Bible Study Chuck Missler Genesis part 1

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father we just rejoice that we have this opportunity to gather together in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we thank you Father for your word and we thank you you provided this opportunity for us to explore your word we do pray father that you would just through your Holy Spirit open our hearts and lives to what you have here for us that we might more fully comprehend and apprehend the extremes that you've gone to to bring us life we thank you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen well we are undertaking a review a study and expiration of the book of Genesis and I wish I could find the words to tell you how excited him about this because we've done it before but we've we we have recordings that were really quite dated and the staff wouldn't let me do Genesis again until we had some other commitments but behind us so they finally have okayed an opportunity to jump in and review the book of Genesis many of you probably have been with us through our learn the Bible in 24 hours which is a survey of course and many of you have been with us through our revelation series and it makes it be surprising that the natural one of the natural places to start staying the Bible is the book of Revelation strangely but one of the natural places to go to after the book of Revelation is indeed the book of Genesis for just to close the loop if you will you'll see why as we go but we are in an exploration of very fundamental significance to all of us more so than many other studies might be able to claim you see there are only two worldviews that impact all of us the first is that everything is the result of a cosmic accident that is the prevailing view taught in our schools those of you that have children in our government schools know what you're up against there and it's this view that we're just some kind of cosmic accident that leads to colomban high school that leads to the lawlessness that of age not just our streets but also our courts and elsewhere the other world view is that we are the result of a deliberate design by designer every world view that you might hold derives from one of these two presuppositions and so we're not just joining a study of the book of Genesis we're plunging right into a very fundamental root belief that affects all of us and so there are four questions that will derive from any of these worldviews first of all Who am I Who am I really where did I come from we all ask ourselves that question especially when we're young but all through our lives that question lurks behind every other attitude we might have because it also begs the question why are we here and where are we going when we die death is in front of all of us were in a brief tragically brief sojourn with an ultimate destiny where will we spend it what will it be like all these things do you arrive from those two world one of those two worldviews and these questions are fundamental to almost everything we think or believe so one of the things that we've all been victim of is the skepticism that has emerged in recent decades there's been all kinds of pseudo scholars that attack the historicity of the Bible in general and especially the book of Genesis and especially the first 11 chapters there's been a view that they didn't even have writing in the days of Moses this was a very prevalent view for centuries ago and also that the Gospels in the Epistle New Testament were written in the second century a couple hundred years after the fact all of this fortunately has been debunked in our time you and I have the benefit of much more effective scholarship through archaeological discoveries through document documentary discoveries and competent analysis so the good news is much of what you may have heard in some of the skeptical texts or TV programs of the past are shredded by the facts they're ganged up mercilessly by reality and so we're going to have the advantage of that I want to under law underscore two discoveries that underpin our particular ministry and attitude towards these things the first is that we have in our laps this evening 66 books and these 66 books were pinned by over 40 different authors and over a period of almost 2,000 years and the discovery is first of all that this group of 66 books are an integrated message we've discovered that every detail in these books is there by designing and that's something you really need to discover for yourself to have impact but as you do your study I want you to be sensitive the fact that as you go you'll begin to discover for yourself the integrity of the whole and as you do that that leads to a second discovery the first discovery as I say is that we have an in our possession an integrated message system even though there's 66 books by over 40 guys who didn't even know each other and done over thousands of years we know now know that the origin of that message system has to have occurred from outside the dimensionality of time not just because it writes history in advance the very structure of the text anticipates the information that emerges thousands of years later so it's a clearly skillful design from outside our time domain and from these two discoveries I can make the assertion you say well you can't prove the Bible yes you can if you do your homework because you can prove its integrity of design and having done that you can demonstrate its origin from being outside the time dimension and so we're going that's going to this whole idea is that we have the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed and as that as that gets demonstrated in your own study it will alter your whole attitude about this collection of manuscripts we call the Bible it has a central theme the Old Testament is basically the account of a nation the New Testament is an account of a man we're going to be talking about the creation in this study but one of the things that's exciting about the creation is that the create the creator himself became a man and his appearance is the central event of all history he died to purchase us and he is alive today and I most exalted privilege is to know him that's real what the Bible is all about I'm really excited about the book of Genesis for lots of reasons many of you that know me know that well I'm a kind of a science buff have a lot of physics in my background and so forth so that's one of the reasons because there's Genesis is full of that of course another reason is that most of you know that I'm a prophecy buff very much interested in eschatology and so forth but that's not the reason that Genesis is so exciting there's even a third reason that you've got to discover for yourself and that is that Jesus Christ is on every page Jesus Christ is on every page of the book of Genesis and when you start to see that when you start to feel it when you realize what's happening boy it takes over it's exciting so that's what we're really that's really what we're all about here we're talking about the Torah the Greek term is the Pentateuch the five books of Moses the Hebrew term is the Torah genesis of course which is the book of beginnings followed by Exodus the birth of the nation Leviticus the law of the nation numbers the wilderness wandering says they didn't have the faith to take advantage of the situation when it was available to them and then Deuteronomy which is essentially a few sermons by Moses recapping all of that the laws reviewed and so forth these are the five books called the torah in hebrew and now before we start I decided to I was going to put this at the end as just a little tag along and said it occurred to me i put it up up early because if nothing else it may give you a slightly different perspective of the text itself we're going to talk a lot as we get into the study about the exposition of the text what is talking about and substantively but there's also another level of understanding that from the text itself and I thought it would be interesting to show this you people ask me frequently are there hidden codes in the Bible and they're absolutely are that does there's a there's so much nonsense and so much contrived foolishness around that many people get disenchanted with the idea of hidden messages in the scripture but they are there I want to show you a few proverbs 25 2 tells you that it's the glory of God to conceal a thing but it's the honor or duty of Kings to search out the matter so I way back in the 16th century rabbi cordillera pointed out that the secrets of the Torah are revealed in the skipping of letters so this idea of Bible codes is not a new idea it's a rediscovery of things that were known centuries ago there are dozens of different kinds of encryptions in the scripture and are not to go through all those here relax but there's one particular kind that is called an equidistant letter sequence and it's the one that's being very much abused by by promoters and things but nevertheless there are some that are real the equalist letter sequence here's an exact this is a contrived example to give you an idea what they are on the screen there's a sentence rips explain that each code is a case of adding every fourth letter to form a word that's just an arbitrary sentence I put on the screen but it turns out that if you take every fourth letter of that that's an equidistant letter sequence of the spacing of three between each letter you then discover that every fourth letter forms another message in this case it's me it says read the code this is just a demonstration to give you a feeling for what we mean by an equidistant letter sequence this technique was known to the ancient rabbis this is one of many when those rabbinical experts rose to power in the courts of Europe during the Renaissance period they were the experts that contrived the cryptography available to the various kings so if you study the history of secret writing or cryptography you'll discover it really has its roots in the ancient rabbis and Israel and it's traceable through the courts of Europe as they invent better and more