Christian has an intense conversation with a Jehovah Witness

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what's up yard assistant Perry this is another episode of truth so if you guys can remember a while back I did a series on Jehovah's Witnesses teaching you what they believe and how the Bible contradicts what they believe but on this video you're gonna actually see me talking to Jehovah's Witnesses out in the street I have a conversation with this guy named Anton who was our job as a witness and we had a very intense but yeah respectful conversation about the Scriptures and about what God thinks about the scriptures about Charles taze Russell and a myriad of other things one thing I want you guys to notice is how I approached him in the video the way I approached him is a way that won't allow their guards to be up but for them to drop their guards in a sense for me to have a conversation long enough to give them truth and a lot of times I think when we talk to Jehovah's Witnesses we immediately hit them on the head with Scripture and they feel attacked or they feel like you know maybe I should stray away from this conversation and we don't have a conversation long enough to even give them truth so I try to do a good job of giving them dignity giving them respect and easing into the conversation so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video throughout the video I'm going to be interjecting explaining some things that might be confusing check it out we heard about God's oh no you got a free if you like it okay I've heard of guys Kingdom what is both so God's kingdom was a real government in heaven Jesus Christ is king the ruling is king for a while now and basically soon that Kingdom is going to bring about God's purpose for the earth for Bangkok I think I think Jehovah's Witnesses before but I've never seen them dressed as nice you guys dress really really nice yes so there's a lot of promises that God has for the future it's all outlined in the Bible most of them have come true already yeah so what we tried to help people come to see that there's we're living a special time where the rest of his promises are going to come true - and he has a whole plan set up he's going to do that it's all outlined in the Bible Wow well I'm a Christian and that's good to know that you guys out here talking about God I believe in the Lord I keep my Bible with me so that's every time I see somebody talking about the scriptures and God I always want to want to talk to them I believe that Jesus is the true and the Living God II do you guys really get as well no it's a little bit you know we don't believe he's the true and living God we believe you know the his his father want to pray - yeah you may have you may remember he was praying the quarry before he shortly before he died Lebanon my will but yours take place yeah the garden was disciples and he prays an angel comes and strengthens him uh-huh you may remember that I read that if this cup can pass for me and let it pass okay yeah I remember the Garden of Gethsemane yeah it's actually good so that person he's praying to we believe he's the one and true God well the only true God okay well so what I believe is a physical Christian I believe that Jesus is not the same person as the Father time but we value that Jesus the father and the Holy Spirit are all equally God but they're different in persons that's what Christians believe them so I don't believe that that the Jesus of the Bible is the same as the father but we believe that there is one guy Chris different persons the same God same guy yes that's the man that's what the Trinity I believe seasons when it says the 20 out three that bear record in heaven the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in these three are one four years ago that is what the Trinity teaches the Bible teaches us what the Bible says and John's without three that bear record in heaven the father the son and the holy spirit in these three I want yes yeah this um this American that's a very common or popular scripture in the can you read it he gave religion or the King James Version I think I have an ad that is be version with me right now papa so my question just curious if you don't believe that Jesus is God when he believed Jesus was really Jesus's God's only be going son okay so before he came to boy came to City article was he he was God's only begotten son the firstborn of creation so yes before we got created anything else he created his son Jesus Christ and that's what there's a lot of scriptures I result but you believe that Jesus was created usually that he was the first boy yes it's uh gonna show you yeah show me that no sure so I'll show you just two scriptures in that kid what's the trip taken taking me to Colossians chapter one and verse 15 okay he's the firstborn of all creation yes okay that's right yeah if it says that we know this is talking about Jesus of course yeah because uh you know in the context thirteen yeah definitely believe that it Colossians says that he's the first one of all the creation he was all things were created through him and for him yes right and notice here too that this is something that a lot of people miss out verses glanced over versus a he's the image or the invisible God the image of the invisible God oh yeah and so if you crazy oh I believe that is allow me to cut you off no I believe that is what I believe that Christ is the one who has come and made the father physically no this is the reason why I say this is reason why it's called a manual and imagine well in the in the original language means God with us right yes so but the word firstborn they're like do you do you do believe that the word was written in Koine Greek right oh yeah it was this this part of it was written in Greek so so my question to you is the word firstborn there in the original Greek if you look up the word first one what it means it means for total