BUG CATCHiNG with NiKO and ADLEY!! Learning about Rare Bugs found on pirate island irl & in Roblox

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- [Dad] Wait, guys. - [Mom] What? - There's a mosquito on my shirt. Catch it. Oh, did you get it? - I think so. - Ah, he's trying to get the vlog. Watch out, you're going to get a mosquito bite, get out of here. - What? There's a tons of roly polies. Get me, get me in here. - Okay, get them in here. - Oh this one, this ones escaping. - Look, do you wanna see? - [Niko] And dad. - [Dad] What? - [Niko] I just remembered something. They don't know I got one of these, and there's a 100, there's a lot of roly polies in it. - Yeah. We've been practicing with these. They work really good. - It's a lady bug. - Where did you see it? Like on the Rock? (Adley screams) - Oh, what? Oh! (Adley screams) - It's literally on Niko. - It's on Niko. (Adley screams) - Oh, I got this guys. - [Dad] Okay. - I'm a ladybug pro. - [Dad] Hey bugs, are any of you under there? - No bugs under there. - [Dad] All right. (Dad and Adley screams) Cockroach, for reals. Look! (Niko laughs) Run! Oh no! - [Adley] He got a, he got a... - [Dad] Watch the cockroach! - [Mom] Watch out under your- (Dad screams) - [Dad] These beetles are dead. - Dad, I'm so sad. - Why? - 'Cause I see a dead beetle. A beetle and, and it's a baby beetle. - [Dad] Oh, let's put it in a little grave. (Adley screams) Whoa, Adley's literally holding a cockroach. - Mommy. - [Niko] Okay. Would I touch it too? - Ah! That little guy. - Wait, can I hold him real quick I wanna do something. - Yeah. - Mom. - [Dad] Oh boy. - Mom. (Dad laughs) - Oh, good job Niko, you're holding a pirate bug. - [Niko] Oh, he's calm. - [Dad] He likes you. - (laughs) He's the king of the world. - The king of the cockroach world. - Hey, get back here. Get back here you. - Camera, lay down. - [Dad] Oh. - Gonna... - [Dad And Adley] Ew. - You have a cockroach on you. - Ew, put more bugs on the vlog. - Ew. - There he is, just hiding in the grass right there. What do cockroaches eat? Anything I bet. Ah! - Look, this is a, this is a baby spider. (dramatic drum hit) - That's a baby black widow, I think. - No way. Do not touch black widows. (upbeat jungle music) (door creaks) - We're going on a bug adventure. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah, we're going on the, we're going to find cool bugs. - Yeah, we're gonna find all the bugs and catch 'em. - And I'm gonna bring my buddy sparkle butt. - And she's ringing sparkle butt. - Sparkle butt. Pfft. - It's because when she was born, she got sparkles on her butt and it was fairy dust. And so she could fly better. And now she just has sparkle on her butt. - And now she's sparkle butt, okay. - It's true. I was there. Pirate Dad was there. He saw it all. - Yeah. And, and Fairy Adley was there and told me. - Yeah. All right. He knows where bugs are. Niko, you're the best bug catcher. - Tell us, Niko. - Where are we gonna find some bugs? - Let's check the plants. - Ooh, plants that good. - Yeah. - It's kind of been raining, which means all the bugs are hiding. That's a good time to find bugs 'cause they're all in their homes hiding. - Probably not in there. - Wait, Mom, don't look. (pot thuds) - [Mom] My plant. - Aye-aye, captain. Anything? - [Adley] Nope. - No. Sorry little plant. Goodbye. All right, Niko. Where else do you think? - Oh, I think in this giant plant. - [Dad] Oh, let's check it out. - Oh, on the rocks. - Wait. No, those are rocks. They like to be under dirt. - [Mom] Yeah. - Oh, in dirt. - [Adley] Yeah. - Should we check Pirate beach? - Oh. Or sand. Or sand. - Or sand. Oh, help me lift this rock. (groans) - [Mom] Uh, Dad, you can't lift that. - Nevermind. - Remember when we- - You need to be buff and strong, like me. - [Dad] Yeah. - Remember, we found a ton of bugs in here. I think it was our first, like, pirate video that we found tons of bugs in here. - [Niko] I see a tons of bugs, I think. - Oh, that's an old squirt gun. Look at that. Ahoy, there be bugs inside? - Argh. - Under the starfish. - Ah! - [Dad] What? - [Mom] What? - [Niko] Beetle. - [Dad] What is that? - [Niko] Beetle. - [Dad] A giant beetle. Okay, get your bug kit. This is serious business. - [Niko] Don't touch it. - [Mom] That's not real, right? - [Adley] That's fake. - [Mom] Oh boy. (bouncy music) - If that was real, look at that. Beetle's bigger than my hand. - I would not like that. - Ew. Ew. - [Mom] It's even got a spiderweb. - You do not want a beetle like that in your bed. Would you catch this if it was real? - Yes. - Yes. - You would? Why are you so brave? - Yeah, I saw it. - Guys look. - What? There's a tons of roly polies. Get me, get me in here. - Oh, this one - Okay, get him in here. - This one's escaping, hurry. - Always check under skulls for bugs. They love to be under pirate skulls. Okay. Niko's got his kit. Here, I'll hold this and you grab them. - Tweezers. There's tweezers. - There's tweezers. Tweezers Might hurt him. Get the grabbers. You got one? - I got one sleeping. This guy is sleeping. - Oh, he's, wait, he's starting to move. Look. - Wow. - You see it? - [Adley] Okay, more... - That's black and white. - Oh wait. Yeah, look. These are cow roly polies. - [Mom] What? - They're called cow roly polies. And they're kind of black and whiteish. These ones are kinda rare. Good find, kids. - [Adley] Ah, get back in there. - Are there any more? We don't wanna miss any of them 'cause these ones are rare. Oh, right there. Get it. Get it. - [Mom] There's one right there I believe. - [Adley] I'll grab it. - Oh, there's a bug. - Hm, oh, it's in there. - Okay. Okay, look. - Oh. - Do you see the little dots on it? - Yeah. They're black and white. - It's a cow roly poly. These ones are rare. - [Adley] Whoa. - We got two cow roly polies. How's your collection coming? Girls? - Uh, good. I got three. - Three. Are