The Easter Story - Part 1 - Chuck Missler

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[Music] we're going to talk about Easter the Easter story and what really happened you know when we talk about Christmas most of us are probably well versed enough to realize that most of what we know about Christmas are pagan legends and that's pretty familiar ground but it may surprise many of us to discover that what we have been taught about Easter is also full of misconceptions and I'm not talking about the pagan name Easter obviously the original Easter comes from the worship of Ishtar Astarte that pagan rituals about the time of the vernal equinox see the spring equinox but we use the term throughout our culture really to refer to the Christian holidays that derived really from the Jewish Passover and it's astonishing to discover that even within the Christian context of using aside from the label Easter much of what we think we even know or what we've been taught about Easter is met our misconceptions some of them very deliberate misconceptions so we're going to explore the Easter story and in part one we'll get the background and we'll explore some of these myths and misconceptions that plague us about the Easter story what really happened we're going to talk a little bit about the myths and misconceptions and setting a background for our second session we'll go into the Easter story itself what happened that Sunday morning first of all let's talk a little bit about the reality you know one of the things that our shortcomings of Mel Gibson's famous movie The Passion it was in many ways quite a interesting project has a few Catholic overtones but all in all a very notable piece of work however it has two major shortcomings the first is that it creates the impression that the crucifixion was a tragedy when in fact it was an achievement the specifications were laid down before the foundation of the world it was a a climax of a mission that Jesus came on this earth to fulfill the second shortcoming of the movie is doesn't get across who he really is and it to fail to identify the fact that we have the creator himself become incarnate to fulfill a mission on our behalf those are two critical issues that we have to confront especially around the Easter time but there's a second aspect of the Easter story that may surprise you and that is a deliberate separation by the church from the biblical text and there is a strange word called the cuatro decimals and we want to understand what cuatro decimal is the term comes from the Latin it means 14 ISM and it's a term that was applied to Christians that insisted upon celebrating in accordance with the biblical text the 14th day of Nisan is on the Jewish calendar Passover and it's three days after that that the resurrection took place and there were Christians in the early church 1st 2nd 3rd century that insisted upon following that practice interestingly enough and they were labeled in these controversies that emerged as the cuatro decimals this was the the vague clung to the Torah the date of Passover which was intended expressed in the book of Exodus to be a perpetual ordinance and they were set upon observing them even as early as the 2nd century we discover their attentions brewing in the church the Roman Church celebrated Passover on Sunday at least since the time of Bishop sixes or sexist the first this is recorded by Eusebius in 154 ad Polycarp visited Rome to settle disputes about this issue and even Irenaeus wrote about it in support of the Quattro decimals in the 2nd century however in the 3rd century the Council of Nicaea most of us are aware of that pivotal council it unanimous ruled that Easter Festival should be celebrated throughout the Christian world on the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox and that if the full moon should occur on a Sunday and thereby coincide with the Passover festival Easter should be commemorated on the following Sunday deliberately trying to worship on a day other than the biblical account as a result of the Council of Nicaea they had amended by numerous subsequent councils the formal Church desperately attempted to design a formula for Easter as they called it which would avoid any possibility of falling on the Jewish Passover even accidentally in fact the quarter decimals as they were called were excommunicated and that is actually astonishing in terms of the implications for the church those that were biblical were outcasts and the motives were very clear in Eusebius --is life of constantine he quotes constantine as follows it appeared an unworthy thing that the celebration of this most holy feast that we should follow the practice of the Jews who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin and are therefore deservedly afflicted with the blindness of soul let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd for we have received from our Savior a different way recognize that it was anti-semitism in the early church that caused the church to lead the congregations away from the biblical text in ecclesiastical history he quotes the Epistle of Emperor Constantine himself in his own words as follows it was in the first place declared him proper to follow the custom of the Jews and the celebration of this holy festival because their hands having been stained with crime the minds of these wretched men are necessarily blinded let us then have nothing in common with the Jews who are our adversaries avoiding all contact with that evil way and he continues who after having compass the death of the Lord being out of their minds are guided not by sound reason reason but by an unrestrained passion whatever their innate madness carries them a people so utterly depraved therefore this regularity must be corrected in order that we may no more have anything in common with those parasites and the murderers of our Lord no single point in common with the perjury of the Jews shocking language shocking language but to realize that the early church was so anti-semitic that they altered their practices away from the biblical text and ushered in all kinds of confusion that confusion still reigns today they were under the Julian calendar which had an astronomical problem a discrepancy between the solar year in the lunar year which of course drives the Jewish calendar there were had numerous alternates for fixing the date of the feast were tried by the church but proved unsatisfactory so the Easter was celebrated in different dates throughout the Christian world for example in 387 the dates of Easter in France and Egypt were separated by 35 days so utter confusion is raining and it gets worse about 465 the church adopted a system of calculation proposed by the astronomer Victoria Ness to reform the calendar and fix the date of Easter some of his methods are still in use although the cynthia monk by the name of dishonest Exodus made significant adjustments to the Easter cycle in the 6th century refusal by the British and Celtic Christian churches to adopt the proposed changes led to a bitter dispute between them in Rome in the 7th century so it continues finally the Julian calendar gets reformed in 1582 - in what they call the Gregorian reform and that eliminates some of the difficulties in fixing the date of Easter and arranging the ecclesiastical year but that was not accepted for two centuries by the British Great Britain and Ireland and so Easter was celebrated on the same day in the Western after 1750 - but it doesn't solve all the problems the Eastern Churches never did adopt the Gregorian calendar and they commemorate Easter on a Sunday either preceding or following that observed in the West and occasionally the dates coincide by coincidence in its 1865 and 1963 in 1928 the British Parliament enacted a measure allowing the Church of England to commemorate Easter on the first Sunday after the second Saturday in April all these formulas designed to avoid encountering the Jewish Passover which of course is what it's all about and so despite all these steps the confusion continues and Easter's labelled and most encyclopedias as a moveable feast to hide this confusion so that's the cut to decimals controversy do we understand if you understand the Bible Jesus crucified on Passover we need to understand when Passover is it's very explicit in the biblical text and of course the end the Resurrection three days well that leads to another issue did it occur on a Friday or Wednesday we speak of Good Friday that's a church tradition and there are many good scholars that still defend it Friday but let's talk about that a little bit there are at least three reasons that many serious scholars of the Scriptures believe it could not have been on a Friday very likely it was a Wednesday for three reasons in Matthew 12 verse 40 it indicates Jesus himself in his own words said there would be three days and three nights that he would be in the in the belly of the earth and it's hard to get three days and three nights between a Friday and a Sunday and there are many amusing anecdotes that could incorporate but were tight for time so I'll spare you those but moving on in John chapter 12 first verse it indicates that Jesus traveled from Jericho to Bethany six days before Passover that tells us that Passover could not have been on a Friday because that would have made Jesus travel more than the Sabbath day's journey it's almost 20 miles from from Jericho to Bethany that's a clue that that Passover was not on a Friday but also Matthew