TikTok Ban Explained

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

One look at these Tik tokkers and u can tell that politics is the very last thing on their minds. Doubt they even know who the current U.S president is. That’s why I don’t get why so many people make big deals out of the tiktok ban

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/throwaway12389300000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

you have to be empty minded to use TikTok and not understand the the CCP is syphoning it’s content to be used against us.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/banging_beats πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey ela what is this loud e6 here with another video do you like my Quarantine haircut because I certainly don't tick-tock is getting bad and that is what you guys keep hearing right tick tock is banned American government's gonna ban tick tock Trump's gonna be in tick tock it's a national security threat for those of you who are uninformed tick tock is a I don't know how you'd be uninformed about this but tick tock is a short-form media app meaning that you can make very short form media unlike YouTube which you can make a 10 hour compilation of a jar of mayonnaise if you wanted to on tick-tock you're limited to a very very small timeframe and it started out with kind of like music parodies and dancing around and whatever now it's got a more mature user base and there's everything from memes to politics to dance to cooking really anything you can think of it used to be chewing gum for the brain and now it's like a new social media app you find a lot of people just opening up to consume bite-sized forms of media it's become wildly popular so much so that it's been downloaded 165 million times in the u.s. meaning it's one of the most popular social media apps of all time however there's a recent cause for alarm and that's that tick tock is actually owned by a massive Chinese corporation called bite dance and that's an issue since China has been at the forefront of the biggest intellectual property theft of all time since the dawn of mankind China has absolutely pillaged the west of ips but we're talking about censorship here we're talking about banning something not something the West is usually keen on something that China's very very guilty of keep in mind China's banned almost every single social media app or even online platform from the West in its own borders to stifle conversation to censor free speech and to monitor its own citizens so that they have to use the domestic Chinese version of whatever they stole from the West so let me highlight this issue so you can make your own informed opinion now having lived in China for over 10 years I'd like to think that I have a good handle on this situation and I'd like to think that the West will make an informed decision in going forward with this potential band first off what you need to know is you can't look at China through an American or western lens every single Chinese company I'm saying everyone that has over 50 employees in China is beholden to the Chinese government so they don't need a warrant to see information they don't need a warrant to see data they don't need to ask politely they can go in and take anything that they want they theoretically own every company in China now that's not to say China is not a full-on capitalist country it kind of is because the Chinese government realized that communism failed so they decided why don't we just keep the authoritarian aspects where we can kind of act like a dictatorship but we'll let people trade and make money and it's kind of really worked out for them in terms of economic prosperity now Chinese companies are also incentivized meaning that they are often paid or coerced by the Chinese government to go abroad to go to different countries and steal IPs intellectual property designs blueprints all of these things I mean look at the maglev train and the high-speed rail system in China was stolen from Germany all the way up to huge infrastructure projects all the way down to a very basic chip technology Chinese companies are incentivized to go form partnerships with Western companies steal their stuff go make a domestic version of it and they go sell it back to them it's basically like being robbed twice when the Chinese government is paying people or incentivizing people to go work in a tech firm in Silicon Valley they go and steal that information by working there for a long time and getting to know people and having access to that information being paid to go bring it back home then making their own version that they can sell domestically within China but also making a cheaper often slicker version to sell back to the West you have to see the hypocrisy here this is in direct opposition to the rule of law that most American or Western companies are used to so what does this have to do with anything well if I use that logic number one to summarize every Chinese company is owned by the Chinese government they have access to every single piece of information that that company has they're beholden to them no matter what no matter what is asked of them no matter whether they have a warrant or not for the information they have to hand it over if you use that logic ticked-off being a Chinese come own company should be a national security threat right it's not that simple last year some senators in the u.s. basically asked the intelligence community they said listen we have to look into this this could be a possible security threat and that's kind of where we're at right now tik-tok pushback on that and they said listen you can claim that we're a national security threat but guess what all of our servers are on American soil they're American servers so whenever anyone logs in there yes it is a treasure trove of information name IP address all this kind of stuff that pretty much every social media app is guilty of stealing from you that's all on American servers not only that tik-tok appointed an American CEO to kind of quash the debate here however this is the problem you can say that the data is being held only on American servers but by dance is still a Chinese owned company that will always be beholden to the Chinese government now whether or not they have access to the information on the US servers or not that's where you've got to stop using an American or western lens to look at this because think about this now American data being stored on American servers yeah I get it the argument however remains if byte dance is completely a Chinese company which is in turn beholden to the Chinese government if they ask for data at any time they might have some legal loopholes to get through to get that data out of an American server however having them that one step closer to that remains a huge security risk in that there are Chinese employees within the American version of tik-tok in the in