see that's why I do background Facebook investigation to get to know the people I try to read the prayer requests why I wanted to know who the people are but it's still different it's just Facebook it's different when I sit down with Christian and get his number later right all right you'll never be the same again why we're adrenaline junkies hug it up at me you know para pagar por kappa he McClenathan gaya yeah that was quite awkward for me at first where we have this after our session in the retreat we have to stay one hour in a spot just listen to God oh five minutes belong right mommy becoming a glite long Instagram go right there's always that my email Bahama you know and then we come de wind damming dead nine that I had to fetch the staff guys I'm only free dinner time onwards no even vex me while I'm in a retreat so I'm gonna hear from God but because we're adrenaline junkie Tajima Billy is not lagging at all right like Tammy we went to the Hylian in drop zone they are just not in this picture now you better yeah we were watching it the drop zone like I'm not gonna even go there I forged my boat early on Carly Mohammed Atta's Obama does not drop Sony Wow become methane ammonia I know device or an exhibit like this no booth ah if I saw maybe when I was single I would do a lot of those crazy stuff but now it but there's that need my board the oil can ami cannot go up I can't even walk slowly two years ago 2017 God spoke to me he says and even my wife spoke to me she said in God said almost the same thing we talk a lot you know so they kinda connive house prey on son your life's too fast it's just too fast you can't sustain that kind of life meeting hundreds of people every year going to this going to that doing talks and preaching and trainings and counseling and casting out demons all those day aside from the sermon preparation now you have a I'm studying a master's degree that's crazy slow down so 2017 Tammy and I decided we're gonna slow down and we slowed down we felt so good about slowing down and so we had to review 2018 what was the word and the word for us again was slower more more slower right and it was like wow the word I thought I've slowed down and so when that word came because I kids were growing the church is growing there's more again this just the humongous task of doing many things it's so many projects in your head it's like more churches to do more churches to plant more disciple me all those things it was crazy it was so fast that I said we slow down 20:18 slow down again and I have in just the first month when God don't slow slow more slower I had to reject more than eight invitations and I can't do it I can do that no I can't have coffee with you no and that won't happen because we realized we've always said yes yes yes yes yes that we forgot to walk with God because I had to do many things because it gives me the satisfaction that I'm productive and fruitful but I'd slow down it's hard so I was in Cagayan de Oro 20 AP in December we were slowing things down I felt like I have a master's in slowing down already so proud of man two years I've slowed it down not because I'm aging but because it's intentional slowing down enjoying more building more relationship building a bar kada aside from the pastor's that I know you know all these things we're trying to slow down and I was asking the Lord what's your word for me for 2019 personally and God says slow pour more feeling colder than your nobody's happier but but something about what it's like at first what yeah you're still too fast but Lord I've slowed things down and I was reading a book called soul keeping and just the words of a great pastor who's that who died already Dallas Willard he said ruthlessly eliminate hurry in your life take things slowly in your walk with me and how you lead the church how you're going to plan make sure to take things slowly because I will be the one who'll do the work so in three days this was my spot I would go there after session I'd be the first one to go up because that's the that's the 5-star spot in that retreat so I need to go first because the other pastors might go there I'll stay there one hour I read two chapters praying journa then I'll just sleep wake up after 15 minutes they sleep there's more sleep by the way because I really I am so tired I didn't know I'm so tired I'm sleeping at 10:30 11:00 a.m. it means I'm tired I've never slept in the office because it's gonna be a bad example when the local device oh wow it was so liberating to sleep without anybody checking on me without Mitch knocking hi you need to sign this or you know there's a phone call here there's another guy here that needs you Wow no it's not I was able to talk with you this reminded me of a prophecy made three years ago by by an American prophet part of our movement John roar and this was the word that he gave me he says when you dress God works Tommy kept reminding me undone more when you raise god it's like for me but you know Bobby companies Gaga go in 1 million father were scum on the planet you know all these things that you wanna do and and and this was a reminder three years ago when you rest God works now it just clicks Wow clapping a know when God created the world on the seventh day he was arrested rest was the climax of creation what he was saying is I work six day and I rests not because I'm disengaging because I'm putting it in the system of my creation that they need to rest don't you ever wonder why one third of your life you just do one activity what's that our bodies were made to sleep one third of our lives right once you're awake you do many things sometimes you multitask but there's that eight hours where we're called to sleep and once you violate the eight hours and just before 3:00 to 5:00 what happens chaotic Capilano Exodus credit Nagaraju había if you profane my Sabbath I will put a curse on Lord I just wanna work for you no no if you don't rest profane means been a babbling Sabbath I don't want you to bow boy the Sabbath right don't you rest I don't get a 1 in lordy ba Mei Manor me Tina pay on Saturdays I mean I'll double the mana you get get it so that by Sabbath you won't gather anything you just eat but the Manor on Monday when you gather and you have an excess of the manor or the bread what happens the excess would be full of worms but on Saturday if you gather