China's TikTok Propaganda is Getting Scary

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Yuck. Let me, a native Chinese, tell you what is the con living in China. Yes, I would say it’s okay if your basic demands are to eat, to work, to enjoy an accident-free life and to peacefully accept whatever they give to you in China, then good. You are a lucky man, just like they said, don’t find the trouble until the trouble finds you. Your life in China is gonna be perfect. We have low paid labors from less developed areas, struggling low end people with lousy working benefits and huge, beautiful, skyscrapers in big cities. It’s your paradise.

But let’s say if you are not lucky enough one day. Maybe you are born as a gay, and your sexuality is not welcome in your milieu, or maybe you’re not born loaded and you have to do your homework under your mom’s street kiosk, squeezing yourself into its limited space, while she is busy at selling street food at the same time (a true photo in China internet), or maybe your parents are victims in a state-owned enterprise scamming (like the China Bank’s 原油宝 scandal recently), or maybe your kids have been drinking poisonous formula for months and their kidneys get collapsed (ever heard the recent Hunan formula scandal? and we had the similar formula counterfeiting in 2008). Trust me, I could list examples for a whole day. The stories share a similar ending - the weak ones can’t voice for themselves in China.

We are not allowed to have guns, even they are for self defense purpose. Thats why, in Shenzhen 2011, a supportive policeman (a position called 联防队员. A supportive but non official role for the real policeman, kinda like a recruited vigilante) named Yang Xili broke into a native Chinese’s house, allegedly armed, and Yang raped his wife in front of him. Yeah, someone calls Shenzhen a safe place. Tell me about it.

We are not allowed to assemble or protest freely, even we do it for righteous causes. That’s why we had Wukan Protest in 2011 and one of the protesters died during his detention, for no reason, and the rest of them had to flee overseas. For gods sake, do you know how many mysterious death happened under China police detention? Some of them are too absurd to translate - “died for playing hide’n seek with another detainee” 躲猫猫死 or “died for drinking cold water” 喝凉水死. And that’s a tip of iceberg.

Seriously, freedom is not our goal, and it gives us no right to be rude or curse against someone else. Our goal is to safeguard our good lives. Freedom of speech, and other freedoms, are weapons for the weak ones in society to defend themselves when the stronger one infringes their rights, not necessarily the govt. Thats the idea. But the woman deliberately misleads viewers and smears human rights. That disgusts me.

Shame on her.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/George_the_Facetious 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
so don't use the freedom of speech as an excuse to cover your bullshit you guys watched last week's video on my channel you would have noticed that I talked about the Chinese Communist party's propaganda influence over an app called tick tock now the funny thing is I have to give you an update because the more stuff that was recommended to me and the more stuff that I was harvesting for the actual video it led to more and more recommendations of other propaganda content and it got more and more sinister and I wanted to show you guys on the rabbit hole that I ended up going down I wasn't even looking for this stuff but this is now on my for you page is pretty much all Chinese propaganda and I found this channel very coercive and kind of scary and that it's predominantly trying to appeal to young people and tell them that you know freedom and democracy and everything all the values that they learn is wrong and that the Chinese way is the correct way and it's very slick so I want to show you guys that before we get into the video mei-hua to go Coria Yeshua researching by realizing they are actually telling Java shirelle apparently which indeed we are trading them so it actually shows a truth which is chella the ego suits in here ba who seemed the femme people hinder to bollocks for our genomica da jie pteridophyta son do Napoleon cake Angela yova may well see Deborah do we certainly Cueto - Adam - mwah - mwah - mwah yo Ganesha John Chen Xiao we've been you dutiful change our to change our image change I don't know how many of you guys heard about this but apparently Google is blocking the word Wu ma now will now if you're not informed is a paid internet troll in China that is basically paid 50 cents Chinese cents to sway the narrative on comments sections of videos on Facebook and basically promote the Communist Party of China and put down anything that opposes it although a lot of the people that are Wu mal are actually voluntary will mouth that do it of their own volition you know it basically started with this idea that China needed a better internet image now the fact that Google is blocking people from writing woo Mao in the comments section is kind of alarming in itself so I figured in order to combat censorship in order to spread the word why not put it on a shirt let's show the bloody nature of the wool Mao e'en merch goto ever press comm slash Lau 86 limited time only to pick up your awesome loom out a shirt and tell the world that you are against Internet censorship thanks for your support okay guys so like I promised today's video is going to be about dojin and the fact that dojin is the Chinese version of tick tock it's what Chinese people watch but the prevalence of Chinese propaganda Ando Yin in English is fascinating it's almost as if they find English speakers to give more authority to their message because if a Chinese person is watching another Chinese person speak English then they're immediately going to be impressed because of their level of education or their global understanding so if this person has seen other perspectives around the world and then can you know pair it back ccp rhetoric or Communist Party of China rhetoric back to them in English it's more impressive than somebody doing so in Chinese on the flip side getting foreigners in China to speak Chinese gives them authority as well because it's like okay wow this foreigner loves China so much they decided to learn Chinese and pair