China Mac on Getting Shot & Stabbed, Making Peace w/ Jin, Rikers Island (Full Interview)

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all right here we go China Mac welcome back what up that it's been a minute I think April was the last time you came through yes been a little minute yeah major rounds did a few other interviews right you know uh no jumper right and a few other joints yeah yeah yeah that's what's up but that's what's up I'd love to see you know guess to start out with ITV do other stuff and you know kind of expand and so forth even doing that you know this isn't making my rounds moving around yeah yeah I love it I love it you're spinning to China also right people send me like screenshots of like the Chinese YouTube you know because actually YouTube's not allowed in China ya know so they have their own version yeah so you see like some of your clips like floating around on there and so forth yeah yeah people [ __ ] with you internationally moving around I actually on get off parole in a couple months so when that happens I'm definitely going going to China making my rounds out there yeah and because of you yeah I'm saying I mean I would have went there regardless but because of these this platform you know it's a little you know yeah I love a good old Vlad TV I love it I love it and you dropped a bunch of new music yeah I dropped on home see thank you for that yeah I mean oh yeah better be talking about Vlad don't be asking about the music he just asked about the music thank you I appreciate you I'm sure that everybody else is gonna be you know pretty happy about this so yeah I just dropped on to new EPS called in one is called in and then when those cold yang and yeah I experimented with this it was like you know I felt like oh because I I did so much prison time um that when you're in there when you're in there for especially maximum prison you have to be a certain way you know I'm saying you steal yourself but you have to be a certain part of yourself consistently always right so because at any time it can go down anytime she can go down and I did and at the same time because it's such a closed environment everybody's watching so you have to be like um you have to be very consistent in you know the the more the more aggressive the more stern the more like on point side right so I did that for ten straight years and I had to be really like you know so now that I've come home um and I'm free you know I want to practice being free like at the same time I'm still one point I'm still me you know I mean but I also want to I want to I want to do this stuff that I suppress for all these years I'm saying I want to be happy and I mean I want to have fun I want to just do whatever so when I when I'm in the booth and I'm making music I I don't like being in a box I don't like people saying oh China Mack you're supposed to be this guy and you're you you're not supposed to deviate from that yeah I mean I don't like nobody telling me what the [ __ ] I'm supposed to do so with the music well you know yeah I just did well Yin I did like I experimented I did different types of music and with the other EPA I did like more people more what people know me for like that boom bap are hardcore stuff so for example you listen to songs like party right that seems to be sort of like you experimenting right you know I feel like you're trying to mess around with more like what's popular these days yeah I'm just tryna you know I'm just trying to move around and I experiment have fun with the music like Barty I have fun with you know I mean I can honestly say that I have fun making this song I have fun shooting a video regardless or if you know the the my my fans my support is if they like it or not it doesn't you know it matters but at the same time if I'm having fun and um and I'm you know that's all that really matters at this point yeah I'm saying so um yeah and it seems like in that video you kind of played around the Chinese stereotypes right like there's a dude with nunchucks yeah and like that type of stereotypical Asian right kind of culture thing that you're playing around with yeah it's just like mid it's like it's like on me just embracing it in a way you know I mean but at the same time it's still done tastefully respectfully you know I mean but it's not like you know I'm not I'm not so so stuck up on it I can't play around with different things like you know and I felt like I felt like that was a something that that I wanted to do at that time well my favorite song you know I went through a bunch of new music and this isn't completely new but it was new to me at the time was uh the 10 G Commandments yeah that's came out this year right right to month like three months and three months ago okay there you go and I think that was just a great breakdown of basically things not to do on social media right a lot of people I'm mad because I did that on a biggie smalls beat so I really can't do much with it you know I'm saying you can't put on Spotify I really can't put it on Spotify I can't put a nowhere but YouTube and um but when I when it went up when I made that song I was like I was when I heard the instruments so I'm like wow I can actually remake it but do it in a way that's relevant to right now and kind of speak on the issues that needs to be spoken on right now cuz a lot of these kids they really just like they they're doing things like the internet isn't even watching like I think sometimes they forget that you have the whole world watching because like you know um people do things and talk about it on Facebook and like you know just really incriminating themselves and I felt like with that song I touched on a lot of things that a lot of younger people a lot of even older people that kind of get lost in that and kind of forget it's a reminder like yo you know what what you're supposed to be doing what you're not supposed to be doing and I felt like I kind of touched that um pretty on point I mean this is something we talk about a lot because people always give me a hard time over the questions that I but I try to explain to people that not only can things you say in an interview be potentially used against you but your own music can be used against you you know like I just had busi on and he was on murder he had a murder trial were you in contact with take Kato no no what's interesting about that case is that they actually took his song the race and played it for the jury yeah they played Ashley they do that they played the whole day of my music okay so did this to you - they were playing busi so played a whole day 8-hours of busan music the whole day real splaining lyrics a whole day it was a whole day hold true that they played a whole day of my music he took every lyric I had with my co-defendant name and played it every lyric I talk about killing and they played it well if every murder leer really they played it and it was so crazy because they was trying to explain the lyrics instance some of the leaders was it was wrong they even know what I was saying but they was trying to say stuff you know saying but you know they gonna use it against you and cut you know anything you do on social media they're gonna use it against you in court that's they - this is a real-world example of your music being used against you when you're being charged with a with a crime of some sort right you can't just it was just like why am dumb why am i w uh Melly yeah somber drop my mind I'm not sure about the status of that song in his case cuz his trial hasn't even started yet but take a got fifty five years and the race was actually used Wow was played to the jury not to say there weren't a bunch of other people that are telling Auto that that really probably buried him you know wasn't just that song they got him convicted put a plate apart if you're doing gangster [ __ ] you're taking a big risk by rapping about gangster [ __ ] right it just is what it is and not even just vibrant know what people are like just talking about it on social media to like you know people are say certain things people would arm somebody was just telling me that it was at the precinct and and and what they was getting arrested and they saw the officers looking at videos like viral videos and it was one video where somebody I pulled out a gun on a video and the police is like looking at studying that video trying to locate the person that had the gun and this was just a video that somebody I just posted like you know a random random video so my post it went viral and the police are just spending hours looking scouring and looking at the net looking for videos looking for this anybody's talking about crimes like people are I mean the police are really looking like there's a whole units that's just dedicated they don't do nothing they don't leave the office they don't go outside they don't write tickets they don't arrest of nobody they're just a whole job is they just look on the internet and find incriminating stuff and start investigations over it yeah all of it all of it like I said if you're a gangster you shouldn't be doing gangster music if you're actively a gangster now if you had left that life behind and it's been some years and you completely turn a different leaf like jay-z you can do gangster music all day long yeah I just feel like I feel like you can't do both and it's like you can't be entertainer and be like in the street you have to give up one correct you know I'm saying um some people try to do both but then eventually especially if you're really doing if you're doing real gangster [ __ ] right and you're doing and you have notoriety on the internet on you know eventually that you how can even me like yeah I'm saying I I have some but notoriety so if I do anything in the street if I do anything I give out if say I was the star shooting right that [ __ ] would go like there's a uh immediately somebody would take a picture whether they know it was me or not right whether they knew it was me or not but they'll take a picture of Bourne will take a video and then they'll upload it somewhere and then next thing you know if somebody's gonna be like oh let's try that's China Mac but even if it's not shooting even if it's just me fighting yeah I'm saying even if it's just me me me punching somebody on me smacking somebody mean doing something to that its extent next thing you know nobody in that area can know who I am but if somebody takes a video and they upload it oh that's China Mac next thing you know that's gonna be all over the place so it's like you really can't do both you can't you can't do the street [ __ ] and through the entertainment [ __ ] you have to leave one alone you know yeah yeah I mean it's gonna be hustling backwards like yeah the aim when you're a gangster is to be as much under the radar and unknown as possible right like you know earlier this year there was a dude named big law who was one of the heads of the black disciples Chicago he got killed I was able to find one photo of him right and it took me a long time to find that photo right everybody knew who he was all the rappers everyone else he was not taking pictures with rappers he was not in music videos he was a very low-key and people that need to know who he was knew who he was but even law enforcement had problems figuring out who he was and where he was if that's what you were gonna do if your goal is to be a criminal being a rapper is the exact opposite that's always been like that though even before the social media like Chris when we was in when I was in the gang and when I was doing my thing I was taught to not take pictures like we just don't take someone you can't find I can't now now that I'm out of it I'm I'm like damn I don't have no pictures to show right you know when we was like you know back in those days and I was like a whole couple years that was just I don't have no pictures of right but I was taught not to take pictures I gave you you we don't take pictures gangsters don't take pictures you know I mean I remember the stories of uh you know the death row story and I heard an old interview with Harry oh well actually just got really it was about to get released I think he was one of the fine answers right and in an interview he was telling he was kind of relating a story about how he told Suge to remain behind the scenes as much as possible to try to play the background as much as possible and at first should would listen and then after a while he just got kind of got intoxicated with the fame and started putting himself on out you know magazine covers and trying to play more of the the foreground role while still being a gangster at the same time and ultimately you see what would that led to right you know twenty eight years probably natural