When everything falls apart… | Lisa Harper

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we're incredibly blessed today to have one of the best Bible teachers in the country to share God's word with us Lisa Harper is here one of the most prominent teachers and preachers at conferences and women's events today she's in a gifted author and I think you're gonna really love how she makes the Bible just come alive when she teaches and I also think you're gonna be encouraged hearing God's goodness and faithfulness towards her and her family she has an amazing story in fact she brought a video just to share a little bit about what God has done in her family's life so we're gonna watch that then she's gonna be up here to preach and so when this video is done and she takes the stage let's give her the best elevation Church welcome possible are you ready to hear from God today all right you guys can take a seat take a look at the screens in April 2012 I jumped off a proverbial cliff and into the greatest adventure and joy of my life I began the process of adopting my little girl Melissa price Harper I love you her first mama Marie died as a result of undiagnosed days when Missy was just a baby unwittingly infecting her with HIV which was exacerbated by tuberculosis severe malnutrition and a host of other ailments doctors and port-au-prince didn't give Missy much of a chance but then again they didn't know my baby girl has the heart of a warrior our adoption process took two long years but I finally got to bring her home to Tennessee on April 14th 2014 just a few days before Easter which seemed especially fitting and her name was Missy and she was so slowly and her mama came to Haiti and said that's my baby brought her home to Tennessee yeah every single day sense has been better than the one before by the grace of God and great medical care Missy's health is now for HIV is completely undetectable and her lungs have no scars from the tuberculosis she suffered from as a toddler she even has killer abs which is really the only dead giveaway she's not my biological child we're surrounded by an incredible community of friends and family Missy has more doting aunts and uncles than just about any kid I know plus we've had the joy of getting to go back to the village she's from in Haiti and share the love of Christ with her extended family members Psalm 68 declares that God is a father to the fatherless a husband to the husbandless and he places the lonely and Families that's definitely our story and I plan on praising him over it for the rest of my life do you know what do you think how much you think I love you more than the whole world yep about that much even wider no way no way no way no way [Laughter] [Music] oh please be seated please be seated so tickled to be here I cannot even tell you how honored I am to be here please please please sit down you're gonna be mad at me in a minute anyway I'm just undone I feel like a donkey at the Kentucky Derby because I love Elevation Church i watch all online all the time from nashville deeply deeply respect what God has done through Holly and Pastor Steven and Jana Fela kale just epitomize Christ's admonition to be a city on a hill to be a light to the world so the fact that I get to be here just undoes me I do want to bring two qualifications because my main prayer leading up to this was that I wouldn't unwittingly throw a monkey wrench into what God is doing through y'all and three-year campuses and so I need to go ahead and qualify two things one is I'm old I'm much much older than pastor Steven or most of your pastoral staff and I'm also going through what some would call the change which is probably TMI gentleman but the reason I tell you that is because during the change I've developed a spiritual gift called projectile perspiration and I can pretty much aim where I'm gonna sweat and because it's a hundred and forty five degrees today and I'm Anna fluffy season that has exacerbated my spiritual gift and so y'all are gonna get wet all of you we're gonna call this SeaWorld in Charlotte and I think we just vote that it's a baptism it's just an extra baptism so that's my first qualification the second qualification is we're gonna talk this morning about the immutable that is the unchanging hope of Christ but the way we're gonna get there is through a true story in Scripture that some equate was sticking your hand in a blender and so I need you to hang with me when I tell you to turn in your Bibles to the book of Job so turn in the old testament to the true story of job if you'll head to the Psalms and then just back up you'll hit Jobe usually it's not a book we're super familiar with women we never crossed it this one because it's a hard story it's a tough story I so appreciate that Pastor Zach said that this had been a difficult week because I think all too often in Christian circles we act like once we commit our lives to Christ everything's perfect and I'm like that's not even biblically sound jesus said in this world you will have trouble