Who Wrote All The Disturbing Reviews For This Pie?

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it goes without saying that many of the mysterious things we come across on the internet usually aren't as mysterious as we first thought however in the case of captain coochie's key lime pies or as many of you know it the key lime pie mystery this one has been one that's bugged me and many others around the internet for quite some time if you've trialled any internet mystery videos you've likely come across nexbo's popularization of this topic as well as gamer from mars and many others who have done countless reinvestigations there has been a lot of scrutiny regarding this topic as people have dedicated full chartings to this phenomena and i must say the fact that so many people have taken a critical look into this topic has made it way harder to investigate as many people have gone in game jack but no need to worry as i've taken the time to sift through all the noise so i'm ready to give you guys my best shot at putting this one to rest i'm going to assume that every one of you aren't familiar with this mystery so i'll give you a brief recap essentially ever since 2009 there have been a series of reviews ranging far and wide on the internet referencing kuchi's key west cafe in asheville north carolina there are plenty of mentions to this world famous key lime pie and while you'd write it off as some bot leaving comments at the bottom of every single article nearly all of the early posts were unique and they would quickly devolve into nonsense as time would go on and while i'll get into the frequency of when these posts started happening in a moment what you need to know for now is that this has since plagued the internet as many people have wondered why are there so many reviews for this pie that doesn't exist anymore because the restaurant that they are reviewing had closed in sometime around 2007. so how do we have thousands of individual reviews for this pie despite not a single mention of it existing when the restaurant was actually in business while many of the early investigations regarding this topic didn't even know whether this restaurant existed as more and more people have looked into kuchi's key west cafe whoever this commenter seems to be seems to have a specific knowledge of the restaurant when it was around and just so i fully clarify where these comments can be found it's almost always in the comments section of any given blog article and while not every single one would require some form of email verification some do pair that with the fact that this has been going on for 11 years and you've got yourself a mystery that we'll spend way too much time digging through now continuing on with background information the owner of the business when it was closed down was oswald police jr with his wife anita and oswald pelaya senior seems to be the one who actually set up the business in 1972. senior being a former resident of key west florida hence the name kuchi's key west cafe there are references to his three sons and his wife is often seen and painted in a suggestive light there's also specific mention of the music the types of things that would occur at the restaurant and the type of patrons that would be there and one of the main things that has caught the internet's attention with all of these messages is how downright vulgar some of them seem to be which has given rise to some people saying this is some form of cryptic messaging which has naturally led to the cold war number station theory because anytime anything isn't understood on the internet it is a cold war number station for some reason other theories include some sort of spam bot and other theories ever since the information was confirmed that this place did exist has led to the idea that some mentally ill person who used to frequent the location is now continuing to post about it online however what i think has been fully lost in translation here is the effect of these types of mysteries whenever a topic like this gets any attention it just muddies the waters further because more and more people will jump on the bandwagon and begin to impersonate the original commenter take for example this guy who pretended to be another facebook page dedicated to coochie's and attempted to link this to lake city quiet pills which is another topic that i've covered so just to reiterate here people who are willing to game jack or muddy the waters for the sake of a bit of internet fun is actually quite common and on a small side note one person in particular that i'm not going to name because he wants attention went as far as to manipulate certain pace spins to try and get people to buy his books by using the traffic from this mystery so yeah there's a lot of noise to dig through now getting back to the mystery i want to show you the most infamous version of this comment and they started to take place around 2013 onward i'm gonna have it scroll through here and you can pause the video if you'd like now in terms of a full timeline of events it seems the first thing that happens that leads to the first mention of captain coochie's key lime pies was when the location was bought out by another restaurant by the name of all stars in 2008. looking at google earth you can see the building was active with patrons however it appears this restaurant ended up closing shortly after that and around a year later in 2009 this prompted the first mention of the pie on the internet in a handful of blog posts and only a single review site by the name of fudio i must say the messages we see in the very beginning are far more coherent and unlike the comments from 2013 all of them are actually relevant to the topic they are commenting on in some cases the mysterious klp writer will even address the blog writer by name from 2009 to 2011 really only taking place on articles about key lime pie or burgers the klp poster always signs their pseudonym at the end using a fake name each time and in many cases the pseudonym is a nod to a celebrity i will also note that many of these old primitive blogs didn't require email verification making it very easy to make multiple posts on the same page however the klp poster seems to elect to only comment usually once at least during this time period getting back to the only real review pre-2011 it's on a website by the name of fudio as i said from a person by the name of vinnie gambini which appears to be a reference to a character from a 90s movie by the name of my cousin vinnie and i must say this instance is