Christine Caine : Christmas Day Sermon

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be here and um if to everyone wherever you are anywhere in the world big shout out to all the ones watching from australia if gathering i kind of feel like i've been woven into the fabric of this seven years ago before if was if jenny allen who was like a crazy woman and she's just gone to new realms of crazy over seven um would just talk my ear off about this dream and which has now become a movement 25 countries two and a half thousand locations you all have become a bit like god omnipresent um that's what happens it's just like if is everywhere you're like freaking out a bit this is what i want you to do because you've had a a long night here i know you're watching this i don't know what time it's like the middle of the night in most countries and you'll be watching it tomorrow but will everyone just stand for a moment because you've had a lot of listening i'm so proud of you all all right turn the ones on the floor you face that way the ones up there you go that way you guys and now put your hands on the shoulders of the chick in front of you and give her the best massage you have ever given her in your life that's it [Applause] nice and strong okay go down her spine [Applause] pinch your cheeks [Applause] y'all could do it in your groups at home as well this is your moment all right now turn around and you pay them back with equal further equal passion [Applause] all right you go down her spine you can pinch whatever cheek you want it's like i want you to stay standing jenny are you here come here for a sec quick i want you all i love this girl she's like a younger sister to me can we just thank god for jenny allen and her i could not love this you all do not realize the way she carries you in her heart and soul and talks to me for a long time about you all like you and it doesn't matter where i am in the world but i'm telling you she lives eats and breathes this movement and the woman has more in integrity and little finger than most people that i know but her courage her strength and her tenacity you ought to thank god that you are led by such an amazing girl i love her i love her you go all right you're okay so you can take out pen paper notebook good luck if you think you're going to take notes i want to speak to you i am officially i think the oldest one on uh speaking to you so i am like i'm your crazy aunt from down under you know everybody needs the crazy aunt i'm her so i'm gonna teach you to speak australian everyone say awesome you'll sound dignified say it again awesome okay now say like an american [Laughter] sailor okay we've been richly fed um just every message has been so awesome starting with jenny and and rebecca just brought such a prophetic word very very powerful it's one that i'm going to listen to over and over again every speaker has just been so powerful and you know with god things just get better and better and better that is in the australian dictionary mate anyone used to watch a crocodile hunter and that's a bit sad but happy sad it's okay and so um but do you remember that like crikey mate she's a beauty okay sorry it's just like the spirit of aussie aussie aussie just came upon me i don't even know why i live in america but that's okay my kids pledge allegiance to the american flag i'm just like whoa okay they come home and they're like mom i'm like who's mom we say mum so they go mom and so like you know that's like totally awesome i'm thinking whose womb did you come out of but anyways so that's it i might have american grandkids it's a bit scary that's awesome anyway i don't even know what i was saying i am officially the the oldest one here so i am kind of like a i am a mother in in that sense in the natural and in the spiritual i've been following jesus for 30 years which is longer than some of you have been alive so i've become that person and um you know i was in a uh um a university speaking recently it was kind of like a few years ago when i was in college it was like well not really a few years like a lot of years and then i kind of like went like a decade and then i went two decades then i went three decades ago i have become that person so i'm going to speak to you from that perspective there's a lot of strength that comes from following jesus um for 30 years and you know we started from the book of second timothy and because i'm rebellious i said to jen everyone else can do that i'm not and so um look you've just got to be naughty this is what i always say in the kingdom as long as it's not heretical or you know as long as it's not illegal or immoral it can be naughty god likes naughty so that's kind of where i am you gotta have a little bit of a a naughty spirit you know that just kind of says i'm gonna kick some devil butt and if i'm gonna kick some devil but you just gotta like color a little bit outside the line so you know you know stay okay well we'll go and don't take me out of context who knows what you could do with that okay so in um i want to do want to speak to you from the book of hebrews but we're talking about perseverance and i'm going to talk about perseverance from the book of hebrews because the writer to the hebrews was writing to a group of jewish christians that were under incredible trials and troubles and great persecution not really unlike the world in which we live in and a lot of these jewish christians were wanting to revert back to judaism because it was just so hard it actually was not easy to be a christian in that culture no one would have thought that i would have moved to america seven years ago or eight years ago i can't count i've got an english degree and economic history so i can count to ten and read golden books so i'm just gonna make it in there now and i would be speaking with such conviction about this text because it probably locates what a lot of us are feeling in our spirit man and what a lot of us are thinking in hebrews chapter 12 the writers of the hebrew says therefore