Beth Moore - Jesus, Because Life is Complicated

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[Music] I'm gonna ask you all to stay in place as we get into the Word of God tonight stand please I want you to do something for me if you would so everybody to your feet now everybody in the room 30 and younger I want you to be seated 30 and younger be seated okay could you just I want to see your hands wave at me if you would you that are sitting down okay now you that are around them I'm gonna pray for all of us but I would love for you there around it if you feel comfortable with it I just want you to stretch out your hand to me kinda lay your hand on their shoulder because we're gonna pray in particular over them okay all right father we are so full of praise to be in your presence tonight and you don't Lord what I love about a place like this father when I go into a Civic Center or some kind of a community a place in a city arena or whatever it may may be I never know what's happened the weekend before I never know what they've done in that place before but father there is something about coming in to a house where you have been so welcomed over and over again where your custom to coming that you know you're gonna be worshipped here you know you're gonna be sought here and you're so faithful in your presence so I love that father because we didn't have to work anything up you just were like already here you just are welcome here and you initiated our coming here tonight I've asked you something father in private that I now want to ask you in front of them I ask you for a word for every single one of these women and then something will land on them something will land on them tonight land on them that we will not just be here to just kind of have a fun evening but that a word would land father and it would take root and that that root would go all the way down to their feet and and mine to father and that we'd walk the thing out that we'd walk the thing out because I think God that you're not only a god of time you are a god of timing and you know exactly what they're going through exactly what they're enduring right now exactly what's on their heart you knew about that phone call this week you exactly that layoff was coming you know that job a change was coming you knew they were going to get word about that move you knew all of that was going to but you knew that somebody that really was not wanting to be pregnant again was gonna find out just very recently that she was indeed expecting again you are not surprised by anything in here you know about the diagnosis that someone had in the month of August you know all of these things you know them to the last detail from the inside of the heart out from the inside of the mind out and you've come to speak straight into it we're gonna take it personally and I pray father that everybody in the room will take their own word that we won't be thinking I hope someone so heard that or why wasn't someone so here to hear that but we'll know that father you deposited that word right here with us with us and we're gonna receive it now father I want to pray for these women that are sitting down before you tonight because father this is this is one of the biggest passions of my life these girls right here father we ask you to give them an unusual and unexplainable love for the Lord Jesus Christ that you would father truly tender their hearts that you that even if they have no heritage whatsoever even if they have never had a mother or a mentor anyone in their family line that has ever known Jesus like that and ever ministered in his name father I pray you'd put an unexplainable passion on them to love the Lord Jesus Christ I pray father that you would give them such a desire for your word and that it would be a delight to them that it would be hard for them to close your word that father honestly they have to watch their watch to be done on time so that they could get where they're going because they can hardly get their face out of the scriptures what we call upon you raise up this next generation and give them joy father such a joy in turbulent times that they're contagious to the people around them but a call though to be mighty in the faith we ask you Father raise these young women mighty and surround them father surround them and stand between them in their enemy Lord how thankful we are to be their big sisters and we say to them that they are women with a calling with a future and with the hope and father we ask you to make us faithful to them on never threatened and always cheering them on so we welcome you to not speak a word to us in due season in the glorious and holy name of our Lord Jesus everybody say hallelujah and amen you may be seated I want you to turn with me to the Gospel of Mark if you have your Bibles if you didn't bring them that's okay too because I'm gonna read it all to you but I'm gonna speak to you out of Mark 10 and Mark four and I'm gonna tell you why both of them because I was going to speak to you it's still going to do it I'm going to somehow I'm asking and trusting God to make a fusion out of this I was going to speak out of Mark chapter four entirely and then this morning my reading my scripture reading had me in this portion of mark chapter 10 and I became absolutely fascinated with it in fact as he was just really speaking out of it to me during my quiet time this morning I finally had to just go ahead and grab my laptop so that I could pull out my Bible software and so I could look it up in some commentaries and check some things and so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do a blend of both of these portions because I can see a common denominator and if you don't see the common denominator that's okay then just let it be mixed metaphors