Christine Caine Passion Update April 26, 2018 : Jerusalem Will Be Divided

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and she is seven and I told the 9:30 service that those two little girls are my Alpha and Omega they are the beginning and the end and why I say that it's because my husband is the 12th of 13 living children his mother had 15 full-term pregnancies in 17 years and all the women are just like mortified and there was like no television in that part of Australia which is evident it so I'm like you know when I got married I felt the pressure I felt the pressure so it was like no that is our - and we've been part of the teaching team and part of the leadership team at the Hillsong Church anyone heard of Hillsong y'all get excited I've said it in every service because it's true y'all get pumped you think awesome chick from Hillsong she's gonna start singing shout to the Lord but if I sing shout to the Lord you're gonna cry to the Lord because it's really bad I I am on every album since 1990 something 1990 except I'm in the crowd in the bleachers where there's no microphones but I do own every album and saying I have made my own CDs and so I've done that for a lot of years and it is just one of our greatest honors to be part of that team part of what nikuman I have done extensively as being sent out from our house for the last quarter of a century's worth of mission and a lot of church planting and leadership development in all over the world but predominantly in Europe and we were in a particular city in Europe a few years ago and there was a huge Cathedral and just like this is a beautiful modern-day Cathedral this is one a cathedral of old where we all go when you go if you've been to Europe you see some of the beautiful churches the old churches and it is just breathtaking this Cathedral the sanctuary was so huge it would have easily have sat five or six thousand people the architecture of the thing itself was just breathtaking because it obviously it was just Gothic architecture it was just so stunning and then the artwork in it some of the artwork that they had left in it would have been priced literally priceless you could have put it in the Louvre in Paris you could have put it in any me in the world and it would be priceless because it dated back so far and was just so stunning but what they had done is they had converted this church into a tourist attraction a monument and it was the most frequently visited monument in the city it was the most frequently visited tourist attraction in the city it was the the biggest tourist attraction we went and you had to pay five euros to go in to go up to the top of the steeple so that you could get a bird's-eye view of a breathtaking Italian city and as we were doing that we got to the top and I kind of walked around I'm watching hundreds of tourists take pictures do the whole deal and I remember thinking I started to cry my husband said to me Chris what's wrong and I said thank the people that sowed the seed in order to build this stunning Cathedral they sowed seed they prayed prayers for a sanctuary to be built for a house to be built that would bring glory to God they did not sow seed so that this thing in a couple of hundred years could become a tourist attraction they were believing that the altars would be filled with people giving their lives to Jesus that bodies would be healed that marriages would be reconciled that people would be restored that transformation would come to a city that the life-giving truth of the word of God would be proclaimed that people would just find a relationship with Jesus Christ that's why they sold this seed that's why they built the building that's why they prayed the prayers they did not pray thinking a couple of hundred years from now I hope a bunch of tourists come that this isn't even used as a church anymore it's just a monument to what God once did and I said to him how do I know today by God's grace our church would be probably one of the most influential in the world and definitely when it comes to praise and worship music how do I not know a couple of hundred years from now people are not going to fly to Sydney Australia and go and visit this beautiful building because we have a lovely a whole lot of facilities in Australia but we've got modern-day cathedrals down there they've won major architectural awards major technology awards I mean they're just stunning so how do I not know that people are going to go and line up and remember that church that did all that music that went around the world remember remember that church that had that revival of all those people getting saved remember that church that built modern day 21st century cathedrals that were just stunning let's go and pay five bucks to walk into the church to see what God once did that's not why we're sowing our seed that's not why we're praying our prayers we're believing that it'll be a house of hope and a house of life in a house of salvation and when I was up there I was so emotional and I said to Nick so what guarantees are there how do we know that that's not going to happen because whoever built this was not intending it for it to happen and if you look at the landscape of both the North American Church in the European Church at an alarming rate traditional cathedrals are closing down and becoming either pubs or clubs or restaurants or being used for any other purpose other than the purpose for which they were built and I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me up on that rooftop and say to me Christine this is what happens when the church stops being the church and the church just starts doing church