Christopher Walken You're So Sweet !!!

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so our first guest is an Academy award-winning actor whose movies include The Deer Hunter called fiction and catch me if you can his new movie man on fire is number one at the box office please welcome the uniquely talented Christopher Walken we didn't have the hug kiss combo up there and we get a good combo yeah we did the dama I liked it I liked that you just broke out you didn't you didn't pay attention to the rules well I'm very happy to meet you I you know I watched you for a long time and I've we've never said a little no we haven't I'm so sorry that we've never met before but now we are because I'm a huge fan and I'm glad now we have to be careful what we say what have you always wanted to say to me I think you're a wonderful actor No thank you very much I think you're a wonderful actor it's a compliment I said what you look like you know you know I wanted to say before I forget I want to say happy birthday to my mother and also happy Mother's Day because it's about the same time she's in New York in Queens hi what's your name Rosalie you want to call her you want because we could I don't care all right well we'll call her if you feel like it oh I might I might want to say hi to her did she know who I am of course you do all right well I might call her and say happy birthday and when's your birthday it's in a couple of days when's Mother's Day it's like a week May yeah it is actually okay that's why you're here isn't it you're using us my birthday's in May - now are you gonna get your mother a gift flowers yeah that's nice anything else so cuz it's a combo Mother's Day birthday shouldn't it be bigger I gave her everything already we have no choice no I was gonna ask you because I guess it's a compliment when people do impressions of you but you you I see more people doing impressions of you then than just about anybody is that do you understand it or do you do you like it I love it you're right I have a friend who who does I have a friend who does me on his answering machine and when I call him I talk to myself do you think he said you sound like that yeah and a lot of times when I hear it I think well is that me but I guess I'd be the last to know yeah yeah cuz I don't think we ever especially when you tape record yourself I never think I sound like ice exactly yeah no it's true you never sound or look or anything like you think so you sound more like I wouldn't you sound different now to me talking to you but you have a tendency to do kind of long sentences with no punctuation as what what I was right no that's true when I was a kid I always resented and when I was in school I always resented having to put the period here in the common room I felt that it was an imposition and so I would whenever I wrote anything I would just write it and you know without punctuation and I guess I grew up ending up that way all the time I resent punctuation as well you have never thought of it as representing it but well you know it's true particularly when you're an actor you know sometimes it's not not just punctuation but you'll have a line and it says in parentheses you know wistfully or you know or furiously are lovingly or whatever but that I cross all that head that out yeah which is why you sometimes if you see a line and it says you know the wistfully then you know you just do it the opposite spider I'll show the writer yeah I'm doing it furiously instead of wistfully but but you can carry stuff like that off I mean your characters are always they're never right on you could probably get away with with anything the the worst writing would come off brilliant with you doing it I hope so yeah I think of you is very very intense and then I see you in the Fat Boy slim video dance so you're an amazing dancer that's how I started I until I was really full-grown I was I was a dancer and musicals and tours and that's what I did I was you know I was a chorus boy I used to tour in West Side Story all the time and when you were how old you know from the time I was a teenager until I was about 30 really that's what I did yeah and you were a tap dancer or every kind of as the chorus you know I'm sorry and so and now here's this is I think this is fascinating too I don't know how many people know this but you started out as a baby model well what when I grew up in the New York television was getting started in the early 50s there were 90 live shows from New York everything comes from California now but in those days before videotape everything was live and a lot of there were a lot of kids that they used more or less you know as set dressing we weren't actors we were just no it was basically you were a property these pictures for me or oh and here's when you were on the phone you know there were there were these baby pictures and they would usually actually just for a short time I myself have a caption I mean this picture for instance would say when's one and so it was like an in know what they know that make calendars of babies and they would have a caption and you know a lot of kids did that I it's probably gets the law now yeah probably a good idea yeah to be against law so I'm so and now here you are in movie after movie that you just and you're always that way you're a good guy in this movie right Wow I used you know yes I'm a reformed yes I'm not good you are the guy I'm kind of the best friend all right the movie looks really good so there's a clip and do you know the clip that you have I think so alright here it is Ramos was well she look crazy though she shot him it was alright to live again and they're gonna wish they never punched a man to me an artist Oh Chris is always dead he's about the Panthers masterpiece well that scene is kind of a turning point in the movie it's danjela whoo-hoo wonderful any plays this man who's kind of had a difficult time and a little bit lost then he meets this little angel of a girl Dakota Fanning and and then she gets kidnapped and of course then there's heck to pay and that scene is kind of when it goes from that to that well I don't even I don't even know the movie but that right there
Channel: Cecelia Elizabeth Sitar
Views: 423,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christopher Walken, cecelianchris, interview, Ellen Degeneres, talk show, Mother's day, Babies, Comedy, tap dancing.
Id: 1h0b8Oo4D3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2007
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