The Story of How China Ruined Everything

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/smigold 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/midvale99 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Front page in a chinese propaganda midia ? Never in Reddit...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/emperor_samurai 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
see ya this past year hasn't been the greatest Rashad [Music] right now to search up what's happening in China how they're getting concentration camps throwing innocent Muslims in there comes from China so it begs the question how the hell did we get to here honestly does anyone watching this know what China has been up to you beyond this year cuz I'm gonna be honest I didn't even know what China's been up to and I'm Chinese and yes I know this is supposed to be a FIFA series but for you guys to fully understand what I'm gonna be doing moving forward I gotta do like a quick all of Game of Thrones in ten minutes I go right here but with Chinese history and I'm talking the not-safe-for-work history not the water down that you got in history class yes let me tell you the history of China is [ __ ] wild and I'm gonna shamelessly beg right here for like because making this video I'm like 90% sure that it's gonna get me banned from ever being able to go to China again or worse this video might gets monetized but without further ado ladies and gentlemen let me take you back to the very beginning to start of ancient China around 8,000 years before Christ was born the Han Chinese would settle in the fertile valley with a large labor pool and natural borders to protect them from invaders China had a really dope starting spot as far as human civilization scope only issue is the Yellow River would constantly flood and destroy crops and occasionally whole villages it wasn't until one man in 2000 BC who would later be called review the engineer finally figured out damning in ancient China and could control the flooding a tremendous feat he was able to accomplish by apparently ignoring his wife and child for 13 years straight and now I know who my dad bottled his life after love you dad wherever you are now I'm kidding he loves me I think anyway for use great efforts he was named the first emperor of China and yes China's first emperor was a guy who ignored his family to build a dam but anywho China would go on to say a form of dynastic rule for about the next four thousand years and a very important note about those four thousand years was the majority of that time China was number one you see back in the day China used to be this shape we were basically America we don't money we had all the hottest [ __ ] like silk cast iron gunpowder we basically had the off-white Jordan ones and the rest of the world had like Jesus sandals imagine Jesus is enough one Jordan once though pretty far so yeah countless major wars were fought over trade routes to China the greatest European powers were lining up to pay tribute just for the opportunity to buy their goods to give you an example of how advanced the Chinese work compared to the rest of the world it's time they developed the ability to liquefy iron and cast them into molds 1,000 years before Europe was able to replicate the process that's like if you went back in time and gave a nation iPhone's 1,000 years ago then you would understand how huge on advantage that would have been for that country now imagine throwing that thousand years headstart away those are Golden State warrior levels of choke itch yes China got 3-1 and that double hurts cuz I'm Chinese and a warriors fanned but it is in apt analogy because he was the issued Jonathan did they went number one everyone else out there a lost cause let's just close herself off so that's exactly what they did they close themselves off to the world both metaphorically and literally they built the greatest wall of all time to keep out their version of Mexicans suck in America they believed that every other race was inferior to the Chinese so their ideas couldn't be good thus new technology sciences from other cultures will look down upon and disregard it and setting yet another historic footnote but racism really didn't work out well so maybe we should stop doing it people to give you an example of how dismissive the Chinese were when they were offered the newest military innovations in the 1920s by the English they declined in Latin because that was the language that all white people spoke to them it didn't matter that Rome had fallen a thousand years ago to the Chinese my people both the same they just didn't care China had it too good for too long they embraced isolationism and they were sniffing their own farts and everything kind of work out for them up until about a hundred years ago but this last hundred years of human history is what most people in the West are familiar with a century of unprecedented growth destruction innovation shifted power to a Eurocentric view that we are probably most familiar with today and I'm sure if I asked you what has happened in America or Europe over the past 100 years you could probably regurgitate a few facts from history class or two but what have I asked you what has China brought you for the past 100 years would you know what would you say because the Chinese remember the past 100 years very vividly and by a specific name the Chinese refer to it as the century of humiliation so we have last checked in on China via close themselves off to the world thinking that they