cost pol Co Co Kos and the word of hope so total cost means preeminent work what was readmitted of all things so handing on the context they take on the right meaning yeah I know and I think that's I think that's what it means in a proper context because yeah if you look up the word firstborn in the Greek for total cost means one who is preeminent that's what it means in the Greek language the language that this is written a non it doesn't mean look what I give you an example for example if you turn to Psalm 89 27 sure one other point yeah so this point about him being the image is visible God yes give me the firstborn of all creation you imagine you know if you look into the image image like in the mirror hey if that mirror is reflecting your image yeah but that mirror isn't you you were you were the Bible no makes them Allah mentioned how God is uh he's invisible you know John said himself knowing that seeing God yeah and all you mentioned it and the Gospel John and also in his letter to John no one has seen God but John himself has been had dealing with Jesus many times so the reason why we believe firstborn in this scripture means literally firstborn of all creation is because when you couple that with the fact they also called the only begotten Son of God you know what only be God means it's like uh like we're all begotten if our parents at one point he didn't exist until you know we were perceived and then born yes so that's something evilly that's what it mentions about Jesus Christ dude Jack can I explain something well cannot can I say something yeah so so he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all of creation so to two observations that I want to make right here is that we see the word firstborn is in literal because we know Christ wasn't born in heaven right they didn't procreate in heaven right so he wasn't physically born right that's just help us understand right the concept of God creating his son birth yah-tchi so the point I'm trying to make is right he wasn't he wasn't physically born right I think I think we were sure looting too is that the firstborn means that he was physically created but it doesn't it says the firstborn over all creation it doesn't say that he was created it says he's the first boy first one of all yeah so someone what I was saying with though what the word for total costs if you look up the original Greek for total cost means preeminent one one who's preeminent over all things right this the reason why says all things are made through him this is why in John 1 it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made right because he made all things so because he made all creation that's the reason why he's preeminent over all the creation that's why he's the protocols of all of creation there's a lot of reasons why he would be you know over its being the first one correctly created by God and also you know the first place but I get what you're saying but what I'm saying is I think I don't think it's fair I don't think this scripture is pointing to his creation it's not one particular scripture why we believe that Jesus is the first you know first corner was created by his father Geoghan yeah it's many scriptures and it's the understanding of the whole context of the Bible that why we Jesus Christ is solar can you turn this off he naturally 7 because it will but the word firstborn I understand I know exactly what you're talking about what what scripture so soft a 9:27 it says that King David is the firstborn over all of the kings you see the Saint lingers right with Hebrew language yeah but he's he's the firstborn King wasn't the first like buttfart literal literal thing yeah it was he the first created King the first King doctrine so but so we see the same language being used with King David because that were and this time mean the total if you just type in for total cost PilT oh those are the details Hebrew Scriptures help truck up Oh No well it sounds interesting that's that's that's actually a Greek word yeah the New Testament was written in Koine Greek right so this the Hebrew Scriptures in Psalms was a good friend was a Hebrew word yeah we get the Old Testament was written yeah yeah but but but in the first century period right the word yeah God first born man made three minutes so has anyone shown you from sin the Bible why we'd you know why we teach exactly who Jesus Christ is because that is a that is a pretty I would love for you to explain it to me I would love to just learn and explain to me I got one I got one maybe two other scriptures that it's completely explained our understanding of the scriptures on this okay it's point I've had to talk with a Hebrew Israelite and he don't want to ask another none of my questions so the fact that you answer my questions I really appreciate it I want to just argue for argument's sake I really appreciate it it's it's at the very least we come to understand at least why we view things you know like for example if the at the very end of it at least you understand why we believe yeah and I respected us and what you guys are doing that's the biggest iPad I've ever seen in my life but this scripture here this is something on this is a big one for a lot of us this is a really nice one in John 20 verse 17 talking about Jesus you know this is the resurrected Lord Jesus now that's how it's very powerful John 20:17 so this is what Mary she finds him and that she grabs him doesn't want to let him go jesus said to her stop clinging to me well I've not yet ascended to the Father but go and tell my brothers and say to them I am ascending to my father and your father and to my god and your God so a few points here Jesus clearly states that he has a guy yeah and you know Jesus when he was on earth he worship God many times nowadays can I tell you my opinion up in Scripture so here we I believe that God is triune right so there's the Father Son and the Holy Spirit so when