Church International Prayer Service #64 7/27/2021

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[Music] hello hello welcome to church international this is mark this is tina my beautiful wife and i messed up there we go and i thought i had it on silent that happens from time to time like every week so anyway but hey this is you know we're not professionals and we're we're just we just love god and uh and so we're just thrilled to be with you guys tonight hallelujah we're so thrilled to have be back with our family sitting across the table and we're going to be praying for people lifting people up and uh and just exalting people before the throne of god so if you have a prayer request go ahead and send it in and uh we'll get started yes well before we um just get the ball rolling we just want to remind everyone that we're here from seven to eight o'clock yes every tuesday for those that have this is their first time or if they'll be you know watching in the future we are here every tuesday everything is good and um this is not a a prayer service about denominations it is about the body of christ and it is it is a prayer service international so we're all over the place we're not just here at warrior and we're not just i'm concerned about warrior and on and the other little areas around here in alabama but we we are concerned about the whole world because the lord is concerned about the whole world so so praise god we're just so excited to have each and every one of you guys here um just chat in um if you have a prayer request and i just as a reminder we um if we don't get to your prayer requests we will be praying over them each and every one individually after we get off the air so every prayer that comes through our chat line will be prayed for that's right that's right and so and we just and we're we we are excited when we have praise reports and just comments to um from you guys and yeah we are and the way you pray for one another i mean we all we all are a part of this that's right and let me say thank you because you're all so gracious and you tell us all these nice things about we love you let me tell you we love you because you know what you know you you just have no idea how wonderful it is to see y'all praying for each other lifting each other up uh you know i've already you know already getting things from people you know uh that that i know or are here every tuesday night just blessings upon blessings the people who get on here every tuesday night and hold other people up amen it's wonderful it's wonderful you guys are great yeah because like you said it's not about us it's about jesus and and him meeting people's needs yeah he's so such a such angry when we pray that we come we come expecting to hear from god and we come expecting that god is going to answer each and every prayer request right here right now yeah nice not off in not you know some well one of these days we believe that when we pray we have the answer to our prayers right here right now because god is a now god yes he is praise god hallelujah well we want to pray for the people before we go on sure you want to do it well go ahead baby jump right in there okay i love it oh father uh we are so grateful and so honored to be with our family tonight lord we just we just thank you for this opportunity thank you for this divine appointment lord god that um that things are going to happen tonight pray every tuesday night we do so we thank you lord and father i just ask that you lift each and every person up bless them with a special blessing thank you lord god that they have chosen to be in your presence tonight that's right yes and holy spirit you're so welcome here um in our service to do and say and be anything that you desire that's right and and we just ask for the glory we ask you the fire to fall in this place and y'all's place yes and y'all's place wherever you're at whether you're driving whether you're at home whether you're at work whatever there's no time or distance in the spirit room that's right and we are one and we thank you lord that you love us we thank you for the covenant we thank you for the blood we thank you for for the word that's right in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and you know honey i was thinking um today i was spending some time with the lord yes you were and and before we get started i just um i i was just thinking about the people today and i was praying and just talking to the lord and to spending time with with him and i felt like the lord wanted me to share this with the body of christ and um so and it was a word from the lord um for for such a time as this praise god so um so y'all just received this word because i began to i began to hear the voice of the lord in my in the still small voice and i began to hear and i began to write and i just kept writing and writing and writing until until it was over so um so just take this because this is this is from god in jesus name in jesus name so and it says it says do you not expect me to do the things i told you i would do why do you get weary in your faith have you ever let have i ever let you down is not my word words that i speak to you enough to carry you through to its fruition have i ever lied to you have i ever forsaken you no why do you doubt me i am still your god i am still your father who loves his kids i am still your father that gives good gifts and sees to his children i am the same yesterday today and forevermore when i say i will do something expect me to do it act like you already have it because you do i only want good things for my kids i will not deny or withhold no good thing for my children i love my kids i love you reach out now because faith is now and take hold of whatever i have promised you and doubt no more be discouraged no more i am the god that sees after you i am the god who is with you always i am the god who will never let you down so arise off your bed of despair and discouragement and know that i am working on your behalf raise up your level of expectation and lift up your