on a Sunday when we just go through our boring religious ritual when we creedal eyes or we institutionalize or we bureaucratized our Christianity when we make it nothing more than a boring religious obligation this one hour that we do a week may be connecting in some kind of group this obligatory Bible reading or just kind of Christian action but when you take the life the spirit the power out of your faith it's no longer a movement it becomes a stagnant dead religious pool as we were pulling into church this morning I was just so overwhelmed by you but even the church name telling us that we're a church on the move we're not like this stagnant dead people we haven't come together at a cemetery today to just kind of celebrate some dead God that's not alive today but we are a church that leaves that Jesus Christ is alive that he's active on the earth today that there are lives to be reached that there are lives to be restored that people need His grace his love his mercy is truth we are a church on the move when on a church waiting for the rapture amen for the four of you that are a many and you know what happens when you become that kind of stagnant dead religious institution oh you might still sing the songs you could have all the whistles and bells but there's no life and fire when there's no passion for what God is passionate about have you ever wondered why we're still here if it was just about our comfort our convenience our ease we could all be in heaven now but you and I are living between the two advents of Christ I thank God for the cross but you and I as the church if we're born again are focused forward to the second advent of Christ he is coming back and the fact that it's not he yet suggests to me there's a reason there's something for us to do and it's not just about building a nice comfortable blessed prospered to be envied isolated insular Christian lifestyle because if that was it we wouldn't still be here we're gonna have all that and more in heaven there must be a reason he has left his church on the earth there must be a reason he is not yet returned even though we all know it's eminent the reason is because he has not saved and finished reaching everyone that was supposed to reach for God so loved what church the world he loved the world the God incarnate himself stepped out of the comfort and the ease of heaven into a lost and broken sinful world that's how much he loved that world he didn't stay removed from it but he stepped into it that's what the Incarnation is putting flesh and blood on the bones of faith rolling up your sleeves and getting into the trenches of a lost and a broken humanity and he sends us to do the same jesus said I came for this purpose to seek and save that which was lost our gods obsessed with the last the reason the church is still on the earth is not to run away from the world we will be raptured there is a new heaven there is a new earth but we're not there yet and on the way there this is not home this is not where we're meant to settle this is not what we're meant to build this nice little safe comfortable complacent Christian life this is not the deal of Christianity Jesus Christ did not come from heaven to earth to die on a cross and rise again from the dead to make us nice and safe and comfortable he didn't come from heaven to earth died on a cross and rose again from the dead just to make us sweet and nice gag me with a spoon he came to make us dangerous to the kingdom of darkness he came so that we could be radical revolutionaries and make a difference in our generation that's what he came for and be nice on the way but the point is that we have a mission we are on mission Jesus's last commandment was you going to all the world he didn't say go overseas he said go into all the world in Tulsa Oklahoma we you and I are not a product of time we're a product of eternity God has plucked us out of eternity he has positioned us in time and he's given us gifts and talents for the purpose of serving our generation when he saw Tulsa Oklahoma in 2013 when he saw the economic condition of North America the moral condition of North America the political condition of North America the media in North America when he looked at all of that he didn't sit on his chonies not up there in ever good oh my god now I am God I'm having an existential crisis all three of me what am I going to do Wall Street just freaked out oh I don't like the moral stitch I'm so shocked Jesus did you have any idea Gabriel coming here why did someone not tell me what the world was gonna be like in America in 2013 I'm in shock no just in case you're wondering God is still on the throne God is still ruling the universe this is all still part of his sovereign plan of the earth he is not in shock and he's not freaking out and devil didn't get any bigger and the blood of Jesus is no more diluted it still has the power over sin and death and the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead still lives on the inside of you and me and he says filled with that power filled with that anointing I want you to go into all of that world and to be my salt of my life and to bring life and hope and answers not to judge the world we're not God not to condemn the world now that neither does he not to have huge philosophical discourses on the condition of the world but I want you to go in and do what I did Christine just soul of this world not to run away from the world not to hide from the world not to be afraid of the world to so loved the world that you coming into contact with darkness would illuminate that darkness with the light that is on the inside of you that you coming in contact with