Jesus recognizes his father he's not saying that it's nothing wrong with some acknowledging that the father is God just because Jesus acknowledged that the father is guy it doesn't automatically disqualify God who says that he's his God so so I believe that the father in the Sun it has referred to each other as God having they know the hand father's never polish so before Jesus came to the earth who what in he exists but he exists assets in heaven yeah he was much like another angel in heaven much look I mean we and I wasn't there to tell you exactly what he looked like he was an angel in heaven it was much like an angel in heaven yes he was the firstborn of all creation so before God created anything else he created his son Jesus Christ okay so then through his son pushing all of the wish he may may gaym Anton Anton I was call you Antoine I don't want to get it wrong can you turn in Hebrews 1:5 for me sure Hebrews 1 5 that's my favorite book it's one of my favorite books soon but I'm also in that scripture of interest say he says go to my brother's so we also know that God doesn't have brothers either so how can Jesus called his disciples brothers if he's not also a created being just like his brothers were because he people because he came and some to live in the flesh so when he when he became a human he had brothers and Jesus is our brother right because he's a he's a son of who the son of the father and he's hot he's our brother but it doesn't mean he's a big shot it makes it powerful we because he was created just like everyone else okay with all due respect ants why you rarely haven't shown me where it says he was created but let's get to it because if I'm wrong I don't want the other ones I can show you where besides that creation you can't asides the firstborn one there's one other okay but look let me go to Hebrews right quick so he brews one five Yeah right here it says this it says it says for for which of God's angels did I ever say you are my son today I have begotten you or again I will be to him a father and he should be to me a son so here it says that God has never told any angel today I have begotten you he says he has never told an angel today I will be to him a son he did we get this angels there what does the Angels run around before God created them yeah but this is what I'm saying right here it says for which up for which of the Angels did God ever say a rhetorical question you are my son today I have begotten you or again I would be to him a father he shall be to me a son and again when he brings his firstborn into the world referring to Jesus he says let all God's angels worship Him all the angels he says he makes his angels wins and his ministers a flame of fire but of the Sun he says your throne O God capital G is for ever and ever in the scepter of young rightness is a scepter of your kingdom so they're right here the father calls Jesus God in capital G what a get in the paint it says but what would son but even in verse 9 and both of ours dimensions that that's why God your God so God God God those feet God anoints Jesus and Jesus acknowledged it see God adds God as his thing but about the Sun he says God is your loan you know think that's the seat here's the thing gotta go Jesus no no here's the thing this is the only translation in the whole world it says this well yeah mine says this the ESV but I can show you in every other translation it says but at the Sun he says your throne O God is for ever in ever if you look at the King James Version it says your throne O God is for ever and ever as well but that doesn't automatically say that like first is you can know it did I can use those scriptures like let me I'll give you just a quick using and so I think you I think it's kind of clear right it says but other son he says your throne O God is for ever and ever in the scepter of your rightness is scepter of your kingdom if you look down right here you can see I study this is highlighted it says and you O Lord laid the foundations of the earth from the beginning and the heavens are the work of your hands so it says that Jesus created heavens in the air it doesn't quite say that well but I can I can let's read it says it says your throne O God is forever no no no I'm just sitting okay great yeah it was you do that call I called somebody the rain started coming down okay get on it says I'm sorry what's your name I'm counting Preston nice to meet you so one thing I think is important for us to know is that when we talked at your home as witnesses out on the streets typically there is one leader sometimes there might be two leaders and the other job is witnesses that our present typically are quiet they don't speak much and that's what's happening right here as you see I'm talking to ants on but there are three other Jehovah's Witnesses who don't say anything and the reason why that is is because the Jehovah's Witnesses typically have people with them who are in training job as witnesses who are learning how to evangelize and to preach God's kingdom and all of that stuff so that's the reason why when I'm talking to ants on the other Java's Witnesses are not talking at all but when this main guy Calvin walks up as you can see how ants are thought to look kind of you know nervous and the other Jehovah's Witnesses sought to kind of look nervous and he looks like man like why are you having a conversation with this guy with these trainees right here in front of me so that's why Calvin takes the Jehovah's Witnesses away what you're about to see and I'm just left talking to Anton and his friend for the rest of the conversation all right what's your name I'm counting Preston nice to meet you nice to meet you but it says your throne O God is for ever and ever and the steps of your riding is acceptable your kingdom still referring to Jesus and it also says and you O Lord laid the foundation of the earth from the beginning my rep I think we have to