Top 20 Celebrities That Are Surprisingly Good Dancers

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music sure they can act but what comes next bust a move welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 celebrities who are surprisingly good dancers for this list we're looking at celebrities you wouldn't necessarily think of having good rhythm but can still cut a rug with the best of them number 20 Amy Adams okay baby let's go done singer one of the brightest stars in Hollywood Amy Adams has quietly managed to carve out a nice little spot for herself amongst cinemas a list with half a dozen Academy Award nominations under her belt Adams has had starring turns and blockbusters such as Man of Steel as well as award-winning dramas like American hustle the latter is where she unveiled to the world her secret skill dancing during a club scene with co-star Bradley Cooper himself an excellent dancer Adams more than holds her own she actually studied dance when she was younger and before making it in Hollywood worked as a professional dancer with a number of dinner theaters number 19 Kate Hudson [Music] Kate Hudson has proven herself a competent dancer on more than one occasion she had a number of dance scenes in the 2011 comedy Something Borrowed got down with Dancing with the Stars is Derek Hough at a Hollywood Club back in 2013 and even danced during a commercial for fabletics a women's sportswear brand she co-founded of course who could forget her impressive dance moves from the first episode of Glee season 4 when she made her debut as dance instructor Cassandra July Hudson clearly knows what she's doing when she steps on a dance floor number 18 Bradley Cooper Bradley Cooper is a triple threat who's proved his worth as an actor singer and director but can we talk about how he's an insanely good dancer too the Academy Award nominated actor has long been known for his abilities on the dance floor and has had the opportunity to flash his skills on more than one occasion from the climactic dance routine in silver linings playbook to his sexy encounter with Amy Adams and American hustle Cooper has proven that he can boogie like nobody's business for him dancing is clearly not just part of the job as he's been known to break out and dance during interviews as well number 17 Salma Hayek in the 90s Salma Hayek cornered the market on red-hot pole dancing routines from her turn as a vampire stripper in from dusk till dawn to her sexy schoolgirl dance in Dogma Hayek clearly had no qualms about shaking what her mama gave her at the onset of her career more recently she's managed to tone down the number of strip teases but that doesn't mean she's lost any of the skills that make her such a formidable talent one need only look at her dance routine from Jimmy Kimmel's big night of stars to see the proof the girl has still got it number 16 Terry Crews now we all know this former pro athlete can act paint and do a mean Vanessa Carlton impression on top of this already triple threat we've also seen crews break it down and do an impression of a different Carlton [Music] while we've seen his dancing used for comic effect since early on in his career we're consistently surprised that a man with this many muscles is as limber and graceful as crews continues to be a master of showing us the depth behind all of his characters Cruz uses his dancing to infuse life into his portrayals in ways that keep defying our expectations this is a direct order stopped dancing number 15 Summer Glau while the world may know her as an actress Summer Glau childhood dream was to become a ballet dancer in fact she began training at a very young age and even received a scholarship to join a ballet company blough would later study tango and flamenco dancing excelling as both before a broken toe prematurely brought that career to a halt it was only then that she decided to move to LA to become an actress while she may not have become a professional dancer she's still managed to successfully show off her graceful moves on-screen on more than one occasion number fourteen Colin Farrell based on his numerous tough-guy roles and former bad-boy image it is going bad and it sounds like it is going bad right now it's hard to imagine Colin Farrell shaking it on a dance floor let alone line dancing however Farrell is not only a great dancer but was at one time getting paid to do it long before he was one of Hollywood's hottest stars Ferrell could be found teaching country line dancing in Ireland it may sound ridiculous but it really happened in fact Farrell has since shown off his line dancing skills during an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show it's clear he still has some wicked moves up his sleeve number 13 Ryan Gosling [Music] ryan gosling is no stranger to the dancefloor how old are you in this one old enough to know better [Music] [Applause] just 12 years old he could be seen busting all kinds of moves and dance competitions or practicing ballet something he still does to this day more recently the multi-talented Canadian actor flashed his skills on film dancing his way across LA as one half of the starstruck couple from the 2016 musical la-la-land while we could pretty much watch Gosling do anything and fall over swooning watching him dance is pretty hard to top [Music] [Applause] number twelve Mads Mikkelsen but you didn't see this one coming you thought I was bluffing mr. Mickelson who famously played the sheep in Casino Royale and more recently dr. Hannibal Lecter in the TV series Hannibal began his career as a gymnast and dancer the young Mickelson studied ballet dancing at an academy in Sweden and later married dance choreographer homina Jakob s'en in 2000 a professional dancer for nearly ten years Nicholson decided to leave that world behind in 1996 in favour of an acting career knowing he once wore tights and prance around on stage makes this terrifyingly good actor slightly less scary and even more compelling number 11 Tom Holland that's right spider-man himself has got some serious moves no not that one Holland's background is actually in gymnastics and dance having starred in Billy Elliot the Musical in the late 2000s first as Billy's best friend Michael and soon after as Billy himself but Holland hasn't neglected his dancing roots since hitting the big time as evidenced by his jaw-dropping performance on lip sync battle [Applause] in fact Pollan stated that his dancing experience helped him nail the part of spider-man color us optimistic but we could give Spidey another shot at a big-screen dance number so long as Holland's in the role [Applause] [Music] number ten Christian Bale [Music] in cinema this man is mostly known as a serious method actor but that's being dedicated to the craft that's what makes Christian Bale's so valuable to directors but that's not to say that he can't let loose to as evidenced by his dancing character from the 1993 film swing kids then there's the 2000 cult classic American Psycho in which Bale plays a serial killer with a fondness for mainstream music he's been compared to Elvis Costello but I think Huey has a far more bitter cynical sense of humor in one particularly