China Mac on Lil Wayne, DaBaby, Tekashi, Cassidy, Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings (Full Interview)

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all right here we go China Mack welcomes a flat TV yo thank you for having me brother of course where were many years in now yeah we like we [ __ ] you know we we we initiative oh right now I see my I mean oh yeah oh yeah well every time you come on it's a big reaction so that's a good thing of course of course first of all happy new year man happy 2020 happy 2020 oh what's that what's the Chinese New Year though what number are you guys on um I don't know I don't know the number I know it's the year the rat so it's like every year is like an animal and um yeah this year I think all the Chinese New Year's is on the 25th and ninth one oh no no I'm not sure okay you're the rat yeah that's the year the rat yeah Takashi should have been born on this year yeah he might have you don't know he might have he's coming home on this on this year so it might be his year this is his [ __ ] year would you think about that this year this year but you know we'll talk about him in a second yeah we don't want to set off with that we'll get into that later all right but first and foremost you have a new song with Method Man yo this is why I'm this man listen this is why I [ __ ] what you vibe because you you yeah I'm saying like you know I mean Thank You Man I appreciate that yes I got a song with Oh Method Man I just dropped you know I mean it's called wu-tang remix everybody give a round of applause for vibe for doing and you know saying that any talk they told Matt [ __ ] like you know thank you bro I appreciate that of course my pleasure now why is it called wu-tang remix cuz well initially I came out with this song when I first heard the beat I was like this sounded like someone saying there's like a wu-tang vibe so um I came out with the song called wu-tang and then after I already dropped the song I went to some I went to like some some some some showcases something Staten Island and I bumped into Method Man and before I could even say anything to him I was walking to him he jumped up and he like yo China Mack and he gave me a he embraced me and come to find out he know me because of light Evie I'm saying because of my interviews over here and you know he already knew who I was he saluted me and then after that I was just like there it would be mad cool to have him on the remix of the song of wu-tang and he agreed and he jumped on it yeah he did his thing on that song too he did his thing he killed that and and he's on a new power he's on a new power right now right mary j blige not right now he it's coming it's coming out yeah this one's Chapter two or so much right but 50 cent just put up a picture of him and you know his name is buzzing around right there oh yeah and you know a lot of uh a lot of older rappers when I say older rappers rappers in their 40s and 50s and so forth when they jump on new songs they kind of try to sound like how they used to sound but it sounds like with him he actually try to really update what he's doing it makes it you know make his his verses sound new and and kind of modern right I don't know if I'm really explaining it right but it doesn't sound like an old-school style what he's doing right and he used like you certain bars that he use I mean it was a good verse he definitely gave me one of I think to me I think is one of the better verses that I heard from him wow he blessed me I'm saying he definitely blessed me oh yeah no he did his thing on it as did you appreciate that yeah thank you and you do the music video together right and in the music video you actually had like a fake I yeah a lot of people didn't understand that either a lot of people didn't understand that they was like oh is this like you know what is this I'm Sam but boots I mean everybody I mean we know you know Sam well I met the man used to have the the contact and as I and I was just paying homage to that yeah yeah no I got it right away as soon as I saw the fake I we met the man say next to you I'm like okay what he's doing here that was clear and you you have to be a certain type of age to understand what was going on with that because those music videos I think like all I need with mary j blige right and he had it and stuff like that bring the pain no bring the pain right actly exactly now it's crazy how many people really didn't know who met the man what they they didn't even know who met the man like they don't even know who he was yeah I'm saying a lot of people a lot of people that came to the video shoot didn't know like younger kids and I'm looking at them like what the hell but then I had to remember it's like you know there's a whole another generation and people know who whoo tang is but a lot of people don't know like this particular members you know zoom which is crazy which out I told men to me I said you listen what I feel like should happen is when people come into when you travel in from wherever England Rome China Japan when you come in to Ellis Island whatever the airport when you come in here they should hand you a booklet of New York City and in New York and in that booklet the first page is I have what saying it should you understand like you should definitely know who these people are like what New York is you know the history of New York Young's in oh yeah it doesn't get any more in New York than wudang clan' no it doesn't and you actually had a hoodie where I mean I guess it was sort of tied into the video where it had China Mack but you use Chi like the M kind of like Method Man like I upside down wu-tang right right yeah I mean that's his that's his that's his that's his thing his thing is the met the man with the M so I kind of just spun that and put Mac you know I'm saying of course I asked the big bro for permission you know he said you know it's cool so I just did that I mean well I went through some of the verses in the song you said they want that raw mac the one without the front tooth right when'd you get your teeth fixed oh shout out dr. Daniel man dr. Daniel fixed mouth he fixed my he grilled me up yeah I'm saying he fixed me up and um yeah he fixed me up I remember when we did our first interview you were missing a tooth right but by the time we hit like the second or the third your grill was all sparkly right so why did you get the tooth fix because that was almost colic your thing yeah now definitely ohm uh uh you know me initially I wanted to get my teeth fixed like from the jump like when I first came home I was like yo I might get my mom my to fix but my bro um my bro Duke he was like nah bro that's you that's your story I'm saying just keep it there for a little bit just keep it there and you know he wanted me to keep it like that forever like but um I felt like it was my story I told my story but at the same time number one is like if I keep the missing two V's making the other teeth around around the other teeth loose because there's no like it's not so far for for my personal for for health-wise I had to put something in there or else the other teeth was gonna get loose and or and on top of that I just felt like you know I wanted to grow out of that I wanted to grow out of that