they cow ones? - Yeah. - Wait, look through here. - This is so cool. - Whoa. Vlog, do you wanna see? - [Niko] Dad, I just remembered something. - [Dad] What? - [Niko] How are we gonna get the tweezers out? - [Adley] Whoa. - The tweezers. Where the tweezers? Oh, they're in there. - [Niko] Yeah. - Can you reach in and get 'em? So these are our new bug kits. They say Niko Bear and Adley 'cause they helped design them and they picked all the colors and they picked all the things they wanted. But normally you take the tweezers out before you put the bugs in. - We didn't do that. - We got too excited and found some bugs. - It's right next to me. (Adley screams) - [Mom] How do they look? - Cute. - How many legs do they have? - I can't count, they're moving. - Oh look. A little beetle right there. Like a little bug bug. A little tiny one. - [Adley] Where? - [Dad] Oh, get him Niko. Get him. - [Mom] He's fast. - [Adley] That's a spider. - [Dad] Get him, get him. Oh, there's two of them. - [Adley] There's two. - [Dad] Here, use these bud. Oh, nice. See these ones are good for catching 'cause you don't hurt the bugs. You can just grab everything around them. Is it in there? Yeah. You got it, look. - I caught something. - Look, right there. - I caught something. - What did you catch? - It's an ant. - Okay. Niko, You got an ant, a baby beetle, and three cow roly polies. - [Niko] Yeah. - You are doing good dude. - Let me tweezer some plants for the bugs. - Ooh, good idea drop that in there. - I need some plants for the bugs, too. - Bugs love plants. - [Niko] Yes. - They love plants and dirt. - [Mom] We're making them a little home. I love it. - Ooh. And we can get some vegetables or fruit and put in here. 'Cause bugs love eating on, like, carrots and fruits and vegetables. - Dad, we should have put them in this cage. - [Dad] Oh. - 'Cause then they could run around. - Yeah, so we have two different bug catchers. These are for like the little bugs that you wanna be able to put in here and look at with the magnifying glass. And then these ones are for like bigger bugs or grasshoppers or things that like to hop around, - [Mom] Yeah. - and like, climb on leaves and twigs. - Hey dad. - [Dad] What? - Did you know I got one of these, and it's in our backyard. - [Dad] Yeah. - And there's a hundred, there's lot of roly polies in there. - Yeah. We've been practicing with these. They work really good. Look, pretend this beetle was real. Boop, boop, boop. Perfect little home for him. - If this beetle was real, that was be so crazy. Now, let's put this guy back in his home and forget about it. - Yeah, he can just live right back there. - There you go little beetle. - [Mom] Can you put the skull back too? - Yeah, that could be another bug's home someday. More bugs. - And we have this, a net. And it's supposed to catch dad's with. - No. You're not supposed to catch dads with the net. You're supposed to catch bugs. - Or butterflies. - And it can extend, to catch butterflies or bugs or anything that flies. Oh. - It's Niko's bug catching bag. - It's literally mine 'cause it literally says Niko. - Yep. Literally says Niko. And Adley's bug catching bag. - [Adley] Gimme, gimme. - Bug catching kit. - Should we look for some more bugs, guys? - [Dad] All right, who's is this? Niko, this is yours. - Dad. - [Dad] What? - Come here. - [Dad] What? - Look at this. - Oh, that's the little beetle we caught. - No, that's not a beetle. - What is it? - It is a baby spider. - [Mom] Let me see. - Look. This isn't a beetle. This is a baby spider. - That's a baby black widow, I think. - No way. Do not touch black widows. - [Mom] I do not like spiders. - I think that's just a normal baby spider. I don't know, I can't tell. - Hello. - It's definitely a baby spider. So we got cow. Three cow. Three cow roly polies. - Yep. - And we got baby spider. - I know. And a sparkle butt. All right, where are we gonna find our next bugs at? - Why is everything so far away? - [Mom] You gotta flip it around. - Oh, it's upside down. - Weh, weh, weh. - Oh, it's still upside down. - Weh, weh, weh. - Oh my. - Sparkle butt. - Okay, we're gonna have you rest right here. Dinosaur. Will you take of sparkle butt? (dinosaur roaring) Okay. Blah, blah, blah. Be good, sparkle butt. - (laughs) Alright. Where we be looking next? - A skull. - [Dad] Why do we have so many skulls out here? - Because it' pirates. - [Dad] Wait, guys. - [Mom] What? - There's a mosquito on my shirt. Catch it. Oh. Did you get it? - I think so. - Ah, he's trying to get the vlog. (Mom screams) - Watch out, you're going to get a mosquito bite. Get outta here. Oh. I'm going to look at me giant pirate rock. - Wait, look. Here maybe. - Oh, yeah. This is where the- Oh, I bet when they lifted the skull rock, it had so many bugs underneath it. - Yeah. - Under the trampoline? You guys thinking what I'm thinking? - Yeah. I wanna go down. - (screams) Dead mouse. - Ew. - Gross. Our mouse in the house mouse. - No. - [Dad] That's the saddest thing I've ever seen. - No, no. - [Dad] What? - We're totally not going down there. - Yeah, there's dead mouses. We shoulda left him in our house. - Ew, no. - [Dad] Look at that spider right there. - I think it's a poisonous. - Yeah. - I think we're going to stay away from the trampoline. - I think we're not going under there. - So, about that skull Rock. - Yep. To skull rock, here we go. - Hi, vloggy. I'm going on an adventure. - Where would they be on school rock? (playful music) - Hmm. - Oh, it's a ladybug. - [Dad] Hm? Where? - [Adley] Look right there. - [Dad] I see a ladybug. - [Adley] I need tweezers. - [Dad] Okay, oh, those ones are yours. I got the lid ready for ladybugs. - [Adley] Okay. - [Dad] Be really careful with them. - [Adley] This one. - Careful. Oh, she's moving around. Oh, she's trying to get out of there. - How do you know it's a she? - Because it's a