hands and your voice i am working on your behalf saith the lord and your king hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so church if we're expecting something and we have and we've had a word from the lord whether it was yesterday whether it's today whether it was 10 years ago you know we got to stand on that word until it comes because he doesn't lie he always he always does what he said he will do so hang in there it's not a time to let go of your promises it's the time to hang on hang on because something good is about to happen for such a time as this this is this is why we were born for such a time as this hallelujah so hang on to the things that god has spoken to you and know that you know that you know that god is on the move on the move in jesus name hallelujah it's a good word praise god it just uplifted me and it just yeah me too you don't even just want to shout praise god refocus amen refocus you know uh if when when peter stepped out of the boat he was walking on the water yes yes i'm walking on the water but he he got his eyes off jesus yes he got his eyes off the promise okay and he started to sing yes well then he said save me lord and you know what jesus reached right down picked him up and they were back in the boat that's right and so you know i think sometimes what we as christians need to do is say save me lord and what i mean by that is help us to refocus on your word and your promises that's right because you know the promises are as real this right here the promises in the word of god are as real as if jesus was standing there holding your hand because those promises were paid for by jesus that's right amen he paid the price yes he did so would it be healing prosperity whatever the case may be a long life jesus paid the price to bring you those problems yes he did thank you lord hallelujah now every week we pray in first timothy two it says in the first verse i exhort therefore first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty so you know we always pray for our rightful president yes we do his name's donald j trump and we're going to pray for him tonight yes because he's coming yes he is he's coming he's coming back you know let me tell you something the prophets have spoken yes okay now he had a choice in it yes but i know in my spirit he's coming back yes he is he's coming back yeah yeah and you know we're not talking we're not talking 2024 2022 we're not talking he's coming back yes he is okay amen so just you know god's never failed to keep a promise no he hasn't so yes so and you know if you if you believe the prophets you'll prosper that's right your prosperity's coming if you hang on you hold on tight to it it's coming yes so father lord in the name of jesus i pray for donald j trump i pray for melania father lord i pray for his children and his grandchildren father that you would keep them and protect them watch over them father no weapon formed against them shall prosper every tongue that rises up in judgment against them we condemn for yes this is the heritage of the servants of of the lord and our righteousness is of you his righteousness is halloween father lord he loves you yes he said father lord we thank you we thank you yes we do that your word cannot return void you must perform that what you were said to do yes the prophets have spoken and father lord they have said that he is your david and he is coming back yes he is hallelujah yes and we speak protection and provision over him in jesus name wisdom and father giving give him the words to speak in jesus name and help him make godly right decisions in jesus name being led by the holy spirit in the mighty name of jesus we welcome president trump back to the office yeah we do yeah we do yeah that's awesome you guys get ready let's get ready get ready yes he is yes he is all right honey let's get started okay we are we have got a lot of prayer requests already yes okay all right so here we go and hey the buck i saw buck was on hey cheryl okay yes all these so many of these regulars are yes yeah just love to see them on here yes amen hallelujah all right all right let's start from the top praise god all right let's go okay um this says a baby sophie born by emergency section five days ago already undergone one open heart surgery parents aunts uncles churches praying for her her little body is tiring today please agree with us hallelujah father lord we join our faith with theirs father yes we join our faith with yours father hallelujah because you jesus came that we might have life and life more abundantly yes yes father lord i thank you so much that out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise and so father lord as this little child this little child makes any noise at all it is praising you in worshiping the most high god and father lord we thank you right now that you give this child strength strengthen its heart strengthen every organ in this body strengthen father lord its eyes and its ears father strengthen every cell in this child's body and so father lord right now we speak to baby sophie yeah sophie yes life yes yes life amen life yes that's right and we pour life into you from the word of god jesus came sophie that you might have life my goodness yes life yes that's right life more abundantly so we call you into the land of the living spirit we call you into this into this land of life yes and you'll live and not die and declare the works of the lord she will yes you will so now be strengthened yes be strengthened be strengthened now father lord even now place a hedge of protection around sophie yes that nothing shall by any way harm her and breathe into her the breath of lives and we thank you for it lord in jesus name and father we just thank you that you know the plans that you have for sophie yes and lord god they have been given yes her gifts have been given and it is not god's will for her to to to come back to him no because he has a plan and a purpose for her and and and the gifts and the talents that that is needed for such a time as this this