Christocentric Meal (April, 29th) | How About 1st John 1:9 (2)

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Chris eccentric merely daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus a bell domina is my name and I'm excited this morning to welcome you into this great time of looking into the perfect law of Liberty they see that continue a theory there's a continuity that is critical very important and we're glad to welcome you this morning not bring your friends invite them friends lovgrens family members because whilst you're looking at first John one night that scripture we're gonna totally unlock it today so get everybody on board let's get into it I have my wife co-hosting the broadcast with me dr. Richard I mean honey good morning greetings everyone welcome today amen let's pray father your word says is he that look at into the perfect law of Liberty he not been a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed as we look into the word this morning various fall of clarity comes from the word by the spirit minds renewed minds renewed thoughts renewed we cast down imaginations and we ask that the revelation of Jesus grows be until seen means nothing thank you for answered prayer in Jesus name Amen all right today we're looking at first John 1:9 we just continue from where we stopped yesterday we continue from yesterday's recall that John has two audiences in mind from what we saw when he wrote that a pitcher we identified that we are of the audience who have eternal life and fellowship with the father first John 1:6 wheat for all so if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth observe very carefully that there was a change of tone the audience actually changed how verse six if we see verse seven if we see verse eight if we walk verse 9 if we confess verse 1 to 5 if you remember very carefully and verse one talked about us fellowship with the world in verse one all right then in verse three he says a fellowship John begins to speak about fellowship all right that he also may have fellowship with us and truly our Fellowship is with the father all right then verse four I write unto you that your joy may be full and the udi is making reference to is those that he said has fellowship with the father and that have eternal life verse five he now says God is light and in him is no darkness at all so vast experiences talk to another audience if we say these are not the same people that is we walk in the light even as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another these knotty same audience so if we see if we walk if we walk if we confess who was John referring to by sin we note first he was not specific when he wrote to believe us he was very specific first John 1:4 I write unto you first John 2:1 I write unto you children first John to seven I write came first John to 12 to 14 I write unto your father's young men and little children so who are you we vast six seven eight gives us a lead they were still in darkness they were still in sea they have no fellowship with the father the son and other believers hence he told them in verse seven why a man has fellowship with the father son and other believers or why a man is cleanse from his sins by the blood of Jesus okay so in verse nine John now told them how that is how a man has fellowship with the father the son and other believers and how a man is cleansed from his seat okay he told him the why and how so in first John 1:9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness now was John teaching confession of sins to God definitely not in the light of all that has been explained so far about confession Jesus was the emphasis and what he talked about since his emphasis was on the blood of Jesus let us therefore rearrange the text and we punctuate it as well to enable us understand what John was indeed there's no punctuation at all the English translators tried to pull ponch really and pass with me with the meaning you know in fact the one or two scriptures like that come to mind and let's deal with this one so the original Greek manuscripts did not include punctuation marks or neither chapters they were introduced by the translators were translating from the original language to modern day long so let us therefore explain by replacing the comma to be immediately after confess and not after since night yes in the King James Version of the books of the Bible if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so what were they to confess in verse 7 they were to confess what the blood of Jesus has done how that it has cleanse man from his sins they were to confess Jesus as the propitiation for sins according to 1st John 2:2 you follow me yeah they were to confess Jesus hence anyone who therefore does not agree with the above fact of what Jesus blood has done forgiveness cleansing and propagation for sins are those addressed from verse 6 to 8 they were still in darkness they were still in sin they have no fellowship with the father the son and other believers he later goes for the interest John 2 and 1 okay and John for to call them as Antichrist in first John 2:18 literature it is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist account even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last okay Reid was 22 Falls who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist that denieth the father and the son says John 4:3 and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of Antichrist whereof he have had that issue come and even now it is in the world they denied the deity and humanity of Christ Daniel T Antichrist is not a man you know what time is it was Barack Obama you know one time is it was the Pope they just keep naming people because people are confused they are not studying the scriptures Antichrist is not a man that is sitting in an office Antichrist is a teaching is it teacher denies that reminded lady and humanity of Jesus any teaching that denies that Jesus is God and in addition that another Jesus was a man or is a man that teaching is Antichrist when you sit on that oxygen and it enters you the spirit of Antichrist is in you because spirit come through words words I speak so that doctrine denies the deity of Christ and the humanity of Christ they do not believe that Jesus blood is the propitiation for C first John five five and six wheat falls who is he'd overcome in the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God this is him by water and blood even Jesus Christ not by water only but by water and blood and this is the spirit that spirit witness because the Spirit is truth so obviously the church you wrote to her people in the armies who believed but what were the wives and such misled people John wrote to them believers to clear the confusion explaining how a man who is saved has eternal