yeah I'm sayin just kind of like start start on start a clean slate versus just being held into that box cuz regardless of what the story is as soon as I open my mouth there's like a certain perception when you see somebody with a big gap in his mouth I'm saying so I've I wanted to just like change the narrative a little bit and kind of like give myself a little you know just clean it up a little bit and I don't remember if we actually talked about it or not but was the story behind you losing that tooth um officer knocked it out um I was in c95 Rikers Island and um I had a I was in the I was in the dark side so with a cell side and I got we I got into a fire whatever and they moved me to the to the antique side which is like dorms and stuff so there's a new side for me out nobody none of the office knew who I was like you know so I was in a ball I had went downstairs to go to the barber and I was sitting in a bar waiting for the barber chair and um somebody I knew that wall bah was that yo and then I jumped out like yeah we shall go to the y'all go to y'all and the officer was like yo sit the [ __ ] down like that to me I'm saying so I'm like I just looked at on my yo were you talking to like I'm saying why are you talking to me like that and then he was like yo you ain't [ __ ] him he sit the [ __ ] down I get the [ __ ] out of it and I'm saying I'm looking at my eye I sit down but you ain't gotta talk to me like that I just said was something feel like matter of fact get the [ __ ] out of it so I'm like man [ __ ] you and then I just what I started walking out and he he jumped up and then we right in front of the the barbershop now I have walked outside or above a shot and he jumped in front of my face and he's in front of my face right now and he's like yo what the [ __ ] you said and he has his hands in my face like this I'm saying so I'm like yo I'm like oh get your hands out of my face I pushed in one time like this get your hand out of my face and then he went to like do it again and I just I hit him I hit him in his throat you know I'm saying I hit him in his throat and then we started fighting and I started beating the [ __ ] out of him um there was the gate there was like a metal gate and I started slamming his head into the gate and then on somebody another officer pulled the pin so what that means is like every officer has this like you know this uh alarm things and when you pull it you know alarm goes off and then the rest of the officers come you know so all officers came by that time I was [ __ ] him up you know I'm saying and shout-out to him he's probably still on rike examine you know I mean shout to him cuz you got beat the [ __ ] up [ __ ] you know I'm saying but they [ __ ] they handcuffed me they hogtied me so what that means is they handcuffed me they hogtied me and then they put a stick in between the two and so I can't block my face arm just like this you know I mean with my face open and on they just hitting me with the walkie-talkie boom boom boom boom so they my face was like this and then one of the walkie-talkie his cam hit my mouth and my tooth fell out so that's how I lost my tooth and yeah if you look at your whole time that you were locked up and you were to say what percentage of prison guards are cool versus the percentage that are like [ __ ] that are out to really you know mess with people what would you say that is I don't know you know what it is meant it's a game mentality in in you know I'm saying so it's like you know some a lot of offices a lot of offices going in he just they know it's a job and it's not a lot it's like a small percentage of offices going there they got a job to do and ain't not any other child I'd mess with nobody they just gonna do their job and they out you know I'm saying and there's a small percentage of that those offices a lot of other or larger percentage of the officers have like some type of they got some type of vendetta yeah I'm saying they might have been picked on as a kid they might have been you know I'm saying they might have been a lot of and a lot of officers on Rikers Island from the hood so like they're from the same neighborhoods we're from and they but they might not have been the cool ones they might have been like you know the ones whatever picked on or whatever so when they come they get a job in Rikers Island they're you know they they want to like they want to take it out on the same people you know that they're watching they want to take it out on us yeah I'm saying and I feel like on and also when you're in there you have this gang mentality because they feed you that the officers are all I go with like these people are lower than us they're not even regular people they're not even human beings type and then they they they're bred to like you know treat us a certain way you know I'm saying so and then and then so I feel like whenever you even gangs all in the street bloods Crips whatever gangs they are right if you take one gang member by himself and you're talking to him he's gonna give you this one you're gonna get this one energy from it yeah I'm sayin but then you take that same person you put him around 50 of his homeys his Energy's gonna be different you know I'm saying it and that's just the gang mentality that people have is this is us yeah I'm saying so when you're in this when you're in this this environment and you have total power and you and you're surrounded and you you got this big gang with you you're gonna respond to certain things because you feel like you're untouchable because you feel like you can't get your ass beat you feel like you and I'm saying you have this big gang that's gonna hold you down so you're gonna be tougher you're gonna talk more [ __ ] you're gonna try to like just move your weight around a little bit more and that's what I don't respect I'm saying well I don't respect this like yo you know at the end of the day we all human beings I mean I'm saying and like you know just like I made a mistake your son could make a mistake I'm saying and your son could very well be in the same position we in you don't need to be talking to us like we [ __ ] like we animals yeah I'm saying like we less than you at the end of the day we should be all human being and that's how I felt like that particular officer that that that that I got into that altercation with that's how he was I mean he was just like you know he was just trying to abuse his power I'm saying so the guy that you beat up wasn't the one that actually knocked out your tooth no he wasn't okay well being a CEO is kind of a weird job because everyone has to work everyone has a job that they go to you know they come in 9:00 to 5:00 they they get their benefits they get their vacation days whatever else but I would say that most people at the end of the day will feel a sense of accomplishment and like they've done something by doing their job and then they get their salary in return being a CEO is a little bit different I wonder what percentage of CEOs go home and say wow I really did a good job today and I'm really happy with what I've contributed to this world as opposed to like man I just hate coming in here and everyone [ __ ] with me and I'm around people who want to kill me every time my back has turned and