is her time yes and she was born for such a time as this and so father we just thank you that you have a plan and a purpose for sophie laura we thank you that you that she has a future and a hope in jesus name we thank you lord god that she lives and father we speak peace to all of her family in the mighty name of jesus and comfort and strength and hope hallelujah and we speak the end result that she is totally healed and she will proclaim the goodness of god in jesus name in the land of the living hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord cheryl said that i stand in agreement with you and stand on god's word oh wait a minute i've skipped one please pray for my son michael he was paralyzed 7 21 24 21 in a motorcycle accident please pray for a miracle that god will heal his spinal cord and he will walk again yes he will walk again hallelujah hallelujah father lord we thank you your word tells us in isaiah 30 40 31 that they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles and they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint so father lord based on your scriptures based on your word we thank you that michael will run and not grow weary and walk and not faint father lord we speak life and feeling into his legs yes that's right now yes sir i'll say that now right now all pressure has to yeah all swelling and pressure has to go down on his spinal cord all this pressure and the swelling has to start going down and father lord that rel that pressure on pinch those nerves father so even now father even now tingling is starting to come back into his legs father tingling and a feeling in his legs father lord it doesn't matter what the x-rays say what matters is what the word of god says right that's right we know father lord what the word of god says he'll run and not be weary he'll walk and not faint thank you father lord you sent your word and healed him and delivered him from all his destructions what satan meant for destruction father lord i just thank you right now you have turned this around already turned it around father lord and father even now that the feeling's starting to come back in his toes father and the doctors will say well this this is not as bad as we thought it was that's what they'll say they're going to say well we we this is not as bad as we thought it was you know but you'll know the truth you'll know the truth the god yeah god has touched michael mm-hmm yes yes sir acts 9 33 jesus christ makes him whole michael jesus christ has made you hope in jesus name hallelujah and we expect a good report hallelujah yeah thank you cheryl for agreeing with us for sophie amen hallelujah rose says pray for sabrina wait a minute let me let me go ahead and say this okay all right okay mike melanie i know that a lot of people have ordered the books and the cds they have not received them yet right and and and and i understand your frustration but we are sending them out as fast as the printer can print them and and they will come to you quick as quick as we can get them to you and for all the people on here watching just know that we're doing everything we can we're diligently working hard to get these books cds uh out right and and just i mean i mean we have people up here all day just addressing envelopes and stuffing books in them but once the once we run out we have to wait on the printer to get them to us and when they're printing them as fast as we can and once we get them we we literally ship them i mean when they hit the ground we start shoving them in envelopes and sending them out that's right so please understand we're gonna get get them out to you as quick as possible we just ask for your sincere patience and understanding on this because you know we we want you to have what you ordered because we feel it's imperative that you have the knowledge in that book and say days that's exactly hallelujah and so thank you for again for your patience everyone who's got orders out there thank you for that and so that's good hallelujah shalom everyone that's my wife telling everybody all right let's go okay rose says pray for a sabrina she is having nausea vomiting diarrhea every day she is not getting any nutrition from the food she eats also going through a divorce well you know that the whole divorce thing could be causing some of these problems because you know it's just incredibly stressful yeah and and and so i guess really what we need to do is deal with the divorce and and we're still going to pray for her healing yes but we're going to deal with the divorce thing father lord yes sir father lord we thank you right now for favor with her attorney with the judge yes father lord favor with his attorney but father lord right now we just speak peace into this situation yes peace into the situation father because the word of god tells us that when our ways are pleasing unto the lord even our enemies are at peace yes that's right and so father lord we speak peace into this divorce situation yes we do the breaking of a covenant is not a mild thing and so father lord we speak peace to it yes we do and father lord we ask right now for forgiveness on both sides whoever is at fault but father lord we ask for forgiveness forgiveness for forgiveness and so sir we ask you right now that you would move on these people's behalf and heal their hearts fill them with your joy once again let them learn to laugh again yes yes and father lord right now we bring peace to her body yes peace and speak peace over her body father lord that this nausea this this this sickness and diarrhea vomiting father all just settle down settle down i speak to her body peace to her body yes peace to her body and jesus now sir i just asked right now ask right now if it is any way to reconcile yes if they're both christians and there is any any way to reconcile this that you'd move but father lord i just right now speak peace peace yes into her life yes said father she she can get over this these symptoms father yes that's right and so we thank you for it lord yes we thank you father now