Christian Audience Challenged me with their Bible – I replied using their Bible (and Quran)

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[Music] so before you ask the questions you know when you came over here there were a lot of people to welcome you to bring you up here they were all the things which are set up the marketing was done the planning was done the delicious food is here i really really would like to thank all the volunteers who made this happen so on behalf of my name is andrew i live in nearby i'm a software engineer and yeah thank you so much for having us here for the delicious food i really really appreciate it my question for you is what do you believe about jesus is he the son of okay so the question is what do we believe about jesus you believe andrew right that he's a son of god what about muslims so our book that we go with right this is the guidance for all of humanity the quran it mentions about jesus 25 times so we say that jesus according to islam is just a messenger so it says in the quran chapter 5 verse number 75 it says that jesus was just a messenger and many messengers passed away before him him and his mother they both used to eat so what quran is saying that jesus is only a human because he was dependent on food and water and oxygen and so on and so forth secondly he said that jesus performed miracles you know just like your miracles in the new testament the miracles about jesus in the quran you'll be surprised to find out that there are some miracles in the quran not mentioned in the bible one of the miracles is this so we believe that jesus's mother mary she was a virgin so when she was about to bring the baby jesus to her people she became really uh you know really stressed out that my people are going to accuse me of other tree fornication and immorality but she had no choice she brought the baby out to the people and they started to accuse her at that point she just remained silent right there was no dna test that time and no modern technology she remained silent and baby jesus according to the quran he started to speak it says in chapter 19 verse number 30 31 and onwards jesus said baby jesus right according to the quran that i am a servant of god god has made me a prophet god gave me a scripture god made me nice to my mother god gave me opportunity so i can give charity and i can pray so these were the words that baby jesus did so we said that jesus raised people from the dead he gave eyesight to the blind according to the quran but every single miracle it says the quran that it is by the power of god that jesus was doing those miracles so that's the second thing we believe about jesus not as god son of god but only as a messenger and his power is coming from god which is also aligning with the new testament it says in the gospel of john chapter 5 verse number 30 jesus is speaking that i of myself i cannot do anything whatever i hear i judge and my judgment is true because i seek not my own will but the will of god who sent me the third thing that we believe on jesus is that his message we say that his message is the message of inviting people to the worship of one god why is it making noise let me come here so it says in the quran chapter 3 verse number 51 jesus is quoted in the quran and and this is the quotation in [Music] and the allah is this that verily allah is my lord and your lord worship him alone and that is the straight path so according to the quran that was the message of jesus peace be upon him right that also aligns with the new testament again according to the gospel of john the gospel of mark chapter 12 verse number 28 a person came to jesus and asked him a million dollar question of all the commandments which one is the first the greatest of all the commandments and jesus so the jewish people used to have 613 commandments in the old testament 613 and this person wants to know which one is the best the greatest of all of them and jesus he replied according to the new testament hear o israel the lord thank you hear o israel the lord our god is only one worship him with all your heart mind soul and strength and that is the first commandment so that is what we believe about the mighty messenger jesus peace be upon him but lastly there is a passage in the quran chapter 61 verse number 6 in which god says that jesus prophesies about the coming of the last messenger prophet muhammad peace be upon him so we say that was jesus one prophet in a chain of prophets with the message of calling humanity to the worship of one god so that is jesus in islam yes [Music] my name is elise oaks and i'm a retired rn and work together on certain projects but let's continue to acknowledge our differences and hopefully i can bring you over to christianity okay okay so all right where do i start so again as our neighbor as a fellow community member yourself and as a human being we hundred percent respect you right obviously respect starts from that point and as i mentioned in my presentation even though we have 65 to 70 percent commonalities we have the differences but this forum is not to debate on the differences but at least to inform you as our fellow american our fellow human that this is what we as muslims believe because our beliefs unfortunately islam is the most misunderstood faith and of all the faith in the usa so at least if you if you know that our background you can appreciate your neighbors who are muslims right your friends your colleagues and the classmates so at least you can understand the combination the commonalities that we have so we are not saying that you all convert to islam even though we desire that just like just like as you do right but there is no force in islam you know prophet muhammad peace be upon him peacefully proactively as a messenger of peace he used to invite people to islam there is no force in islam in fact the quran says chapter 2 verse number 256 there is no compulsion in faith but the disagreement that we may have yes we can educate about the about you know each other we can have a nice and friendly dialogue with each other but then we pray to god for each other that's all we can do as humans right so do appreciate you coming over here and do appreciate your welcoming me to your faith but again just like one more comment on that see islam the word islam means submission to one god so we say that every single prophet every single messenger they are submitted to one creator right even jesus by the way when he worship on god he was submitting to one god when he said not my will but the will of god right so when we submit to the will of god we say that person is a muslim second important footnote is this the word islam occurs many many times in the whole quran the word christianity occurred zero times in the whole bible so if you want to invite me to christianity it's not even there in the bible right and jesus never said i came to create a new faith in fact the very first time the word christian is mentioned in the bible it's not given by god not by jesus not by