Studying the Bible - 1/2 - Chuck Missler

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my guests received a congressional appointment to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis Maryland upon graduating with honors he was commissioned in the US Air Force when he left active duty he had become branch chief of the Department of guided missiles at Lowry Air Force Base there are fascinating chapters in the career path of chuck Missler which we're going to hear about today Chuck is still providing guidance I don't know anyone who is more passionate about encouraging people to seriously study the Bible as the inerrant Word of God tens of thousands of people around the world are being enriched by his insights and resources we have him right here welcome I feel very welcome up this is a great gift to us and our mission for this slice is to allow our viewers to get to know the man okay well I grew up with foreign-born parents in Southern California they from the old country which the old country Germany in Austria and when you grow up in a country like in a family like that being an American means something very special if they're getting their citizenship papers when you're you know in school but I was a technical I had a technical aptitude so I was on a path to be a double a PhD EE at Stanford that was sort of the but when I got the neighborhood had me appointment then that the adventure of that lured me and that gave me a passion for adventure I've never lost and so and you've covered that part of it but during those early years I just developed a love for the Word of God so it became my primary hobby I I was always presuming a technical career but what I did for fun then was to study the Bible collecting commentaries and so forth even as a teenager and I fell under the tutelage of a guy by the name of Ted hax who was a prominent pastor a teacher in Southern California and I heard him give a lecture once that the Book of Revelations all in code but all the codes are explained somewhere in the Bible and that you've had to my nose that I had to find that out yeah and so that got me hooked and and one thing led to another so I just developed the early love for the scripture even at the academy when I got involved in the Academy life was active there with the pre revelry prayer meetings and stuff but and went in the air force and got out the Air Force I was in the intelligence community and making along to make a long story short my executive career included serving on 12 public boards I was a chairman and CEO of six different public companies for those were defense contractors so that was my life and but also a big part of who you are well yeah Yeah right he'll love it he'll always makes fun of that with my name you know but the the but along the way I what I did for recreation who was bomb studies and I taught the Monday night Bible studies at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa a prominent church in Stockton California for about 25 years but as a layman I did that Monday nights because and it was the pressure of having several hundred people there as an audience that caused me during the week then to be prepared for that and so it's got a growing crowd of people who are laughing up with you it got to be about 2,000 actually but the the the the the studying of the word was it took that pressure that orange to keep me in the word otherwise that we've been so caught up in mergers and acquisitions and all the usual things that an executive life and so that really was my way of keeping in the work through all those years and so I was doing fine it was Hal Lindsey who was an old friend for a lot of other reasons from way back that grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and talked me into making my hobby my profession because he knew he he had sense that I had quite a following even I was just doing as a father you know as a hobby he said ever occurred to you to make your hobby a profession and as an executive I was probably insufferable but I never took myself seriously it's the Bible teacher but turning him but through his encouragement decided to give it a try and the Lord blessed it so that's what we've been doing now along the way though I noticed that almost all my different experiences in life had some impact on my ministry except one I had spent some time in the intelligence think-tank world the RAND Corporation environment I call it and they're thinking about and I really and I realized that there isn't a think-tank for Christians and so so that started the Lord seemed to start opening doors there and a dance role Barger joined me as the executive director and we've been spending the last couple of years growing it and we now have members of the Institute in 20 countries we've set up a line in the joint in the Institute and and we have all we have verse-by-verse studies of the entire bible now every book verse by verse so that can now that's all set up now to get university credit so you can go through a study on the internet you get into a virtual classroom on the internet and go through a book of the Bible and it generates a transcript credit and there a number of organizations that will accept our transcripts we've actually graduated four PhDs and three masters and two masters just in the last three years primarily we work most closely with Louisiana Baptist University somewhere along the line you got a doctorate yes oh yes and I had a master's in engineering and business from UCLA and then the doctorate from Bellevue you know if anyone who's looked at any of your material or heard you speak connects the dots god wired you with a left hemisphere that that engineering mind and that adventurous investigative spirit combined with the love of the scripture you you you go after things that but some of us have a hard time wrapping our heads around well the the queen of the sciences these days is the information sciences even microbiology the real challenge there is the DNA and so it they it's always the information Sciences that are the cutting edge well that's exactly what the Bible is all about this is the ultimate information it's the and so that's probably why we approach it maybe with a little different style you know in terms of but it's it's just exciting i I get so tired hearing prominent people on television interviews and stuff saying it well you can't prove the Bible but and I always bothers me you can approve the Bible if you there's two discoveries that changed my life the first discovery is that the sixty-six books even though they were penned by over forty different people who didn't even know each other over a period of almost two thousand years that would explain it yeah well well except it's an integrated message you discover that every detail I don't mean just that there's a theme in the Old Testament fulfill knew no know is that every number every place name every detail is there by deliberate design and once you discover that for yourself you're confronted with a second discovery if it's an integrated message the origin of that message had to come from outside time and space because why you call this an extraterrestrial yes exactly because the designer the author of it is it has the he's drawing on an attribute that he alone enjoys name me that he's outside see we the great discovery of 20th century science is that time itself is a physical property time varies with mass acceleration and gravity well God is not somebody who has we think of eternity as having lots of time that's nice poetry but bad physics because eternities being outside the restrictions of the dimensionality of time and he demonstrates his origin by writing history before it happens in such people you know people often talk about the four hundred years between the New Testaments it's all in there in Daniel chapter 11 verses 5 to 35 it lays out those Florida dears in such detail that skeptics say well that must have been written later the point is that it's a design package and once you realize it's a design package from someone who is outside the constraint it changes your whole attitude by what you've got in your hands and and that was the moment for me reading how Lindsey the late great planet Earth oh yeah before I came to the point of seeing my need for Jesus as Lord of my life I was awed by the evidence of scripture fulfilled everything God said would happen in that book has happened just the way said it wouldn't I thought I can sleep tonight I don't have to worry about the button pushers mind you a lot of what you have in your resource material strategic trends is scaring me witless another yeah you have insights I'm wondering why you're not getting together with Conda Lisa or somebody the because you have insights on
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 55,659
Rating: 4.9124999 out of 5
Keywords: interview, huntleystreet, apr-29-09, 100huntley, christian, HS8315, navalacademy, usairforce, studyingbible, wordofgod, bible, bibletruth
Id: 1tE1IzdyOkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2009
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