Chuck missler- Trinity prt1

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6666 40 your future lies in 66 40 66 books by 40 authors and yet you now discover it's an integrated message system from outside our time domain welcome to sixty six forty chef Miller's daily program connecting the Bible to your life and the world around you it's God's plan that began before time and it's your future it's a plan that includes you now here's the host of 66 forty John Leffler welcome once again to sixty-six forty chuck Missler is continuing his series about the Trinity and how does one reconcile what would seem to be a contradiction but pretty much probably here's an idols track in the Old Testament the principle of a triune God is diffused through the text is there but argue you could argue against it be solidified in the New Testament where it becomes overt at that point in fact our whole problem was turns over the other way around the whole problem that we've been addressing is how the one god of the New Testament is there but below the surface you can see it's really a plurality of one God another trainee we've we've the problem there was to discern the plurality within the unity when I guess the New Testament the problem also almost turns over the other way around or in the New Testament we have the father son of the Holy Ghost very clearly described so often the problem there is to discover it in the New Testament there's a macro code and embracing tied together to show that they're all the same there's some very interesting textual examples to bring up the integrity so putting them all together of course the whole thing has integrity in fact that's the part that on this topic that fascinates me it's probably the toughest topic we have doctrinally to think about the Trinity and on the other hand it yields to the extent that we really appreciate the precision and the integrity of the total text the sixty-six books written by 40 authors and so forth and so we're gonna discover as we're going to shift now in our series into focusing on the New Testament we're gonna notice the that these different pieces of the problem come together in unity and that's the challenge I'm looking forward to it's a Trinity one God or tree how does one deal with the ostensible tensions between the old and new Testament revelation of the ultimate mystery of the Godhead the series the Trinity clearly the New Testament we find very manifestly this concept of God in three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and so in a sense we have the opposite problem in the New Testament you read the Old Testament you sort of get the idea gee there's one god it's perhaps an over simplistic view get in the New Testament and you suddenly have these three persons and many people have trouble to really appreciate that all three are persons and yet all free make up the gut in so how do we deal with this one of the things that we should start off right away obviously God the Father is God few people have problem with that the fact that Jesus Christ the son calls himself God is a point of dispute many cults find ways to try to deny that but that we find the son called God in John 1:10 the true God in first John 5:20 the blessed God in Romans 9:5 and the Great God in Titus 2:13 so for Jesus Christ the son to be called God it's not a surprise than you understand some diligence anyone that has trouble with that should simply read the Gospel of John which hammers that home a thousand ways from Sunday so to speak and of course the other one the third party is a third person in the in the Trinity is the Holy Spirit he's called God in acts 5 3 through 9 it's called Lord and second Corinthians three seven and we'll talk more about him as we go so we have the Father Son and Holy Ghost all spoken of as God no problem there it's interesting that we see this surface most clearly in the Great Commission Matthew 28 that you should baptize them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost how many of you heard that okay that's about 70 percent not bad okay I'm kidding I'm kidding baptize them in the name singular the Father Son and Holy Ghost notice that say again you have the 1 in 3 there's there is plurality but it's in unity and it's obviously there one of the times you see all three present is it the baptism of Jesus Christ there when he's baptized you hear the voice of the Father this is my Sun in the Sun of course and then the Holy Spirit descending like a dove whatever that means oh one other thing I want to deal with and that is you'll find in the scripture names for God Elohim Jehovah or Yahweh whatever you have you want to pronounce it you'll discover that each of the names of God are attributed at different places to each of the persons of the Trinity don't follow the trap of assuming well Elohim that's the father and Yahweh is in other words those names will turn out as you study the names of God they will relate to the relationship they're talking about not the which person of the Trinity all three members of Trinity are tied to each of the names of God that's an aside but an important one and we could go through I'll spare you that at the moment going through the examples of that but if you'll stay that carefully you'll discover that doesn't really help Elohim speaks of the creator and so let's let's look at that another way let's go through the major works of God and see who did what to whom and you're going to discover just give you a conclusion you know where I'm headed you see where I'm going here each member of the Trinity is declared to have wrought the work entirely completely and independently by himself that's maybe more puzzling than ever let's first of all talk about the creation of the universe okay and you can find lots of places in the scripture I'll use Psalm 102 verse 25 as an example where clearly the universe is created by God that implied God the Father no problem so forth Psalm 102 deals with that well that's all fine and good until you get to Kailash then you get to John chapter 1 John magnificently opens his gospel with an interesting declaration John chapter 1 verse 1 in in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God now the word here is a title we'll discover as that as Falls John is using this as a title of Jesus Christ because the points out that the word became flesh and dwelt among us verse 14 the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us our tabernacled among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth and then he goes on you'll discover that John both here and also the book of Revelation uses the Word of God as a title of Jesus Christ well okay in the beginning was the word the Word was with God no problem so forth and the Word was God see I the East that sounds like double-talk it's not really he was God but he also was with God see it emphasizes the fact that he's distinct that there's least two so far that we that make up the Godhead and the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him by whom all things were made by him but by Jesus Christ he was the creator without him was not anything made that was made so Jesus Christ is here attributed as being the creator he was crucified on a cross of wood yet he made the hill on which it stood what an amazing thing let's turn to Colossians chapter 1 starla speaking about verse 15 speaking of Jesus Christ Paul says who is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation and don't be confused by that phrase that doesn't mean he's born firstborn is a position of honor or rank that's what the term really is used here for it firstborn of all creation for by him we're all things created that are in heaven that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers and things were created by him and for him and so on again it goes on from there so we have the creation of course attributed then to the Sun many places I picked to John 1 and Colossians 1 so don't problem so far gee I thought the father created the world well the scripture also says the Sunday very explicitly very in great detail but let's notice something else let's pop back to Genesis chapter 1 and notice the second verse of Genesis of the book of Genesis first ones easy in the beginning God Elohim created heaven the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters who's doing the moving here the word actually is brooding like a like a hinders over her eggs the Spirit of God this year attributed as the creative force you turn to job 26 13 turn to job chapter 26 let's go to the oldest book in the Bible the oldest book in the Bible job tells us by his Spirit he hath garnished the heavens his hand had formed a crooked serpent it goes on so here we have again just like Genesis chapter
Channel: JayessOnline
Views: 50,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chuck, missler, Trinity, khouse
Id: wqErqTt7KLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2007
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