Dark Chocolate Fudge Brownies - Easy recipe Anyone Can Make

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I've got good news and bad news the good news is chocolate is good for you the bad news is it's not this it's actually this dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa is the one with all the health benefits especially for the heart so I decided why don't I make brownies with dark chocolate and make it an easy recipe and make them dark chocolate fudge brownies and no butter in the entire recipe that's what I'm doing so let me talk about the chocolate first you can find 70 percent bars most of the stores they have these high-end brands these start at like 450 they're pretty expensive then they have this brand and they have this brand but world market has their own house brand it's only 250 and it's actually 72% so that's the one I'm going to use today and I've used the high-end and the cheaper ones no difference in the flavor at all of the brownies so I'm going to use the 72% the one from world market it's three ounces that's a three ounce bar we're going to start by melting the chocolate in a pot like this now you can melt chocolate in a microwave it's a little complicated you can use a double boiler too much trouble so this one is I'm just going to break it into bars into pieces put it in the pan and just drop it in now chocolate is delicate in the can burn so I'm going to melt it together with the oil that's part of the recipe I'm using a quarter cup of oil I use extra light olive oil you can use any oil you like vegetable oil coconut oil whatever you like it's a quarter of a cup and make sure you measure it in a liquid measuring cup like this okay that's this is the kind of cup used for liquid so I'm putting the oil in the pot with the chocolate they'll melt together and it'll keep the chocolate from burning okay you put this on your on a burner on the lowest possible heat you can because chocolate can burn just keep it low and it takes maybe two or three minutes and I'll show you in a second what it looks like when it melts alright so that's been about two minutes and see you need to stir it while you're melting because you can't really tell the chocolates melted because it holds its shape see look it looks like it's not melted but it is so that only took about two minutes and you just stir it together and then that's it now we're going to set this aside to cool down you don't have to cool it but you want to cool it down because we're going to be adding eggs in here and you don't want the eggs to cook so I'm going to set it aside to cool that was that's why I do this first and everything else happens after this so it's going to go on to a rack here to cool and now we're going to prepare the pan that we're going to use an 8x8 inch square baking pan and you're only going to grease the bottom and not the sides because you want the the the batter to kind of stick to the sides it helps it rise up now you can do it directly in the pan but if you don't want any cleanup and I don't I'm going to line it with foil so that way there's nothing to clean up so I'll show you how an easy way to do this with foil you take piece of foil and you can just kind of time tuck it in there but if you set up the pan on the foil and just kind of get the shape of it like that kind of helps to get it in there see it's got that square shape it just pushes in there you push up the sides don't use your nails use your knuckles to get the corners and this means there's nothing to wash but one pot okay now the same thing here I'm only going to grease at the bottom and not the sides and I find a room-temperature softened butter to be the best thing to grease with I actually keep in my fridge a combination that I make of butter and extra light olive oil that I use for greasing all the time it's always soft so it's really great so just use a paper towel and I take some of my butter mixture but you can just use softened butter and we're going to grease only the bottom and not the sides so that just takes a few seconds I tried not greasing the foil but it does kind of stick so there that's it that's all set the pan is ready to go now we're going to prepare the dry ingredients and again for no cleanup I'm going to use wax paper and we're going to sift the ingredients because when you use powdered cocoa it really helps to incorporate it into the flour so we're going to start with 1 cup of all-purpose flour but here's the thing always aerate the flour before you measure for any baking whether it's bread or any kind of pastries or cookies or cakes always aerate it because if you don't you just dip in there the flour has settled you know when you tap it and stuff you'll get too much flour your mixture would be dry so aerate it by by just getting in there with a spoon stir it up and stir it up incorporate some air and then you measure your flour that's the right way to do it and the best way is to take a this is the kind of cup used for dry measuring just spoon it in there lightly don't tap anything don't tap the container don't tap the cup just spoon it in there lightly and once it's in there you just level it off with the back of a knife or your spoon and there's one cup of all-purpose flour and we're going to sift it on to some wax paper okay so one cup of flour we're going to add a quarter cup of cocoa this is the brand of cocoa I use Dutch process cocoa it's less bitter deeper flavor deeper dark chocolate color and I also get this at world market too so that's the kind of using you can use the other kind regular kind but this really makes it a darker and better and richer tasting so it's a quarter cup of cocoa and the other two dry ingredients are a quarter teaspoon of baking powder now that's baking powder and not baking soda they are very different they can't replace each other so it's baking powder quarter teaspoon and a half teaspoon of salt that's the dry ingredients now you can see this helps to incorporate the ingredients a little bit if you don't have a