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I vote today I am gonna show you how to make a chocolate biscuit cake now if you haven't come across a chocolate biscuit cake it's basically chopper golden syrup butter all wrapped around biscuits Maltesers wonderful crunchy and sweet things resulting in one of those sorts of cakes that nobody confesses to loving what they actually do now it's very very easy to make if you made rice krispies treats when you were growing off this is kind of in the same vein so we're gonna start off with some butter in a pan and as you can see it's quite a lot of butter going in here I'm gonna melt this thing alongside some golden syrup now if you can't get your hands on some golden syrup especially if you're in the States I think some corn syrup will do the job so we're gonna melt this then just to the point that that butter melts out and I've got a whole heap of chocolate going in here and you could melt the chocolate over a bain-marie but I'm actually gonna use the heat from the butter and the golden syrup to melt up a whole heap of dark chocolate but by all means use whatever chocolate you like and you can even make this with white chocolate so there's plenty of options okay while this is melting away and waiting for its chocolate glory let's talk about the ingredients for this chocolate biscuit cake I have a combination of things I have some rich tea biscuits which are sort of like more compact digestive biscuit I'm just gonna crack these in here and you kind of want nice chunky pieces in here you're just looking for that dryness that's wrapped around that kind of richness and it's a great thing for a kids birthday party or even just eating by yourself right we've got butter melting we've got golden syrup coming on I'm gonna take this off the heat now I'm going to pop it in this little Bowl here and I'm gonna pop the chocolate straight in here to melt and while that melts down let's get back to our biscuit mixture so to this I want to add a little bit of chew a little bit of sweetness and that comes from some dried cherries for a little bit of sweet crunch and you don't have to do this but I really love the addition of Maltesers or what are they called in America I can't remember what they're called in America but anyway these little malted chocolate balls put them on in there and we're just gonna give that all a good toss off just to get kind of mingled together and at this point now we should have a chocolate sauce that is ready to go and you can just see how super glossy that chuffin is and that definitely comes down to the fact that you've got the butter in there and you've got that golden syrup which is gonna give you that richness into the sauce so straight on in this is the moment pretty darn good this is the sort of moment that when I was making this as a kid my aunt or my mom basically whoever was letting me in the kitchen would not let me lick the bowl and they would use the spatula until they got every last little bit and I never get to lick the bowl it was really a sad time in my house right all that chocolate in and now it's just a case Oh giving it all a good mix true this looks wonderful we've got glossiness we've got chakra Venus and I have the tiniest little cake tin you could ever couldn't imagine that I've lined with a bit of parchment paper to allow myself to get this out easily enough and now it's just a case of tumbling this in and pressing it nice and tight that's what I'm going to attempt to do so that the cameras can see what I'm doing by pushing it towards the camera like this which is always really awkward but this is what they make me do let's do it really awkward over the counter come in come in here and see what's going on just scrape every last little bit out and using the spatula I just want to press this down until it's really nice and tight and compact okay this is looking pretty good and now it is ready for some time in the fridge we got chocolate cake it has been into the fridge it is set I've taken it eggs as you can see it has lots of lumps and bumps and that's kind of okay which shot for biscuit cake bought I do have a little way of finishing this off it's a chocolate ganache and it starts off by melting some butter and bringing up some cream just to temperature okay we're out a nice little simmering point so I'm going to take this off the heat I'm gonna add my chocolate in here and just melt that Chuck that through this sauce just until it becomes nice and smooth and whisk in a little bit of icing sugar oh my goodness we are in business look how thick and glossy and Schatzi this is and right now I need to stop talking and get this over because this is where it's all about to go down chuckles e2z gorgeousness poor the whole nine yards over the top and then just using a little offset spatula get in there I am sorry but does that not look like the most beautiful little chocolate cake you ever did see now this is pretty much all you need to do but if you and if you've got loads of kids coming over for a birthday party you got a crack house the disco glitter look at this a little bit of sugar pearls just going over the top feel like you know sometimes takes just need to be a bit kitsch sometimes cakes needed a little bit of a neon bauble made out of sugar just to finish them off now my friends this is not high-class baking this is not high class petit said this is Chuck a biscuit cake and this is what my childhood was made of I mean look at that it's ridiculously messy it's ridiculously gaudy but you know what if you gave me that for my birthday I'd be a happy man so I'm gonna just use a little serrated knife and try and slice into this okay okay okay okay okay oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's what I'm talking about this this with us with a clown with a clown and a magician this is my childhood right now this is what I had with a Rice Krispies cake and I'd be all high with a little party bag oh my god too much okay gusta clone The Magicians just fried a rabbit out of the Hat I leave the recipe in the link below comment subscribe like share see you soon [Music] [Music] now if you haven't come across these ones before they to finish it off to beautiful classiness action
Channel: Donal Skehan
Views: 163,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Donal Skehan, Donald Skehan, Donal Skeehan, food, recipe, homemade, home cooking, How to, how to video, recipe video, recipe tutorial, tutorial, recipe blog, easy, simple, quick, DIY, cooking, meal, chocolate biscuit cake, no bake baking, baking, dessert, sweets, treats, birthday cake, cake, kid friendly baking, family friendly baking, chocolate, biscuit, malteesers
Id: uGTahir_5cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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