he is a good god life can be incredibly hard sometimes you you lose your metabolism and your hair's chemically dependent but that's just me y'all have different kind of griefs you've been through and I think we do the world a disservice when as Christ followers we pretend like we never struggle anymore I think that's one of the reasons they think we're big fat hypocrites is because we aren't honest about the places where we need Jesus to carry us I was at a women's event recently and I asked a woman how I could pray for her and she said oh no I don't need prayer and I was like you're about to cuz I'm a punch you in the throat for being a liar there are seasons in our life where it is appropriate for us to say Lord I'm not sure I can handle this I'm not sure I can hike up this hill in front of me apart from you carrying me I'm not gonna make it through the next season of my life joke says exactly that now y'all probably know his story he's a really good guy and the first chapter it says that he is a righteous man he's an upright man some translations say he's a perfect man that doesn't mean he's sinless that just means he's a good guy it says that he's living a good life if he study all of his acquisitions he lived in the patriarchal period or pre patriarchal period they are exactly when this story took place but it was sometime between 1500 and a thousand years before the birth of Christ so long time ago and if you study his acquisitions based on that context it proves that he had about 11,000 servants if you include women and children he had vast agricultural holdings and most of his wealth was based in agriculture which I love that because I'm I'm old and this will this will just Telegraph my age I'm about to be 55 but I am not attracted to men and skinny jeans I'm much more attracted to a guy in Wranglers like with a John Deere and that's I mean that's just me but could be why I'm 54 and single but anyway that's kind of job you know here's this good guys living a good life he's got like a fleet of John Deere's there's a fish sticker on all of his John Deere's he's wearing Wranglers the knees are worn out and his Wranglers from prayin because also in Chapter one it says it is his continual habit to pray for his family he has seven sons three daughters and it says it is his continual habit in Chapter 1 most translations say early every morning but that's Hebrew idiom that just means it was his continual habit so he didn't necessarily set his iPhone for 5:30 every morning to get up and pray for his family but it was his continual habit so he's a good guy he's doing good things with his life he's living a good life and one of my favorite commentator says Joe was not filthy rich he was clean rich because he used a lot of his wealth to help the poor and the under privileged underserved the marginalized so this is this kind of great beginning of a story and then it turns into a train wreck because right after what we're taught all these things about this true guy this is not metaphor this is a historical tale this really happened right after we read those things we find out Jobe loses everything through no fault of his own as a matter of fact I don't have time to go here this is a rabbit trail hope it's redemptive but God actually is the one who causes jokes and we tend to think if I put the right quarter in God's Coke machine I'll get everything I want what we don't bargain for sometimes God wants to purify us and pain as a conduit for that sometimes God will prune us and it hurts like a dog and he says honey all you can experience right now is the pain what you can't see because you're human and you see through the glass dimly is around the corner from this this pruning is gonna cause prolific growth in your life if we could begin to trust that sometimes not all the times I would never say evil is divinely causative I would never say God caused cancer or or car wrecks that's that's just foolishness but sometimes the pain we walk through is directly from God in the case of Jobe he held Jobe up to that lion lizard we call Satan and says have you considered my servant joke his uprightness did not cause him to be immune from difficulty it actually promoted him to difficulty because God said I know this guy I know the way he's gonna walk through this difficult season it's gonna bring me glory y'all it would blow our hard drive if we would be gonna change our perspective on pain and go some of what I'm walking through is because God thinks that I can handle it in a way that eventually I'll bear more fruit and I will bring him glory so instead of trying to numb it or get around it or whine about it I'm just gonna walk toward him in the midst of this Jobe loses everything he's accumulated all of his wealth all of his servants died all ten of his children are killed and on the heels of that horrific tragedy his wife says and you probably remember this you may as well curse God and die now she's vilified in church culture has been since the beginning of church culture but I don't actually