the company here in the US they do have ties to the Communist Party back home the potential for leaks and breaches is much higher than say a company that's completely disassociated which I know I mean look at Equifax in 2017 Chinese hackers and this is not a Chinese owned company Chinese hackers were able to hack a hundred and forty-five million Americans data there were trade secrets lost there were billions and billions in damage and in the grand scheme of things trillions trillions of dollars in damage in terms of IP theft so you're talking about a company that was completely compromised by Chinese hackers within the Chinese government and military versus a company that is literally directly paired and tied to China and the Chinese Communist Party that's where the problem arises is that we can't look at this like there's a huge separation there's a point of separation because all the data is in the American servers that's not how it works but here's the actual problem if we take away this whole national security thing away and look at actually the content of tic-tock tic-tock has been flooded with Chinese propaganda it's something that I've covered in the past but it's also a hotbed of political debate people use it to support their favorite candidate Trump Biden whatever local politics people will form people start sharing stuff about their City and their mayor's and things like this there is debate there's promotion of religious values or lack thereof it is a very very colorful app full of free speech well seemingly free speech and freedom of expression which is for all intents and purposes very American but that's where the problem is the Chinese propaganda has flooded it I don't think it's been successful but the soft power propaganda that is flooded tik-tok is very hypocritical in that there is a severe lack of videos or media on tik-tok that does criticize the Chinese government let me show you something China doesn't actually care about people on American tick-tock talking about politics what they do care about is steering the narrative to make sure that people do not criticize the Chinese Way the Chinese system the Chinese government's authoritarian rule look what they did when they removed or forcibly removed the video about the girl talking about weaker activism she would did a makeup tutorial more or less where she's curling her eyebrows at the same time talking about the for lack of better words current genocide going on in western China where the government is suppressing and putting millions of Muslim minority leaders into internment camps modern-day concentration camps for re-education separating families that content was removed and it shouldn't have been removed if in fact tik-tok is an American company with American moderators and American servers an American CEO but wait a minute is it in doing research for this I wanted to see what the moderation tools were because as much as I try I can write Chinese I can speak Chinese I can read Chinese when I look for stuff it's very easy to find things in support of China or the Chinese government it's very easy to be it's very easy to run into videos where it's very anti American democracy highlighting the foibles and flaws of America and promoting the you know amazing things about China it's very easy to find content of Chinese people on the ground in China showing how amazing ordinary life is within China when it's very thinly veiled propaganda but it is very hard to find it's very hard say for the odd video or two to find videos that are criticizing the Chinese leadership promoting democratic values within Hong Kong talking about Taiwanese independence talking about human rights atrocities talking about political activism within China or promoting Chinese democratic values the problem stems from the fact that the moderation tools the way that in other words the way that you can get a video deleted or removed those tools are much much different than some of the ones you might find on YouTube let's have a look at this for example if I want to report a video on YouTube meaning I want to get it taken down it has to meet a certain criteria and I'm very familiar with this because the Chinese government and nationalist Chinese people really don't like the fact that I'm critical of the Chinese government so this is the criteria they have to meet to get a video removed sexual content violent or a repulsive content hateful or abusive content harmful or dangerous acts child abuse promotes terrorism spam or misleading and fringes my rights and a captions issue so all of these things have little clauses within them but it's pretty cut-and-dry like you post porn you can't post people dying or scenes of war where people are getting murdered or whatever you can't call out a certain group of people and say that there are worse or better than other people typical racism kind of stuff you can't show things that promote very dangerous acts - maybe vulnerable kids with oh they'll learn they'll try to emulate such an act like I don't know playing with explosives or fire or something like that etc etc these are pretty cut-and-dry they are abused at times I mean there's a lot of cases of these moderation tools being abused to remove content that people don't enjoy however it's a very different time tick tock let's look at this China doesn't actually care about most of that stuff and that's why tic TOCs been a hotbed of some pretty dicey and controversial stuff it's pretty poorly moderated in terms of values that most Westerners would have but it's heavily moderated in terms of things that China certainly cares about let's look at the tic-tock report video tools if I want to remove a video on tik-tok the three most important tools are here on the top and they actually mirror perfectly one of China's most importantly vague and terrifying laws and that is the law against a rumor spreading this law in China puts people in prison or worse disappears people for literally anything it's like a blanket law that can cover any situation where the Chinese government is not happy with its citizens you post something online that the government doesn't like by you say the leader of China looks like Winnie the Pooh by you say that the Chinese government should have done better at handling something like the pandemic or potential dam bursting by these additional tools are very much in the same vein of that law within China and that's actually one of the laws in China that makes it such a scary place to live on tik-tok anyone including you know Chinese people with using a VPN to get on the American version of tick-tock can report videos for the following and let's keep in mind there are hundreds of thousands of paid Chinese people in China to promote the Chinese government and to steer any dissent or questions about the Chinese government on Western Internet number one misleading information now according to the Chinese government