probably the only bizarre review out of all the others at this time and it seems like he's imitating the character from the movie however sarcasm is hard to tell behind the keyboard and what i will note is that in this review the person seems to have extensive knowledge from the very beginning about the entire history of this restaurant and seems to act a bit more like a memoir for its existence while i can't say for a hundred percent certainty that this was oswald polias writing about his old restaurant there is actually some evidence to suggest that mr oswalt was online advertising things through blog comments and like i said well i'm not 100 certain who else would care enough to write a review about a restaurant that had just closed and have very specific details about the inner workings of its day-to-day not to mention the history of its inception with this entire review basically spanning 35 years of the restaurant's history moreover the reviewer in kind of a comedic fashion makes fun of the other blog comments that were written around this time stating i read online now that they have become the world's greatest cheeseburger we sure didn't see that coming 35 years ago nor did we know that kuchi would perfect the key lime pie kuchi's world greatest key lime pie has now become world famous too like i said before who else would know about these very specific blog comments as well as the 35 years of history and all of oswald polias's son's names and his wife and where she worked and so on and like i said i do have proof that oswald pelaya senior aka kuchi does have a habit of promoting things in reviews and article comments because there's something that many people don't know about the timeline of the klp poster and that is around 2012 he would take a break from this posting to promote something else and that's where these posts about ocs gold or oz's gold would start appearing and in this paceman and documenting and just how many posts would occur at this time it appears that there was a decent amount of discussion regarding this website however not everything was positive as there was quite a bit of a skepticism towards the thing that oswald polias was promoting at this time because it appears that the thing that oswald police was promoting was a multi-level marketing scheme and it's also very particularly interesting that oswaldpolis on facebook would promote this as well citing this email address now what the oz's gold domain did back in 2012 was actually redirect you to the numas network which was an investment multi-level marketing scheme as i said before and it appears that he was using blog comments to promote this and just getting back to our timeline 2013 that's when the initial vulgar comments started occurring and the mystery really only got its start in 2013 and probably would be nothing today if it wasn't for this one person and that being a facebook account by the name of a jake carson and i want to point out that this person only starts posting right after the numis network shut down that being sometime after mid 2013 who would post incessantly for three years straight with the increasingly vulgar copy pasta-esque post that we've seen this person did this from 2013 to 2016 non-stop mostly seeming with the intention of wanting to attach the name captain cucci or anita or oswald pelayas to adult content and they would increasingly become more insane over time basically trying to make it that whenever you searched kuchi's key west cafe that would come up instead and while you might question why someone would go out of their way for such a long period of time to write disgusting or vulgar comments it sort of fits the bill for someone who got burned by an mlm scheme now something i also want to make note of is that it appears that oswald did in fact pass away and it appears he passed away at the age of 93 while there has been some speculation that this was oswald himself writing this or his son oswald police jr almost all the paper trail seems to lead back to senior and many of the posts that you'll continue to see in the present day are people who have seemed to have hijacked the meme or the copy pasta format of these insane comments and have presently passed it on so just to fully recap here's the full timeline in 2008 the restaurant would close in 2009 a few comments would pop up on blogs mentioning that kuchis had the best pies and burgers leading to the fudio review after 2011 these comments would stop popping up even though there was only a handful of them and in 2012 oswald would start promoting an mlm and in late 2013 when numis network shut down a mysterious commenter begins to poison google search results tying his name and restaurant to adult content in 2016 reddit would pick up on the phenomena leading to various youtube videos in the past few years all while various game jackers who to this day will still continue to hop on and muddy the waters now on a final side note you might be wondering why kuchi would even go as far as to make those initial comments from 2009 to 2011 and i think another possibility here is that he may have been planning on starting another pie company because if we assume that kuchi was the one who wrote the fudio review back in 2009 right after it closed this makes perfect sense [ __ ] i can tell he's sick and tired of doing the same old thing day in and day out kutch would never admit that it'll probably keep the place open to train his grandkids the business coach has many people calling all the time wanting him to start an online business to sell his key lime pies countrywide i don't know if he can bake that many he seems pretty pushed as it is he says that maybe someday he will throw up another building and put a key lime pie factory in it and start a website maybe he will maybe he won't who knows just don't tell him he can't so maybe he was trying to set up a pie company in pre-2011 as that would explain the far more normal comments that occurred during that time period and that seems to be the most likely scenario that i could come to given the information available online i'd love to know what you guys think about this and this is barely sociable have a good night [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Slightly Sociable
Views: 623,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: key lime pie mystery, key lime pies, kutchies key west, barely sociable, slightly sociable, the key lime pie mystery
Id: c41rLpCpKnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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