since we are surrounded by so greater cloud of witnesses let us also everyone say us also us also that's awesome lay aside every weight and sin and that word's in the bible still just in case anyone was wondering which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking to jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and he seated at the right hand of the throne of god consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself so that you may not grow weary or faint-hearted in your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood and i'll just stop there for a moment now i love this i love this passage of scripture and it uses athletic imagery which so many of us are familiar with them particularly in this time the writer to the hebrew who he was writing to and they would have totally understood what he was talking about he he talks about this great divine race he talks about the fact that we're surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses and there is this race that we have been called to run now we know that this is obviously not a sprint and it has to be a marathon because he says you will have need of endurance perseverance endurance he says it three times in three verses you don't need that much endurance to run a sprint you just need a bit of gift a bit of talent and you just gotta get out of that gate and you're just gonna hit that finish line if you just kind of keep going but you are not going to be able to do that for a marathon you need a whole different skill set you need a whole lot of different muscle formation the great testimony of my life thus far is not that i'm 51 and a half it's that i'm 51 and a half and still following jesus after 30 years and still passionately running hard after jesus it's not only that jesus forgave me and rescued me and and helped to heal and redeem me after being left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted after being sexually abused for 12 years after having such a broken past and now running a21 and and doing whatever it is that i'm doing around the world that's that's not the testimony that's not only the testimony that's part of it the greater testimony is that at 51 and a half i'm running with more zeal more passion more fervor you ought to not just thank god for just the ones that you can look side to side you're going running running with me you ought to thank god for those that are still going ahead of you and are still saying you know what this is worth it jesus is worth it i'm going to continue to run my race so i'm going to continue to finish my course he says we're surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses not spectators not commentators you see our generation is surrounded by so great a cloud of commentators just go on social media everyone's got an opinion about something even if they're doing nothing oh they'll tell you how you should be doing something even if i'm now i'm going to try to be nice tonight but here is the deal it doesn't say we're surrounded by a great cloud of commentators it doesn't say we're surrounded by a great cloud of spectators because it is so easy to be a spectator and it is so difficult to be a participator in this christian race a spectator you just got to sit in the grandstands and you've just got to have an opinion about everything and be so good because you this is all you need to do you need to be able to cut a sugar and water i could have done a better job man they should have had someone else up there i i would have done a different set in the worship because the experts that are spectators that pay no price they always coulda shoulda and woulda but it takes someone very different to get out of the grandstand to get on the playing field to run their race and to finish their course we need a generation not of spectators not of commentators but of witnesses these are people with the skin in the game people that have said you know what whatever it costs i am going to be part of this he says we're surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses here i know we're in living rooms and we're all over the world but in this room there's there's a semi-grandstand but you know this is not the real grandstand this is here in this natural world but the writer to the hebrews is saying you need to look up and know that tonight if gathering you're five years old but but the whole host of heaven is up in this heavenly grandstander and they're watching you tonight and they're hanging over the railing and they're going you go girls we wish you were you and all the chicks that are up there going oh man i wish i was born in 2018 we could have gathering but you know that's okay girls we paid our price you run tag you're it this is your moment and he's saying what has happened is and i i brought this baton here the baton of faith has been given to our generation how do i know that it's not because i'm a prophet it's because we're alive people wonder if it's my time honey you're only alive now if your time was 50 years ago you would have been given the baton of faith then if your time is 50 years from now you would have been given the baton of faith in 50 years time but the fact that you woke up this morning and there was not a white chalk mark around your body it means you are alive it means god's got a plan and a purpose and a destiny for you and tag you're it eureka there is no plan b no plan b whatever season you're in wherever you are this is it i don't know who you're waiting for but you are the answer to your prayer i say i didn't say here i am send her here i am send me some of you you've been praying here i am god send her and the writer to the hebrews is the same we're surrounded by such a greater cloud of witnesses let us also let us also run with endurance now the fact that obviously we start in chapter 12 therefore then this is picking up an argument that actually started in hebrews chapter 10 verse 19. an argument that talks about the fact that you know what we're going to need endurance to do