Christians Grilled Muslim Speaker with Tough Questions - His Response?

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I know that guy, he's always at my masjid. He does a lot of dawa work. He's a good guy.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is there a TL:DW?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TeslaModelE 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
bismillah man you like a question from the brothers go ahead all right purposely I left out many misconceptions people have about Islam it could be women and violence and jihad and Sharia hijab so many questions I purposely left out because I want you to ask the question hopefully sir okay so the question is why are the extremists doing what they're doing well first and foremost said they're not following the scripture there's a quick answer however it is important for us to expand the definition of extremism extremism is an act that can be done by people of Islamic faith Jewish and Christian faith or no faith Muslims don't have a monopoly on it number two if we agree that all life is equal right all of you just raise of hand by the way I'm serious razor fan do we all agree that every life is equal every blood is sacred and our we're all precious in eyes of God so as a human we have to condemn every single act of terrorism may that be done in the name of Christianity communism democracy capitalism or Islam equally we have to condemn all of those act including the one done in New Zealand the one done in Norway or in the history are doing it now number three is really important when we come to the Middle East right let's come there when it comes to the Middle East there is a professor in the University of Chicago his name is dr. Robert pepper he did 25 years of study on suicide bombing and terrorism he wrote many many books one of his books is really influential dying to win you can google it and you can go to Amazon and purchase the book anyway so what he's saying he's answering to the question that why are people doing what they are doing and this is his conclusion in 25 years of study he said it is not the Quran it is not the Muslim teachings it's not life of Muhammad peace be upon him it is one reason why some people there are doing what they're doing and he mentioned that it's a one-word answer it is occupation yes that is the conclusion of that professor and of Karen Armstrong and many many Orientalist and the scholars what they are doing is because their property has been taken away their land has been occupied either by the dictators that we are supporting or the occupation that we have or the drone missiles and the bombings second reason that they mentioned is that they were drone operators they came on the Neos and they mentioned that we missed 90% of our targets you know just like two weeks ago a drone missile fell on a marriage procession 53 innocent people they passed away and these drone missile operators on the TV they are saying you know we always questioned that why are there so angry with us and they themselves are saying means the drone missile operators it is because we are killing their innocent people that is the reason they're angry now there is no reason doesn't matter how angry the person is for taking some other innocent life but we have to understand what is what are the dynamics of there we still have to condemn it at the end of the day we still have to condemn it but we also need to know that if we are going to stop what is going on there or around the world we have to make sure that our foreign policy has to be just with every single country in around the world and since all of you raised the hands that means we have to make sure that there has to be a just foreign policy for the Israeli side as much as the Palestinian side there has to be just foreign policy for the Yemeni people and the Kashmiri people and the Indian people and all over the world if there is no justice around the world justice gives rise to peace so once we fight for justice then peace is the natural outcome of that but what does Islam say about violence and terrorism Quran says in Chapter number 2 verse number 1 9 0 that fight in the cause of God for those who fight against you means if somebody is imposing war on you God is saying that you have the god-given right to pick up arms and defend yourselves you know just imagine at 2:00 a.m. at night for example in your home if there's a big bang on the door and you see from the hole that they are gangbangers out there about to compromise you your property your children your family obviously you're not going to open there obviously you're going to call the police if you have a baseball bat you'll pick it up to defend yourselves but then the Quran says in chapter 2 verse number 1 9 0 even in that defensive war do not go to extreme because God does not love the extremists so what God is saying so what the Quran says that even in a just war they are certain guidelines a Muslim is supposed to follow and what are those guidelines the Quran says in chapter 5 verse number 32 taking one innocent life is like taking the life of all of humanity and saving one life is like saving the life of all of humanity even Muhammad peace be upon him he said that even in a war do not kill women and children means no noncombatant should be touched harm or killed by the Muslim fighting soldiers so in Islam there is no such thing as Hiroshima Nagasaki in Islam there is no such thing as carpet bombing but you may be asking the questions how come some people are doing that because they are not following the clear-cut guidance from the Quran and the prophets example if they're not following that we have to blame them and not Islam just like I said to my wife and to the Muslims there just because some people in the Christian history that they have done Crusades in the name of Christianity they have done Spanish Inquisition in