Chris Hemsworth Explains Thor's Unexpected Ragnarok Haircut

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-Let´s talk about "Thor: Ragnarok." Now, this movie already opened overseas and to amazing reviews, and people love it, and it´s fun. -Crazy, yeah. -It´s insane how big these movies are. -Very crazy, yeah. -And this is the third time you´ve done it? -Number 97. -97th film as Thor. -Yeah. -But -- -It feels like -- I mean, I´m doing my seventh film. -Yeah. -Seventh time playing Thor. -Appearance. ´Cause you show up in the other ones. -In the other ones, briefly, in the background. -But this one -- [ Laughter ] But this one, you cut -- Thor cut his hair. -Cut his hair, yeah. Look, I´d done it a few times, this character, and kind of got very sick of myself as that character, and I called up our director and I said, "Look, I´m sick of myself," and he said, "So am I." [ Laughter ] -Who is this guy? He´s great. -Taika Waititi. He´s a New Zealand guy, who´s one of the greatest directors out there. And so we basically decided just to kind of reinvent the character in the world and do something completely different, and a lot of the film is highly improvised. It´s a lot more comedy. It´s a lot more crazy action. It´s a lot more kind of unpredictable and -- Yeah, there´s a great sense of pride, I think, with all of us, because we did want to do something different, and we did, and people responded to it, and... -Yeah, ´cause a lot of people, they probably go, "Oh, well, Chris can´t -- I don´t know if he can do comedy," but then if you´ve ever seen "Ghostbusters," you crushed in that. That was so funny. Well done. -Oh, thanks. -And then "Saturday Night Live," you were fantastic, as well. -Yeah, that was kind of the -- I did "Saturday Night Live." I did "Vacation," did "Ghostbusters," and kind of was having fun improvising, and then thought, "God, we could do more of that in ´Thor´," and thankfully, the Marvel guys said, "Yeah, go for it," and we did. And I got to say, laughing for six months, shooting the movie and mucking around with your mates is the best way to go to work, if you can even call it that. -Yeah, isn´t it great? It´s fun. -It´s wonderful, yeah. -Well, congrats on this. I want to show a clip. Here´s Chris Hemsworth as Thor in "Thor: Ragnarok." Take a look at this. [ Cheers and applause ] -He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he´s unique. There´s none like him. I feel a special connection with him. He´s undefeated. He´s the reigning... he´s the defending.... ladies and gentlemen, I give you... -Uh-oh. [ Rumbling, metal creaking ] -Your incredible... -[ Roaring ] Hulk! -Yes! [ Crowd silences ] -I have to get off this planet. [ Laughter and applause ] -"Yes!" -"Yes!" -That´s your buddy. -That´s my buddy. -The Hulk. -A friend from work. -Chris Hemsworth, everybody.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 3,059,390
Rating: 4.9565654 out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Hemsworth, Explains, Thor, Unexpected, Ragnarok, Haircut, thor, thor ragnarok, ipad, sound effects, avengers, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, music, musical performance, the roots, seventh film
Id: _q-baxvsAZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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