this thing i'm here to tell you tonight girls after 30 years of following jesus faith is not enough to fulfill your destiny faith is not enough to carry the baton of faith to your generation you're going to need faith and endurance faith and patience oh did she just cuss because it's a little bit scary those of us that have grown up in this generation see i got saved before the internet i know you're wondering is it possible to be saved without the internet but i'm here to tell you it is the blood of jesus not www anyway so the fact is it's jesus that saved me but i am blessed in that sense that i have a pre and a post life therefore my faith in my confidence is not on the internet it's not on marketing it's not on numbers it's not on social media because god plucked me out of anonymity and obscurity from the backside of australia and god catapulted me where he wanted me to be when he wanted me to be there to be a spokesperson for him so i've never had to trust the numbers or try to work out some kind of marketing plan really just god did it i'm still really old school i'm sorry you could tell i hand write my notes some of you don't even know what a pen is that's what it looks like and i use a handheld microphone as you could tell who's the old woman it would be me but i am still old school enough to believe that god opens doors that no man can shut the promotion doesn't come from the north south east or west promotion comes from god but here's the deal i grew up in a pre and a post life so you have never grown up in a non-app life so what happens is we read a text like this and we go you have need of endurance okay is there an app for that can i download insurance because we're so used to it we want a car we go to uber i mean uber did not even exist 10 years ago it's like a verb now we uber whatever that is you know if i if i want a restaurant reservation i go to open table if i want to go to the theater i go to see geek you know i just do it i mean who's ever gone to a mall anymore we just go to amazon and i mean that's not fast enough so i want amazon prime and i mean at the end of the day i want amazon now now this is the generation so it's not your fault this is why he knew that he was going to be writing to us and say you will have need of endurance because there's no app for it yo we can't wait for anything you text each other you know what we're like and i mean if someone has not answered you in five seconds you think your friendship's over no joke and you know what you think is the worst if you could see those bubbles do you know no joke do you know how many friendships have been dissolved because of bubbles and what's worse if the chick you've texted doesn't answer you but she's texted the chick that's sitting next to you i'm telling you because that's what we're used to but he says you will have need of endurance what did i come to if 2018 to tell you you will have need of endurance and you don't download endurance you build it and in a generation that wants instant everything my concern is not that you're not gifted enough because who you are it's not that you're not talented enough because you're scarily talented but if your gift and your talent takes you to a place where your character cannot keep you the gift that is on you will destroy you if what is in you cannot sustain you and what we need is a generation that will build endurance you go how do you do that you've got to come against some resistance we don't like resistance patience and resistance are like cuss words in the christian church but the fact is if you want to build any kind of muscle if at 51 and 52 you still want to be powering for jesus because it's not about how you start it's not even how you are in the middle so what are you going to do when you get to this age are you still going to be running because at the moment they're dropping like flies everywhere i look and i want a generation that doesn't just look good externally but you're going to finish your race you're going to get to the finish line and finish what god has called you to do so how do you build it i went to the gym just before my 50th birthday because i i knew you know i wanted to do the second half really strong and i didn't actually look that much different than i do now but i went if you ever want to feel depressed go and do a fat test at the gym like seriously so i was feeling so good but they did like this little they clamp everything and you know it's just really undignifying and i and they said to me mrs kane you actually have a body fat ratio of 31 32 is like crucial and they said um you're skinny fat they were not being complimentary i did not feel blessed that i was skinny fat so they said for a woman your age i hear that more it will happen to you too my mother used to say cristina where you are i once was where i am you will be so just laugh while you can and so they're saying okay you know you're gonna have to do some strength training because i was like forrest gump you know i could get on that treadmill and i can run to australia from here and i'd be like run forest right anyway so i would be going for it but i didn't ever do weights and i was so humiliated because like i tried to do a push-up and it was like embarrassing but you know what i'm 51 and a half so that was 18 months ago and check it out now i didn't want to show anyone up so i thought i'd stop i don't even know where i'm up to but that's okay but what do you do you build it through resistance and you build it through pressure and the fact is that if you and i are going to be the women of god that he's called us to be wherever you are whether you're a stay-at-home mom whether you're in the ceo of a corporation whether you have your own business whatever season whatever sphere of life you're in the fact that you're alive the bible tells us in the book of acts that god picks the times and seasons that we're in god does you're not here by accident you were plucked out of eternity you're not a product of time you and i are a product of