the followers not even by paul the very first time the word christian was given to the christians or the followers of christ is by the idol worshipers according to the fifth book of the new testament the book of acts chapter 12 verse number 26 when the disciples of christ when they went to the city of antioch the idol worshippers looking at the followers of christ they said here comes the christians that's when the word christian was given by the idol worshippers to the followers of christ but if you want to know what the word muslim comes in anyone who submits to the absolute oneness of god that person is called as a muslim so i thought to add that extra thing to make you think about islam yes sir i'm stan jackson i'm consultant and dr seville thank you very much for this presentation thank you i think it was insightful i i think i like the unity that you uh encouraged and so that i i'm very pleased with you quoted the quran many times [Music] you probably did you get your doctrine in uh koran uh yes also yes okay but i also have a medical degree too by the way as well yes you got two doctors yes i'm impressed thank you but my encouragement is there are four books i would encourage you to master since you are a double doctor matthew mark luke and john i heard you quote some of them but i did not sense that you have mastered those books you've mastered the quran but you haven't mastered the gospels and here's my basic question jesus said in john 14 6 he said i in the way the truth and the life and he goes on and says no one comes to the father except for me my encouragement for you is and you don't even have to answer this but look at those four gospels and see and i would encourage everyone here to do the same let those four gospels and see who was speaking jesus who was he speaking to and then who was he speaking about he was the one that made the promise through him we go to the father it's not through our works not through our other efforts but totally through jesus so as the spirit said jesus christ is either whom he promised to be who may claim to be or he's a liar [Music] okay thank you i appreciate that by the way i'm in the process of enrolling into phd in christianity just to let you know why not that includes matthew mark luke and john all right so next time when i come here hopefully we can have dialogue on that topic yeah so since you quoted that passage john chapter 14 verse number six i am the way the truth and life no one comes to the father besides uh me i agree with that do you know that you'll be surprised i agree with that we say that every single messenger every single prophet was a door leading people towards the one god so we said the time of moses peace be upon him he was the way to lead people towards the one god in the time of ishmael and isaac and solomon and david and abraham and muhammad peace be upon them they were the door to lead people towards one god see we agree with that but if you look that passage in the context chapter 14 verse number two like four passages before that jesus says that i have prepared a mention for you and there are many many mansions also available there so we say that the rest of the mansions would be the followers of the rest of the prophets of the creator so we agree with that right we say that jesus was a mighty prophet you know he said many many times that i am a prophet of god in the matthew mark luke and john in matthew it says chapter 13 verse number 57 jesus is saying i am a prophet of god in john chapter 4 verse number 44 jesus said i am a prophet of god in luke chapter 13 verse 33 he says i am a prophet of god right and in mark chapter 6 verse number 4 jesus says i am a prophet of god so we believe that jesus was a prophet the way that he said his message was to invite people to worship on god as i quoted mark 12 verse number 29 he used to fast he used to uh he used to pray and he used to worship the same creator so with all of these combined we say that jesus's message was the message of inviting people to the worship of one god all right thank you this is going to be our last question we are running out of time thank you so much [Music] [Music] we had like hundreds of open houses all across the usa an open house is not complete without that question coming all right i'm serious i was waiting come on who's going to ask that question right you did so briefly right because then we have to pray our second prayer of the day and then you know there's some gifts coming to all of you hopefully so so the question is sunni and shia what about them what are the differences so quickly prophet muhammed peace be upon him when he was alive he was he was the head of the state and he was a prophet but after he passed away in the year 632 muslims have to appoint a new head of the state not a new prophet because the quran says in chapter 33 verse number 40 that muhammad peace be upon him he's the final prophet he's a seal of the prophets so to appoint a new head of the state there were two groups two groups of muslims the bigger group they would like to appoint someone who was the most eligible his name was abu bakr the second group they want to appoint someone who is also eligible his name was ali and he was the son-in-law and the cousin of prophet muhammad peace be upon him right both of these individuals they were eligible it so happened that abu bakr was appointed as the very first caliph or the very first successor as the head of the state so the small friction between the two groups is not based upon theology it was initially based upon politics however in the quran it does not say ever that you know these people are called as sunnis these are shias the only label god has given in the quran for the followers of islam in chapter 22 verse number 78 is the word muslim the word muslim so if you ask me the question okay sabir who are you are you a sunni or a shia i would say that i am a muslim right however some of you are some people they may think that the sunnis and the shias if i have to label them that they're that they're analogous to the protestants the catholics the mormons and other sects of you know your faith however that's not the case all the muslims all over the world we have the same one concept of god there is only one god no partners to him one concept of god but when you look into different christian groups and sects we say you know jehovah's witnesses they don't believe they don't believe in the triune concept of god protestants and catholics you do so there is a difference when it comes to the main belief who is god when it comes to the quran the scripture all the muslims are unanimous that there is only one quran in arabic all over the world not different versions of the quran in arabic but our christian brothers and sisters you may have different versions of the bible the catholics may have 73 books in there protestants 66 books in there greek orthodox you may have 78 books in there so again muslims are united with our scriptures also the way that muslims pray we pray a similar