and let's have a great time tonight in the scriptures so Mark 10 I'd like to begin reading at verse 46 mark 10 verse 46 and they came to Jericho and as he that's Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a great crowd bartemaeus a blind beggar the son of Timaeus was sitting by the roadside now be a visual learner as much as you can picture what's happening here though that name Jericho to any of us who have been raised in the scriptures and know anything about the book of Joshua that is very very familiar to us because that was a major city the first city that Joshua and his army were called to conquer that's where the walls came tumbling down right there as they crossed over that Jordan about five miles to the the west of the Jordan River so it has so much history as we read it and 47 says this and when he heard it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out and say Jesus son of David have mercy on me and many rebuked him telling him to be silent but he cried out all the more son of David have mercy on me verse 49 and Jesus stopped and said call him and they called the blind man saying to him and I want you pause right there for just a moment I was looking up in Word biblical commentary today and when I was checking it this morning and noticing in in some of the commentaries and more scholarly commentaries they do their own translation of the Greek so they'll offer their own and I'm reading you out of the ESV tonight but they offered their own translation and I just loved it and wrote it in the margin of my Bible because it says and standing still Jesus said standing still jesus said and I thought if you just go with me here just a second I thought about Joshua chapter 10 and the sons standing still over Josh and when his army until they think until they could have victory over it and I thought the SU ends standing still and then I thought of the Esso n standing still and I thought about that that man bartimaeus just sitting on that roadside hears that Jesus of Nazareth is close by and begins crying out and crying out and Jesus just stops in his tracks and the Sun stand still and says why don't you tell that man he could have called it oh yeah no you who rebuked him now call him so that he hears you undo what you've done you spoke without compassion now open up your mouth with mercy call him and they called him call to the blind man saying I love these three instructions take heart get up he is calling you take heart get up he is calling you I want you to just repeat that after me take heart get up he is calling you do it one more time take heart get up he is calling you that's what you're here for tonight you just didn't know it here to take heart and I wonder how many of us in this place are here to get up because Jesus is calling you and what Jesus is calling me for you were born for you were born for you were created for it you were destined for it until you begin to walk in that thing whatever it may be you're thinking well I don't see myself ministering inside the church do you know what's gonna happen if all of us consider that the only place we can live out our calling is under the church roof when God saw us I want you to think about if you're like me in a couple of months you'll be going up to your attic and you're gonna pull out all these all these strands of Christmas lights they're all rolled up in a ball is that how you do it - all rolled up in a ball and then I just kind of roll them out and plug them in and I stick them together and then they go round and round and round my tree see that's us that's us that's us we're all so this is the body of Christ were suppose we wound over this whole globe wound over this whole globe but what happens is this we're in a world where Risso counterculture we get all scared of them we get all scared of them it's scary out there they hate us out there and sometimes we know why I don't want to really get into that but sometimes when we just are all bitter and all hateful and all are telling them on how much God hates them you have to wonder why they don't want to be like us it's a mystery isn't it but what happens we get all scared of them and so we stay in our little ball and plug ourselves in right under the church roof now we got we got to be plugged into a body this is how we're equipped for our calling is these are our brothers and sisters we got to have that but then we're meant then we come together in that little huddle like that so that we can all say - want to come on now come on now I mean there's there more who are forests than against us but come on now we're gonna do the thing but then we go back out there and we're all one big on strand all over the globe like this we can't just huddle under the church roof so where are you in are you in legal work that's where you're supposed to minister what would God look like doing your job pulling out of your driveway where your clothes may be in the medical field say at home mom in a neighborhood of lost people wherever we are whatever we're doing whatever we're called to if you can't do it in the name of cross I say this with with complete respect I say this I mean I mean it in every sense of the word not as a condemnation but if we can't see doing our job in the name of Jesus if it's unethical in such a sense that I can't do my job in the name of Jesus then this is when we start praying for a new job this is one launch somewhere else because wherever it might be whatever part of the secular world it's in because right there be called right there mister right there but by the power of a joyful life Christ showing his love through you the excellence of your work ethic how you do your job what you don't partake in and what you do your kindness to people your love for people all of this shows all of