eternity not a product of time god has plucked us out of eternity he has positioned us in time and he's given us gifts and talents for the purpose of serving our generation wherever you are we've all got them and the fact is if you're waiting for another time you're going to miss it because this is the only time you're ever going to be in time so if you waste this time you're never going to get time again because after this time you're going to go to eternity you can work that out over supper and so the fact is we won't have time again this is our time how do i know because you're alive that's it so what are we going to do with it instead of murmuring and grumbling and complaining like the children of israel in the wilderness are doing laps around mount sinai for 40 years and waiting for god to raise up another generation are we going to go in and possess our spiritual promised land instead of being naysayers and full of negativity and doubt and criticism about what's happening in the world as if somehow god's fallen off his throne it is amazing to me how the confession of so many in the church has changed because of there's been a political change or an economic change or a social change or a moral change as if we should be shocked does anyone still read the bible i'm like if you read the bible you'd be thinking oh it talks about this stuff now you know i don't know exactly how it's translated out of the original greek but here's my interpretation the world is cray-cray i'm pretty sure that's the new christine standard version but the bible does tell us the world is not only cray-cray it will be increasingly cray-cray but just because everyone around you is going cray-cray does not mean you have to go cray-cray because we set our feet upon the rock and he's steadfast and he is immovable and jesus has not fallen off the throne now you would think meeting some christians yes could you what what do you think happened because there was an election or because something happened at wall street or the dow i don't even know who mr dow jones is it's not like god's like what i don't know what does god say oh and me anyway so it's not like it's like oh no oh and me i didn't know what mr dow jones was gonna do peter peter if we got enough gold pavers on our streets of gold to work out what's happening with the world economic crisis i'm freaking out because the world if they look at us that's what they think we're doing like why are the christians freaking out i thought that god was on the throne i thought he was sovereign i thought he was in control i thought he was good and does good and i thought even the crap that happens he will work it all together for their good and for his glory i thought that's the god that they believed in i thought that it doesn't matter that you know what no matter what happens politically economically socially morally environmentally god is still on the throne the thing that separates us from the rest of the world is we don't freak out because it's not about what is happening around us it's in who we believe and he is still steadfast he is still on the throne last i checked it's not that god is up there going i had no idea i just didn't know but we sing songs about his greatness and his omnipotent and his omniscience and his omnipresence but we don't believe it i'll tell you what the problem is in america it's not a political problem it's not an economic problem we it's a faith problem we've got too many unbelieving believers if we had some believing believers we would turn this world upside down just like the first century church we need some believers that believe this stuff and they go whoa yes cray-cray world no doubt it really is but then that's why he's given me this word so the writer to the hebrews it says hey don't turn back therefore then there's a whole lot that have gone before us empires have risen and empires have fallen but jesus a couple of thousand years ago he said this thing and he's never changed he said i will build my church and guess what the gates of hell cannot shall not will not prevail against the church of the living god she is alive and well so therefore then since we're surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us also run run with endurance run with endurance so you build endurance through resistance and you build it through pressure if you try to run out of every pressure situation you're in you're going to drop the baton of faith because you're not going to have the muscle to carry it and if you want the muscle to carry this to your generation both your natural children and spiritual children in the world that we're called to then you have to build some muscle and that comes through resistance and pressure so the minute you get into something you don't like if you run you're not going to build the muscle that you need to do what god has called you to do you're not going to have the muscles that you want so it's not that someone's trying to withhold something from you it's not that god's trying to to just slow you down he's trying to get you to build muscle so that when you step more and more into your calling you have the strength to carry the baton of faith because it's not about actually my ministry it's about the baton of faith this whole deal is about taking the gospel from one generation to the next it's about the baton of we are stewards of the baton of faith in our generation girls what are we going to do with it all over the world 25 nations watching this two and a half thousand sites what are you doing with the baton of faith in your generation god has entrusted this gospel to us so what are we gonna do are we gonna stand up because boy we're in a pressure cooker there's no doubt about it but the pressure isn't the stuff we've focused on for the last 20 years in church life all about my moral you know purity and piety it's important but i'll tell you what the pressure is that you and i are in the pressure to stay true to the gospel without watering it down because we have a world that