life I mean but see where sugars like he I think that his his his his his at that time his aura his presence was so big that you know he he was supposed to be in the front yeah I mean that's what he just wasn't supposed to be doing all that extra [ __ ] like he was just - like he didn't he didn't have to be in the front there's plenty of CEOs that you have no idea that they're the CEO you know I mean do you know who the president Columbia is right now no me neither but while my friend Zack Katz recently left a position and you know nobody knew that he's not a high profile guy right but he was the head of one of the biggest record labels at the time you don't need to be the star if you're a CEO no I feel you what but I think that's he made like a person like like Diddy you know I mean he's the face of bad boy right I mean he that bad boy wouldn't be where it was where it is if did he didn't put on the show maybe maybe not because LA Reid was the head of the face and they had Outkast and Toni Braxton and all these superstar accident you really didn't know who he was he was he was a dude in the background and they had you know you could say that I'm a face had just as much success as bad boy I mean Outkast was huge still is to this day you see what I'm saying his name but the name face the nameless face doesn't hold as much merit as like I mean even though they did a lot of stuff but if you say to the face nine times out of ten like if there was ten people in a room probably four people would know that name if you said death row everybody knows that name if you said bad boy everybody knows that name because Dede made it bigger like you know so whatever success did he gives later is attached to that so I feel like I feel like um death row was bigger was as big as it was because of that character that he built right that and and he had an instrumental part of it right because of his stature because of how he looked because of what he dressed like that whole aura made that row and he was a big part of it even though Snoop Dogg was there um Tupac was there and all these other big Snoop Dogg was there all these dr. Dre all these people was there but um but Suge was like this this this this piece that like you know really missed like really piece that everybody thought was really interesting and I'm saying because all these other rappers here they they they're portraying like gangsters and they you know they have that but this guy for some reason he just like really just like looks like the real deal so what I feel like yeah I mean there's there's other things for everybody but I feel like death row bad boy was big because their leaders were this big like you know they had they had big presence you know I'm saying and that's what really maybe our name stick out to this day bad boy death row well always I think as long as hip-hop is around you're always gonna remember those names just because just because you know I feel like well just to kind of circle back to your song at ng commandments you have this one line that said these lames caught a wave starting fooling these kids yeah then you show trippy red yeah so you think trippy red is lame I don't I don't feel like he's a I don't I don't know I don't know I've never like I never seen I never met him right but I do feel like what he represents is what is these kids yeah I'm saying like the whole that whole persona that whole like you know I don't know if I'm not sure I don't I don't I don't know what he does but that whole persona like the whole druggie persona the whole like you know that whole showing money doing all this extra stuff like I feel like that is what fooled these kids you know I'm saying so it could be him but it's that is that is that that wave you know I'm saying that kind of fooled these kids into using drugs and so just like on doing these same things that we've just been talking about yeah I feel you in the music video for a gorilla Mack mm-hmm there's this kind of a cutscene where you get on a mic and you said Asia man having small penises is a myth right what why why why I can put that out there I mean you know listen um people are not used to seeing Asian men speak like you know out really like that yeah I'm saying so you know I mean I don't even know if it's true or not yeah I mean I know what I got but I ain't going around looking at everybody else's [ __ ] so I'm I don't know but but just for me it's just saying that I feel like you know a lot of Asian people see me and when I do things like that is like they feel like they even though they would never do it they would never say things like that they would never but they felt like I'm bucking the stereotypes and that's what I want to do you know I mean I don't want people to look at Asian people in the same like they did 10 years ago you know I'm saying I want them to look at Asian people in a whole different light because it's a new time it's a new day things change people change um cultures change right so when I said that it was just me just just going at whatever stereotypes is attached to myself and attached to my people you know I'm saying so buy me something saying that I just wanted to give you know some more some more some more what's the word I'm looking for some more like like variety no just to go again some more proud to be proud to be Asian yeah okay the more you know cuz people don't because Asian people usually don't speak about these matters they don't come out like they're usually too shy to even say anything I'm saying at least that's what you know is is around has been around so now when they see somebody come out and say that yo or Asian people we ain't got small dicks like yeah I'm saying it's like whoa you know I mean like that's crazy and it makes other Asian people feel a little more proud to be like Asian like then there's somebody actually speaking for us like you know me and I it's not just just just keeping that that stereotype or whatever stereotypes perpetuating is actually somebody that's that's [ __ ] that [ __ ] that's really like not scared to speak you know me and you know that's what it that's what I am I've never been scared to speak you know so I feel you man you know stand behind your [ __ ] right you know and I remember I think one of our previous interviews he says some interesting that they kind of got me thinking afterwards you said that uh most well I guess in Chinese culture you're not typically going to be like forwardly aggressive or reactive to a particular situation you'll try to get back at a person like a different way right can you kind of explain that like um if a if asian people right like if there's an issue what they'll do is what we'll do is like oh we won't respond right they're like everybody else would you know I mean we will fall back and kind of look at it another way to come at it you know I'm saying whether it's directly at you or something around you and it doesn't even have to be physical it doesn't even have to be be be be like you know me hurting you or hurting somebody around you it's just I you won that one but we're gonna win these ten over here and you're just one that one battle but we just won this whole two we just won this whole thing right so I mean who's laughing now right so it's like Asian people look at things differently for calculating yeah they're more calculated they don't they're not really worried about you know that first initial like oh how people will look out at me or like that whole thing where whereas like you know people that grew up in different areas in different places we worry about that like me I grew up worrying about that yeah I'm Sam but most Asian people they are worried about ah you could get this one you know I mean you can get that one but that's just one you know so we'll just get all of these and then you'll just you know you just be happy with that one little win I think if you look at most prison populations a good portion of the people locked up are people that acted impulsively in a moment right you know I think if there was like not everyone you know other people have you know but a lot of people out say what what percentage do you think I think at least eighty fibers eighty-five percent it was an act that happened right there based on anger embarrassment ego pride all that put together and a fucked-up combination and now they're in prison for a long period of time over something that probably they've walked away and thought about it for a day or two they probably would have done it at all yo I was talking about this before like I talked about this last night I was with my god fluffy John shoutout to fluff Jones I was talking to him and we was just talking about how like when I was on Rikers Island I seen as I seen this kid die over a box of cereal oh it's like surreal right and these kids they was in there for the kids that killed him they was in there for I don't know whatever crimes I'm but they got an extra 25 years on top of whatever they were facing because of that yeah I mean over a box of cereal you know I'm saying like there's people that died over like you know nothing right like you know over a parking space you know I'm saying over you cutting me off there's people that die like that stepping up a shoe yeah you stepped on my shoe yeah I'm saying is people died because oh you you [ __ ] my girl you [ __ ] the girl yeah I'm saying which this girl is just [ __ ] everybody anyway so you just lost your whole life to people who lost that man lost his life and whatever kids or whatever they got they lost their father right you lost your whole free life so you're gonna be in jail and this [ __ ] is gonna just be [ __ ] a whole bunch of other people she not even gonna send you a stamp she won't send you a honey bun you're just gonna be upstate you know just just just rotten and [ __ ] I'll take it one step further I recently interviewed Melvin farmer he was one of the cofounders of the eight-trey gangster crips uh-huh in LA he broke down the war between the eight rays and the rollin 60s oh it's a 40-year it was over two guys dating due to teenagers who were dating the same girl did you know the guys involved in the original altercation mm-hmm okay so I understand the whole thing was over a girl yes sir can you explain the story well at that time prior to that Rick big Rick brother got killed in March 79 when I went to jail this when this start escalating because when I moved on 60 on 10th Avenue so I have been we already had we had a relationship with them then they got into a fight a guy from 900 gangster whatever he end up shooting big Rick brother which is Tyrone and I had been knowing Tyrone since he was seven eight years old at that time so Tyrone get killed ty rollin rollin 60s yes mm-hmm but the guy that killed him wasn't from a trade gangster he was from nine okay so at that time they wanted to turn this guy in him and they were telling them we can't do that we had nothing to do with it at that time and when then it just escalated from there cuz now I have went to jail they didn't actually start war until 1980 the nipsey thing kind of calmed it down you know there was the the gang peace march was the first time in 40 years a bunch of them congregated amongst each other and there was no violence a bunch of them don't even know why they started beat most of them don't know a lot weren't alive would that happen here and I remember in my interview one of the oh geez from the 8th rays who was actually there when that whole situation was happening he called it the the stupidest war of all time because it was started by two teenagers over a girl right and all these people like that that war actually divided LA right because all the gangs the Crips the Bloods who you know whoever else had to start taking an alliance on one side or another right people had to a lot of the 60s or the eighth rays they couldn't be cool with both it divided LA and this happened 40 years ago over a girl was a couple of teenagers you see how crazy that is I wonder I wonder what that girl look like she's right she was probably okay she's probably some bad she probably wasn't she probably wasn't but um I mean that's that song I said I said but I think that's what a lot of people want though like a lot of a lot of like um I mean if you if you even look at it like in a way we when we always in prison right the guards would purposely do things because I I'm I'm going back to prison not because I'm like you know there's Superjail guy that doesn't know anything but prison I know a lot of [ __ ] I was out of prison but I bring it back to prison because it's a smaller it's a smaller arena you know I mean when you're talking about LA you're talking is big it's big so it's kind of harder to kind of grasp the whole thing right