lord let her know how much you love her father lord let her know how much you love her because you she is precious to you yes yes she is she is precious but father i know you love him as well but father lord right now i just ask for peace yes yes father and we thank you father that her body and her mind her will and her emotion are lining up with the word of god father in jesus name and we just thank you for that peace that that passes all understanding that only you can give lord and no one can take away father in jesus name and tell us that you give her hope and strength father god provide for her and minister to her uh take away that loneliness in jesus name in jesus name and just let her know that you're always there for her always in jesus name hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord as patterson asked please pray for the restoration of my marriage and for us to not separate our divorce and for us to have a godly marriage and god revealed truth to her her name is jessica father lord we know that it's not your will for two people who have entered into covenants with each other and with you because people a lot of times don't realize is that when we enter into a covenant right of marriage it's not just a covenant one with each other yes it's a covenant between the three it's between a man a woman and god yes and so you're not only swearing to each other but you're asking god to be involved yes that's right yes sure yes sir and so no no true marriage can be a marriage without god being in the middle of it and so so that's the number one thing i would tell anybody in any relationship you have to have god slap dab in the middle of it you know because that's the covenant that's the covenant the man the woman and god okay and i'll say that again the man the woman and the one true living god yes joining in covenant one to another amen okay and so father lord right now restore the marriage restore the marriage vow let them see each other in in in the way that they saw each other when they first fell in love father lord bring them together father bring them together father and let them experience that falling in love all over again yes and father lord let forgiveness flow yes let forgiveness flow them and so father we ask right now since you're a part of this marriage holy spirit father i ask that you enter in and do what you need to do yes to turn this thing to turn it around and so father lord let them see each other through the eyes of god amen in jesus name amen amen amen thank you lord thank you father that you are the god of restoration that's right hallelujah yes thank you lord and cheryl's poor cheryl's in there praying sunshine frogs uh hello blessed prayer team please pray for me and my family's health and well-being amy mimi jeremy armita alfredo and for safety of our neighborhood wow hallelujah this precious family father we join in and everybody just join in yes father lord we bring up this precious family yeah father i read their names and and i'll read them again amy mimi jeremy armita and alfredo yes and for safety of their neighborhood father lord put a hedge of protection around them let peace reign yes amen through them in their neighborhood yes that's right father lord let the let let the the the peace of god flood the streets of their of their neighborhood hallelujah and father lord let people just look up and say well why were we why are we arguing why are we fighting yes yeah why are we doing this yes and father lord we speak peace yes we do love peace the peace that surpasses all understanding yes peace to this neighborhood peace surrounds this family and father in favor surrounds him favor as a shield surrounds this precious family father lord now we thank you we honor you yeah and we exhort and exalt you and father lord we thank you amen for peace and we thank you father lord for protection for this family yes in jesus name hallelujah yes we plead the blood of jesus over there neighbor blood of jesus name hallelujah hallelujah that it will be a friendly place we call it a friendly place in jesus name hallelujah now i want to read the scriptures in psalms 121 uh seven and eight and this is in this for anyone who who will grab hold of this okay the lord shall preserve thee from all evil amen he shall preserve thy soul give you peace of mind okay the lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in amen from this time forth and even forevermore yes amen okay so he shall preserve thee from all evil yes all evil so we have a right to be preserved yeah we do the scripture promises psalms 121 7-8 and now i'm talking all evil means all evil yeah okay so again i would tell you lay hold of those anyone who just wants to live in peace right and anyone who wants to have have a a protection around their family yes those are the scriptures right there i believe i would choose from yes he will protect you from all from all evil amen yes that's a great promise and all of god's promises are yes and amen yes amen can't say it's for him over there and not you over here okay because it's for you that's right it's it's for you yes it's for everyone that's right amen that will grab ahold of it if you're a thee i'll guess because he says i shall preserve thee if you're thee and shall preserve thy if you're thee or thy you qualify yeah you know you can even put god says i will preserve tina or mark that's right whoever put your name make it part you know make it personal make it personal yes hallelujah hallelujah because god is a personal god he's a personal father we're his children and he knows each one of us in a special way because we're his children so hallelujah thank you more oh and they also ask for their friend brittany she's straight away from god and is living a very sinful repetitive life yes and uh used to be such a war for christ and now she's also feeling suicidal well the reason she the the satan's you know satan will always drag you as far as he can okay yes he will but what what happens is is we tiptoe out into the ankle deep water and and he says