sophisticated codes leaning on their insights and it because the codes got so sophisticated World War 2 the we developed computers to break the codes that's what Turing in Jonathan Newman in the United States and Alan Turing in Britain where the two experts to read gave us the modern computer but as original mission was to break the Nazi codes which it did but it's interesting that those same computers have now allowed us to rediscover the very things that the rabbi's new thousands of years ago and so it's a very fascinating studies all right but let me just give you one example to give you a flavor of this this is the book of this is a Genesis chapter one in Hebrew now i want to remind you that hebrew goes from right to left so if you go to the also the word torah in the Hebrew is spelled with four letters at all which is roughly equivalent to our tea and oh hey four letters if you go to the first how in the book of Genesis and that's the that's the that's the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet happens and you count 49 letters you come to a love you count 49 more letters and you come to a rash which is sort of like our are and you count 49 more letters you come to a hey so that is for those four letters spelled Torah now you need to remind you that all languages flow towards Jerusalem you know that all nations east of Jerusalem go from right to left all nations west of Jerusalem go from left to right all languages flow towards Jerusalem I don't want you to do with that piece of information but I think it's interesting now you can follow this without knowing he broadly but you see it now why 49 was the square of seven okay that's fine that's not too surprising but just a coincidence of course or is it now you could argue well that's just an accident of the frequency of letters and so forth it's kind of rare but interesting except what happens is when you go to the book of Exodus go the first how count 49 letters you get above forty nine letters you get a rash forty nine letters and you get a hey same thing happens what's the probability of that whatever the first probability is it's that squared okay so it's very unlikely Genesis Exodus you go to Leviticus and it doesn't happen and when it doesn't just almost feel a sigh of relief but when you go to numbers the same thing happens it backwards take the first hey the first rash the first valve that is how you get Taurus spelled backwards now that's weird what we had nothing else I don't how they found this out they must've had time on their hands you know they didn't have computers you know this is you go to Deuteronomy have it essentially the same equivalent thing happens and now your puzzle because you've got it forward forward backward backward can't resist going back to Leviticus and looking at laviticus more closely we have 49 @ 7 squared letter sequences tora tora forward and jasmine exodus backwards in numbers dorami well you look at laviticus you discover that every seventh letter spells the unpronounceable name of God often rendered Jehovah or Yahweh transferee expresses I don't I among the Hebrews they won't pronounce that name they'll use the word Lord instead well now we stand back from all of this we have the name of God and we suddenly realize that the Torah always points to the name of Jehovah now what's the chance of that happening by accident by the way if you've tried to contrive something like this and still maintain logic in the text that's a challenge this is a very non trivial thing to design if you set out to design it that way so many of us tend to regard these kinds of things in general as fingerprints of the holy spirit and you'll see some others as we go through the book but I thought the real question of course is who wrote the Torah who wrote the five books of Moses many of you may be victims of the so-called liberal scholars you know this term liberal really starting to bother me we use it politically to describe those that are of modern or liberal persuasion as they would like to be called also there's scholars that call themselves liberal because they weren't shackled to the conservative as conservatives in the past the more I read both weathers in the political the contemporary political arena or whether it's in the classical scholastic arena I get troubled by that term because it's not descriptive to be liberal is to be broad-minded these people aren't broad-minded they're not tolerant less you agree with them the only time I can think of a subversive but let's get back to this there is a thing that's called formerly the graph wellhausen hypothesis because he formalized some thoughts that were emerging in what was called the German school of higher criticism sixteenth century and following and out of this came what's called the documentary hypothesis and many of if you go to a bookstore and look at some of the commentaries if you find this kind of thing in its a real flag in terms of where they're coming from the idea is that the row Moses didn't really write the five books of Moses it was compiled later by other editors and they contrived textual reasons to justify this view they notice that the name of God is yahya they are yo ho ho the reason Jehovah came around this came out of Germany so the J is like a y so it's the Yahweh is really yehova or whatever anyway they J documents are those that are attributed to a that leaned on using that name of God whereas others the elois was the create would name for the Creator certain passages in the five books of Moses used that one name frequently the other one uses a different name so they argued be on that basis that there there were different editors then there's other sources are from what they call the Deuteronomy source and then there's a priestly source and and this gets carried away as people needed PhD theses to write they started breaking these down so they have all kindly they treat the idea that this was all compiled maybe as late as the days of Ezra which of course is utter nonsense now the good news is that they did this by the way without any compelling evidence this is just a contrived view to get away from the the reality of the past these views have been shredded by a number of scholars through the last hundred years or so and but I'm going to save you the one thing you get out of this meeting you i'm going to save you hours of really boring library research to go through these arguments pro and con it's a app salute it's an absolute waste of time scholastically because there are scholars that have shredded that just at this point take my word for that part of it there's a shortcut and the shortcut occurs in Luke 24 all of us know the first half of that chapter because it's what we would call easter morning at the tomb but we're going to focus on briefly here an event that occurred that afternoon it's recorded in Luke 24 you can follow me when your Bibles if you like from verse 13 but I'll have it on the screen for though so we can go to over it together two disciples went that same day to a village called Emmaus which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs I realized there's not a lot of horse players among us here you may not know that a furlongs an eighth of a mile so that turns out to be 60 stadia or 64 Long's is essentially seven and a half miles from Jerusalem anyway these two disciples are going on a set what's going to turn out to be a seven and a half mile Bible study because as they walk they will talk together of all these things which had happened get the picture now this is sunday afternoon a few days ago they were present when the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified he was buried and anyway so there there shook their disillusion confused whatever and the k to pass that while they commune together and reasoned Jesus himself drew near and went with them but their eyes were holding that they should not know him so there the two disciples are walking along this road Jesus joins them but they don't recognize who he is we don't know why he did he wasn't recognized whatever reason there was gets removed by verse 31 so let's not worry about it I have personally some conjectures as to why they didn't recognize him we know from Isaiah 50 there are some details of his crucifixion they're not recorded the New Testament one of which is the Romans ripped off his beard and so if nothing else what we have here is a scar tissue days with no beard where they were used to seeing him so that's at least a conjectural possibility in any case from their point of view he's just a stranger people often ask me does God have a sense of humor and I'll point them to this passage to make a point because here he joins them and they don't realize who he is and now by the way if you and I were we're stage managing this or writing a shooting script we probably resort to some kind of cataclysmic announcement hey guys don't you know who I am you know flash of thunder something you know notice what he does he said to them the stranger says to them what manner of communications are these that you have one one to another as you walk in our sand though he joins these strange strangers apparel and he says why you're so glum what's bothering you guys and one of them whose name is clampus answering said unto Him art thou only a stranger Jerusalem has thou not known the things which are come to pass there in these days so he walks up and says hey guys why so glum and they turned to him and say where were you fella you know that's the flavor of it but this is the line that just kills me I love verse 19 Jesus says to them what things I don't know how you could pull that off with a straight face here he was put through six trials through the night all of which were illegal he was badly abused crucified dead buried in the grave three days and he can come he's gonna see what things ok that that's got to be that takes the cake for me anyway so he sir and they said unto him and then they explained to him what happened from their point of view concerning Jesus of Nazareth which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before gotten all