nobody respects me and I wish I was doing something else um I feel like I feel like a lot of the CEOs what was different Rikers Island is a lot different than like state like you know state Rikers Island I feel like the officers get paid a little bit more you know me there's other states that I feel like officers don't get paid nearly as much and and the ages like they're just there you know and I feel like that's recently I was on love and um somebody came on my love who was incarcerated in Mississippi right um did you hear what's going on out there yeah jay-z and Yo Gotti are actually suing Mississippi prison right now right so so he came on my lab and said that the the the the the conditions over it is like it's horrible you know I mean um the the CEOs the CEOs aren't feeling like they're getting paid enough to even be be doing anything like they don't want to risk their lives because like those prisoners a maximum prisons things are going down so you got what he said was there's a war going on between you know between certain gangs and the officers aren't stepping in to do anything so people are dying people and they're just like just letting them do it because the officers feel like they're not getting paid enough you know to even be a to be to be to be stopping any of that or being a part of that you know just wait until the person is dead and then they'll come in and be like all right stop stop stop or whatever you know after the dude is laying on the ground so um I feel like I feel like a lot of prisons you know the officers aren't even like they're not even there to protect the people it's just there to you know whatever is just get a little check and they're not even trying to do too much well yeah because Rikers Island is located off in New York City so this is a very developed City I mean it's the biggest city in the world essentially there are you know Wall Street is there there's a lot of career choices and so forth so Rikers has to remain competitive in terms of their salaries but a lot of times with these prisons they kind of set up in the middle of nowhere and whatever little whole bunk town is there those people end up working for that prison because that's the only job in town so you have a situation where people can't just say well I'm gonna quit and go work for Amazon instead because there is no Amazon out there this is the only only game in town so you end up staying at a job that you hate cuz you have no other choices and then that causes problems in and of itself right I mean I mean when you go upstate I gotta say upstate before the prisons like say before prison was set up in the town this town would be like desolate it would just be like a farm town right and then they'll put a prison in there now that now businesses start beginning to pop up just to cater to the the prison so the prison actually brings money and in jobs to that community you know exam and um they're grabbing all of these people from around that area and a lot of a lot of times those people you know there's those people maybe from a town that don't see any Asian people black people Spanish people it might just be like one town just full of like you know Hillbillies that farmers or whatever I'm saying and and they're now they're in control of you know people from other parts other places so I feel like um I feel like yeah I feel like a lot of times like that a lot of SEOs they're not even equipped to really be dealing with a lot of things you know I mean they don't I don't even feel like they get a proper training you know yeah and like I said the beginning of this talk jay-z and Yo Gotti are actually filing a lawsuit against the Mississippi prison system you know citing inhumane and unconstitutional conditions the complaints of the inmates lives are imperiled due to the state's failure to fund its prisons like you said the salaries the sued cited recent inmate deaths at the hands of prison violence arguing the deaths are the direct results and of understaffed correctional facilities in the states utter disregard for the people and is incarcerated and it cost alrights right there you go and I feel like that I feel like home that's dope man as dope that's dope that all that they're doing it but that really comes and and that really comes from you know the cuz for a long time you this isn't just happening this isn't something that just happened this year you know I'm saying these these conditions have been happening since the beginning right well but the thing is now with with social media with um with with phones because now you're seeing a lot more you know footage from inside prison with people that just have their phones like I said the the bro um I've got the bro name I want to call him the drummer but he went on my life and while he was in prison right and he was on in you know on showing me everything showing me his locker with all the food and he was in LA he was in my love and um he was telling me about the condition so what I'm saying is now with this access more people are able to see really what's going on in there before that you know the outside world would have no knowledge of what's going on in there we would be the outside world would be so far removed from what's going on inside and they won't know what's going on but now with people with their cell phones people inside are getting their cell phones and whatever fashion however they're getting them they're actually showing you know they're they're putting the spotlight on what's actually going on inside these prisons and um big shout-out to everybody who's actually like doing something that kind of change it and do something about it because at the end of day year you can say oh these are prisoners these are people that did whatever they did and they're in prison but at the end of the day people are still people you know saying people don't you know people people as were still people and we're supposed to be treated um with a certain type of you know respect and a certain type of humanity comes in and not like animals no well yeah me how you saw who I'm sorry how do you feel about prisoners like what do you feel like prisoners should you know should just get what they get and like like you know you you you did you made your bed now you just got to go in there and be treated like an animal you shouldn't be afforded any type of rights to be you know anything like that you know I'm saying you should just you know be whatever or should you still be a be you know afforded some type of rights and some type of a respect and some type of something I'm saying humanity here's how I feel the point of prison is rehabilitation is to take someone who made a mistake and put him back into society better than when he came in that to me is the point of it or what's the point of even doing it to begin with do you think America doesn't good throw someone out in a worse situation than when they came in that doesn't help anybody do you think America does a good job with that I'm sorry do you think America does a good job with that no I think they do a horrible job with that why do you think I think prisons are only based in America are only based on punishment and not a rehabilitation you look at for example 60 Minutes have this really interesting special about