ah come on a little further come a little further and then you get out there and and you're in over your head yeah and and so what happens is yes you start to feel like you there's no hope that's right and you start to think i'm going to just give up you know yeah but but the prodigal son was laying in the pigsty yes he was flying in the pigsty and he says you know what he's god better to be a servant in my father's house yes than a ruler over the pigsty mm-hmm okay yeah because he's the one that fed the sheep i fed the uh the the hogs so he was he was he was top hog at the trough i mean you know he's the guy that said i'm going to feed you and i'm not so so it's better to be a servant in your dad's house well guess what when he came home to dad's house dad didn't even recognize what he had said he said kill the fatted cat that's right amen you know put you on his feet the best robe on him and let me tell you the best rub is the father's trouble that's right and give him put a ring on his finger give him authority in the house yeah that's what the ring represents right right and so so father lord right now for this precious sister who knows you but has slipped down a slippery slope yes and made wrong choices because you know father she's there because of choices she made right right the father like like robin tells when he was sitting in his car he says how did i get here all right and god spoke to me says you don't have to stay here father lord right now for brittany she doesn't have to stay there no lord father lord show her the way out show her the way out shine a light into her path that she has a way out and father send perfect laborers into her path to hold her hand and lead and guide her out of this place because father she don't want to be there no she don't want to be there i can tell you right now you don't want to be there if you've tasted that the taste of the of the spirit you don't want to be there no sin sin is fun for a season but there's no place to want to be and you know what satan will always tape you take you further than you want to go all right that's right and keep you there longer than you want to stay amen amen and so you know what just walk away walk away from so right now we call her back into god's kingdom come back to father's house yes come back to father's house yes there's room for you at father's house yes holland yes we call you back in brittany we call you back into the father's house and we say that you have not gone so far that the lord cannot reach out and touch you because that's what the word says that you that there's no place that god has cannot reach you and and he loves you he wants you to come back so father i ask for courage and i ask for strength to in within herself to to be able to come back home and not feel guilty because there's no condemnation in christ jesus that's what he said we're the only the enemy is the accuser of the brethren and he will tell you that god doesn't love you that you've gone too far that you'll never get back but that is a lie so we speak that that the enemy will not haunt her and taunt her in her ear in jesus name that she will only hear the voice of the lord calling her back calling her back telling her i love you brittany i love you brittany come home come home come home in jesus name hallelujah you know the felt like the spirit just told me that there's someone out there right now saying yeah but you know i've done this and i deserve what i get i just i just deserve this you know i mean this is the harvest of my sin right right no no because see when you became born again yes you jesus when he hung on the cross yes says he became sin not he carried your sin right right he became sin yes and so the harvest for your sin is still in hell where it belongs oh yeah so you don't you don't get the harvest for your sins you just say father forgive me yes please forgive me father yes amen in the name of jesus please i plead the blood i plead the blood man and you know what and he says and satan will say yeah but you've got a harvest yes you have a right to say no satan my harvest is in hell yes my harvest is in hell jesus paid the price for my my sin yes the harvest of my sin is laying in hell you were just too stupid to recognize it that it wasn't his sins jesus jesus and so father lord we thank you for that person if you have sinned you know we if you've sinned just say just say first john 1 9. father i confess my sin and we know you're faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness right well if you're cleansed from unrighteousness you're cleansed from unrighteousness that means you don't get the harvest for that sin that's so true so it's it's jesus laid that in hell and left it there there is no harvest for that yes he throws the seed our sins into the sea of forgetfulness as far as the east is to the west that's right jesus he remembers him no more right see if forgetfulness means he if you said you know father that's sin a minute no no what's that what are you talking about i have no recollection of that no and that's how love is yeah that's how long it is we're justified in what justified means is just if i'd never sinned okay i mean you can take that and you now elaine's asking for her husband please pray for creative myth miracle for my husband's complete healing of intestinal issues yeah i'll get it right in a minute and and uh cerebral palsy yes hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you father yes father right now we just lift up chris to you father knowing that your word says in isaiah 53 4 and 5 that with the stripes of jesus that we have been made whole and father so you said lord god that if we send the word out and this is in isaiah 55 54. it that if we send the word out that lord god that it will perform that which we've sent it out to do so we send the word out according to the word of god and it says that we that we send the word he is healed and delivered out of all of his destructions and so father we speak to his intestines and and we speak to this disease uh that is