the people and how the chief priests in our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and have crucified Him and we trusted that had been he that should have redeemed Israel and besides all this today is the third day since these things were done so they're explaining to him or they go they could do yeah in certain women also rare company made us astonished which were really at the Sepulcher when they found not his body they came saying that they'd also seen a vision of angels which said that he was alive and certain of them which were witness went to the sepulchre and found it even as the women had said but him they saw not so this is their summary of the of the episode then Jesus now speaks that by the way he still doesn't identify who he is what's interesting he speaks of himself in the third person he said o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not Christ that guy ought not Christ who have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and here's the key verse for us right now and beginning at what Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself these guys were treated to a seven and a half mile Bible study by the author not just of the study of the entire world i love that line since he was crucified on a cross of wood but he made the hill on which it stood that's the one that were that we have to do with that they drew near to the village whether they went and he made as though he would have gone further but they constrain them saying applied with us for his toward evening in the day as far as spent and he went in to tarry with him and it came to pass said as he sat at meat with them he took bread and blessed it and break it and gave to them that's bizarre in a Jewish home the host reserves the role of breaking the bread and so forth he's the guest but he takes charge and when he breaks the bread and gave it to them then their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight they will join him that evening because they're gonna head back to Jerusalem and share all this and behind closed doors he will show up you know the story but it's a but it's interesting to to when they get back there at the upper room they're going to explain that they recognized him in the breaking of the bread what was that in the breaking of bread that would reveal to them something they hadn't noticed 47 half-mile walk anyone nail prints in his wrists absolutely now they said to one another did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures well that's the kind of heartburn we all want right yeah this the the rebuttal of the documentary hypothesis comes from none other than Lord Jesus Christ if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you've got no problem as to who wrote the Torah the books of Moses Jesus told you and he ought to know if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you got bigger problems and who authored the Torah so we'll get in later the Emmaus Road example is when I prefer to use but the authentication of Moses shows up all through the New Testament that Moses the books of Moses are quoted all of them are quoted in the New Testament Jesus himself quotes from all five at attributing them to Moses specifically all scriptures by the way our christ-centered John five variants search the Scriptures for in name you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me he says and so forth in Psalm 40 verse 7 the Lord says the volume of the book is written of me yes he says in Psalm 40 butts also authenticated in Hebrews 10 and so on in the Old Testament Adam is quoted referred to in Deuteronomy in job first Chronicles Noah in 1st chronicles Isaiah Ezekiel Abraham 15 times in the Old Testament 11 times the new see one thing about the Bible it's all interlocked once you discover that each piece strengthens all the others you start pulling one piece out or another the whole thing will start to unravel Jacob 20 times the Old Testament 17 times the new the New Testament quotes have Jess include a hundred and sixty-five direct quotes and probably about 200 illusions and over a hundred of those are in our quotes from the first 11 chapters we're going we're going to discover the book of Genesis is generally partitioned into two parts the first 11 chapters which some people would call prehistory and then from the call of Abraham on 12 to the end so those are the two the attack is different but just to pick one of these jesus also comets in John 5 verse 45 to 47 he says do not think that I will accuse you to the father there is one that accused with you even Moses in whom he trusts for hedgy believed Moses he would have believed me for he wrote of me but if he believed not his writings how she'll do you believe my words we as Christians need to realize that through focus on the New Testament we need to understand that unless you can express yourself regarding the Old Testament especially book of Genesis you're missing a major part of your witness as to the Lord of the Bible now we'll find I said there's a hundred and sixty-five them I thought we'd go through each one carefully tonight but the video people thought of we might be able to either lengthy production so I'll just give you a quick the creator and creation is there's a list of these they'll be in the publications for you the illusions of the creation all through all the Gospels all the epistles one place another creation of man and woman the fall of man oh these are all central themes the flood of Noah the other patriarchs of course all these are foundational so it doesn't surprise us that it's interweaved throughout the entire New Testament and Jesus ADIZ had said search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life there they which testify me Jesus Christ is on every page in fact the Gospel of John you know the other both Matthew and Luke have genealogies marks the only one without a genealogy but Matthew and Matthew has the Jewish genealogy and Luke that's in a sense the gentlemen the bloodline if you will but there is a genealogy in John that's not recognized as such by most and that's the first few verses in the beginning was the word now that's a title of Jesus Christ is very clear as you get into it in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him by whom Jesus Christ exactly and without him was not anything made that was made and John uses that as a title of Jesus Christ the logos and Paul in Colossians 1 says for by him we're all things created that are in heaven that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things that by him all things consist the Thrones dominions principalities and powers are in the greek ranks of angels who created the angels anyone Jesus Christ what about the super angels called cherry of him who created them Jesus Christ what about the charity beam that was appointed on top of to run you know to cover all the rest Jesus got a secret for you write this down your nose Satan is not Christ's brother okay I just thought you could jot that down some plus there are people that hold that view pray for him he is before all things and by him all things consist that Greek word it really means composed established or held together by him are all things held together and I'm fascinated by that as you read is getting a particle physics and you scientists are puzzles what holds the nucleus together you know we know that that like charges repel unlike charges attract so we have an atom with positive nucleus and got electrons running around it and so forth that makes sense but wait a minute you've got all these protons I thought protons repel each other what holds it well that's held together by nuclear glue really that's interesting and I won't get into part we're going to get the particle physics in a couple later sessions and we get in here but but no I suspect that hit the root of this at the root of it is Jesus Christ there's a day coming when he's going to go thanks collector so that's gonna be exciting why study the book of Genesis well there's lots of reasons the book of beginnings creation man woman Sabbath marriage home childhood sin murder sacrifice grace trade our agriculture city life races languages to you can make an endless list of things which begin in Genesis and there's something else that you learn as you study your Bible more and more you'll discover what what scholar is sometimes called the law of first mention the first place that something is mentioned they discovered tends to be very significant it tends to color it from that point on and we're going to discover that in a very surprising way when you get to chapter 22 of Genesis in a way that I don't want to steal the thunder we wait till we get there but each one of these things has a beginning here and has a climax where they get guess revelation exactly you'll get the sense that Genesis and revelation were designed to go as a pair like bookends Genesis anticipates all false philosophies atheism no we're created by God pantheism that God is everywhere no God is transcendent and distinguishable from the creation it's interesting that all the mythologies tend to regard the super God be as Zeus or whatever as derivative as within the creation they don't have a transcendent God not really and but God of the Bible is transcendent and distinguishable from his creation he did enter it but don't let that confuse you polytheism says it says as many gods know clearly we speak of one God and we'll hit that very hard materialism in the sense that not talk about materialistic living here talk about Patricia that that everything is just matter no matter itself had a beginning matter wasn't always here is the point and humanism know it's God not man that's the ultimate reality and evolutionism we're going to talk a lot about that no God created we're gonna hit that very hard the first two chapters of the book uniform ISM that no God intervenes in a sister you know scientists like take the take the view that things always happen a certain way call them laws well no it turns out there's lots of evidence that God intervenes in those laws and not only in history but also in