but if you take it back if you just look at prison right you got the same [ __ ] in prison you got the same gang same same same division but I I know that the guards wanted to have division so they would purposely do [ __ ] right to to create this division and increase the division enhance the division and make sure that you know people are fighting amongst each other so they're not grouping up and thinking about escaping prison fighting with with because if you look at it you'll have a tier like 120 people with like two officers you know I'm saying so it's like how do you control that how do you control that many people right so it's the same thing out here how do you control these people it's all about control whoever's on whoever's in control wants to keep control and they want to you know fix [ __ ] they want to move [ __ ] they want to do [ __ ] so I feel like with that division with that type of [ __ ] um yeah you're fighting over it was important at that time because somebody that you love somebody that you looked up to somebody that you hold dear got killed but in a bigger scheme of things you're just like um exasperating whatever [ __ ] up [ __ ] is going on in your neighborhood like you know I mean like the Crips was started because of what you know I mean it was it wasn't it didn't start because of you know they wanted to kill each other it started because the community stuff right they wanted to stand up one [ __ ] and I feel like um because of these little and there's not little in the sense like because somebody was killed so you know some what people were killed so it increases that right but if you look at it in the grander scheme of things whatever they started that that that that organization for has been totally lost you know I mean has been totally lost because of these things because of these little wars and girls this that this and I feel like a lot of that [ __ ] is is is is set up a lot of that [ __ ] is like monkey wrenches thrown in there let them fight like over here let them do that over there you know me and I feel like home when the people finally like where I don't know so whatever happened but when it does happen if it ever happens and the people understand how much power they have how much power we have together like you know I mean I think is it's um you know but what a lot of people don't want that and a lot of people you know and um it's just sad that some of us a lot of us don't see that you know I mean or they see it but they don't want to let their pride on to let whatever else you know they wanted they want to be continually be tricked you know I'm saying to do [ __ ] and you know and I think that's uh sad that's that's what's sad about it well since last time you and I talked completely unexpectedly you and Jen hashed it out right got together right they actually did an interview together right I had interviewed gin some years back before you and I had actually met and I talked to Jen about that shooting situation hmm but after the interview he called me and and very respectfully and politely asked if I could take that part out hmm and once or twice I kind of revisited you know hit him back say hey you know it's a cool if I put it out now he's like nah I'd rather you just not put it out so I never put it out you know and you you and I put it out now no only if he said it was okay but I wouldn't you know I don't I respect people's wishes if you call me up say hey I watch you put it out now if not they'll just stay buried yeah our first interview was about that shooting situation where um you know just to do a quick rehash you know some situations you know a situation broke out at a club you ended up shooting one of his associates you went on the run and you end up going to prison right and he actually testified against you right no he didn't he did he did he did point me out of a photo array he did give a statement he gave the stand was he supposed to take the stand I didn't take it to trial ouu you pleaded I pleaded I didn't take it how to [ __ ] I take it to trial like there was like 50 people 100 people there cameras um it was just if I wouldn't want to try what I never came home okay but he he did give he definitely he definitely gave a state we definitely gave a statement right um he was the highest profile person there yeah by far right so you get out of prison yeah at the time that you get out and I'm sure I probably asked you this at the time but it's been so long I don't remember the answer did you feel any sort of anger or hatred towards gin when you got out maybe a little bit maybe I was just like yo man [ __ ] him but I was more I was more cautious of me rubbing him in the wrong way where he got scared and will call the police on me and like you know and like you know I mean get me back to jail cuz that was already done so like what I'm saying is if if I made him feel uncomfortable and we're like in New York he's he comes to New York he lives in New York his family's in New York and we're he's he's a rapper I'm aspiring rapper we're eventually gonna bump you're both Chinese yeah we may go to the same restaurant right yeah right exactly so we might bump heads with each other like you know me and stuff like that I might see him I never when I when I was in prison I was on my way home I was like I one of my main things I have to do is make him feel comfortable where he doesn't feel like I'm gonna do anything to him cuz I don't cuz it it might not even be me it might be some other people around me that might see him oh [ __ ] you like and the next thing you know he's gonna call the police and say oh um China max people harassed me and whatever whatever and next thing you know Here I am violating all types of rules and it and I gotta go back to prison so one of my main things was to make him feel like comfortable like I didn't want him to feel like there would be anything so he had a restraining order on you yeah okay I mean but I think that that was like I don't know if he did it but that's automatic like he's involved in the crime they put that [ __ ] there okay the judge posner that's not permanent though is it now as after like 10 years or some [ __ ] I don't know and you did how many years in prison ten ten okay so you get out and you feel some type of way about it but it's not revenge or you know real real serious anger it's just like hey I'm out I just want to live my life and not have to go through this whole process again what led up to you guys communicating because during the course of all of our interviews I was not under the impression that you guys were talking at all we spoke well I think I I told I did mention on here on one of the interviews I believe that we spoke briefly out of battle okay it was that the what was it um what's this guy's name I don't know it was um what's this guy Joe buttons Joe Barton's versus how old it dawn right it was that one was that the shady battle the shady bad guy and I had seen him there I seen him I was of course I was like one I'm waiting to get in and he crossed the street we spoke briefly and at that point he just wanted and I told you he wrote me a letter before I came out before I came out from prison before I was like a couple months before I came home he wrote me a letter you know because he wants to he wants to make sure just as much as I wanted to make sure he didn't fail you know like right and in anyway so he would turn me back to jail he wanted to make sure that I didn't feel any type of way where he would have to go through the same [ __ ] he just went through yeah I'm saying like a couple years back so we was both kind of like in the same place just different places the different size of the special but we was in the same place and so he saw me we spoke I made sure I told him you is it we good right um and then after that he you know he did his thing I didn't I didn't speak to him we didn't really speak and then we kind of like here and there you know spoke on social media a little bit here and there and then I came up with the idea to actually have a sit-down with him right and um I did that because I did that because my mom she she was battling cancer when I was in prison right she had lung cancer I was on I was like on my eighth year by a VA in prison she was bad at lung cancer and I remember one day while she was had cancer she came out to visit me and she was telling me about um chin she was telling cuz at that time Jim was a Chinese star right like in China he was in movies and yep doing that stuff and she kind of um I think my aunt I came up and it was kind of like she was saying something like um oh you know we watched his show a movie and my mom kind of like looked at them and then kind of looked at me and then um I remember her mentioning something like oh you know I hope one day you know my son would be grown enough to like you know just leave that [ __ ] alone uh yeah I'm saying so I always remembered that [ __ ] you know I mean and I remember she was like battling cancer at that time so she beat the cancer um and then I came home I did two years I was home for two years that's when I did the interview but then I went back inside for 16 months parole violation and then while I was in there for those 16 months she went through cancer again another type of cancer and she [ __ ] ended up being that [ __ ] shouts at my [ __ ] mother so she's a flat's gangster boat she beat that [ __ ] twice different type of cancer she beat that [ __ ] twice and I was like damn like I like home I've been through some [ __ ] you know I'm saying like personally I've been through a lot of pain a lot of [ __ ] you know I mean but went out when you have your mother going through some [ __ ] like that and you can't beat it I think that's like the the slow knife in your stomach turning slow type [ __ ] and it's like you can't have no you don't have no control there's nothing you can do you know I'm saying even though you don't have no control with cancer anyway if if that person can't fight it there's nothing you can actually do right but me being in prison I felt like increase the stress you know I'm saying and which increased that [ __ ] yeah I'm saying and then um and I couldn't do anything for I couldn't bring it to the doctor I couldn't do none of that [ __ ] yeah I'm saying so I should kill me when I was in it so when I came home research so now that I'm back home and I'm just like you know doing my music [ __ ] but I also know that I wanna be you know you never know how much time I have with my mother so I I want to do certain things while she's alive to show her that when she does go you know she can rest assure that her son has changed I'm saying that her son is not the same son that you know caused all that [ __ ] you know me so that was the big spark for me to do that the other spark was also I just wanted to change my narrative and I'm saying like my narrative was this the interview that I had with you when people look at my [ __ ] people Google China matters what comes that's what comes up yeah you know I'm saying and that's the narrative and that's like but that wasn't that's not me anymore yeah I'm saying it was me you know I mean but that's not the same narrative I want to push that's not when I die I don't want people to be talking about that you know I'm saying because I'm so much bigger I'm so much better you know I mean I call for so much more you know me so I was like yo how many people would I [ __ ] touch with this just us sitting down like and I was just like yo I would be so big in so many accounts and um and it was you know me to the point where my parole officer and my parole officer was right I had a brand new parole officer shout out my parole officer miss P child you but she was riding me when I first went there like you know I mean cuz she she she knew me for China Mac the the the gangster rapper getting arrested on a roof gang banging [ __ ] like I'm saying that's what she's seen so she invited me and then um I went in one day and she said yo um after all the formalities and [ __ ] she looked at me she was like home I saw your interview I'm saying and she was like that was big so you got in contact with gin one day and you brought up this idea yeah I just hit him up like your bro um I don't know you know if you're interested but I think if me and you sat down and talked about this there would be really big I mean I'm saying and it wouldn't just be big in terms of you know cuz I know what type of person he is he's not moved by you know cloud or none of that [ __ ] he doesn't he's not moved by that you know my he was he was I don't think people realize how big gin was and still is in China right like we had I think Kris Wu yeah here and you know he started that show was a rap China half of China rap of