She learned Islam to convince her brother to return back to Christianity. Then she became Muslim!

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assalamualaikum everyone today i'm going to react to a convert story of a girl that became muslim and her friend who also became muslim as well and how they talk about how their lives completely changed and how they're completely different people for the better this is going to be a good story inshallah let's watch it i was looking for something but i couldn't find it for so many years it was just i was confused i felt out of place with my friends because for my friends was always oh it's weekend or we need to party let's open the first bottle of beer and and let's get dressed where i thought why [Music] yeah difficult here and then all of a sudden the world had changed [Music] i used to travel a lot and then it was about that i turned 30 so i thought oh i have to settle now so i went back home and i was looking for a job and i couldn't find a job nevertheless i thought okay i'm going on vacation now and i'm going to dubai so i went here and i yeah after two weeks i had a job offer my mom and dad they were really really scared yeah my parents they had the same as me we we all have been very prejudice uh western woman going to an arabic country um of course everybody because you hear stories you know and it was in uh 2002 no end of 2001 and you know there was september the 11th and all these uh incidents happened and of course everybody just expected something bad i was raised with muslims together it started actually when my elder brother he he converted to islam and the reason why he converted to islam was he married a muslim woman a turkish woman so uh being his sister and wanting to protect him in his uh decision of course we went to islamic centers well i did i did i went with him to islamic centers i attended some sessions i was reading some books with him together and but it was never really convincing for me to say ah i i convert to islam now it was not convincing for me and then you are coming to an islamic country and you experience muslims in a different way all of a sudden all of a sudden i thought they're actually very nice wow they treat you really with respect it's it's not like yeah i felt comfortable and in the beginning i i'm mixed more with european than i would have mixed with other nationalities because i wanted to keep my comfort zone but then there was a point where i wanted to step out of my comfort zone because all of a sudden this zone was not comfortable anymore [Music] six months before i spoke my shahada i started to wear a buyer i loved the abaya from the beginning but i always avoided to wear it because i thought that's an insult to the locals here me yeah the white one wearing the sabya and everybody gets maybe offended or something like that my ex-husband at that time still my husband he got really yeah he got bugged because my marriage was uh yeah was anyways a horrible marriage so slowly slowly i really distanced myself from my ex-husband back home in our four walls it was a discussion to get separated and i was asking him all the time to move out and he was always no you are my wife and i'm going to stay here and i will move out when i decide and you know all these uh i'm a man and i i decide and then i woke up in the morning that was the morning and i woke up and i thought okay so today i will become a muslim so i got i did my shower i got dressed i went to work i didn't tell anybody nobody knew and when i uh was i i have i was done with my job i went to uh one of the a sister a german sister as well she she's already seven years a muslim and i spoke my shahada and when i came home and i just say subhanallah and it was meant for me at that day i came home my husband still didn't know that i converted to islam and i didn't want to tell him at that time and when then i just asked because i was asking every day if since the last six months when are you moving out and i thought today i would ask him again so when are you moving out and then subhanallah he said today i will move out i'm packing my clothes already so that was already a sign of allah that i did the right decision [Music] i spoke my shahada on the 25th of june 2009 until date it was my most horrible year ever the things would have been done in my previous life they just were haunting me and i just believe they just came up and popped up from here and there just to get solved but it never never happened that i lost my faith there was not even a day till now where i said why why did i convert that was never an option no actually it did the opposite for me it made me much much stronger and all of a sudden i i really started to read more because i think everybody thinks when you are converting it's just you speak the shahadah you read a little bit quran and that's about it and then you are muslim and it's it's not the way and yeah i i just think all these difficulties which i was facing just made me read more and more and get more knowledge about islam yeah a difficult year all of a sudden friends turn to enemies my life just went upside down [Music] [Music] at that time one of my friends got really close to me her name is kate and she really supported me a lot i think she was the only one who really supported my decision to convert to islam because most of the people they were really shocked and they were afraid and they had their concerns and i i know that kate was always there i could call her in the middle of the night if i need her and i would i thank allah every day for such kind of friend [Music] kate was not a muslim at that time kate was confused no not no i i remember that you and i remember we went to that [Music] lunch together with my ex-husband and and neil and i know and this still stays sticks in my mind i remember we were sitting in the car and it was a friday and it was jummah prayer and we went through the rasa hoa area and we saw all those cars you know those open cars and 30 people were standing and holding themselves on that car going to the mosque for juma prayer and we laughed so much about that because it was really look it was like a convoy so we laughed very much and we thought it is very dangerous going like this for a prayer why would they do that why would they risk yeah their own safety security uh just for a prayer and we were talking that there all of the the sudden the talk was in that car about religion and i remember that you said if i would i'm not religious but if i have to choose what religion i would follow we were just always in the car laughing and then i said oh if i had to choose a religion that i that i would i believe in or i believe the basics of not having full knowledge about it i would choose islam and everyone laughed at me why would you choose that the hypocrites and that's how that's how they all went on yeah yeah was a big topic and and that was actually where we yeah i i when we started yeah and we started more and more from that day i started re-looking more into the religion because the way people laughed and said oh hypocrites and they're not hypocrites at all and they said to me why would you choose it because i i believe in the basics of the religion because that's all i knew at the time and you look at the you look at the arab families and they're all very close-knit and i think that's fantastic whereas from where i come from it's you don't all come together on a sunday which would be our day that all families come together everyone does their own thing we all live our separate lives whereas here fridays it's just such a family day all i learned from school when we're studying religious education which is compulsory so we had to study it we learned all about all the different religions when it came to islam my studies teacher said to me to sum it up islam the people that follow it they're a bunch of terrorists and that was it that's all we learned about islam nothing else not stuck in your mind and think of all those people then if that's the