ladybug. - Wait, are all these bugs, can they coexist together? - I think so. Except for that baby spider. - [Adley] Oh no. - He might be a rascal. - [Adley] I just dropped it. - Oh no. You gotta use the catcher thing. - Here's another one. - Not tweezers. Yeah, use these. Where did you see it? Like on the rock? (Niko screams) - Ah, what? (Niko screams) - Oh, it's literally on Niko. (Niko screams) - Oh, I got this guys. - [Dad] Okay. - I am a ladybug pro. - [Dad] A ladybug pro. Whoa. Careful. - Good job. - Here's your case. Good job ladybug pro. - [Mom] It was on Niko's leg. - I did not know that was on my leg. - Yeah. I liked your battle cries. That was pretty tough, dude. (Niko screams) Did your kids ever let out battle cries while they're looking for bugs? That's how you know you're tough. - You found one Adley? Whoa. - Ooh. I bet it's 'cause this is hot. And it was like rainy and they like the warmth. - Look, there's more by your hand. - See, that's the secret about catching bugs is you gotta think like bugs. - Look, look, look. - Wait, this is Niko's. Whoa. - Ladybug. - That's so cool. Okay. And if you get a couple bug catching kits like we have, you definitely want to write your names on them. Or else they mix up their bugs. And it's a catastrophe. It's a catastrophe. - Catastrophe. - Okay, this one's yours. Niko, did you find any more bugs down there? - I found them, but I dropped them in the grass. - Wait, I see him moving. It's right here. Oh, let me pick the grass. He's in here somewhere. Catch him. You got him? - Here Niko, got your bug ready? - And then should we put some grass in there for her? - [Adley] What? - What? - Is that? It looks like a ginormous grasshopper. - Let's catch it. Ginormous grasshopper. It's a leaf bug. These are really rare bugs that look exactly like leaves that- (Mom laughs) Nevermind, it's just a leaf. Dang it. I wanna catch a leaf bug. - Let's go look by the skate park. - I'm catching more ladybugs. I'm catching more ladybugs. - [Dad] Are you sure there's more over there? - [Adley] I'm going to the skate park. - They love this warm skull. - [Niko] I see two. - [Dad] Where? - [Niko] I see two. - Oh, they really are just chilling out here, huh? Oh, got him. Oh. Oh. He's moving all over. Okay. Where is the, where's, where's, hurry. Why am I scared of a ladybug? - [Niko] I love ladybugs. - All right. - I'm a ladybug pro, so I hold ladybugs. - You're a ladybug pro? Dude, the way that you like battle cried, I can tell you're a ladybug pro. (niko screams) - Yes. - Yeah. - Hey Dad. - What? - Have you ever heard of a brown ladybug? - No. Are those rare? - Yeah. - Let me see. - And I see a brown ladybug. - Where? I love all colors of ladybugs. Where are they? - They're in here. - [Dad] Oh, wow. Get your tweezers. That's what we need for this job. - Tweezers coming up. Tweeze. - Tweeze. - What if it hard pinches them? - You just gotta be really careful. - [Niko] I'm digging out it. - [Dad] Good job. See, that's why you need tweezers. - [Niko] Mom, dad. - [Dad] What? - [Niko] There's actually one. - [Dad] Oh, here, I'll grab it with this. - I can't believe there was one on my- - I know you were like, "Dad, is there a ladybug on me?" Oddly, ladybugs love- - [Niko] Niko. - Skull rock, and Niko. - Yeah. He loves to be on me. I found my bug case. - Oh, put it in the catcher. Scoop. Scoop. There you go. (laughs) All right. Where we be finding our next bugs? - Dad. That's mine. - Should we go on to fairy forest? - Yeah. You hold my bug catchers. - I'll hold the bug catchers. - Oh. My, my hat. - Oh yeah. Perfect. You need a good hat. Any luck in fairy forest? - [Niko] Dad! - What? What? - This is the greatest place ever. Look, I just noticed the greatest place ever. - [Dad] Where? - Down here. - Caught bug. - It's a pine cone bug. - A pine cone bug. - I'm gonna crawl under this, I think. - Are you serious? Hey bugs. are any of you under there? - No bugs under there. - All right. I vote we go to Pirate Beach. - [Adley] Same. - Dig in the dirt. Lift up some rocks. Ooh. Water bugs. Like on the shoreline right there. - [Adley] Oh yeah. Let's go. - Yeah. Like a Loch Ness Monster bug. - Vlog, one time we found two moths. - Oh yeah. - On the beach. - We did. - And they needed our help. - And we helped them. - Yeah. - This weekend we were at pirate island and we helped so many bugs and animals. There were fish that were stuck and we helped them. - Yeah. - Let's go to catch some bugs. - Did you see that fish jump right there? Look, you can see the cloud of like dust where he was. - [Adley] I have water shoes. - Catch a fish. Oh, a dingle hopper. - You can also find like cool treasures in the water with the bug kit stuff. - Yeah. You could catch whatever you want with this kit. - A mini shovel. - We'll leave it here for some pirates to dig with. - I found this. - What? - [Niko] I found- - Hey, this was our bug catching kit this weekend. We legitimately almost caught a fish in this net. I'm dead serious. - [Adley] Dad. - Oh, a feather. Oh, that's cool. - I'm gonna wash it off. - [Dad] Wash it off and let's put it in here. - Yeah. You can also find a lot of rare treasures. Not just bug, but a lot of different kinds of cool things. Okay. I washed it. - All right. Come put it in here. Dad designed this to kind of look like the space station triangle and a good place for bugs and stuff. - What kinda feather does that look like? - That looks like, maybe a duck feather. We have so many unique birds here though. There's these birds that swim underwater, they dive down and swim underwater for a long time, and then pop out. It's me favorite birds at Pirate Island. Maybe it's one of their feathers. I wonder what they're called. Figure out what that bird's called and pop it up. Let's learn a little bit here. - Dad, net. Net, net, net. - [Dad] Net? Okay. Net, net, net, net. - Net, net, net, net. - What? Oh, what