thinks we're idiots that we are sort of outdated people you mean what you believe what oh don't be so old-fashioned you really think marriage is between one man and one woman what you you really believe life begins at conception what you you are just how backwards are you christine you really believe this word is true all of it all of it you don't think it's just a nice little narrative allegory that you put through the washing machine then the dryer then the dishwasher then you change it and turn the text inside out back to front sideways and just go i'd love it to say this so it will you you really believe it is really christine do not tell you believe in an immaculate conception christine elon musk just sent a rocket up and you believe in an immaculate conception okay yes once if my 15 year old daughter came home no but i do for mary you mean christine you you believe in a bodily resurrection christine don't tell me you believe in a literal hell penal substitution are you serious christine how backwards can you be really we need atonement really christine oh all the pressure's out there pressure's out there to make us feel like we're idiots though you're not really loving christine because if you don't endorse that's not love christine we're going to hijack the term love and we're going to redefine it and then we're going to tell you you're not loving christine we're going to hijack the term compassion and we're going to redefine it and then we're going to make sure you don't think that you are and we're going to make sure that no one else around you thinks that you are oh that's the pressure to be misunderstood yep to be not included yep for people to categorize you and label you as intolerant unloving bigoted yeah narrow-minded yeah dumb yeah uneducated yep that's the pressure oh that's the pressure confronting us right now bigger pressure than don't look at porn although you shouldn't be doing that either bigger pressure that don't jump into bed with someone that's not your spouse shouldn't do that either but the pressure will be what gospel is it that we're going to be passing on from one generation to the next it's in our hand and are we like the jewish christians gonna have that temptation to go it's just too hard costs too much people are mocking us and people how can i endure no wonder the writer to the hebrew says in the text you're going to have to endure you're going to have to endure you're going to have to endure the ban can come and he says this is how you're going to endure the first thing you have to do is drop it now therefore then let us lay aside the weights and the sin that so easily ensnares us and the fact that the writer to the hebrew says weights and sin suggests to me there's a difference between a weight and a sin for some of us girls watching this all over the world for you to move forward after if if gathering 2018. it's not a sin necessarily that's holding you back it's a weight you know what what's a weight well it could be a good thing that's brought you this far but it's not going to take you to the next stage it's not god anymore it's just good it could be the way you think it could be the way who you hang out with they could be good christians heaven bound the issue is not their eternity their issue is their influence on you here on earth you get into an environment like this you want to go for god you take five steps forward you get around them and you take ten steps back they become a weight they help to bring you here but now they become an anchor a weight they're holding you down a way of thinking or it could be a sin now we don't use that word very much in our post-modern 21st century it's just like not cool we just think i'm okay you're okay look at the world we're not okay we're not okay and we think we're doing the world a favor and we're being so much more loving and so much more abrasive if we don't talk about that word because we don't want to seem like we're judgmental but you know when i was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and i went to the doctors at ucla and imagine after they'd done the biopsy the tests the mris they got into their little room and they're like christine has got cancer absolutely 100 she's got can and here's the good news for her type of cancer this it's it's highly curable and we've actually got we've got the healing medicine for that cancer but we don't want christine to feel bad we don't want christine to feel judged we don't want christine to feel marginalized so how about we just tell christine that she's got the flu and how about we give her some flu medicine when the whole time we've got the cure right here now if you found out my doctors at ucla did that you would call that medical malpractice and you would take those doctors to court we'd sue them for medical malpractice what i'm not understanding is why people want us as christian ministers to commit spiritual malpractice by not calling something what it is when there is a cure and the cure is the blood of jesus christ of nazareth it sets everybody free it sets everybody free can you just give me that bottle of water thank you if i no no no i don't need a drink i need the lid oh sorry whoa you're offering anyway so if i had a bottle here full of water with a label on it poison and i rip this poison label off and i put a new label on it chocolate syrup and then i put it in your refrigerator what would you think you would think i'm crazy because the milder you make the label the more potent you make the poison and here's my deal we don't need to throw out truth in the name of love we just have to get much better at learning to speak the truth in love because let me just tell you there is a generation that is dying and i still believe that the most potent force on the planet it's not a cruise missile it's not a nuclear bomb the most potent force on the planet always was and always will be the blood of jesus christ of nazareth it sets people free we have good news so we've got to lay aside the weight and the sin if