it back Chinese propaganda as well but I talked about the soft power approach in the last video on tick-tock it's much more gentle approach whereas the Chinese version propaganda and the Chinese Abdo Yin is a much much more direct and powerful approach and I can't wait to show you guys send the stuff I found now we're gonna move on to the hard power and the hard power is dojin so you notice that the soft power propaganda I just showed you is quite gentle it's quite wishy-washy you saw the professor kind of all over the place when you go over to doe Ian it's a different story now doughy and remember it's Chinese tick tock it's for Chinese people and you'll see the same types of characters you'll see the Chinese person promoting nationalism Chinese propaganda you'll see the white monkey positions where they get white people or foreigners to talk about how awesome China is and how bad the West is but and I'm much it's turning it up to 11 they know that that's not palatable to a Western audience but for a Chinese audience they need that push they need that punch in the stomach yes we are Chinese yes the West is bad and it's even better when foreigners tell us that so this guy I found he's from Canada he is a good stepping point a good stepping stone into some of the more harsh stuff look at let's see what he has a say and one was discovered in the United States it was nicknamed swine flu because it came from pigs the coronavirus which was discovered in China came from bats however it's not being called the bat virus it's being called the China virus as if all Chinese people are responsible for this disease this has led to Chinese people facing racism and discrimination all over the world even in my home country Canada it makes me feel ashamed I saw a comment on a video that made me really angry someone wrote the Chinese deserve this because they eat weird animals right now thousands of families are suffering thousands of people as young as nine months old are fighting for their lives nobody deserved this if only we could trade as racism and passion the world would be a much brighter place now I'm not going to go on to refute any of this stuff I think you guys are smart enough to to not need my retort on any of these facts but this is the type of person that does normal kind of hell I'm a border was a lie I like Chinese news young you know there's be GLP Aliana do it does like funny little skits in Chinese in English for a Chinese audience and then immediately shifts when there's some sort of prerogative or reason to be able to do this so when the the Wuhan virus came out or the you know the CCP virus came out he immediately jumped on this opportunity to really stoke some nationalism and hatred for the West and this is a very typical thing that you'll see you can see this is a carbon copy there's nothing too interesting about this clip but I found a clip that he had the aged like milk it is awesome wait till you see this - aha was a janitor Dada by law should wish on fencing shot could be harder shinchi Canada not followed States and declare the virus public emergency Chinese are freely allowed to travel in Canada women jonatha can even sign you see okay all right so he basically says in Chinese he says I have it a very important announcement to tell you Canada's not gonna be like America and declaring a national emergency over this coronavirus we will welcome all Chinese people into our borders after China already knew it was a massive pandemic within their own borders is shut down everyone from Wuhan I'm not here to hear the rhetoric but I just thought this aged like milk it was hilarious he's so proud and so smart me to say Canada's not kidding declared national emergency and Chinese people and and Canadians are just friends so it's totally open borders I I reveled in that one that was great and actually I'd like to go see if he left that one up because I doubt it why dalia China is it typical like you know when there's a problem going on hallway or China look at some you know either mix Chinese person or Russian person to basically say come on let's go Huawei let's go China and then sing some bullshit it's not until you thought this is another example of what will be spread around Ando Yin a lot of these are actually directed towards foreigners within China so this one is actually when the pandemic was absolutely blowing up in China and then the sorry II will you a city in eastern China actually win on social media to tell all foreigners that it's totally fine and she just totally come back and start trading in the trade market and evil thank you for your support and cooperation during a fight against chrono virus now the disease has been controlled you market is open for welcome pouring friends from across the world coming back to you again you immigration is in theory actual service well I don't think they are now considering foreigners are not allowed into China this was not posted weeks ago by this as months ago like imploring people Ando Yin to come back to China get back here don't worry the coronavirus is done this guy slaps this guy is like he's like an old rapper man the song slapped so hard way to you hear that the sick beat [Music] one will whoo-hah stay strong chuja is one we will overcome she can convince y'all shit contentions y'all in y'all she can't in shushing surely all jungle die for me nah it's a great example of you know a foreigner that's promoted in Chinese social media because you know with those kind of sick rap skills with those sick rhymes and beats that he is self produced and even shows his computer there just to prove that he made it himself with that kind of unbelievable talent you know obviously he wouldn't have an audience in the West but when you go to China you can speak very basic Chinese you can put if you put yourself out there and you're less ashamed less let you care less about face than the average Chinese person then you will get an audience because you're exotic you're promoting Chinese nationalism you're promoting Chinese unity and all this kind of stuff is long as you don't go political and as long as you don't have an opinion any sort of negative opinion about Chinese food Chinese culture Chinese government anything as long as you're promoting China and you're the silly foreigner you will rise the ranks it's a very good example I mean you'll see thousands of