China right and he was saying that one of his first guests was gin yeah I come across this show called rapid China which is like the voice but rapping but rap music hip-hop music and then I said and I decided to come on board I decided to be one of the judge on the show and then that was last year when the that show started and had become a huge it became a huge success all over China and that kind of really put a spotlight on hip-hop and kind of changed a lot of things and made it and just more people got to know what hip-hop is and what rap music is like so yeah I did that and then yeah what's interesting about that show the rap of China is that Jin MC Jin was actually one of the contestants yes it was he's very very very was respected in the in the rap game in China so so yeah when he came on as a contestant everyone's pretty shocked about it you know he had he had a mask on - hi he's a tennety so no one said no one knew he wanted no one to know who he was but obviously the second I heard him rap I was I do your MC Jin like you're a legend right and I remember interviewing Jin and it's just you know I don't go to China I don't know I said how big were you in China he said well in Hong Kong I was at the Justin Bieber so in 2008 when I went out there I thought it would be for like maybe three four months and it was specifically to release a Chinese album like a whole album in Chinese so I'm like cool three months get some dough get some gigs and then come back to America and then take it pick up from there but those three months turn into six turn into a year and then like we were just saying right now yo TV stuff film stuff endorsement deals I'm on the Billboard with the you know with the soft drink like you know me and so financially it was extremely productive fruitful but more important than that me as a man I started seeing like wow specifically because of my faith and you know if you're like well what happened out there did you have some sort of life changing you almost got hit by a car or something not even it was just going well my question is just a put in perspective with with the Vlad TV viewers yeah like how would you compare yourself to an American equivalents I was like Justin Bieber out there so go out with your story so you hit him up and he was like I know he wasn't like I know it wasn't my guy I had hit him up it was like five months of us going back and forth yeah I'm saying it was like it was like I probably got the idea around like the last time I was here something like that right good and then um I was just hitting him up like yo what's up boom he was like let me think about it and I let him breathe on it and I just go back like boom boom - and it took me like a couple months for me to talk him into it and basically what I said was like yo you know this interview is not about us you know I'm saying like us sitting down it's not about you and it's not about me you know I mean it's about the representation it's about the other people that it will touch you're not mean other people coming up how this would affect other people you know I mean other Asian people are the regular of the black people white people all types of people when they see this and I thought I was like y'all it has never been really done like this not not to this extent yeah I'm saying and I felt like you know that's something that you know the world needed right and I felt like that's something I needed something you needed he needed we all need this [ __ ] you never saying just just just for us just for our your kids you got kids right so when your kids grow up and they learn about that story which they will because it's all over the Internet right so when they look when they're old enough to Google their dad is gonna pop up like oh shooting so why don't you control the narrative right like you know control this and I wanted to control my narrative because I don't want that [ __ ] to be my under that the thing that everybody watches like that everything is so so that's what I pitched to him and that's what he allegedly conceded - yeah I'm saying it was great man I mean I've always maintained that I've been cool both you yeah now you know I don't I don't I haven't talked to him in a while but my relationship with him has always been good you know I've never taken sides I've always thought that y'all two should do should always do that you know I'm currently working on to Vlad TV guests that are beefing I'm trying to get them to be cool with one another you know hopefully by the time this comes out they would have done it I'm not gonna say who it is all right but um you know I promote people to try to you know I play no role in what you did at all I didn't know about I was as surprised as everyone else we posted it right away um I think it's great I love it man I mean we're getting older but it's the energy man like it's the energy that I'm trying to push you know I'm saying like I'm not no saint you know I mean I'm not no you know I'm not perfect but I do [ __ ] up [ __ ] every day right but um when I can I want to push this type of energy where you know a I like when you're succumb with netten with with negative energy when you got hatred in your heart and you got like oh I hate this person or po popopo that energy translate to different [ __ ] it moves different places it moves to different places and then that energy will also bring more of this it won't it won't have anything to do with anything else but that energy will bring more of that energy so I'm like yo I'm about to get off for parole you know me I don't want China to look at me like I'm I'm an out-of-control gangster thug you know I mean I don't want anybody look at me like that I don't want my parole officer looking at me like that cuz that's not what I am I don't want my own mother to like be be scared and you know I'm saying so it's like it's a it's a it's a decision that I'm very proud of you know I'm saying you know I you know there's some situations where you just can't sit down with somebody there's some situations where you can't you know I'm saying that wasn't the situation you know I mean like that and a lot of people was like oh he told on you like how the [ __ ] could you do that well just just to kind of point things out you did not actually shoot him right you shot one of his friends right and then and then but the guy that you shot yeah if you ever talk to him I've never talked to him okay I've never talked to him would you I don't know tell it right now is no right there's no right now is no but it doesn't mean that won't change you know I'm saying but right now I'm not ready for that okay because there's a different circumstance it is I'm saying me and him is a different circumstance like he told on me and okay so he actually took well well I mean once again you plead it out so technically well he took the stand now how do you take the stand he asked to give me more time oh so so once I took once out what's up once I um once I took the plea he went up there and asked to get it for me to get more but that's not the reason why I want yeah I'm saying the reason well did you get more time cause of what he said no okay you know I'm saying um I don't I don't think so the judge actually gave me a really good plate you know I mean and just to just to ask how bad they were how badly was he hurt that shooting he was paralyzed for a little bit I don't think he's not no more but he was in a wheelchair for like maybe two three years something like that and any time kind of exercise pretty pretty serious it's pretty serious to be in a wheelchair for two or three years wondering every day whether you're gonna be in that wheelchair for the rest field right right I could imagine the level of hatred I would have for you right if you did that to me right um said I would want to hurt you in any way that I could right there's no like yet that type of [ __ ] I might you know exactly with that type of [ __ ] is different yeah I'm saying that's like that's different when there's blood being shed between somebody I don't know if I could trust ain't like yeah I'm saying I don't know if I could trust this situation whether if I'm ready for but I don't know if yeah like you know I'm saying like I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on but at the same time is like you know he also told on me but it was is different from him because he wasn't he was in a game like he he was he's gangster yeah I'm saying so you did all that that you know I mean I don't feel like you know that right now but at the same time it's like you never know you know I'm saying don't know I don't know yeah I mean cuz I actually I don't feel the same way I feel about him I did ten years ago or even five years ago or even three years ago yeah I'm saying like right now like cuz I didn't I did apologize so more camera you know I'm saying about me his family about me putting making that decision and you know when I did the interview with with Jen I did apologize to him yeah I'm saying and his family and all that because it was a decision that I made that you know really that really [ __ ] up a whole bunch of [ __ ] but at the same time I don't know if I'm ready to sit down yeah I mean yeah I mean it's an interesting thing because you know tradies a regular guest on my show and there was a situation where he got shot by a rival gangster his lungs collapsed he luckily made it to an ambulance no animals picked him up in time saved him and I said the guy that shot you sat down next to you and apologized what would you do said I'll shake his hand let's just say no truth of this whatsoever they just preface it with that okay I don't give people on edge I opened the door and I bring in this guy and I set him down next to you and I'm like this is the guy who shot you mm-hmm and he looks at you and said I'm sorry man I was tripping back then I was gang banging I was angry I'm older now I got kids I know who you are I'm a fan of your music my bad what would you do that's right what's your name all right for sure for sure I appreciate that only apology wasn't even necessary we just living that life at the time you know ain't no thing man for self that give you some kind of closure whatever that's cool solid Wow and you really mean that - gangster you know but then yellow BZ who recently got shot I asked him the same question he flipped the [ __ ] out he said I don't you [ __ ] that judge me cheated on him by the way how he lived his life with me I'm unleashing me like that I ain't man you not going to come and try to say I'm gonna need a shot you think you can walk away I'm gonna give my league back I don't give a [ __ ] ain't no walking away yeah we two different Biggles I [ __ ] that ain't no shaking my hand that's too far too far long ones go University if you were to shot at me get past it cuz you ain't hit me if I shot at you I don't get paid like when it's gone like when [ __ ] actually getting hit from the [ __ ] ain't no ain't no ain't none of that you can stay where you it like make sure we don't cross paths every idiot with a deal before me seeing I mean me no one a [ __ ] than I ain't none like you just got shot though and then a nice gangster to lie so low so you see what I'm saying so listener but this difference though trade Dean is as he's older he's I'm saying so you you respond to things different I bet you trade even when they said that right at that time you know I'm saying when he's yellow bzees aged like me I don't know how old they are but I'm pretty sure early twenties tradies like 50 so this is what I'm saying of course Weiss is it I'm pretty sure yella B Z when hopefully I'm saying if when he gets to that age that his answer might be a little different I'd be different and I also interviewed Conway got shot in the face got shot the hand shot the Conway yeah and he's got Bell's palsy where half of his face is paralyzed so he has to you know deal with that and I said we'll have to do the shot you you know same question he said the same situation happened to do is the shot you they sat down here next to you what would you do I'll probably be on the same side of time I'm saying because I didn't I know ain't had no wreck you know Sam I am obese with nobody like I said I wasn't living in the buff but none of that [ __ ] I'm sorry Thanks I that's whatever I want and they like we want to go have lunch okay you know go smoke a blunt in the parking lot together I know I know for a fact like I want some real [ __ ] and I said there's a run of time when I first started to recover learn are like like like [ __ ] cuz negative host city love me hit homes earn like the city love me cuz I had the city on my back for ever you know I'm sad so it's like I know for a five said to myself I don't know for a fact