(케이크 기본) 폭신한 제누와즈 만들기, 케이크 시트, 스폰지 케이크 만들기, Vanilla Sponge Cake, Cake sheet [홈베이킹], 쿠킹씨 cooking see

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Vanilla Sponge Cake 3 Egg 3 Egg yolk 1g Salt 2ml Vanilla extract 3 egg whites Divide by 1/3 of sugar (90g) Meringue is very important. Look carefully.If it looks like this, Ok. Add Egg Yolk. Mix the egg yolk thoroughly. 90g Cake flour Do not use baking powder. ( No problem ) Mix from bottom to top. Mix until you don't see the flour. Vegetable oil 30g + Milk 30g (not cold) Mix some of cake batter. Look carefully. Combine with the remaining cake batter. Mix well, then it is completed. Hit the pan from top to bottom. (Reason: remove bubbles) Bake in preheated oven at 170°C (338°F) for 30 minutes. It was baked so delicious. Please try. Thank you so much.Please subscribe. Please share.
Channel: 쿠킹씨 Cooking See
Views: 45,506,250
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Keywords: Sponge Cake, vanilla sponge cake recipe, Genoise, sponge cake recipe, sponge cake recipe easy, sponge cake vanilla recipe, 쿠킹씨, how to make sponge cake at home, how to make sponge cake easy, 스폰지 케이크, 제누와즈 만들기, 제누아즈만들기, 제누와즈 만들기 별립법, 제누와즈 공립법, 케이크시트, 케이크 시트 만들기, 케익 시트 만드는 법, 공립법, 별립법, 케익시트, 제누와즈 실패, 제누와즈 케이크, 제누와즈 자르기, 베이킹 초보, yt:cc=on, cooking see, 홈베이킹, 베이킹, 홈베이킹 초보, 쉬운 베이킹, genoise cake recipe, cake sheet, 케이크 만들기, simple cake recipe, simple sponge cake recipe, basic cake
Id: a0LCeby6fdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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