were better than everyone and when you close herself off you stop evolving other cultures catch up and eventually over pass you ebo in nations like Great Britain and America charge headfirst into the heart of the Industrial Revolution China primarily stayed an agricultural nation but interesting enough he without industrialization they were still able to maintain the title as the largest economy in the world even at the start of the 1900s and were they able to do that with sheer colossal manpower as China's population at the time alone made up 40% of the world's total population at the time soon while Europe had factories and production lines China was kind of lulled into a false sense of security based on their manpower as what the chinese disregarded as barbarian trinkets and cute innovations would soon come back to bite him in the ass and you got to realize that multiple foreign powers have been looking to force China into trade for millennium now at this time in history Britain's tea habit was so voracious that they simply could not afford it any longer but they found a clever loophole in that if you get a large population addicted to drugs they will in fact trade you anything for addictive drugs wild concept by no it's obviously when trying to find out they were like hey can you stop selling opium and Brent was like make me and then they fought multiple Wars and Britain won them all all for the right to keep selling highly addictive drugs to China that is amazing if you really think about it that's like if you got addicted to meth and got sent to a rehab center and your drug dealer broke into the rehab center and threatened to kill you unless you smoked more meth Great Britain did this so that they could drink tea for cheaper but I digress now the loss of the opium wars were a devastating reality check to China an insult to injury Britain forced China to lease Hong Kong to them for 99 years that would set off a chain of events that would lead to today's Hong Kong yeah it turns out that giving a region democracy and Free Press for 99 years and then giving it back to uh now totalitarian communist government and you can understand why isn't going smoothly back to China at the start of the 1900s they were shell-shocked you gotta remember it was like 4000 years of dominance they were like the New England Patriots era of dominance for as long as you can remember they were number one and to go from that and lose battle after battle after battle to foreign powers it severely weakened the confidence in the emperor eventually inciting instability and then in 1911 a large-scale rebellion calling for reform dethrone the Emperor and ended dynastic rule in China once and for all if Sun fortunately had the side effect of plunging China into an error a civil war Iran was fractured into many regions controlled by warlords during this time but the two main factions that rose up during this period were the Communists and the Chinese Nationalist Party now Nationalist Party won in China it should be a democratic system Allah America and the Communists well they wanted communists and both of them pretty much fought tooth and nail for control over China only issue is this small thing started to happen called World War two yep this really was an awful 100 years for China because in 1937 Japan invaded and they wiped the floor with them they already battered and unorganized militias of China we're no match for Japan's modern well this and army Japan unlike China did decide to industrialize thus it allowed a smaller nation with less resources to produce planes battleships and modern weaponry all the while China was silver lining the steam power and raw manpower this would cost China catastrophic Lee with China suffering frightening numbers of casualties numbering second overall of any country during World War two and the Japanese were not just efficient killers they were exceptionally cruel the brutality of the Japanese invasion would culminate in one of the darkest atrocities in World War two a war that has had some notable atrocities but this event became so heinous that some in Japan to this day denied it ever happened and that of course is the grape of Nanking I'm calling it the grape not to minimalize it just I don't want to get demonetized the actions of the Japanese soldiers during the invasion of Nanking were so inhumane that the Nazi ambassador had to speak out about it do you understand the levels of horrific shape that a Nazi has to witness to be like whoa whoa whoa guys I'm a Nazi but this is too far and that man today is still celebrated as a hero in China yes a Nazi is a historic hero in China the world is a weird place now beyond the baby murder and the mass sexual assaulting of women own notable events of the grip of Nanking included two Japanese generals in charge had a contest to see who could chop up 100 Chinese prisoners heads faster then published the results in a Japanese newspaper like it was fantasy football this traumatic event would scar China forever it is seen as their ashwa and it would be a catalyst to drive the nation to immediately industrialize so something like this could never happen to them again so out of necessity the Communist Party and the Nationalists joined forces to fight the Japanese only issue was the Communist Party were clearly the more effective and thus became more popular with the people so when the Japanese were finally defeated civil war resumed quite quickly afterwards for the comedies driving nationalists to retreat to a certain Island anyone recognize