this is ministry take heart get up he is calling you I love his throwing off his cloak now what the commentators pointed out that I don't think would have occurred to me is that his cloak was probably over his lap picture that maybe he was even sitting indian-style his cloak was over his lap so that it could make a little Bowl so that they could throw money into it while they were walking by was sitting out there where those coming and going it was a place of Commerce at that time that those coming and going might have a little change it might have some coins throw it in his lap well he throws off his cloak and I love that it says in in the ESV he sprang up and came to Jesus and you know what I'm counting on tonight you don't want to count on Chrissie I'm counting on somebody springing up springing up let me tell you something you don't have anything going better than Jesus you do not have it look I just asked you can you beat a deal like this here's what he says I'm gonna tell you I've already done it all I've already done it all I knew everything you'd ever do I knew every ditch you would ever be in I knew every challenge you would ever have I need you to know I am God I wrapped myself in human flesh I came to walk among you lived a perfectly sinless life as completely God wrapped completely in man I gave my life for you every paid every penalty for your sin everything everything for your failure everything you would ever need I paid it all completely there is nothing left you have to pay for for yourself paid the whole thing on the cross put in the grave was raised again on the third day to give you resurrection life so that you would die with me in my crucifixion be raised with me to new life in my resurrection and walked among people let them see me with their very own eyes ascended up into the heavenlies had a seat at the right hand of the of God and then I poured out my spirit on you so that I would not just be walking beside you my spirit would be inside of you you got nothing better going than that nothing better going in then it doesn't get better than that it doesn't get better than that do not tell me you are not able I will not believe you if you are in Jesus you are well able if you are in Jesus you are well able if you are in Jesus whatever you got going right now old girlfriend you are well able look at somebody say you are well able let me tell you what we're we're gonna need to get a grip is what is easy to do especially because many of us I well I'm putting myself right in this I get this I get this so I'm right there with you many of us are living relatively speaking globally speaking we are living lives of a lot of comfort and ease a lot of difficulties a lot of challenges but what can happen to us is that we will turn inconveniences into tribulations into tribulations and I'll be which is like irritating us um and certainly we cannot bear up we cannot bear up my website has crushed my website is bruised and we can't bear up your show I'm saying so we use all of our energy not bearing up over something ridiculous because the decorator didn't get to the house on time the couch is not coming in we have to reorder it but if we start having a big fit because the carpets not right what are we gonna do in the crisis because we used to Oliver everything [Applause] am i talking to anybody in the house tonight we're well able we're well I hope when you're frustrated with the plumber you just keep in mind with a label label I'm well able to injure you I'm wearing a label you are simply an engine because you are not my tribulation you're someone I'm saying and then we get a whole new grip whole new grip whole new grip we're reliable we are well able we are well able that's a beautiful thing Bartimaeus because that bar on the front of timaeus means son of Timaeus son of Timaeus so the dude doesn't even have a name he's just somebody's son somebody's son see many of you feel like I'm somebody something all the time I was somebody something all the time I'm somebody I'm never just myself I'm somebody something I'm his wife or I'm a her co-worker I'm her boss I'm her employee I'm hurt we're just constantly I'm this person's mother I'm this person smother I'm this one you know I'm just like there's constantly no no just you just you just you tonight you get to without all of your people without all of your people you get to just like leave your people leave your people and some of you see you had a chance to leave your people tom but you've been texting your people all evening long oh no oh no and you know what they're tired of you and you're tired of them give them up for a minute and get your word because the thing about is he has a word for you like if suddenly you have a name you are known to him you were known to me your story is known to him you're using all your energy on all your people and that's how it is that's how it is that's how it is but tonight it's here for you I love I love that Jesus says he springs up Jesus says to him what is it you want me to do for you would that be the most beautiful question for him to ask tonight what was it last time you I just dare you tomorrow morn wake up before sunrise and it stirred that question if Jesus somebody just showed up right in front of you what would you have me do for you what would you have me do for you he's like he goes for the big one I mean why is he gonna Jesus asking about what why not tell him he doesn't say I need I need more money that I'm getting I mean did you see this pitiful did you see I mean like three nickels poured out seventy-three dollars and 67 cents I mean that's what that's what have been worth to people this week and he just goes for right on let me recover my sight and jesus said to him go your way your faith has made you well listen that