for the next day it won't have any worms what does God saying if you rest I will work but if you beat yourself up working working working without any and you're not slowing you're always running but I got no manga really you will you let's have this out of stress right because we profane Sabbath Sabbath is not Netflix binge ha but now on the top what's going on I see so it's a warning thank you lord no no it's not Sabbath is resting communing with God and with the important relationships you have family that Sabbath taking things slow look at God in Genesis 3 the first mention of him walking and they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day Adam and Eve just said major sin that would that unleashed sin in the world imagine wa salla Haddon parents Allah had long limo gagawin MO total I gotta go in condé epic dad tile had need to support oh oh hey Adam innit yes yes Father yes Papa what happened they eat what was the reaction of God Sarah no son the genesis writer says and they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day imagine that picture they just committed the most evil sin in the world that unleashed the poison of sin what was God doing walk slowly Adam where are you Eve where are you that's a picture of God walking slowly what is God communicating I have it I know your pass I know what you've done I'm cool I know I know you do that you did that I want to walk with you I want to get to know you more Enoch walked with God slowly every day secondly walk with God daily for 300 years after he fathered Methuselah Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him know me buzzword answer business self-awareness the Potala more aware calm honest read more and give very good concept thou shalt believe in that actually preach that yourself know who you are but they have a guard awareness imagine this when you wake up in the morning well while you're sleeping God is at work when you wake up in the morning God is ready no daily walking walking with God on a daily basis I hope you see them the weight of that statement every day God weights one thing to walk with you see good-looking he's not excited I mean up 300 miles away 300 years right God is just with Enoch the way that's what this is do our one hour walk and they walk together in the top the daily and want to make a case of the necessity not the suggestion and please hear me out and I do feel I hope the Holy Spirit convicts you in this the necessity of daily prayer in word every day you have to pray every day you have to read the word in Kalama tries a week well it's a good start but to sustain you and keep you alive you have to do it every day if a doctor comes to you and tells you Joey you're going to die in two weeks but I have a solution this is a medicine that you have to drink morning and evening this would keep your life longer you can actually live up to eight years 85 but every day faithfully doing this will you drink that medicine of course that is the same with prayer in the world anyone who wants to draw near to God must believe sold-out Indian believe nanine wallah sold out decided must believe that he exists that I need time to read my Bible I need time to pray every day because this would sustain if I don't pray I'll be weak brainian pretty random but our Lord but the other person and Bible today Lord dissing in what was a copy not no fail getting it hey Ghana allegheny pajama more minion tops and then God reach it welcome o Lord Bosna you love me in a Monday bad books on Myon can see but the Morgan ion panel on extra rice yeah the bass all right just the daily discipline of Prayer and reading the word do you pray everyday commune do you read the word everyday it's a challenge I want to give you don't think it likely it sustains the soul saves you this bottle the law shall not depart from your mouth you should meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it for then you will be prosperous and you will be made and you will have good success let that sink in as I walk with God slowly it requires me also walking with God daily where I get to pray and I read the word doesn't have to be one hour it could be day and night then mean it's morning then minutes kabhi by ten minutes Bassano Bible Uranus John chapter 1 God mom younger be John chapter 2 are peddling John chapter 1 only just to hear from God listen but Alamo Makaha and the God will speak to you and God will work on your behalf would you do it Naruto go go ahead like a hassle tire belong to lugar Nagant 2 a.m. right examiner dare to look at 11 biology do wonders sabe Philippians 4 don't worry about anything instead pray about everything tell god what you need and thank him for all he's done then you will experience what God's peace which exceeds anything we can understand his peace will guard your hearts and minds as she live in Christ Jesus walk with God daily pray about everything if you something have a praying life say it's a car traffic Hyun pray gonna come with love song breaking along with worship gonna love a lord opiate AHA nothing else going on parlez come up to 39 13 years my long piece a Baha'i lucky me my Inc I may go market oh I don't never in the Quran in peace in peace even may peace c'mere Cebu tsunami I mean it's just always noisy and somebody's always asking for your attention that's why care policy Jesus nanak withdrew she will wake up early in the morning to withdraw into spend time alone because every day gets crazy so have a once-a-week time of rest and solitude ever once a week out of the year to just go out be with God it's gonna be different lastly swap would God closely and towel a more cohesive say relationship with how they walk like a horse Patna Sparkle seen a young newly married singing The Mikado newly married but newly married as in the Langham and by o mighty bun basket Nanyang BK another ago worship at the level past eleven or so many I see here right were on Obon denilla with God I couldn't pass the lava nobody Wow be me let me be ta'en I gotta be so alright and you see Wow in you know when I'm here in Corpus Gintama Galena Magna glad Mahayana mister gave me so mister how porn Allah mallanna but good now he's just laughing like a buggy sad well I'm behind on and they forgot them right they forgotten it you would see look at this verse John 16 27 for the father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God