we're going to run this race girls not only do we drop it now we've got to start here now run the race set before you part of my fear for your generation is that you're gonna miss your race because you're too busy scrolling through everyone else's why don't you stop looking at everybody else's if something doesn't inspire you or motivate you stop looking at it if it only causes you to want to compare and to compete if it just brings up ugly things in your heart like jealousy or greed or anger or bitterness or resentment do yourself do your soul a favor unfollow stop looking stop scrolling through everybody's life and run the race that is set before you run the race that is set before you only utilize this to the degree that it inspires you i don't want you to miss your race because god has a lane for you god has a race for you and you've got to start here now and god's preparing you for what he has already prepared for you he's prepared her for you for everyone everyone watching on the other side of that screen everyone in this room be inspired by our race i pray it inspires you like a cloud of witnesses but don't covet someone else's race social media has done more for the sin of covetousness than anything else so how about we just call some stuff what it is so that we can be set free from it unforgiveness and bitterness and lust and greed and envy and covetousness why don't we just deal with our own stuff i find that if we do that we haven't got a whole lot of time to point to everyone else's and you're free to run the race that god has set you and why do we do that how do we do that finally we drop it now we start here now and he says fixing our eyes on jesus the fight i want you to understand this race that we're running guys this baton of faith it's not about muscles it's about our eyes that's why our eyes this is the most visually stimulated generation in history the enemy's coming after us there's no doubt about it there is an enemy there is an enemy he hates your guts and he hates your future and he hates your god even more and so he will do anything he can to stop you from fulfilling the purpose that god has for you i can tell you and i'll testify 30 years of running where i could have been distracted and distracted and the only thing that's going to take me to the finish line it's not instagram followers it's not speaking invitations ultimately it's not even how many slaves we see rescued at a21 the only thing that's going to take me to the finish line is fixing my eyes on jesus not my husband not my kids not my work not even my dreams jesus fix your eyes on jesus he's the one that started it all he's the author and he's the finisher i started this for jesus i'm running this for jesus i'm running towards jesus it always was jesus it always will be jesus this baton of faith is about carrying this great gospel from one generation to the next it's not about our dreams it's not about our ministries it's not about our businesses it's not about our desires it's not about our self-actualization it's about jesus this whole deal is about jesus jesus that's what this is all about [Music] it says who for the joy set before him jesus consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself so that you may not grow weary or faint-hearted consider him not consider how many followers you've got not consider what invitations you get not consider what party what group you're in or what consider him if we at if gathering 2018 could bring you to this place to consider him you know why he could say that because he ran the ultimate spiritual ultra marathon and because jesus endured you and i can endure you and i can take the pressure we can do hard things girls we can do this we can remain faithful in this day we could remain faithful to the end and victorious and overcoming but we've got to fix our eyes on jesus nothing else people are going to let you down you're going to have to fix your eyes on jesus because you know what when he began his ministry he was tempted by the devil ever been tempted for 40 days in the wilderness and he endured when his own family some of you have got families that don't understand what you're doing when his own family did not understand what he was doing and they thought he was crazy he endured when the pharisees lied about him anyone ever had anyone lie about you he endured when the sadducees conspired to trap him he endured when jesus but when judas betrayed him he endured when he fled with his father in gethsemane and said could you take this cup from me he's still endured when his 11 disciples scattered he still endured when he went through six illegal trials he's still endured when peter denied him he's still endured when the crowds called crucified he still endured when the soldiers mocked and ridiculed him he still endured when they whip him beyond recognition he's still endured when they thrust a crown of thorns on his head he's still endured when they hammered him to a cross he's still endured when he took out all the sin of all humanity he's still endured when all the forces of hell and death came against him he still endured and because he endured on the third day he got up out of that grave he holds the keys to hell and death and my bible says that the same spirit the race jesus christ from the dead lives on the inside of you and on the inside of me so because he endureth we can do all things through christ jesus who strengthens us come on give him an ovation if you believe it
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 2,197
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine passion 2018, christine caine passion, christine caine 2018, christine caine shame, christine caine lost and found, christine caine sermon, christine caine undaunted, christine caine break camp, christine caine identity, christine caine liberty university, christine caine, christine caine 2020, 2020 Is Your Year, Message 2020, 2021 Is Your Year, christine caine 2021
Id: wo5FYxhET78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.