ICD Interfaith Event | 10-22-2017

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on behalf of the Islamic Center of Davis would like to welcome every and each member of the Davis community to our mosque and before we start our religious religious tradition I would like you to hear verses from the Quran recited maybe this is your first time maybe not but from one of the young generation in this mosque who almost working on memorizing the entire Quran so if we could give him our attention it will take less than a minute hopefully if you can go fast then I'll try to translate after he finishes bismillah you know many more yeah a UN Lavina a Manoj attorney won't kaffir on you no fun in about one well I just assume when I owe that babbling bah-bah and you have won a hydro pump I'm gonna die mouthing him a time forgetting what dumped along in the law at the web before him yeah a you a mess we hung up on a coin take it you know John now come what y'all lookin trouble in anything a comical the one here at welcome in a law thank you that was a recitation of the Quran and the verses that he chose before I start my speech and I know a lot of people are waiting to hear what I have to say today especially me I know so I'm gonna be very brief and quick so we could move on to the rest of the program the verse that he chose without me telling him anything so it has to do with the the translation says o you who believe stay away from much of suspicion or suspicion indeed suspicion is false and do not backbite one another and do not have false accusation against one another if you do so is as if a person is eating the flesh of his dead or his brother's dead body if you do that if you backbiters false suspicion or others and fear God be and know that your return to Him he is the most merciful then the next verse he recited it says all you people all of mankind this is all creation we have created you from male and female to get to know each other and we have divided you into tribes for one reason and one purpose is to get to know one another and the best among you is the one who fear his Lord the most it's not where you're coming from what race what ethnicity what language the one the best among you is the one who has more self conscious about himself or God that Allah knows or God knows what in you or what you do welcome to the mosque and I hope how many this is their first time being in a mosque oh my goodness that's a that's a problem that's a problem this is where where it all starts as we said we we don't get to know each other much that we pass through this building or other buildings every day and we don't know what's going on inside what's going on inside is what you see now you came in there is nothing special it's a whole prayer we have kids we recite the Quran and they learn me before I start any of that I just want to make something very clear and this is going to be hopefully my last time okay so I want to make it as clear as possible to a lot of people who have heard my sermons on July and especially me and we know it rotates or around that it comes back to me so the sermons on July 1 some people have heard the wordings and they thought whether it was misconception misunderstanding Rome whatever it was they thought that I was calling for the genocide or I was using anti-semitic words Here I am today in front of the everybody saying it very clearly and I hope that everyone would listen to this religiously and a personal belief I have never Orwell okay not now not in the future not in the past have called for the genocide of any group not the Jews not the Christians not the atheist not the people without belief or never not just because to please anyone because their religion commands so we have a very clear verse in the Quran that I like to start with this verse clearly states our commands that came from God these commands no one have the choice to say well I only go with three but not all five or maybe two out of three we can't we take it as a package command says and this is the verse in chapter 5 it says O Muhammad call upon your followers and recite to them the commands number one you worship God alone you do not associate a partner with God to you respect your parents and obey them 3 you do not kill your children because of poverty because God will provide you and them fourth you do not commit a sin whether it's in public or hidden open or hidden stay away from anything that will bring you shame fifth do not kill an innocent soul do not kill you have no right to take or to kill an innocent soul if you do so then you have followed the command of God so we can have that in the Koran clearly we have another verse and people claim that we're calling for the genocide of the Jews or others this is not true has nothing to do with the religion has nothing to do with my personal belief it's part of the religious view that we have that we hold why is that because there's another verse that if everybody understand as God said it was recited to Ben in Israel where we came from right now we just came from there it was recited and that means you also follow that that if you kill an innocent soul as if you have killed all of mankind and if you have saved an innocent soul is as if you have saved all of mankind now we come together to work to save refugees and orphans and this is saving and a soul so I hope I I was very clear and I hope I made it as clear as possible and again as I said for the last time ok because I already said it enough and it's a belief again it's not to please anyone not to make anyone happy it's part of what we believe how people interpret things that's their own choice but because we came today for the the celebration and the gathering to build the relation I wanted to start I already started that's forget that not that part that part is gone that's it I wanted to start with a story of our prophet because most of you have not been to a mosque yet or two this is your first time there was a person at the time of the Prophet was known to be one of the greatest enemy of the Prophet and the religion that he launched over three to four three or four wars against the Prophet so he got captured at the last word heaven he he came to Medina where the Prophet lived and his companions so he was attacking them they arrested him as a prisoner now the decision was made where should we keep him okay president for where should we keep it so some people suggested different at that time they didn't have said president like the one we have today so the Prophet