Christian becomes Muslim after trying to convert a Muslim to Christianity

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and i'm going to react to a convert story today a combo story that i have not seen yet but it has 1.5 million views on youtube and that's just this video there's a lot more um videos where there's more views in total i have no idea how many views it has but it has a lot and i am very excited to watch it i love watching convert stories it always increases my faith it always uh reminds me of the gift the amazing gift of being a believer is such an amazing gift and let's wash it together and let's see what's going on my name originally was julie carol saunders and when i was born i born in a small village in the middle of northamptonshire had about less than 100 people my father was the butcher he was an atheist and my mother was a housewife also an atheist um because of the ill health of my brother i was sent to live with my grandmother who was a baptist christian and it was in the same village only a few doors down so i grew up as a baptist so i led a very simple almost luxurious life there was no hassle no trouble no nothing very quiet and i went through school at williston and then i went i was going to go into veterinary but i damaged my back so i couldn't so i went into medicine and i became a chiropodist and i was also very active in the church i ran the toddler group i used to go to all the prayer meetings all the study groups i ran the old people's coffee mornings and it was a big part of my life and while i was when i started my own business it was a little bit slow and i asked my friend find me some volunteer work through the church to give me something to do so she put me on to an organization called women's aid the battered wives association as it was known then and i started working there and i met this lovely lady hamidah and we got on very very well and after quite a few years of knowing her more than 10 years of working with her a conversation had happened between a new lady who'd come and we were all talking about religion we were talking one was catholic the other was methodist and i was baptist and we're all discussing religion and hamida sat there very quietly so we asked tamida what is your religion because she was such a wonderful woman the most patient the quietest nothing upset her nothing phased her nobody knew what religion she was and then i asked her what religion are you and she said muslim i was horrified i was absolutely stunned and mortified that this educated woman could follow such a barbaric religion because that's how it's shown so i tried very very hard to turn her to christian i was unrelenting every time we spoke i spoke about religion i was determined what i thought to pull this poor woman from a barbaric religion to give her the freedom of christianity she didn't wear hijab and i struggled and struggled and in the end i think she got a bit tired of it so she said to me okay if you can find any problem with islam any fault anything incorrect with islam not with muslim people with islam i will become a christian so i thought oh challenge accepted this is going to be easy i said okay so how do i find out she gave me one book called the bent rib about feminism in islam i read it i thought this is fantastic can't be right because this is not what we've shown so i thought oh she's giving me something as biased to mislead me so i went to an islamic shop in london and the man there was very unfriendly he had no intention of selling me anything he was quite abrupt and rude to me about the way i dressed and wouldn't help me so i left and i said to hermito the story of what had happened and she said ah but that's muslim people that's not islam she told me another shop to go to in luton there's amsam and the man in there although he looked very scary with a big beard and he wore the throbe and he looked as scary as the other guy he was wonderful he tolerated my five children in the shop and he helped me i picked i went past him i didn't want to ask him after the reaction the other man had given me so i thought i'm just gonna look round so i looked and i looked and i found one book about women in islam i think it was called the purpose of women in islam so i thought okay i'll get this one there must be something in there from what i've seen of islam there must be something useful in there to beat her with there must be something i can say look this is wrong so i thought great i'll get this one and the gentleman in the shop came over and said salam alaikum sister i had no idea what he was saying apart from the sister and then he said can i help you and i thought help you i can get so i said yeah i'm looking for something to learn about islam so he said oh that's fantastic and he showed me two other books so i said okay i'll get those one was a book called the the life of the prophet or the story of the prophet by martin lings and it was written in pure english it was written by an englishman and it was more of a story than a reference book so it was wonderful it gave me the right story and i bought the three books i went to the till i paid for the three books and my kids started we want to go for chicken so we went down the road to the sam's chicken shop and the kids sat there with their chicken and chips quite happy and i thought i'll read the have a look at these books while i'm waiting for them to finish i opened the bag there were seven books i thought oh my god he's given me someone else's books or i've picked them up by mistake and i was really worried so i picked the receipt out now i'd only bought three books so i said to my son who was older than i think he was about 12 or 13. i give him the books the four books that i hadn't bought and the receipt and i said please take these back to the gentleman say i'm really sorry i must have taken them by mistake and my son came back with the same three books and he said no the man said this is a gift for you and i was really surprised you'd never get that in an english shop this man had given me a copy of the quran with english translation a book about islamic dress i think it was and another one i can't remember what it was but they were lovely books so i went and i read them all i couldn't find any faults so i thought okay i'm going to have to go deeper into this because this still looks wonderful this is not what i'm expecting so there was a program on the telly about some problem with islam i watched the programme on the television about the abuse of women and some women were being stoned for the problems that caused so i thought ah this is more what i need to find out about how they how can they do this how can they justify this this is wrong so they