our lives and all the major doctrines of the Bible have the roots in the book of Genesis sovereign election salvation justification by faith believer security separation its disciplinary chastisement divine incarnation rapture of the church death and resurrection the priesthoods not just the ironic priesthood but also in the kissa decree priest has its roots in Genesis the Antichrist the Palestinian kept the very basis of the World tension today God's land grant to Israel which is at issue before the UN and before the world Zechariah tells us the entire world's going to go to war over the city of Jerusalem you got to be kidding here the city's got no natural resources no River no heart there's no reason for it to be strategically relevant the modern world it's only relevance as religious and we live in an a religious world and yet exactly what Zechariah portrays is going on as we speak so kind of interesting as we look at Genesis and revelation we find an interesting contrast you know in Jesse we have the earth created in Revelation the Earth passes away in Genesis we have the Sun to govern the day in Revelation there's no need for the Sun darkness he called night Genesis there's no night there in Revelation the waters he called the Seas there is no more see in Revelation chapter 22 21 in Genesis you find a river for Earth's busing and in Revelation we have a river for the new earth the Earth's government is mentioned in Genesis 37 and we have the Earth's judgment relative to Israel in Revelation 16 man is made in God's image in Revelation ajemian Genesis and man's headed by Satan's image in Revelation we have the entrance of sin and Genesis we have the end of sin in Revelation 21 the curse is pronounced in Genesis and there's no more curse in revelation 22 death enters in Genesis 3 and there is no more death in Revelation 21 we have a man driven out of Eden in Genesis 3 and we have man restored in revelation 22 and that's that's the climax that God alludes to in chapter 3 as he declares war on Satan Tree of Life is guarded in Genesis 3 was he guarded by by the way a chair village why what's he therefore to keep Adam out it wouldn't take a charioteer normal angel would have been plenty what was that angel guarding the way of the Tree of Life who is he guarding it from another chair up huh we'll talk about that next time the right to the Tree of Life the realized guarded in Genesis the right to access it is returned engine revs 22 sorry sorrow and suffering entered the world in Genesis 3 verse 17 there is no more sorrow in relation to a to Nimrod founds Babylon in Genesis 10 Babylon Falls in revelation 17 and 18 and I'm one of these is beginning to believe that the Antichrist will come out of Assyria he is called by Micah Isaiah and Ezekiel the Assyrian I think it's gonna be a Nimrod not literally but in effect new Mirada return God's flood destroy all eat the entire evil generation chapter 6 through 9 in Genesis Satan's flood to destroy the elect generation as attempted in Revelation 12 we have a bow God's promise in Genesis 9 we have a bow for remembrance in Revelation for Sodom and Egypt typify the corruption and judgment and in Genesis 13 and also 19 and Sodom and Egypt is a an allusion to Jerusalem strangely in revelation 11 will sort that out when we get there a confederation was put together against Abraham's people in Genesis as a confederation versus Abraham's seed in Revelation 12 there's a bride for Abraham's son in Genesis 24 and there's a bride for Abraham's seed in Revelation 21 the marriage of the first Adam is in Genesis 2 in the marriage of the last Adam in Revelation 19 man's dominion ceased and Satan's begun in Genesis 3 verse 24 Satan's domain ended in man's restored in Revelation 20 21 integrated design from Genesis to Revelation the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed the Old Testament is a new testament revealed one book now we look at the total panorama of history this chart may be familiar to you if you've been through our learn the Bible in 24 hours but we obviously are going to be focusing it will Genesis by the way covers a major portions all the way from the creation to the exodus the rest of the Old Testament goes from the exodus until the the Exile of course the new testing is in just one lifetime and there's 400 years between the Testaments that's profiled for you in advance those aren't those are not missing years scholars called the silent years no they just haven't read Daniel 11 from five versus five and 35 at details those 400 years for you but any case we're focusing on the front end obviously of the entire panorama of history book of Genesis now the book of Genesis consists of 50 chapters the first eleven are often treated as a distinct portion often called prehistory if you will and from call of Abraham in Genesis 12 to the end we have Abraham Isaac Jacob and Joseph the four patriarchs in a more conventional narrative form if you will but we will be we're obviously we have two chapters here on the creation you know it's interesting I want to point out to you that the creation as exciting as it is is going to be as we get into it is the second most important issue the creation is not as important as another topic the creation has what two chapters in Genesis a couple of Psalms a couple of chapters in Isaiah that's about it the redemption is what reading the book of Genesis is mostly about the book of redemption is what Exodus is all about in fact you start going through the Bible you discover the redemption there's not a book in the Bible it isn't a key part of God's plan of redemption so if I look at how much space is accorded a subject I can argue the creation is important but not nearly as important as the plan of redemption the other way to measure value is what did it cost him well the creation cost God what six days he could do it again and we'll what did the redemption costume his son so we're going to be talking about the creation but recognize the primary theme is really the redemption that the extremes that God went to to redeem you and I from the predicament that we fell into we're of course going to focus in Chapter one on what's sometimes called the creation week day one was Sunday how do I know that well because the sixth day they said well you know the seventh day was sent it was a Shabbat right so the first day was where's the first day she bought me that's right first day sunday right second days is Monday third day is is Tuesday and one of your questions for your homework assignment before we get there will be why is why was not Monday blessed he's one of these days God saw that what he didn't it was good right we didn't say that about what happened on Monday so I'll let you two on that in preparation for that time when it comes but we're going to talk about after we've day one is that one of the in thing is let light be the creation of light what does that really mean what's going on their second day the stretching of space land the vegetation Sun Moon Stars fourth day sea animals and birds in this fifth day six day animals and so forth now a few assists Before we jump into all of this to get a little more background hear the word of God is inexhaustible that shouldn't surprise us but we should also recognize one of its features I don't care how many times you go through a book each time you go through you'll discover something new I'm fond of teaching a little book of ruth little for chapter book and I've done it most probably undred time so yeah every time we go through other some other new instance that emerges so don't be surprised as you discover things that eluded you before and remember the truth is always in the details every detail is connected to every other why because it's an integrated message and that gives you a procedure to deal with difficult passages when you find something you don't understand if you find something that seems to be a contradiction praise God right on the spot because hidden behind that apparent problem will be a discovery if you pray it through and one of the little tricks you can do is put Christ right in the middle of it and see what happens so tuck that away in your notes and now we're going to do with some fundamental questions is the universe about 15 billion years give or take that's the scientists would tell us right how many believe the universe is 15 billion years old my hand is up by the way ok not so politically correct you can ok or you know you see the Hubble telescope and all that we see hundreds of millions of light years away don't we we see galaxies that are hundreds of billions of light years away does that mean that light started traveling 100 billion years ago didn't sit that's argues for an old universe doesn't it well but the Bible says it created in six days does it mean 144 hours of those 24-hour days how many believe the Bible is created in six days that's the politically correct response do you really okay okay or and if so then where the aging factors built in I don't know probably the tree with a tree being created that has tree rings that's not my problem but but was it was a galaxy created to look like it's 100 billion years away and the lights started in transit just a short while ago cleverly scheme so it looks like it's big I don't think so I'll tell you why because eight times in the Tanakh in the Bible it says the eternal one cannot lie I don't think God is in the deceiving business he may hide some things make us dig for it a little bit but I don't think God's in the deception business quite the contrary so we got us interesting problem here it's not everyone you know what's like creating transit I don't think so the other view is where the days of Janus is simply geological eras many many apparently christian documents try to justify what some people call theistic evolution that evolution was the mechanism god used to create well that sounds good if you're trying to duck the accountability for the book of Genesis but that's contrary what the Bible teaches for lots of reasons so we've got a problem I've got a problem and so evolution is evolution evolution is