most of the confusion occurs because of mistranslation of the first verse of Matthew 28 it's when the Sabbath's were passed that's a plural term in the Greek there are there are more than one Sabbath between Passover and that Sunday morning and there most people don't realize that Shabbat is the seventh day of the week but there are also seven high Sabbath's throughout the year one of which is the feast of unleavened bread which occurred between Passover and that Sunday morning so that's another indication that the crucifixion could not happen on Friday it really derives from a missing understanding of the translation of Matthew 28:1 but so let's take a look at the final week Friday he's at Bethany Saturday's the triumphal entry that we talked about this is by one reckoning there's many good scholars of slightly different reckonings Sunday the fig trees cursed Monday the conspirators council Tuesday night is the Last Supper or the last Seder and he's crucified between the evenings bear in mind that Passover starts at sundown on Tuesday and goes till sundown on Wednesday and he's crucified in effect Wednesday afternoon by this reckoning if it's correct and we have a crucifixion on a Wednesday the piece of unleavened bread the following day the women have prepared the spices on Friday and of course they rest lunch Shabbat and it's after the Sabbath's plural that Matthew talks about that we have of course the Sunday discovery of the empty tomb rabbis would say that he actually was resurrected Saturday night as we would call it but discovered of course anymore whatever in any case there's a couple of other issues to be aware of as we get into the details who is calling the shots it's not his adversaries they had not planned to do this on a feast day for fear of the Romans why did they do it because Jesus forced them to at the Last Supper he announces he's going to be betrayed that puts Judas on the spot he's got a fish or cut bait as we call it so he who's calling the shots Jesus himself is calling the shots there is another issue that we should talk about and that's the manner of death Satan strategy would have been to get a what they call in the Korah a righteous death that means he should have been killed by stoning as far as Satan would have preferred but contrary to that he is obviously crucified a form of execution that had not been invented but for about 60 years prior it was prophesied over 700 years earlier in the scripture and we'll take a look at that and the way we'll look at some of these things is to take a quick snapshot as best we can with the time we have to talk about the prelude to the resurrection obviously including the Last Supper we'll touch on the Upper Room discourse what happened in gas M&E the arrests and so forth six trials that will and then of course the crucifixion itself that I'm sure we're familiar with to look at the final week carefully you really should take the time to compare the accounts that are in Matthew Mark Luke and John they all comment on aspects and they all include some things the others miss and of course that final week starts with the triumphal entry which we find recorded in Matthew 21 mark 11 Luke 19 and John 12 very crucial material I assume it's familiar to most of you if you've done your homework on Daniel chapter 9 and so forth so that whole area I encourage you to study if it's not familiar to you but obviously we go from there to what's called the Olivet discourse which occurs in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 it's a misunderstanding to assume that Luke 21 is the Olivet discourse it's a very similar but different presentation to a different audience with different emphasis but that's a whole study to take undertake on your own that brings us to the part that we'll start looking at more closely the events that start with the last Seder the Last Supper as we would call it but it was a seder as far as the Jews concerned a Passover Seder and that's recorded in Matthew 26 and we'll use that as our backbone but we'll pick up a few insights from mark 14 and Luke 22 and certainly from John 13 to 18 John doesn't talk much about the he doesn't cover the same ground as Matthew Mark and Luke does but he includes a discourse that you need to study carefully because he gives us profound insights and and the true prayer the prayer between him and the father deserves very careful study and from there we'll go to the crucifixion itself which are the following chapters in each case and that will set the stage for part two where we'll deal with the resurrection in the next session Matthew 26 predicts the suffering and death he's anointed to Bethany Judas betrays him there's the Passover meal during which the the Institut the Lord's Supper is is instituted and then they go to the Garden of Gethsemane where there's prayer and the arrest again is he's accused and then there's the denial of people that Matthew 26 is a primary chronicle here let's just take a look at it came to pass when Jesus had finished all these sayings he said unto his disciples you know that after two days the Feast of the Passover the Son of man has betrayed to be crucified they then assembled together the chief priests the scribes and the elders of the people under the palace of the high priest who was called Caiaphas Caiaphas was the Jewish appointee the Jews really honored anise anise was not official but the one that Jews looked to Caiaphas had the the franchise from the Romans but anyway notice verse the next verse verse four and five they consulted that they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him that was the plan but notice this and they said not on the feast day lest there be an uproar among the people that would bring the Romans on their neck and they didn't want to have that happen so it was not their plan to do this on any feast day and we're facing the most serious the most popular the most and one of the three compulsory feasts of the year Passover that was not the plan but Jesus is calling the shots not them interestingly enough then one of the twelve called Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests and said to them what will you give me and then I will deliver him unto you they covenant with him for thirty pieces of silver and from that time he sought opportunity to betray him he wasn't planning to do it Jesus forced him to fish or cut bait at the Lord Last Supper Zechariah 11 predicts all this interestingly enough in a Zechariah eleven some five centuries earlier is written I said unto them if you think good give me my price and if not forbear so they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver and then there's an interesting prophecy the Lord said let me cast it under the Potter a goodly price that I was prized out of them and I took the Zechariah says I took the thirty pieces of silver and cast them to the Potter in the house of the Lord very one of these interesting enigmas tucked away in the book of Zechariah Passover of course was predicted way way back in the Akkad on Genesis 22 where Abraham's offering Isaac God will provide himself a lamb Abraham knew he was acting out prophecy he named the place that way John introduces John the Baptist introduces Jesus Christ publicly when the whole ministry starts twice he says behold the Lamb that taketh away the sin of the world that's a Jewish title Jesus Christ's destiny was to be a lamb offered on your behalf and mine it wasn't a tragedy it was an achievement and there's all kinds of anticipatory symbolisms the leaven there not a bone broken and so forth that we won't try to develop that all here but even the timing you'll discover the timing of our new beginning in Christ is on the anniversary of our Noah's new beginning on the planet Earth and you begin as you study the scripture you quickly discover that every detail there is an elegant tapestry by design and Christ's crucifixion being the capstone of all of this by moving on now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to that's a term they use collectively for that group of feasts that we're dealing with saying unto Him where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover and he said go into the city to such a man and send him the master say if my time is at hand I will keep the Passover at thy house with my disciples all this sounds echoes if you will pre-arrangements and the disciples did as Jesus at a point of them and they made ready for the Passover and when even was come he sat down with the twelve and if they did it he said verily I say to you that one of you shall betray me get the picture Judas wasn't planning it suddenly he's on the spot and they were exceedingly sorrowful and began every one of them to sin and Lourdes it high the answered and said he that dip his hand with me in the dish the same shall betray me he identifies Judas Judas got a problem he's got a Fisher got bait as we would say if he's gonna do it he's got to do it right now because the word is out so he's got a split and make arrangements that they had not anticipated and Jesus goes on he says the Son of Man goeth as it is written of him but woe unto that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed it had been good for that man if he had not been born then Judas which betrayed him answered that masters a tie and he said you said it that was said in fact one of the other records says he said what thou doest do quickly who's in charge here today not plan to take him on a feast day for fear of the Romans