were talking about the sharia law i thought ah this is the piece of islam that must be wrong so i went back to the same bookshop and the gentleman recognized me which was quite good because it was a couple of months afterwards and he asked me how i enjoyed the books i said they were fantastic but now i want a book about sharia law and he looked a bit surprised he said that's a bit heavy for someone just learning about islam i said no i feel i need this book so he gave me well i bought one book on sharia law and then with it he gave me another one which was something about explaining the law and how it applies and i read them and i thought to be honest in england 100 years ago we had a lot worse than this we had a very lot of unjust rules i love history so i'd studied history and i knew that in england if you stole something they wouldn't just cut your hand or if you stole food they wouldn't forgive you it was very common when the famine was on that men who stole a sheep would be hanged even if it was to feed their family who were dying they would hang them they would kill them so thinking in comparison really cutting your hand was not that bad so i thought okay let's find this bit where the women get stoned and that was for adultery well in england a few hundred years ago they would have drowned them and i studied and i studied for almost a year and every day hamida when i saw her would say so how are you doing found anything yet i said no but i will inshallah will well i didn't say inshallah then but i said god willing i will she said okay so one day i was getting fed up because she used to laugh and say found anything yet so i said okay find something wrong with christianity she didn't even have to read a book she came out with so many things that were in the bible that we'd never nobody had ever mentioned to us in study groups so i thought okay instead of studying islam let me have a evaluation of christianity and she gave me a book called something the bible thumper's combat book or something by um ahmeda after i read that i said that's it i'm muslim because i had never realized there was so many faults in christianity and when you look back at the history of christianity it's been changed so many times it's no longer the word of god but islam is exactly as it was when it was made and there is no fault and then she when i said i want to become muslim she said okay i'll show you one more thing because she saw i wasn't really 100 convinced i was leaning that way she said go back put your computer on go on youtube and put the miracles of the quran and i was amazed how many things that were in there that nobody could have known in those days some things they only found out 50 years ago that are true that have been there all along so i saw that islam was the perfect religion several years i plodded on reading and learning more and hamida was against his the hijab she actually wrote a book about it and she worked on the theory that the hijab doesn't hide you and hijab should hide you so if you don't wear hijab and you wear normal clothes that just cover you you're more hidden which in theory works so i never really questioned it and then after a few years there was another revert she'd married a muslim and come to islam because of her husband and she worked at the nursery where my youngest boy was going and she wore hijab and the people there were saying to her look if you don't stop wearing it you're going to have to leave because the parents are complaining they don't want muslim influence in the nursery school and she was fighting with them about it and i said to her you don't need to wear it i'm muslim too you don't need to wear hijab she goes no no you do i said no no i'll give you hermita's book and she said okay but do me a favor you read some of the books too you tell me where in hadith or quran it says you don't have to wear it now so i said okay so i went back to the same shop and i said to the brother there salaam alaikum can i have a book about hijab and he said oh alhamdulillah at last you're going to start wearing hijab and i said no i'm going to read about hijab okay he said so i got two books about hijab and i got home i opened the bag and there was a hijab he'd put one in the bag with the pins and everything and i laughed i thought no he's not getting me this time it's not going to happen i spent the weekend i'd spoke to her on the friday got the books on the saturday spent sunday reading them on monday i put on the hijab at this point my parents exploded it was bad enough that i'd then by this time married a muslim but now i was looking like one my dad never did accept islam he never did believe it he didn't want to talk about it and he died before there was any chance to say anything really substantial to him but my mother in a way i was lucky she got cancer and there was only me and my brother my brother wasn't a helpful type of person so when my mum got cancer i went and nursed her and stayed with her it took six weeks to kill her from the day she was diagnosed to the day she died and before that though any time anything about islam she would become quite aggressive with me one day in the hospital because she was hospitalized right from the start there's anna gone on my phone so i thought i have to do my salon i look my mum was asleep so i thought i'll try and do it quickly before she wakes up and i just put my on the floor and started and i heard her groan in a moaning waking up and i'm thinking i've never read whether you're allowed to break your salah for your mom or not so i thought what do i do if she calls me do i stop and do it later do i carry on and i was really worried but i carried on with my salah and she was quiet and when i finished and i got up she was wide awake and she looked at me and she said did you pray for me and i was so pleased because before if she caught me in her house or in my house when she was there doing salah oh you're wasting your time why'd you bother put yourself in the dirty floor for this is not religion this is just stupidity but that time she was happy and i talked to her a bit about islam and she seemed to listen but then she went into a coma for the last week and couldn't talk i played quran to her i kept telling her you know how would if she wanted to do shahada this is how you would do it she couldn't speak so i don't know if in her heart she did it or not i don't know inshallah she did before i was muslim i used to do artwork to supplement my income and then i went to a lecture and they said to paint or make anything that should have had a soul like a horse or a person or any animal is haram i couldn't validate whether this was true or not but it wasn't worth taking the risk so i decided i