denied by the scripture in many many ways so you can't it turns out strangely enough you can't straddle that issue I there is in every bookstore I think these days a book called in six days in which 50 prominent scientists explain why they believe that the universe is a young universe that the universe was created in six days as the Bible says and so there's for those of you and they're from all different all phd's all from different fields of science always different all with different reasons for holding that view so we're not going to go through the book there's 50 we're not wearing to do that but we'd be aware that's there as a thing but we're going to go a little different way let's start a little bit with what I'm going to call the nature of reality you and I need to understand a little bit about hyper spaces hyperspace is a fancy word for spaces of more than three dimensions you and I live in three dimensions and we're not going to get into a lot of advanced math or anything relax but there are some insights you and I can glean from what is now understood about the reality we live in that will cut through most of the theological paradoxes you encounter and so let's get into this in school you either in plane geometry or trigonometry you had triangles and you had angles in a triangle if you add up the angles in triangle was it add up to anyone 180 degrees good no matter what kind of a triangle have 30 60 90 or 45 45 90 whatever it always adds up to a hundred eighty degrees well suppose that two of us go out to a very large field with a transit and we lay out a very large triangle we bring the angles back in and they add up to more than 180 degrees well that's what you expect from a bunch of them pastors or something no no it turns out that we've encountered something anyone here know what we've encountered if we find a triangle with more than hundred degrees what's happened yes curvature the earth good for you see if you go into a navigation as a pilot or as a seaman or whatever you'll take a course in spherical trigonometry in which you can have 90 degrees in each corner and see when you encounter something that seemed to violate the rules see the rule we all learned in school that the angles of triangle at applying degrees is only true for a universe of two dimensions that's why they call it plane geometry or plane trigonometry it's only true for a flat plane you see if you have more than that you're dealing with a convex surface and if you have less than a hundred eighty degrees you're dealing with a hyperbolic paraboloid but I don't think that is something you're normally going to go into but when you encounter something that violates a rule you've learned one of the possibilities is that you've encountered a dimension that you didn't know existed you see and so that's it's that kind of insight that caused dr. Albert Einstein as he was grappling with the nature of space to realize that space is not limited to three dimensions and he developed his theory of relativity by recognizing that it really consists of for at least the special activity was 1905 which was length mass velocity and time of relative de velocity observers the general relativity in 1915 was that there was no distinction between time and space moved into the math here but the point is a physics will speak of space-time you can't speak of space and time separately time is a dimension of our space we you and I live not three dimensions in four dimensions three spatial dimensions and time and that's no longer just a conjecture the this four-dimensional continuum that we now know we live in has been confirmed confirmed 14 different ways to over 19 decimals it happens to include an insight that get around many of the problems we encounter so we want to talk a little bit about this peculiar dimension that you and I are in called time the nature of time time it turns out let's let's talk about this first of all there are atomic clocks located at the National Institute of Science and Technology in Boulder Colorado and also an identical clock at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich England these are atomic clocks they're accurate both of these are accurate to better than one second per million years so there's accurate as we know how to make clocks they're based on the natural resonance of cesium by what getting all that it's not important they're just very they're very very accurate clocks but here's the dilemma the one at boulder takes five microseconds a year faster than the identical clock at Greenwich every year they have to adapt a big adjustment why which one's correct Greenwich remoter the Brits or our federal government I didn't mean anything by that was right for the answers they both are correct you see both are the boulder colorado is at 5,400 feet altitude and greenwich england's an 80 feet of altitude and the gravity is different at both places which means that time is not the clock problem the time itself is different at each place the atomic clocks if I had an atomic clock here on the platform and I raised it one meter it would speed up by one part in 10 to the 16th not a big deal but it's measurable predictable and confirmable in fact they actually did this with an aircraft experimental 71 they put an atomic clock on a plane going around the world eastward and compared to one at the observatory it lost pronto 59 microseconds or 59 nanoseconds they did the same thing with one going westward around the world and it gained 273 nanoseconds not a big deal but it was exactly what the math mathematicians had predicted because of all the factors involved the motions and the gravity and so forth give you another example this one's I think kind of fun if you read a textbook and physics on the subject you'll discover that they'll usually talk about these two imaginary hypothetical astronauts they're both born at the same instant and we're going to send one of them to the nearest star the nearest star to us happens to be alpha centauri it's about roughly 20 half light-years away if you look at the night sky there actually is a star called Alpha Centauri and that's the nearest one to us and it is about four and a half light-years away we're going to send one of these guys leave one here with us we're gonna send one of them to that star and back now we're going to send them we're going to send them there at half the speed of light this obviously theoretical and so that means that here on the earth it's going to take him since 40 half light-years going to have to be light to take him nine years to get there nine years to come back so he'll return in 18 years are we together so far okay but what time is it on his clock he's got a wristwatch around his wrist what is it tally and you can tell this by the Lorentz transformations that don't bore you through but you go there is a correction factor it turns out when he gets back he'll be only 50 it'd only be 15 years and seven months in other words he'll return two years and five months younger than his twin brother and if that doesn't bother you you weren't listening carefully to identify to identity last night's one goes in the trip one doesn't the guy that gets back is younger than his twin man that's interesting okay to dramatize is further let me go with step further let's assume we had sent him at ninety-nine point nine nine percent of the speed of light let's assume for the moment that be possible somehow that would make the round trip nine years on our counter but it would only take 33 days on his calendar and so let's hope we bought some Microsoft stock on the way or something about anyway okay see time itself is a physical property that's the point we don't think of it that way but time is a physical property and it's not uniform time is it varies with mass acceleration gravity among other things well here's the question then is God subject to mass or gravity by the way you and I live in more than three dimensions there's apparently 10 of them we're going to talk about that in one of the subsequent days on the creation when we get there so you and I think of time as linear when we were in school the teacher put a line on the blackboard from left to right the left end was the beginning of something the birth of the famous person the founding of an empire the end of that line was that collapse or end of that Empire or the death of that person or what have you it's a timer how many made timelines in school sure go ahead sure it's only this time it time has an arrow by the way this is a time is a very peculiar dimension because it's not too it's not two ways we can move forward and look back we do that all time we look move forward and look back we can't move back nor can we look forward can we well God can but we can okay when I'm in California well I use less how many of you remember tomorrow when i went to make this talk in california i was guarded when i asked that question there is another property of our existence that we're going to get into in subsequent days called entropy which is a fancy or mathematicians word for randomness in a sense maximum entropy is a maximum disorder maximum randomness when you organize something you are decreasing its entropy if you will it's interesting that the universe is going from order to disorder that's what we mean by the second law of thermodynamics the universe is winding down thermodynamically is winding down in every other way every field of science recognizes the what they call the law of entropy in in their observations except one only one field of science chooses to ignore it if you're in physics or any field of science especially information Siri information sciences the only field of science that chooses to ignore entropy the entropy laws is biology because they have a problem because they want to create order out of disorder by itself and you can't do that and we'll talk a lot about that as we get to the discussion of life going on but we'll talk about we're going to see we're going to map ultimately the six days of creation in an entropy map when we get when we get to day seven but this idea of this linear a lot