who we just saw that Matthew 26 verse 5 and this is the biggest feast day of the year over a million inhabitants visiting of this the Romans are nervous because they don't want it up they don't care what happens as long as it's peaceful an uproar is what their who is the way the report card was measured this time he was controlled by Jesus Christ he put Judas on the spot and Judas had arranged Mississippi he had a split because he had to get to the high priest make sure he was available they had a muster the troops for the arrest they had a schedule you can't just go to Pilate they had to make arrangements political arrangements to having a meeting with Pilate for reasons I'll explain shortly and even if Gethsemane during the arrest you'll notice Jesus is calling the shots you see seeking me let these go their way he's giving the orders it's interesting to recognize who's really in charge here moving on Matthew 26 and as they were eating Jesus took bread and blessed it and brake it and gave it to the disciples that take eat this is my body and he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying drink ye all of it for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins and instituting what we all recognize his communion that bread and wine wasn't after thought that was what Melchizedek offered Abraham back in Genesis 14 that was Joseph's dream if you recall the member the wine steward and the baker and those prophecies back in Genesis 40 echo what's coming here in advance and the bread of life discourse that Jesus gave back in John 6 the wine at Cana at John 2 and in Exodus chapter 6 when God is giving his command to Moses's war force and to the under the children of Israel I am the Lord and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians I will rid you out of their bondage I will redeem you with the stretched out arm and with great judgments and I will take you to me for a people and I will be to you a god and he shall know that I am the Lord your God which bringeth you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians this is what's leading up to the institution have passed over the first place and because of these commands in the Torah I'll bring you out I will rid you of the bandage I'll redeem you and I'll take you this gives labels to four cups that are used in Passover and then a Jewish home that does a formal Passover there are four cups and those cups have names they have labels they have a role and it's interesting that we know from the scripture that Jesus Institute's the Lord's Supper with a third of those four and I will redeem you he doesn't finish because he's not going to touch the fourth cup until we're all together with him very interesting is if there's an unfinished cup to be shared and that is that's part of the program here we're not gonna take the time to go into John's account of all of this but John from 13 to 18 has what we call the Upper Room discourse and you want to study that in the context of that evening because John gives us insights the others don't and one of the things that in that discourse you don't want to miss is the announcement of what we call the rapture or the harpazo in the Greek if you said let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also notice that the honey goes on it might um he has you you you it's it's personal and it's a directed to you and I you and me each of us okay blessed know there are many mansions he's preparing a place for us he'll return for us where we will be where he is forever that's the promise these are very precious promises I couldn't just gloss over even this quick summary I couldn't gloss over then he will return for us the heart pot so we will snatch us out formal forcibly Paul details this in 1st Thessalonians 4 and first Corinthians 15 we'll look at look at those one of those later the phrase come again is used four times at the rapture spiritual presence indwelling the believer post resurrection ministry all alluded to in John 14 worth your care study and there's a new thing he's announcing here that there's going to be a man in heaven Jesus became a man forever he's not just a man for thirty three and a half years he there's a man sitting on the throne of God as we speak the redemption of the purchased possession in heaven by letters better sacrifices are expressed in in Hebrews 9 ephesians 1 and colossians 1 and elsewhere let's move on in matthew 26 then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane and saith unto the disciples sit ye here while I go and pray under they took with him Peter and two of the sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy in fact it's dr. Luke that tells us he was so heavy he actually sweated blood that's not a layman's term that's a doctor's term there's a medical term for that but anyway then say if he under hid them my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death tarry here and watch with me you went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying O my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but that is that world cometh under disciples find them asleep 7 Peter what could you not watch with me one hour it's interesting they could not watch for one hour the adversaries are up all night in the trials anyway watch and pray that you enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak you went away again a second time and prayed saying O my father if this cup they may not pass away from me except I drink it thy will be done he's gonna do that three times and that's an important thing to understand if it was any other way for you and I in Anor heaven that prayer was an answer there's no other way he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy and he left them and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words three times he asked to get off the hook if there's any other way this could be accomplished no that's his mission that's what he was committed to then commit he then cometh he to his disciples and saith unto them sleep on now and take your rest behold the hours at hand and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners rise let's be going he is at hand that does betray me and while he yet spake hello Judas one of the twelve came and with him a great multitude with swords and staves from the chief priests and the elders of the people so they've gotten their act together presumably now he that betrayed him gave them a sign saying whomsoever I shall kiss that same as he hold him fast forthwith he came to Jesus and said hail master and kissed him nor said say Lord but anyway and Jesus said unto Him friend wherefore art thou come then came they and laid hands on Jesus and took him and behold one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck a servant of the high priest and smote off here we know that's Peter we even know the guys name but that's from other the other Gospel accounts then said Jesus unto him put up again thy sword in its place for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword thanks though that I cannot pray to my father and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels Jesus is going willingly is the point that's his mission how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled and thus it must be and that same hour said Jesus to the multitude gee are you come out against a thief with swords and stay for it take me I set daily with you teaching the temple and ye laid not hold on me but all this was done that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled then all the disciples forsook him and fled and they that laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest where the scribes the elders were assembled but Peter fouled and him afar off unto the high priests palace and went in and sat with the servants to see the end and now the chief priests and elders and all the council sought false witness against Jesus to put him to death but found none yea though many false witnesses came yet found a nun at last came to false witnesses and said the fellow said I am able to destroy the temple of God and build it in three days and the high priest arose and said unto Him answers found nothing what is it which these witnesses against thee but Jesus held his peace and the high priest answered and sent him I adjure thee by the Living God that thou shalt tell us whether thou be Christ the Son of God so he's under oath and the oath itself is recorded elsewhere in detail this is the formal oath that was challenged with I adjure thee by the Living God in office I stand under whose power we all are before whom thou standest who know us the truth and judges between us and thee that thou tell us this holy Sanhedrin now here as before God the truth and so he was required by law to respond Leviticus 5:1 and 1st Kings 22 in us with so Jesus said you said it buddy they said do you said of him that said nevertheless I say unto you hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power coming in the clouds of heaven well that did it for they you know it's interesting how many people say well Jesus never claimed to be God isn't that ridiculous they've never read any of the Gospels to say that makes such an absurd statement that's what he claimed to be that's the reason they crucified Him then the high priest rent his clothes which is against the law by the way saying he hath spoken blasphemy what further need have we of witnesses behold now ye have heard his blasphemy what think he and the answered and said he is guilty of