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today I'm gonna show you how to make chocolate biscuit cake who doesn't like chocolate biscuit cake oh my god crumbly with fruit in it so I made these just a couple of hours ago and now I'm going to show you how to make them all over again it's so easy guys I hope we're doing well today gorgeous every day here in England I hope it's the same way the way you are here today I've got Christine and the Queen's on playing you might have never heard of her she's amazing they're French I just absolutely love them okay so back to talk to biscuit okay the first thing you want to do is melt down your chocolate so I've got my chocolate melting here with some butter and you want to melt those together like so and then the next thing you add in is some delicious maple syrup that doesn't look very appetizing right now but I promise you it's gonna taste they're really really good YUM I said many of you made chocolate biscuit cake is your growing up as a kid kind of one of the things I never years ago were nice to have but still at the farmers market I used to and at that time I just feel like I want that mustache a fight against let them melt off nice and gently so chocolate butter and maple syrup and they're the exact ingredients and method and policies everything are in the Instagram posts just scroll down first okay next up I flip the digestive biscuits or graham crackers might be half in the state to Canada or else you could use rich tea biscuits as well now by some people pop those into a bag and bash them some people with major food processor I prefer just to select them like this because I like to see how big they get I don't want them to be too small I want them all to be like about that big right because you get that lovely flight and also visually if you look at them here it's quite nice to see like the actual bit of biscuit okay I've got love digestive biscuits I also use these for my lemon cheesecake guys how many of you out there made the lemon cheesecake it's probably my favorite desserts that I've made so far besides the apple crumble with the creation of topping I'm the tiramisu baby I'm gonna be making bread and butter pudding soon so you see I'm fun to make there's no baking involved the only baking that happens is in the fridge breakfast secesh easy to put together but we all kind of cream it I think and yes my biscuits are here next I'm putting in some raisins but you could add some timeis or dried apricots or cranberries if you want to I like to go traditional with the raisins and then my plan becomes but of course you could use hazelnuts you could use pistachios you could use almonds you can really make this your own by adding in your own favorite twisters so Harry my boyfriend who's been filming all these and who's standing behind my iPhone right now I want recording this this is his Bay Bridge all-time favorite sweet thing to eat I'm gonna get big bright anyway so this is my thank you sorry superposing effort every single day these ittv we are now up to episode 36 incredible honey Oh time flies right it's amazing how the time just goes during this isolation you'll find that you wake up in the morning and all of a sudden it's like the end of the day it's just it's not okay so that's nearly melted and I'm just gonna take it off the heat to finish it off over here so recap in here it's i justa viscous and I've got my raisins I've got my pecans in here I've got my chocolate butter maples here and all the good stuff okay so next thing you do is you get a roasting dish or you get a baking tray I prefer to a roasting dish I find it easier and I line it and even use Irish eyes their mum know the difficulty of pronouncing column or is it just me I think we're surrounded okay so like this I promise you don't forget to line it because it would make life so much easier when this has stash you don't need oil or anything like that you just line it and have enough at either side to pull it up okay that'll make it all so much easier now pop that's the side again like so and then next take your food so this bowl has been suspended over hot water the case with the glass bowl but you can use any kind of heat proof boom will do the job to give one more last mix to make sure that butter is all mounted guys I use dark chocolate 70% cacao or cocoa solids are higher my favorite is actually just 70% itself you could use milk chocolate if you want to I prefer the dark chocolate syringe this is such a fun thing to do you've got children at home at the moment this is the really fun thing to make with them or even just adults like us okay cuz this a really really good mix you want all the biscuits and the nuts and the raisins completely coated with this delicious chocolate butter maple probably I don't know is there anybody time it I mean less than 10 minutes to make okay so just scrape them all around making sure everything in chocolate okay nothing else will really happen in here except triple sec so this is how you put it in its gonna come in do honestly a silicone spatula not that I'm doing an ad for them or anything but they really are the best tool for baking and will save you lots of money because they get everything okay then with the back of the spoon just smooth it all out like that now I'm just gonna show you a little trick okay this is something I learned years ago and it really does help so get your potato masher I know it seems art and then push everything down with your potato masher and it squashes everything down and gets it really compressed if you don't have potato masher just keep doing with the spoon or maybe a bigger spoon like but the tape masher is the job it really really works I think it Ameri hey you called the potato businesses right there we go okay now there's another thing that you could do here if you want to if you want to make this extra chocolate in and get the ganache chocolate on the top like I have here what you do is you just melt another bit of chocolate and pour that layer over if you want to that's kind of an extra thing otherwise this goes it's the fridge for at least two hours and then you take it out and it comes you just pull it up it comes out like a sheet of chocolate okay and then you slice it in and my recipe will give you 12 squares [Music] absolute heaven my chocolatey biscuit cake with pecans and digestive biscuits if I'm sending you love to love who could have really good fine really good find a good time baking this and I'll see you guys tomorrow not enough
Channel: Clodagh Mckenna
Views: 10,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ezqkob6qkSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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