American Lady Teaches Non-Muslims About The Importance Of Islam

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how wonderful that some of you already got to visit a mosque you're very fortunate here in atlanta because you have many mosques many opportunities to reach out to our muslim brothers and sisters in the whole state of vermont where i hail from we have one so you have no reason to not visit it's right around the corner from you there are mosques everywhere and it's important that we visit because islam is the most misunderstood and the most maligned religion in the world today we are being whipped up into fear of muslims and when we are afraid we're stupid actually we're operating out of just that reptilian part of our brain we don't have when we're afraid we don't have access to our higher functionings our whole self the power of the knowledge in our hearts our whole being were resigned to a small place of living ali the son-in-law of the prophet says people are afraid of what they don't understand so my hope today is to share with you a little bit about what i love about islam in order to invite you to a place of more understanding and left fear islam is very practical if you are looking for insights about how to live a good life how to be a good person islam has wonderful gems to offer to you one of the things i love most about islam is that it invites us to be concerned about what is the most important thing in life to get our priorities straight what is it for you stuff money power prestige family kindness service love art compassion what is it for you if you get nothing else out of today take that one question and live into it and if you don't know the answer yet find out what is it for you what's most important in islam the answer is very clear allah muhammadan there is nothing but the source god the one how did you say anthony that love which is greater than we can know that's what matters and muhammad is his prophet is the prophet of love and the thing about us humans when we get that clarity we know what's important what do we do with that we forget that's who we are we humans we are the great forgetters how many of you made a new year's resolution back on january 1st how are you doing with it now let's be honest how were you doing february for nah january 7th we get this high resolve and this clarity and then we get caught up in all the distractions all the things pulling our intention here and there and we forget that poet mary oliver says what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life what is it in order to not waste our life we need to regularly hit that reset button come on back to center to our heart to what we know is really why we are here what we know is really important regularly throughout the day to stop and come back and say let me check in and remember what matters so i don't waste my day or my week or my month or my life and for muslims this is prayer salat it is the second pillar of islam the first pillar to know what matters and the second pillar is to hit that reset button in order to regularly come back to center and remember what really matters and for muslims this is not an activity in the head it's an activity of the whole body me b can imagine how limber you'd be if you did that 17 times a day and it's done in the direction of mecca northeast more or less to hit that reset button in order come back to hear that voice still and small like we just sang about to come back to what matters so practical i love that the second pillar of islam islam also reminds us to always be concerned about those who are less well-off than ourselves over and over in the quran it says be concerned about the widows and orphans be generous i brought some soup as a symbol of generosity giving donating to food banks giving to people who need food i think about muhammad almost like a spiritual as a social genius he himself was an orphan by the time he was six years old he had already lost both his parents he knew marginality he knew it and what happens when there is imbalance in a society where there are some who have a lot and some who don't have enough what happens here those who don't have enough are suffering aren't they out of their lack lack of nutrition food health care hygiene educational opportunities they suffer and in their suffering they may experience illness their illness doesn't stay there does it it spreads to the rest of the people and in their need they may choose to engage in criminal activity just to try to put food on the table and that destabilizes the whole society when you have some without and some with too much and what about the people with too much greed is spiritual bankruptcy we cannot know well-being in our hearts when we are surrounded with too much while others are suffering it creates instability and muhammad peace be upon him he was a spiritual genius saying let's bring it back into balance let's give let's be generous and this is the third pillar of islam zakat generosity i love that about islam and i love too that islam invites us to take a break from our habits humans we're habitual creatures we just are we do something once we do it again we do it again we just do how many of you are sitting in the same seat you always sit in today that's okay nothing wrong with that we're creatures of habit and if the habit's a good one like brushing your teeth wonderful it strengthens you your habits can raise you up to give you strength and clarity to live your life on purpose with integrity or your habits can pull you down to take a break from your habits because what happens when you try to take a break from your habit when you try to stop reaching for whatever it is and you cannot what is it for you coffee sugar alcohol drugs sex shopping your cell phone your tablet gossip what is it for you this behavior that you're caught in you know it's not worthy of your best self and yet there you are it's addiction isn't it when we can't stop reaching for it we can't stop doing it and yet your life is so valuable you matter and to live your life on purpose and to cultivate the habits that raise you and strengthen you so you can be your most beautiful best loving caring giving self so to take a break from