Man Denies Ex's Baby After Getting Married (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Murphy v. Myles.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. ALL: Good day. Ms. Murphy, you claim you had a short, passionate relationship with the defendant, Mr. Myles, and then you became pregnant. Yes, Your Honor. Now you say he's married and wants to forget he has a three-year-old son. AUDIENCE: Aw. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Myles, you argue that the only person you're trying to forget is Ms. Murphy. Yes, Your Honor. AUDIENCE: Oh. JUDGE LAKE: You deny paternity of her son and say her friends and family have told you another man is his biological father. AUDIENCE: Oh. Ms. Murphy, how has Mr. Myles participated in your son's life? Your Honor, this man has not done anything for my son. I can count on one hand how many times he's ever even came to visit his son. AUDIENCE: Aw. On top of that, he refers to my son as "the boy." <i> "The boy." "How's 'the boy' doing?"</i> <i> "How is your son doing? What's his name again?"</i> Him and his daughter they all look alike. They all have the same face, but he doesn't... He won't acknowledge that at all. What happened when you told him you were pregnant? He said, "I don't want you to have this baby. "This is not okay. "I don't need this type of attention." He didn't need it, you know. He was man enough to make that baby but he can't be man enough to take care of it. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) MURPHY: He has not done anything. He wasn't willing to pay for the paternity test any other way. And that's not true. He said he didn't have the money for it. If that's the case, Your Honor, we would not be here. It would be already taken care of. So, sir, are these assertions true? What is going on with this situation? Well, Your Honor, first and foremost, um... I never said that I didn't want to do things for him. I just was under the impression that it was not my son, due to the fact of stuff that was told to me by family members, you know. She would tell me one minute she's pregnant by me. Then I asked her, "What's the reason "you got hickies on her neck?" And she tells me... Oh, my... Really? And she tells me, because the guy that's, at, um, at her mom's complex pushed her up against the washing machine and put hickies on her neck. Really, Keba? JUDGE LAKE: Really? Now, that didn't fly with me. Your Honor, that's a lie. When I was talking to him, I was only talking to him because I was so busy about, "How I am going to get back to his house? "How am I gonna get over to see him?" I really liked him at the time that we were seeing each other. I was not talking to anybody. All that he is saying is a lie. I've never even had... JUDGE LAKE: So, in your opinion... Sir, what was the nature of the relationship with Ms. Murphy? Your Honor, um, to say it was a relationship... I couldn't say that. I could say it was more of... We were cool, we were friends, you know? I wouldn't say it was a relationship. Were you both committed to one another? I couldn't even say that, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Were you aware, um, whether or not she was sleeping with anybody else? Yeah, her family members told me specifically... The family members that you were sleeping with. The family members told me that she was getting around. Family members told me that she was getting around. The family members that he sleeping with told him that. Ms. Murphy knew that I was already dealing with one of her family members. She knew that. Never did I. So you were in a sexual relationship with a family member? Correct, and she knew that. JUDGE LAKE: Before you two had a sexual relationship? MYLES: Yes, and she was fully aware of that. And what did that person say specifically? She told me specifically, "I don't know why you're dealing with Tenesha..." Um, well, Ms. Murphy, "...because she gets around." And she's not the only person that told me that. I get around? Friends of hers have also told me that she gets around. But Mr. Myles, do you think that information is credible, given the fact you were in a sexual relationship with that person? Um, well, not really, um... Yes and no, Your Honor. And what I mean by that is, I tried to give Ms. Murphy the benefit of the doubt to not listen to what everybody else was telling me, but she pretty much painted the picture for herself on what she was about. Your Honor, that's a lie. Ms. Murphy, I need you to respond specifically to these claims. Okay, about the family part. I never knew that he was dealing with any of my family. That's ridiculous. Were you dating, seeing Mr. Myles exclusively or were you all in an open relationship? I never knew about it being an open relationship. He told me plenty of times that he loved me, you know, all this type of stuff. Um, I went over there any time I could. There's possibilities I could be the father. There's possibilities I am not. Because the type of lifestyle that she carried around. Now, one thing about me... You got around too, though! Every girl in Fresno knows Keba though. One thing about me... And a lot of the men know you, okay? No, they don't. No, they don't. I've been with three people in Fresno. That's not true. And you know. Okay, one thing about me is, all my children that I have, I have a relationship with my children. <i> This child, I don't know if it's my child or not,</i> 'cause I know what type of woman I was dealing with. The type of stuff that you started doing. You let me see this stuff. She let me see this stuff for herself. What stuff? He don't got no stuff. The hickies on her neck. Never had hickies before. Yeah. Yeah, you did. