Christian Women’s Motivational & Inspirational Keynote Speaker - Nancy Hicks Speaker Reel

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[Music] thank the lord thank the lord the holy spirit had me zip it like come on now and my husband he was the thing he's yelling air and he's yelling go aaron go above the crowd everyone's yelling and i am sitting there because i had a bad back and i am sitting there you guys listen i am watching my kid but then i look at my husband who i never seen him like this in my entire life and i had a holy holy moment in the electric factory do you know why because i was sitting there looking at my cam yelling go there and go go there and go the tears flowing and i said god that's what you're like with us aren't you that's like you go baby go when he starts to see us come alive he starts to see us move he starts to see us blame our glory and step into the freedom of the glorious life he is cheering us on go baby go go baby go go baby go don't doubt it for a moment don't doubt it she said weakness fear and hopelessness died strength power and courage were born and i'm putting my mascara on in the mirror while while i hear the clip of her saying this truth is truth no matter where it comes from doesn't matter doesn't matter where it comes from truth is truth and all of a sudden my whole body amen i shouted out loud three times i'm a dramatic person for sure yeah yeah you get that um but i just shouted out loud three times amen amen amen why because i spent so many days through this whole turmoil lying on a couch feeling bitterly betrayed feeling utterly lifeless and i remember thinking i've been shot in the head and i see what's going on here and i'm down but i'm ticked off and i'm getting up [Music] one day one of the women that i was working with renee greenstein fabulous woman said to me nancy are you aware now when you do style you walk over to the models you're going and you're showing people how to you know dress with a skirt etc um and she said are you aware that you always move toward these skinny models i know can you imagine what do you know that you don't move toward the plus-size bottles and i could have gotten defensive and maybe inside i was like i mean i'm sure i said are you sure about that you're kidding me but but what i what i actually did i didn't run back and check my tapes and things like that to confirm i actually just remember thinking if that's true and why would she say it if it weren't if that's true in what other ways have i been exclusive and what other ways have i had preferences towards a certain type of person or have excluded people or put up barriers and it was really a pretty profound moment that i don't want to be above people i don't want to be cutting people off i want to be including people if i am indeed you know as i say i am a follower of christ a christian [Music] why women i'll give you one more reason why women because as evangeline booth of the daughter of the of the founder right who i have to say this for all the singles in the house who was single all her life that's a story i don't have time for tonight but who was single all her life and who rose to become the first female general of the salvation army as that woman said if a woman loves she worships if she champions the cause she'll fight for it if she gives she gives all and if she lives for she dies for right that's what the woman said amen amen in my presence is peace in my presence is comfort there is joy at my right hand you get me i am the treasure he is the gift i will proclaim this from the mountaintop till i die he is your gift [Music] you
Channel: Nancy Hicks Live
Views: 211
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: nancy hicks, nancy hicks live, nancy hicks podcast, Christian woman’s speaker, Christian woman’s motivational speaker, Christian women’s speaker, Christian women’s motivational speaker, Inspirational woman’s speaker, Inspirational woman’s video, Inspirational women’s speaker, Inspirational women’s video, Christian keynote speakers, Inspirational keynote speakers, motivational keynote speakers
Id: meiKrRyNpac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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