the name of Christianity they did the slave trades in the name of Christianity they slaughtered the Native Americans in the slay in the name of Christianity we blame them and not Christianity yes ma'am sunni-shiite I know there's divisions is it cultural or they're actually some differences okay wonderful so the question is about Sunni and Shia what's going on here right Sunni and Shia and I was just speaking at my wife and I was smiling at my wife right here the reason is we have done so many open houses and open house is not complete unless that question is asked so thank you for asking that know it's really important when prophet muhammad peace be upon him when he was alive he was a prophet the last prophet and he was also the head of the state means he was the president of the country for example so after he passed away in the year 632 Muslims have to appoint a new head of the state not in the prophet by the way a new head of the state so there were two groups of people a larger group of people they wanted to appoint Abu Bakr the name and he was a companion of Muhammad peace be upon him an eligible person some other group of people they want to appoint Ali and Ali was from the family he was the son-in-law and the cousin of the Prophet and he was equally eligible by the way it so happened that Abu Bakr was chosen at the very first caliph at the head of the state so this bigger group they started to be named as the Sunni that means are following the path of the Prophet and the smaller group later on they were given the name of Ashiya means the party or the party of Ali but that name the Sunni or the Shia is not present in the Quran for the followers of Islam the only name that God has given to the follower of Islam in chapter 2 22 verse number 78 is the name Muslim so the division between so the division is a political division it's not a theological division if somebody asked me the question who are you are you a Sunni or Shia I would say that I am a yes but really important some people may have the notion that the Sunni or the Shia if I have to that that we are analogous to the Catholics the Protestants the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses that's not true unlike our Christian brothers and sisters like the Catholics and the Protestants they believe in the triune concept of God Jehovah's Witnesses they don't but all the Muslims around the world we believe in the absolute oneness of God all the Muslims we are unanimous in believing in one God we don't have division when it comes to concept of God our Christian brothers and sisters when equipped on versions of the Bible but the Catholics now have 73 books in the Bible the Protestants will have 66 books in the Bible the Greek Orthodox will have 78 books in the Bible but Muslims all over the world we have only one Quran in Arabic exactly the same 114 chapters in there again very anonymous then Muslims pray we pray exactly the same way you go to any mosque I have never been to China but I go to China if I go to a mosque in China I will be at ease knowing that they would be praying exactly the same way but our Christian brothers and sisters your masses your services may be differently respected so what I'm trying to say is all the Muslims around the world we are united in our fundamentals and we don't and we should not label ourselves as a Sunni or Shia only one label that God has given to us and that label is the label of a Muslim but then your question may be how come some people are fighting between Sunni and Shia and what not right and the quick answer to that is that is a human problem humans fight our Christian brothers and sisters you know from the Catholic and the Protestant sect they have been fighting in Ireland there was a hundred year war in France and Germany all of there we blame them but not Christianity for it in the same way if you see some Muslim doing this and there we have to blame them and their shortcoming their misunderstanding brainwashing and not the wonderful faith of Islam good question thank you okay the question is did muhammad peace be upon him did he had a tragic death like Jesus the quick answer is no yeah he did not he died on his bed in his home yes and he peacefully passed away so Muhammad peace be upon him as I have mentioned briefly we consider him and the Quran says to be as the last and the final prophet and we take him not to be a son of God divine or a mediator there is no mediator he is taken as a human flesh and blood but God appointed him as a mighty prophet and the last prophet and to give the same message as was brought by Moses Jesus Abraham Noah and all the prophets of God sisters question from your side yes ma'am okay okay wonderful so the question is why do we separate men and women and why don't why don't they pray together simple reason the Quran says in chapter 33 verse number 21 that Muhammad peace be upon him is an excellent example for us to follow so in his mosque way back in the seventh century there was a segregation between the males and the females in the same room but right there was a separation so we follow what he did number one number two the scholars say that there is a good reason for separation is because our purity of our thoughts of our focus should only be to God the way that we pray we literally stand shoulder to shoulder touching each other so it may not be appropriate that if I am standing here if some other lady who is not my wife was not related to me not my family literally touching me and I would not be comfortable if my daughter was standing here some man is standing next to her literally touching her so for the sake of being appropriate so just to be appropriate our focus should be to God the purity of the thoughts and the way that we Muslims pray that is the reason the scholars gave that there is segregation but segregation does not mean that men are superior women are inferior or