your habits so you see who's in the driver's seat in your life and put yourself back in the driver's seat whatever it is for you there are other people in this room who have also struggled with addiction in this way and who have overcome it you can get help you can do it your life matters it's valuable this is the next pillar of islam fasting fasting not just from food but fasting from other activities and behaviors as well and when we fast from food in particular and it says over again in again and again in the quran fasting is good for you if you only knew because we put too much in our bodies don't we we stress them we overeat and put junk and we don't honor the beauty of ourselves and also when we fast hunger is not a theory in the head it's an experience in the body when we fast from food that that feeling and then when you see somebody else on the street who is begging it's not a theory hmm you feel empathy because you know what hunger feels like it's harder to close your eyes and walk right on by muhammad that spiritual social genius to create harmony and stability in society the fourth pillar pillar of islam fasting taking a break from your habits so practical i love it and i also love about islam that it encourages us to take a break from our location to travel with intention to recognize the power of space the sacredness of space and how the greats who have walked on this earth have blessed the earth with their presence their breath their thoughts their actions i know you are on the verge of a major decision about this sacred space for you you have made this place sacred by your presence here and as you perhaps choose to move on you perhaps make a new place sacred by your use and your love the earth is sacred our places are sacred and when we travel with intention we are changed by it this is the fifth pillar of islam pilgrimage and for muslims the pilgrimage is to makkah which none of us will probably go there but where is pilgrimage for you and what happens when we go we leave our usual haunts we travel with intention we let ourselves be changed be opened by new experiences new interactions and we come back and we are not the same we look at our lives and we say why was i doing that i'm not going to waste my one wild and precious life on that and we come back renewed and with a new value a new understanding of the sacredness of our location the beauty of the earth i love this about islam so practical what's the one thing that matters in your life hit that reset button regularly so you come back to your purpose and don't be self-centered be always concerned about others and their needs those less well-off especially and recognize the sacredness of the temple of your body cultivate habits that are worthy of you that lift you to the best of who you are and recognize the sacredness of space and the gift of the ancestors the sages the saints the prophets who have gone before us and held a beacon of example for us travel with intention let yourself be changed the five pillars of islam what great practical advice for living your life on purpose and yet at the same time as all of what i've told you is true the beauty of this great tradition we are being whipped up into fear against muslims and islam i i can't believe the stuff that she said is so amazing it's stuff that even us as muslims we forget i mean how often do we actually check in with ourselves yes obviously we pray five times a day but how often do we actually check in with ourselves and think what's my purpose what's my intention because it's important to remind yourself after every single thing that you do what's my purpose what's my intention for me as a content creator i have to think about it constantly what's my purpose what's my intention when i write down video ideas i think are people gonna benefit from this is it gonna harm my religion is it going to harm my chances of getting into jenna is it going to increase them is it going to bring people towards the religion or is it going to bring people away from it these are things we have to think of constantly everyone we all have a duty to think of these things constantly because we need to constantly realign ourselves it's why we're told to pray five times a day because allah subhanahu ta'ala has created us in such a way that we're so forgetful that we forget our purpose that we forget why we're doing what we're doing so we pray five times a day because we have to ground ourselves five times a day to actually remember why we're here like who our creator is that allah is here that allah's listening that allah created us we have to constantly remind ourselves that and even five times a day is not enough five times a day even for me is not enough i even for me i find myself forgetting subhanallah please make us from the people who never forget about you i mean but if you're anything like me there will be parts of your day that you'll forget that you'll forget what your purpose is what you're working towards it happens to me all the time it has to be constant we have to constantly be reminding ourselves realigning ourselves what is our purpose what is our intention what do you want what are you trying to achieve and i think it should inspire all of us to learn about our own religion in a deep way not just surface level but in a deep way and i'm going to recommend to you guys if you want to learn about your religion in a deep way and how to connect to allah subhanahu ta allah in a deep way when i say deep i mean not just learning what's halal and what's haram this is one aspect of the religion but i mean the most important aspects of the religion and that's connecting with god and understanding your purpose building your character and if you want to do that listen to muftimank muftimank's lectures change my life seriously if you want to connect with allah if you want to build on your character if you want to realign your intentions and figure out your purpose then watch mifflin thank you guys for watching i see you guys again very soon
Channel: Aisha Rosalie
Views: 133,942
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Id: A_jpxeuPuUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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