now interesting because the word love in the Bible the Greek word always used is agape unconditional love John 16 was different when Jesus was talking to the crowd he says the love of the father is female phileo means affectionate yet alright Kaleo you understand flavor right especially if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend there's a lot of phileo going on all right and it's just so affectionate it calls you and with you mean it it's different and and the writer was saying God's love for you it's not just a copy it's phileo there's so much affection in it that he gives us why because he wants to walk with us closely not die in my space am i right if I don't know you like the space is really like whoa bro don't hug me right and I think like this would do right we're not that close but if there's walking together and a fellowship the space gets closer right Oh Kayla right with my wife the space is like there's no more space all right we don't respect each other's space anymore because we're one and this is what God would say I walk with you closely there's phileo and affection you know I have friends in sake I'm gonna model again even how we worship you know somebody who walks with God closely and somebody was just he's there he knows God he says I love your times before me my guru Muhammad Sawa my new bar for chambray Pino selling our demon llama I Love You Deborah you know something's wrong with the marriage they've thrown out Vallejo in the marriage mother bubble above it gold mafia there was among a gun on Nina long Eva right well I'm going on it's so practical it's so realist you forget the emotions behind it sometimes as Christians you know even when we worship God you just know oh that person or that person I'm not judging it but you could just see the overflow my friends appended the Guns N Roses concert man if you see the videos you can blackmail them right Mothe Cristiano my wild child pop Allah the bucket because he my affections in Lhasa Guns N'Roses nylon aluminum high schools Illinois let Sheila right and they would get their that at memory lane and really give it all out as if nobody knows them sometimes we sing songs of God's love of God dying and just devoid of any emotion right aluminum I love you Church sermon on the Hobby thing okay then the generation sees a church that is emotionless and they think that's normal it's not because if you love somebody right I I don't just say things mechanically to my wife love you da Mia okay check you just say as an overflow the feel any affection is there so I'm not saying how's your worship how's your filet or your emotions when it comes to worship we can't force that it takes the daily walking slowly with God to get the notice God to get to feel the presence of the love of the Father so that even in my private time when nobody sees I worship I cry I'm touch I moved by this God because there's a walking closely happy no II called Omaha box ambien becoming the judge whether in amendment poppin Kafka Lolita then make Raska so you know it is gonna be you and gone but remember this there's a difference between working for God and working with God many work for I work for God by the way I think everybody needs to work for God I hope your business is for God I hope your family's for God but it's different when we work with God also you've got to have two aspects of that Lord that I work for your glory but I work with you I'm walking with you every day as I pastored this church let me walk with I don't want to be so engrossed with the work I forget to walk with you and I'm so so mad Kabbalah Lord Parsa in Amman to Sheena say in unison but Anna Heineken on partner Marsellus a good mo who you nationality ba because we forget that we need to work with God and walk with God Romans 8 15 16 for you Reese did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back at the fear but you've received the spirit of adoption of sons Assange by whom we cry what Abba Father I know hartney God once you become a Christian he gives the Holy Spirit so that when you pray you won't pray as a slave but you'll pray our sons and daughters Papa let me tell you how to pray say our Father Papa what is God doing what is Jesus doing he was redefining how people should worship God because all the other false God it should be a writ one but for me it should be a relationship you see that gap in the filet of the word we have a secret code which will no longer be a secret today with my kids to show her affection every time we would walk and this would be a good thing for fathers to do I would hold my kids hand and I would press it three times I love you and they would answer back I love you pug Lima very much right cheesy but they would do this in random moments and I would do this in random moments where we just press each other's hand sometimes to a point of hurt to teach them that sometimes love hurts right so but we would do that okay Oh that's how much I love you right I'm making you stronger okay by breaking your arm okay so but we would do those exchanges it's it's amazing what that could do in a relationship Makena washing male quinoa more Harmonia you see what we were doing was hey I'm here for you that is here this is what God was saying I'm here every time I go home I parked the car they would hear the sound there and they would hug right but sometimes when I'm at home on a Monday and I'm with my wife and there is a second floor mostly my two boys would shout in the stairs go down dad dad hey I'm here and they look Oh what do you want nothing I just play right they go up one way called me and not ask for anything right what were they doing how daddy's here I'm okay and they go into their play that's the power of what I'm saying the fellowship every day God last week I was out during the morning when I say it was asleep and I came home late for two consecutive days on the third day third night I say knocks on the door and I said oh what do you want I said can I sleep here dad because every time you see guloona so you usually could customize something you know okay say you know weightlifting you know so I said all right yeah can you can you stay in your room because daddy needs to rest then he goes to her bed last week Antichrist everything you were do they started crying right so I did meet this manipulation but