take much offense with mrs. Jobe because I can't imagine how I would react to something happening missing and this moment has just lost ten all ten of her children and so the fact that she reacts like that I think you know I probably would have cut him so the fact that all she says as you may as well curse God and die I think that makes sense to me for a mama who's in grief and in shock Jobe meanwhile says nothing he loses all of the losses his health his wealth loses his family loses everybody loves except for his grumpy wife and his response were told at the end of chapter one is he shaves his head he tears his robe those were signs of extreme grief in this era and then it says he worships in that beautiful Yahoo because usually we think to be in grief or to be sad or to be even depressed that that is the opposite end of the spectrum of worship and God says now to have a broken heart and raised hands that's actually the same continuum as a matter of fact I think is a deeper more sacrificial worship to worship like Habakkuk and Joe though it feels like you are slaying me yet will I still raise my hands and sing hallelujah because even though I don't understand while I'm walking through this I trust that you're a good God and I trust it ultimately ultimately all of this is for my good and for your glory as a ecause that blind faith sometimes it's actually just put one foot in front of the other Jenna that perky is not listed as a spiritual gift you know I used to think it was I used to think there was this there was this continuum and there were emotions that were approved by God and those were like that happy perky emotions no I'm doing great victory victory and then the emotions over here that were man it's tough I know Jesus will bring the victory I'm victory minded but man today I am in the pit I'll be like you know what you're just a Prozac Christian that's inappropriate to see that those two God oftentimes brings them together and says if you praise me when everything is going great well good it's kind of like Luke 6 if you love those who love you until you look skinny in those jeans what good is it to you but if you praise me and if you love people who don't love you well that actually is more pure and undefiled worship and that's where Jobe is he's being honest about his stuff he's saying this hurts I don't like this I didn't pray for this I didn't dream of this but I trust you I'm still gonna worship you he's being honest he's bringing all of him to all of God he's not editing and just bringing the part of him that's perky to God he's bringing all of him to all of God I appreciated Lauren's testimony that she said I thought if I transferred schools maybe a new peer group would make me feel better now some of us feel the same way even though we're older than Loren if only I had better friends if only I had a promotion if only I got the proposal I've been hanging on for some of us are always thinking if I got that greener grass then I'd be hopeful and I'm like man we need a bigger hero don't we because the hero we've got to hold on for is Jesus our Redeemer King Jesus who eclipses these momentary things we think will give hope and healing he's so much bigger than a peer group he's so much better than a promotion or proposal he is what our souls long for most and even though Jobe was suffering well he like us sees through the glass dimly so he didn't always get it God says he didn't sin in his grief and y'all it's important for us to know that grief is not sin where we go in our grief it's where we get in trouble and and I'm gonna say one thing and I hope I don't get eggs thrown at me for this but healthy grief godly grief does not demand an audience or applause healthy grief godly grief does not demand an audience or applause we've gotten so used to airing our aches and pains on social media and if we don't get enough likes or enough follows we think nobody's being nice to me and I'm like God never intended us to bring all of ourselves to all of humanity he's like no you bring all of you to all of me I'm the one who has healing I'm the one who has healing if you feel compelled when you AG to run to social media before you run to your Savior y'all that's not real grief that's actually self-indulgent whining we have got to run to Jesus first geez is our hope now before I totally grind your toe into the carpeting I want to encourage those of you who feel like you're stuck in Hawaii season that joke epitomizes that to joke chapter 19 verse 13 this is the nadir this is the very bottom of his experience he is at the deepest level of the pit and here's what he says it's not perky at all interesting that God says he didn't sin here because I want you to listen to how depressed he is he has put my brother's far from me and those who knew me are wholly estranged from me this is job chapter 19 verse 13 verse 14 my relatives have failed me my close friends have forgotten me the guests in my house and my maid servants count me as a stranger I've become a foreigner in their eyes I called