way and even in the whole world you know i have never been to china if i go to china i would feel at home in a mosque they will pray exactly the same way that they pray in this mosque over here but if you go to a catholic church a jehovah's witness a mormon a protestant church they may have their worship in a different way concept of the hereafter right so all of these main fundamentals combined muslims we are we are united in it however then your question can be how come there is some friction between you know some sunnis some shias and some groups around the world i would say that friction or those wars and the discord it is because it's a human problem it's not a muslim or islamic problem humans we fight what's going on in ukraine may allah god bring peace not only there but all places of the world right people fight because of historical vengeance because of oil because of land because of you know uh culture nationality people fight so we say it's a it's a human problem so when it comes to sunnis and the shias we say they're all muslims as long as we follow the basic tenants of islam all right oh five more minutes five more minutes but uh i want you guys to decide that which one which one would you like to just celebrate terrorism both of them are hot topics you know i [Music] who would like to go for the muslims for me to explain about uh violence and terrorism right show of hand okay show off hand who would like me to elaborate on the topic of women in islam and who would like me to go with the topic of sharia what and what about the rest of you you don't care i guess right we have to have a flip a coin with a three-sided coin now they're all equally okay sister you decide [Music] you know honestly all these topics are important uh there was a there was a survey by by by usa today according to the survey the number one misconception people have about islam is about women in islam right and the next one was about sharia then about violence and whatnot but let's speak about the violence part because many of you you may not be aware right now it's really important when it comes to violence extremism terrorism let me just say plain simple black and white that terrorism is an act by a human being that human being can be of any faith or no faith muslims don't have a monopoly on it really important right muslims don't have a monopoly on it any person from any background they can do acts of terrorism you know when we when we look at unfortunately there have been four thousand four hundred and six thousand killing by gun violence in this country in the last 15 years and i would say that every single one of them is an act of terrorism you know when they labeled january 6 they say many of the people you know what what's going on here they want to topple the government and they want to use force we say that's also an act of terrorism right so we can have a long list of acts of terrorism no one group no one faith has a monopoly on it there are good and bad people in the followers of all the faiths second important point is if we believe okay this is by the show of hand how many of you believe that every human life is equal and precious that's what i expected by the way right if that is the case that means we as humans we have to condem any and all acts of terrorism no matter who does it with any weapon with any intention with any process equally we have to condemn every single act of violence and terrorism not only done by those who are from the muslim background so equally we have to condemn what is going on in india there's a genocide going on in india by some people not all the hindus by the way by some people there all the muslim minorities we have to equally condemn those buddhas who have done a genocide on the muslims in myanmar we have to equally condemn those from the jewish background who are committing atrocities on some muslims up there and we have to condemn any muslim who are doing acts of terrorism on followers of other faiths or no face but one important thing that i want to bring is that when a muslim is doing it obviously we muslims we condemn it but we also have to look at why are some people some muslims in some countries are doing the acts of terrorism right i can quote you dr robert pepe who is a who's a professor from chicago and he said so he wrote a book called dying to win and he studied terrorism for the last 25 years and he's saying in that book it is not the quran it's not the muslim culture it is not muhammad peace be upon him it is the occupation of the u.s forces on the on the muslim lands that is the number one cause of terrorism in those lands second evidence i can give is you know the there were two drone missile operators who came on the tv and they said that we missed 90 percent of our targets and those missed targets they land on innocent people on women and children and in on the schools and those people the family members were surviving now they became emotional and mad at america americans or anyone else because their family members they have been gunned down by the drone missiles so because of that those drone missile operators are saying we are the ones who are creating terrorists in those countries so we have to condemn everyone right however what i would say is we cannot judge islam based upon the actions of some you know not so good practicing muslims we have to look into the teachings of islam so when we pick up a copy of the quran and when we look into the life of prophet muhammad peace be upon him you can find out you know islam stands against violence and terrorism in fact there is a passage in the quran chapter number 5 verse number 32 in there and i can just give a loose translation it says in there that taking one life is like taking the life of all of humanity and saving one life is like saving the life of all of humanity so i would say that this is not just a christian life or atheist life a hindu life allah god is saying every life is equal that means we have to protect and save god every single life so when you look into the quran and the life of prophet muhammad peace be upon him you will find out that islam wants to unify humanity with the worship of one god eradicate violence and all the you know extremism and bring humanity so we can live as live as brothers and sisters and make this world a better place thank you very much
Channel: Sabeel Ahmed
Views: 600,906
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Keywords: converted, what is islam, masjid, boys, dr. sabeel ahmed,, latinos converting, quran, who are the muslims?, women in islam, christianity, stories, christian, ask a muslim, islam vs christianity, convert to islam, sabeel ahmed debate, christian students told to ask any question on islam, non muslim listening to quran, surah rahman, revert to islam, converted to islam, sharia law, christian music 2022, quran recitation really beautiful, highland park shooting
Id: IWyY8_udTrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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