vice-versa both of them are equal in the eyes of God it is for the sake of purity but you may be surprised to find out if you go to a Greek Orthodox Church there is a segregation if you go to a Orthodox Jewish synagogue there is a segregation again for that same reason the purity of the thoughts and the way that we Muslims pray and we are following the example of Muhammad peace be upon him very good question brothers your side any question about theology yes sir okay so the question is Jim right okay look my eyesight is still good okay thank you hamdulillah so the question is so Tim is saying that he he believes in God and he is a doing good deeds will he go to paradise now ultimately God would be the judge as I mentioned before you were here right as I was going over those beliefs yes now believing in one God you know even Satan believes in one God right I mean shy - Satan knows that there is only one God but the concept of God is equally important so believe in God means that he is the only creator nobody with him and nobody besides him believing in God means that he alone we should worship nobody along with him and nobody besides him believing in God also means that he should be worshipped directly without any mediator because he is all-knowing all hearing believing in God also means that we cannot take any so we cannot say that God has the attributes and this human this person this hue this creation also has those attributes our God has the attributes of some humans so believing in God also we need to dissect what exactly it mean if a person has that right belief then yes definitely he has the exact belief that we want doing good deeds also means that we may think that these are the good deeds but in Garst definition it can be many more that we need to add to be part of the good deeds so what we say is that yes giving charity helping the poor the needy the homeless the neighbors excellent we all need to do that as humans along with that we say that there are other good deeds that God has given in the Quran that we also are supposed to be doing you know just like when we went to schools and colleges there are core classes and then there are electives so in the core classes I may be thinking you know let me just take five even though the graduation criteria may be seven I'm not going to graduate if only have five core classes doesn't matter how many electives so in the eyes of God the criteria is that having the right belief in the ways that I mentioned coming from the Quran and doing good deeds which are comprehensively defined by God and if a person does that to the best of the ability then God for His mercy will put that person into paradise sisters yes ma'am okay so the question is do we have a ceremony called baptism in Islam the quick answer is we don't because usually baptism is done perhaps for two reasons one is to cleanse from the original sin since I mentioned that in the concept of Islam there if we don't believe in the original sin we say that every single child born is born without any sin without any blemish pure innocent and righteous so for that reason they don't have to be cleansed from any sin even if the person converts to Islam they have to recite the testimony of faith there is no dipping the person or sprinkling the water so we don't have baptism but a conscious decision la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah no other God besides one God Allah and Muhammad is the messenger that is the theological baptism in Islam it's an honor that all of you are here as our brothers and sisters our neighbors let's hope and pray that we can work together and brothers and sisters in humanity and let's try our best to follow God's guidance so not only we can have a good war good their life in this wall God oriented so all of us by God's guidance and blessings we can reach paradise so with that thanks again for coming on behalf of the majeeda Rama foundation on behalf of gain peace and all the volunteers let give a big round of applause to all the volunteers right all of them they did wonderful work may God guide and bless all of us thank you very much let me end with this Quranic verse and this verse is from chapter 49 verse number 13 and raising to all of humanity God is saying our Creator is saying that o mankind I have created you from one single male and one single female and made you into nations and peoples and tribes that you get to know each other not that you may hate and despite and discriminate with each other you get to know each other and then God says that the best amongst you is the one who is the well mannered person so we hope and pray and this is the Quranic principle that all of us as brothers and sisters in humanity if we work together with God's guidance as a big family inshallah God willing we can eradicate you know anti-semitism and racism and violence and Islamophobia and inshallah God willing we can create societies which are based upon morality which are based upon unity which are based upon equality and justice and peace and once we do that inshallah God willing not only we can make America great again we can make the whole humanity great again and may God help us all thank you very much
Channel: Sabeel Ahmed
Views: 943,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: convert conversion, new Muslims, reverted, converted, what is islam, dr sabeel ahmed, mosque open house, masjid, day, boys, convert, black, african american, dr. sabeel ahmed,, new, americans convert, latinos converting, why i converted, quran, shariah, christ, who are the muslims?, women in islam, christianity, embraced, ICNA GAINPEACE.COM, book, audible, american, man, woman, reading quran, story, stories, interview, girl, little, peace, white, latina, christian, tour, snl, christmas, impeachment
Id: GDOewVmB90I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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