in time is an important concept for us to grasp because when we think of eternity we tend whether we realize or not to imagine it like a line that starts from infinity on the left and goes to infinity on the right we imagine eternity is simply having lots of time when we sing amazing grace what is the fourth standards when we've been there ten thousand years we've no less years or it it embodies this concept that eternity is equivalent to having lots of time that makes nice poetry but it happens to be bad physics and the question then is it see the going from infinity that's just lots of time the nature of God is God subject to the restrictions of mass I don't think so or acceleration heavens no gravel you know see God is not someone simply with lots of time he's outside the restrictions of time and that's the uniqueness of his personal imprint you see that's what exactly what Isaiah means in Isaiah 57 15 where he says thus sayeth the high and lofty one that inhabited eternity he's outside time since God has the technology to create us in the first place does he have the means to get a message to us of course a trick is how does he attend to Kate his message how does he let us know that the message is really from him and not some kind of contrivance or a fraud of some kind imagine yourself as an undercover agent in a foreign country and your host country has suspected that the somehow suspicious of your presence there and has been able to flood you with counterfeit messages from your parent headquarters you're suddenly getting all these messages how do you tell which ones are really from your control and which ones aren't well one of the ways is you would be looking for some attribute that was unique to your source that wasn't counterfeit able if you will buy your host country following saying that sort of an analogy maybe it's a clumsy one but one of the ways that God authenticate his message is to rely on an attribute that is unique to him not even the Angels have he declares the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done in the most simplest case we call that prophecy God writes history before it happens all kinds perhaps the most incredible one is the history of Israel it's beginning its ups its downs and it's destiny all laid out in advance and so on the authentication of Jesus Christ is the Messiah of Israel is awesome to the extent that is fully document in the Old Testament centuries before he made his appearance every details like the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was not a tragedy it was an achievement skillfully fulfilling hundreds of specific specifications in order to accomplish what God was attempting to accomplish on our behalf so the geometry we've been looking at is a line from left to right is in the two-dimensional space like a blackboard imagine if you will that line in three-dimensional space coming out at you from the blackboards this curve if you will and behind us is the past say we're right here in the present ahead of us is the future see for you and I life is a sequence of events in time it's sort of analogous to sitting on the curb watching a parade come around the corner for you sitting on the curb the parade is a series of floats marching band's musical groups whatever but it's a sequence but you see God is not in time he's outside time and he can see the past the present the future simultaneously the analogy perhaps a little crude exactly is imagine yourself in a helicopter above the parade you're not in the plane of the parade's existence you're above it and you can look and see the staging area where the floats are being assembled to make their appearance you can watch the things that are passing interview at the moment you can also look at the D staging area where there they're disbanding you can see the beginning and the end simultaneously so because you why because you're outside the dimensionality of that spray that's a it's an example it's a clumsy example now I might mention as long as we have this diagram on the board we have the press past the present the future which are sequential here in time but at the throne of god there's a sense in which their simultaneous huh you can turn those arrows the other way if you want some of the dive housing years ago some of the died see a month ago and somebody gets raptured a week from Tuesday all can arrive at throwing the same instant I'm not saying they do come to understand me I'm suggesting that as a way of stretching your father eyes in here eternity is outside time I love this is my favorite quote of dr. Albert Einstein people like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between the past the present the future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion Einstein himself said this in the beginning God created the error view we're going to get to now we're going to we're all now ready to go to the first verse of vaca Genesis we think it will take about an hour and a half to do about seven words there that's about twenty eight letters turn out there's three hundred and six thousand letters in the Torah so you can extrapolate to figure out when we through the study nan kitty in the Hebrew remember Hebrew goes from right to left it is better sheep bara Elohim Pharisee in the beginning God Elohim Barack created berra she is in beginning before there was anything in fact Hebrew sages understand from the details of the text that prior to that bet of Bereshit there was nothing physical not empty space nothing knows no matter no energy no time nor space we tend to visualize the Big Bang we'll get to that later but as an explosion in space no it created it the singularity that became the universe was matter energy space and time simultaneously and the word is bara a very strange word in the Hebrew to create out of nothing is what the term actually means there are two other words that are also used a saw which means to make fashion or fabricate implicitly from something already there like molding clay to make a pot or yatza which is a form as it 43 7 has all three of these words being used but the word is being used here is Bharat to create out of nothing and there's another word in here that deserves some comment and that's the third word Elohim you may not know Hebrew but I suspect you know enough Hebrew to understand that some of the nouns to be a plural have an IM ending what's a singular of a cherub cherub what's the plural of cherub cherubim you can go to Israel and visited kibbutz what if you go to several they're called keep it seemed certain classes of Hebrew nouns make a plural by adding what we would call them I am ending Elohim is a plural noun Elohim and yet every place it appears in the in this text is a grammatical mistake most of you in English you don't see it as set you're not a sensitive to it as you aren't most foreign languages you have to claim the now has to agree the verb plural singular all sort of thing Hebrew to Elohim is a plural noun but it's used with verbs as if it was singular in the very vocabulary of the Hebrew you have a hint of the what do we call it from the New Testament Trinity you find it creep in the English translations will see it where God says let us make man in our image it creeps into the english translation a couple places and so will be sensitive that but it's a very that word Elohim it's a it's an illusion if you will to the Trinity that leads us of course to the age of the earth many people have in their Bibles in the center column what they call Usher's dates archbishop james ussher and dr. John Lightfoot both the 17th century went through a careful study of the genealogies and concluded that the creation occurred in October of 1404 bc some now many scholars smile at their naïveté to think that the world is only 6,000 years old they put that in the Bible as a guide because it gives you ability to relatively date certain events together but I'll tell you what's interesting is more recent scholars William Henry Greene and Warfield both the 19th century fall stitch in 79 and Walter et Brown very respected researcher 1995 have gone through and rechecked those and they have some minor discrepancies but not much with Usher's dates and you will find Bible scholars that to this day don't depart far from the ushers dates that are so quaintly included in your Bibles in fact in six days these scientists 50 of them have gone on record believing that the sixth day perception of Genesis 1 is the valid perception scientifically and they have scientific reasons for believing that so the age of the earth is an enigma here we're going to talk more about that rather provocatively in the next session but one of the things you and I are going to need to do as we go into this is to shed the baggage of our misconceptions all of us bring preconceptions to a topic but 20th century science is vindicated the biblical perspectives of reality the Bible portrays and we're gonna try to show you as we go through the six days we know today that the universe is finite not infinite that's a shocking discovery to science and yet widely understood that way today we've discovered the nature of time thanks to dr. I understand and all the implications deriving from that we're going to talk about hyper spaces in a broader sense as we go but there is only one way you can be certain to avoid truth edmund spenser somewhere there's a principle which is a bar against all information which is proof against all argument which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance that principle is condemnation before investigation so what I want you to do as you when you bring one as you come to these studies try to set aside the presuppositions we've all been conditioned with from our schooling and from the culture at large because we're going to cover who the ruler of this world really is as we begin to examine the kind of stuff that you and I have been programmed even though we may come from background the scripture has an equivalent expression in Proverbs 1813 he that answer the matter before he hears it it is a following a shame to him so keep your mind open as