German prisons where the whole point is rehabilitation and prisoners have their own rooms they have a key to their own room they have like a TV there and and so forth all the guards have to go through like three years of conflict resolution in order to even get a job over there and the whole point of the prison the punishment is being away from your family and so forth and you have to enroll in a bunch of different classes and courses and so forth that doesn't happen in the US I think it's only based on punishment and and the one thing that I just recently realized because I don't have any felonies on my record I've been arrested here and there for a little stuff you know I've spent a couple days locked up but I've never actually gone through and the actual prison time I don't have any felonies so I didn't understand the way it worked until I actually started speaking to some of my guests on my show who are felons and the one thing that really surprised me the most was I interviewed this guy Jason Williams he was an ex NBA player who accidentally killed his limo driver and then tried to cover it up went to prison for a few years when he got out and this guy's a multi-millionaire he explained to me how he was living in a hotel room because no apartment was going to rent to him because he now had a felony on his record well why why didn't you just you know once you started reaching the problems of trying to rent something why not just buy a condo or buy a house or something like that at that point you can't write homeowners association HOA they were worse than renting I go over they want to buy something in the first thing they say is we don't want him here he'll they wouldn't give Tim Tebow a place right I end up getting a place in that building Tim Tebow didn't and Tim Tebow just loves Jesus right and I couldn't get a place and I'm a convicted felon so the homeowners association even now where I live in Florida I had to go between the HOA and in in beg for mercy 18 years later right yeah it's nothing about a DWI it's about what happened 18 years ago and that is permanent and that is completely acceptable for anybody to deny you housing by saying you have a felony so instead of you doing your prison time and then you get out and then you have a clean slate you basically have forever punishment where you now have to get through the rest of your life with a felony that never expires and you have one you have a situation where you can't live like a normal citizen you have a felony yourself right yeah a few a few what happens when you go to rent an apartment oh I get to not every time yeah because they do a background check exactly you don't have a nine-to-five job but what would happen once you apply to that job and they did and they did a background check our most likely getting it not so what good does this do society when a person gets caught they do their time and you put them back out in the world and they can't even do some of the bare minimum things to survive I mean I feel like I feel like you know they're gonna go back to prison for the most part i by I feel like that's what America wants you know I'm saying I feel like that's what the system is designed to do you know me because at the end of the day like if you look at the other countries prisons are not businesses you know I'm saying so they look at prisons as okay when they come in here we have to like you said we have to reform them we have to rehabilitate to turn them into you know fix them and then you know and then send them back home because we don't want them coming into prison you know me what in America is different we want them going to prison you know I'm saying we need them to go into prison we need these prisons fill you got stuck you know I mean you can buy stock in some prison you got like the Bob Barker oh the Bob Barker company that that's that that solely is like you know making things for prison like you know just there's a company you know I'm saying and it's like you know you got you got um you got prisons that are privately owned which is not state RAM which is that it's privately owned so this big business you know I'm saying this is this is slavery and I'm saying so it's like is the New Age slavery so um why would why would the slave masters want to rehabilitate potential you know potential money for them yeah I'm saying we're like cattle and yeah I mean so why would we want to why would we want to fix them to the point where you know they're not gonna come back in here no we want to we want to keep on you know keep on doing this recidivism door keep on having them go out come back in and then have their kids you know watch do that and then have their kids come in and and in and out in and out in and out and I feel like that's what America is about you know I've never heard a Bob Barker before to mention I'm actually looking it up now it's America's leading detention supplier but do you know who Bob Walker is I have no idea yo look him up look his name out right now Bob Barker what did he do before that what is this the price is right yeah that's him bro Wow so here's what he I just assumed it was the same name Bob Marley was not a very uncommon name nice yeah it's the same Bob Barker yes the same Bob Barker so he's the prices right guy and then now he's also you know he's he's a leading prison-like business guy yeah I'm Sam is this the same guy hold on I'm uh is he the same guy not the same guy oh he's not the same guy now the corner the company's website founder Bob Barker a former newspaper editor from North Carolina initially started the company selling supplies equipment to restaurants yeah they would oh wow so here here we go yeah while prison lore has suggested the company's affiliated with the game show host Bob Barger there's no relationship oh that's crazy all this time I thought it was the same guy my bad bob barker bros guys too rich already why would he need to start a company like yo dare yeah that's crazy I think we just weed I think the region's unraveled something cuz everybody in prison thinks is him it's not him oh well they we have it's definitely not so we just leave it we we breaking we we we breaking myths out here right now but this yeah my Lee Bob Barker hello if you see him out don't run don't run down on a man he's cool he's cool he's the praises my god well recently Kassadin arsenal had a battle yeah and you went on Twitter I did you said hey you know I'm watching this Cassidy versus the Arsenal battle and I'm in my living room yelling through the whole battle I ain't want something to be over so much since prison time this it is trash trash yeah okay I wash most of the battle okay you did you watch you need watch the whole battle I watched most of it I didn't watch the whole thing okay um how much is most of the bet the whole battle was about an hour I watched about 40 minutes okay you said the most of it I got through about two rounds of each person all right now the thing that stood out was when arsenal kind of grabbed Cassidy like you know grabbed a sweatshirt right and like they started to shove each other that was kind of surprising I feel like that's it I feel like I feel like he needed to do that you know I'm saying because you know that's that's I feel like he did that I