life and has fellowship with the father the son and other believers by faith and faith alone in the blood of Jesus so to make it easy for you first John 1:9 dia forward if we confess our see now John 1:29 behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world second Corinthians 5:21 God made him to be sin for us who knew no sin so our sin will be Jesus the symbian so if we confess our sin Jesus the Cynthia he is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse from all unrighteousness so the confession of us India is the confession of a Christ for a man that is not a believe yes that's what he is talking about is not like mentioning all the Mystics you make every need no is talking about confessing the substitutionary walk of Christ or the sacrificial walk of Christ or confessing Jesus the simpie are and when you confess him in that confession you receive the forgiveness that he has already made and forgiveness is a gift is not a reward for what you did is a gift of grace based on the death burial and resurrection of Christ so from what we have studied so far there is nowhere in the scriptures where a believer is asked to confess before forgiveness forgiveness is given before you confessed well possessions for giving us according to the riches of His grace is there as forgiving us because of his blood in fact officials 431 he says even as God for Christ's sake so he even is a gift of grace is not what you do is a gift of grace and wherever here in the son of my voice today if you have been punished by religion confessing sins and carrying guilt and condemnation drop the load right now it I'll receive the forgiveness of sin that is gifted you as a result of the sacrificial walk of Christ praise God yeah only leaders in the confession for today I confess that Jesus died for me and therefore I am saved eternally I confess that Jesus died for me and therefore I am saved eternal the word is true and I am what the word faith I am the world is true and I what the world sees I am that means forgiven just accepted right just means totally free no sin to confess that's what is it Christ in heaven this as he saw am i perfect that's what the words say righteous that's real holy thanks sanctified accept it oh yeah pleased to pick you let people holy nation that's who you are in Christ Jesus price go up in love yes all those are the objectives you list them for yourself describe everything you need to be mentioned you're a priest on to our God yes praise God father we thank you for viewers those that have been punished by this VAS wrongly misinterpreted thank you for light now we declare that the body of sin and confessing sin is totally taking of you right now receive the peace of God there are shores of salvation and receive the light of God water libre to completely from all that has tied you to the past all that has punished you with guilt and condemnation you are free today in the name of Jesus man thank you Lord for assurance thank you for the peace of God now we decree that this day as you spend in a meditative the one who grow big on your inside until nothing else matters you're going out is blessed your coming in is blessed with a credit you are accepted in the beloved and we decree that miracles are your portion today areas where you need a miracle receive it now in the name of gentleman thank you Father for answered prayer in Jesus precious name Amen Oh hallelujah look guys these are the most exciting moments to just stay in the water and keep growing in knowledge order for the material the Christocentric bill and other resources of this ministry so that you have robust understanding of all that is yours in Christ Jesus you know you can have something and not know it and as long as you have something you don't know it you can enjoy you can never use it you can only use and enjoy what you have that you know Christ has given you everything but now you need a knowledge of what you have so you're gonna walk in it's reality and not be robbed by the enemy praise God only one last word for viewers before we go yes the Word of God is true so you come back on it circumstances contradicts you or they do something that is contrary to the Word of God remember the default setting is that the Word of God is true right every other situation is their life just right all men should be like Lydia feeling let's go Illume b2 what you said is exactly what you said and who you are is exactly who you are stay with that reality we're looking forward to spending more time with you again tomorrow we're gonna talk about more exciting things from the waterfall mighty God share with friends invite friends share this video encourage people to watch yesterday on today's teaching and let them be free from the tohunga of religion and enjoy the Liberty in Christ we love you guys still becoming a away tomorrow this is Rachel and a beldam eNOS a Nellie kingdom of God [Music] look at verse 20 of Romans chapter 5 I want to pick out something that lasts 20 moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but where sin abounded grace did much more abound all right give me verse 19 for us by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous oh look at the polls changing and first of all he said seen then he came down he said offences then he came down he said disobedience still the same thing is talking about still the same thing is talking about so he can bring understanding to the people listen to him the word disappearance is a Greek word para hoy para hoy p r e KO e para koi it means refusal to heat refusal to heat or to refuse to hear to refuse to hear that means something preceded my misstep for me to have a misstep something preceded my mistake what preceded my missing step is refusal to eat when I refused to heed I missed them all another word for misstep is stumble when I was asked to pay attention to something and I refused to pay attention to it I stumbled when I stumbled my stumbling led me to hamartia sin sin means to come short to come short so I was to lead to something I refuse to hear to that in I stumbled when I stumbled I came short of his standard I don't know if you are watching are you watching I'm supposed to hear to something I refuse to hated at him and I went my way in the bed to move I spun when I stumbled I came short of the standard so three words describes that word number one scene number two offense number three disobedience very key words very key words and they will bring us eventually to understand what the original scene was for me not to have he dead means something was said so it's called disobedience para coy - refused to heed Matthew 18 17 gives us a usage of that word para coy Matthew 18 17 read for me and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church para coy to neglect to hear them not to take