disturbing yet memorable scene a peppy dance sequence is part of the strategy and the performance is so effective that a doomed guest feels at home right until the end I think the undisputed masterpiece is hip to be square song so catchy number 9 Chris Evans this man is a bonafide action hero starring in some of the biggest blockbusters in the world as well as more critically acclaimed dramatic roles but just where did he pick up that knack for fight choreography well it turns out Evans has a background in tap dance which co-workers have praised as the reason he can pick up move so easily while we're used to swooning over his charm charisma and chiseled features this just gives us another reason to fawn over this graceful leading man perhaps it's appropriate that after spending nearly a decade as a first-tier member of the Avengers he got to top it all off with a final dance [Music] number eight chris messina with an acting career that began off-broadway and experienced in the dance world this man entered the film industry with a special set of skills but it was on the Mindy project that Chris Messina really showed us all what he could really do on a dance floor as Danny Castellano he turned heads with a passionate American women performance and he's proven himself to be quite the club dancer as well [Music] there's nothing goofy going on here just a man who commits to the grind it's the nice guy factor that allows Messina to get away with a little more in terms of moves than your average actor number seven Sam Rockwell [Applause] in this man's vast filmography there's no one definitive dancing moment that's because Sam Rockwell seemingly finds excuses to dance often and with good reason this smooth operator knows that he's got skills and there's an old-school mentality that drives each performance in fact he's got a bit of a James Brown style going on it's he's mostly about hand movements and quick feet rockwell makes it look easy but when you pay attention you'll see that it's anything but that then again when you have a so-called Footloose upbringing as rockwell has previously cited dancing just becomes natural if you want more proof the fact that he slipped effortlessly into the shoes of legendary choreographer director Bob Fosse should speak for itself number six Alfonso Ribeiro [Applause] [Music] on the NBC series The Fresh Prince of bel-air this New York native played opposite a young Will Smith over the course of the series Alfonso Ribeiro famously performed the Carlton dance in numerous episodes thus establishing a cultural legacy of campy moves [Music] but when Ribeiro competed on ABC's Dancing with the Stars in 2014 and one he showed that he's more than just a comedic performer week after week Ribeiro displayed his expertise and versatility by racking up eight nines and tens throughout the competition in fact he received all tens with partner Whitney Carson in the finals and so Ribeiro essentially dropped the mic and set a new bar for future dancing celebrities [Music] [Applause] number five Christopher Walken given this man cinematic legacy and unique manner of speech he's become a favorite subject for both amateur and professional impersonators in 2001 though Walken achieved a new level of fame as his dancing acumen was featured and Fatboy Slim's weapon of choice music video with a background in theatre Walken seemed more than comfortable shuffling around and it's that kind of dancing bravado that made him an ideal casting choice for the 2007 film hairspray while some older gentlemen look awkward when dancing Christopher Walken loses confidence and style number 4 Joseph gordon-levitt as a child actor turned a Lister this man has long been in the public eye before Joseph gordon-levitt's career began however he developed his performance skills in musical theater so after a big transition into movies Gordon Levitt's dancing skills came in handy for a choreographed dance sequence in the 2009 film 500 days of summer [Music] impressive as that may be he upped the ante in 2015 with his Janet Jackson impression on lip sync battle he's even taken his talents to Saturday Night Live this guy loves to boogie and it shows number three Vin Diesel but the real reason I started bouncing was because I loved to dance as one of the more iconic 21st century action stars this big-screen tough guy is anything but one-dimensional like so many actors Mark Sinclair aka Vin Diesel began on the stage long before he crossed over into mainstream cinema in recent years we've even seen old school clips of him breakdancing in New York City nothing extraordinary but very entertaining in 2014 however then shocked and amazed fans with videos of him dancing to both Beyonce's drunk in love and Katy Perry's Dark Horse it's not often that you'll see a rough and tough movie star shaking his hips but that's obviously not an issue for big VIN number two Donald Faison while this man isn't necessarily a household name he's one of the more popular television stars of his generation Donald Faison starred in over 170 episodes of the comedy-drama series scrubs in the role of Turk and during an unforgettable 2006 episode showed off some seriously unforgettable moves with his smooth performance of Bell Biv Devoe's poison faizon's confident fun-loving technique had pop culture buzzing and so the moment became an instant series classic a moment that Donald Faison would later revisit on the clean Latifah show [Applause] before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions Nick Offerman [Applause] [Music] Paul Rudd hey Paul I'm tain your latest dancer I can't wait to entertain you now tain I can get into they saw Cosette [Music] [Applause] [Music] Michelle Obama [Applause] [Music] before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Tom Hiddleston in the 2000s this British actor was a West End regular but the man was destined for success beyond the stage when Tom Hiddleston joined the Marvel family in 2011 the public began paying even more attention to this multi-talented individual what more than that over the years he's more than once displayed his precise dance moves in the middle of interviews making him one of the more endearing a-listers of his time Hiddleston's relationship with taylor swift brought even more attention to his dancing skills when he worked it out with the pop star at the 2016 Met Gala surprising Swifty's and the entire world in the process do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from is mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 1,764,922
Rating: 4.8018904 out of 5
Keywords: Celebrities That Are Surprisingly Good Dancers, Actors Who Are Surprisingly Good Dances, Actors Who Can Dance, People Who Can Dance and Act, Good Dancers, Famous Dancers, Sam Rockwell Dancing, Tom Hiddleston Dancing, Donald Faison Dancing, Joseph Gordon-Levitt Dancing, Chris Messina Dancing, Paul Rudd Dancing, Christian Bale Dancing, Tom Holland Dancing, WatchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, MsMojo, vin diesel dancing, tom holland lip sync battle
Id: dBm-eJULDH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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