death then did they spit in his face and buffeted him and others smote him in the palms of their hands saying prophesy unto us now Christ who is he that smote thee now Peters outside without the palace and a damsel came to meow also us with Jesus Galilee and he's denied before them all saying I know not what they'll say us and when he was gone out into the porch another maid saw him instead of him that we're there this fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth again he denied with an oath I do not know the man now after a while came unto Him they that stood by and said Peter surely thou art one of them for thy speech barea 'they they could tell a galilee of accent they spotted him and he began to curse and swear saying i know not the man and immediately the crew and he was reminded it's exactly what Jesus had prophesied earlier remembered the word of Jesus which sat down him before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice and he went out and wept bitterly can you imagine Peter bold Peter aggressive Peter denying our Lord and that's going to get dealt with him later by the Sea of Galilee there are some lessons from Peter we don't want to pass it but without mentioning the danger of self-confidence he should have been praying not sleeping to avoid all of this the consequences of prayerlessness could he not watch with one hour the perils of companionship with the wicked he shouldn't even been there to get in these kinds of encounters and of course the influence of the fear of man he didn't have the guts to stand up to send yes I'm with him robber story the fear of man bringeth us there but whoso put his trust in the Lord shall be safe tragic that we've got some lessons there from Peter let's move on Jesus death was no it was no accident his words at the Last Supper make no sense at all if Jesus was not the master of his own death indeed he was he maintained sovereign premeditated precise mastery not just to the Lord's Supper but also even in the garden and following a God who was in control when the foundations of his own earthly existence are crumbling is a God who can be trusted to sustain us when it appears that our life is tumbling in lots of lessons here let's keep moving let's pick it up in John's narrative after after he did his upper room discourse when Jesus spoken these words he went out forth with disciples over the brook Kedron where there was a garden into which he entered and disciples and Judas also which betrayed him knew the place for Judas for Jesus oftentimes resorted thither with his disciples juste then having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees cometh hither with lanterns and torches and weapons Jesus knowing all things that they should come upon him went forth and said unto them whom say he the answer in Jesus of Nazareth indeed jesus said unto them I am he Jews also which betrayed him stood with him as soon as he had said unto them I am he they went backward and fell to the ground he asked them again whom seiki they said Jesus of Nazareth the ensign I've told you that I am he if there you seek me let these go their way notice who's in charge notice who's calling the shots he's giving the orders Jesus says that the saying might be fulfilled which he spake of them which thou gave us me have I lost none that's exciting remember that that Simon Peter having a sword drew it and smote the high priests servant and cut off his right ear as service name was Marcus and Jesus said unto Peter put up thy sword into the sheath the cup which my father hath given me shall I not drink it then the ban of the cabinet officers took Jesus bound him led him away to Anna's first where he was father-in-law to ki office and the ones the Jews honored calf is the Roman appointee which was the high priest that same year now Caiaphas was he which gave counsel to the Jews that it was expedient that one man should die for the people a very famous prophecy that went was far more true than calf is that any idea anise of course was he was deposed by pilots predecessor and but he's still very influential he's the vice president of the Sanhedrin and he's patriarch of the family that held the office of priest as late as 80 60 - including five sons and a son-in-law he had a large family but then will go on Simon Peter followed Jesus and so did another disciple that disciple was known into the high priest we suspect it was John and went into with Jesus into the palace of the high priest but Peter stood at the door without and then went out that other disciple which is known under the high priest and spake unto her that kept the door and brought in Peter then say at the damsel that kept the door at Peter aren't dumb art thou not one of the Spanish disciples he says I am NOT the servants officer stood there and it's again he gets this is a recounting of Peter's denials and made a fire of coals it was cold it warmed themselves Peter stood with them and warmed themselves and the high priest and asked Jesus of disciples of his doctrines he's answered and said I spoke openly to the world I ever taught the synagogue and in the temple whether the Jews always resort and in secret have I said nothing why Isis Tommy asked them which heard me what I have said unto them behold they know what I said when he just when he had spoken one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand saying answerest thou the high priest so he's answered him if I have spoken evil bear witness of evil if well why smite stop me now ass had sent him bound unto caphis the high priest Simon Peter stood and warmed himself they said Arthur not one of his disciples died he denied it and said I am NOT one of the servants the high priest being as kinsman whose ear Peter cut off saith did not I see thee in the garden with him Peter night again and immediately of course the crew then that they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment for it was early and they themselves went not into the judgment Hall CF Gentile ground this Roman ground lest they should be defiled but that they might eat the Passover this is really fascinating it's such a farce they have false witnesses that they've mustered here they're violating all the laws in the book and yet they don't dare cross the threshold for fear they would Mar their eligibility to observe Passover the quorum was 23 the majority of to is required so it could be as few as 13 that caused this whole mess from from from you know a legal point of view now kfs was the Roman appointee he's appointed each year and that's in contrast the law of God in which the high priest was to serve until death and many Jews resented the Roman intrusions they still look to Anna's not K ifs as their real high priest that's why you got both of them in the act here both of them will eventually stand before Christ in judgment that's going to be an interesting scene but his real name was Joseph and he had he had a reputation for intrigue bribery and love of money and what-have-you there are six trials involved we obviously won't detail them all but they are in the scripture there are three Jewish trials between anis then through the Caiaphas then formerly before the Sanhedrin that are recorded in John and Matthew respectively then they don't have the authority for capital punishment I'll explain that in a minute so that leads to three Roman trials before Pilate until Pilate discovers he and pawning off maybe on a Galilean Herod that doesn't work comes back to Pilate the pilot has to deal with it so we've got six trials now what's interesting about this self-incrimination was prohibited by law yeah that's the way they indicted him virtually all aspects of all six trials that Jesus endured were illegally administered the religious trial was over the next step was the criminal trial before the civil authorities only they could execute him for death by a method that had been invented a century earlier and prophesied seven centuries earlier very strange very interesting the binding of a prisoner before he was condemned was unlawful unless resistance was offered expected of course Jesus offered none it was illegal for judges to participate in the arrest of the accused they arranged it there were no legal transaction no legal transactions including a trial could be conducted at night that's Jewish law the arrest was effected through the agency of an informant trader that was illegal while acquittal could be pronounced the same day any other verdict required a majority of two and had to come on a subsequent day that was their law that was all obviously ignored no prisoner could be convicted on his own evidence against the law it was the duty of the judge to see that the interest of the accused was fully protected no it was what we would call a kangaroo court from day one preliminary hearings before a magistrate were completely foreign to the Jewish legal systems then that preliminary the judges sought false witness against Jesus that was against the law in a Jewish court the accused was to be assumed innocent until proved guilty by two or more witnesses that obviously was not operative here the Jews failed to find two witnesses agree even then couldn't agree they had a can get him on his own testimony when the witnesses first disagreed the prisoner should have been released that was the procedure the trial under ki first took place in his home rather than the council chamber where it should have been held the council lacked civil authority to condemn a man to death that was a Roman