go your way your faith has made you well and immediately you recovered his sight and followed him on the way go your way go your way see the big thing that happens the big thing happens when we really know who we've encountered he says go your way and you go you know what my way is yours which way are you going because I'm going with you I'm going with you I'm going with you I just I love that moment when Jesus has said some really I mean in-your-face kinds of things and a lot of the followers left him and he looks over at his other disciple says will you leave me too and one of them says back to him where would we go you have the words of life and I don't know we we represent many of us with I was gonna say with my hair color but you can't see what color my hair really is it would be very great but we've been around with him a while and some of you who are young have already experienced this where God does not do something the way you want him to do it and he could have he could have and he didn't but at the prospect of leaving him and some people do but you know why you're here after that you know even when you didn't get that answer it when it broke your heart that he didn't bring that to pass the way you begged him to and knew that he could new that he had the power to do you know why you're here tonight you know why you're still in there where we go you have the words of life one of my daughters so worried about somebody that's loved Jesus so much this kind of just left the thing here recently just tired and left the thing I said baby let me tell you something he'll be back because once you have tasted intimacy with God once you have known the holy presence I mean just a little while ago and worship just that sense something about worship when we get that straight your God you're my father I'm your child everything seems ordered all of a sudden for a few minutes everything's ordered and he that is seated on the throne is as close as our skin where else would we go how could we bear it you have the words of life and he uses those very words and speaks life right back into us says he went with him I got to this is what they're doing because in that very next chapter is the triumphal entry so he's heading to Jerusalem why because it's Passover week it's Passover week so he's coming up on that Sunday before the Passover and so they're on the pilgrimage so I don't know I don't know the commentaries didn't say this but I have to wonder if one reason why they didn't tell him to hush and not be screaming out son of David have mercy on me it's because in in all likelihood they might have been already starting to sing their pilgrimage songs because they would sing all the way it's 15 miles I took Jerusalem and you know they'd sing as they walked and then they would sit down and they would rest and they'd spend the night and then they'd take the deck smiles and they would sing the Psalms of ascent as they went because it was always up to Jerusalem and he went right with him right with him because I'm gonna tell you something the beauty of it is they were going to pass over the Bartimaeus he wouldn't he he didn't know what to call him but he wasn't about to let that Passover lamb pass over him without taking him up on what he had to offer and he went with him would you turn with me now to mark chapter 4 March chapter 4 this was my intention mark for I want to read verses 26 through 34 yo I love that sound better than any sound in the entire world I do there's something about it and I love I love an electronic Bible I use every single day every single day I'm on my phone with another translation that I'm looking at or I'm on my Bible software so I absolutely love it but let me tell you you always want a hard copy of the Bible too and I'm gonna tell you why it is really hard when you're in a terrible crisis and you're hanging on by thread to it's so uncomfortable to hold your iPad to your chest don't y'all think don't y'all think because in days when I was going through my just that my brokenness that God really used to bring me to Liberty I was so tormented the enemy came from me so hard and I was so tormented that litterin i'ts were the worst nights were the absolute worst and I would literally just sleep with my Bible open on my chest like this and for a while of it I especially if my husband was out of town I mean sometimes I'll just put the whole thing open on my head and every because I just thought get in get in get in and so I said you know that's just too radical for me well you know wouldn't you come from my kind of bondage liberation is radical it truly truly is and you know I try to be careful with it because it's someone comfortable for a husband if you're like fighting your Bible and I'm trying you know it's you're always having to move and and stuff and one night I'm some years ago I was I was haven't you know I was kind of going through trauma again and I was kind of looking around the house I was looking for my Bible I wanted you know like a soft back so that it's it feels all right you know it feels you can kind of hug it and and hold it to units kinds it's not just all cold it's kind of warm and so I was kind of looking around like that and I couldn't find it and he knew I was try not to even tell him because you know he's like he's not this isn't him if you're picturing my husband is a deacon you're picturing the wrong man um Keith goes to church when Keith wants to go to church I love Vernon asked me know she said how is Keith I said he's as ornery as you remember him but I said the beauty of it is he is every bit as handsome as you remember him and that still works for me it still works for me just fine man he saw that I was looking around saw that I was looking her I said baby I do not know where your Bible is but