start wrapping up but my whole point with them just wanting to share this with you is that there's - there's a dialogue between two different persons yeah so what I saw what is what it's Thomas called Jesus God in John that's actually a much like a Hebrew idiom where they all my Lord and my god just like somebody would burst out oh my god but even though if I said oh my god I'm not well he did say oh my god when Jesus when Jesus came back from the dead right he told him to put his hands on his side but his hands on this on his hands and to believe that he was the risen Christ and Thomas fell down and said my Lord and my god and then Jesus responds and says silence you I believe because you've seen but blessed are those who who haven't seen and yet still believe you know he comes so Thomas called Jesus my Lord and my god why there's a couple different reasons why that first is the one that was the Hebrew idiom where's like all my I get there I get the Hebrew idiom like I get that when somebody says oh my god but he didn't say oh my god he said my my lorry made it personal suppose my Lord in my aboard in my dog exclamation mark yes so when he said my lord that my god was he not worshiping God Jesus is God no it was not was he was he not acknowledging Jesus is God no he was not somebody even called him down in fact right before that Jesus told Mary to go tell his brothers that go to my brother's telling that I have not yet ascended to my god to your God to my father and your father so here at just gotten that information I get it I get it what I'm saying is when at that moment not before then at that moment when he stuck his hands in Jesus side and such hands in the in this ministry and it's stuck his finger in his holes in his hands and he said it's my Lord and my god and he fell down was he not acknowledging Jesus as God no he was so why did he call Jesus God he then called Jesus God he's I got talking about the Hebrew idiom there's actually you teach me about that yeah sure there's a few of them like for instance um the angel of the in the in the Hebrews at the angel of Jehovah yeah that stuff that's one of the biggest things about him the reason why have you heard that name Jehovah before yes okay that that name to hopes the name of God one of the name of God the personal name of God so on this part we talked about Hebrew idioms so what the idiom is is something that is not to be taken literally it is translated into another language for example in the English language or in America we say each of heart out but in someplace else when somebody say each other heart out they might take that literal like you really want me to eat my heart out that makes no sense so when I asked him why did Thomas called Jesus my Lord and my God he's saying that we shouldn't take this literal because he's not meaning it literal he's saying oh my god right in the Hebrew language so I knew two things in this situation one he kind of made this up or two it was something that he has been talked to the watchtower organization but I knew for a fact that he didn't really know how to defend it because it literally didn't make sense so instead of accusing him we'll call him a liar to be argumentative what I said was can you teach me about that and when I accent King he'd teach me about that watch what he does he changes the subject he didn't call Jesus God he's I got talking about the Hebrew idiom there's actually uh thing you teach me about that yeah sure there's a few of them like for instance uh the angel of the in the in the Hebrews that the angel of Jehovah yeah that stuff that's one of the biggest things about him the reason why have you heard that name Jehovah before yes okay that that named your hopes the name of thought the name of God one of the name of God the personal name of God well yeah to hold the Jehovah and that that personal name identifies the person alone like that's um I'll share this is we have to have to leave hey I could just leave to two things with you may give you a little understand about you know why we're very I guess adamant about food God is yes but uh and then I'll share that one about the creation because I have to tell my friends but this one is in the famous scripture here and in that Hebrews Oh unfortunately I'll have enough time to go to explain that but um I see no no conflict in the reading there oh yeah and I wish I wish because I wish we had enough time to talk about this Hebrew description because I put all due respect I don't really think you answered the question of why the father has said your throne O God is for ever and ever maybe you can answer it for me my father is a scripture of prophecy so Jesus throne was going to always be established by God so so the father the father was able to call God the Father is not calling him God there's buses this is Paul but this is what it says it says it says he makes his angels wins and his ministers a flame of fire but of the Sun he says you're a throne O God your throne O God but of the Sun he who was he who was the heat in this instruction when it says but of the Sun he who was he it's a lowercase he yeah not of the Sun the Sun he says yeah yeah so it says so it says it says the father's never caught it we can go into translation I would say that that's not a very accurate translation of the scripture but I think ours is a much much more clearer well correct me if I'm wrong I did a little research in the New World Translation wasn't even founded it's a 19 1951 right but so that sort of the Jehovah's Witness translated translations besides ours that wool very well can you show me one other translation sure in a Byington Byington translation but it's at other is a watchtower no I've never heard we might be pretty like for instance the watchtower like where's our relation being gained five votes for credit you a couple other Bibles can you show me another scripture that's that doesn't that doesn't call him