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, you gotta have another piece of evidence besides these hickies. MURPHY: Thank you. So move forward from that. My evidence is this, okay? Every male and female knows what sex smells like. She came over to my house smelling like she had sex with somebody. You can tell, she was potent. AUDIENCE: Oh! I came over to your house smelling like sex? And what let me know that she was getting around was the fact that every single time she was around my male relatives, she was always flirtatious, wearing skimpy stuff. Really? Really? My mom wouldn't even buy me skimpy stuff. She never listens to... She never listens to anything that somebody tells her. Ms. Murphy did what Ms. Murphy wanted to do. I have not heard sufficient evidence to believe why you wouldn't think you potentially could be this beautiful young man's father. I don't. I'm waiting for the evidence. Don't you say "hickies" again! (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) JUDGE LAKE: 'Cause hickies don't make babies. I want to know what evidence you have that fuels your doubt. I never said that it wasn't a possibility he couldn't be my child. What I said was this, I wanted to make sure because a mouth can tell you anything. And she can sell stories quick. So I wanted to know for myself if that was my child. <i> I don't see none of the features on him of me. I don't</i> MURPHY: <i> And it's taken you three years to do that?</i> It wasn't about the fact of trying to put the blame on her. I've been trying to talk to you to get you to understand what's going on. He likes singing just like you. He cannot sing just like you. It's all you. Well, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. I'm glad you did take this opportunity to develop and further your testimony, because in the beginning you were pretty much saying, "Yes, I had sex with her. Yes, the sex was unprotected. "However, there's no way "I could be the father of this child." And that just didn't make sense. Now, you have a witness, I'd like to hear from her. Ma'am, please stand and step to the podium. Your name? My name is Mrs. Myles. JUDGE LAKE: Mrs. Myles. And you are Mr. Myles'... Wife. JUDGE LAKE: Wife. And, ma'am, how long have you been together? About four years. JUDGE LAKE: For four years? Almost four years. MURPHY: Oh, wow! And my son is three. Come on, now. She was nowhere in the picture. I went over there almost every day. She was nowhere in the picture. I said "almost" four years. Almost four years? Almost. He's not even almost four yet. I know nothing about Tenesha or Te'korii at all. NARBAEZ: You're right. I found out... We got together in 2012. I found out in 2013. JUDGE LAKE: And so, when you found out... That was just a year ago that you found out. JACQUE: Right. If Ms. Murphy would have thought that was her son, Keba would have told me before we even got together. Not necessarily. Not necessarily. (ALL TALKING) JUDGE LAKE: Hold on. Like he told me about his other baby mamas. I know about them before we got together. But I've been barely findin' out... Now, hold on, is this an issue... Do you take issue with Ms. Murphy because of this or with your husband? Kind of both. Both. Because I felt like... As her being a woman, I felt like she should have came to me. Not like the other baby mamas saying that my husband's a dead beat dad. No. No, no, no, no, no. I never said he was a dead beat. But Ms. Myles, that's your husband's responsibility. MURPHY: Never said he was a dead beat. JUDGE LAKE: What responsibility does she have to come to you to tell you that your husband... Exactly, you're with his father. You're with his father. You should have came to me and said, "This is his son. "If it is his, I want him to get in his life. "I want him to get to know his brothers and sisters." Now, wait a minute. Ms. Murphy, hold on, hold on. No, Ms. Murphy, hold on. You're saying, she should have come to you? Honestly, Your Honor, I feel that if she's with his father, if he sees him, she's gonna be there. She's gonna have to get around him. So in order to eliminate all the problems, I felt like if she's saying how she really felt, she would have came and been like, "You know what? "We need to see if this baby is his. "He needs to meet his brothers and sisters." Look. Look, look, look, I am all... Look, look, look, I am all about... Let me have a statement in this courtroom! Order in the court! NARBAEZ: Ladies, be quiet. I am trying to tell you all, you all are way off the path to something constructive. Everything is leading us in the wrong direction! And when we should be leading to trying to find some type of answer, peace, <i> and a positive future for Te'korii.</i> May I say something? No! (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: He has to be honest with his wife about the situations he's involved in when they meet and marry. Whether or not the paternity had been established, he still has to be honest and say, "I potentially have an issue in my life "that involves a paternity suit "and I may have to deal with this." Likewise, it is not Ms. Myles' responsibility to come to you and try to create a co-parenting situation between her husband and you. Right. You all need to get that. Now, another man is raising Te'korii as his own. And that's your witness. Yes. Sir, I would love to hear from you. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) He has such a good relationship with this man. I provided videos and everything to see how much a father he's been to this boy. Sir, state your name. My name is Mr. Narbaez. