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my school's looking for a photographer for our christmas party but the thing is you're going to pay us you'll pay us to photograph people then you can use our party as a market or something am i making sense la mao you're not making any sense at all what's this like reverse employment you know you come to us do the job and you also pay us ah hey everyone my name is jacob welcome to choosing bakers where we're gonna be looking at just karen's being karen's you know people like oh but could you do 20 000 off then i can finally afford it it's people like that beggars who chooses you'll see enjoy it whoa this is so freaking cool i would love to get a print your page is really cool i kept wondering if i should get a copy of anything couldn't resist with this one oh my god thank you that's so nice i'm very glad do you have a size you'd prefer it to be in i think a4 will do yeah a4 should do and they've cut it off but i think it says all right i just need your emails so you can pay i have to pay well my bio literally says dm to buy prince oh la mao people actually pay you for that is there anything you're handing out without payment oh yeah absolutely wait there you go nasa's perseverance mars hello world my first look at my forever home aw that's pretty cold uh so all those millions spent and all you can produce is a greeny black and white photo ah you see this guy he'd have brought his 4k camera he'd taken loads of different images he'd probably dug down found some water this guy we need to hire him hey ariana queen i just need characters for my game all the same art style of course and i got a description of the characters but i need someone dedicated who won't just give up after five minutes and take a break for like a day it pisses me off no sleep until you feel achieved at least something you know anyone god you get credited as well so don't be a douchebag imagine i've been coding this whole game but i'm so bad at drawing so i can put the characters in but cool whatever cheers for the help i don't care if i ping you guys snakes someone help me if you're a real one okay what is going on here but if you're looking for an art designer check instagram i'm sure there's plenty of creators who will accept a commission from you discord isn't the best place to look in my opinion all if only you knew yas ariana queen and thank you ember at least someone is helpful but they'll charge me money and i don't have queen well of course art takes time and exposure and credit isn't enough to pay the bills of an artist nah i found two people who would do it for free but they're not dedicated enough like they don't care enough about it you know some people do it just for hobbies hopefully i can milk someone for free no homo wow this is gonna be the weirdest interaction i've ever seen just it's like oh i wish someone could do something for me and care about it i'm not going to give them anything else in return but why can't they just do it for me you know the main character in the world you're not newsflash you're not all right what's your best price seven hundred uh fifty five k are you high uh are you well that's less than half of what i just said my minimum is well it needs glow plugs yeah one which costs fifty bucks i'll happily go 10-700 how about that hi i saw your posts on insta and i love them so since i print and frame photos for people and you're a photographer maybe we could team up with something oh thanks for your interest that sounds great so what were you thinking all right here's my idea you can send me some pics without the watermarks and i can print and sell them then we split the profits uh no then how do i benefit well i'll give you credit and exposure i have more than three times your followers so i think it'll help you how does that sound uh no i'm not gonna give you images that i normally sell for free so that you can make a profit off of them just for some exposure to your three and a half thousand followers well if you want to be selfish and not share your talents with others that's fine with me okay great but god will definitely never forgive these sins uh if you don't change your ways you'll go to hell well i'll save you a spot well you heard it here first that was one of the things that the god said you know you can't do that if you don't give people free art online especially on instagram dms facebook dm stuff like that then you will go to hell it's just that's how it goes ed sheeran went from sleeping roof to world's biggest pop star as he turns 30 today all right well if he was a real man he'd donate 50 to homeless causes he wouldn't even notice i i think he would notice i'm pretty sure he would he would and he's probably a nice guy like i don't think he needs to donate 50. hello are you selling a gaming pc i'm interested yeah it's an i5 7th gen gtx 1060 16 gigabytes of ram computer my asking price is 700 bucks i could do 600 bucks if you got it today okay listen man i need that computer because i need to make a fortnight youtube channel so i need the pc delivered free but do not worry i give you shout out if you don't i will call 9-1-1 and you will get arrested okay give your mom her phone back but why please computer i shout you out or else lol no bro do o w i beg you i will call 9-1-1 and they will cuff you if you don't give it now answer okay i guess cops will rescue you and sir fortnight gamer 2009 pop i'd say you're gonna learn a big lesson today hi anyone here giving away a free new or like new chrysler 200 2015-2017 my 16 year old daughter turned down three thousand dollars for a new vehicle because the car that her grandpa was trying to sell to her was pretty crappy also i need asap thanks yeah you need to leave like now this group is not for this it is for people who are actually in need of financial help if you actually read most posts here are for people who don't usually have enough money to even buy a full meal maybe you should rename your group you are always giving people false information i thought this was a support group idiot it just just idiot this guy that really wants a brand new lamborghini he goes up to someone who's homeless on the street goes you know me and you we're not so different we both need new things in life and maybe we can both get them by begging for it yeah and bro you're fine you don't need a brand new ship you have three grand like that's enough for a car i don't care if your 16 year old doesn't like that just get a wand i don't really like beards then why would you swipe on me then well you can always shave it lamal i won't though the bed stays you won't shave for me um no i won't why not i don't like guys with bids well sucks to suck then i'm not shaving them for you i guess you'll have to miss out on me tomorrow night then well those who would shave the beard for girls who deserve neither the beard or the girls benjamin franklin probably i get it if it was like your wife and she was like oh can you shave that i don't like that and you were together for like five ten years but before the first date nice this is me i'm living in texas and certainly have no money for groceries and necessities i was hoping if anybody white people could spare money to help oh my god i'm not even gonna read the rest of this and then she said sorry for sounding needy but i haven't gotten any donations yet i don't understand like is she a non-white person who's like oh white people they need to give it to me or does she just hate every other race only white people might i don't want any other money i don't understand foldable reading light for a dollar hi is this still available yup you can pick it up anytime today just give me a heads up at this address and my number is this uh is it free or do you want a dollar well if you don't mind just a dollar i plan on donating any money i make on kiji to redemption pause rescue organization well it seems a bit pricey for the condition it's in could you do 60 cents condition it's basically unused i know but considering that i'm going to you i think it would be fair to pay for my gas like 40 cents if that's okay with you but it's already a really low price i'm basically giving it away for free i just asked for a dollar to contribute to my donation to help animals i understand that it's just that money is kind of tough right now due to covid and i'm not getting any income i really need to save as much as possible my son and i really enjoy reading books together and i want to surprise him with this light i could go to 75 cent if that helps at all i would really appreciate it ah i'm sorry you guys are going through a tough time with cobin you can just take it as it's only a dollar i hope it helps you and your son and if you're in a position where you're more financially stable you can always just pay it forward like donate to charity when you're ready let me know when you want to grab it and i hope you both are staying safe and that's kind of nice what kind of books do you like to read together i don't even want the light or struggling financially i just wanted you to realize how pointless and what a waste of time it is trying to sell something less than 10 books on key ggd if you really care about this charity can't you put in one dollar yourself instead of dealing with another stranger and putting yourself and your family at risk with the virus i would understand if you listed a bunch of items that are worth at least 20 bucks but you fully wasted all the time you spent listing that thing and talking to me i don't even have a son as i am eight years old stay safe though thanks for your time they're the voice changer all along ah if you ever think about like donating to charity or anything like that just know that you're wasting your time if it's not at least 20 bucks and if you want to waste your time even more then click another video and subscribe and leave a like on the video to show that you really appreciated me making the video for you because that's not enough just watching that's not enough i i need likes i need subscription i need everything come on guys come on
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 98,318
Rating: 4.9725165 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: zSYx9SwZdg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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