these guys putting out dough in videos and you notice this is not on tick-tock this would be probably laughed at on tick-tock by English speakers but you know a hero in China because he's a foreigner now this is where I'm so glad you guys stuck around for this video because this is where the juice is now we're going in gloves off this is dojin at its finest this woman is the most abrasive nationalist unbelievable woo ma level little pink I've ever seen in my entire life and they obviously snatched her up because she's you know she's an English speaker you have to see the level she go so you guys are gonna love this it's a friendly and inclusive country we will come friends from all parts of the world even in this special we still try our best to provide necessary assistance to the finders and treat them equally but that doesn't mean we don't have a bottom line this is our land this is our country you come here you should follow the rules here to this China is nothing like what it was 100 years ago so if you still think you are privileged and superior and don't behave yourself then you will never be welcome here and we'll make you welcome well why did she have to go into that song that's totally gonna copyright me so I'm gonna pay the price dude so she goes she does like a good mix of like speaking - there's a reason this Chinese sceptile she wants to speak and really bolster up nationalism get people riled up with in China that's why this stuff is promoted she's quite popular and then she's also kind of talking to foreigners and some of these but foreigners within the Chinese borders just to scare the shit out of them basically saying if you don't follow the rules we will f you up and her tone is crazy look at her eyes dude it's insane oh my gosh I don't II reminds me of some sort of character from something that's not coming to me right now but I've gathered some of her her best content here some of them goes in some of the stuff goes into like absolute wild inaccuracies and falsehoods and some of them some of them actually make me scared the freedom of speech does not mean you can say whatever you want I'm sorry I hate people that pause stuff but the freedom of speech means that you cannot say whatever you want just let that stew for a second so the freedom of speech means you can't say what you want to say that's a very interesting perspective and I finally understand the Chinese government's take on that you know when you see their their Coast 12-core socialist values and one of them is democracy and freedom I understand what their definition is now because apparently it means the opposite of that this one gets fierce and she even throws in a couple naughty words you have to talk to his family but to say the real freedom of speech should be built on the ground of mutual understanding and respect without that what you say is pure strength so don't use the freedom of speech as an excuse to cover your bullshit and I want to remind you that China is nothing like what you think of a phrase of years ago we're the strongest engine for the global economy and we're helping people around the world to reduce the poverty and hunger and now we're working with many countries which was something for the world dude that's that's a bit harsh that's a little bit harsh I got really nervous and when she swore at me but then when she told me to shut up I felt really bad she's terrifying she's absolutely terrifying but she also has this very fierce attitude that wouldn't be tolerated most places but if you've if you've been to China and you speak Chinese you'll see that when a leader or somebody that's a key opinion leader or someone on stage something like that it's really trying to rustle everyone's jimmies and get everyone to stand up and really be proud they always make everyone shout and they shout at them and they use very harsh language and stuff it's a very mainland Chinese attribute to have but she she goes on for some some just great stuff here in many movies one single American can save the world however in reality when the mankind facing a big crisis it is China who stands out I tried to go through this one so I didn't laugh during the videos I felt it and save the world up to now we have helped 82 countries and organizations worldwide among them some are old friend but some are not so friendly to us before but still we decided to restrain out our helping hands to all of them how charitable China I just love the fact that you took all the world's PPE and kept it for yourself and shut down your borders domestically but let five million people get out and travel around the world thank you so much for that helping hand appreciate it you know I really loved her analogy with the American Hero as well the you know most movies there's that one American hero that can that can save the world and that's just fantastic but in reality when mankind is facing a crisis its China who stands out and save the world you know it's kind of ironic as well because if you watch a Chinese movie and this is a good reference this is wolf warrior tactics wolf warrior was a horrible series of movies that is just hilarious very thickly veiled propaganda in China where you know the Chinese soldiers save the world and it's kind of ironic that she says you know in movies it's usually the American that saves the world well keep in mind most movies are made in Hollywood so wouldn't it be an American that saves the world would that make a little business here are some numbers for your reference last year our GDP is seven times of Early's and we have shut down almost all of our industries for nearly two months well Italy just started to shut down it see which one lost more money I think it's pretty obvious right this is this one's great needs some context so she did a video previously about how China and Italy are partners and historically Italy like built some universities and hospitals in China so that's why they reached out to Italy to help them and to give all these supplies and that's why Italy and China have always been allies and friends then she goes on to say that Italy's poor and then China has so much more money so she completely like picks the flavor of the week enemy basically whenever like their her CCP directive stands over and says no actually we're gonna say that the virus came from Italy this week so you should probably shit