we go we know that heat flows for hot bodies too cold bodies you notice that I so right well if the universe was infinitely old the temperature throughout the universe would be uniform see it's cooling if it's always been around has always been cooling until all temperatures are equal when the ambient temperature at all engines to depend on a temperature difference it isn't uniform therefore it's not infinitely old it had a beginning and that's the uncomfortable discovery science has had to deal with and they call it with the Big Bang the Big Bang is a very simple idea first there was nothing and then it exploded and if you believe that I got some property I'd like to show you this the universe had a beginning and that implies it will it's destined for an ending you and I are in a parenthesis that has the terminus a beginning and an end and started with what the site is like to call a big bang a singularity and ultimately goes to heat death it'll wind down eventually and the second law of thermodynamics pression that line down when you say we talk about a big bang that's not a specific theory that's a collection of different views that all have problems in the literature the cosmological literature their constant arguments originally the steady state model that was Einstein's he admitted before he died his biggest mistake is cosmological constant all of that there's a hesitation model it was refuted in the nineteen sixty I'm going to spare you the details of this stuff the oscillation model was refuted by the entropy laws finally like of mass there's an inflation model is currently in vogue it's got addition it requires anti gravity forces have never been observed for a very short instant never repeated so you call that sign that's interesting conjectures don't misunderstand me said Cosmo cosmology in my opinion is a field of interest not a field of science it's not subject to empirical verification it's an interesting place to read if your internet sort of thing but don't confuse the conjectures from a real perception of reality there is a stretch factor by the way that I do want to talk to you about if you go through the expansion models of the universe you're talking about an expansion of roughly ten to the twelfth and the temperature the cork confinement freeze that all energy at ten to the ninth times ten to the twelfth calvin and i won't get it at basic point is the expansion factor i want to get at this dr. Gerald Schroeder dear friend lives in Jerusalem he's a world-class nuclear physicist he's not a Christian he's do is observe a Jew but had the privilege of being in his home celebrate Passover some years ago under good friends he wrote a book called Genesis the Big Bang he won't find a Christian bookstore he find it Bantam Books and regular stores its but it's a very interesting book his stretch factor he takes the stretch factor 10 to the 12th he makes an instron observation the 16 billion years x 365 means there are six times ten to the twelfth days right so if you divide six to twelve days by the expansion factor six to twelve you get a factor of about sixteen billion years from the day one through the second third fourth fifth sixth day so from as a physicist he has no problem with the idea of the sixteen billion years because his point of view is that a clock at the on the earth and a clock at the perimeter if you if I can put it that way of the expansion are going to differ by 10 to the 12th and if you take the age of the parent age of the universe and divide that expense factor you get guess what six days which is what the Bible said all along so that's his perception of the thing which I think something interesting but you and I need to understand there's two boundaries of reality that we're faced with we there are two mathematical conceptions that we have that go beyond physical reality one of us infinity we cannot find infinity in the real universe the universe is not infinite and that's either in the macro level or the microcosm universe is not infinite it's finite so that's one on the telescope sense it's finite in a microscopic sense you all think that if you take a line and you cut it in half you can take what's left to cut in half again and you take what's theft and cut half you can do that forever no you can only do that till about 10 to the minus 35 centimeters at that point if you try to cut it in half it loses locality all-pro discovered all photons know what all other photons the universe are doing instantaneously that shatters our notions of reality it's going to talk about quantum physics in one of her subsequent things but the idea of infinity of the large or the microscopic doesn't exist as a finite University cosmos is not there's a finite universe in the sense of quantum physics length mass and time are all quantized are made up of digits we are in a simulation and the other concept we cannot find universes randomness we simulate it but the whole discovery of this is a field of mathematics called chaos theory and that's exactly the Bible says the lot isn't a lap of the Lord will go into some of this there are physical parameters and let's take a quick look at some of these radiometric dating you hear a lot about this but most the experts will point out that's based on three assumptions all of which our fault son extended its depended on a known hawk rate the clock had to be set accurately the beginning the clock must not be disturbed during the measure and those conditions are usually violated on these extended studies of long time so most labs will not authenticate something more than a few thousand years there's also another the uniformitarian of theses verse catastrophism the idea of the universe always was the way it is now is basic view of science orbital orbits being always what they were yet we have evidence that they weren't and we'll talk about that if you go through and let's talk about I want to get just some of these young earth things in your mind there's a number of scientists that hold to a young earth because of moon dust oil gushers Earth's magnetic field Mississippi River Delta the salinity of the oceans the pointing Robertson effect and radio halos let's all about moon dust the lunar surface is exposed to direct sunlight strong ultraviolet light x-rays can destroy the surface of the exposure och and reduce them to dust and they estimate this about ten thousandth of an inch per year not a lot but even that minut amount during the age of the moon could be sufficient to form a layer several miles deep and when Neil Armstrong was ready to step off you know Apollo 12 whatever it was he was concerned about that all this has been reviewed in the scientific journals because one of the disc wonderful discoveries is that was they only had a few thousand years worth of dust the good news is that was just a thin late relatively thin layer of dust that also implies a young moon because it was millions and millions and millions of years old there'd be more dust is the point the Earth's magnetic field oh by the way I missed one Mets the oil gushers that they're very pressure of the oil is also an evidence of the young earth but the Earth's magnetic field the magnetic field has a half-life calculate be about 1400 years and based on measurements from eight and 1835 to 1965 you can estimate the age of the earth being something less than ten thousand years and by the way if you extrapolate that to 20,000 years the jewel heat would create would would melt the earth so there's the the nature of the magnetic field of the earth itself is evidence of a young earth interestingly that the Mississippi Delta approximately 300 million cubic yards of sediment are deposited to the Gulf of Mexico by the Mississippi River each year and we've studied the size that Delta how much it weighs and all that sort of stuff you can estimate that it seems that the milk the Mississippi River is about 4,000 years old the whole geology the salinity of the oceans uranium sodium nickel magnesium silicon potassium copper gold molybdenum bicarbonate are just example of concentrations that are in the ocean but they're very much less than you'd expect if these elements and compounds were being added to the oceans at the present rate for thousands of millions of years and by the way see nitrates in Orion do not break down or recycle like sell Pez and so the it's the it's the lack of more of those that testify to a relatively young ocean and so the oceans are estimated be a few thousand years old by the people who specialize in these states then there's this interesting pointing Robertson effect which some people call the solar janitor photons in space slow down the forward movement of objects in space it's a thing like solar wind if you will the solar drag force that gets exerted on micro meteoroids cause those particles only to spiral into the Sun so this force has it to being like a cleanup agency and the sun is sweeping space at a rate of about 100,000 tons per day is yesterday this armors well the problem is also there's no known source of replenishment so the current abundance of micrometeorites speaks also for a young universe interestingly enough then is there what they call radio healers primordial polonium 218 has been found in Micah and fluoride in Brandon and what makes this rather unusual as polonium 218 has a half-life of about three minutes so what that implies is that see that it appears that it was instantly crystallized when the host granite was formed so it speaks of an instantaneous creation of both no other way to explain it so there's lots of these I've just picked up a few we're going to talk also next time about the speed of light slowing down that was a huge controversy I was going through my old tapes on Genesis that were more than 10 years ago at a time we talked about Barry Satterfield let's be light slowing down at a time when he was getting beat up by all the physics because they thought he was a nut and now we find out that four out of five really atomic properties dependent upon see have been demonstrated DG freeze thats people I just slowing down member i spent I spent