I know where the hymnal is I said I do not sleep with him no I will draw the line at the hem not now I don't have any idea when I told all that so read with me at verse 26 mark for 26 26 of mark chapter 4 and he said and this is Jesus the kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground he's sleep so he scatters seed on there and he sleeps and Rises night and day and the seed sprouts and grows and he knows not how the earth produces by itself first the blade then the year then the full brain in the air and when the grain is ripe at once he puts it to the sickle because the harvest has come whole there because I'm gonna go back to 30 see here's what I think here's what I think here's what I think I think all of us go through seasons were more like blind bartimaeus not blind physiologically but just blinded by grief and by darkness by tragedy and crisis by debt by some such unrelenting difficulties in the home and in the extended family and all around us and in our community we hardly know what to do let's get so blinded we know we no longer even have vision we have no I mean we're just barely surviving now we used to have vision we used to feel like there was some reason why we're here and then suddenly I mean like we're just like blond just blond just blind but here's the beauty of it the further down we go in desperation the louder our volume can get let me tell you who's never going to be turned away somebody with the guts in a room full of people going shh-shh go in David have mercy on me sort of David have mercy on me son of David have mercy on me you know what's gonna happen every time he's gonna have mercy on us he's gonna have mercy on us he's gonna have mercy on us and there's this farmer he's scattering seed been hoping and yearning and working hard seed goes into the ground can't see it any longer when he watches and he watches and he watches the ground nothing happens nothing happens nothing happens then here comes a tender shoot out a dry hard ground and here comes the harvest listen carefully and he knows not out blind to the process awaken alive to the one who brings life from a dead seed if we know who we don't always have to know how you just know this you scatter the seed of God's word that harvest is going to come up Psalm 126 says if you will sew in your tears you will reap a harvest with joy it is written as a promise that we who have just been captive on by oppression that he says that for we who will cry out for him to free us he will free us and he will return laughter to our chests and there will come a harvest where we have sown the seed of his word in to that black soil and watered it with our tears it is a promise and you count on that you count on that verses 30 through 34 and he said with what can we compare the kingdom of God or what parable shall we use for it it's like a grain of mustard seed which when sown on the ground is the smallest of all seeds on earth yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes larger then all the garden plants and puts out large branches so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade 33 with many such parables he spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it look at verse 34 he did not speak to them without a parable but privately to his own disciples he explained everything listen one day he's going to explain everything but that is the coolest word in the Greek the word that is used for explained in verse 34 he did not speak to them without a parable but privately to his own disciples he explained it is a word that means that I'm looking at the lexicon out of my Bible software that says and I'm quoting to interpret conceived as of untying or to untangling something knotted you can hear it you can hear the word in Eugene Peterson's translation the message with many stories like these he presented his message to them fitting the stories to their experience and maturity he was never without a story when he spoke when he was alone with his disciples he went over everything sorting out the tangles untying the knots because I really came to you this evening with five words on my heart to say this was before I got all into blind bartimaeus this morning in my quiet time five words to say to you and they are these life is so dang complicated anybody dang I do not know how to explain to you my love affair with words I love to look at word origins more than anyone you have ever met in your entire life my idea of a good time is to get out my encyclopedia of entomology and to just look up one word right after another I can I can drink my coffee just like this and go from one page to the other and so of course I looked at the word complicated complicated because it is such a powerful compound word that has in it the calm the co M of it means together and there is applicator I'm in Latin means to fold to fold and complicated when you and I are going through a complicated situation it's like it's all folded up or folded up and we don't even know where did this thing start anybody got a complicated family you might as like lop is just complicated I love complicate consisting of parts difficult to analyze understand or explain I love this part of this definition of complication complicating the main thread of a plot some of you are just going like listen I just need you understand my thread you can't even imagine what has happened to the thread of my plot you have no idea listen to part of the definition a difficult factor issue often appearing unexpectedly changing existing plans method methods or attitudes anybody know what I'm talking about complications complications I did this all I did this little exercise with my staff going over this this material in this whole concept I just said okay girls I'm gonna give you all in the next few