CHOOSING A NEW BABYSITTER FOR MY DAUGHTER! **Wednesday Addams or Barbie** Ft/ @AnazalaFamily

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okay [Applause] [Applause] this is Faye apparently I have to be a babysitter but I don't like younger kids pretty scary I guess we have to go with this hey Mom is Faye okay um you look a little different today is everything okay I'm fine [Music] is there another option for a babysitter yeah um let me see what the other girls are doing [Applause] if I ate a rock watch no I'm burp I'm Barbie too I'm Barbie too oh wait where's Ken I don't know Barbie can okay I'm here too oh my God I lost you hi Barbie hi Barbie hi Barbie hi Mila hi hi we are going to be babysitting you today but before we babysit you what's your favorite color pink [Applause] there's a lot going on in the world right now with like Barbie and Wednesday and they've kind of like gotten into it but I mean I'm sure it'll be fine babysitting but are you sure I could reschedule it for another time or let's let's see do we ask her if she wants to I guess okay okay Mila could you talk to your mom for a second are you sure about this we find you another babysitter no I'm sure you you want to try them out okay but I guess you can only pick one okay it's either one oh oh hi we're just yeah is it okay if we just have a moment we're just what did you guys want to do first yeah wanna go put this on yeah okay we're gonna actually poop you okay ready yeah you're gonna jump one two three hi I'm Barbie [Applause] life is more annoying than your fake blonde hair I Am Naturally blonde that's not what the hair stylist said oh she needs therapy I know just ignore her are you sure that's how you want your daughter to dress pink is such a desperate color at this point I don't know what I'm sure about obviously [Music] so each one of you are going to do a runway walk do ya okay ready you're gonna start one at a time okay let's go okay [Music] well that was uh pretty good okay uh Wednesday it's uh it's your turn Mila do you know how to walk like an actual person not like one of these idiots that's okay I would take that smile off your face not bad Wednesday okay we have one more thing for this fashion competition the Barbies are going to nominate one of the Barbies or the Ken to sing a song okay a little bit come on Ken you can do it guys okay Barbies here I go oh fine no I'm probably much too late to try and apologize for my mistakes but I just want you to know I hope it buys you flowers I hope you hold your hand oh [Applause] awesome okay Wednesday Wednesday it's your turn I am a Lost Boy from Neverland usually hanging out with Peter Pat and Edmond where but we play in the woods always on the run from Captain Hook he's not bad okay so Mila for this first challenge would you like to choose the Barbie yay or Wednesday remember your favorite colors oh don't don't try to bribe her um Barbie bad choice I think these look a lot better in this I will yeah you will wow are you Mila hey what did you do I'm not Faye okay this is scary there's like two of you guys right now oh my gosh what are the Barbie's gonna think you're a beautiful blonde I love the color black and I hate pink much better let's go Wednesday is Barbies um hopefully Mila will pick your poster but of course all pink this challenge so you guys have five minutes let's make a Barbie poster and uh you guys can get a straw whatever you want Mila do you want some Barbie stickers aren't they so cute your favorite color maybe just one exactly you can choose from like come on look come on they cry a lot I know I hate emotions too okay [Music] I don't know do you want to borrow the pink I'm not using it no just give it to one of that it does okay hands up I'm supposed to put a unicorn sticker okay Wednesdays Wednesdays you're still coloring Wednesdays can you uh listen I know you guys are just uh making all black thank you Wednesdays let's go inside okay you guys listen we're gonna pick the people who have won the challenge of Mila um okay let's see what you have on there wow okay and you and say I mean Wednesday all right those are really scary I guess I would kind of know but who's a poster would you like to select for this challenge you guys won the first one the one say it's so scary and I love it oh um that's not the Mila I know who's Mila okay all right let's make a snack probably just hungry you guys take Mila let's put her back in her Barbie one two three um it's not working that's because I like this outfit [Music] it's okay maybe it will fix her yes cupcakes you're still picking your babysitter and you can still pick Wednesday or the Barbies [Applause] Wednesday and the Barbies are tied right now so right now you guys are gonna be making Mila a snack okay make Mila a snack who's bae don't call me real on Wednesday wait What About Cupcakes you could get all these cupcakes if you come to the Barbie side see see only if you go to the Barbie side come on what's going on here nothing if you don't want to lose all your limbs quit it I want to eat this so good oh yes now I want to start decorating my cupcakes I knew my plan would work good job Barbie good job Barbie thanks Barbie and Barbie I know it won't last long dude vapid bobbleheads look at that [Applause] come on [Applause] foreign are you sure you want to look like one of those idiots I'm sorry just like cupcakes okay so where's Wednesday's cupcake is that blood obviously why would you I'm definitely switching the Barbies yeah okay sorry Wednesday oh my gosh I don't feel so good wow this is good tastes like human remains Barbie yes all right uh time for you to tell the story first I call it I call it since I'm stereotypical Barbie I'm going first Barbie story and uh Wednesday's story so there once was a unicorn with a rainbow Mane All right and she had an owner and her owner loved the Unicorn so much but then one day the Unicorn got lost so you know what the owner did the owner said rainbow unicorn please come to me and guess what the rainbow unicorn did what she said oh no for her I got lost so then the Unicorn gallops right over yet I'm a little bored so then the rainbow unicorn Gallows gobs scallops and then finally finds her own ER and then the rainbow and then the rainbow hair glows okay okay Miss Wednesday would you like to tell Mila a story that's Barbie okay okay Barbie okay is there once was a rat vampire and this rat vampire found a Barbie that looked just like Barbie anymore the rat vampire went to go taste the Barbie immediately spit it out because it probably tasted horrible and then when would happen next the rat farted okay you know what did I make you laugh yes okay Leela I'm scared I'm sorry I like monster story foreign [Music] we will have to have a tie breaker at our special secret place that we're gonna poop to okay ready okay guys we're gonna poop to it in three two one we have the ice cream place but wait where's Wednesday she's right over here okay Mila have you decided who you want your babysitter to be and it's the salad there's a there's one more challenge still yes could you could you go with your mom for one second sure just stay right there okay girls yes okay when you think Mila will watch okay okay come on let's go we are Barbies and we're auditioning to be babysitters today um do you think we would be good absolutely well anyways that doesn't matter okay well we would actually like to get a kitty small size of um strawberry ice cream you know that little girl who comes in here do you think she likes pink I would say so I think she's wearing pink right now hello I'm Wednesday oh you're a Wednesday do you like ice cream Wednesday No but I'm ordering for a friend I'll just get the kids Sloan's chocolate and this no I hate topics okay Mila come here and now it's gonna be time for you to decide which babysitter you want more yeah okay Mila would you like to have some strawberry ice creams Barbies you have to put them down next to each other Wednesday what do you have I have chocolate plain ice cream bye [Music] bye
Views: 2,912,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yjea813YSbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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