a tasteless world would bring taste to that world with the salt that you have become because you're a different substance to that world Chris I want your heart to beat for what my heart beats for and if your heart beats for what my heart beats for you will find life and zeal and fire and passion in your faith see what has hit the church across the earth is a passion deficiency syndrome we have soaked realized and bureaucratized our Christianity so made it a bunch of rules and regulations so made it a religious obligation that there is no spark or fire left Christians ought to have such a little glint in our eye a little spring in our step I was telling people last night we need to be a little bit naughty not heretical not illegal not unethical not immoral just naughty there ought to be something about us where people think what are you smoking there is something about us that makes us how could you say that the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives in us what we get now I'm boring I wear beige I'm a socially dysfunctional I'm a Christian I have no personality I've had a lobotomy I've had a personality bypass but I'm saved blessed be the Lord it's the 11:15 this is what you do to me if you want the holy version get the 9:15 version okay please only show your pasta the 9:15 version that's all I'm saying passion does a lot Church you know did you see when Mel Gibson made the movie The Passion of the Christ he did not call it the boring religious obligation of the Christ you know told the last service when I am two weeks who saw the passion and it just wrecked you I mean seriously I was like a mess and then I was in Baton Rouge with Nick at a speaking of the church on Sunday and we had lunch after church two weeks after the passion was released and at lunch Jim Caviezel was in the restaurant now I am not normally starstruck but this I just couldn't believe it and I was just undone by the movie so I grabbed Nick's armed and extremely inappropriately loudly in the restaurant it was in a country club I yelled out Jesus okay everybody looked at me and Nick just sort of whispered you know in the way the husband does when he's humiliated by his wife Christine you would think you would know the difference but anyway so I'm just like no and so I'm the guy that was with us said you know do you want to meet him and like I'm walking across the hallway at the restaurant my heart is racing I think I'm gonna meet Jesus I'm gonna meet Jesus or something I just I didn't even know his name I didn't know it was Jim Caviezel was like Jesus and so then I'm I go over to him and I'm standing and he's sitting and we're the same height and and so his eyes because I remember in the crop when he was on the cross those eyes and so I'm looking at his eyes and I'm thinking they must not have used filters in the movie anyway so I'm like just going off and the guy that was with me he did not say anything else to him he just simply said Jim this is my friend Christine from Australia that's all he said then Jim stood up and he looked at me and he looked down his so tall he said him there are not many believers in Australia are there I was freaking out so much that he talked to me I didn't even know so I looked at like an idiot no when no nobody believes in Australia there are no believers in Australia that's what I said and then he full-on starts witnessing to me for the next 15 minutes I mean I'm telling you everything the blood the cross the resurrect of the whole nine yards he was so passionate that I did not have the heart to tell him I was a Christian and I was thinking I was like getting into it and I thought if he asks me to pray the sinner's prayer I'm down Oh posh in' will go a long way judge there's a lot to be said about passion passion is when you are internally regulated by the Spirit of God you're not externally motivated by circumstances see when passions gone you're more interested who's the next speaker who's the next artist what's the next song how you gonna keep me interested entertain me feed me it's all about me and that's when you're externally motivated when the church loses her passion and she needs to be externally regulated just like the latest celebrity the latest Hollywood star what's the next fix give me an IV drip pasta why don't you just keep me safe next week why don't you just entertain me next week could you imagine what the Church of Jesus Christ would do on the earth if we could keep ourself saved between services and we could turn up on a Sunday and get a prophetic revelation so that the church could be the church on the earth rather than coming every week and getting saved could you imagine could you imagine you know how do you do a little quick litmus test about whether you're still passionate about your faith or whether it's just a boring religious though it's simple simple you do what you want out of passion you do what you have to when it's an obligation like I'll give you an example when Nick and I met we met in Bible School we're the same age but he went to Bible College after me and I was going to do a lecture on evangelism and he tells the story he fell in love with the teacher and I walked in and we have a rule at the Hillsong College that students could not date one another but there was no rule for students and teachers and so Nick Turse I know you could go to jail for that over here but anyway and so Nick being naughty in the 11:15 um Nick decided that he was gonna be suddenly developed a passion for community-based evangelism and I was running the community arm of our youth ministry so all of a sudden there's a guy volunteering at everything and then he found out