minutes told everyone I said I just want you to list just any complicate anything that you would say life would be a whole lot easier except for this does this complicate we just have these complications of these complications I said write down your complications what makes your life complicated and so we took the next couple of minutes and I came up with and I knew the exercise was coming I came up with 17 of my own personal complications now that's complicating I decided to leave this one where you could see it I wish that the camera could come in really close because that says aging I promise you I promise you it is complicated it's calm it's like nothing is working together anymore like all parts now calling all parts together remember you're all one body let's all get along better than this it's frightening now I don't agree with my friend my friend says it this way she is just like this she's just a pessimist about everything she looks at me she goes the thing of it is math there is no good news well there is there's a lot of good news I'll just tell you the truth Susie you're gonna agree effect Susie I think we've had this conversation I would not go back a day I would not go back a day I'm gonna say that again I would not go back a day and I'm gonna tell you young women something don't you dread it either because friendships just get richer you get less competitive with other women you get to where it's less of a threat to you you just love a whole lot of people and they don't have to be like you because you don't pick out your friends because you want them to be your own reflection in the mirror you're just like a whole lot of different people and there's a whole lot of room in your heart to love and you've been through a lot and if you've been broken enough you really don't judge all that much either anybody know what I'm saying to him and you know I don't know I know this is going too far but there's something beautiful about not feeling like you have to meet your husband at the front door in your bathing suit now I'm not saying I ever did that but you know you always felt like you were supposed to you were supposed to I mean I'm gonna stop right there but I could go on I could go on with it but there's just some freedom of going you know I get a life I'm not gonna put on a bathing suit right now not in front of you at least and if I do you might as well like what you get this is what you've done to me but I love that he explained everything and so he was untying the knots that's what that word means in the Greek to loose the knots the Greek word is a compound word means to loose the knots he's masterful and in tying the tightest knots I started rotting down some things that I thought just let me give you some examples of things that make life complicated I think you'll go with this ok say say this is your scenario you have a loved one with a pretty serious mental illness most of the family dynamics circulate around this loved one because it's a hidden disability you're not always sure what behavior he or she can be held directly responsible for would you say two words it's complicated one of your children has cancer needless to say this precious child's needs are a matter of life and death and he or she appropriately requires most of your attention it has been four years now and you have two other children who are growing up so fast and you've had to miss so much would you say those two words to me you've married a fabulous man who's been through a long layoff and lost his and you've lost your house and he's blown his credit rating and he's got piles of debt that will take you years to pay off in the meantime you're the primary breadwinner can you tell me those two words alright let's go for a few shorter ones you're a sophomore in high school and your older sister is miss everything can somebody somebody tell me those two words your dad married six months after your mother died it's complicated that was mine and it was complicated your ex-fiance married your sister somebody say it's complicated your husband confessed you a strong same-sex attraction yeah if a parent or spouse with Alzheimer's it's complicated your dad's in prison it's complicated your best friend calls it fasting but you suspect it's anorexia cloaked in spirituality it's complicated any situation on the earth when you have PMS get the salt shaker yourself mr. salt your food I've cooked your food Buster salted too there's a lot of reasons why things get complicated I just want to throw out this is just over the next couple of minutes before we conclude just a couple of categories there's it's complicated the clutter because I want to talk about how can we just like uncomplicated up because I live so couple if anybody would say it's complicated which is it could I just see your hand cuz you're my I'm not kidding I'm a oh I don't get your hand in the air I know better than that some of us make things more complicated than they need to be I told my friends yesterday I said listen if they ever come up with a medical procedure in which they can they can remove neuroses I said y'all need to expect that I'm gonna look like a deflated balloon I will have no more they'll say I don't know what happened to her she's now flat bass there'll be nothing in there because once they take my neuroses I'm gone I'm gone I'm just skinned that's how it feels sometimes I'm complicated but there are a couple of different categories you can put it in there's um it's complicated and it's the clutter and one reason why our life is so complicated is because we keep piling up and we never ever remove anything honestly are you just gonna keep doing the next thing and the next thing in the next thing but you never gave up this one I mean my family did an intervention on me the