this island they officially named it the Republic of China but you might have heard of it called Taiwan and now you know why it's a it's complicated so world war two is over and the Communists have won China now they got to a point their new leader entering one of the most controversial figures in human history that you probably didn't learn enough about Chairman Mao was a great war hero but in the beginning he grew up in rural China said to be a good student he moved to attend modern schools where he was inspired by Western ideals and especially intrigued by the writings of Karl Marx coño was at this young age that he would adopt a the ends justify the means philosophy which would become a little bit problematic later on he's one of the prominent leaders of a communist forces against the Nationalists and Japanese and apparently was incredibly charismatic winning over many young people - aside with his speeches and you could very much think of him as world war tooth Trump if Trump had actually fought in a war but when there was no one left to fight Mao had to lead and at first tip eh it wasn't that bad he took away lands from the Warlord's and gave it back to the peasants to farm he greatly improved healthcare as well as women's rights he doubled the amount of schools which increased literacy in China and fought to greatly decrease opium addiction communism was looking pretty in China was looking so pretty that he started this thing called the hundred Flowers campaign where he opened himself up to constructive criticism to better serve China what he got was essay after essay of Chinese intellectuals just tearing his ass up with district levels of disrespect now quickly rebuttal these arguments by labeling his haters enemies of the state and imprisoning them or making them disappear altogether starting a long holding pattern of imprisoning and publicly humiliating people who spoke out against the Communist Party another side effect of these criticisms was it made Mao paranoid about losing power but he had another major problem productivity under communism was leveling out since everyone was being compensated the same no one ever really tried to be exceptional in fact workers were terrified of outshining their co-workers because if they did the rest of their workers would either shun them or actually get violent at times thus Mao issued a series of disastrous reforms that he would call me Great Leap Forward which can be summed up with this yes mouths greatly ford look to hyper increase production in china by essentially telling peasant farmers to work harder to produce more food to export but mismanagement and constant fear of losing office as well as being publicly humiliated or even being murdered basically led to the mass underreporting of numbers of food produced and china just happened to be so lucky that this all coincided with one of the worst droughts and famine had ever seen but China was still exporting their food stores to countries during this time which left no food for the peasant workers this would lead to the estimated deaths of 40 million Chinese through starvation 40 [ __ ] million people died in China from starvation this is less than a hundred years ago making it the deadliest famine in human history more people died in China from famine during the Great Leap Forward then had died in all of World War one combined this level of starvation was what motivated my grandparents to immigrate to America just like something else that immigrated to America but best encapsulate XenApp to two of the Great Leap Forward well as Mao had the brilliant idea of taking farmers and asked them to make steel in their backyards with no experience he just encouraged people to make steel that's like your Trump was like I'm bringing steel back baby it's gonna be huge just everyone going to your backyard and makes him if he said that Americans right now would have the same amount of experience as the Chinese did when they actually try this thousands of Chinese attempted to make steel for the first time in their backyards because their rewards were so handsome for this and not only did a result in drawing my thousands of talented farmers from producing food during a famine the vast majority of the steel produced was unusable because when people make steel in their backyards with zero experience it turns out they make dogs steel who would have known once again a reminder that China had cast iron 1,000 years ahead of Europe we went from that to making amateur steel in our backyards we are the Leeds United of world history and if that wasn't enough Mao came up with another sweeping reform called the Cultural Revolution basically Mao fell all was bad and getting in the way of his idealized communist future that he had for China an education that didn't serve the countries ideology was dangerous so that's old culture old ideology old customs old traditions and old vestiges of Imperial China were all to be torn down and lost to history as basically Maori wrote it to best flatter communism and his self he would accomplish this by burning historical texts destroying national treasures and landmarks publicly humiliating scholars and intellectuals and sending them into forced labor camps to be re-educated how the hell did he not get overthrown and not only that he's still revered by some in China tempus day and best way to think of it was China back then was kind of like North Korea is today but bigger dirt-poor plenty of starvation and copious amounts of propaganda to worship your authoritarian leader as