from my best friend that I swam every morning at 6:00 a.m. at our local swimming pool now I have been doing this for a year never once in one year had I ever seen him there then all of a sudden by the time I would get to the pool at 6 o'clock in the morning there was a guy already doing laps up and down the pool after about a week we kind of bumped into each other and I said you know like hi Nick what are you doing here and then in that very sort of male bravado shoulders back chest out he's like what do you mean what am I doing here I'm always here at 6 o'clock in the morning I love swimming at 6 o'clock in the morning no church I've been married to the guy for over 17 years never once never once in 17 years as my husband ever got up at 6 o'clock in the morning to go swimming at our local swimming pool because you do what you want out of passion no one has to make you reach a Bible no one has to make you go to church no one has to make you stay morally pure no one has to make you tithe no one has to give you a guilt trip to serve no one has to make you feel guilty about Leah reaching the last because you are so internally regulated by the Spirit of God it is an outflow of who you are I think we pray theologically in accurate prayers in the church we pray God send revival and God says I already have I put my spirit in you I sent it now we need to get it out of you into a lost and a broken world out of you will flow rivers of living water the scripture says God says I've done my part I'm just waiting for my church to do a part that's all I'm waiting for I'm just waiting for my church to do her part how do I know God is obsessed with the lost in the Book of Luke in the Book of Luke chapter 15 we have one chapter there are only 66 books in the Bible to dedicate an entire chapter three different parables talking about one subject you will not find that anywhere between Genesis and revelation anywhere else but Luke 15 where God shows us his obsession with the lust he talks about a lost sheep he talks about a lost coin he talks about a lost son God is obsessed with the lost in fact Christians ought to be lost ologists you could tweet that we ought to not judge the lost condemn the lost psychoanalyzed the loss avoid the lost we more than anybody on earth ought to understand it and in one chapter of Scripture three different parables Jesus gives us an insight into perhaps how people end up lost and instead of having a church running away from them instead of having a church judging them he says I wish you would just understand ultimately it doesn't really matter how they ended up lost you are my GPS system until I come again I'm delaying coming so that we could actually get as many home with us as we can and if your heart would be stirred and motivated by love instead of judgment it is amazing what we would accomplish on the earth and to whom much grace has been given should not much grace be bestowed and he talks about a lost sheep I'm from Australia there's a lot of sheep down that part of the world and so you can be driving along and come to the end of the night there's a paddock and it's like you know 200 sheep and then you look at the other paddock and there's this one little sheep all on its own over there now that sheep did not wake up that morning and say I plan on getting lost today I'm gonna leave all the other sheep because I'm really demonic and evil deep down on the inside so I am gonna know the little sheep had its head down it was eating grass it was just preoccupied with eating grass stuck its head up at the end of the day realized it wasn't with everyone else it went Baja that being interpreted I'm lost and then I realized it was lost it's a deep teaching this morning David I'm lost we're a whole generation you know what they're just preoccupied trying to pay the bills trying to keep the kids off drugs trying to keep a marriage together trying to work out what's gonna happen to the economy trying to work out what's gonna happen with the terror on the earth trying to work out what where the next natural disasters coming from they are just preoccupied and I've ended up lost well perhaps the woman with the coin the coin did not wake up that morning and go oh I'm gonna lose myself today the woman was careless with the coin and the coin got lost you and I are living in a day in an age where a generation that has had stewardship over another generation has been very careless with their generation politically morally socially environmentally when it comes to the media when it comes to technology a generation who should have been good stewards parents families were very very careless and we have ended up with a society a morality and an angst in a generation that is lost not because they woke up thinking I'm gonna get lost but people were careless with them perhaps you know what it's like like I do for people who should have been good stewards over your life to have not been good stewards and you ended up loss not because you were some big bad evil demonic person even though you acted so far away from God but there were people that were careless with your life and the natural consequence of that was you were lost when I was born I was left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted I don't know who my biological parents are my birth certificate does not have a name on it it says child's name unnamed number 2 5 0 8 of 1966 I grew up in the poorest zip code in my state the third poorest in the nation of Australia second generation Grieg when I was extremely marginalized because of my ethnicity my gender and pretty much every week of my life from the time I was at least three years old until