the father agree that we can't hold such a yeah such a huge thing on once on one Scripture yeah if you want to go to other scriptures we can and I think I think it's I think it's important to wrestle through these things because one of the reasons why I'm passionate about this is because I believe that it's important for people to worship the truth and a living Christ and if I'm not mistaken the New World Translation was published in 1951 so what Chavez witnesses are essentially claiming is before 1951 no one had a true an accurate translation by accurate enough to receive the truth so my cell thing is with in with our translation we put God's name back into the Bible like those God's name in the so God's name God name God name wasn't in the Bible before the New World Translation God's name was originally like persons when Moses and the other prophets were describing God's Word uh-huh they put in that name Jehovah thousands of times maybe you pick up a modern translation like for instance this one the King James Version King James King James took out God's name nothing to do with yeah I can I can prove it well what do you well every single time every single time you see the King James Version right Capitol Lord Capitol or do you see the King James Version and you see the word Jehovah which jawas Witnesses believe was taken out of the Bible you see it you see another name called Yahweh Yahweh is just another another way of saying to who is just a different pronunciation exactly that's because in the originals like yeah just because in the original language no J's existed so you see you see the word Yahweh there so that so technically Jehovah wasn't taken out of the Bible it just was just wasn't translated into English it just wasn't not only was now way Yahweh yeah Yahweh Jehovah is translated into Yahweh name but they translate Jesus name like person if they took out Jesus name and just put lamb or just put Lord we want to put his name back and so you there as well this is this is this is probably a very hard true but I don't mean this disrespect you guys at our promise but the new road translation has taken more things out of the Bible and added what the end the vial is there and everything about the translation so you believe so you do believe that the New World Translation has added worse in the text for example in John 1:1 when it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God you lost you guys place to aid you said in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was a not only it not only not only our organization but other people what what others history what other I think since Sindel virgin also put a there's a few other but in the original Greek text there's no angle in the original Greek text there's not an A anywhere I got me but we put the aid where it needs to be when you sense late the Bible so for soap no but here's the thing though and there were if they follow the word if the word if the word a wasn't there in the original text you can't you can't add a word some maintenance into it if you want to hack attract accurately translate the Bible like you know if you were to do it let me a mini coach well but how do you how do you accurately translate the Bible by by adding the word that it's not there in the original language it the way you know should tell you show me all right like um so you do you know well II think that's a big conversation but let me just say say this and I'll leave leave you with this scripture and then I think we'll have to go but most of our other in the original there were other exists there are other exists you don't understand Greek so I understand Greek to a certain extent I study it yeah I study degree yeah I understand but we weren't you know raised in the greek lambs like we know don't you absolutely absolutely also especially not that that Konig Greek but or that coin Greek I forget how you pronounce it I just a point a point in Greek but anyways in the Koine Greek there was no indefinite articles there was only definite articles but whenever somebody spoke everyone understood what they were what they were meaning because that's just how the language is structured back down but when you want translated like say we want to insane to try bible has to be translated chinese there's a whole nother system of language that you have to switch that over to so what you need to need to have is the understanding of the idea you know the truth and then translate to English so in English the Greek scriptures has a has inserted other words in there plenty of times like in their translation in the in that one and every final translation they insert words all the time so so what a translation does this is what a translation does a translation translates something from one language to another here's the thing here's it does that works like because I know what translation that is like versus when it's talking about a prophet can I explain to you because I didn't finish my phone I don't mean it's washer so if you compare the ESV version to the King James Version and to the ASV version that words that are different but they take all this but they end up in the article but they I get it but they put the worst take on the same meaning that that if words are different meanings taking on a different meaning there's no longer a translation it means something else so and so for example in John 1 when it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God when you were at an a there it it completely means something knows no other job yet that's there but that's what the Bible but writer when the writer was writing that down and someone understood what that meant what right writer jump so with John is writing in the word in Greek you do know that the that that the word a did not appear in any Bible in so 1951 when the New World Translation was published for that verse for that verse is not true where where did when it exists what