only one I've ever had done Ethan the girls when when I started branching some years ago into TV the first step was with life today and my people came to me and said what are you giving up because you're adding on what are you giving up but it needs to be something major because this is gonna be a major change and and we think we know what it is we think it's Sunday school I taught for 23 years and 'he's like you're not taking my class that's the one group i know face to face i know their names i know their spouses I know I know these people I know these people you're not taking them one group of people I know it was like we're sure we're sure that's what it is we just keep and I cried my eyes out it broke my heart I prayed about it I knew God was saying I'm with them it's me and those three right there give it up but the next time for years for 23 years I've been going to speak on the weekends flying back on Saturday night getting ready I spoken all weekend long I had taught my brains out given everything I had to give then I would study for a Sunday School lesson all the way home get up at 5:00 a.m. Sunday morning study all morning long and go in teach and because the class grew then I taught two classes I talked to I mean it just went on and on and on and on it was kind one reason why your life is so complicated is because you keep adding stuff on and not letting go of anything what can you let go of what can you let go of what can you let go of because we're making ourselves miserable every day I'm gonna feel like God wants to say to me did I put all that on you or is that your codependency because you won't give anything up now you've long since you have long since known that you've needed to give up that small group you've been in for 4,000 years you what happens sometimes you know you don't want sometimes we get in a big fight with some money because actually God was telling us to make a move he was telling us to make many of he was telling us to make a move but because we did not want to be sad we have to get mad because it's always easier to go mad than it is sad what can we give up so we can endure what we have left then then there is it's complicated the cop out because actually it's not all that complicated it's just embarrassing and I don't want to explain it to you seem I know what I'm talking about there there's it's complicated the codependence this is when we don't want to explain a relationship because it's all entangled and enmeshed and sticky sometimes it's all that complicated it's just that it's all that unhealthy it's just unhealthy I love that assessment when he's got in private with his disciples he explained everything you know what I fear we're losing and we really are about to close what I fear we're losing in our culture today is the ability to be alone if you've got a rider in you that will never work it will never work because you can't just keep checking all your stuff when we just need to have our face to the page and study and write if we're gonna do anything any kind of project well anything it's not just instant gratification anything that's a long-term process we got to learn somehow how to moderate all this stuff in our lives we honestly when we get when we get home to Jesus and we were lost how distracted we were in the one era of time we've got a few days on this planet and we're gonna spend all of it on snapchat what the ever-loving world will we do with that when there's real life to be lived and we're looking at our phones at the table at a restaurant instead of being with one another we got face to face friendships to have face to face relationship I love all of it I love social media but what I've had to do is choose one thing and I just do the one thing I do the one thing and then I got to shut that thing off during the day then I listen I'm nobody to pattern yourself after but I'm just telling you if we want to live out our callings and fulfill our destinies we're not going to do that spending all of our time on social media it's not going to happen don't tell me but that's my ministry Instagram is your ministry really because I can tell you what your ministry is where it all comes down to a net lose out all sorts of different ways but your ministry is one thing that was mine the gospel the gospel the gospel the gospel the gospel there is a God in heaven who saves and redeems there is one and only glorious and beautiful and lovely son our Lord Jesus Christ and then there's just as complicated the credible truth it just absolutely is it just is complicated and it won't get part of it will not get uncomplicated here it will never be manifested here it will be manifested there but we will know we will know we will one day know as we have been known and he will untie every night but between now and then maybe he could uncomplicated things our past can so complicate our present we can't even enjoy our people I want to say this to you because I have been guilty of this a former relationship can leave us so ravaged that it ruins our present relationships some of you somebody in this room let me say for instance in the context of marriage you got you a really really good man but you don't trust him because there's one the thing the last one did this one hasn't even done it but the last one did and so it's ruining our present relationship and they didn't even do it we're punishing everyone we know for our dead mother complicated a former event can be so traumatic that it taints every terrific event we can't even enjoy a terrific event because of that tragic event and we keep holding these people responsible for somebody else's wrongdoing and refuse to trust this person because we couldn't trust that person I looked up complications in I googled the word complications well of course I did and