at least 15 I was sexually abused at the hands of four men often much more than once or twice a week that messes with you it messes with you big-time I was full of shame I was full of guilt I was full of so much anger and unforgiveness and bitterness and I ended up terribly lost I made a lot of life choices that were very destructive I developed many many patterns of destructive behavior and if you hadn't looked at me then I was so so lost because someone and many other people were careless with my life and Jesus says even if the coin got lost because others were careless wouldn't we leave the other nine to find that one or he goes on what about the son the ones we love to judge the most the ones that of their own volition took the inheritance and squandered it well they knew better they blew it they made the decision no one was careless with their life they had no excuse they had no excuse to be preoccupied oh we loved to write those ones off and Jesus goes now let me explain even then it's not even that he was a big bad demonic boy he just missed calculated simply thought of life without the father would be better than a life with the father and he ended up lost Jesus says you know what it really doesn't matter preoccupied careless miscalculated the point is that the hell I want you to understand the how but the point isn't the hell the point is I'm sending you into all of that world a preoccupied world a careless world a miss calculating world to seek and save that which is lost when he first called the disciples in the book of Matthew he said to them follow me and I will make you not I'll make you rich I'll make you famous I'll make you a superstar I'll make you comfortable follow me and I will make you fishers of men this morning I proposed if we are not being made into fishers of men I don't know who we're following but it's not Jesus Jesus makes that would make in the Greek means to shape to frame to form to construct whatever personality type you are this has got nothing to do with the disc profile this has got nothing to do with a strength finder this has got nothing to do with a love language whatever personality type you are wherever you find yourself on the disc profile whatever your strengths are whatever your love language is Jesus says I will shape make mold construct you into one thing a Fisher of men the evidence that this world will know you are my disciples is your love one for another and the fact that you are illuminating a dark world with the light that is on the inside of you and that wherever you go like a magnet you're becoming a Fisher of men Jesus says whether it's a lost sheep whether it's a lost coin whether it's a lost son I've left you on the planet until I return because I have no plan B you're it you're on mission you're not just kind of us for and no more waiting for the rapture you're on mission he says in John 17 father I do not pray that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from the evil one they are not of the world just as I am NOT of the world sanctify them by thy word thy Word is truth as you sent me I send them the unity chapter of John 17 that so many preachers talk about we're waiting for the unity that's not all of us holding hands singing Kumbaya that is understanding the purpose for which the church is on the earth this is not a day or an hour for the church to hide not to get scared about what's happening at Wall Street what's happening with terror what's happening politically what's happening morally let's all run what's that all about Jesus says arise I'd sure like shine this is what you were born for I told you to be in this world but not of it we didn't know what that meant we thought Jesus said I'm not of the world therefore I'm gonna come out from amongst them and be ye separate us in old King James English just of course that's how he's focused and so what happened I needed to get you to laugh in your heart and so we came out to be separate so we didn't know what that meant because we thought okay what does it mean it means I don't drink I don't smoke I don't cuss I don't have tattoos I don't have piercings I don't I don't I don't that's all we know I'm a Christian this is normally I'm a Christian I don't drink I'm a Christian I don't smoke I'm a Christian I don't cuss I'm a Christian I don't haven't got a clue what I should be doing but I define my Christianity but I want I don't do and you too can become like me and not do anything awesome and and really if I was honest I'd love to be doing it all and it's killing me not to do it so just hanging on for the rapture a sporran no more hurry up Jesus please before I sin the whole Christian life is hiding so I don't sin what do you think gods in heaven go fullest sail on the last awesome that's what gives me joy what kind of God is serving we're not define by what we're against we're not defined by what we don't do we're defined by what the abundant life is it's just that most of us don't know what the abundant life is Jesus came to give me abundant life we just think that means more food and so we have no idea what that means it's very quiet in this Presbyterian Church I'll just continue only I would say that in Tulsa on a Sunday morning thank you very much ladies and gentlemen and so as we go on we think I don't know what to do I'm just hanging on please Jesus hurry up because because I think my whole purpose of life is just to try not to sin and so okay I won't have any fun I won't do anything great no won't go anywhere compromising and I'm just gonna wear beige and I've had a personality bypass and I've had a lobotomy and I'm just like a socially dysfunctional because I'm a