suggested he said how about keeping him in the Masjid and say ok you want to keep him in the Masjid he's trying to kill you he said yeah just tie his hand so he won't go and someone is always always watching him so this person came the Prophet came to him the first day the Prophet said to him he said do you have anything for me did you want to say you don't he said yeah I want to speak to you the Prophet says go ahead he said I have three offers one if you kill me I have family that will take my revenge so be careful too if you let go this I will consider this as a favor and I won't forget it three if you want money I could pay you money so the Prophet smiled and he left as day 1 day 2 day 3 the person is saying the same thing third day when the Prophet heard the same thing from him he said that's all you haven't said yeah he said then we'll let you go the narration says he went outside he took a shower dressed nicely changed his clothes he came back to where he where he escaped where they let him go so the companion says now he's coming for sure for something as we we let you go once we're not going to let you go go twice so they got him and he said no I want to talk to the Prophet I didn't come for any harm laughs I'll let him he came he said what do you want he said I believe that you're the prophet of God so the Prophet says why he didn't say so 15 minutes ago why you had to leave and then come back he said because I didn't want anyone to feel that I said that out of force or pressure okay so that's why I left and I came back willingly so the Prophet taught the Companions a lesson that we need today that he intentionally wanted this person to stay in the mosque in the mosque all three days just to watch what happened inside because nobody knows what happened inside so when he sees the Prophet coming leading prayers talking to his followers people help people respect him how they talk to him this person was sitting there watching he wasn't doing anything they were offering him food and drink and everything but the point is that the Prophet wanted to say let him watch because the problem nowadays there are a lot of people here about us they almost never hear from us it's all from the outside this what that's what they say so you're saying what they say not what we say and that's that's the teaching of this story that I wanted to to share and by the way he had no problem of a person his enemy being in the Masjid too because a lot of people are thinking okay are we allowed to come only today or because of this no you're allowed to come anytime ok there is a verse in the Quran that states clearly Allah does not forbid you from being nice just to the ones who do not fight you or cause harm with you meaning in religion you're ordered to be just and fair with them that's all of us today we did anybody came here for harm today I hope not but I am sure sure I didn't do that I didn't come to harm we came all today to listen to one another to build that relation despite the difference as the rabbi was speaking we do have differences we can just say we agree on everything we didn't do that with our wives sorry she's not here that's I couldn't speak it we don't do that we don't in the same household you never agree on everything do you if anybody is living like that I just told me how you how you're doing it even though a lot of kids I have a two and five-year-old we don't agree on things right they're only two and five so we do have differences but we are saying can we live together with these differences yes and where you get that from because our Prophet don't that everybody is accusing today the one that people are saying this about him too we're saying he lived with all religion all type of people at his time and he built a very strong relation and a good connection that led some people to follow him just because they saw how good he was he didn't even call them he had a neighbor that used to throw garbage in front of his house every single day so three days the Prophet opens the door there's no garbage so he said ok that something is wrong this person it's not a habit so you went to visit him he found that he was his son was sick so he said he went he came to visit so when the man saw him he thought he came for revenge he said no I came to check and he said my son is sick so he went and he kept talking and he told his son he says how you feeling he said very sick I'm almost dying so he says is in time to believe in God he says I'd be if my father says so he's afraid he said his father said you're asking me believe in him he can't be anything but a prophet the father didn't believe by the way but he told his son to do so just because the Prophet went to visit someone who's sick this is very simple if we do that with one another if we just check on each other see our neighbors here we're being present for this much is being here for anybody know from the neighbors 10 years more than 10 years there's 25 huh 45 years no not not this official building okay this I I am way younger than that that's so I don't know if it's been here that long well we've been here and we this is the thing that we want to assure today our president doesn't cause any harm to anyone we are here and we're we're calling people to what if we were to call people to to worship God that we all that we come to and we call people to do the same to worship God but none but God this this is our code it's very simple there is there is not it's not so much complicated that people wouldn't understand if people would listen so I want to read to you very quickly a treaty how many minutes have done huh and that's what they tell me every time like I asked after I finished so I want to read you a treaty that took place in Medina between our Prophet peace be upon him and peace be upon all the prophets and messengers that he made with the people who lived in Medina and he migrated from Mecca Mecca anybody know where mecca's anybody don't know okay no okay my case is a small city in Saudi Arabia now it happens to be in Saudi Arabia it is in there that where our Polygram is where we face like when we face we face our prayer is facing this way this is our direction to prayers why this way because this is the direction of Makkah so we faced that we considered it to be the first mosque or first worship place to be built on earth by Abraham and his son so when he migrated there were people who were different faiths living in Medina they were Jews in Medinah tribes they were Christians in Medina they were non people