in googling complications I found out how many people have died from complications died from complications died from complications over and over I gotta list this one I took just straight down from the internet straight down from the internet this person died of complications of this daaad of complications of that Dixie Carter died from complications arising from Kenzie cancer and e-world died of complications from routine gallbladder surgery all of these all of these Chesterfield man dies from complications of a snake bite it really really hit me they did not die of the condition they died of the complications we're just gonna dine our complications see something in us knows that the way to be able to get out from under our complications so many some will will not be unraveled until we sin but we could deal with a whole lot of a mirror and something instinctively in us knows that simplifying is the way to do it but here's what we do when we simplify when we decide to simplify in fleshly things to try to remedy our complication we go for simplest for oversimplifications like all men are alike well no they're not all men are liars won't no they're not all Christian leaders are different in the dark not true all of this kind of priests ear they're all child molesters no they're not all women are petty jealous and competitive no no they're not see instead of dealing with complicated no people are complicated people have a lot of layers to them no no no instead we're just gonna oversimplify all married people are better off in singles no they're not all single people are better off than they're no they're not the truth is it's more complicated than that and human generalizations can't accurately treat complications this is how I'll always be I'll never get over this I'll always be haunted by this I want to end in one verse with you would you turn with me got your Bibles with you to Colossians chapter 3 I can't answer for anybody else I can only answer for myself but I'm gonna tell you what does it for me and all of life's complications and boy did the Moors have something listen if anybody else has got a few people with the last name or have more it says like for us if a little is good more is better I mean we live up to that in every single frame of the word Colossians chapter 3 I want you to see a verse this or this is one of my life verses right here in verse 4 when Christ who is your life appears then you will also appear with him in glory it's that first half I love the second half because I want to appear with him in glory but it's that first half that gets me over and over again because it says this when Christ who is your life when Christ who is your life I want to tell you something cataclysmic happened to me when I went from trying to make God my top priority as if our whole life could somehow be set in drawers or cabinets and that he's on the top one and this is how when we were growing up some of you who were mines we were growing up it's all about setting priorities and that God was your top priority and that would come down to whatever whatever your family looks like whatever his family to you and then it would be charged and it'll be free we offer everything was set just like this we the thing about it is that just never works for me just never work for me because the drawers just kept getting all mixed up and I don't know how this happened but somewhere along the way this is what happened he could be in the top priority in my life and it was just like be my life be my life be my life I want you to be my everything I want everything sifted through you lord I blew you what I want when I get to the end of this life I you I want you I want you and so here's what I'm asking - I want air I'm a sweep of this whole mess this whole mess of my life all these scattered pieces all these fragments I'm just going to sweep them up sweep them up sweeping up in one big pile and I'm just gonna drop it in front of you here is my life right here and all its broken peace says be my life be my life you are my life that's the game changer that is a simplification that in the mess of complications just makes everything boil down to one thing my life and nothing can ever take you from me or me from you you are the only thing I could lose that could utter ly destroy me and you are the only thing I cannot lose would you pray with me lord our lives are complicated in the house I didn't have time to get into the floor it's not even in my notes but I even think being a Christian woman has its own complication I think in some ways it's even different from being just a woman being a woman is complicated enough then you add on being a woman of God in some ways that's even more complicated but to me Lord in a life of 25 knots when I just zero in on you and you are my everything and you are the sum of my life and everything I'm after Lord I bet 20 of them untangle right before my eyes simplification what is our life going to be about will it be about 40 different things and not giving any of them our whole self or will it be you Jesus you through whom my parent you who through who my grandparent you who through whom I try to be a wife and a neighbor and a sister to people it's you you I want you in the dark of night I want you in the morning stone I want you you are my life come come Jesus take us over because you cannot do us wrong in the mighty and beautiful name of Jesus amen
Channel: Godstrong Daily
Views: 264,772
Rating: 4.7097569 out of 5
Keywords: Life Today, Priscilla Shirer, James Robison, Gateway Church, Hillsong, Christine Cain, Sermon, Message, Teaching
Id: uklIEtvyuXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 55sec (3235 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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