is that? Get it, now. Oh, she got it. What is it? Here let me grab the grabbers. - Oh, it's moving. It's alive. I thought it was dead at first. - It's like a little beetle. - That is a beetle. And I'm a pro a beetles too. - You're a pro at Beetles too? - Yes. Let me hold him. - Look at this little beetle, vlog Oh, you'll hold him? - I'm brave enough to hold a baby beetle. This is a dada Beetle, vlog. - Oh, it's a dada one? - Yes. - I like dada beetles. - Good job, dude. You're catching so many good bugs. - Dad, I thought it was a skull but it was bird poop. - Ew. - Bird poop? Ew. Gross. - [Adley] Yuck. - If there be a dark spot with bugs, pirate dad be a finding them with me flashlight. - [Niko] Guys, guys. We also got these flashlights that are pretty cool. - Guys. - [Dad] What, what? - [Adley] Behind this. - [Dad] Oh, that is a way good spot. - [Niko] Ladybug, ladybug, ladybug. - Here, let's flip it, watch out. - [Niko] Ladybug. - We got another ladybug? - Yeah, right there. - Ladybugs love pirate stuff. Oh no. She's a goner. I'm sorry, miss ladybug. You were amazing. Rest in piece. - We are sorry for our fallen brother. - What if it was just pretending? - It's the smartest lady bug ever. She was just pretending so we wouldn't catch her. I'm wearing me bugs like a bunch of bug bling. Hello. - Did you guys find anymore? - We did. We found a little beetle. A dad Beetle. It was a dada Beetle. Niko found it. He's the beetle pro. - [Mom] A dad Beetle? - Did you know Niko's a Beetle pro. - [Mom] I didn't. And a lady book pro? - We almost caught fish. - And a roly poly pro. - [Mom] What? - [Dad] And a roly poly pro? - [Mom] Wow. - We caught an Adley in the net. (Adley and Mom laughs) - [Niko] Guys. - [Dad] What? - I just found a bug. - [Dad] Where? - He's dead. - [Dad] Oh. - It was a, I'm so sad for him. 'Cause it was a- - [Adley] It's a bug. - It was a ladybug. And it's dead. - [Mom] Aw. Should we bury him? - I love you ladybug. Goodbye. I'm gonna put you in the grave. - [Dad] Good job, Niko. - I put him in the grave. Always put ladybugs in the grave if they're dead. - Guys, there have been some pirate crabs here digging in the sand. - Why? - What? - There's pirate crab holes. I always see little pirate crabs by me ship, but I'm never quick enough to catch them. - Maybe that's what tripped Adley on the net. - Pirate crabs are tricky. - That's what always trips me, I think. Pirate crabs. - Pirate crabs? Those darn pirate crabs. Oh, kids. Let's lift this. This is gonna be a good one. Ready? I really feel good about this. There's probably either gonna be a pirate crab or a bunch of beetles or bugs. Or a pirate's favorite. A stinky crockroach. Cockroach. Not a crockroach. A crockroach would be extra scary though. Half crocodile. Half roach. - Beetle. - Oh. - Dad. - It's dead, it's dead. - Dad, dad, dad. - These beetles are dead. - Dad, I'm so sad. - Why? - 'Cause I see a dead beetle and it's a baby beetle. - Oh, let's put it in a little grave. There you go. Niko loves bugs 'cause he is a bug pro. Bug pros love bugs. - Dad, come on. Let's go look over here. - Oh, a magic genie bug that crawled into the lamp. - [Mom] He has three wishes. - No, no, that- - [Adley] Ladybug. - (screams) Cockroach, for reals. Look. Mom, put him out, oh no. Oh. (Mom screams) - Wait. There's some more cow bugs in there too. - Yeah. This must have been the perfect spot for him. - [Niko] I call the cockroach. - Really? - [Adley] I call the cow bugs. - [Mom] Okay. Here. - Careful, careful. Oh. Oh. - [Adley] Whoa. - That's disgusting. - There's that. - Whoa. - Oh, Niko caught a cow roly poly. Okay. Who's is this? - Okay. This guy's name gonna be Lightning 'cause he's super fast, lightning fast. - Ooh, lightning fast, the cockroach. - Dad, there's way more, there's way more. There's way more. - [Dad] Okay. Let's catch them. - Mom, do you wanna see? - No, I don't. - Do you wanna see? - I don't. - You wanna see? - No, I don't. - You wanna see? - Okay. Wow. Okay. Oh, wow, that's big. - I touched him. - Don't let him go, 'cause then he'll be hard to- - (screams) Oh, it's okay, it was just dirt. - Stop. - Vlog. - What? - I touched one. - You did? - I touched the cow roly poly. - [Adley] He likes to run around. - I bet you could grab them with your hands. - [Adley] So, I'm going to put him in here. - Do you wanna grab them with your hands? You're a bug pro. You got this. Roly polies are easy. - Oh yeah. I hold roly poles a long time. - Do you wanna catch one? - I never hold a cow roly poly. - Yeah. These ones are kind of more rare. - [Adley] No. He got out. - [Dad] Ah, catch the cockroach. - Ah. Can they bite? - [Dad] I don't know. Just catch it. - [Adley] Give me something. - [Dad] Here. - He's on the run. He's on the run. - [Dad] You got this? - [Adley] Woo woo. - He's pretending to be dead. - Ooh. They're smart. These cockroaches. Okay, I'll get this ready. (Adley screams) - [Mom] Dad, under your- - [Dad] Ah! Ah! Okay. - [Adley] Dad, no- - What if he runs into the house? - [Adley] It's the triangle cage. - Oh, it's the triangle cage one? Drop him nice and soft. Oh. - Ooh. Zip it up. Zip it up. - Our little pet cockroach. It's a pirate's bug. I love cockroaches. There he is. Just hiding in the grass right there. What do cockroaches eat? Anything I bet. Ah! Don't drop your cockroach. - Sorry. A pirate's life for me. - But seriously, I think if we put like, some old fruit or vegetables in there, they'll love them. - [Adley] Yeah. - There better not be bugs in me pirate ship. Ooh, inside me treasure hold. Bugs? Oh, get the lights. You know the light thing. Go get the light thing out of the kits. Oh, nice. - [Adley] A fruit. - [Dad] Ooh, there's spiderwebs. - We might see a spider. Wait, move that. - [Dad] Okay. - [Adley] I'm ready for whatever it is. - [Dad] Cupcake. - [Adley] Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - [Dad] What? What? - [Adley] Crack. - Crack. That's