that nigga's name that shot me ain't even know I was in a truck and if they knew that that was me once they knew that they probably sick to know that Dan I was broke yeah you know I'm sorry so you think it was meant for someone else something like that yeah think so I don't believe it was well congratulations for sitting down with Jin and also apologizing to do this they you shot yeah and you never know the other day is no longer in a wheelchair yeah people get older people feel some some type of way but also what I realized in my own life is that you don't have to be cool with everyone you don't you really don't have to work it out with every single person that you come in contact with that you had a bad situation with there's a lot of people out there who hate me or I don't like or things have happened with us we don't talk about each other we live our life we're all successful in our own way and I do not feel a need to work it out with them right if I never talk to them for the rest of my life that's okay I'm not out there doing things to try to make that a life force or even speaking about them right I'm not saying their names now I'm not I don't say their names and in private company right it's a world filled with billions of people you could just focus on the people that you have positive experiences with you had talked about the benzino situation yeah Benzino got arrested hmm and I guess one of the cops was an Asian female Asian man Asian male sorry because you don't see the actual carpet in the footage yeah and we'll go ahead and play the footage now so mean routes if he got gotta get with my mail order [Applause] I got you I got you I knew it I knew it gave me a warning gave me away was it was never worried was never worried to give me a warning to goof I got you oh yeah during his anger he started calling this guy all types of like Asian slurs and stuff like that right what kind of stuff was he saying I don't remember the actual video uh he was just I mean he was just saying all types of [ __ ] like you know just Asian you know this is about Vietnamese or in Vietnam we were calling him [ __ ] and this and that I don't know should I that you had a problem with that yeah and what did you say in regards to that I basically um I basically said like yo you know that if you you that if you somebody pisses you off and your first thing to say is a racist remark you have to take a look at inside because I've been beaten by police by officers they beat my [ __ ] they took my tooth my ship was like this when I got in a cell I wasn't screaming like racial slurs to them you know I'm saying I was calling them pigs and like all that stuff but I never one time went in my mind and said oh yo you whatever right you know I'm saying I never said that um but I saw I'm just like I'm like if you if that's what you resort to and your first thing then you should take a look at why you're doing that you know I'm saying like cuz that's that's like racist because he's but I didn't go as hard as I did with the little pomp situation because of this because of this although what he said was way worse than what it was but this is why this is why I didn't do that right because number one when I looked at the video the video right after I looked at was him apologizing he apologized the next day I he apologized immediately immediately and I'm saying with the little pomp situation he never apologized yeah he didn't apologize until after when I saw the video it was up a week already with thousands tens of thousands of comments with people saying how how they have a problem with him um using racial that you don't have a problem with that he never he never took it down he never said sorry he never he never showed anything I'm saying um Benzino actually the next day he made a video saying that he apologized that he's not you know that type of person I love what people say that they go and say some crazy racist [ __ ] and they'll say I'm not a racist yeah and I don't understand that but he did take the initiative to say bruh he apologized so I have to treat him with such you know I'm saying but at the same time is like yo you know that wasn't right yeah I'm saying like that wasn't that would that that was racist bro like that you you don't just come out and say knows if I was i if I'm getting arrested by a black officer right right and I says some [ __ ] like that anything anything I don't even have to say nothing else all I have to say is one word a racist it's over it's oh it's gonna be everywhere yeah I'm saying I won't ever be able to do anything no more like without that being brought up right I mean but then here you have somebody who just let off like a Kay of you know of racial insults and it's like oh he's a he's a cop so it's not the same it's like yo at the end of the day I don't think any racial slurs should be said and I'm saying like you know and at the same time you know people get mad and people say certain things and I don't feel like just because they get mad and say that makes them racist you know I'm saying because sometimes you just get so mad you just want to get the person you just want to get the person upset so that doesn't mean that you're racist because you know it's not like you're going out and killing Chinese people it's that's racist like yeah I'm saying like you you killing Chinese people because they're Chinese you're like not letting people in because they're Chinese you like that is racist you know Sam saying but you just saying some remarks and because you're upset I wouldn't totally say that you're racist but I would say you know I would say that that's not right and I'm saying I would say there's kids watching you know I mean you got kids you know there's tons of people watching so by you and I and I feel like hey I never felt like this in person because if you how many times have you met me right I mean you see me most of the times I'm coming with I don't come with Asian people you know I mean I'm coming black people I'm around Spanish people I'm around like you know I'm saying like like like so um I never felt this divide between Asians and like black and Latinos and Puerto Rican I never felt that divide because I'm always like I'm there I'm with them like I feel like but there is this big from this internet I'm seeing is this big super big divide and that you know there's a lot of like hatred and a lot of like like nonsense that's being promoted on a [ __ ] and I feel like I feel like that's mad wack well I mean I could tell you I've known Benzino since before flat TVs just like 2006 yeah he's a piece of [ __ ] I'm not gonna say that I don't know I'm not gonna mean that no I'm not gonna say that me and Benzino always had a good relationship okay I remember when he was at the source we you know I hung out with him a couple times there when he was doing love and hip hop he invited me to his house where I filmed an interview with his house at one point he wanted him and his father wanted us to do an interview together when he was having some issues with Stevie J I gave him that when he wanted to speak about Eminem I gave him the platform a year or two ago he wanted to do another interview probably about mmm doing something and I said you know something I'm gonna pass this time next thing you know he's on social media economy of all the culture vulture going off on and talking all this [ __ ] about me and I'm looking at this going like I've been putting you on for like 10 years like literally I've spent countless dollars featuring you over and over again and the one time I say no this is how you react you you you've got a problem with anger bro like you know I mean you're you're wiling it the wrong person I've been in your corner I've been the only only media outlet really in your corner so this is how you're gonna act when you don't get your way I'm cool me and him haven't spoken since so when he reacted in that way it just didn't surprise me yeah knowing how he is he just has a problem controlling himself you know and Benzino was a gangster and you know he did a bunch of gangster [ __ ] no one no one's calling him what do you think he's racist I think that that agent should definitely make some racist it makes him you think by him saying that it makes them larger percent reasons I don't care how bad I get at somebody I'm not gonna sit there and start doing I want you to race I definitely been in in relationships and close friendships with all different races and I've been angry and I've been upset and I've never so that's what I said that never remember thumbs down to the point of let me just demean your race let me just say every hip you know typical you know stereotypical thing to demean you yeah you mean why you were you know something you can't control you show that you were born as like I don't and there's a lot and after that [ __ ] I've seen so many different people like you know chiming in and and just like from promoting this like yeah I'm saying and it's like yo bro at the end of the day we're not supposed to be promoting [ __ ] like this like yeah I'm saying we're not supposed to be promoting division and I know a lot of people have a lot of problems with different people but like yo when we put in when this there's people watching you know like like we have platforms so for us to see where races like I haven't I know firsthand how that type of thinking can can like you know how much Harmon can do you know me physically mentally everything I'm saying and I know a lot of a lot of other people black people white people I know a lot of people knows that too I'm saying maybe some people from different ways you know I mean but that's not the type of [ __ ] we're supposed to be promoting that's not the type of [ __ ] we're supposed to be like you know um pushing the envelope on especially when you know people they experienced it in such a in such a way yeah I'm saying like we're not supposed to be promoting that you know me and I just felt like yo and that was my message and I would never respond there's mad people without saying all this Chinese stuff all this I would never respond and anyway cuz and that's not just because of the media I would never respond like that period I'm saying you could call me a change you go I would not respond like your uh you know I mean I would just be like I would just we'll fight yeah I'm saying we'll do something like that right but we're not gonna exchange racial [ __ ] yeah I'm saying because that's not in my that's not in my DNA that's not in my makeup I don't think like that you know I'm saying but um yeah I mean everybody that's out there watching man I that [ __ ] is that [ __ ] is wack you know I'm saying I said wow I should as well dumb and anybody that's promoting that and if you even like entertaining it and if you're even entertaining that that that debt that's stupidness you should check yourself and you should kind of like look at how stupid that [ __ ] is and kind of like you know and readjust you know well there was a there was an interview you did with a queens flip yeah and there was a clip of it up where like like that the details are a bit hazy but I guess someone I'm Queens flip side said that they will smack the [ __ ] out you if you use the n-word or something it was something along those lines and when you were there you addressed it yeah can you talk about that um somebody has said somebody has said because there's this asian dude up there by the name of TMS and he's a little he's a rapper he's uh he's a asian guy he charged the rat yeah you probably you probably seen no he's a rapper he raps yeah I'm yeah he he he raps but um he's a little too too much swag yeah that's - he's a little different yeah me like he's a little you know ok he could be taken advantage of ok I'm looking at him he's kind of a dirty somewhat chubby looking dude yeah glasses yeah he's not a China back tight yes so he he was up there at the show and queens flip gave him a platform he was one of the like that not even a guess he's like a reoccuring you know person up there and then um or he was and uh somebody on the show smacked him because he used the n-word oh yeah she got smacked yeah he actually got smacked okay I'm saying and then on my god face shot the face he was on that show too and he was like yo you want to did that to China Mack though like if he was updating he said that were you wouldn't smack them and he said yes I would you know I'm saying like if if he did if I told me yes I would this wasn't Queens flip this was someone it wasn't Queens flip it was on somebody else that that works on a show got it and that was what that what whole thing was about and I just went up there and I just said no you wouldn't I'm saying cuz nobody ever you know nobody ever did I'm not