Braga t'v and that's what they're going to try to invoke here it was illegal to conduct the session of the court on a feast day he just adds up on and on their books written on this I've just given you the highlights a guilty verdict was rendered without evidence the balloting was illegal it should have been done by role with the youngest voting first typical wardroom procedure the Navy let alone in the anyway the sentence was finally passed in the palace of the high priest but the law demanded it be pronounced in the temple in the Hall of hewn stone there were all these procedures that were ignored this was a railroad job obviously the high priest runs his garment that's expressly prohibited in Leviticus 21:10 and if he did not have his priestly robe on he couldn't have put Christ in it so we know he had his priestly role but it was priestly robes that he tore that's against the law too so it come six trials anis kapha so you can say Hadrian then the Roman trials before Pilate before Herod and then again before Pilate so we'll take a look at the Roman trials picking up Matthew 27 when the morning was come all the chief priests and elders of the people counseled against Jesus to put him to death when they had bound him they led him in a way to delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor now why is all that going on because the scepter had departed from Judah our class was the second son of Herod the Great you know what Ken doll is his older son was murdered by Herod the Great along with other family members that's a whole thing in Josephus and his mother was a it was never accepted love issues but after the death of Herod Archelaus had been placed over Judea as ethnic by Caesar Augustus he was broadly rejected he was dethroned and banished in 6 to 7 ad get the dates here it's very interesting he was replaced by Roman procurator called capo Gnaeus and the legal power of the Sanhedrin was immediately restricted and the adjudication of capital cases was lost that was standard Roman policy that Capone is instituted and this is all in Josephus war of the Jews and it's also recorded in the Jerusalem Talmud now when members of the Sanhedrin found themselves deprived of their right over life and death this is now 6 or 7 AD this is a you know a couple of decades earlier they covered their heads with ashes and their bodies with sackcloth and they bemoan the following woe unto us for the scepter has departed from Judah and the Messiah has not come is recording the Babylonian Talmud they actually thought the Word of God it was broken because genesis 49:10 said the scepter shall not depart from judah until the Messiah comes and they saw the scepter departing which is indicative of having lost the capital punishment what they didn't realize is that while they were parading themselves around town in sackcloth bemoaning their belief that the Word of God had been broken there was a young man growing up in Nazareth a carpenter's shop Pontius Pilate reserved a sixth Roman procurator from 80 26 to 80 36 after what she was recalled to Rome by the way have passed out of official history he was hated by Orthodox Jews and never really understood them and a plaque of hit bearing his name was found in Caesarea that you can visit when you visit Israel you'll see it and but he ruled Judea reckless with a reckless and arbitrary fashion he displeased the Romans too by the way and he was deposed by Vitellius sent to Rome tried under Caligula there is a tradition that he killed himself but the Coptic Jews have a different orientation they believe he actually became a Christian so is that what's that based on as you know scholars argue about it we won't take the time and I think it's kind of interests it wouldn't surprise me at all if he was Christian as we'll see hints of that brewing in the fingers things that confronted him getting back to Matthew then Judas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned repented himself and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders saying I have sinned in that I betrayed this at blood blood is always associated with silver in the scripture they said what is that to us seeped out of that sieve out to then and he cast down the piece of silver in the temple and departed and went and hanged himself and the chief priests took the silver pieces and said it's not lawful to put them into the Treasury because it is the price of blood but they had good CPAs on staff they took counsel and brought and bought with them the potter's field to bury strangers in see they couldn't put it in the Treasury but they could prepay anticipated expenses with it and the temple was responsible for strangers that died in the precincts so they had every year some of those to pay for there was a a bargain piece of ground they could buy for a potter's field it was a potter's field so they took the money to buy that as their way of getting around the prohibition of putting in the Treasury wherever that field is called the field of blood up to this day now what's fascinating about this is back there in Zechariah we read that this interesting prophecy in Chapter eleven said some you think good give me my price if not forbear and they wait for my price thirty pieces of silver and the Lord said let me cast him in the Potter a goodly price that I was priced out of him and I took the thirty pieces of silver and cast them to the Potter in the house of the Lord and I think this is rather interesting we got the price thirty pieces of silver we got the location of the transaction in the temple in the house the Lord who ends up with the money the guy that owned the field the Potter all that's prophesied five centuries before the fact the precision is astonishing but we'll move on see this is even alluded to this is confirmed in Matthew this is a fulfilled by that which is spoken by Jeremy the Prophet saying they took the thirty pieces of silver the price of him that was valued whom they have the children of Israel did value and gave them to the potter's field as the Lord at the point of me and Jeremy the Prophet was a collection scrolls it included Zechariah which is a lot of people stumble on that detail but let's move on now this man purchase now this may I purchase a field with the reward of iniquity this is a book of Acts summarizing this and falling headlong he burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out and it was known unto all the dwellers in Jerusalem so much that field is called in the proper tongue aceldama which is to say the field of blood so that's well documented Pilate has a number of interviews with Christ for on the inside and three on the outside seven encounters that are summarized primarily in the Gospel of John Pilate tries again every artifact unknown to a bureaucrat to try to get out from under this situation that he's been maneuvered into Pilate went out to them said what accusation bring you against this man the answered sending them if we if he were not a malefactor we would not have delivered up to thee impudent response then said Pilate unto them take him and judge him according to your law the Jews therefore said of them is not lawful for us to put any man to death that's the real issue now he tries to get out from under this a number of times is you judge him and then he announces him innocent Pilate announces them innocent the personal representative of the ruler of the world pronounces him innocent the Jews though to talk him into substituting Barabbas for the one he really it to get out from under it he's going to offer as a holiday celebration somewhat upset free they insist they picked this other guy rather than Jesus then he tries to abuse him enough so he'd get the win the sympathy of the crowd and that doesn't work play on their pity and then he said behold your king and doesn't work obviously but anyway continuing here that the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled which he spake signifying what death he should die and when he was accused of the chief priests and elders he answered nothing and Pilate said unto Him hearest thou how many things they witness against thee and answered him never a word in so much that the governor marvelled greatly didn't defend himself didn't even try that was also prophesied as well see in Isaiah 53 then Pilate entered in the judgment Hall again and called Jesus and said unto Him art thou the King of the Jews that caught is here huh yes him say it out this thing of thyself or did others tell it of thee palaces mi achoo thine own nation and chief priests have delivered thee unto me what that's thou done he's answered my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered unto the Jews but now is my kingdom not from hence father said art thou a king then his answered thou sayest that I am a king to this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness unto the truth every one that is of the truth heareth my voice and piles famous rhetorical cynical question what is truth and when he had said this he went out again unto the Jews and said to him I find in him no fault at all the pilot recognizes that this guy's been delivered up for envy but the crowds out there bribed of course and they were the more fierce saying he stirreth up the people teaching throughout all jewelry beginning from Galilee to this place known Pilate heard Galilee he asked whether enough this is a Galilean he's got a bureaucratic exit here maybe because Herod's in charge galley let's give him the problem as soon as he