where they all go. Maybe more cockroaches. Where's me pirate cockroaches? - Move that. Well it really is good that we have a light in our bug kit or else we couldn't find anything. - That is very true, girl. All Right. - Wait. A future glove. - [Mom] Do you have Niko's bugs? - [Dad] Yeah. I got Niko's bugs right here. - [Mom] He just caught a roly poly. - Nice. - Abra kadabra, what is going to be right now? There's a mermaid popping in the water. We gotta go look. We gotta go look. Wow look, there's a mermaid out there, dad look. - What? Oh, there it- Oh, I just saw the mermaid that I always see. Did you see her? - Yeah. - I told you she's real, you just never see her. I saw the mermaid. Did you guys see her? I told you there's mermaids at pirate island. - That one really didn't like me. - Oh yeah. He was a troublemaker. - [Mom] I think he loved you. He was climbing all over you. - He looks like a troublemaker one. - Dad, there's only- - Oh, look at that. Go on, look in here. Whoa, look at that. Look in there. Right there. Isn't that cool? - Vloggy. - What? - Now there's only two more of them. - Wait there's still two? - Yeah. Cause they were three and then I catch one, then there's two. They're hiding in this dirt. - Oh, they were hiding. You always know how to find them. - Yeah, 'cause mom told me. - Good job. - Mom told me their hiding place. - Do you want one of these cow roly polies? - [Adley] Sure. - Dill. Oh, we got a good collection going. Cow roly polies, ladybugs, baby spider. We got an ant in there. Oh yeah. The beetle. We got a good collection. - [Mom] Niko got one. - All right. Right in here, dude. - [Mom] Put it in. Maybe he'll climb down in. - Good job, dude. Oh, we got him. Arr. Pirates are good at catching spiders. This be a good dinner later. - Dad, don't we have to keep him as a pet? - Okay. But then I get to eat him. All right. Where does the spider go, in here? Or will he be mean to the other bugs? That is not a black widow or I would not let you touch it. Let's put it in here. This will be our spider cage. - [Mom] Ew, he's moving. - Whoa. He's fast. He's fast. He's fast. Ooh. He's climbing on the feather. Zip. Zip. Zip. Okay. We're safe. - Dad I think this is poisonous. - You think so? Oh, look at that spider. - [Adley] Uh, dad. I think there's some thunder coming. - Oh, look at those storm clouds. - [Dad] Oh. - [Niko] It might be raining. - You kids till have your umber umbas here. - Uh, I think. - I think so. - I think we found them. - We got new umbrellas too for springtime. They're like unicorn catch umbrellas, or bug catch. Oh guys, we should play bug catch later tonight. - Ooh, yeah. - [Adley] Yeah. - It's like unicorn catch with bugs now for Niko's. - Should we go catch some more bugs? - Let's do it. - Dad, they already know it's bug catch. - Oh yeah. We already made them a video, huh? What if there be bugs in pirate island Roblox? - Yeah. - And we gotta catch 'em. - Yeah. - Do you think there are? - I think so. - Should we check later? - Vlog, is there bugs on pirate island? Is there? - Is there? What about in the Roblox one? I bet there is. Let's lift up some of these rocks. - [Niko] Guys, I found a ladybug. - Again? - He loves this rock. His favorite thing is this rock. - He loves that rock. - This is his favorite rock of all times. - Yeah. That's probably his all time favorite rock. - Should I hold him? - Man, this is a good rock. It should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. (rimshot drumming) (laughs) Pirate dad joke. You see, it rolls. You know what I mean? It's a joke. Rock and roll. Hall of fame. Rocks. - [Niko] I almost got it. - Did you get my joke? - [Niko] Yes. - Did you like it? - [Niko] No. - Arr. - (laughs) Ah, dad, look at him. - You got him? Oh yeah. - He climbing all over it. - All right. Put him on in. Come here little bug, we got you. All right. Where to next? - We got her home safe. - We got our beetles, our spiders, our roly polies. Maybe be able to find a worm 'cause it was raining earlier. - And worms love rain. - They do love rain. - Actually, they don't like- - Oh. - By the way worms don't like rain. - Wait, they don't? - Oh, they, they don't like getting wet. - Oh, I thought they did. - So, so the, I learned that at school. - Really? What do they like? - Well, they like dirt and when they... we should definitely look underground for worms. - Oh, they like dirt. - When, when, when it rains, 'cause when it rains, then, then the, the, the, the worms go underground and they slither around. - Oh wow, see? Niko's a pro. He knows a lot about bugs. - [Adley] Dad! - Yeah. - Okay, let's move this and see if we see any worms? - 'Cause I'm at school, I learn about bugs. - [Adley] Dad, dad, dad. - Good job. - Oh, what, what do we got over here? - A big, giant, deep- - Oh, I would not wanna put my hands in there. - Wait, no, net, net, net, net. - No way, there's probably some rascals in there. - Net. - [Mom] Here's your net. - There's gonna be a badger in there. (dramatic music) (Dad hisses) - Dad! (Dad laughs) - Hey! - The vlog did it. Not me. - Vloggy. - Hey, I was gonna roll this truck forward. Let's see what we got. - [Niko] Yeah! - Nothing. Seriously? - Nothing. - What about this one? (metal clangs) - There's not- - Where be all the bugs? Ooh, what's that? Oh, look at that. Those ants are carrying a dead bug. - [Niko] Ew, gross. Those ants are carrying a dead fly. - [Dad] Whoa. - [Mom] It's their dinner tonight. - [Dad] Yeah. They're using teamwork. - Dad? - [Dad] What? - How is that one ant carrying a fly? - Ants are one of the strongest bugs and they can carry up to, fill in the blank, their weight. I don't know what it is, but I know it's a lot. Pop it up. Ants are really strong bugs. - [Mom] Is it because they work together? - Yeah. And they work together. - They could carry