him my servant but he gives me no answer I must plead with him with my mouth for mercy my breath is strange to my wife that's not a great translation a better translation is King James my breath is offensive to my wife in other words they are not sleep in the same bed he's on the couch they are not getting jiggy with it even though they are married even young children despised me when I rise they talk against me all my intimate friends abhor me and those whom I loved have turned against me I've got nothing no friends you know whom no reputation I've got nothing I feel absolutely despondent have you ever been there ever been in the place you think I can put on a happy face at church but man I hate when I'm facing when I go home this is a little more than I bargained for I started the adoption process when I was in my late 40s and I got matched initially with a precious young woman who was a prostitute and hardcore crack addict I told the adoption agent I don't want a kid that has the chance a good chance at a mom and a dad I think that's the best-case scenario so I would much rather be considered for a child who doesn't have much of a shot because in my opinion as a single woman best case scenario for a kid is dabba mama Anna daddy and I said so if there's a child who doesn't look like they have a great shot for that then I think maybe a fluffy single woman in Tennessee would be a better option than death in a third world war finish or in a precarious situation of states and I got matched with this precious kid hard core crack addict I spent seven months in relationship with her I spent Christmas that year in the crack house because when I was with her she used a lot less and I just fell in love with this little mama because she was desperate 23 years old don't have time to tell you her backstory but I will tell you if I had a her back story I would be very tempted to abuse narcotics as well to numb the pain of what she had walked through I'm almost 55 and I can tell y'all I have yet to meet a woman who has struggled with abuse or solicitation who asked for a prostitute Barbie when she was 5 or 6 years old we are so quick in the church to turn our noses down at people who use different things to medicate their pain instead of recognizing you know what I'm not condoning the sin but lord have mercy what led them to medicate that way let me pray for that let me see the wounded little girl and the wounded little boy that drove them to that trajectory I spent seven months with this kid desperately hoped she would come to know Jesus get in recovery we formed a really close relationship I told all my friends in Nashville don't don't throw me any baby showers I said this is such a precarious adoption the doctors are saying it will be an absolute miracle if she carries the baby to term if the baby even survives because she just couldn't let go of the crack and I said so don't don't give me any gifts just pray just pray that God's will will be done that first of all Marie will be rescued from the life that she's just ensnared in and pray for the baby's health but don't give me any baby gifts well a week before Marie was going to be induced I got a phone call from the adoption agency and she said Lisa it is great news she said every T has been crossed every eye has been dotted you're going to bring in a price home Marie had let me name her baby girl and I named her Ana after Anna and Luke chapter 2 you remember she was the process who waited and waited and waited held on to her hope for a real hero in Jesus and saw so admire Anna and my little brothers middle name is price and our family's a little jerry springer ish and so i thought that'll kind of redeem our family's lineage and so i named your enterprise the adoption agent said you're gonna get to bring anna price home and i was like you are kidding me and she said no she said actually all the entities involved have agreed that you were the only one legally allowed to bring her home from the hospital so when i got off the phone with adoption agent i immediately called my mom and I said mama you're gonna have granddaughter because my sister has two boys my little brother has a son and that would be a no price was gonna be my mom's first granddaughter and so we cried on the phone we were both so excited so excited at what God had redeemed in this story got a fun with my mom called two or three other friends we all cried because guys that's what women do who were happy even when you have not one cell of estrogen left in your body we just it still is kind of the thing we do whom we're happy and so anyway we we all cried on the phone and and then when I got off the third phone call there was a knock at the door I go to the door it's the UPS guy and he hands me this big box and I saw on the return address it was from a friend of mine in Atlanta and I opened it up and her note basically said I know you told us not to give you any baby gifts but she said Lisa I know like I know my name that you're gonna bring in a price home and I also know the