knew that he belong in the Herod's jurisdiction he said to Herod who himself also was at Jerusalem at that time how convenient Herod Antipas here in Antipas was the son of Herod the Great and Malthus a Samaritan woman so he's never really accepted by the Jews for lots of different reasons half a team an half Samaritan it v2 might swear the enemies of Israel you understand without a drop of Jewish blood in his veins so galilee of the gentiles seemed to fit the for that kind of a prince he ruled his Tetrarch of Galilee from four BC to about 39 AD when Herod saw Jesus he was exceedingly glad for his desires to see him of long season because he had heard of the many things of him he hoped to have seen some miracles done by him he's looking for entertainment here huh then he questioned with him many words but he answered him nothing the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him and Herod with his men of war set him at nought mocked him and arraigned him in a gorgeous robe and sent him again to Pilate the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together for before they were at enmity between themselves so there's all kinds of speculation about that see Pilate who was using a bureaucratic artifact here it didn't work and but it did bridge the chasm between them both of them would be shortly stripped of all their power and they both would die apparently in the shameful exile but we'll move on Pilate when he'd call together the chief priests and the rulers of the people said to them you brought this man unto me as one that perverted the people and behold I having examined him before you have found no fault in this man touching those things wherever you accuse him no nor yet Herod for I sent you to him and lo nothing worthy of death is done unto Him I will therefore chastise them and release him see for of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast that was a tradition that he was following hoping this would work now that feast the governor was want to release to the people a prisoner whom they would but they had them a notable prisoner called Barabbas therefore when they were gathered together Pilate said to them whom will ye that I release unto you Barabbas or Jesus which is called Christ for he knew that for envy they had delivered him it's this thing that Pilate would use the term Messiah Christ is a title Jesus who is called Christ or called the Messiah that's interesting phrase for Pilate to use and he realized that he was deliberately maneuvered in the spot because of envy when he was set down at the judgment seat his wife sent to him said have nothing to do with this just man for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because him can you imagine it's got a spot he's got a jurisdictional problem he's got to deal with somehow he wants to wash his hands of this whole thing which he does literally shortly but the chief priests and the elders persuaded the multitude bribes were passed obviously that they should ask Barabbas and destroy Jesus and the governor answered and said of them winner of the Twain will you that I release unto you and they said Barabbas palace enter and then what shall I do then with Jesus was called Christ they all said in them they all said unto him let him be crucified so she got a mob rule situation the governor said Why What evil have he done but they cried out the more saying let him be crucified when Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing but that rather a tumult was made and that was the fear of the Roman administrator he just wanted his report card back in Rome will be can he keep the thing under control he saw tumult was made he took water and washed his hands before the molded saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person see to it then answered all the people said his blood be on us and on our children and then released he Barabbas unto them and he then he scourge Jesus delivered him to be crucified you know it's really tragic how the early church attempted to pin the entire rose on the Jews John and his gospel when he speaks to the Jews he speed he's alluding to the leadership of the Jews and it's tragic that this anti-semitism in the early church had its roots in this idea of trying to blame this whole thing on the Jews he was murdered by Gentiles under Gentile authority so if you want to blame someone for the death of Christ blame me it was my fault my sins put him on that cross let's take a look at Barabbas briefly let's not pass on this one he stood under the righteous condemnation of the law he was guilty and he knew he was everybody knew he was he knew the one who was to take his cross and take this place was innocent he knew that everybody did he knew that Jesus Christ was for him a true substitute they're going to switch places in effect he knew that he had done nothing to merit going free while another took his place get the picture of Barabbas the predicament he's in they're changing places the murderer's bonds curse disgrace and mortal agony were transferred to the righteous Jesus while the Liberty innocent safety and well-being of the Nazarene became a lot of the murderer you see the switch do you see the contrast a mutual exchange of position Barabbas is installed with all the rights and privileges of Jesus Christ while the latter enters upon all the infamy and horror of the rebels position the live delinquents guilt and cross become a lot of the just one and the civil rights of the immunities of the latter are now the property of the delinquent see the reversal where are you and I in this picture we're in Barabbas shoes he took our place he took our place as you'll watch this drama recognize where you're at and where he's at he is in our place that is Jesus then Pilate took therefore Jesus and scourge him the soldiers platted a crown of thorns put it on his head and he put on him a purple road and said hail King of the Jews and they smote him with their hands this is the John recording and then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus to the common Hall gathered unto him a whole band of soldiers they stripped him put on him a scarlet robe when they platted a crown of thorns they put it on his head and read in his right hand they bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying hail King of the Jews let's pick up the thread with John Pilate therefore went forth again and said them and behold I bring him forth unto you that she may know that I find no fault in him this is a repeat we're just going to recount the ground here a little bit then came Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns the purple road and Pilate said to him bait Hall of the man and when the chief priests therefore when the officers saw him and cried out saying crucify him crucify and Pilate said to them take E hanky-hem and crucify him for I find no fault in him and we have this famous painting by and Antonio Cicilline called H a homing homo that captures the flavor of the moment indeed as pilot tries to maneuver and way out of this predicament the Jews answered we have a law and a barrel I ought to die because he made himself the Son of God when father never heard that saying he became poor afraid I can imagine what he's right he went again to the judgment hall on set on Jesus once art thou but Jesus gave him no answer palace enemy speak it's not unto me no it's not that I have the power to crucify and have the power to release the edges and knockers have no power at all against the accept to be given me from above therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin and from hence thence forth Pilate sought to release him but the Jews cried out saying if thou let this man go thou art not Caesars friend unusual argument for a Judah give to a Roman whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar that's the kind of accusation probably could not afford to ignore when Pilate therefore heard that saying he saw he brought Jesus forth and sat down and the judgment seat in the place called in the pavement but in Hebrew the gabbatha and it was the preparation of the Passover about the sixth hour he saith unto the Jews behold your king but they cried out away with him away with him crucify him shall I crucify your king the chief friend said we have no king but Caesar that's a remarkable remark for the chief priests I'll that's the only time they've ever acknowledged that before or later hosea has an interesting prophecy in chapter 3 for the children Israel shall abide many days without a king and without a prince and without a sacrifice what is this talking about after 70 AD Adnan and without an image and without an ephod and without a tariff and afterward that shall the children israel return and seek the Lord their God and David their King and shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days an interesting prophecy in Hosea Hosea is full of some real insights getting back to John they delivered him therefore into the to be crucified they took Jesus led him away and bury his cross went forth into a place called in the place of the skull which is called in the Hebrew tongue gaagaa 'then and so we go from the last supper and go cemani to the crucifixion scene and if you go to Israel this is the way it looks today there is an area that looks like a skull that's not the reason we believe this is gaagaa that many people who sent us there's other reasons for this if you take a topological map of Mount Moriah which is a ridge system up between two other mountains