a demigod where do you think North Korea got the PlayBook from baby Communist China in the 60s even made every citizen own and recite mouths little red book a book essentially of mouths most popular communist propaganda teachings young people were indoctrinated and children were in scripted into the Red Guard a young a paramilitary group where they were encouraged to root out suspected dissenters of communism throughout China which usually just led to children giving up their teachers and even sometimes their parents all of this was in the name of mouths audiology and what did China have to show for all of the sacrifice did the ends justify the means no they had nothing they had pretty much nothing to show out of all of this China tried to achieve communism through a famine destroyed its connection with its history and effectively threw away a generation of its smartest people but the time of Mao's death in 1976 China was effectively a third-world sheeple which may seem even more impressive because over the next thirty years they would become the second largest economic superpower in the world so how was China able to rise like a phoenix from the ashes with the greatest economic comeback in world history entering the main character of the moment and current president of China Gigi Pam Gigi pain grew up a red prince which basically meant his father was a high-ranking Chinese in the communist party early in his life he lived a life of luxury while millions starved in the countryside he was living in the Forbidden City which is the EX palace of the Chinese emperor but when Mao's Cultural Revolution went down his father was asked from power publicly humiliated she went from living the fuck-boy life to being sent to a farm labor camp a labor camp where he had to shovel pig ship and clean toilets until Mao Zedong's death yes arguably the most powerful man in the world right now was a literal pig farmer at one point started from the bottom now we here after Mao Zedong died many of the Red princes were actually restored to power or allowed to rejoin the Communist Party in elevated positions and this is interesting because this is where she separates himself from other red princes as well as other world leaders because instead of using his father's political status to gain higher office he instead opted to start at the bottom he completely removed his father's name from his application and took a job that no one wanted in an outpost in [ __ ] rural China but he would not stay there long as he quickly rose through the ranks developing a reputation as a hyper efficient bureaucrat and ruthless pragmatist when he became president of China he was seen as the right choice because the party leaders thought that he would be easier to control but she had other ideas now he endeared himself to the Chinese people by enacting sweeping reforms to weed out corruption in China sidenote corruption has probably been the biggest single political issue in China for thousands of years just culturally it is known simply if you have enough money or the right connections you could get anything done in China and it has been a colossal issue with Chinese politics as well as ruling China for millennia gigi ping made over 1.5 million arrests as a part of a corruption crackdown of officials taking bribes and accepting favors which sounds amazing but he also kind of used a portion of these arrests to purge political rivals from the Communist Party and consolidate power for himself that would be like if Trump crack down on the opioid crisis in America by also removing every Democrat and disloyal Republican in office but the Chinese people were willing to overlook that because you gotta remember after Mao's disastrous reforms China was like you know communism economics not really working now let's try something new so they gradually shifted away from communist economics to private ownership aka China got capitalistic as boy and when they made the switch the GDP of trying to begin growing by 10% every year for over 30 years so it was already going good before she ji paint got into office but during GG pings reign as president China he has lifted 800 million people out of poverty and took China to the second largest economy in the world only to the US and the people of China loved XI for it don't believe me this is a fan-made social media video and went viral and dressing President Xi Jinping as Big Daddy G I'm not making this up this is real China is amazing they love being lifted out of poverty so much that they were willing to overlook mass censorship of the media they have gladly allowed mass surveillance of camera equipment and facial recognition technology to percolate there major cities in China still holds them out radition and speaking out against the government can result in public humiliation via TV broadcasts were basically you have to apologize profusely and cry on camera in front of the nation or still sometimes you just disappear it's an issue that happens in China you just disappear but from the perspective of the Chinese people it would take a deal and heartbeat going from dying of starvation to middle class in a single lifetime hell yeah you can block Google China was pissed off poor and hungry Shoji brought in unprecedented age of prosperity they didn't care that he removed term limits from his presidency effectively making him the new emperor of China they were happy to finally be out of the century of humiliation and as Europe's wobbled and had a recession and America distracted itself with a political