just a name that is the cerebral palsy which has to bow to the name of jesus because every name that is named in the earth over the earth below the earth has to bow to the name of jesus and we thank you we thank you for his healing right now we thank you jesus that you are in the miracle-making business you you laid hands on the sick you laid hands on those that that needed needed um the lame and the blind and when you walk the earth jesus and and you are the same yesterday today and forever more so if you if you healed them then then jesus you heal today that's right jesus name so we decree we declare that chris that his intestines operates and functions like they were designed to function in jesus name no malfunction in his body right that's right in the name of jesus and we thank you that every every neuro neuron in his body every nerve in his body has to line up with the word of god in jesus name in jesus name he is healed from his head to his toe from the inside out in jesus name yes jesus in acts 9 33 it says this i see none yeah and there was found a certain man named aeneas which had kept his bed eight years and was sick of the palsy and peter said unto him aeneas yes jesus christ makes thee whole yes arise and make thy bed and he arose immediately and all that dwelt at lydia and sarah amen saw him and turned to the lord amen hallelujah so father lord right now yes palsy that palsy yes let me speak to him right now yes amen chris chris neal jesus christ has made you yes amen not going to not soon will no no no jesus christ has past tense amen now father lord we thank you even now yeah that he as he acts on his faith father lord even now we thank you father that you are restoring every cell in his body amen as designed by god in the created in the likeness and image of god that's right thank you for the lord hallelujah hallelujah we thank you for his healing yeah we do yeah we do it's wholeness his wholeness yes hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah well it's we're up to seven o'clock okay mara yeah yeah you know my part of being a prophet is to release people's destiny so as as i pray right now uh anyone who who was asking these same questions god to reveal to you your gifts and purposes yes that's right uh you don't want to miss the opportunity to serve that that's honorable myra so father lord y'all stretch your hands out if if you want to be part of this prayer stretch your arms out because as a prophet i i'll feel led to do this right now father lord i stretch my hands out to these people father myra father lord and all others that will that want to partake of this yes sir yes sir i see that father lord right now in the name of jesus i command these people's destiny rise up before their eyes before their face yes father lord give them eyes to see and ears to hear what you're speaking to their spirits even now yes sir father lord as as it wells up in front of them father yes sir yes sir show them the gifts that were placed in them from birth yes gifts that was placed in him when the spark of life filled their filled their beings and they entered into the land of the living we thank you father lord we thank you even now father lord even now that people are being awakened to what their gifts are yes their father lord yes sir yes sir father spiritual gifts gifts of faith gifts of yes sir the the gifts of the spirit father and son father gifts and callings of god let the fire of god fall on them yes right now let the fire of god fall on them yes lord and and lead them by your spirit amen those that are led by the spirits they are the sons of god father father and daughters of god and so father lord right now right now father let them be filled with your spirit father let them let them see and hear your voice see with their eyes what you have for them and hear your voice hear your voice father in their heart and so father lord yes sir yes sir yes and many of you many of you even now as i prayed that god just showed you things quickened it in your spirit gifts things that you you'd been walking in all your life but you didn't even realize that it was a gift of god talents that he's placed in you you see god has great things for all his children you know this life this life living for god is supposed to be an adventure with god and so you just let me tell you just spend time with him get to know him let him be your dad let him be your father have an intimate relationship with him because that's what he wanted jesus jesus was the seed sown into the earth his only begotten son so that the harvest of the father having a family would be made manifest jesus was the seed we are the family we are the harvest yes hallelujah we are the precious fruit of the earth that's what the bible says so we are that harvest hallelujah thank you lord for their destiny father and their purpose divine purposes and destinies father praise god hey ann your son ronnie and his girlfriend both got the vaccine please pray for their healing well right now father lord we thank you here's what i here's what i would do if if someone's had the vaccine this this is what i feel in my spirit okay if you know [Music] if they're sick of course we're going to pray for their healing but but what what i feel in my spirit if people out here have had the vaccine and you say oh i wish i hadn't had it whatever you know as we i would i would tell you to take communion and reestablish that communion with god okay because see the wafer isn't the body when we partake of the wafer we become the body we are the body of christ yes we are the the the juice doesn't become the blood of jesus within the within the juice or or the wine the bible says the life of the flesh is in all flesh is in the blood but when we partake of that yes that's right what goes in us it gives life to the body of christ because it carries the life in nature it carries the life and nature of jesus himself and what it becomes is this i believe that it affects our dna i believe it re it it reestablishes the dna that makes us the god gene right if