feel like he knew what he was doing yeah I'm saying that's when you do that that's gonna you know get the attention that's gonna get more people to watch it more people to talk about it and you know I feel like that battle needed that I feel like if he didn't do that it would have maybe less of the views well as someone who's thrown battles before and covered a lot of battle rappers at one point we were covering battle rappers damn ear every day we had a guy that worked for us who was really into it so we allowed him to do a lot of interviews like this and I was really behind it and this was maybe I don't know six seven years ago I remember at one point saying that battling is probably not gonna progress past word is right now because they are not able to actually clean it up and make it safe for the mainstream right it's always going be some [ __ ] where someone's there's a hundred people on stage everyone's talking about killing each other and talking about their kids and mothers and you know all types of other overly personal [ __ ] people get punched in the face people get grabbed it's always gonna have this kind of chaotic energy to it that's gonna keep it where it is and seven years later is still pretty much where it is which is not necessarily a bad thing shout out to smack and you know everyone that put it together but remember at one point Eminem was involved in it he did the whole shady battle and there was like all this talk of things elevating and that that came away we still are where we were where we were about ten years ago yeah I mean big shout out this smack um I feel like oh hold up before we do that before we do that what did you think about that battle did you think I was my assessment was wrong I didn't think it was Cassidy's best performance I thought he had some bars in their arsenal I thought was okay he had a few moments but overall this was not a great battle from from what I saw all right this is what this is why this is why I said that right I mean cuz battles happen all the time and I'm not tweeting about it I'm not talking about it this is why I said what I said right Cassidy when I was coming up Cassidy was that do you know I'm saying like Cassidy was really that dude and Cassidy you know he had battles or whatever but the way so I grew up like watching cast I all right cast is like like nobody could [ __ ] with cast like Cassidy is a battle I he's ill and when he was before he jumped on and was battling I always thought you know Cassidy's gonna go in me and clean house I'm saying that's what I always thought Arsenal Arsenal when I went after my ten years after I came home from ten years from doing ten years I didn't watch no battles throughout that I didn't even know anything that was going on in that world because I didn't have access to the Internet so when I came home that first like two three months that I was home and I was just catching up on everything I watched like a hundred battles and maybe like 20 of those battles was Arsenal battles and I was like yo Arsenal was nice you know arson was nice to the point where the first year when I went home maybe the years second when I went to Virginia I had I was a part of this battle like and we threw a battle in Virginia and I actually um we actually got arson to come perform he battled big K you know me and I put that together you know I'm saying but I say that to say that Arsenal I revered like a really like a great that alone yeah I'm saying so now when these two were together and these two been talking [ __ ] the whole time like a Cassidy's been talking mad [ __ ] so to to Arsenal talk my he's the best best boom-boom-boom and I feel like yo this battle was supposed to be like it was supposed to be a really good battle yeah I'm saying I was going in like you know even though I saw the other battles that Cassidy did and I'm like you know I didn't like any of the other battles he did but in my mind I'm like yo he might really come boo he might bring the old cast into this battle and when I'm watching a battle I just wasn't I just wasn't like it was it was kind of it was trash to me like I was really disappointed I really didn't understand a lot of the thing I thought a lot of Cassidy balls was really like was really bad elementary like I'm saying he didn't really you know he was just saying some crazy nut stuff and then I felt like awesome new Arsenal beat him hands down Arsenal beat him but that wasn't the Arsenal that I felt like he just knew that you know he didn't really have to go 100% and I just didn't feel like I felt like that battle right there isn't good for the culture you know I'm saying like I felt like that battle was just like a little like whatever and and and it got so much hype and I just didn't you know I wasn't I wasn't um I wasn't impressed by it you know me well I was there for the Cassidy disaster battle well which one wait wait but there was only one there was only one I mean initially that was inside of a parking lot yeah in the parking lot I was there he was in the parking lot I was there that's dope yeah what did you think about that bad as hip-hop moments I feel cuz it was like wow like here's his battle in a parking lot with these guys that are really on top of their game and Cassidy's his first actual battle of you know official battle that is and getting to see that was really dope and I thought that Cassidy got disaster through you know and disaster was on top of his game during that time I thought that was a great battle he did his thing from start to finish I watched the the goods battle over with trade II and his friends and I interviewed Goods afterwards and I told him straight out that I felt the Goods beat Cassidy 2 to 1 in that battle Cassie I did first round but the other two rounds I thought Goods got him feels like Cassie's running out of steam a little bit in terms of the whole battle thing but we'll see we'll see maybe this battle and him not doing the best might put some fire up under him and the next one he's like Cassie I feel like Cassidy she's to stop battling I feel like he should just stop battling I mean you know I feel like oh I feel like he should just stop man and he's making beats now you heard the yeah you're the bzees making I haven't heard the I've heard people commenting about the beach I've seen this meme that I've seen doesn't mean that was like crazy me so my sense of me oh we're with Cassidy but I feel like he you know why I say I feel like he should stop babbling and I feel like a lot of people is gonna be like oh whatever whatever um whatever right people is gonna have a lot to say Cassidy might have something to say yeah I don't know but this is why I feel like Cassidy should stop banning them right because I feel like Cassidy was like here you know I'm saying like he left this this this this you know this there's little I want what I say a legendary I wouldn't say that but he met he left his mark like he had this mark here I think after the last couple battles that he's done his mark is down here now you know I'm saying because he's like putting himself out there and he's and he's battling and he's not giving it 1,000% and I feel like the name Cassidy five years ago was here right now it's over here and I might be over here it might be over here