generational sin and her family is gonna end with you and that's why I'm giving you this gift because I believe there's gonna be purity infused in the rest of her life and she give me a miniature white fur coat yeah her husband has done really well and and I sat back down on the couch and I cried harder because nobody's ever given me a fur coat and and then a few minutes later the phone rings again and I saw from caller ID it was the adoption agent and I thought I've just forgotten to send in some paperwork you probably need to sign something in skiing it and send it to or but as soon as I heard her voice I knew it wasn't good news and I'm not at liberty to tell y'all what happened the details of what happened but the bottom line is the bottom fell out of our adoption and we lost that little mama she did not go in recovery and I lost Anna Price and I don't have words to wrap around what I felt in that moment I felt like my heart had been just cut outside of my chest and I don't know how long i sat there crying they weren't happy tears anymore for the phone ring again a song caller ID it was my mom and I thought oh good night how I'm gonna tell my momma that she's not gonna have a granddaughter after all I don't have the emotional wherewithal to to even talk much less explain what just happened and then I fight you know if I don't answer the phone my mama's just gonna keep calling I don't know if y'all's mama is like that and and then I fight you know if I don't answer after about thirty minutes she's gonna call 9-1-1 and so I thought I need to go ahead and deal with this and I thought I'm just gonna keep it short and I said hey mama and she didn't even notice that my voice was broken she just real quickly said baby I'm so sorry to call you with bad news on such a celebratory day but I'm scared and I need you to pray she said I just got off the phone with my doctor and she said what we thought was an ongoing bladder infection is actually a pinda seal cancer and she said honey the cancers metastasized to at least three of my major organs and my prognosis isn't good and I'm scared and I need you to pray for me so I just prayed on the phone with my mom at that point I didn't tell her about losing in a price got off the phone in just a few minutes after that it rang again I saw it's my daddy my mom and my dad divorced when I was five years old long acrimonious divorce so my dad didn't know anything about my mama and my dad I hadn't told him that morning about Anna price and I thought oh goodness gracious you know I just can't deal with my daddy right now but he's kind of like my mama and that he would just keep calling and I thought I'm just gonna try to keep it short and I said hey Dad and he said honey I need your help he said I just got home from my surgeon and he said they did the scans again my father battled colon cancer successfully we thought five years previously and he said honey of the cancers back and send my lungs and it's in my bones and doctors given me two months to live he said no I'm okay I'm totally fine I know exactly where I'm going but I'm worried about your sister so I want you to get on the phone I want you to explain this to your sister I told y'all we're Jerry Springer and so I prayed with my dad got off the phone with my dad and I just collapsed on the couch and I don't know how long i sat there I mean I just thought I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to peel my heart up off the pavement and I thought Lord you've picked the wrong girl I mean I'm not this faithful you needed to get Chris Kane or Holly Furtick for this I mean I can't I'm not gonna walk this well and then I just had kind of this jarring epiphany of oh good night I've got an early flight in the morning because I have to go to Kansas City and speak at a conference for Christian leaders on the faithfulness of God and I thought Lord I'm I'm not sure I can even make it to the plane much less speak honestly about your faithfulness when I feel like my heart has been cut out of my chest y'all here's who our Jesus is he is not a fair-weather friend we don't have a bridegroom who stands in front of the judge and says for better that's all just for better like I'm out if worse comes that's not who our bridegroom is jesus says when your heart is broken I'm right there when you feel like you're crushed I am near to you when you can't walk I will carry you my love for you will not fade and it will not fail even when your faith is fickle or frail or broken I'm right here I'm not leaving so that you will not be destroyed Malachi 3:6 his hope y'all is immutable it doesn't change we change we wax and wane depending on our circumstances but he doesn't his love is dead fast and that's exactly what Jobe comes to it's exactly what I came to the next morning Janet wasn't even hard to stand up and say our God is faithful because even the next morning after I felt like I lost most of my heart I could look back over my life and go I've never seen his back I have never seen it God's back he is a good god