saying that I can't happen you know I mean cuz it's a big world there's a whole bunch of different people out there yeah I'm saying but so that's what that's what I just that's why that's what happened oh yeah okay he didn't get snapped on camera did he he did he did oh really yeah okay I'm queen slip show yeah all right we're gonna reach out to Queens lip see if I could use a piece of that one yeah um yeah personally I probably don't think anyone should be using that word yeah I never used that word in my vocabulary I don't sing along with songs to say it you know I understand black people use that word amongst themselves but I also know a lot of black people who hate that word who never use it and as they should you know I mean that's not up to me to decide how they use the word not it's not them even know but you know I mean firstly I just feel such a loaded word with so much hurt and pain behind it - I would not you win I wouldn't cry if that world word just disappeared off the face of though right I mean you know and uh yeah but you know well for example I interviewed um the agent a gangsta rapper from LA um to be honest okay yes I guys to be young still be young wassup um Jesus me and him got a song okay call Kobe so make sure y'all go check that out he's dope yeah here's though he's doing a stain he's doing this thing right now I've interviewed him before right and um Sean I think if I remember if I asked him about using the n-word cuz he uses it yeah I use a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot he grew up in an area where it was being used you know he grew up a Long Beach he's a [ __ ] you know he uses it and no one really seems to have an issue with it uh but this TMS guy does not seem like a stupid young to me he seems like more of a square type dude yeah and you know I guess you get around a bunch of black people and they're using it you know they're using it in regards to you they're calling you that so sometimes you start to feel oh well maybe I should just I can use it too and you know getting smacked okay so I would just you know to all the white people out there I can't speak for the Asians or anyone else but all the white people out there just don't don't use that [ __ ] I don't care how many black friends you have I don't care how cool you are don't use it especially publicly you know on social media or anything right yeah let me ask you a question go ahead so the the the the big home Lord Jamal yes he got the situation I was looking at it earlier with where I write with Royce and Eminem Eminem right and he he says some things actually I want to ask you a question do you feel like um and and then is do you feel like he's great like because the white people champion him no I think Eminem was great period he's great period yeah and I think Eminem is well he but but Lord Jamal said that you know in the hood they don't listen to it and that's you know because you know like I've really I've seen some like no I'm not gonna say not everybody but there's definitely a good amount of all black people had that [ __ ] wait a minute but it's not like on rotation I you know I mean like I mean let me take it one step further you haven't seen his interview but I interviewed Conway okay who's signed to Eminem who has a new song with Eminem yeah and he admitted that when he was in the hood that they weren't listening to Eminem I agree well sure he puts nas and jay-z up there but not Eminem he admitted I agree I'm from the hood and I'm in the hood and [ __ ] don't there's nobody in the hook that's riding around so Eminem that's just that that's what he's saying I'm sure I mean them know that you know I'm saying he okay with that yeah I mean what my thing is this though like when people have a pain that already feel how they feel about some [ __ ] and hip right hip hoppers the only share where you can't really say how you feel then it's okay like now it's like these interviews and it should being highlighted and brought up on these blogs and this and now it's just a big day old you heard what your Lord Jamar said I won't ever know and this would ever never said this back in retirement my belly I don't I don't mind nobody having an opinion you know I don't mind nobody having an opinion but what logic Mayer was saying was facts and what Eminem was saying is is his rebuttal his facts yeah and I'm saying and when I was very full of culture you know I'm sorry I mean he did what came to many people say they [ __ ] blew up put his homeboys on first but that doesn't mean he's not nice though he's very nice he's extremely that's what I'm saying Eminem is nice Jamar even said that Eminem is a better rapper than he is and Jamar has classic senators bill let me just say this so all these [ __ ] will get off my dick and I'm and and no did I keep it real lyrically Eminem's probably better than me mmm okay when it comes to putting words together at a little bit uh yeah he's better than me yeah what yeah Jamar was nice but Eminem is like I mean my name is is he's great but here's the thing here's what I feel I feel like Eminem is a great rapper Eminem to me is one of the like you know he's one of the greats but I don't listen to him like I don't I don't like I know it's a few of his songs I [ __ ] with a few of his songs I listen to a lot of it his first album I was really jacking after all that after that I really like he lost me yeah and Jamar just because yeah it's Jamar's point and what he's trying to say you know me and Jamar are actually friends yeah actually talk like every couple of days we hang out you know as don't imagining friends when it comes to him judging hip-hop lyricism is not his number one criteria it's the feeling hmm how does this song make him feel what is this person expressing it may not that doesn't necessarily mean how many words you're putting together and how you're rhyming certain things together and how intricate your beats are how does this person make you feel that's his number one criteria lyrics lyricism and so forth are like second or third you know behind possibly behind the beat or equal with the beat so just a different criteria and I think that a lot of these these like issues people are kind of arguing really over different things they're not even arguing over the same thing do you feel that Eminem as a gift side hip-hop I think all white people are a guest in the house of hip-hop including myself I remember there's an old interview that someone sent me that I did and when I was a lad TVs it was at Universal Records before I even really started [ __ ] with Jamar where I said I feel like a guest in hip-hop and I am grateful every morning that I'm not so much you're right now don't tell my I'm an MD so you feel like Eminem as I guess it 100% and when Eminem started rapping it was still a 99 predominant black art form and the originator is always going to be black but back then it was there was really no white rappers there was like their base and Beastie Boys that's it like you know he came in as an outsider learn the craft and got accepted by the black community and by and co-signed by dr. Dre and that was why you know why he was able to to get to the heights that he got now you see someone like a Kid Rock who tried to be a guest in the house of hip-hop and was never accepted so he went to start doing rock music hmm see what I'm saying not all guests are allowed to stay Kid Rock was not allowed to stay Eminem was what me I said let me ask a question if a person I don't know I'm not I know I mean then I don't think he grew up in a black environment you know he grew up like a trailer home all right so what if a white person or Asian person whatever other than black right all right let me ask you a question are Latinos guess in hip-hop in the hip-hop yeah but I what Wow but but well let's okay sorry why are they why sorry sir we'll see I'm from the west coast I was thinking Mexicans right I forgot that in hip-hop hips New York's Porto Ricans also so I'm gonna take that bout it in the Bronx you're right you're right because I'm thinking from a West Coast mindset I remember the first Mexican rappers like kid frost and so forth started started rapping you know I mean like a shade of brown so I was thinking Mexicans but then as I'm saying and I realized waiting but I forgot about Puerto Ricans and Puerto Ricans were part of the actual my heart yeah so I'm gonna take that back yeah all right because now no they are not because they're one of the founding they were there they were there they're right there right right there so the poor Ricans armspan the Latino Americans yeah in New York City cuz New York cuz hip-hop was founded in New York City so I feel like this is this is how I take it right if somebody is born like if they're grew up and I don't care what complexion you are if if a kid grew up in the Bronx right and Webster projects born and raised in that projects right um they grew when they went well when they first learned like how to speak it was hip-hop playing right their parents listen to hip-hop right hip-hop outside hip-hop overall around them are they against a hip-hop uh becomes gray area I can see your point I could see why the answer would be no um me personally I grew up in the suburbs I mean I lived in the projects when my parents first came his country but a lot of my times in the suburbs and I adopted it on my own based on my own interest and so forth I did not grow up in a hip-hop environment I had to go find it and fell in love with it yeah so that makes you a test that makes me I guess yeah all right here's the thing there's nothing wrong with saying you're a guest like you know I mean you have to retain a level of humbleness in what you do in life know like you can't just sit there and just say like I'm a 100 percent entitled because of X Y & Z like a lot of people came before you and sacrificed a lot to allow you to do what it is that you do the word guests does not have a negative connotation unless you want to make it negative out of your own ego I agree you see what I'm saying I agree but what I'm just trying to say is I don't feel like skin complexion makes you a guest or not right I don't like that I don't cuz cuz we're not because hip hop is a culture right hip hop and culture is what culture is what's around us culture is what we're brought up in so like like if you were to grew up in China right born and raised in China right you're being Russian right and you're born and raised in China you know how to speak everything everything all you know is trying you're Chinese yeah but it's their culture is Chinese butter brightest so if I was born and and I'm not saying I'm a guess or not I'm just saying that what determines you as a guest in hip-hop is not your skin complexion you know I'm saying because at the end of day if you want to put it like that then everybody then didn't in every other state city is a guest at hip-hop outside and set on the earth because it was born it was it was created in New York so if they were Latin people there if they were China you don't know who was there there might have been a Chinese person there there might have been anybody in that area that was that that grew up around it that that was their culture yeah right that was what they grew up in right so I feel like um skin complexion doesn't doesn't determine your your your your your your your role in hip-hop because there's a lot of there's a lot of people that arm that are black but they didn't grow up in hip-hop and a 10 yeah I'm saying so that doesn't make them more hip-hop than somebody right you know for example if you if you have someone at Carlton from The Fresh Prince of bel-air you know who decides to be a rapper later on he would be a guest in the house of hip-hop right even though he's black but he grew up around you know a different culture different you know type of music different environment and then he chose later on to immerse himself into a different type of thing then yeah he would be a guest I said I have no problems with it with a whole guest sir there's no problem being against it could be a guess like III don't I don't have no problem with somebody saying I'm a guest are you a guest in the house a pop I don't know I don't feel like I'm a guest because for the simple fact that I've been doing it since I was a kid like yeah I'm saying I wasn't born into it so maybe that's why I wouldn't be like I wouldn't be like if you were to say I was a guest I wouldn't get all like oh no no no no that I it's up to you it's up to you whatever you feel but what I'm saying is I've been around it since I was a kid since I was like six seven years old yeah and like a lot of my life is based around hip hop like I'm saying and and and and like you know hip hop taught me so much