that makes any sense because we have a blood covenant yes we do okay and so as we enter into that covenant we change we change yes when we receive jesus we're changed the bible says one day we'll in the twinkling of an eye we will be changed and glorified that's right okay but when we partake of communion i believe what happens is that our bodies become one with the body and in life of jesus himself right the christ amen the son of the living god of whom we are part and that same anointing just like when it rolled float off aaron's beard and dripped on his body jesus is the head and he is the anointed one in his anointing so that anointing now just drips down on us flows down on us there's no part of the body of christ that cannot walk in the anointing because we're all covered in that that that anointing of god yes okay and so as we partake if they've taken the vaccine or for that matter if anyone who has a sickness any disease if you take the communion if you take the cup and the bread it will change you yeah it will change you it will heal you yes thank you it will heal your body yes amen and so i tell people if you've had that vaccine and you don't want that that in you right start taking communion until and do that until god gives you a peace right but do that in remembrance yes of who's whose body and who's whose blood that you are a part of right that's right praise god because you're a part of the body of christ and you know when when adam the first adam his his wife his bride came out of him through his side right his wife his bride came out of his side when jesus hung on the cross and that spear went in him and pierced his heart out of his heart flood blood and water right and you know what his bride was birthed into the earth the bride of christ amen okay so partake of that yes the body and blood of jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise god i wasn't trying to teach but um [Music] yeah and father we speak if they if if ronnie and his girlfriend are having any signs of covet or whatever signs and symptoms we bind up those signs and symptoms of of that covet in jesus name and um when we say that they are healed we release the healing power of god flowing um through um through through the body in jesus name in jesus name we thank you lord they are healed they are healed yes hallelujah hallelujah i'm asking for prayer right here yeah we got to pray for them the the dear person about the job oh okay father lord we thank you right now we thank you right now father lord hallelujah hallelujah we thank you father lord and you see what time it is yeah yeah father lord we ask right now that they become that you give them favor encompass them as favor as a shield that's right well that's exactly how i should pray yes encompassed about with favor as a shield you give them favor with their co-workers yes that's right favor with their boss right right and father lord and you know what father when their ways are pleasing to you even their enemies are at peace with them yes that's right so father lord right now in jesus name yes sir right now we just asked for father that that you would lift them up lift them up fast right lift them up and father lord give them skills in their position and father lord right now yes sir father lord i just ask right now lord that you place them in that position yes that you have for them in that job you have for them that's right lord father lord and father lord i don't i just keep hearing the word promotion amen i don't know if it's with the same company or different company what the situation is but i keep hearing promotion so i mean i'm not i don't know if it's with the same company but but in my spirit i feel i hear in my heart promotion amen praise god hallelujah so let me know with that yes thank you thank you and we said that no weapon formed against her will prosper and every tongue that rises up against her will be condemned in jesus name hallelujah so the plans and the plots and the schemes of the of the enemy we call nolan void in her life right now in jesus name hallelujah and promotion comes from the lord thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you and father lord for all the people who are affected by covet let's just go ahead and not cover that okay hang on for all the people who are affected by covenant code was just a name yes code was just a name father there's nothing to covet you know it is a it is a how did robin put it a jackpot cold or flu or something i can't remember how i said it i can't remember father lord i just write now uh covet is just just a name and father lord it doesn't matter if it was made in the laboratory it doesn't matter if it matter if it just you know uh whatever we don't care i don't care where it comes but because it's a disease and a sickness so we know it's rooted and grounded in evil amen we know it's rooted and grounded and and satan had his hand on it somewhere yeah he did and so father lord we speak to covet colds flu amen cancer yes everything father lord every sickness and disease we come against these things and command that they bow their knee to the name of jesus and father lord every name that is named in heaven and on earth and below the earth has to bow its knee to the name of jesus and so father lord we thank you even now yes we thank you even now even now that those people father who have been diagnosed with sickness and disease the father lord covet is under the curse of the law and christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made cursed for us for it is written and cursed is every man that hangeth on the tree and father lord we thank you that because of that the blessings of abraham can come on us whether we be jew gentile father lord we thank you that the blessings of abraham have come on the people and so father lord right now right now these this virus can no longer reproduce in anyone's body father i'm talking about the people that are listening to me believing god and expecting god to heal them father lord that sickness that disease has to bow