would stop doing these sort of paintings so i took up islamic art i went to turkey to a university in kanye to learn calligraphy which was really hard as i can't read or write arabic but i thoroughly enjoyed it and this is some of the examples of the work that i've [Music] done [Music] when i first became muslim i didn't know much about fasting and didn't really notice anybody doing it so the first two years i didn't do it i wasn't aware that it was going on and nobody said anything the third year when i was muslim i got married to a muslim guy and he didn't fast so still i didn't know anything about it it wasn't until i put the hijab and i met the sisters in northampton and they said to me sunnis ramadan i said oh i've read about this what about it but you have to fast and you have to go musk at night i was like wow seven years on muslim nobody's told me nobody's they don't want to admit there's anything hard because then they have to do it in front of you so nobody told me so this year was very very hard i spent most of ramadan was with this family i moved in with them and it was wonderful one of the hardest things becoming a new muslim is to learn islam the true islam when you first become a muslim you automatically go to the muslim people and say what about this islam and the one from morocco will say oh we do this we do this and we dress like this and this is hijab and this is this is what we eat this is halal this is haram and you think okay now i have it i've got it perfect then you meet somebody from egypt and they say no no that's not hijab this is hijab that's not salah this is salah alhamdulillah what do you do and then you think okay i'll go to the mosque i'll ask the imam and maybe the imam's from pakistan they'll say no sister these two are wrong this one this is the right islam and i the majority of people who influenced me at first were pakistanis the first advice i give to anyone who wants to come to islam is please do not talk to muslim people read read everything you can check where it comes from first read at least three books on one subject because maybe one's wrong and follow your heart because common sense will tell you which is right which is wrong the thing that brought me to islam is the feminism the freedom for women we wear hijab because we're beautiful and our beauty is only for our husband not for anyone in the street when i was i didn't really want to wear hijab i came to it very slowly it's very difficult it's hard to get used to wearing something if you've never worn it before so i asked one woman she's worn it all alive i said how do you wear it why do you wear it it's such a nuisance it's so hard the doorbell goes you've got to think oh god put my hijab you can't just answer there's a postman there waiting and i was very negative about it and she said okay and she brought a plate of sweets she said would you like a sweet so i picked the one with a nice wrapper and she said you've just proved that hijab is right no man's gonna pick or like the suite that's open maybe it's dusty maybe the flyers have been on it the one with the wrapper everyone will go for the one with the wrapper because you know it's clean and it's the same thing i lived abroad for a few years and when i came back it was just after the problem in london of the bombings of the bus and i found i mean i'd always had abuse of being a muslim there was always stupid things said to me and occasionally things thrown and just stupid petty things but after the bombings it became very very bad at one point in the street three young black kids decided they were going to take my hijab off and i'd got my pin at the back my pin at the front so there's no way it was coming off without my head or my hair going with it and i used to do karate so when they were pulling at the back i just turned around and i hit one of them and when the police come there was cctv of the whole event and they cautioned me for assault i lived in a small town outside of london about 80 miles north very very small muslim community and most of them hid away the women didn't wear hijab because the problem had got so bad at one point somebody set fire to my car outside my house i had painted on the wall of my house and i got abuse on a daily basis in the end i got an exchange and i came to london because here you can walk around the streets and you're not at risk but outside of london it really is a big problem as a single woman you can't go out you can't be safe you get abuse even on the buses out shopping my daughter who was at the time 24 didn't believe me she said oh mum it can't be that bad so she followed me through the town some meters behind me and she doesn't dress as a muslim and she was horrified at how many people would spit at me just because i'm muslim what an incredible story you know hearing about what she went through with her mum who was dying of cancer and i went through something very similar with my granny i had only been muslim for like maybe a couple of weeks my granny was really ill and i was really close to my granny and a similar thing i tried to pretty much the exact same story she had i tried to do as well with my granny but you know only allah knows whether it worked or not it's part of the test it's part of the test of people who convert to islam is having non-muslim family members and you know really close family members as well who just don't agree with what you do just don't understand it no matter your efforts you know there's a very similar test of prophet salallahu um with his family with his uncle and then hearing about the islamophobic attacks on her you know may allah guide these people that are doing these horrible things and may allah guide us as an umma to stop retaliating in a horrible way as well but again these are tests the prophet peace upon him had the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was abused a lot a lot of islamophobic attacks happened against him and i hope this woman continues being muslim and that she continues uh inspiring everyone with her amazing story and the whole story on how she became muslim is just honestly it's proof that good character is the best form of dawah i say all the time and i'll say it again good character is the best form of dawah but alhamdulillah alhamdulillah love allah guiding her uh martial law for all her trials and hardships you know their hardships and troubles are very similar prophet peace be upon him in his trials and may allah guide all of us i mean for watching i'll see you guys again very soon
Channel: Aisha Rosalie
Views: 224,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WtTyxB2tDFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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