on Italy today so I think it's funny that her content goes back and forth like crazy more Americans are willing to give traditional Chinese medicine a shot demand for formulas is off the choice all of them so this is a great piece of propaganda that's about Chinese medicine I saw trend on this everywhere I was on tik-tok was on durian is all over the place that now the West is reaching out to China for Chinese medicine because nothing's working and Chinese medicine definitely works wait see here with this chick says about the stats of Chinese medicine with a corona virus many people didn't know that the traditional Chinese medicine with a history of thousands of years have played a very significant role in this law against fibers according to the statistics over 90 percent of the confirmed cases in China have received the Chinese medicine treatment and the overall effective rate is as high as ninety two percent so 92 percent of people in China recovered or were cured of the corona virus because of Chinese medicine it's just gonna tell you what medicine that is as China continues to export its experience to the world the Chinese medicine is saving lives in more and more countries among medical supplies the try 1982 Italy Iran and other countries there are two traditional Chinese medicine the important ones empty machine guns which are derived from two Asian prescriptions that have history of nearly two thousand years how did we know that this new novel coronavirus that nobody has seen before could be cured by two Chinese ancient medicines that were discovered 2,000 years ago now that's the secret to China's success that's why nobody died of the corona virus in China right that's why they just we just haven't caught on yet our simple tiny Western brains our Western science our Western medicine all of these crazy these crazy things that we just can't comprehend because it's too ancient the cultures too deep from Europe to United States from Iran to South Korea we have witnessed more and more countries using the Chinese medicine to fight against the virus the traditional questioned by the western country to the well being now this is a perfect example of blatant lies absolute hypocrisy flip-flopping and also the fact that this would never be broadcast on Western media because nobody could swallow this she's just told you know 1.4 billion potential Chinese people watching Dillion that everyone is accepting Chinese medicine it's not only that it saved the world it cured almost everybody in China of coronavirus and then after the pandemic is over everybody in Western countries is gonna predominantly use Chinese medicine from now on you could see how that wouldn't be well tolerated by people that actually you know have a of a brain or a head on their shoulders about this kind of stuff but when you've been fed propaganda and you've been poisoned by this education system your entire life when you see something that this is it's not it's not ridiculous to them it's self affirming it's reaffirming it's like yeah our Chinese medicine is superior and that's why we ended up doing better it's not because we lied about the numbers and allowed the you know the entire virus is spread around the world has nothing to do that it's because we use these two ancient prescriptions from 2,000 years ago that somehow predicted a bat derived virus that was going to be a pandemic 2,000 years later back when Jesus was around so not to critique this woman's theories here I just want to show you guys the different ways that the Chinese government likes to promote soft power on tik-tok which is a very popular app right now in the West versus the ways that they do it in China both of them include speaking English because that is a force to be reckoned with if you speak English in China then you are on and more educated than other people so when they have these people speaking as authorities with very powerful voice and powerful messages speaking to Chinese people with subtitles it carries more weight than a Chinese person holding up a flag and say I love China well I don't what this is more like oh no this woman speaks English so she probably spent time abroad is probably well liked and and appreciated and respected by her Western colleagues out there and that's what they do you'll see a new shift in Chinese propaganda it's less like North Korea stuff it's more like stuff you'll see on CD TN a CCTV where they'll get a well spoken English speaker to refute all of these things that Westerners think and a very convincing and slick manner I'm not buying any of the shit I don't think you guys either but I thought you guys would like a little break from the you know the doom and gloom that everyone is dealing with right now currently I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you guys go out there and find your own soft power propaganda or hard power propaganda yourselves and don't forget that we cover all this kind of stuff all the time on our bi-weekly podcast which is a TV podcast you can watch that every single Thursday I'll put a link down below so you guys can check that out thank you to everyone a patron is supporting me right now it's been really tough YouTube ads CPM is like through the floor and it's barely getting monetize anyway so thank you for supporting me there it's been a huge huge help to us trying to get through this whole thing and I know that everybody's pretty skin right now because a lot of people are out of work as well so everybody's affected by this virus and it all sucks and it's a terrible thing to go through so appreciate guys sport and I want to say thank you so much lo winners and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: laowhy86
Views: 588,456
Rating: 4.8199196 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, china, chinese propaganda, tik tok, tiktoks, douyin, ccp, chinese government, soft power, communist party of china, communist party, laowhy86, serpentza, advchina, advpodcasts, adv podcasts, adv podcast, adv china, winston sterzel, cmilk, chinese communist party, moving to china, living in china, move to china, living in china vlog, prc, blocked in china, censorship in china, chinese tiktok, chinese social media, foreigners in china, white monkey job, c-milk
Id: 3aYCG4vEe5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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