Christine Caine | Testimony | Doha-Qatar | Hillsong London Concert

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well I think the people of Doha Qatar can sing beautifully you guys are incredible why don't you just take a seat for one minute wherever you are just for a moment well I am so honored to be here are you enjoying the concert so far I can't hear you I think you are you're singing like you are my name is Christine Kane and it is such a privilege to be with you tonight I together with my husband Nick we oversee an organization called the a21 campaign where we help to rescue the victims of human trafficking around the world and I also oversee propel women which is an organization in 80 countries of the world that helps women activate their purpose and their passion and their potential and I think that's a very important thing because in my life when I started you would never have thought that I would be doing what I'm doing today you know I was born in Sydney Australia has anyone heard of Australia does anyone want to go to Australia everyone say g'day mate now you sound like Australians and I invite you all to my house when you come well I was born in Sydney Australia the daughter of Greek immigrants I want to tell you a story what happened to me when I was 33 years old when I was 33 years old my brother George who was 35 he called me on the phone and he said to me Christine I just received a letter and the letter says that I have been adopted now when my brother said this I was in shock he was 35 years old I was 33 years old and I thought that he was joking with me and so I started laughing and I said yes I always knew you were strange of course you were adopted because you are the weird one of the family and I'm the normal one but he looked at me oh he didn't he was talking to me and he started crying and he said Christine I have this letter and it says that I'm adopted and I said they made a mistake George called the department that sent you the letter and tell them they made a mistake so he called them and maybe about five minutes later he called me back on the telephone and he said Christine it's true they told me the name of my biological mother my biological father they told me when I was born when I was immunized where I went to school they have a whole file on my life and he was weeping and he said I'm gonna go and talk to mom about this now my father had died when I was 19 so my mother was home alone and I knew that if my brother went to give her this news it may shock her so I got into the car and I drove to my mother's because I'm thinking he's she's gonna get so shocked about this news so I walked into my mother's house at the moment that my brother was giving my mother this piece of paper from the government and the paper said adopted as soon as my mother took the paper my mother started crying and she said George I'm so sorry the reason I never told you was because in Australia thirty five years before all of the adoption laws they were closed adoption and so nobody knew that they were adopted and we never thought you would find out and before just before your father died I promised him that I would never tell you so you could imagine how sad my brother was my brother was crying my mother was crying the dog was crying everyone was crying I didn't know what to do and being a good Greek girl we believed that food is the answer to everything so I thought I'm gonna go to the kitchen I'm gonna make some baklava I'm gonna make some hummus and pita bread and make food for everyone and make them happy so I went to the kitchen my mother walked into the kitchen after me and she said to me these words Cristina since we are telling the truth today do you want to know the whole truth yeah you're very smart here in Qatar and I turn round to my mother and I said I've been adopted too and my mother started crying and she said yes I had no idea I was 33 years old and I had no idea and she said Christine I'm sorry we never told you but we never thought you would find out and as I stood there to find out the news that I was not who I thought I was and then they sent me the documents about my birth you know how strange it is at 33 to receive documents to receive a birth certificate when you thought you had a birth certificate and it's a different birth certificate and it's a different social worker report and when I received the birth certificate the birth certificate simply said child's name unnamed that was the word that was typed in unnamed and then it had a number number to 5:08 of 1966 so that tells you how old I am I'm 53 how many people were not born in 1966 most of the arena you were not alive in 1966 but it said number to 508 of 1966 unnamed and then the report from the hospital said that I was unwanted I was left in the hospital I don't know who my biological mother is I do not know who my biological father is and the document said that I was unwanted and so I was holding two pieces of paper one said unnamed the other one said unwanted it is shocking to find out you are not who you thought you were at 33 years old and I had broke broke growing up in a very broken family I grew up in the poorest zip code the poorest postcode in my state in in government housing with people that just didn't have very much I experienced sexual abuse at the hands of many men for many years of my life so I was a young woman that was full of shame I was a young woman that was full of guilt I was a young woman that was full of condemnation I was a young woman that was full of unforgiveness and I was full of bitterness it did not look like I had much of a hope it did not look like I had much of a future I was so full of shame and guilt and carried the pain of years of rejection and abandonment and abuse and adoption and being discarded at birth but tonight we're singing about the name of someone that I met that transformed my life and that is the name of Jesus I met him and he transformed my life and through a relationship with him I discovered that my history does not need to define my destiny just because I started bad doesn't mean I have to stay bad you can have a future you can have a destiny you can have a purpose there is more on the inside of you than you even know and so it would be just like God to take a young woman that was left abandoned in a hospital that was adopted that was abused that was rejected that was full of shame that was full of guilt that was full of condemnation a young woman that should have had no purpose not only did he rescue me but now he uses me to open the doors and rescue those that are still enslaved that are still in pain that are still in fear and this is why we started propel because I want you all to know that your past does not have to define your future you are full of potential you are full of purpose you are full of destiny and your life can be used to make a difference you don't have to limit yourself by what other people have said about you some people may have said you're dumb you're stupid you're not bright you'll never amount to anything oftentimes in society in our lives people tell us you're not enough you're not good enough you're not smart enough you're not talented enough you don't have the right background you're not from the right heritage but I've got good news for you you are a child of God created in the image of God you are more than enough in him in him so through the work we do around the world people are rescued and they're given a second chance which is the message that we have that there is always hope beyond your past that you don't have to live in shame or guilt or condemnation you don't have to live full of bitterness or unforgiveness you don't have to be defined by what someone else has said about you but you can find hope and purpose in life and in and through a relationship about that great name Jesus that we're singing about today you can help other people to find a future and to find hope and to find life and to find liberty and to find freedom and to find a life beyond your past there is hope I want you to know I flew across the world because I believe that on the inside of you there is hope there is purpose there is potential there is power you can make a difference in your generation you can be used to make a difference so if my life can encourage you in any way a girl that was left in a hospital in Sydney Australia unnamed and unwanted and unqualified that's what they said about me on the 23rd of March 1993 still many of you were not even born then that's how old I am a professor from the University said you are not qualified to do the work that you do but here I am 26 years later after the experts said you cannot run an NGO you cannot help people in that area because you are not qualified this is what I've discovered that you don't have to actually have all the skills that the world says you need to have to make a difference he whom God calls he qualifies and he will give you a life beyond your past into your future and into your destiny so I want to speak to the potential on the inside of you I want to speak to the purpose on the inside of you and I want you to know there is so much more for you ahead and the same God that did it for me he can do it for you Jesus Christ can make a difference in your life in Jesus name he can make a difference in your life so I want you to stand to your feet and we're gonna continue to sing and we're gonna continue to declare the greatness of our God because there is so much more on the inside of you inside [Music] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Route 5812
Views: 2,146
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Christine Caine, Testimony, Hillsong London Concert, Doha, Qatar
Id: MCpuL3t3X-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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