Bible did the word a and John one exists and I think everyone knows a few what what in the name of those Bibles did exist it didn't exist in time before nineteen but before 1951 the word a and John one was never there the the newer translation and the Jehovah's Witnesses added a name because they did not want to accept Jesus has died it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was 8 and the Word was God in 1951 the new the New World Translation and the Jehovah's Witnesses added a and then he goes early if any go and then it goes on to say all things were created through him and without him nothing was made that was many and then it and then you guys added other he created all other things the word other is not even in the original it's not there I have the original Greek here I could show you how there's two different Greek words how they're structured Oxford the odd and further study that I know exactly what you're going to show me but in the original text there's the word aim and the word other is not there you guys say he created all other things and it just because this that's because it just didn't exist and I know I know what you're saying I understand what you mean I completely get you the only thing is out you know I wish I had those other Bibles I'm talking about it wasn't it wasn't it's not something new other translations reported for instance when we were doing the studying the organization we came across these other translation where other people have also come to an accurate understanding of national dynamics of the Greek language then how a and when you want to translate something honestly in English you have to put in depth in their articles where they're supposed to go and that's clearly grammatically structured talking about esport toward God when you toward someone you're obviously not that person that you're toward it's like the whole thing is it's screaming to have an egg put in there but the reason why they don't put the a and we're translating in English is because they already believe hatched up through the tree and Tom please hear me and I want to keep you all day please hit me Charles taze Russell add it add it to a and the reason he didn't give him nothing come on I get it I get it I get it but but it's stemmed from his theology a lot I know was interested so isn't Charles taze Russell the founder of the watchtower and tract Society yeah yes so he's the founder so even though the numeral translation is published editions quite what hit me out hear me out hear me out what I'm saying even though then I even though the New World Translation was published in the 1950 it still stemmed from Charles taze Russell teaching right when he first saw the published his first religious your ongoing 1871 I believe and he believed that he and he can accept the fact that Jesus was God so he began to he began to teach that we should put a in the original text right so when the pomp of the Bible but the Bible was not even though I don't even know if you know you read some of his first religious journals that he published he taught them right he thought he could relate to the exception of Jesus was the sky we're tiny any any any act that the the new road as gods named Rover absolutely that's one of his name's yes I like to show you this that God that name actually appears thousands of times in the original Hebrew Hebrew Scriptures so our translation we just put that name back and name is very important that then the class who God is by name and just I wanna let you know but when you're certain is I want to listen to your own with respect you and I argue I have like two more questions and they're not gonna let you actually did we get I don't want to keep it all day John 17:3 this means everlasting life they're coming to know you the only true God and the one who sent Jesus Christ so he's praying what person is he praying to their top rankers jesus christ his father God Devils because that richness don't deny that he calls that person the only yeah yeah but if so who's the only true God God is the only true God so here's the thinking that person that bothered the only true God and the one whom you sent Jesus Christ and the one who you sent Jesus Christ so we have to take in knowledge of who Jesus Christ is but he said here's the thing listen listen listen T is not the only true God but it says the person who's praying to you only this is that this is the New World Translation right there's I think it will look but it says the father is the only true God and the one whom he sent Jesus Christ they're coming into they're coming to know you the only true God and they're coming to know the one who and the one it is says it doesn't say and the one that they come into no no but that's what the scripture that's what the scripture means that's not down to so that's how you're interpreting it yeah no yes all that you talk I like to talk go since you have given me authority as a prayer okay just as you have given me authority over all for a flesh so he's given authority God gave him the story you didn't have it until God gave it - can I speak now I just wanted to show you yeah yeah but it but if that's what it says they say if they're coming to know you their only only true God and the one who you sent Jesus Christ not listened to they have to get to know can I explain facts like myself so two things I would say to them I see how they're separating the father and the son in description that's not that's afraid imagine yourself praying to God let me get you to go let me let me kiss extends that because you let me just explain it to you we we believe Christians what Christians believe there was one guy that exists used to look okay what yeah we fought what reason why we all use what I believe what I believe what I believe as a Christian is there is one guy that exists in three persons so if so if Jesus acknowledged as his father is the one and true God he is not