you know I'm saying but I like and I hate to see that happen to somebody that I revered as like one of the Great's like I'm saying one of the really you know and I hate to see that happening in front of my eyes I'm saying just like just like just like I'm just like a cannabis you know I'm saying yo I used to look at cannabis like yo yeah I'm saying then he had that battle and and I don't even you know I mean he's just deteriorated right in front of me like I'm saying like his his stature was up here even all the way up there yeah I'm saying to me cuz there's a kid I used to listen to Cassidy like whoa I mean that Cassidy arm Kassem I mean cats know uh cannabis I used to listen to him I go he's the best like there's nobody out there messing with but then he stepped into the battle ring and now he went all the way down here to and I feel like that's what Cassidy is doing to himself well I don't think you could really compare the cannabis battle in the Cassidy battle because cannabis literally forgot his verses and pulled out a notepad and started reading from a notepad which kind of was just ridiculous yeah it was ridiculous but I don't feel like you know I definitely feel like Cassidy's last last um last performance was somewhere around there you know I mean I wouldn't say it was bad that bad like he didn't pull out not but it was it wasn't that far I was around here well I'll disagree with you on that he didn't pull out a notepad he knew all his verses he went three rounds it was an hour-long battle he had he had some strong lines in there it wasn't it wasn't rude but I didn't feel like yeah I enjoyed it I enjoyed it but in here's what you did was the whole battle how you enjoyed it I watched to two out of three reps so I mean listen if I enjoy something I watch the whole thing like it how do you watch how do you how do you stop watching it if you enjoyed it keep it up honey come on just say it is trash come on with this man like I know you wish I get him up here well well the well number one I've had him on here a bunch of times and he's gonna probably come back you know this is someone who's been a regular guest for a bunch of years I have a lot of respect for cast and I think it's a you know he has a lot of respect for me as well the reason why I didn't watch all three rounds was because I wanted to bring it up in preparation for this interview so I had to kind of quickly go through it because I knew that you had made a cut you didn't watch it I was just so you didn't watch it though like before this interview I watched it before this interview that I didn't get a chance to completely finish no but what I'm saying is you didn't watch it because you wanted to watch it I just didn't get a chance to watch it I didn't get a chance to actually sit down and watch it just on my own I used it that's what I'm saying it was preparation for this particular interview because you made the comments about it I feel like yeah I feel like I should just make music man I feel like he released another song that was like um after that he released something on his Instagram and I felt like that was fire you know I'm saying I just feel like he's just I feel like you know I'm saying he's just doing it for the check they're not doing it because they really want to do it they're not doing it because they really love battle rap I feel like they're just doing it because they just want the check and whenever you're doing it just for the check and the love ain't there I feel like you know you it's not a good look you know I'm saying it's not a good look for nobody you know I'm saying so you know that's how that's just my feelings no disrespect the cat to cash like I'm saying I mean he could take care of you wanna take anyone it's like but no disrespect to him I feel like he's a great and I just don't want I don't like seeing somebody I refer like somebody that was great to be like you know looking at silly you know I'm saying well let me put it like this Cassidy is 37 years old he does not have a major label deal he is putting music out independently and he doesn't have the fan base he had when hotel was out and and all his big songs that he was working with Swizz and so forth this is kind of the same thing when you talk about for example yung Joc was just filmed like driving an uber in a video and everyone's like oh they're making fun of young Jocko look you know he's washed up he's driving an uber or whatever else young Jack got a bunch of kids Cassidy has children I don't know how many but I know he has at least one possibly more you get up an age and you have the rest of your life to live out and you have to support your family and you have to make money and you have to pay your bills so when you're putting music out and the music itself is not paying the bills the way you used to and someone saying yo here's 20 30 50 grand to go battle you expect this man to turn that down because his heart is not in it a hundred percent I mean that's kind of ridiculous I mean you're right you're right but I'd you're right you're right I'm not gonna say it cuz I would take it too but what I'm saying is um what I'm saying is it's just me speaking from a fan standpoint now you speaking from that standpoint I understand it's cool and I when I saw the thing with young shot I didn't feel like you know I didn't feel like um I didn't I didn't I didn't feel like that's something that you should bash that man for yeah I'm saying like I feel like you know at the end of the day you know I don't I didn't look into it but I feel like I did anything oh you had when you had you not when you not and you gotta you regardless of whether you're hot or not you gotta feed your family so you say like that alright but I just you know as a fan of it as somebody that you know as a fan of battle rap and as a fan of somebody like a Cassidy and a Arsenal I just wanted a really good battle I feel like he could've did I feel like he could have no honestly so like like uh and this is why I was this is why I said what I said because I feel like Cassidy could have delivered a much better like performance I feel like he could have I feel like he just didn't you know I'm saying I feel like that Arsenal really could have delivered a much better performance I just feel like he didn't you know I'm saying for whatever reason so now if he's giving it his 100% and that's what he came out with then I mean I can't say anything I'm saying you go get your breath but at the end of the day I feel like he could have did much better I feel like both of them could've did a lot much better and that's why I said what I said I mean I'm saying but shout out the both of them go get y'all bread you know me it's Akashi six nine hmm Takashi six nah yo you just caught me off guard I really did not think that you was gonna ask me this question I don't bringing the name up you you've made a lot of comments about Takashi both on fly TV and on your own on your own social media right you predicted early on that Takashi six nine will snitch on everybody yeah but I feel like everybody predicted that that's not like you know I mean that that was a no-brainer right there well since our last interview Takashi got two years do you feel that that's a surprising amount of time or did you think he