anyone critical of its human rights abuses or questioning the Chinese government's handling of the corona virus is spreading misinformation this tool has baked in to the American version of tik-tok dangerous organizations and individuals in other words Chinese minority dissidents Chinese democracy activists Hong Kong democracy sympathizers Pro Hong Kong content like Hong Kong democracy and pro like promoting the protesters and stuff times if it got removed from the American version of tik-tok under this very tool illegal activities in regulated Goods so fringe religious practitioners protests within Chinese borders how many of those videos have you seen criticism of the Chinese leadership you see what I'm getting is that tick tock is pre-baked with the stuff that makes Communist China communist China the authoritarian nature of whole thing again China doesn't care if people are debating about Trump versus Biden or whatever they're actually even talking about even some really crazy French stuff China cares about its narrative that's why you see a ton of soft power propaganda on tick-tock it's so bad that in fact when tick-tock shadow bands people so that like people can't see their content or even removes connick ounce completely there's actually a meme or a joke on tick-tock where people will go on there and sing the praises of the Chinese government saying I love China they'll even learn a couple Chinese phrases to say that they love the leaders using ping and please reinstate their account now those are jokes but it became a meme for our reason people get their content removed for very arbitrary reasons and that needs to be questioned so while tick-tock actually might look like a short-form version of short-form bastion of free speech and unregulated content it in fact is on the shores of the US or other democratic countries stifling the speech of opinions of people that are critical of its system and that is pretty terrifying if you ask me but does that warrant a ban the debate remains I mean I'm completely anti censorship and just to ban something based on the dastardly deeds of the Chinese government and what they do you know the acts that have been committed against other countries and the intellectual property that has been stolen and the human rights abuses just to ban something in retaliation for that I mean it's not as bad as China banning everything but it's not a great principle to operate on that is not how the West works it would have to be proven that tick tock has access to all of this information within the framework of the legal system of the US and other Western countries it would have to be proven that tick tock has access to that information is actually a national security threat the problem is it's that tricky thing where you look at it through a Western lens and say we have to go through a legal process to come to that conclusion whereas China doesn't operate with a legal process there is no rule of law it's arbitrary and corruption finds its way in to literally every facet of any Chinese business or any Chinese government entity if it is proven that it is in fact a national security threat and China is receiving user data because of its operations within the u.s. of course I support a ban that is a national security threat and national security is a serious issue however until that happens until it is either deemed safe we're not safe I think tik-tok users need to be very vocal and questioned the way that their data is being used I think that they need to look into it as well I think people that are savvy to computer science and things like that need to look into potential leaks or what's actually happening at the same time they need to ask in question tick tocks moderation policy I do not trust a company that has semi direct ties to the Chinese Communist Party but maybe a normal populace that doesn't care about that stuff as much they need a reason to care I would like to see more content on tick tock challenging the Chinese government challenging the human rights abuses spreading more awareness about how the Chinese government needs to reform before the West starts dealing with him again and promoting the freedom and rights of Chinese people that's the most important thing when I see more of that content I'll be less skeptical because right now it damn well looks like the Chinese Communist Party controls this this app how would a ban actually work within the US well it's not an authoritarian country you can't just ban something like China does they arbitrarily ban things all the time it'd be much more complicated than that and I'd be very interested to see how this actually transpires at the same time I think people using the app need to be very very aware of what actually might be happening behind the scenes this is not speculation if an app has ties to the Chinese Communist Party whether direct or indirectly some thing something is being discussed between the two parties I promise you I hope that people can be more perceptive and see through the Chinese soft propaganda on the app and also be more vocal if you care about Chinese people's rights and what's happening in Asia right now or the fate of Hong Kong or the fate of Taiwan post-post material about it I want to see more of it I think more awareness around this in questioning the moderation tools that are involved in tick-tock to remove things that are not aligned with Western values would help calm down some of this hysteria surrounding damp also check out this awesome loom out t-shirt if you hate Chinese internet censorship then consider by your room out t-shirt today these actually went for one run and they got so popular that so many people asked for them to come back so they're up for like another week or two so go check out ever press com / wu wuu - mao mao and pick these up limited time only don't forget that if you go to patreon.com/scishow 86 you get behind-the-scenes content people I answer my emails on there every single day so you have access to talk to me every single day every morning it's a routine we have an awesome community there and you actually help keep this this channel going and I want to say thank you so much la winners and I'll catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: laowhy86
Views: 409,519
Rating: 4.7862382 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tik tok, best tiktok, tiktoks, ban, tiktok ban, tiktok banned, douyin, laowhy86, tiktok china, china, chinese government, ccp, communist party of china, advchina, adv china, tik tok memes, tik tok ban, moving to china, china news, hong kong, winston sterzel, chinese communist party, tiktok banned us, us banning tiktok, mike pompeo, tiktok banned in usa, tiktok banned usa, ban tiktok, adv podcasts, teaching in china, cmilk, tiktok ban in us, advpodcasts, us china
Id: La6yrMgkwiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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