its knee cancer has to bow its knee it cannot reproduce amen the people father who have been diagnosed with cancer they they they will not eat of the fruit of that ever again because it cannot reproduce and must wither up from the root and so father lord we thank you that colds and respiratory sicknesses and and things like that father lord yes they have to bow their names yeah they do hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen they have to they have to they have to thank you lord thank you jesus and and i don't even see this when i pray but they're transferring this precious man to hospice care and so father lord we i'm sure you you had me pray that for for him and so many others but father lord we thank you we thank you father that your word cannot return void amen amen hallelujah well you see what time it is i do and we just need to i guess we need to pray for the law so we can't ever forget the law oh no no that's very important and that's the moment why don't you let us in the pool yes that's the most um the most uh wonderful miracle and all the miracles that's right hallelujah hey listen if you don't know jesus as your personal savior that's right you need to yes because we're in the times where they're short and someday soon and i know everybody i i know some people who are listening to this and said i've heard that before that's right but you know what never in the time in the history of mankind have we seen what's going on in this earth the way it is right now and you know what i'm i believe in all my heart that the return of jesus is imminent yes imminent yes you know here's the thing if i'm right and you're wrong and he returns and you're not ready right you're in trouble serious trouble if you're right and i'm wrong and jesus doesn't return well then you've lived a wonderful life serving god amen and amen okay yeah so and you know what women all the way around yeah it's a win-win win and so and so you you can walk free of the snares and and the weapons of the enemy yeah so so it's a win-win for you yes you know so my sweet precious wife here is about to lead us in a prayer and i'm going to pray with you if you don't know jesus and you want to be a part of the family just pray this prayer with me thank you well god you all guys um pray with us yes everybody pray for support for all of them those that are praying so um yes so so i just say father father um we just thank you we thank you that you sent jesus that you sent jesus to die on the cross for us to die on the cross for us and jesus he bore he bore our sins he bore our sins and our afflictions and our afflictions and and he took it he became our sin he became our sins yes and he went into the bowels of hell and he went into the bowels of hell and that's where he left it and that's where he left him and and because jesus rose again on the third day and because jesus rose again on the third day yes we are made more than conquerors we are made more than conquerors jesus i accept you so jesus i accept you as my personal savior as my personal savior yes and just clean me up just clean me up and just just do with me whatever you desire just do with me with whatever you desire make me i am a new creature in christ i'm a new creature in christ jesus yes and i have a wonderful family and i have a wonderful family and you know if you prayed that you do because i'm a part of it and i'm a wonderful guy i love you amen amen and and in all kids god loves you and he's a wonderful father he's a wonderful father let me tell you something the greatest gift jesus ever gave us was a dad that's right a dad that will love us provide for us and protect us yeah that's a great gift yeah because we now have a family a family who doesn't just love each other but a family who is fathered by love himself isn't that awesome that's awesome praise god hey listen if you prayed that prayer i don't have a copy tonight i'm going to say something okay i was feeling led to say something um you know sometimes we feel like and i'm just i'm feeling feeling like i need to say this but sometimes we just we feel like that we have to be cleaned up first and yet we have no sin in our life before we can come to church or before we can ask ask jesus into our heart but that's not that's not so no you know we ask jesus into our heart and then he helps us to clean up the areas of our life that he's dreaming up and so we don't have to do it alone you know we have him that will show us these these areas in our life to to uh to clean up and he will give us that strength and that and to do that that's right so so you know we don't wait till we get cleaned up that's right we go and we ask jesus and then he cleans us up yeah we don't we don't clean up to come to jesus we come to jesus because without him we can't be cleaned up well that's so true you know amen praise god i can just tell you that i could never no before i knew him i could have never lived right that's right there's just no way because you know what if you could have if mankind could have ever lived sin free before jesus then there would have never been a reason or need for him to come he came because he just couldn't do it right yes so that's love right there yes and you guys just remember that even though we did not get through all the prayers that they will be prayed for um after we go off the air so just know that your prayers are important yeah they are precious to us we know that every prayer request is a precious human person that needs god's touch so and you know god is going to touch because we come expecting god to answer every prayer everywhere and um so just know that you're just you guys are awesome we love you and and god loves you even more than we love you that's right oh and never forget yes and never forget god is absolutely good
Channel: Church International
Views: 6,455
Rating: 4.9722223 out of 5
Id: 0BvazK2Giow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 33sec (3993 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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