was gonna get about that I feel like he was about to get about that I didn't think that day was gonna let him go I really didn't think that I definitely didn't think that because I feel like you know at the end of the day um the judge and you know he they also have to like you know make a make some type of statement you know I'm saying like in terms of like you know you're not gonna just get clean free so I feel like they had to it was so it was so um televised that you know to just let him go would be kind of like you know would be kind of like um showing the kids and anybody else that you know you can just do whatever and no consequences so I feel like the judge still had to give him something I knew I I kind of knew that well he got two years and I actually found a breakdown of everyone involved in this case and I'm gonna kind of go down the line here you got the breakdown of led I got the breakdown all right bat got 20 years shaadi got 15 years Mel murder got 11 years row murder down five and a half years kripi got five years ish got five years and kuda be i don't think it's been sentenced yet but he's facing five years on top of that Harve and nuke both went to trial like all the other people I mentioned the other ten people they all took plea deals these two guys or I guess were involved in the kidnapping they went to trial Takashi took the stand and testified against them and they both were found guilty Harv is facing life and nuke is facing 20 years free free nuke free shotty free Alderaan man I'm saying we all 12 people went down around Takashi who I honestly feel was the ringleader that's how I feel too that's how I feel too I remember I think it was Sara Molina she said that a kid with rainbow hair took down the ninth ray Bloods which is the oldest blood set in New York Matt like really I kind of feel really sad cuz I feel like in a way these grown men manipulated by this little rainbow head kid it was manipulated by money there's manipulated by a lifestyle that they were now a part of just by being with him you know it was just like you said money and fame will make people do a lot of things oh she's right I mean I think that's a valid that's valid he is my theme right I feel like honestly I feel like Takashi didn't have to tell I feel like if he didn't tell he would have got maybe like three years something like that five years even something like that um and I feel like um he didn't have if he didn't have those numbers probably would have went down a lot drastically right so older than probably what you see if you see the numbers one person got 20 um everybody else got five right besides like you know no murder you said no murder got ten or something like that I think all the other got 11 shot he got 15 right so so I think all of those numbers would address drastically went down if he didn't testify right so I feel like all of those numbers wouldn't went down he would have probably been able to do two years two years without telling you no I'm saying all the number two just stuck it kept it a buck you know I'm saying he didn't crack I feel like all of those numbers wouldn't went down and he would have still been going home around the same time that he's going home now maybe a little bit more I don't know maybe a little less you don't know about these things right but if they didn't tell you know me if he didn't tell then their case would have been a lot weaker you know what I'm saying so and if he would've did that and he would have came home I feel like he would have been like really really like right now I feel like he can still come home and have a career and do something you know I'm saying but I just don't feel like it could ever be where it could have been yeah I'm saying where it would have been I don't feel like it's gonna be where but if he would have took it like a man you know I'm saying and if he really would have took it like a man and didn't tell I feel like by the time he came home he would have been like like that like nobody could ever say anything to him like it would have just been valid all across the board and I feel like you know I feel like he he [ __ ] that package up man cuz he didn't even have to tell you know I mean shout out the shotty child to all of them I know he's in there you know my bro Milly's who's here you know I'm saying he's in contact with him shout out shout out the shotty man you know I'm saying cuz I feel for him I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like shoddy [ __ ] up in the sense that he put so much like he's just let this kid do what just let him do that [ __ ] yeah I'm saying I feel like shot he should have really been a little bit more control of that you know I'm saying I feel like he should have definitely you know controlled that a lot better I'm saying and they would have still been out here in right now you know I mean they would have still been out here in you can't really at the end of the day you can't really be like really out here in the streets and really like in beef and really doing [ __ ] and still be getting legal like at the end of the day is gonna is gonna bump heads and you're either gonna die you're gonna go to jail you just can't do both you know the same saying and I feel like that they was I feel like I feel like shotty should have controlled it a lot better and I'm saying but you know it is what it is man and I definitely salute him for keeping it oh yeah I'm saying and on you know that's how I feel what well Takashi was originally facing 47 years yeah but I don't think that's a number that'll strike fear in the hearts of anybody yeah but he wouldn't got that facing 47 years and getting 47 years is totally different you know same saying like like how much was shoddy facing yeah probably a lot more yeah right right years like baby right right so what I'm saying is that the facing is just is just to get you scared thing I'm saying that's just the tactic you're facing this that doesn't mean you're gonna get it you know I'm saying creepy when he got five years what was he facing so about five years so what was he facing I'm sure he wasn't facing five years I'm saying I'm sure he was facing like another 50 60 whatever you know I'm saying so you don't have to like at the end of the day he told immediately like I'm saying he didn't even wait to tell you no I'm saying he's just told immediately like you know me a lot of times like the feds the the police they they they need you to tell you know I'm saying they'll come up with all types of stuff but their their evidence won't be strong unless somebody cracks unless somebody tells you no I'm saying so I feel like that whole crew would've really like you know would it really would have really like they wouldn't have had the same outcome that they have right now if if if um you know the rainbow here boy didn't test well along with the telling there was phone taps there was video footage there was songs there was so much evidence that it was gonna be really hard for people to just get not guilty pleas had they gone trial cuz look like I said Harv and nuke went to trial and they're facing life in 20 years but then when they said now we're gonna take it to trial what they listened their dare they were fighting something different though they were fighting