disqualifying himself from also being the one and true God why because they are one that it's like why what only only for God but he calls that person the only true God so for me to buy into this Trinity doctrine which has which is originally a pagan concept from Jehovah the Alpha and the Omega we can I'd love to go there with you see the Alpha know always love to do that I think you know I'm going that's like you don't want to answer no I know where you don't get Jesus just answered at the other Jesus Jesus calls himself the Alpha and Omega in in Revelations he says I'm the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and last so you know those that's not how that's how that goes I've had that conversation I wish were really in some time yes I promise you I've had that one last question one last question how actually not let you go the exchange Russell prophesied that the world would come to me in 1914 he prophesied that he prof. said that basically that God's kingdom will be established in heaven and that certain things may come about what was those certain things they believed at that time that they would go to heaven so he and he prophesied in 1914 that the world will come to an end and he prophesied there will be the story yes in 1914 not only that the Charles taze Russell when he did he owned a fleet of clothing stores he sold all those food clothing stores because he got ready for the world to hear if you didn't got ready to go to heaven yeah they believed can you believe that why didn't he buy why did he believe that he was gonna go to heaven in 1914 I'd like to go like no and you can just you can just you know we don't have that we don't have to go deep in it to just answer that simple question why did he believe that he was going to go to heaven in 1914 the reason why is because he believed that the world was effective he believed that by reading the scripture God was communicating to him that the world is going to come to an end but the world huh but understood but that's the big difference between going to heaven in the whole world coming to and there were certain things that so here's a sedan cutis asked a simple question why did he believe in 1914 he and other people who followed his theology because you know the house because that's when God that's when Jesus was gonna be growing as king of God's kingdom which he was actually enthroned in that year and a lot of social world sold things that happened at that time also clued even further that that would that part is correct and so let's witnesses we teach that God is Jesus been ruling as king of God's kingdom I got a picture yourself a an invisible for none visible the picture you've told by the government just like the United States is a government has a powerful army it's a government established in heaven Jesus Christ and time I got a feeling that you're trying to elude my question I'm not trying to elude your yeah but what I'm saying but what I'm saying is what I'm saying is you know you know you don't believe that in 1914 Charles taze Russell said make claims that the world would come from in almost so almost so he owned a fleet of clothing stores that was worth like 300 thousand dollars and he sold them in preparation for the world to come to an end but it did not it did not you believe that right you've heard that right yeah of course the world doing okay so so even if he even if he believed in taught that the world is going to come to an end there's so much for me to have to share and to properly explain myself to why's that really doesn't matter what we hear in this let me let me just say this it does matter the reason why is because in Deuteronomy 18 it says it for probably the Prophet prophesize a claim you never claimed to be a prophet well he well he claimed to speak on behalf of God actually that scripture says if a prophet claimed to speak on behalf of God and that property see that's not coming to pass that he is not a it he's a false prophet tear him rustling Tommy looking for in detail doing what he said was going to happen actually did happen no no the world that comes with it so he he said he didn't say that the world - that's not he did and I'll of course I'll be ready I've ran his religious journals in 1914 World War two Rowland won't broke out and he said this is the beginning of Armageddon when world war war broke out in 1914 he said this is the beginning of Armageddon so much that so much all the Jehovah's Witnesses they're following him sold their business this is sold their home they weren't drovers doing survival series well they know there's still Bible students out there but actually the ax thing they would call Russell like spec name it wasn't cultural homes really proper popularly find that but they were there their official authoritative name was so did he make a false prophet and there's still biospheres out there my my question to you i mean it to speak over you my question did he make a false prophecy was it false it wasn't it wasn't false so he wasn't the prophecy here's the thing though it's not a big bit different i think i think it's still class of the day yeah prophet you got your points and i really appreciate your time all your appreciation for god's word let me just explain this right and now let you go some prophecies tell us the future but what a prophecy is it just in general is somebody who who speaks on behalf of God right if I if I if I sense what definition of proper you want you want to take on there's a lot there's a lot that people do the point I'm the point I'm making in Deuteronomy 18 so it says that if a prophet claimed to speak on behalf of God and that prophecy does not come to pass that he is the false prophet and not to fear Him am i fear for you guys is that you guys worshipping false christ if you look at you don't worship anyone but if you worship of you wash it if you don't worship the whole of who God is you worship the false God