sifter you can put everything into a bowl you put all these dry ingredients into a bowl and try to use a whisk or a fork and really really get around there like that and stir it to combine the dry ingredients okay so there's the dry ingredients now we can put it all together it's pretty easy bringing this back you see it's not very hot it's all melted now we're going to start to add the rest of the ingredients we're going to put in the sugar first because it's still warm so it's one cup of sugar goes in we're going to stir that and here's the thing you stir it as little as possible just until it's just mixed you don't over mix this no beater ever for this for this recipe see already combined then we're going to add one teaspoon of vanilla this is the brand of vanilla that I really really like I get it at williams-sonoma so it's one teaspoon of vanilla goes in here just add that stir it in just a touch and now we're going to add two eggs I have the eggs at room temperature this is cooled down now if you haven't cooled it down enough the eggs will start to cook so so here go the eggs and stir right away and going there it is everything so far in the pot nothing to wash except this one pot okay now we're going to add the via flour mixture that we put together right here that's why I like the wax paper there it goes okay again stir as little as you can get away with don't over mix it this is a silicone spatula or spoon yellow or a spoon that I'm using okay there it is it's nice and thick you can see you're going to have to kind of Pat this or you know spread it into the s way meant to say you have to spread it into the pan okay now at this point we'll make sure it's all mixed there it is it's all mixed at this point you don't have to but I'd like to add some nuts and chocolate chips here I have about three-quarters of a cup of toasted both walnuts and pecans toasting makes a huge difference before you bake with them so they're toasted in the batter and a quarter cup of chocolate chips I have these 60% dark chocolate chips they're made by a company called Callebaut I think if you can't find dark chocolate chips you can actually take a piece of the chocolate bar another chocolate bar chop it up into little chunks but I'm using about a quarter cup of chocolate chips and that is it I'm going to mix this together I wish you could smell to see how dark it is it wouldn't be that dark without the the Dutch process cocoa okay it's very thick it should be thick like this now we're going to put in the picking page it put it in the oven okay there's my pan no cleanup now we're going to plop this in there and you have to kind of spread it around a little bit okay it's easy to it's all kind of one big lump here so and by the way let me just tell you something don't ask me if you can make this with whole wheat pastry flour because you can't I tried it it is not good the result was kind of between you know sludge and spackle or something so anyway excited B all-purpose flour so all right into the pan and you just kind of spread it around like this and because it's thick you do have to spread it a bit I really need some chocolate today too had to go to the doctor yesterday you know it's not fun you know I hate getting undressed in front of him he's a good eye doctor though okay there it is in the pan all spread around now you put this in your preheated 350 degree oven for 20 minutes no more than 20 minutes don't make me come to your house 20 minutes it smells so good in here it's time to take him out of the oven with my brand new pot holders you won't know where I got these I made them okay here comes look at this Oh God you could smell it all right don't be tempted to over bake them okay done it touch it like that see how they feel a little soft that's okay it's a good thing so no more than 20 and depending on your oven check them at 17 18 minutes okay now you got to give it a little time to cool down before you eat them so you just got to wait okay they've cooled down a little bit so let me show you why we use the foil and use the foil you just lift it off the long side lift it out I know it's still a little stopped it's still warm but okay look at that and look look at the look at this pan nothing to wash that's why I do that there's no thing to watch here okay now you kind of see what this is going to look like I know they're still warm but look all right there see it comes right off the foil look at this look look at that it's still hot but I don't care I got to do it got to do it mmm oh my god this hot nope nothing too lost just one pot no butter easy recipe just a chewy asaji is dark chocolate brownie you can imagine with some actual health benefits so I can't beat that you got to try it nope I also want to take the opportunity to tell people thank you for watching my videos I really appreciate it I see all the comments let me read a couple to you you suck Jenny can cook no she can't you're getting old but not in a good way now these all appear to be coming from the same person so I just have one thing to say let it go mom the most awesome delicious easy healthy chicken pot pie all from scratch ready in an hour the filling is rich and creamy the crust is flaky no butter no cream that's right I'm about to show you the easiest fastest pizza dough from scratch ready to use in 20 minutes actually it's less than 20 minutes so watch this
Channel: Jenny Can Cook
Views: 1,611,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Chocolate Fudge Brownies, easy fudge brownies, Chocolate Fudge Brownies recipes, Dark Chocolate Brownies recipe, Chocolate Brownies, how to make chocolate brownies, homemade chocolate brownies, chocolate brownies from scratch, brownies without butter, baking without butter, desserts without butter, brownies no butter, best fudge brownies recipe, Jenny Jones, Jenny Can Cook, dessert recipes, healthy brownies, best brownies recipe
Id: OcU-b5kAjJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2015
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