as a kid I learned so much through hip hop so I don't feel I feel like hip hop is a person a part of me and I feel like I'm a part of hip hop you know I'm saying but if somebody out there feels like that I'm not gonna sit there and argue which right not gonna sit there and all right I'm gonna guess then whatever right because there's no actual measuring stick it's just all opinions right that's all it is I mean I think I think at the end of the day um to see hip hop brings out like this to be all over the world I mean that's a great that's a great shiny started hip hop I'm sure you know everybody was I all know that's just gonna be a fad but I remember speaking to people in high school in the 80s and they said it's going to be gone in a year or two they seriously believe that and now for a hip hop to be the largest genre in Russia where I came from you know I interviewed oxymoron one of the big Russian rappers is like my head blew up it's like you got to be kidding me like really you know and then now in China right it's becoming one of the it's not the biggest but it's getting there yeah another communist country once again head blew up like it's [ __ ] amazing it's [ __ ] amazing to see you know Korean kids run the breakdance scene and you know right go to Brazil and everyone is is wrapping and breakdancing and you know I mean like doing their own spin on it mixing it with their like you know type of music is is dopin we know reggaeton and all that [ __ ] I love it I love it there's a whole trade we're going on with China right now mm-hmm just kind of [ __ ] with my stock portfolio I just want to put that out there and Hong Kong especially is a mess you've been following all this yeah I mean you've seen people get like beat up and rioting and shutting down airports and like a hundred thousand people protesting and everything else like that are you in tuned with all that and are you like really in a deep understanding of what's happening over there um no I can't say I'm in a deep understanding but I have like a I feel like I have a gist of what's going on I feel like oh well it's it am i what I know about it is Hong Kong was for a hundred years right was British [ __ ] his British colony yeah so for most most of maybe like 99% of the people that are in Hong Kong right now don't know anything but how you know it was how it was right so they were returned in 97 what there was supposed to be a 50-year one nation to one to something some but it was supposed to still be ran the way it was and then slowly within 50 years going back to China China right but things it hasn't been 50 years it's been like what 10 years or maybe like 12 years something like that 97 from 97 6 20 27 years that's one oh yeah so 20-something years so they're trying to push it and the Hong Kong people are they they're just they're fighting against it because just just to kind of correct you it was under British rule for 156 years 156 years long time many generations right so that's I'm pretty sure nobody was alive nobody so everything they know in Hong Kong is you know is is that's like us waking up one day and just like your everything part of Russia yeah we're part of Russia and like you know it's that's it everything that you know as as an American although earlier the freedom of whatever or like whatever we know is different now we can't say certain things we can't do certain things so of course there's gonna be a rebellion against it of course there's gonna be like you know there's gonna be a fight against it and I feel like um but I don't think there's gonna be any stopping it you know me I eventually Hong Kong whether they like it or not they're gonna have to you know go back under China and under it's it's full rule I mean you remember the whole Chatham square situation yeah you know we're a bunch of students thought hey we're just gonna protest and we're gonna make China democratic yeah that did not work out that won't happen yeah I'm saying um bunch of students got arrested would anyone get killed in the process what Tiananmen yeah I think so I don't know you should check us listen it up before I start freeze down but um but I think there was oh that's a good one oh wow okay they're saying that the Tiananmen Square death toll was 10,000 yeah so after they just opened fire on students yeah I I'm not sure but definitely they did they definitely did they definitely killed people yeah I'm saying I know that's why I was such a you know yeah at one point they're saying several hundred to a thousand now they're saying ten you know they said ten thousand regardless a lot of people lost their lives China was not [ __ ] around yeah base times don't keep doing it this way we don't care ya know and I remember I interviewed Chris Lu and you know one of the big robbers in China and you know this this part of the interview never came out but I asked him I said you know well you know hip-hop is really based on speaking out social injustice and so forth but you can't go out and speak against non president of China and he was like he got real nervous and I was like well I wouldn't even think to do something like that and then they asked me just take it out completely so I so this part never even came out yeah and I respect them because you know I thought about it you know I know I kind of relate to it yeah I'm like I don't want this guy to go back and get thrown in prison because of this interview all right you know these guys don't give a [ __ ] about no Kris Wu like they have a bigger agenda here so it's very different there google is not allowed over there YouTube is not allowed over there you cannot criticize the government over there there is no traditional freedom of speech you can't speak out yeah I mean that just does that that's how China is you know that's how China is um I can't relate to that because there's no elections right I grew I grew up here so this is I know that my life my world is what I know here so of course if that was taken from me I would be like you know I would be uh I would want to fight for it I want to fight for what I knew all my life yeah I'm saying that's what the people in Hong Kong are doing it but at the same time is like yo as as as a home as a person from Hong Kong you have to know that you know China is the the mother you know I mean China China is the is home yeah I'm saying at the end of the day before regardless of how long it was Hong Kong is still a part of China and I think you know a lot of them are just having like a hard time fully like processing that from what I understand that like the it really started from a law that got passed or was about to get passed that said that if you get arrested in Hong Kong you could be transferred back to mainland and this is because Hong Kong had fools like you know that a lot of a lot of criminals like a lot of people that catch cases out here they go to Hong Kong and they're good really yeah there was bit well know I'm lying because I know people that got arrested a traditional policy between Hong Kong and in the u.s. there is but only the US dollar all right so that's the thing they have extradition with certain places and Taiwan is not one of them so what happened was so what happened was a couple from Hong Kong went to Taiwan and then only one person came back and other the lady was found dead inside one and they couldn't go and get him because there's no extradition rules between Taiwan and America there is so and so that's why like and I think it's only like a few places they have it but Taiwan wasn't want to know so China saw that and was like you know what we're gonna change this and if there's anything that goes on from Hong Kong we're gonna take them back to China and we're gonna hold them over there like and we'll have the law process over there so that's what the whole big thing was about well you know we we talked about the bootlegging in China right and since that time someone pointed out something is very interesting to me so I actually wasn't looked it up your famille you're a familiar with Range Rovers right mm-hmm let me show you something there is a car in China called the land wind did you see that side-by-side it's a nice car it's a nice car is dope it's gonna take a look at a mix of the actual Range Rover it's a Range Rover Evoque yeah it's it's a it's a land wind I mean even even the text the font of the land wind is exactly the same font as the Range Rover yeah the grille the styling everything it is damn near the same car now I will point this out Range Rover took them to court it's called a Jiangling Motor Corporation JMC and they actually won a case against so there's no more lamb wins i well yes I don't know yeah there's probably no more than twins and they had to pay you know and let me also tell you the lab wind like the Range Rover Evoque cost forty thousand pounds so that's like I don't know I would say eighty thousand dollars let's just say sixty thousand dollars I don't know what the exchange rate is let's just do the exchange rate [ __ ] that's not that much anymore it used to be a lot more okay so the the Range Rover has a costs around fifty thousand dollars u.s. the land wind you can get for about seventeen dollars so not only do they copy the style but they severely undercut the cost and in this particular case they actually found they said at least five different pieces of that car they're identical and they would have to stop manufacturing this and I think that there was they had to pay some damages as well so it seems like things might be changing a little bit over there but the fact that an actual major car company felt that they are entitled to create an exact copy of a foreign vehicle manufacture it put it in stores and put it out just shows the craziness of the bootlegging in China hey right and you know last time we talked about the subpoena there's actually a bunch of now supreme stores in China like actual real supreme stores yeah supreme stores oh that all bootleg supreme stores bootless doors you know in malls there's actual supreme stores with people lined up and it's not there is no pain there's no supreme stores in China Wow it does not exist so supreme me I should go out there really you know you know listen I come from a communist country I'm not sitting here and denouncing anyone and saying like you know this is this is bad and whatever else I understand you come from from a country where there's no real elections my cry came from I mean [ __ ] Putin is still running [ __ ] for the last 20 years over there right you know in China there's no public elections all right I mean did the Chinese President say that he's gonna be there for life then they could get rid of the terms or something like that yeah so it's like hey listen when you have a situation where the the people really don't matter you know people's opinion about how you run the country don't matter people are gonna do what they're gonna do just is what it is but you know I think in the long run it stops your growth you know it hurts you more than it helps you in the long run the short term a lot of people pad their pockets you know the you know the only and we'd probably made a lot of money for the president of that company yeah but in the long run it's like come on man you can't just be doing this type of [ __ ] on a global scale and you know you know we talked about this like you know you have a clothing line you have March how you know how would you feel if all your merch was being sold in China in stores and you got nothing off of it and it didn't actually even help your set your sales because really it's just in China right yeah now definitely I mean you know I definitely would be upset it's not but at the same time is like over there they go by different they go by a whole different set of rules so it was like you know they don't look at the same they don't look at it the same way as us do you think there's just a a different a different set of core values in Chinese culture versus American culture in terms of stealing and that type of thing and I'm not saying this to put anyone down and say one has been another but you know is it one of those things where it's only bad if I get caught or is there an inherently like you should not steal because this is just bad on a human level over there is there a difference I don't think and to them I don't I don't know if they feel like that stealing to them bootlegging is that stealing I don't think that the Sonoma is not stealing right um I don't think they have a stealing problem in China like I don't feel like you know people are getting robbed I don't know right again I haven't I haven't really been to China rather than the Hong Kong so I don't but um I don't think the culture of Chinese culture like stealing is cool