the whole planet. - I've heard that. - An ant could carry the whole planet if it wanted to. Just doesn't want to. - [Adley] It's not often bugs work together. He made a web. - [Dad] What? - He made a web on my hair. - Adley got a spider and it's hanging. - Whoa. - [Niko] He made a web. - That's just a little spider. How are you so brave? Holding spiders with webs. - He's so cute. So cute. Look at it. - That little spider. Ah? Where'd he go? - [Niko] He went down there I think. Oh, he's right here. - Oh, he's escaping. - Come on. Let's go look at the boat. I feel like there's some good stuff. - What if there's some- - Under the root beer bomb. - What if there's some in the boat? - [Dad] Let's look in the boat. - The treasure chest. - It's locked. - [Dad] Does anyone have a key? Oh. - It's not locked. - [Adley] No bugs. Just water. - [Dad] Just water. - What if there's bugs in there and they died underwater? - [Dad] Oh, that would be so sad. - I was just about to pick this up. - What? - Cockroach. - [Dad] Where? Oh, that's a big one. Look how big that is. - [Adley] Mom's leaving again. - Whoa. Mom, could you hold this for me? - [Mom] No. - Just really quick. Mom. Mom. Just really quick. I really just need to hold this just really quick. - (screams) No! - Ah. Where's the other one? Let's put them together so they can be friends. - Yeah. - We're gonna try a pirate experiment here. - I'll go grab the cage. - (screams) That is so creepy crawly feeling. Do you wanna hold a cockroach, dude? - No. - They're nice. Here, hold out your hand and you hold it for, ah, for a second. - [Mom] It's just like a giant roly poly Niko. - Says mom, who won't even get close to it. (Mom laughs) Oh, that's so crazy. - [Niko] Should I pet him? - [Dad] Yeah. Pet him. - I'm scared. - [Dad] It's okay. He's nice, look. - Should I pet him? - [Dad] He's like a big roly poly. These guys are exoskeletons. - [Niko] Hey guys, guys. (Adley screams) - Whoa Adley's literally holding a cockroach. - Mommy. I will name you, hmm. Fairy beetle. Right, When I said it he fell off - He's like, "I like that name. Fairy beetle. Look, I can fly." No, you can't fly like a fairy. You're just a fairy beetle. That's your name. (Adley screams) Ah, they're kind of cool. - [Adley] Can we take it home? - [Dad] Oh mom will love that. - Yeah. - [Mom] No. - [Adley] Okay. When I touch it- - Oh. Ah. - Ooh. - When I touch it's shell- - So cool, it feels like a dinosaur. - Wait, I wanna put it on my shirt. - Okay. (Adley laughs) - Look at that little guy. - Guys I'm gonna go and try to get the other one. - Ah, I got him. That little guy. - Wait, can I hold him real quick? I wanna do something. - Yeah. - Mom! - [Dad] Oh boy. - [Adley] Mom! - No! - Mom! He's nice. - [Mom] Stop! - Why are you scared? - Go give that to Adley and we can put him in there and they can be friends. - Let me see him? He's not moving. Are you dead? He was playing dead. - Yeah, he's just tricking. - He's playing dead. He's playing dead. Guys we found the, the other one. - Yep. - I can't let it go. - You just love it too much. - No, he won't let go of me, see. - Oh, he loves you too much. - Yeah. - Here, let me get my little pirate beetle and see if they wanna be friends. We'll get them to know each other. You guys wanna be friends? Oh. This guy moves fast. - He's, he clawed me. - This is the final chance I'm holding him. - You're gonna hold him, you think. - I wanna take one home and just put it in my bedroom. - We can probably take these bugs home after. - [Adley] Yeah. - Okay, Niko, you ready? - [Mom] Nope, I heard that. - Mom! - Oh, good job Niko. You're holding a pirate bug. - [Niko] Oh, he's calm. - [Dad] He likes you. - Oh, hey. He's the king of the world. - The king of the cockroach world. These guys are kind of kings the world. They're all over the world. - I can't even rip him off my skin. He claws me like he loves me. (Niko screams) - All right, let's put our pirate bugs and our fairy bugs back in their home. - Hey. Get back here. Get back here you. - You stinky pirate bug. - Let me get, let get him back. Oh, he loves this. - [Dad] He does love you. All right. Get in there. He's like, no, I wanna stay with Niko. All right. Get your fairy bug in there. - I'm here. Hey friend. I'm here. See? - They're very pokey on their shell and their legs. - This guy doesn't claw me cause he's my best friend. - Guys, that was some good bug catching. I'm proud of us. - Now's let's get our magnifying glasses and inspect them. - Yeah. Let's get all our bugs and do an inspection. Okay, let's grab all of our bugs. Here's our spiders, our cockroaches, our roly polies, our beetles, our ants. - [Mom] Ladybugs. - Let's put them all on the table. Mom, will you push that for us so I can see it? - [Mom] Yeah. Okay. - [Dad] I found perfect food for them. Look. - Dad, look at this. They have like little spikes on their legs. - Oh, whoa. Wait. Let me see. That's insane. They look so cool. Close up. Vlog. Look at this. Oh, do you see that? Oh look. I got perfect things for bugs. Old kind of rotten apples. Some old kind of rotten grapes. - Put it in. - We'll give you guys half, actually you're big cockroaches. You get two pieces. The spider gets a little bit. Niko, will you feed the spider? Be very careful he doesn't hop out. - I'll open the cage. - Okay. Then do you guys wanna put some apple slices in your bug catchers? - [Adley] One. - [Mom] Good job. Do you wanna break up an apple and put it in here too? - Two. - [Mom] Adley can we have one of those apples in here? Thank you. - [Dad] Okay. I got more apples. Who needs some? - I need some. These guys need a lot. - Oh yeah. They love it, where are the cockroaches? They probably want extras, even. Can the cockroaches live in my room? Like this one could live in your room. That one in Niko's. And then maybe the cockroaches live in dad's room. - No, no, no, no. - I have this like, I have a nightstand that's perfect for Bob, right by my bed. - No, no. - The cockroaches. I know where they can live. On mom's nightstand. - Yeah. That would be perfect. - No. They are not even coming in the house. - Wait, I know. In mom's bed. - No! - Oh, they would love that. They'd be so comfortable. - Then they'd crawl around on mom's legs. I'm gonna dream about bugs Tonight. I know it. - Oh, me too. Oh, I love bug dreams. - How about we keep them here at pirate island? 