Christian then I'm just waiting for the rapture because I'm an alien we got no idea no idea what we're here for except just to try to stay away from the big beds to the dinner I've come away from amongst them to be here separate and I've created this artificial social construct some call it the church and I'm so separated from them because I don't want to be worldly and I don't want that stuff all over me and yet if you read the scripture really doesn't say much about external behavior patterns but in terms of as the gauge of worldliness talks a lot more about internal condition of the heart which manifests itself in external behavior patterns obviously but what Jesus calls worldly has got nothing to do with whether you wear polyester or denim you have short hair or long hair you wear makeup or don't wear makeup it has everything to do with it's interesting if you read the Gospels gossip slander Envy greed jealousy lust guile chauvinism sexism racism hardness of heart abuse so what happened not in the American church only in the Australian church when we came out from amongst them to be here separate we came over here but the problem was we brought us with us so maybe we don't smoke or drink or cuss but gossip slander unforgiveness bitterness offense Envy greed lust guile so instead of being over here and being in the world but not of it we're over here and we're of the world but not in it you can't change a world you're not in and you can't change a world you are the same substance as if Matthew 5:14 says that we're salt and light that means when we come into contact with it it's got to change it Widow go oh I'm just trendy I'm just blending with the world no no no you're not changing anything you're the same substance as it doesn't mean you run from it it means you become different to it while you're in it so you're in the world and you don't lie you don't cheat you don't gossip you don't slander you're not apathetic you're not even different you're not looking at porn you're not doing all the stuff but not because it's some guilt religious trip but because you're a different substance on the inside and it flows to the outside when light comes into darkness it changes the very constitution of darkness it's no longer darkness it's light because it's a catalyst it's a change agent you and I are not meant to be absorbed by our world we are to absorb the darkness with the light of Christ he says you're salt because a salt is a agent of change salt if you put it on a wound it stings the wounds of injustice salt adds flavor where there's no flavor salt preserves but if you take an entire salt shaker and you have a steak and you pour that a salt shaker all over the steak the entire contents and then you cut that steak and you take a bite of it you're gonna spit it out because it's unpalatable what we have done is taken all the salt put it all in this area and then sent to the world come and have a bite and then they bite it and spit it out and go it's unpalatable Jesus says I never meant for you to pour it all over here I meant you to be over here in the world but not of it and sprinkle your workplace your school your university your mother's day out group whatever season of life you're in sprinkle it with salt add flavor create a thirst create a hunger for my spirit my presence my word my power if you only knew the power that's on the inside of you is the church but we built this defense fortress cause we're so scared and then the Evangelist came to town once a year opened the text to Matthew 28 and we're like oh my gosh they're gonna preach on the great suggestion Jesus is suggesting if there's nothing better to do go into all the world and they're gonna put a big guilt trip on us so we're gonna we're gonna witness for about a day and then I'm gonna feel like an idiot and go that's not my gifting that's not my calling as if witnessing is a gifting or a calling rather than an instruction so that's for the weird people of the church that's for the Chris Cain's the Joyce Myers the brine hot banquise that's for the Navy SEALs the elite troop the the the SEAL Team six of the Christian Church Jesus only meant it to a few of them and we got to get those weirdos in the church on Friday night we're gonna give him a full spiritual lost track we're gonna get him in a holy huddle and they're gonna shun to Hunter Kawasaki and they're gonna pray up and they're getting ready to go into Tulsa on a Friday night because it's evangelism night so they go out with their little for spiritual Lords track this some poor guy taking his girlfriend out for dinner we've got zero relationship with him and all he wants is just to have a risk but no it's my evangelism night so I cost him in the middle of Tulsa I shove this track down his throat sisters you know Jesus Christ died for your sins if you don't repent right now you're gonna die go to everlasting hell I want you to say this incantation or prayer up to me oh my gosh it's 10 o'clock I'm a Christian I turn into a pumpkin if you want to look like me sing like me dance like me talk like me next Sunday 11:15 see you then and we run back over here and we put up our defense fortress and go praise God hallelujah I got another notch on my Bible I just did evangelism and we leave it for something that someone else does that's not me that's not engaged in my real life and then we go back to our boring religious obligation and Jesus says now you're my GPS system in your normal everyday life I want you to take that normal everyday life and I want you to live it on mission not just the missionaries in Africa but right here in Tulsa I want you to live it on mission to engage the world around