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you for being here. Uh, Mr. Narbaez, please explain the nature of your relationship with Te'korii. Well, I've been with Tenesha since Te'korii was two months. I'm his dad, no doubt about it. Like, I'm not biologically, but you know, like... <i> Everything this boy knows...</i> MURPHY: <i> There it is there.</i> NARBAEZ: <i> Everything he knows, I teach him.</i> <i> He got favorite colors.</i> <i> His favorite color is my favorite color, you know.</i> <i> We play games. I taught him his colors.</i> <i> I taught him his numbers, his ABC's.</i> <i> Taught him everything that he knows.</i> You know, like, when he wake up... When he wake up in the morning the first thing he do, he wake me up. "Daddy, I'm hungry. "Daddy, I love you. Good morning, Daddy." When he's hurt, he don't go to Mommy he goes to Daddy. When I got to work he cries, <i> even though his mom is there.</i> <i> To be honestly truthful, it don't matter to me</i> <i> if Keba's the father or not because I'm the dad.</i> (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) <i> I've been there.</i> <i> I'm gonna be there no matter what happens.</i> Truly speaking. I've been there. If Keba is the father... I gave Keba chances to be there for Te'korii, and he didn't take 'em. When you say you gave him chances, what did you do to reach out to him? Um, I told him he can come and see Te'korii. I didn't care, you know. I let them go outside have fun time, have father-son time. You know what I mean? Like, be a part of your son's life. You know what I mean? That's what I let them do. But he keeps coming in and out. One minute it's his son, the next minute it's not. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Myles, as you look at those pictures <i> of another man with a son that could potentially be yours...</i> Well, Your Honor, honest opinion, that's fine and dandy that he is doing those things. That's great he is doing those things. 'Cause you won't. No, it's not the fact that I won't. It's the fact, like I said beforehand, when a relative tells me that she's dealing with other people, <i> that gives me reason to wonder</i> <i> whether that's my child or not.</i> <i> However, I'm not here to argue</i> or try to make a fool out of nobody. I'm here to find out if Te'korii is my son. And if Te'korii is my son, then it doesn't matter what she does or what he does, I'm gonna be in my son's life. As simple as that. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) We'll see. Your Honor, can I say something? And nobody is trying to take away from you being a father figure inside of his life. I'll put it like this. Due to the fact that the whole time that we've been knowing each other, it's always been disrespect between her. Calling me at my name all kinds of stuff. So we never had a good relationship type to be able to talk to her and stuff like that. <i> Whether he's inside of that child's,</i> <i> uh, Te'korii's life or not, you know.</i> After I find out if it's my son or not, I would never pry that away, if you've gained a relationship with him. But I'm gonna do my part as a dad and do what I need to do. Good, that's exactly what I needed to hear. Now, Ms. Murphy, if he is the biological father, he's just stated that he wants to step up and he wants to do what he should do for his son. And I'm perfectly fine with that. JUDGE LAKE: What if he is not? There's no way that he couldn't be. No way? MURPHY: No way. MYLES: You was dealing with people. I don't care what you say. Jerome, I'm ready for the results. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Murphy v. Myles,</i> as it pertains to the paternity of three-year-old Te'korii Murphy, Mr. Keba Myles, you... Are his father. MURPHY: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have no reason to lie. I have no reason to lie. No reason. No reason. That is such a relief. Because I have been raising my son by myself for three years and it's hard. Not by yourself. It is hard. Not by myself, but by myself, you know what I'm saying? He don't have to do nothing if he don't want to do it. But I have been doing this by myself. I don't have nobody to call. And so as a father, let's work together. All this arguing, all this disrespect that you do be doing. (OVERLAPPING CONVERSATION) JUDGE LAKE: You know, um, I'm so happy Te'korii at least now knows who his father is. You know, it's, it's... I don't know. I'm starting to tune you all out because it's just... It's becoming heads yapping. And the DNA results are in. <i> You two are parents.</i> <i> But he also has stepparents.</i> You all are his village, but you're burning it down. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) You can begin again today for this beautiful child's sake. <i> The court has resources for you.</i> We're gonna help you begin to go through this process. Take advantage of it. Take it seriously. Step outside of yourself. Put my baby first. JUDGE LAKE: And decide what's best for the child. I wish you the best of luck. Court is adjourned. When I heard the results, I felt relieved, I felt happy. It's been three years. My son deserves to know who his father is. And also, now he knows that that's his father but I'm his daddy. I've been there for him and I'm not gonna go anywhere. Well, knowing now that, uh, Te'korii is my son, it's my responsibility to be a father to him and to show him a different life.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,875,065
Rating: 4.6981683 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: wfCYTLqeBLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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