Top 10 Awesome Christopher Walken Dance Moments

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before he was an oscar-winning actor this man was born to dance welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Christopher Walken dance moments before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we're taking a look at movies television appearances and music videos that feature Walken demonstrating his toe tapping skills [Music] number 10 walk ins world Wayne's World to Wayne and Garth are added again in this silly sequel and this time the guy out to steal Wayne's main squeeze Cassandra is her new producer Bobby Khan and you'll never guess who plays mister steal yo girl a smooth as silk Christopher Walken Bobby surprises everyone with his impressive and sexy moves when he grabs Cassandra and starts grooving twirling and grinding on the dance floor as you can imagine this all makes Wayne pretty jealous and not just because of the fancy footwork but we gotta admit if we were in Wayne shoes we'd wish we could dance like walk into number nine around the world around the bend in this story of forgiveness and coming of age Walken plays Turner lair the crazed father - Josh Lucas's Jason Turner is back with his family after abandoning them 30 years earlier and together with his son and grandson he embarks on a trip to scatter some ashes along the way there is bonding and redemption to be found and if none of this sounds like the setup for dancing yet clearly do not know Chris Walken while the others sleep Turner busts out some dance moves let only by their vans headlights for pretty much no reason [Music] wacky yes unexpected sure walkin to a tee music [Music] that's number eight wedding dance the deer hunter the fact that Walken earned a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for this movie probably had little to do with his dancing skills but hey you never know before the manor shipped off to Vietnam and the true drama of this war film starts we see the characters live a few moments of happiness and you'd better believe Walken cuts a rug more than once when he's drinking and playing pool with his buddies and can't take my eyes off you comes on Walken can't help himself and later at a wedding when the Russian dancing starts Walken stands out from the crowd like only he can number seven dances with aliens communion communion is the so called based on a true story tale of one man's interactions with extraterrestrials from a cabin in the woods two group therapy sessions this alien abduction movie takes you on quite the emotional roller coaster peppered between these strange moments are even stranger moments when Whitley Strieber as portrayed by Walken dances with aliens in a seemingly dreamlike State [Music] there's fog there's bowing there's a handshake and some teasing and then there's those crazy dance moves no big deal right well given that it's a Christopher Walken joint probably not [Music] number six musical funeral plots with a view also known as undertaking Betty how many people can say they've seen a tap dance routine performed at a funeral well if you'd like to check out this dark comedy Christopher Walken plays Frank featherbed an undertaker with a revolutionary idea about themed funerals at the funeral in question the theme is clearly old Broadway theater the guests are greeted by showgirls they're treated to the affer mentioned dance number complete with sequins top hats and canes and to top it all off they get to hear the dearly departed sing one last time through a cardboard standee of course [Music] all in a day's work for mr. Walken like there's something this number five karaoke search-and-destroy we're not gonna mince words this movie is weird and what would a weird movie be without an out-of-place karaoke scene starring Christopher Walken though he's only a supporting player in this 1995 drama playing an eccentric rich guy who lives life on the edge he is definitely everything in this scene he's my friend walkins eating dinner when all of a sudden he gets up walks slowly yet confidently to the microphone at the front of the room and starts singing and tap-dancing for some reason and everyone in the room is smiling when he takes the stage that's walking for you always pleasing his public [Music] [Applause] number four these boots are made for dancing Puss in Boots walkin definitely flaunts his theatrical roots in this film not only does he dance he also sings his heart out and when both happened at the same time it's just beautiful [Music] throughout this retelling of the classic tale of puss-in-boots Walken as puss shows off his finely tuned skills and cat-like reflexes using them to confidently stand out every time he's on screen however the most notable moment has to be when Walken dances into a kitchen and proceeds to jump on a table and let his dancing feet fly number three timeless to me hairspray okay we'll admit that matching John Travolta in dance in drag is a daunting prospect like come on he's been in some of the most iconic dance movies of all time but Walken accepts the challenge and more than holds up his end of the bargain in this rowdy musical the world is changing a little too fast for this old married couple but in a moment of doubt they sing that their love for each other will never fade and they dance of course and not just one style of dance from a tango to a waltz to the can-can the pair clearly has a great time it's definitely not just acting either number two let's misbehave pennies from heaven [Music] there go those tap and feet again and you know what that's not even the best part of this dance routine as Tom the pimp walkin is surrounded by scantily clad women of the night Winnie embarks on a tap number performed on top of a pool table two of those ladies help him out with his striptease yep you heard that right Christopher Walken performs a striptease his goal to convince Lulu portrayed by the talented Bernadette Peters to become a prostitute [Music] well if anyone's up for that challenge its Christopher Walken [Music] before we danced our way to our top pick here are some honorable mentions number one the music video weapon of choice by Fat Boy slim who could deny the spike jonze directed music video the top spot Fat Boy slim may have produced the song but the true star of this moment in music history is obviously Christopher Walken the man completely owns the screen as he dances around a deserted hotel lobby there were those tap-dancing feet those boogying arms and those grooving hips and his musical theater dance training is on full display is it any wonder this music video not only won multiple awards at the 2001 MTV Video Awards but also took home the 2002 Grammy Award for Best short form music video and walk and probably danced all the way home - do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and subscribe for new videos every day
Views: 642,731
Rating: 4.8663521 out of 5
Keywords: Christopher walken, dance scenes, dance moments, Christopher Walken dancing, Christopher Walken dance, Christopher Walken routine, Christopher Walken movies, Christopher Walken music video, Christopher Walken tap dance, Christopher Walken broadway, movie dance scenes, WatchMojo, top 10, top 5, list, best, worst
Id: M-k4-MuNHlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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