circus China was quietly on their way to reclaiming what they see as a rifle place as the dominant superpower of the world and if you were like oh yeah so what so what if they become the biggest economy in the world how is that gonna affect me little scary thing is you've already seen the effects over the past year you might remember when NBA players and teams had to go ahead and kowtow to China because the GM of the Rockets showed support for Hong Kong during the protests arguably the biggest athlete in the world LeBron James was on national TV sucking the dick of China it was like oh I love China and the Chinese people and do you remember the other incident when Blizzard suspended two hearthstone broadcasters and banned a player for speaking out about Hong Kong during a live stream do you understand that this was China using soft power to effectively take away Americans right to free speech and it's not like they threat they did this they were able to do it they were able to silence dissent in a foreign country in America it's not unlike back in ancient China when the foreigners were made to kiss the ring of the Emperor if they wanted to do business in two lands and now China had their hands in a lot of that you probably play or NOAA legal legend they own that 40 percent of 49 that's them and what's the biggest app that is exploded over this past year tick tock guess who owns that all Chinese companies all of them have connections to the Chinese company we live in a new age of colonization but battles aren't won with guns or armies anymore - so the weapon of Damas day is data and economic minds and China is the nerd who got picked on in school and then went on to invent Google and he is pissed off about they are capitalism without a conscience and that ruthless pragmatism has made them a mere unstoppable juggernaut now with no term limits on XI Zhi ping it looked like he would be able to guide China for decades to come but then something funny happened at the end of 2019 you might heard of it China is a one-party system that took its population from starvation to economic superpower at unprecedented speed well a single party control this virus is laid bare the drawbacks to that style of government when the first outbreak of Wuhan occurred and Chinese government covered it up saying that there was no evidence of human contact the original whistleblower was accused by local government of making false claims on the Internet his name was Lee wen Liang and he was made to denounce everything after he tried to warn the Chinese people and the world that there was a new virus it was killing people and was highly transmissible dr. Lee Lee would die shortly after from complications from the virus he would later be vindicated by the Chinese government offering up a rare apology to dr. Li wen Leung after the Ronin problem became too big to cover up his death in the initial cover of a big Rona would spark a massive outrage across Chinese social media and now because of China's failure to act quickly in containing the virus they are responsible for the biggest economic and humanitarian disaster since World War two the Chinese people are very upset and distrust for the Communist Party and Big Daddy G are at an all-time high deaths in China recently are said to have levelled out if you believe what China is saying the official numbers out of China say that there have actually been less than 5,000 deaths total but there are reports coming out of China that the urns that are ordered to house the remains of a cremated dead are actually in the numbers of 50,000 which would bring their death tolls much closer to what America is experiencing right now so unless China has found a vaccine out of their [ __ ] the numbers are not adding up unfortunately though only the Chinese Communist Party know what the true number is some are saying this could be the end of XI G pings regime and there have actually even been violent protests that have broke out in the Hubei Province even with China's massive army of censors people have been taking to social media like never before geez doing his best to scrub the internet of all the evidence of the initial cover-up and the CCP have officially blamed the local officials and police in blue Han as a Seoul bad actors and totally acted independently of the wishes of the Communist Party and then he's pretty much all of China's history up until now obviously still a lot of questions to be answered what happens to XI with China but the future of the world's economy so much is on the line right now so the next few months will be crucial to see if China can somehow come out of this or will they crumble back into another century of humiliation and with all that as a backdrop the China ruined everything career mode 2020 edition is set to begin this will be very different from any other mode you will ever see in your lifetime because as China goes this career mode will go every week I'm going to work on what's going on in China and whatever happens there will have an effect in real time with the crew mode and on that note tune in next week to find out what that actually translates to welcome back everyone it's time to return to China [Music]
Channel: BMOnus
Views: 941,613
Rating: 4.7196398 out of 5
Keywords: FIFA, Career Mode, FIFA Experiment, bmonus, fifa 20, History of China, Xi Jinping, Mao Zedong, china news, corona virus, chinese history, century of humiliation
Id: OpLvioS8GbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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