who didn't believe they were non-believers they didn't have faith so the Prophet when he migrated and he said the the the state he became Muslim state these people were so worried that what happen now this is a problem so they said a treaty with one another that they brought their rabbis and their priests and their leaders and they sat with the Prophet peace and blessing be upon him and all the prophets so he said and I'm only of course the treatise about 10 pages so if you want to go back to it or I could read it no okay that means no so that I meant I took from the treaty something there is related to what's happening now to show you that again I'm saying we do have differences in some matters and we want we might not agree but we can for sure live as a community we can live together we could protect one another and this is not a favor this is an obligation so what did the prophets say he says the treaty between Muslims and non-muslims meaning from the non Muslim Arabs who live here and the Jews of Medina we put this together in writing so we could all agree after praising God by the name of God the most merciful this document is between Mohammed the governor of Medina and the people who lived in Medina the migrants and the people the resident of Medina here's some of the the things that they have mentioned just to keep it very short he said whosoever among the Jews follows or lives with us and be with us or live with us or resident with us in Medina shall have our help equality shall not be injured or harmed nor sore any enemy be aided against them that's the first thing we have to agree we're living together this is not you and me or you guys and us this is all of us coming together QED whosoever or forgive me I read that one the the Jews tribe and the non Muslim Arab tribes who live in Medina shoul maintain their own religion and the Muslims should maintain their own religion the close friends of the Jews and others are as themselves meaning if you have a friend who to visit you he is protected like you're protected we honor your friend like we honor you he becomes ours he's under our protection and if a person harms a person without right regardless of their religion or who they follow we all stand against that person meaning the oppressor so if the oppressor whether he is a Muslim Christian or a Jew or non moon whatever it is if you oppress someone we all and and this is the part that I like the most about this treaty that the Prophet always used the word o we all come together and this is a treaty that we all agree this is not just me saying I'm forcing this on you and you have to follow it no matter what so we need to realize that we live as a whole we live together in one place so he said the Jews should shall be responsible for their expenses and the believers or the Muslims should be or the Muslims should be responsible for their expenses but if an attack happens upon us we shall all come together to assist one another your money your business you have it we have our business we have our money this is our bank this is your bank but if it happens that an enemy's coming to attack Muslims now it becomes all our money to defend if they're coming to attack Jews or others we're coming to all our money comes as one to protect and to defend one another this treaty I would ask anyone I I don't want to go longer in the part there is no force in religion we don't force people to follow a religion we're only here to tell people what we believe just want people to get an idea of how we think what we believe how we speak how we react with one and I think today was a starling let's say to work on that bath on getting to know one another and continue on the work that brings this community together if we really have that focus with all the respect to the people outside - I'm saying it all the protest sirs outside the freedom of protests they're giving not just by me by the Constitution so Trump is gonna get upset we can't say anything about just leave it there they're protected by the whatever it's fine to disagree again but let's listen to one another let's hear what the person has to say before you make your judgement it's very helpful if you have like a face-to-face conversation like the one we see that I have seen people today that I haven't seen in my life I being Davis for four years I haven't seen them for four years it's it's a good maybe some people of course everybody have seen me already in the pictures as a person that's that's me I'm here today carrying nothing in my pocket has nothing to do it's that's our prophets teaching our prophet was described in the Quran to be the most merciful to all of mankind not just to Muslims he's merciful to all of mankind we learned that from him we learned how to be merciful from our prophet we follow his footsteps we follow his tradition his teaching everything that he says we try to implement when he says your neighbors your neighbors your neighbors your neighbors so many times that he says I thought that the angel had because the angel told him take care of your neighbors so many times he said I thought that my neighbor would inherit from me there is an inheritance rule coming that says your neighbor here at one third or some because they the angel kept advised me to take care of my neighbor so many times when we do that today it's not a favor it's an obligation is that we're following our religion our foots the footstep of our prophet maybe some blessing be upon him and all the prophets of Allah thank you so much I don't want to keep it that's short enough but I hope it got to the point and the statement that I wanted to say and the talk it was very nice to hear you I don't I don't like to talk much I do like to talk not today not today I just do want to keep you here longer our pressure - a pleasure to have you at the Masjid if you have any question or any concern or any I hope the problems are that we could say history now let's let's move on you know we had something in the past we're moving on together okay and we have something to do now that we need to focus and bring in all of us together and the community together I hope we could do that and I'm sure we will be able to do it after the walk today thank you very much [Applause]
Channel: Davis Masjid
Views: 952,770
Rating: 4.897634 out of 5
Keywords: Peace Be Upon Him, Muhammad, Prophet, Quran, Sheikh, Jumaa Khutba, Islamic Center of Davis
Id: -5LpM2ufqqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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