you to bring change and transformation to not analyze it to not judge it to not have big discussions about it but to get in but not be of your my GPS system Church you are who had sent into the world to reroute people to a relationship with me my husband and I for the sake of our marriage a few years ago we bought a GPS navigation system for the car and we have a great relationship but we would have lots of times of intense fellowship when we were driving somewhere and I was trying to tell him where to go he didn't like that and so we got a little GPS and it's called a nav man but when we put the nav man in the car it's a lie because when the nav man started talking to us it was not a man she was a woman and you know what really ticked me off is my husband would listen to that woman tell him where to go I'm like I've given you two children I've been married to you for 17 years but you listen to her so I would get in the car with Mathilde because I wanted to show her who was the boss and I would get in there and I love doing this like you'd get in the car and Mathilde would go next exit on the right and I would look at her and go no no it made me feel so good and so I would go straight past the exit and I loved it because she got really snowy you know that sort of snowy thing comes on the screen and then I would just do a trick exit that she wasn't expecting and and then I loved her because she would go into cardiac arrest and flatline it was fantastic fantastic but then what she would do is the words would come flashing on the screen rerouting rerouting every time I see those words I think that's exactly what God wants us to do he'd say my church would you be at the exit ramps of life and when people have gone off or when people are about to go off would you instead of judging instead of analyzing would you simply say I am here to reroute you back to the relationship for which you were created to reroute you back to a relationship with the everlasting king would you be God's GPS system right here in Tulsa Oklahoma we're the church on the move not the dead waiting Church let me read you one poll and then I'll close it's time for us as the Church of Jesus Christ to know what we are here for because when you get on mission with the purpose of God a whole lot of the other stuff just gets dealt with a lot of your boredom lot of frustration a lot of your left's going around the same old mountains and fears and doubts and insecurities and issues and addictions and pain it's just because you're not on mission when you get on mission you don't have time to go around in circles you'll solve half the angst if you just get on with what you ought to do if you don't get on with what you're called to do you'll end up doing a whole lot of stuff you never should be doing and rather than trying to stop doing that why don't you start doing what you're supposed to be doing and you'll find that you've stopped doing what you shouldn't be doing it's quite amazing a man fell into a pit and couldn't get himself out a subjective person came along and said I feel for you down there in the pit an objective person came along and said it's logical that someone would fall down in that pit a Christian Scientists came along and said you only think you're in the pit a Pharisee said only bad people fall into pits a newspaper reporter one of the exclusive story on the pit a fundamentalist said you deserve your pit Confucius said if he listened to me you wouldn't be in the pit Buddha said your pit is just the state of mind a realist said that's a pit a scientists calculated the pressure necessary to get him out of the pit a geologist told him to appreciate the rock strata in the pit a taxman asked him if he was paying taxes on the pit the council inspector asked him if he had a permit to dig the pit an evasive person came along and avoided the subject of the pit all together a self-pitying person said you haven't seen anything until you've seen my pitch a charismatic said just confess that you're not in the pit an optimist said things could get worse a pessimist said things will get worse Jesus seeing the man knelt down and simply pulled him out of the pit that's what we need to do Church let me pray for your father I thank you for such an outstanding house lord I thank you for the honor and the privilege of standing on this platform this morning and I thank you for all your faithful people I thank you for pastor the team and I pray God I am bold enough this morning in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to pray that there would be such an evangelistic potency ignited in the hearts of the people of this house this weekend father that everyone under the sound of my voice father there would be a sense of catching a passion and a zeal for a lost in a broken world and love for this city and love for the people father that there would be unprecedented growth people coming home because people have dared to love them and go into all of the world I thank you for this body of believers Lord in Jesus name Amen and amen god bless you church
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 3,103
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine passion 2018, christine caine passion, christine caine a21, christine caine shame, christine caine lost and found, christine caine sermon, christine caine undaunted, christine caine break camp, christine caine identity, christine caine liberty university, christine caine, christine caine 2018
Id: znYs3B-wfAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 27sec (2547 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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