heed para coy if he shall neglect to hear them all right they are talking to him but he is not responding to what they are saying another scripture is marked 536 where the word para coil is used mark 536 as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken he saith unto the rule of the synagogue be not afraid only believe he heard he heard that what he heard is the same word for para hoy is a willful refusal to act para coy is a willful refusal to act you willfully refuse to act so something has been said and as I you must take your eyes off trees take your eyes of fruits something has been said and somebody has refused it to heat it's not about trees and fruit or plans something has been said what you had in Genesis is a figurative expression of what happened again remember when Genesis happened Moses was not there Moses wrote the book of Genesis he was not there Moses was born in Exodus chapter 2 verse 2 he was in there when Genesis happen so most assuredly God gave Moses of vision and from a vision he narrated the account of what happened in Genesis now when a vision is given to a man the language of visions includes metaphors and literals figurative expressions I can give you an illustration in the book of Acts of the Apostles God was about to communicate to Peter that the gospel should go to the Gentiles but if God had told Peter of course it will not make sense to Peter with his legalistic mind so God gave Peter a vision in the afternoon they were spraying up there in a room and he saw a vision and out of heaven came a with footed animals on the sheet and as ash it was coming down from heaven in the vision God said to him arise killin it and Peter said to God how connected unclean then God answered Peter what I have clean you shall not call unclean shortly after that he was sent for to come and preach to the Gentiles and he went because he has been prepared in a vision that the Gentiles are no more unclean the Gentiles have become clean and they watch this when Peter brought the message to them I'm sure Peter was still afraid of what the Jewish people would do to him so when he was speaking I'm sure he was speaking with some little level of fear so while Peter yet spake without his consent and permission I'm not sure he will administer holy goes to them so Holy Ghost no impetus limitation to exempt it up from from being the one that was brought illegals as soon as a people had the Holy Ghost fell on them so I'll pick ours the preaching people has become in tongues he couldn't explain what has happened there was a bypass a divine by that's Oh a vision had to be used to communicate now if you observe that vision that vision is not literal because the genitals are not for food and animals and the gentle animals but what was used to communicate to Peter about James's animals what figures figurative metaphors so that you saw trees in the vision of Moses doesn't mean they're illiterate Rhys it was a mode of communicating in a vision if I'm teaching say here you so that's what when you come to the regulation of scriptures you will not have any opposed to refer to a place called Eden you will never see the word evem from acts to revelation you will see it it's not a doctrine number two you will not see any approach to making reference to a tree somewhere the call did seem I will together here number three the only reference you will see brother Paul make of Eden was this effect and it says not like the devil Satan the serpent so he tells us that in Eden they also serpent there was Satan but in the vision of Moses he saw a serpent if I'm communicating say here you okay so again so brother poni gives us three words seen offense and disobedience all right now please pay attention pay attention very carefully Genesis chapter 2 verse 16 Genesis 2:16 read for me and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die trees but we only know two trees the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and of life only two trees we know of okay so to eat the Tree of Life - its kebaya recognize mr. shouldn't have come to church to eat the tree of life means to believe him in Scripture is believing eating - it means to believe a man shall eat food by the fruit of his lips by the fruit of his lips with the mouth confession is made unto salvation am i teaching yeah very important so - it will be to believe and say and to drink in Scripture means to believe and say to eat and drink will be to believe and see so to speak of death in Eden will mean there was life so that means God's Word communicated life to Adam God's Word communicated life to Adam God's Word communicated life - Adam how in the beginning was the world where is the beginning doctor me citizens where is the beginning so Genesis is the beginning so in Genesis was the world and the word in Genesis was with god and the word in Genesis was God so the Word of God was available in Genesis where was the Word of God Genesis in the cotton what was the Word of God in Genesis the tree of life the Tree of Life was the gospel of Christ the Tree of Life was the gospel of Christ Christ is life he that has the son has life so the Tree of Life was the message of Christ preached to Adam the gospel of life in the Sun the gospel of life where in the son was preached to who Adam and Adam Adam rejected it Adam rejected the gospel was given to him okay now follow me I'm going somewhere soaked in God's Word his life in the Word of God is life it simply means that in Adam there was a choice and that choice is what we present to people today as we preach the gospel when we preach the gospel to you we are giving you an opportunity to make a choice whosoever believeth whosoever believeth not what is that choice when we bring the gospel we give an opportunity to make a choice God give Adam an opportunity for choice tree of life free of the knowledge of good and evil two-threes choice choice in the other one there is death in this one there is life he that believeth shall not perish but have everlasting life he that believeth not is condemned joyce in eden am i teaching here choice well indeed [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word you needs not only here but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily news making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and our confidence as a believer to order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. Abel tamina call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is your first step to guaranteeing an enriched life a new year [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
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Id: XxPmOHckQpg
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Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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