Why hasn't anyone told us about this!? Emotional mother and daughter become Muslim.

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so today i'm going to be reacting to a video that my dear friend sent me she sent it to me on whatsapp and she said you must watch this video i could not stop crying so i was like okay i will watch it but obviously i'll wait to watch it in front of you guys so that i don't kind of ruin the surprise so i know this is a very emotional video i'm very excited to watch it anyway let's get to it let's watch the emotional video the winter haven [Music] to be with my twin sister and i had left the local church that i was in and i i felt sad that i was leaving but when i think about it i've been in many many denominations in and out in and out and the local church was the last church that i was in [Music] and one evening i just decided to go to god for no reason at all i just went to god in prayer and asked him that i wanted the truth no matter what it takes well i said this three different times three different days [Music] and then one night i was uh ready for to retire when uh uh with the doorbell rang and my twin said your daughter's here and i says my daughter which one and she said lou so anyways i went to greeter and came back and i saw her she was all covered differently i'm an american citizen born in a suburb of chicago illinois called evergreen park and both of my parents were born in chicago illinois my mother's side of the family was roman catholic my father's side protestant i had mentioned to my daughter oh lou i've been praying for the truth no matter what it takes [Music] i said this three different times i returned to the united states and i went to my mother [Music] i was praying constantly at my mother's house for guidance from god as to whether or not i should say anything to my mother about who i was or or what i believed i i was praying actually to my god that if my mother's heart is ready to hear this information then give me a sign let her come to me if she comes to me and asks me i will say something to her otherwise i will remain silent one afternoon i was in the middle of my prayers i was in prostration and she walked into my bedroom and walked out because i saw her kneeling that night and she was prostrating and i hmm that seemed strange to me seven o'clock in the morning my mother came to me asking waking me up from sleep and asking me to specific questions she said i'm so sorry to disturb you but i just have to ask you two things and i said well go ahead mom what is it and she said to me are you still the christian and what do you think about what the christians teach regarding the trinity the god is three and one and one and three my response to my mother at that moment was tonight when your sister goes to sleep i will be happy to sit with you and to explain to you who i am and why i am who i am and uh after my sister went to sleep and she would share so at 12 o'clock that night my mother's sister went to sleep and mom and i gathered around a small table in a breakfast nook of the kitchen on top of the table i had the quran the bible and my own personal study handwritten study notebook we sat and had a discussion for two hours going back to our original beliefs and progressing through what we've always been taught both in the catholic church in the protestant churches and then i introduced islam to my mother the quran and the prophet muhammad sallam when i completed we both completed this discussion it was exactly two hours later two o'clock in the morning and my mother reached over on the table i picked up the quran and held it to my face and kissed it i stated why hasn't anyone told us about this why hasn't anyone told us about this newer taught me how to pray how to wash before prayer how to perform the correct body movements for ritual prayer and encourage her to memorize the opening chapter or surah of the quran which is called the opening in arabic and to memorize this in english in english and some in arabic she was memorizing and working on memorizing this in english so that she would have a clear understanding of the meaning of her prayer first and then gradually she progressed so then i continued with my reading and studying the quran after a i completed my mother in her house and i felt comfortable that she was fine i left my mother's home to take care of some personal matters of myself i've been in islam for many for many years reading reading and reading and studying and praying and then one night allah guided me to an ayat and asura and it mentioned this day i have perfected your religion [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] foreign i when they said why has no one told us this that's exactly how i felt for so long why has no one told me this why hasn't everyone told me this why have i lived so long in my life without hearing any of these things i knew nothing about islam when i discovered islam nothing about islam all i knew was like that there were some terrorist groups 9 11 all the these horrible things that have nothing to do with our religion and no one told me this like i didn't i didn't know that muslims believed in jesus i didn't even know that islam was part of the abrahamic religion i didn't know that it was sort of connected to judaism and christianity in a way i didn't know any of this stuff and i studied re at school and i got an a in i got an a in my re gcses and i didn't know any of this stuff oh madness seriously it's our job as muslim to spread the message of peace and love bring people towards allah subhanahu help them in their lives help them guide them towards a straight path inshallah and it's our job to help people in this junior who are drowning it's our job to stop people from drowning we need to do more we need to spread the message in a really really positive way we need to make sure that everyone knows our message and then once they know it then they can reject it if they want to then they can accept it if they want to but we need to make sure they at least know it before they make that decision because i feel like no one knows especially in the uk no one knows just no one knows just no one knows at all so it's our job to make sure people know so keep strong in your own faith if you're not strong in your own safe you can't help other people so first keep strong in your own faith and inshallah with that keeping strong keeping strong in your prayers insha allah with that you can help other people too inshallah thank you for watching i'll see you guys again very soon
Channel: Aisha Rosalie
Views: 695,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uPloRQuKp1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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