they were so when he was genuine right and he just wants to spend time it was different knowing that I was there it was different knowing that I love honey Papa everybody Papa I want to spend more time with him and I think that's where some of us should be no I want that close fellowship not just the Sunday or the intellectual faith I know God loves me jesus loves me this I know for the Bible doesn't I not that but the Enoch kind of walking daily and closely with God if we say we have fellowship while we walk in darkness and server survival we're lying and do not practice the truth anyone who draws near to God must believe that he what exists so if we live in darkness we're living in sin and we're saying I have an enclosed fellowship with God you're lying but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin fellowship is closeness you can't fake fellowship you can fake news but you can't fake fellowship right without faith it's impossible to please him for every word draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek Him and then with this thought you know you look at Hebrews 11 the Hall of faith amazing group of men in Hebrews 11 and women from Deborah no Noah which we'll discuss next week Abraham and Sarah special mention to David and all these guys in the Hall of faith and you would wonder of all these people here's anak in verse five did no mighty exploits did not kill Jaya did not build an ark was not ridiculed was not persecuted all he did was walk with God for three hundred years makes us realize that walking with God is as much doing exploits for God I must have been a lord sir I turn in Hebrews in object when I walk with that Enoch I just love my time with that with Enoch Lord well Amish Adam victory group Dona Dona Guangdong town no no no no no no when he prays Oh heaven moves I just love him when he walks with me so genuine he's he does things nobody knows and he got his reward me put him there many of us we want to do many things for God working for God question is are we walking with God good thing to ask ourselves have we walk slowly daily and closely we're done the very foundation of great faith it's not a pastor laying hands on you it's not me blowing the spirit of faith the very foundation the walk with God something I cannot force you to do something you have to do on a daily consistent basis but it's a great challenge and want us to pray this word today we all bad than a handsome pray Lord you are such a relational God when we got saved the first thing the Holy Spirit did was to give us the spirit of adoption as sons so that we can call you Papa that's the kind of love that you've given us Lord sometimes we do many things because we want the PCU we want to say Lord we did this for you we did this for you but Lord we look at the life of Enoch and we see what did he not do for God he just walked with God but Lord you put him there because that's how relational how loving you are you don't use us only you love us Lord so I pray for everybody here many of us here were Christians we have fellowship with God but some not quite close not to that level where you wanted and desired it to be so I prayed today let there be a renewed love Holy Spirit let there be renewed I love that is phileo that is agape that enough that's and we can't explain love that seeks the presence of God Lord I pray for a new level of maturity learning how to slow down to walk with you not a hurried time of reading the Bible but making time like how Filipinos would do it when they say goodbye it's one more our Lord made me the same when we say God deliver a t-table amia know there will be ten more minutes and 15 more minutes even before I say Amen Lord let it go back to that place again Lord where I would learn how to turn off my phone turn off the notification turn of the calls and the emails because I'm with my god I'm taking it slowly because you know you we know you heard the word rest was the climax of your creation you want us to rest you want to work in our behalf Lord Enoch those 300 years of everyday waking up and then walking with you I don't know how many hours but Lord let that be our life maybe not known to the world maybe less than 10 verses of what people could say but known by God so I pray Lord today do a work in our hearts in Jesus name I pray amen can I ask you to do something I'm thankful to have a wife I call Tommy a woman process or not she always process takes so I'm thankful to have somebody who him who I can process with because she loves processing that's her spiritual gift in love language but for many of us here voilá Yoga owes up with regards to some of the things that we discuss here this is something so crucial for this year for us before we moved to know why named Rahab you need someone to talk to somebody would point out by Rask Anna what does it mean for you to walk with God what's your expression of that what we've discussed what's the expression of walking closely with you I think you need somebody like that you need a victory group or your husband or I don't know but you need somebody somebody who's listening to this also right so maybe that will be a good discussion for you so I'll find another table but because there will be changes by the way there's major changes for us I'm dying to reject people and say no oh those are major changes for us I'm not going there I'm now going to that trip no I'm sorry right those are hard things I I don't know how to say no before I'm learning to say no now why because I need to be healthy spiritedly I need my walk with God or else I'll give you scraps Pyrrha I need a healthy walk with God so talk to somebody or alibi on all right can you all stand up right now let's just pray a prayer blessing Lord bless each and every one here today or the event us we've taken an overtime or today I pray God that I know we know every minute is worth it but there are changes that would happen in our life to learn how to slow down and just wait bless us Lord in Jesus name we pray everybody say Amen god bless you slow down enjoy
Channel: Victory Greenhills
Views: 4,307
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: rest, God works, great faith
Id: sittLBT9KSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 24sec (3204 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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