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New hero, Sombra? Ooh. What? And I got the skin already? I gotta play it. I gotta, it's just- "Why do we have a Sombra?" "Sombra, you're garbage, no joke, you're garbage." "Yeah, I'm not sure Sombra's a great call for DPS." "Genji behind us." No he isn't. "Soldier in the house behind the point." Nope. "Reaper behind y'all." Nope. "That- Pharah is one shot." "Top left." Yup. "Nice." Hey Santa... Merry Christmas. You dead boi I've just been sitting under this car for like 40 seconds And they don't- they don't understand why it's not going. Hey Widow! look at me! Ohh shit! Hey moron! You outta here! Did you guys know that on this map, you can turn onto Mei's ice-cube on top of the car? And then it- "Junkrat you have do do something else dude come on." "For fucks sake." "You can't just sit there "and launch grenades, Junkrat." These guys are fucking retarded. Clearly they've never played Junkrat before. It is actually frowned upon between Junkrat mains if you even see the other team once during a match. Whoa! The fuck is going on over here, huh? Who let all these guys in? Back in the game baby, here we go. Wipe yourself off man, you dead. *hehehe* Oh she's back? And... Dead again. "Can you guys try not to chase people running away?" "Yo reaper did you just like stand there on purpose?" [Introducing a new way to play ranked] "Heal me. Heal me. Heal me." "Okay no one's paying attention to D.VA." [3... 2... 1...] "When are you people ever going to- focus somebody?" *Baby crying* "You're trash!" *Baby crying* *Dunkey giggling* "This fucking Ana's trash." Oh hey that's a cool move, Mei! I've got a move too. Watch this. It's called... Come onnnnnn "Hey can we not have an attack Torbjorn please?" [dont worry] [i have the skin] "I understand you have the skin but it's not the-" I guarantee this shot will connect. What did I say, huh? Watch this. Hundred percent guaranteeed shot. Bam. Bada boom. It's just like playing Junkrat. You just... bam. Free kill. Why do I have gold snowballs reloaded on Mei. I don't give a fuck, get the fuck out- Watch this shit. I'm not even gonna aim at this guy. Still kill. Look at this. Hey fuck you! "We have once healer, which is great, fucking perfect." "I don't know why we had one healer that's, that's fucking suicide on point A." *baby crying* "You're getting muted." owo what's this!? They give you five lootboxes for Christmas! That's so nice of them. What did I get here? Ohh just what I wanted! A voice-line for roadhog! *Roadhog laughing* Ohh thank you Blizzard *Machine gun mouth sounds* Boing Boing Boing Look at the guy! Don't worry, this always works. Ha ha! I'm a genius! *Laughing* "I don't want this fucking Torb" "Push off the fucking Torbjorn" "FUCKING STUPID FUCKING TORBJORN" *baby sound effects* *crowd laughing* 1 v 1 mystery duel. Symmetra vs Symmetra [alright] [come over here] I just gotta trick him over here. *heavy rock music* Oh Shit! Shit! This is getting intense. He's not falling for it, he's not coming. I don't know- I don't know why he won't come in here. It's really getting crazy . Come on! *low snickering* [come on man] [i promise] Ha ha ha ha. [no turrets] HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! It's been like 3 minutes, I don't think he's falling for it. I'm just gonna go out- OH WHAT THE FUCK!? OH NO! NOOO! *Laughing* *choking and coughing from laughing* I am a god damned genius at this game. Got cha' dumb dumb! Ha ha! Oh shit Symmetra! And here we go again. Back into- back into posit- Got cha' stupid! Pah! Fu-kuh! A Roa-kuh! Hahaa! Ba-ba-ba-ba-bang! Yeah! Bang! Bow! Yeah! Bow! Wah! Bam! Woo! Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-bow! C'mon! *indistinct muttering* Fuckin- Motherfu-! Chyaa! "Oh nice. Good job, Zarya." What? *Fire in the hole!* *Quadruple Kill!* *victory tone* *thud* "I don't think Junkrat's working out." [more dimgom] *8-bit outro music*
Channel: videogamedunkey
Views: 10,605,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dunkey, videogamedunkey, overwatch, overman, dunderwatch, dunkey overwatch, winston's day off, worst hanzo ever, winston checks in, paladins of the realm dunkey
Id: S-khGy_yN8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2016
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