How to do a Christopher Walken Impression - 5 Easy Steps

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oh I'm gonna tell you how to do a Christopher Walken impression anomaly five simple steps [Music] okay so lesson one is movement okay when you're doing any impression it actually really helps to move like the person you're impersonating what this will do is helps to set the language there's a direct connection between movement and the way our brain works so and it's quite fun as well so to move like Christopher walk and obviously he's a dancer a hoofer I think they call it he's this big ball of energy you can barely contain himself so you're gonna start as I've been doing here just popping a shoulder one two and you're gonna and you're talking to someone you know looking them fully in the eye is that head off to the side then there's the the sucking and of air look at the lips the head shake and already you can start to move a little bit like him [Music] okay so lesson two is voiced home you aren't gonna have to sort of get an idea of New York or New Jersey type accent as that's where he comes from I believe it is New York maybe Boston can also work we use that as your basis so then when you've got that down start with a vowels from a e i o u to a e i o u apologies if this offends anybody in which you've got your a e i o u you're going to close off part of your esophagus maybe it's your pharynx i don't know then you to do that imagine gargling mouthwash to the sound that will close up bring your head forward and then try to close it so AE i owe you now becomes a e I owe you and that's a great start start with those vowels and really kind of eat elongate them as well so a e I owe you a e i o u u a io e and you can have lots of fun with this so get those vowels down and that will help you to know how to shape the words [Music] okay so now we've got our movement going on we've got our New York accents that we're now adding some bass onto by closing this part of the throat the very top now we're gonna learn about stress Christopher welcome does not put stress on words in the most logical way when he tends to do is put them in places you just don't expect for example why did the chicken cross the road wait to get to the other side he saw a beautiful female chicken and he's thinking oh I'm gonna have me some of that or you could use an example like to be or not to be that is the question alas poor Yorick I knew him well so the whole point of this is don't be logical you want to get peaks and troughs in places that isn't in normal sentence structure Christopher Walken is not a normal guy so have fun with it put the stresses in different places [Music] okay so Lesson four is called the growl this is gonna add some dynamic range to your Christopher Walken impression his growl is like a combination between a whisper and a full boring growl for example I loved the taste butterscotch in my coffee I don't take sugar in my coffee I'm a sweet enough get you ass demise so that's that I am it's mine his own business then the baby lions are biting his tail he doesn't want to move he's high and keep experimenting it's a cross between a whisper and a full-blown growl [Music] your final lesson is a simple one but it is an absolutely vital one and that is to practice practice practice I managed to practice when I was walking to and from work pretty sure I got some funny Luck's but it gave me the opportunity to gel everything together not everything is going to come together immediately but given time you'll find that one magical sort of moment where all that actually sounded quite a lot like him and then you can sort of build off of this and this is a short and sweet lesson so the key word here is just practice and now ladies and gentlemen we have a rare treat in discovering a lost audition tape this is christopher walken auditioning for a role in the Lord of the Rings hello Frodo little man I bring word from the High Elves of Rivendell they say that you and your interesting friends here I gotta take this ring all the way to Mordor while evading the forces of Sauron then you got to drop that ring that I just talked about into an active volcano Oh hot but don't worry when you're done me and the boys will pick you up on a giant eagle Wow and that about covers it I realize it's not the most complete impression in the world there are people that do a better job of this than I do however I do hope that the video has served as a good starting block a good starting foundation for you to add your own elements to a complete Christopher Walken impression thank you very much and I will catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Adam Morgan
Views: 26,042
Rating: 4.7950411 out of 5
Keywords: Christopher Walken, Impression, Impersonation, New York accent, audition, Lord of the Rings, LOTR, chris, walken, impression, cowbell
Id: AWP-8lQnIb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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