a lot of time with hugh Ross arguing about this one the the we now know from Naval Observatory that's the atomic clocks relative the orbital clocks are there's difference either the speed of if the speed of light isn't slowing down the speed of the orbits is increasing what are they getting the energy notice the other way around they're saying the same the time if the time of clocks are correct see the Mercury Venus and Mars are speeding up in their orbits that's not true it's the other way around there's things there's also the quantization of the redshift there's a huge discovery by William tefft that shatters the whole concept of the expanding universe we'll talk about that next time and the distortion of gravity by the early expansion phase we'll talk about that next time because time stands still event the event horizon so all those are things we talked about then but again our primary discoveries that the Bible have is designed from cover to cover every number every place name every detail is there by design and we can prove that that design had to come from outside the dimensionality of time one integrate design the new testament is in the old testament concealed the old testament is the new testament revealed do you said think not that I come to destroy the law in the province I come out to destroy but to fulfill for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one yard or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled not one yard or one tittle now yacht is a thing that's a heat one of the 22 Hebrew letters that looks you and I would mistake for an apostrophe the tittle is a little decorative hook on some of the letters what Jesus is saying if quivered us saying not the crossing of a TR dotting an Iowa pass till all be fulfilled and we're going to see that even that structure the text itself has surprises for us next time we'll talk about day one let light beam and so forth but remember that old testament account of a nation the New Testament count of a man the Creator became a man and his central he's the central event of all history he died to purchase us and is alive today and I most exalted privileged as to know him that's what this study is all about and we'll go into the verses next time I have a couple of things I'm a tag along at the end you can't come to a chunk mr. bible study without being up having something off the wall you ready so this was all straightforward stuff so far I thought we'd take one thing on is the Bible in Eric you know I went through high school trying to cling to a inerrant view the scripture i just get harassed by a friend of mine who was the son of a Unitarian minister who knew his Bible it didn't take it seriously used to always say what about first King 723 that's where you have Solomon's Laver it's ten cubits diameter five cubits deep and the scripture says its circumference is three times that amer well every schoolboy knows that can't be because the ratio of the circumference and amber is pi naught 3 is 3.14159 etc so so how do you deal with that I don't know how to deal with it then but rabbi explained it to me if you look in the Hebrew first in 723 in the Hebrew has a Cathy there's an when the master rates found what they thought was narrower they didn't correct it they annotated the margin with what they thought it should be the parent error there would be Kathy the carriers is the correction in the margin if you take the word for compass the circumference here is misspelled but every Hebrew letter has a numerical value your Hebrew and Greek have uniqueness that every letter of the alphabet has a numerical value and the Hebrew alphanumerics are listed here I won't go from all we just need three of them the Kathy the written variation is a cup of oven a hey the what it should be is just a cup from the love a cup is worth 100 evolved 6 the hey five so the word for circumference normally has a value of a hundred and six but here in that particular verse it has an h at the end of breath which is technically incorrect but it adds five to the value when you correct that in the value you discover that the 46-foot circumference is specified to an accuracy of 15 thousandths of an inch not bad for the ancient Hebrews but there's something else I discovered in Great Britain a few weeks ago when I was called to my attention there blew me away I had to throw it in the briefing today just for those of you there technically or mathematically related we looked at Genesis 11 in the beginning God grade they have in the earth that was our verse of the day right if you look at the Hebrew it turns out that you take the Hebrew letters take the number of letters times the product the letters and divide by the number of words times the product of the words you get PI to four decimal places 3.1416 I don't you do with all the zeros but ok that's curious ID wasn't too impressed until you said we'll look at John 11 that's the other major creation versus we took two chances 1 1 John 1 1 but this is by the way pioggia 10 x 10 city let's take a look at the jump by a little background before we go I don't know how many of you know what e are in a period logarithm is got a few of you good if you've been in high math or advanced engineering you exposed to John Napier mathematician he was an activist for the Reformation by the way that's incidental to our purpose here he was the inventor of what we call logarithms a natural log of it's called an apparent logarithm after him log to the base E it's a strange number the letter e the number he comes up all through advanced math in the strangest places he also invented the decimal point by the way for fractions but anyway the Ian mathematics is mostly common is defined by a limit of a peculiar expression of growth actually where n becomes large without bound it's limiting values 2.7 1828 and so on the number E forms the base of natural and appearing logarithms and say what's so what well it shows up if you take that sequence to the end let's try to get your eval you but let's get to it it appears as an exponential growth function it's the only function it has a rate of growth equal to its size that's the peculiar mathematical property involved here and it's the only function having a derivative of itself so but in its it's a it's a necessary component from any curve like catenary that's the shape of a wire between to post sense of way it's also in the study of imaginary numbers it's a very prominent shows up a lot without going into them all it shows up in the numbers of probability and I'll spare you that because we're late tonight we should keep going here it I can give you scads of equations wave mechanics it shows up electrical theory advanced math cosine X so distribution of prime numbers as defined by that limit as I mentioned the main point is a shows up all over the landscape and mathematics it's one of the two basic constant universe pie and E well having said all that you go to John 11 in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God take that in the Greek and do the same thing we did with Genesis 11 take the number of letters times the product of letters divided by the number of words tied the product of words and guess what you get you get the value of e to four decimal places and a lot of zeros I don't you I know what you do with that it's too bizarre to ignore I'm not sure why all the zeros what you do with that but I'm stunned because the probability of that happening by accident is observed to by definition anything with 10 to the 50th or more probably is absurd so here we have hidden in the very structure of the text of the creation two of the fundamental constants in the field of advanced mathematics pi and E and E was not discovered until the 17th century how did how did John contrive to put that in his grief I don't think he did the Holy Spirit did why I don't know what the rabbi's would call this a rim is a hint of something deeper and we'll find more of those as we go through next time we'll talk about how the earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep we're going to talk is there a gap between verse 1 and 2 where does Satan fall the Angels watched the creation of the earth according to job not square so they were created before The Chronicle in Genesis 1 apparently was Satan created of course he was when did he fall we don't know and there's a whole thing that may or may not be true we'll explore called the gap theory we also talked about this peculiar thing we call light some of the surprising discoveries about light itself and that'll be day one so our next session we'll talk about day one what is the day what do we mean by a day and it may surprise you what evening a morning really is is there a gap between verse 1 and 2 when did Satan fall where do you come from what are the mysteries behind this be light the light and so forth in and is velocity really a constant as is commonly believed by most scientists so with that that's our first toe in the water on this incredible book called the book of Genesis and let's stand for closing word of Prayer let's bow our highs father we just praise you for who you are we thank you Father for your magnificence we stagger at the realization that you've not only created this universe and given us life in it but that you care so much for each of us that you revealed yourself to us that you've given us your word and that that word became incarnate and dwelt among us and fulfilled all your requirements on our behalf we thank you not only for the creation father we thank you for our Redeemer we do pray father you would increase in each of us a hunger and a passion for your word they each might grow in grace into the knowledge of that lardner savior that we each might be more fruitful stewards of the opportunities before us as we commit ourselves into your hands without reservation indeed in the name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen you
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Length: 100min 48sec (6048 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2015
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