you know I'm saying but I feel like their perception their ideology of taking something and making a copy of it I don't think to them they feel like they're stealing they're just making it they're just cloning it right so I mean um but it's not tolerated with each other see I'm saying you can't take a Chinese movie bootleg it and go Sheldon in a Chinese Theater and think it's gonna be okay yeah I think you're not gonna get hit with some serious [ __ ] fines in particular jail time but if it's a foreign company I feel like it's not viewed the same we talked about this with the the laws are very different over there we're stealing from a foreign company there's really no ramifications for it but they can steer from their own like a fee they can't copy their own right that's that's what I'm saying yeah hey man listen I think at the other day if China was to become the number one superpowers most number two where they are right now they're gonna have to get over that they're gonna have to you know I mean I think um yeah definitely I think I think that would definitely make other people like you know now other countries not want to cuz it's not fair like how can you just copy my [ __ ] right and then you're not copying your own [ __ ] but you could copy my [ __ ] right so I was like you know T grizzly it was just caught up really horrible situation yeah his aunt / manager was killed in a car that he was in guess someone actually walked up to the car and just start shooting he hasn't really spoken on it apart from you know his pain from losing losing this family member we don't know what the situation is I believe it happened in Detroit right yeah you know you know we're not gonna play the hypnotized hatred [ __ ] clipped like we always - but once again you have the situation once again person goes back to their home town and you have this level of hatred to the point where they want to kill you very sad ma'am you know I just interviewed slim 400 you know right why did you tell me who got shot nine times on his own block you're in your neighborhood in your car yeah okay and I guess you asked some other people in a car with you also right yeah I had two broads in the car but uh my vehicle is hella tenant so when I jump out to go see my family like I guess these dudes are on the block waiting for anybody to pull up to do whatever they was gonna do but I was when they called so as I'm walking they already bought to get the pop so once I hear shots [ __ ] I'll get the trying to run Doug give you our cars to get to my folks like garage and house and within me kind of halfway getting there I kind of fall in my bed one of my relatives come out the house why they still shoot nothing [ __ ] they they pulling me and drag me in talking to me trying to keep me alive you know it worked you feel me so ambulance came and took me from there bro but I still fully ate myself I'm studying I'm out you see me anybody know what's going on but like I said I got hit nine times got shot died doing interviews a few weeks later just [ __ ] I mean thank God he made it you know I mean you know there was a situation where you shot you know Jen's associate which we talked about have you ever been shot at yeah how many times you think these four times never got it all right you got it yeah where my chest you got shot in the chest I like the the buckshots Oh a shotgun yeah you talk about the situation I mean I rather not okay boy that's fair so you got hit in the chest and let's not talk about situation did you think you're gonna die now because it wasn't a bullet uh it was like I was good though I was just like all right yeah did it penetrate the skin yeah definitely so you had pellets all reeve actually pulling out the balls out of you yeah [ __ ] didn't hit your face no just just that [ __ ] was like that that [ __ ] was amazing cuz I but that should just hit my my just that that was the first and only time he ever got shot yeah I've been stabbed you were stabbed yeah okay when you got shot did that completely change your outlook or did that just make you go harder I didn't even I was just like yo I [ __ ] ain't even get me like yeah I mean I didn't at that time I was just like like pushing [ __ ] ain't even kill me that's how I felt you know I mean um oh yeah what about the stabbing this stabbing stabbing I got stabbed um I got I got hate like like like like right by my heart I got um a punching lung uh-huh she might hit me so your look your lung collapsed yeah oh my god these are the shit's from my my chest does this [ __ ] from well those are three knife wounds yeah and then there was something under your under your throat right there that's another knife wound what but that right there this is the spring oh oh oh that's where you got shot with the shotgun yeah oh there's a little area like that yeah okay I thought it just oh it was close range mm okay okay so someone just stabbed you three times right you talk about that situation not really but it was some gang [ __ ] yeah I mean it was in gang [ __ ] um and I I know that I didn't even know that I got stabbed I was so like so like adrenaline was rushing I didn't know I got stabbed until I got in the car and I looked at my shoe and my [ __ ] was soaked my whole pant leg everything was soaked in [ __ ] and I [ __ ] was the whole shot hit and then on once the hospital showed me to the hospital and drove me to the hospital and then on I went and got surgery and [ __ ] I was in the hospital for like a week - that is to chew up they had to like they had to they had to own my lung was punctured so the stick tubes in me and and all that how did they how do you fix a punctured lung it just has to heal I guess the lung itself has to reconnect somehow or oh you know boom sounds crazy yeah but I know they stuck to me and [ __ ] and um I was there for I was there for for like about two weeks she was right there my next to my heart - okay did you feel differently about the stabbing than the shooting now I was so young I was like just stupid I'm saying I just I got out that [ __ ] and that was just back home you know okay the guy that shot you did you ever see him again no you don't know who did it the guy was stabbed you yeah asking him but what happened was I saw each other um I tried I tried to kill him I tried I I didn't get a chance I spoke about that on I spoke about that before okay that was a night that the gin [ __ ] happen oh that was aimed I seen him first oh oh the guy who stabbed you you ended up shooting you know now that I did the guy that stabbed me I seen him walking down the street and the people that I was with like I looked and I'm just like cuz I never he didn't stab me from the front he stabbed me from my heart so I've never seen him I didn't know who he was but I seen a picture of him so when he when I stopped and somebody stopped to talk to him I'm just like I looked at my god-mom my bro who who knows and I'm just like he just gave me that and then from there I knew who he was and I had to cut him up I had to go to my head and you know he jumped in front of the gun and like jumped in front of a gun and [ __ ] and then I'm like no no no so by that's how he he he bounced like the kid ran and I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't get him okay so instead of going home I went to Chinatown and that's when I seen Jen you know so that's why and and the guys were generally associated with the kind no you were just in a state of anger at that point and you were just out for blood right period that's why I wanted to shoot okay the guy who the guy who shot you the guy who stabbed you they come in this room they sit down and chair next to you they apologize it's been a bunch of years no I think you'll take that apology no revenge you don't want she licks back you'd shake their hand and keep it moving that's just gonna be hard though yeah I bet it's gonna be all boy um I don't know both I am saying I want to I want to be strong enough to do that you know hopefully I am I am saying but uh I I hope I am well now look nobody's perfect in this world everyone would like to think that they've elevated and you know are above any sort of past beefs and back past anger as and so forth but you have really exhibited a lot of growth I mean just to go right back to I just thought about something it's like cuz I shot more I shot more people than just that one person yeah I'm saying yeah I stabbed people you know I mean I cut people I've done that robbed people I've done a lot of [ __ ] yeah I'm saying what uh I'm not that person that I was then you know I mean um so if I if I seen the person a regular person that I had this some [ __ ] who you know I mean I would want I would hope that that person could forgive me because and I would feel bad because like audition when I was 15 16 I didn't know what the [ __ ] I was doing I'm saying I do [ __ ] bricks all for the highway into the [ __ ] traffic like being a [ __ ] idiot I'm saying but I'm I was a kid you know me so I wasn't the same person I would never do no [ __ ] like that right now I mean so um as you're asking me that question you know I just made me think like put myself in their shoes their shoes comes in and it's like you know put my you know so I would I would hope that you mean there are old I have - much yes I mean you got it you gotta take a step back and look at karma and look at how much [ __ ] that I do you know myself to other people and how much of it is coming back in various ways a lot of times you'd be surprised when you connect the dots and say oh and when this bad thing happened to me was really based on something I did when I talk to this person who talked to this person who felt the same boom boom boom and that connected the dots and hit me back like yeah man um you know big you who I did a big interview with who was you know affiliated with the rollin 60s you know he became Muslim and he feels that in order to get to heaven he has to make up for all the bad things that he did when he was an active gang member well you had talked about what when talking about some of the work you're doing now you mentioned that's gonna be a route to heaven yeah yeah yeah I wanna I'm trying to get into heaven so you feel that some of the stuff you've done in the past you have to make up for no I know it you know I want to balance I don't wanna I don't want to be remembered for being the this negative force you know I mean I don't wanna I don't want to live my life and the only thing you can remember about big you was he was this he was that he was this he was that you know I mean he fought all these different cases he did this to people I feel like if on the day on makigami when I want to be able to say that I did right I want to be able to say whatever we had a part of I did right and I feel like in 2018 with this with the gangs and the murders and all that down in LA that I'm getting there you know meaning that we can get it all the way down to where because if this if this Lois's me in since 1966 and Crippen started in 1969 then put that on big you this is why he's lowering violence in LA you know the the peace march the football programs you know talking to two gang members and de-escalating beefs he wants to get into heaven and he knows there's only one way to do that in his own mind he realizes all the people he's hurt all the lies he's affected and he knows the way he said it was very interesting we're gonna play that yeah in this clip we usually use like why i know i have to make up for it and you know everyone has their own way of dealing with trauma and coming to grips with it in order to sleep well at night right and you know sounds like you're going to that process now which is a good thing as opposed to saying we'll [ __ ] everybody they should've been there you know well china Mac always appreciate you coming in I appreciate you telling your story you know Union yang is out right now my guy make sure you go ahead and cop that and make sure you listen to my favorite song which is the tinge you came and there's a video for it which is dope which is on YouTube it's on YouTube China mags on the China back channel and actually it cuts to the stuff that you're talking about which I think gives more you know there's never a video for the ten crack commandments yeah unfortunately but you made a really good video that really illustrates the stuff you're talking about so it's definitely worth the watch man so until next time peace
Channel: djvlad
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Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, China Mac
Id: AFdAt2n3TsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 26sec (7166 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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