'Cause they're named after pirate island and we come visit them. - I'm okay with that. Then we can visit them a lot. - No. How about I name mine Pirate? How about I name mine? Niko. - Ooh, I like that name. - So they could stay at our house. (dad laughs) - No. - Okay. I'm going to tuck in Niko. And then it's really the bug. - Bleh. - Do you guys like catching bugs? 'Cause if you do, we made awesome bug catcher kits for you. - Hey dad. - Spider. - The spider pooped. - Ew. - He pooped. - Look at that little guy just running around like he owns the place. - [Mom] Whoa there it is. - Guys, let's show them all the bug stuff we made. So if they wanna get some off aforadley.com, they can. And they know what they're getting. Let's put it all out. - These. - A magnifying glass. Bugnoculars. They are four by 30. You know, for all you dads who want the tech specs on these here binoculars. They're four by 30 and they're coated purple. These hats don't come with the bug kits. They've just been at pirate island for a long time. I think they're kind of dinosaur trainer hats, but sometimes we use them for bugs. What else? - Yee-haw. - We forgot? - [Dad] Oh, the tweezers. Where are the purple tweezers? - We forgot the net. - Oh, the net. Did we show you guys that it extends? - Yes. - You can catch bugs. You can catch bugs from far away. - Oh, and it's also for catching dads. - No it's not. Don't catch dads in your net. - And it's for catching vloggies. - Hi vlog. We caught you. You wanna go in with the cockroaches? - Ew, ew, ew. - Oh, let's put the vlog in with the cockroaches. - No. - For all you moms out there who don't like cockroaches, here's your first up close and personal experience. Oh yeah. - [Niko] Whoa, vlog. - Don't you just love being in with cockroaches. - Vlog, you were in with the cockroach. - Wait, I have an idea. - What? - I'm gonna take this one real quick for just a little bit. - Okay. - Okay, vlog lay down. - [Dad] Oh. - Gonna. Ew. - Ew. - You have a cockroach on you. - Ew. Put more bugs on the vlog. - Ew. - Ew. Hold on. We gotta show you our cool umbrellas. Wah, la. Theses our cool umbrellas. Look. - [Mom] And they're clear. Wait, you gotta show them what pops open. - Isn't that cool? Oh yeah. - [Mom] You push this button right here. - Boop. There you go. - [Niko] And guys. - Thanks for watching. Wait, maybe it's not over. We should go check Pirate Island Roblox and see if they have bugs in there yet. - [Adley] Yeah. - Or play bug catch. - [Niko] And guys. - Oh, this video's not even close to over. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - It's raining cockroaches. (Adley laughs) Wait, where is the other one? - Ew, it's on dad. - Oh, it really is on me. (laughs) It literally is on me. - Wait, no, the other one's on the vlog. - Oh my goodness. Vlog, do you like cockroaches on you? I hope so. 'Cause you got one on you right now. Oh. Nick, are you freaking out? What's your cockroach comfortable level? Medium? Ooh, I got, oh, vlogs holding it. I think I got to test. We should see because the vlogs doing pretty good. We should see what Colby's cockroach level is. - [Colby] No, no, no, no. - Oh, he doesn't like cockroaches. (laughs) - The other vlog. He doesn't like cockroaches. (laughs) - Guys, gimme my cockroach back. - Okay. There you go. - Bob and Jerry. - These kids love their cockroaches. (Adley screams) (Dad screams) (Niko screams) - He going onto the floor. - He almost got in my shirt. No. (Dad laughs) Get away from me. - All right, let's go home and play Roblox. - [Adley] Mama! - You guys can order these amazing bug kits on aforadley.com, just like all the stuff we make. We give it to you at basically what it costs us to get it out the door and take care of our crew. And thank you for the support. We love making fun stuff for you. - And these bags come with cockroaches. - The bags don't come with cockroaches. - Yes they do! - But you can use the stuff inside to find cockroaches. - Well, if we put cockroach in them, that means they come with cockroaches. - All right. Well your bags might come with cockroaches. If Niko decides to put cockroaches in your bags, it's a mystery. You'll have to order it and see if they come with cockroaches. Good luck. Oh mom, will you hold this cockroach for me? - [Mom] No. - Thanks for watching, bye. - [Mom] Dad, no. - [Dad] You have nowhere to go but the water. - No! Don't - You have nowhere to go but the water. (Mom screams) (everyone laughs and screams) - She jumped in the water over cockroaches. (laughs) You guys want to go to pirate islands, see if there's bugs. - Yeah. - [Adley] Mine's done. - So I think the app's crew just barely added hats. And you can catch bugs and, oh look, there's an egg. I got an egg. I have one out of 12 eggs. Oh, if you get 12 eggs, I think you get your own pet. - Wait, I need to come back to get the egg. - Spencer found a egg. - [Dad] You go to look in this pirate ship right here. - Did you already do it? - [Dad] And you can go super high, if you jump on it and then jump off, you can go like a hundred feet in the air. - I have two eggs. - Wait, where'd you get more eggs? Oh. Egg by the pirate ship. - Where's the egg by the pirate ship? - It was by the front part right here? Yep. You got it. - I have three eggs. - You could buy a bug kit or a hat or eggs. - Wait, you could buy a bug kit? So catch bugs and trade them for chocolate