Mount of Olives on the east and Mount Zion on the on the yeah Mount Zion and the Terrapin Valley originally Mount of Olives in the Kidron Valley and the valley hmmm Valley of the South after the rough topology but if you follow that Ridge system up it starts about 600 meters above sea level a toe fell to the thrashing floor of aruna where the temple is but that's not the peak that's about 742 meters you get up to the peak which is a place called Golgotha that's where the Akkad eat Akkad ah took place where Abraham offered Isaac despite some traditions to the contrary and we have a the the peak there that's where Abraham offered Isaac we believe and this is also where the crucifixion took place now there are people that have other theories but it's interesting that Leviticus 1 and Leviticus 6 indicates that all burnt offerings and sin offerings are to be on the north side of the camp some people tried to they believed it was on the Mount of Olives we don't hold that view for a number of reasons this is one of them and but because it's free to be on all burnt offerings and sin offerings on the north side outside the camp without the gate and it meets all those conditions when they crucified Him with two others on it one on either side and Jesus in the midst the American Medical Association an extensive description of the death published in 1986 which is excerpt from that report do them do the pain endured by the weight of the body hanging from the nails which damaged the medial nerves and tear at the tarsals the respiratory torture the cramping the pleural effusions concluded that death by crucifixion was in every sense their word excruciating literally out of the cross the word excruciating comes from this manner of death incidentally and we could talk more about that but let's move on this interesting thing Pilate wrote a tippler that's high plumb it's a label on the on the cross he wrote it personally apparently and put it on the cross which means he wrote in three languages interesting it's the administrator the writing was Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews you and I would miss that except for the leadership the Jew the scribes and Pharisees whenever they get upset that's the Holy Spirit's way of underlining it for you so you don't miss something here this title then read many of the Jews for the place where Jesus crucified was nine of the city it was written in he and in greek and in latin okay here's that here's what he apparently wrote yeshua cannot suraĆ­h the melech hi you wooden Jesus the Nazarene the King of the Jews that's what he wrote now it's interesting the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate right not the king of the Jews but that he said I am The King of the Jews and kind of said what I have written I have written they want him to change the wording he wouldn't do it what's going on here what he actually says is what I have written will always remain written that's what he actually said that's the trick proper translation what's going on here pilots playing a game with them see this is the way he wrote it in Hebrew and he knew this he knew his people that the Jewish leadership have a fascination with acrostics there are Psalms that are crossed 'ok they're either into acrostics you've taken the acrostics here the first letter of these four words it spells yo hey Bob hey which is the unpronounceable name of God he is declaring him Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews and he's describing God's name to them because he believed that not necessarily he may have not just out of mischief because he knew this would drive them nuts and it did I think that's kind of fun and yet maybe he's beginning there's some clues that caused me to suspect he may have understood far more than we generally give him credit for as time goes on here anyway then the soldiers when they had crucified Jesus took his garments and made four parts to every soldier apart and also his coat now the coat was without seeing woven from top throughout they said therefore he like says let us not rend it there are four guys there and they're dividing this up right let but the cast lost four whose it shall be that the scripture might be fulfilled they parted my raiment among them and for my investor they did cast lots these things therefore the soldiers did now there but said by the cross Jesus's mother his mother's sister Mary wife of Cleophas Mary Magdalene and when Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciple standing by when we live descent and his mother woman behold thy son pointing to John and says to his Siple behold thy mother and from that hour the disciple took on to his own home not his own blood half-brothers yet four of them no John the Apostles dealing with here interesting for lots of reasons then were the two thieves crucified one on the right hand other left and they passed by reviled him nagging wagging their head saying bow that destroys the temple and buildest in three days save thyself if that will be the Son of God come down from the cross this is all prophesied verbally likewise also the chief priests mocking him and with the scribes in order said he saved others himself he cannot save if he be the King of his will let him now come down from the cross and we will believe him he trusted in God let him deliver him now if he will have him for he said I am the son of God and one of the malefactors which were hanged wild on him saying if I be Christ save thyself and us but the other answering rebuked him saying dust I'll not fear God seeing that thou art in the same condemnation we indeed justly for we receive the due reward of our deeds but this man hath done nothing amiss and he said to Jesus remember me when not coming soon as I came to me and she said unfairly I say unto thee today thou shalt be with me in paradise hoo-wee now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land till the ninth hour and about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli Eli lama sabachthani which is to say my God my God why hast thou forsaken me cheese is and this is commonly partes Aramaic it's not a Cebu but I won't go down all that we've got let's just get into the psalm 22 Jesus is pointing us to a psalm that sounds as if it was dictated while he hung on that cross my God my God why hast thou forsaken me why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring o my god I cry in the daytime but thou hearest not and in the night season AM NOT silent gia said my God my God why hast thou forsaken it's the only time in history both before and since that he didn't call him my father why did he say my god because he's in our shoes he's in our shoes but thou art holy only though that habits inhabits the praise of Israel our fathers trusted me they trusted and doubt just deliver him they cried unto thee and were delivered they trusted and they were not confounded by him a word and no man here approached him in and despised the people all that see me he laughed me to scorn they shoot up the lip and they shake that saying he trusted in the Lord that he should deliver him let him deliver him see light of him just echoes what was going on but thou art he that took me out of the womb now just make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts I was cast upon me from the womb thou art my god from my mother's belly be not far from me for trouble is near for there's none to help many both have compass me strong Bulls of Bashan have set me beset me around they gaped on me with their mouths as a ravening and luring lion i am poured out like water all my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax it is melted in the midst of my bowels my strength is dried up like a potsherd and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws and thou has brought me into the dust of death for dogs have compass me the Assembly of the wicked have inclosed me they pierced my hands and my feet remarkable thing to find in the psalm some you know seven eight hundred years before the fact I may tell all my bones they look and stare upon me they part my garments among them and they cast lots upon my Wester the precision here is astonishing well are we getting back to Matthew some of them stood by there and said hey this man call for Elias they misunderstood what he's saying and straight one of them round took a sponge fill it with vinegar put it in the Reed get him to drink and the rest said let it let be let us see whether Allah has come to save him and Jesus when he had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost it was his initiative he gave up the ghost they didn't aim from now the Jews therefore because it was preparation the body should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath day for that Sabbath day was a high day it's not Saturday it's the feast of unleavened bread that's coming besought Pilate that their legs might be broken that they might be taken away see sometimes it could take three or four days for a guy to die of a crucifixion so they wanted to speed it up then came the soldiers and break the legs of the first and the other which was crucified with him this is astonishing the soldier Roman soldiers tend to obey orders they were ordered to break the legs but when they came to Jesus they saw that he was dead already they brake not his leg surprising surprising one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side wonder why and forthwith are came out blood and water and he that saw their record and