attitude of what the teachers give him and uh we had no muslims in our class anyway and of course when you're younger everyone just laughs but that's all that's stuck in the mind i was asking more questions more than anything i wasn't go i didn't go to any islamic centers read any books i was just more inquisitive asking people about their religion but i had to put all the thought into it i don't just want to convert just to be one of those people that says oh yeah i've converted i'd seen huda go through it and i'd i'd seen how she had changed because there is a massive change in you then how she got through the stuff she has due to religion is is a massive influence on anyone when i i look at myself before i convert it and now i mean um i was always there for everybody you know everybody came and told me their problems and i i was actually a problem by myself i was fighting myself so much but in order not to face my own own problems i always took on other people's problem and then then nobody was there for me and when i converted prayer was and i told you to compare when you have a nice pattern around your skin and you feel very comfortable the same is for me when i do my prayer the time between sometimes it takes too long where i think oh when is the next one it just helps me so so much yeah it makes me lighter [Music] they asked me why i dress like this straight away who am i married to well i'm not married really so you dressed like this out of choice said yes that i converted you converted but how come you don't you don't cover your face completely because that's what people think that you should be covering your face completely and she was saying how interesting it is and they're only here and they're flying back on tuesday and she said the conversation she had with us in that little time she's learnt so much [Music] converting to islam is not just wearing hijab islam starts in your heart and it doesn't matter if somebody wears the hijab after two weeks or three months or one year important is that is it's always something to turn to your faith always it's always there when you've had a hard day at work sometimes i don't want to talk to anyone i can go home i can read the quran and it's just a way of settling yourself yeah it's it's i i believe it's quite a challenge as well you know um i i would never have thought i mean coming from a non-spiritual family uh i would never have i would never have thought that you know a prayer can make you strong and that you you even get up happily in the morning for fajr prayer you know it's i i remember it was especially on weekends that you were just tossing and turning around and didn't want to get up because there was nothing to get up but now it's just happily you know when as soon as going on and you think oh oh fajr prayer is coming let's get up and then you know there's a there's a it keeps you so strong ah the the first day when i i i came back to work and of course most of the people they knew that i converted and and i was wearing shayla straight away and everybody came oh this is haram no this no this you can't do no you have to start this one no no no no you cannot do no no no this is hara no and i'm thinking alhamdulillah that my parents raised me being very very strong because i think after a week i would have converted back you know it doesn't make it very easy what everything is haram now nothing is allowed why i didn't even call why i did even convert you know you could ask yourself that but alhamdulillah i was strong and i said listen if something is haram i want to see it in black and white you cannot come to me just like that and tell me that's not the point you ha and did you have the same i converted fantastic and then suddenly they're throwing it down your throat you must do this you must do that you must must must must must my mind was just boggled and i thought what have i done at first but then afterwards everything's everything's worked out i mean i converted when i i was 36 you you understand what 36 years you just do different things and it's it's it takes time to wipe that out because you have your certain routine and just stand back think how the other person feels they're taking on something a complete different lifestyle my lifestyle's changed dramatically don't try to throw it down the throat it will come in time to people it will come in time because it if you try to force it upon them they'll walk away i i could have walked away but i didn't because it's so difficult i knew what huda went through and the same thing and so i think it's just part of the part of the procedure of converting you're always going to have the people who have their own opinions who think you should be doing it their way what i learned about it and i knew that it wasn't all about you must do it this way you must do it that way i knew that there was light at the end of the tunnel of all these people trying to put blocks in my way they were all tests in my way that story was seriously so beautiful martial and i really relate to what she said about fajr because i have tried waking up early for so many different reasons in my life for jobs for working on film sets which was my passion my dream for a very long time for going to the gym for so many reasons right even for family um i've woken up early in the morning for school but i've never been consistent with it in every single thing i just said there have been many times where i've slept too long and missed them i've overslept film shoots i've overslept school i've overslept everything on purpose like i will wake up at six a.m and i'll be like i can't bother to go film set today and i'll press the snooze button and i'll go to sleep until 10. i have done that for everything in my life but never fragile alhamdulillah so that is the power of allah there is not one thing in my life that i can do that far apart from fajr allah does not give me the capacity to do it for anything else apart from fajr it's the only reason i'm able to get up in the morning i will wake up in the morning and i will just not want to get out of bed for anything i'll be like not getting out of bed for gym i'm not getting out of bed for work i don't care i will not get out of bed i want to go to sleep but if it's fajr i'll get up and then once i'm up i'm up then i can go to gym then i can go to work then i can do these things so honestly like i completely agree with her fajr is the only thing that will actually get you up in the morning and alhamdulillah once you're up once you're up whether it's 5 a.m 6 a.m whatever time once you're up in the morning then you can take on the day then you can do your other stuff you can start going to the gym you can start work you can start hanging out with your kids and family and alhamdulillah i i completely agree with that it's absolutely incredible i love that and her friend as well mashallah she became muslim so so amazing there are a lot of people in my life that i wish would become muslim that have amazing potential to become muslim and be good muslims but there's just too many blocks standing in their way allah has just not opened their hearts and yeah i really relate to everything she's saying and i love the fact that the two of them together they've been an amazing source for non-muslims to learn about the religion in a beautiful way that's really special mashallah her story is amazing and allah guided her in a beautiful way and alhamdulillah and allah guided all of us as well so so alhamdulillah we have the best gift ever alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah thank you guys for watching [Music]
Channel: Aisha Rosalie
Views: 126,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: muslim convert, revert islam, revert reaction, azan, arabic, gori, white girl speaks urdu, islam, new muslim, dawah, ali dawah, daud kim, jay palfrey, shahada, mufti menk, reaction, muslim reaction, one path network
Id: 8hCPTh5LWvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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