he's a faithful God he's kind he's never left my side even when I am in the pit his presence sustains me right after Jobe says I can't take this anymore there's this sharp turn and he says next what most of us know because we've heard Nicole Mullen sing it he says verse 25 for I know that my redeemer lives I'm at the deepest point of the pit but I know my redeemer lives I know he lives and at the last he will stand upon the earth and after my skin has been thus destroyed after my metabolism has thus been shot yet in my saggy flesh that's just a little Liberty with the Hebrew I shall see God whom I shall see for myself the psalmist says when I see him face to face it'll be enough they all what's so interesting about what Joe says here about his redeemer the word he uses therefore Redeemer in Hebrew is go well and it's most commonly translated kinsman redeemer and most of y'all know a kinsman redeemer could rescue somebody in their family didn't have to be a close family member could be like a 17th cousin but if you were somewhere in the family circle of a kinsman redeemer they could rescue you from a minor emergency like girls let's just say you got all fired up about a shoe sale at the rack and you ran your visa up too high you could text your kinsman redeemer and say I am in trouble I'm not gonna be able to pay the rent next month but I got some pretty shoes and your kinsman redeemer could say I'm gonna pay off your debt and they don't go to the rack for a while but I'm gonna pay off your debt so they could rescue you from a minor emergency or if you had a major emergency let's say you're facing incarceration your kinsman redeemer could stand between you and the judge and clean plead for leniency or they could even take your incarceration your punishment upon themselves you all know Ruth story you know Boas her kinsman redeemer redeemed her from a life of poverty and shame as a widow as a childless Widow and then they after they got married had a son named Obed 39 generations later Jesus see the ultimate kinsman redeemer was born through their lineage so Jobe says my kinsman redeemer might go well is coming for me so that's normal relatively speaking actually in that era of history they didn't even use the word Redeemer but God makes the veil thin in pain doesn't he if we look up you'll actually see him more clearly when you ache than you do when everything's hunky-dory he says my kinsman redeemer is coming what's curious about this is in chapter 16 he said God is my accuser God go L is the one who has brought this calamity upon me so it's curious that he would say God is both the one who has punished me and the one who is going to redeem me unless unless job's saw what we know now because of where we are in redemptive history unless job's saw one is coming who is gonna shrug into the orange jumpsuit meant for me so God my judge does wear the black robe of perfect holy divine judge and he has brought this upon me in his sovereignty but Jesus is coming and he's gonna redeem me and when I see him face to face it's gonna be enough my redeemer is coming y'all it's amazing what joke sees Jew he uses messianic terminology in this book that's a thousand years before the birth of Christ he uses messianic terminologies that's used nowhere else in that period of literature he sees Jesus is coming jesus is coming that's his posture we would get that in the pit if we look up we will see Jesus more clearly than ever before we would not fear pain now I'm not saying we'd all be massive masochist or sadist but we would go you know what this - somehow this - will be for my good and for his glory so I'm gonna walk it I'm not gonna try to get around it I'm not gonna hide I'm not gonna none that I'm just gonna walk it because he thinks sounds strong enough for this and I'm so grateful my God has such a high high expectation of me so I'm gonna walk it as well as I can I'm gonna be honest about it I'm gonna bring all of me - all of him but I'm gonna be honest about it two weeks after I lost enterprise I was in a waiting room hospital waiting room in Orlando Florida waiting to hear from the surgeon who was operating on my momma and after four and a half hours he called and he said least I've got mostly good news he said most of the cancer was encapsulated he said we weren't able to get all of it but we got most of it he said here's the deal your momma will die but she's gonna die of old age she's not gonna die from the cancer he said so I've got a good report well two days later that same surgeon called and he said Lisa the cancer was successful but your mother is doing poorly he said your mother's numbers continue to plummet he said I think she was so weak coming into the surgery that her body just can't handle such a difficult surgery and he said if her numbers don't turn around in the next 24 hours we're gonna lose your mother he said I know you to be a woman of faith and so I would just encourage you to pray well my sister and I were keeping vigil over my mama's bed she was still in ICU had had