his record is true and he knoweth that what did he say if it's true that he might believe these things were done that the scripture might be fulfilled a bone of him shall not be broken and another scripture says they shall look upon him on him whom they pierced when some Zechariah ones from exodus 12 in one house shall be eaten speaking of the Passover lamb thou shalt not tarry for the flesh abroad of the house neither shall ye break a bone of it that little specification that Passover is an exodus this also numbers 9 and it's also in psalm 34:20 so throughout the Old Testament there's it underscores that not one mon is to be broken of the passover lamb and he's in that role Zechariah says it shall come to pass in that day I come and see else that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem this is talk about the future I will pour upon the house of David upon then having to Jerusalem the spirit of grace of supplications and they shall look upon me the one whom they have pierced and they shall mourn from him as one mourning for his only son and so forth the one whom they pierced let's move on and behold the veil of the temple is rent and torn from top to bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many and when the Centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the earthquake and those things which are done they feared greatly saying truly this was the son of God and many women were holding far off follow Jesus from Galilee ministering unto him among which was Mary Magdalene Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of jeopardy as Ebony's children Joseph of Arimathea an honourable counselor also waited for the kingdom of God came and went in boldly and the pilot and craved the body of Jesus which means he must have been next of kin by the way and Pilate marvelled if he were already dead and calling unto Him the Centurion he asked him whether he had been any while dead and when he knew it of the Centurion he gave the body to Joseph now there's an in-stream verse in John 19 that is misunderstood after this joseph of arimathea being a disciple of Jesus but secretly for fear of the Jews besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus and Pilate gave him leave and he came therefore and took the body of Jesus the John account mentions that this word secretly secretly is an adverb it turns out that's not an adverb it's an adjective in the Greek there is one letter different that makes it an adjective not an adverb what does that mean he was secret ed for fear of the Jews he was in hiding that's why it's one of the reasons Pilate so surprised he had access to Pilate that means he's a heavy dude he had access but Pilate was surprised why because he'd been in hiding because his life was at risk we get that all from one letter that's been missed in the English translation he was secretive for fear of the Jews small point but I it's just another issue they came also Nicodemus which at first came to Jesus by night back in John 3 he caught and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes about a hundred pound weight and they took the body of Jesus wound it and linen clothes for the spices as the manner of Jews is to bury now the place that he was crucified where there was a garden and in the garden a new Sepulcher wearing was never a man yet laid brand new if the owner of the garden area had his own family tomb never yet used apparently Joseph's own tomb there laid Jesus there laid they Jesus therefore because of the Jews preparation day for the Sepulcher was nigh at hand and when Joseph had taken the body he wrapped it to clean cloth late at his own tomb which he had hewn out of the rock and rolled a great stone at the door of the sepulchre and departed and there was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the poop Sepulchre now the next day that followed the day of preparation the chief priests and Pharisees came together in a Pilate saying sir we remember that that deceiver while he was yet alive after three days I will rise again so he said come and therefore the sepulchre be made sure until the third day lest his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people he has risen from the dead and get this line so the last error will be worse than the first they recognized this with all was a big mistake but they're anxious that the body not be stolen that's important that the Jewish and Roman authorities took all the preparations they could to make sure it wasn't stolen Pilate said of them you have your watch go your way make it as sure as you can I love that line here what Pilate saying to them do you have your own watch you have your watch go your way make it as sure as you can do you hear the cynicism you get the impression that when Pilate later finds out the body is gone he's not surprised you get the impression that he is beginning to suspect that Jesus really is who he claimed to be that's my guess this my supposition anyway so they went they made the sepulchre sure sealing the stone and setting a watch make it as sure as you can I love that line I've been informed by a very good source namely Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel that there's an unrecorded conversation between Joseph Arimathea and Pilate because Pilate shocked to encounter Joseph he said I don't understand you've got this brand-new tomb for your family and you're gonna give it to this criminal Joseph's obey it's just for the weekend what you want to do at this stage is read Isaiah 53 Isaiah 53 record this with his with an astonishing precision the Old Testament who hath believed our report - who was there on the Lord revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant as a root out of the dry ground he hath no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there's no beauty that we should desire him he is despised rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he has brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before shears done he opened not his mouth he was taken from prison from the judgment and who shall declare his generation for his cut off out living for the transgression of my people was he stricken interesting verse he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth this is an interesting I've always thought this referred to the two thieves he made his grave with the wicked and Andrew Bonar points out in his commentary in Leviticus that this refers to his burial he made his grave with the wicked well how can he have a holy ground in among the wicked there's only one way that's to be carved out of the stone it's interesting Andrew Leviticus he published his commentary in 1843 the very spot that the criminals were put to death was the spot where Joseph's new tomb was hewn out of the rock the stony sides of the tomb the new tomb the clean place where Jesus was laid were part of the malefactors Hill his dead body is with the rich man and with the wicked in the hour of his death his grave is the property of a rich man yet the rocks which formed a partition between his tomb and that of the other Calvary malefactors are themselves part of gog affair so it's interesting Bonar describes the garden tomb in detail in his commentary and if you've been there it's very very very very vividly described the shocker to me is that Andrew Boehner's commentaries published in 1846 the garden tomb was not discovered by General Charles Gordon until 40 years later 1883 and poner describes it from the text and Leviticus not because he's seen it it's astonishing anyway Isaiah continues yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see a seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see the travel of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities astonishing PC so here's a quick summary of the events of the day Jesus arrives at gog affair he refuses the offer of wine myrrh and so forth he's nailed to the cross between two thieves the first cry from the cross Father forgive them for they know not what they do then the garments are allocated they cast lots and so forth the Jews mock Jesus he converses with the two thieves his second cry you will be with me in the third cry woman behold your son behold thy mother darkness from noon to 3:00 p.m. the fourth cry my God my God why hast thou forsaken me the fifth cry I am thirsty he drank wine and vinegar his sixth cry it is finished tetelestai paid and falls when it translates my father into your hands I commend my spirit he commits himself he dismisses the spirit the temple curtain is torn Roman soldiers declare surely this was the Son of God there are seven cries from the cross that we've reviewed here interestingly enough the Salvador Dali paints a 4-dimensional hinton cube recognizing that we're dealing with a hyper dimensional space and there's a whole study that we'll talk about in the next session about that and so we'll go from the crucifixion to the resurrection when we celebrate I want so many people call Easter morning Sunday morning so what we'll talk about next time is the resurrection as it's recorded in the four Gospels and also and amplified in what Paul would argue the most important chapter in the Bible first Corinthians 15
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 119,537
Rating: 4.8888087 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: GyIz4oj_U6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 9sec (4629 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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