Jesus is the only and true and living God right he is one with the father he's always existed with the father I showed you words in the Greek I showed you a word says that he was first born operation only begotten son long time so you have to yeah that's how I miss it listen to me you're very sincere and I and I believe I'll leave you with this one versus John John 656 Oh John 556 tonight with it I live because of the father so he's basically acknowledging there that he lives because of that person to father so I get a chance to read it it's an account the Jesus Jesus never say who was created by the father nowhere but he lives he lives by because the father he's all for the firstborn of all creation so we are we are we already we already we already established the word firstborn that's not God only begotten Son he's the only begotten Son you said that he was Michael the Archangel in the Hebrew what you said he was the angel I said that he was yeah also do you believe that Jesus was an angel it also says that Jesus has a God and God yeah so you say that he was an angel but in Hebrews it says they then father the father has never called it Jos our God now in jesus says acknowledges that person is his God he acknowledges his father because they never really says like your will my will take place yes it's just like it's not interest is we're both human it's to kill we're not the same yes it yeah and here's the big you're over has the title the only true God that's it you know you're over that person the father but listen to what you only listen don't you just said Antoine you said they're not the same persons and I never I never I never made the baby don't explain but my mom'll son is that that person alone is gone no one else is gone that's not true LAN time and I just I just I just showed you in Scripture I showed you what Thomas calls Jesus God I understand and I hope so they get the context of this any literally just that not this is this whole not we've been trying to untie it's gonna take a lot longer than time but we don't have the ties it's a big lean on Jesus calls himself the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the first and the life I'd love to get into it stands it right here it says it right here I can show it I'm sorry but I appreciate your time all right all I want you to do guys it's just just just do some research and I probably prayed with you guys thank you for talking to me but Jesus is equal to the Father the Bible teaches that if you if I'm sorry it does if you just do your research you will see that I've done I've done all the research the watchtower organization has added to the text there is no Bible in the world that what that was that will show you the same words in though in those scriptures that we just discussed oh sure the delw marine with the watchtower you're the righteous justification of all of that you don't have the time Wow well you gotta go I have to go meet with friends and like I mean that's not even more to explain but we were supposed to actually going somewhere during the different kind of weather and so you know the other friends left well we're very organised you got huh Barry that's one thing I've seen two homes witness before and that definitely I respect a bunch of guys that you guys are always really nice that you always feel like you're able to do this because Jesus is overseeing or work I don't I put all due respect I don't think Ethan's noticing your work Jesus is the one true God he calls me up the Alpha don't make them the beginning in the end the first and the last sorry I'm sorry it doesn't define me but says it right here and he wrote in hebrews 22 verse 17 I believe not Hebrews I'm sorry revelations you already to John 17 26 this major name will make its own how is she to say because they're going alright man I just want you guys to repent repent and believe in the true Christ all right man oh man I felt like I feel like it went well it was very obvious that um it's very obvious that they when I started to make points that they couldn't defend that they started giving each other the eye and letting letting each other know like it's time to get out of here especially when I went to the Hebrew Scripture some of the things I feel like he defended he was very sincere in his defense he's like okay you're wrong about this precedent when we got to Hebrews 1/5 when it says that the father has never called an angel the son and he claimed that Jesus Michael the Archangel at that moment he has just made something up and I saw it in his eyes he was searching and even though the main guy that I was talking to the white guy he was very very strong the guy who was listening you can tell that he was very like into what I was saying like he's never heard these things before and everything that I was saying he was kind of looking up in his iPad and I just I'm gonna pray for him tonight pray that the Lord like we do work and he just researched the things that I I talked about but it was a good conversation the other jobs witnesses that was there they just kind of like got out of Dodge but the dude that uh that out that I talked to the long is he he was like you know what I'm gonna defend what I believe and I defended what I believe yeah man that was a good conversation hopefully the Lord do something we didn't penetrate their hearts and yeah they don't like when I talk about Charles taze Russell false prophecy yeah god is good
Channel: Apologetics with Preston Perry
Views: 332,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apologetics, Preston perry, urban apologetics, ravi zacharias, Jeff durbin, James white, Jehovahs witnessess, watch tower, christ, p4cm, Jackie hill perry, tgc, apologia studios, pia tour, Ezekiel azonwu
Id: 7qLooZUchLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 32sec (2972 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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