barely been conscious since she had come out of surgery and that afternoon my mom rouse just a little bit as she whispered I need to see your father my sister looked at me and I looked at her and she went because our dad my stepfather John angel who my mom married when I was six years old he had passed away the year before and we thought mama was just so addled from the morphine that she didn't remember that he had passed away and so I leaned over mom and I tried to say as gently as I could my mom I'm sorry but daddy daddy passed away he remember daddy and he died last year and she said not my sister and I were just stunned my mom and my daddy hadn't spoken really in 40 years and there's no love lost between my mom and my dad Harper and so I walked outside of her hospital room and I called my daddy this is the one who had the lung cancer and it was in his bones and I said daddy you know mama is out of surgery but she's not doing well and he said okay and I said the doctor told us if her numbers don't change in the next day were likely to lose her and I said daddy she's she's asking for you and he said all right he said give me about an hour and I'll be there my dad was a little man about five 750 pounds soaking wet I got my mama's genes and he put himself through college busting Broncs in the rodeo because he was little but he was tough he's like John Wayne jr. and he comes swaggering down the hospital corridor and he comes up to my sister and I were standing outside of my mom's room and he goes Lisa Theresa I love you girls and I need some privacy with your mother she'll need to stay out here then he walks in to be with my mama and I was like we're gonna be on the news she's gonna go in and put a pillow over her head outside this is like all four he's in there's about 20 minutes he comes out and he says girls I love you your momma's gonna be all right I'll be back here same time tomorrow Swagger's off why go bustin under a room to make sure she's still breathin and and Mama's sitting up for the first time since before the surgery she's got color back in her face and she said girls your father anointed me with oil I'm going to be fine two days later two days later they released my mom from the hospital but that's not the huge miracle she was with me last week in Nashville Tennessee she's 81 she walked 6 miles a day that's not it's not the biggest miracle the biggest miracle is from April of 2012 until February 5th of 2013 my mama and my daddy had been estranged for 40 years they talked on the phone every single day or they saw each other my mama is the very last person he was sitting next to my father's deathbed holding his hand and reading the Bible to my daddy it was a Redemption it was a healing it was a miracle that I didn't even have the faith to pray for and I thought only God only God could bring this kind of glory out of that kind of heartache only God two days before my mama went into surgery I got a phone call it was from a friend of mine who had just been to Haiti and she said Lisa know you're still grieving in a price but I just got back from Haiti and one of the young mamas died of AIDS and there's a little girl that she left behind who's 2 years old she has HIV in cholera and tuberculosis the doctors have given her two months to live and I just wondered if you'd be willing to pray about being her mama and I said no I'm not willing to pray about it I've been praying about this for 30 years she signed me up well I did not know I did not know that the greatest Redemption and restoration of my life would come after a river of tears and that's what I've come back to tell y'all I want to bring you a good report if you are in a difficult season maybe like young Lauren you just feel like I need better friends I've got some miserable comforters like job maybe you longed for your marriage to be as close as it once was maybe you just need a job I want to encourage you to stay the course your Redeemer has already come for you your redeemer will restore what seems irreparably broken your Redeemer is enough the stand and worship never leaves [Music] presents hey thanks for watching the Elevation Church YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute click the subscribe button on your screen that way you won't miss a single video and if this ministry has impacted you and you'd like to partner with us to continue to reach others you can click the link in the description below to give now thanks again for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 927,143
Rating: 4.9090652 out of 5
Keywords: lisa harper, lisa harper sermons, lisa harper sermons 2018, elevation church, elevation church 2018 sermons, elevation church sermon, steven furtick, lisa harper my redeemer lives, elevation church my redeemer lives, the elevation church, elevation sermons 2018, elevation sermons, my redeemer lives, elevation church charlotte nc, lisa harper elevation church
Id: wrNtwp5i-IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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