coins. Everyone go talk to Chuck. He'll give you stuff. - I already talked to Chuck and I gave him my eggs. - Oh. Wait, look at all these hats. I can have a pirate dad hat. Wait, I already have a pirate hat. Maybe I'll get a different one. Should I get a squid hat or a dinosaur hat? I need a squid. - A dinosaur. - There you go. Oh, I got my squid hat. Uh, Adley, you have a squid behind you. And the squid loves eating cheese. Give me your cheese. Get that cheese head. - Hey, there's the red rainbow ghost. Wait, there is no red rainbow ghost. - Why does blue look red? - Oh, she's painting it. - Oh, she painted it. You can paint the rainbow ghosts. Okay. That's kind of cool. - Kind of cool. It's awesome. - Maybe all the bugs are in fairy forest. - That's what I'm saying. - I found fairy markers. - Oh, you can use those to color things. Me and Niko did it. - Guys. I found a bee. Guys I found a bee. Guys I catched the bee. - Wait, really? Where? - [Adley] I colored the trees. - How'd you get into fairy forest. I need to sneak in. - I catch the barrel. - Sneak, sneak, sneak. - Dad, I found a fly. - Wait, I wanna catch it. I wanna catch it. - I got it. - We both caught it. - Want to get the bee? - Yeah. Where's the bee at? - [Niko] The bee's right here. - Oh, perfect. Yeah, it looks like all the bugs are in fairy forest. Let's catch them all. Caterpillar. Look it's the caterpillar from our animations. - Dad, did you get the caterpillar? - Yeah, I got it. - Oh, dragonfly. - Where? Oh, right there. Firefly. It's a firefly. - Firefly. - Ah. That's easy peezy lemony squeezy. Guys I just found a trail of bugs. - I see you guys. - This is the trail of bugs. - Hey, capitller. - Capitiller. - Whoa, snail. - Dad, how many bugs do you have? - I dunno how many bugs I have. - You have to catch one to see. - Oh. Wait, there's a glowing secret up here. Guys, I found a secret. - [Adley] Oh, that's- - It's skull rock and it's glowing. Wait, has it always glowed like that? Or is that new? - It's always glowed. I'm on the trees. I see a dinosaur. This is gonna be easy to try and find bugs now. (Dad laughs) Everyone look for bugs. - Okay. I'm by Niko, I'm following him. Follow the bug leader. - I'm not the bug leader. - I am. - When am I ever gonna find bugs? I'm on top of a cushy tree mass. Giant mushroom. - Dad, you could go inside the tree house. You could. - [Dad] Wait what? - You could go inside the tree house. - How did Niko go inside the tree house? - Go in. - I can't fit. How did you do that? - You need to get rid of your squid hat. - Oh, my squid hat. Let me try now. - [Niko] Now you could. - I'm in. - I'm in. I can color it. - You can color and decorate your tree house. - Yeah. - Okay. App's crew. You're doing awesome. This Roblox update is so good. - Me and Adley are stuck. - Where at? - Dark Place. We went in a tree trunk. Go upstairs. - Okay. Where did we lose the kids? - [Adley] Then, in the tunnel. - Okay. Which one? This one? - [Adley] Yeah. Go down. Oh, you're stuck with us now. - Hi kids. Wait, I got out. - Oh wait, what if I can put you in jail? - Yeah, put them in jail. Rescue them. We'll save you kids and send you to jail. Wait there's an egg in jail. Literally perfect. - Yeah, I know. That's why, I already got that egg in jail. - Oh, egg in the hot tub. Literally an egg in the hot tub. - Oh, I wanna come see. Oh yeah I didn't get an egg here. I have four eggs now. - Guys what if there's eggs in the water? - I saw them hiding bugs, yes, like a couple days ago. - Oh really? When you were at the space station. - Yeah. - [Adley] Turn- - It's the yellow rainbow ghost. - Turn him yellow. - Oh yeah. Yellow party. (dance music) - I'm gonna turn my, I'm turning in my bugs for coins. - I see, so you can buy more hats? - How do you do it? - Click Chuck. Trade your bugs for coins. All right. You got 10 coins now. - I have a root beer bomb. - Meet me at fairy forest. - Get me in. - Wait, stand on that root beer bomb. (bomb exploding) Wait, where did you go? - I disappeared. - Stand on that root beer bomb. Ah. - Wee. (Dad laughs) - 1, 2, 3. I'm gonna spawn a million. (bomb explodes) - Okay, I'm gonna launch all the way up. - Everyone kick me. I'm a ball. Kick me. - Wait, maybe we can glitch into new areas, like use the root beer bombs to like jump over the fences. Uh. Who Just put me in jail. (Adley laughs) Chuck, I got a little bit of a surprise for you bud. (laughs) Oh no. - Wee. Dad kick me, I'm a soccer ball. - I'm stuck in a plant. (Adley laughs) Someone, explode me out of this plant. Okay, I'm better now. Oh wait, watch. - [Adley] Yes. - Exploding fest. (laughs) - Oh, I shouldn't have been standing on that. - Guys I was trying to explode over the fence. - [Dad] I exploded her, I'm safe. - Look, that girl's jumping up and down. I said we're making a video right now. - Well, I hope you like to explode in videos. (laughs) Wait, let's say bye to everyone. - Goodbye. - Goodbye friends. - And vlog, one more thing. Always catch a cockroach 'cause it'll go on your eyeballs. - Ew, that was a creepy ending. Thanks for watching. Bye. Enjoy your bug kits.
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 4,974,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, animal routine, pet snails, best day ever, worlds first cereal baby, food baby, cereal, first, fancy, morning routine for school, fancy vlogs by gab, fall videos, morning routine, cleaning routine, chores routine, chore, chores for kids, cereal baby, adley videos, taking care of my pets, new pets, Pet Cockroach, spiders, catching bugs, bug catch, kits, ladybugs, learning, educational, kids, a for adley, holding bugs, pirate island, beach day, beetle, roach, underground
Id: v75QaH_mqrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 2sec (2882 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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