kidnapping charges that was different yeah I'm saying and they had the person that that they kidnapped like saying that they kidnapped them so it's like you know it's like that's different that's different versus what none of them had like creepy and shoddy and all them they wasn't fighting kid kidnapping charges you know I'm saying at the end of the day I feel like yo I feel like home like you said I feel like Takashi 6:9 was really the ringleader all that [ __ ] he really set all of this [ __ ] he really did all of this [ __ ] they over here they over here you know shooting [ __ ] like doing all this [ __ ] because they're backing up what's Akashi 6:9 was doing yeah I'm saying Takashi 6:9 comes out and does all of this and then the crew cleans up after them and and and if he wasn't doing that there wouldn't be no mess to clean up you know I'm saying and there wouldn't be all of these things happening I'm saying I feel like and I feel like um um um six I mean I feel like shoddy really played his part he really played his part to help Takashi reach that level he really did that and I think he did that blindly you know I'm saying I I think he did that finally but the loyalty cannot be questioned in terms of what he did for him and I don't know all that is him [ __ ] his baby mother and him doing all that that's all speculative II that's all there's no proof in that there's no there's no pictures of that there's no videos of that um Sara didn't say that happened that's just whoever so that's the internet saying that yeah I'm saying that's that's that's people other people saying that you can't prove that so how can you question what this man did but what you do see is you see this man shoddy really going a back and really like you know I mean really backing up what's Akashi six-mile all the antics that he was doing he really he really did his best to like you know hold him down and I feel like for him to pay that man like that like you know as does that's sneaky that's not even I'm saying you know me but you know I feel like I feel like I'm Takashi 6-9 he's gonna he's gonna you know you reap what you sow bro you know and eventually I feel like it'll come back to him you know I'm saying one way another comp calm as a [ __ ] so you know but honestly that well how I feel is like he didn't have to tear go gonna have to tell this is how I feel about it and I've gone on record about this probably hundreds of times I personally don't have any issues with reporting a crime to the police I'm a citizen if I'm if somebody Rob's me I'm gonna call the police and say I got robbed but the message that this is sending to the world is concerning because what it's saying is go ahead and cause as much havoc as you want tell people to get shot robbed beat up go ahead and get a bunch of people to do your bidding for you and when everyone gets caught all you got to do is tell on everybody and you walk away with the shortest set inside of every prey and I feel like that's like as bad I'm saying that's a bad message to put out there to the kids you know me yeah here's my here's my message city kids don't [ __ ] lead Ashley that [ __ ] alone yeah I'm saying don't join those [ __ ] gangs if you don't have to I know there's some neighborhoods where you have to you know I'm saying there's some neighborhoods where you know in order to survive you have to be a part of a particular gang or whatever you know those instances that's different I'm saying but if you just added and you just want to join something because it's cool whatever don't join it yeah I mean because that's not that's not that's gonna come with all types of all types of prices that you may not be willing to pay you know I'm saying and if you're not willing to pay those prices well I played that game you know me and that's my message like you know I see a lot of I see a lot of people joining gangs and you know I mean just because it's cool just because it looks cool to throw up gang signs just because it looks cool to rocker a rag or you know I'm saying and they doing it for Instagram like they doing it for the image they're doing it for a YouTube video you know I'm saying they're not really doing it because that's what they want to do because that's what you know they life that's what they were about that's not that's not something they want to do in their heart they're doing it because they feel like if they have 20 people behind them waving red or blue flags or if they're throwing gang signs it looks better for a youtube video and that's [ __ ] [ __ ] like that's that's just you know I'm saying there's people that there's there's real blood being shed for this you know I'm saying there's real like lives being wasted behind bars for this there's real people dying for this like I'm saying so you know my my my advice my message to the world is lead I shut the [ __ ] alone man you know I'm saying leave it alone I agree I agree I have a bunch of friends close friends that are gang members and I have never even remotely thought to join a gang that'll be stressed of my imagination yeah that would be that'd be crazy you would go viral yo Vlad joins the the the Crips whoa a big bad picture like this that's fire yeah I'm good well bobby schmurder did a song with Takashi yeah right he he actually did a verse over the phone yeah my brother I broke punch put that together he's big shout out the punishment be shout out the punch you know punch the punch you know punch uh I know who he is but I don't know him personally yeah I should I said I shouldn't make that connection with you one punch man he shot out the [ __ ] ya know I've seen him out there in New York doing his thing yeah well I interviewed bobby schmurder in prison and I asked him I said when you get out if Takashi offers uh hits you up to do another song mode you say and he was like hell no I'm never doing a song with that guy but now you found out that you find out that he's locked up and he's telling on everybody and Indian everyone else locked up would you do us on Takashi after you got out oh good for you I should be driving by gradually just wrap which place are you from the hood useful so that he's rapping don't expect name from the team Louisville which had anything like that it ain't right I mean that's yo I go from bobby schmurder you're free Bobby free P gutter free free free P gutter free bobby schmurder free Tohono you know i mean i feel like what they did was like you know that was gangster bro yeah I'm saying I'm not trying to I'm not trying to like you know or glorify whatever they did or that life step but what I'm saying is they lived that lifestyle and when and when they're and when the pressure came they stayed with that lifestyle they stuck with that yeah I'm saying like you know the story is that bobby schmurder could have came home oh yeah how many how much earlier well I interviewed him about this I know what you're talking about bobby schmurder told me in our interview that he took a longer prison sentence so rowdy rebel could get a shorter prison yeah that that happens so now you know I think you know a very important thing that I want to talk about you know before we get into the rest of the conversation is that when you actually got sentenced from what I understand you could have gotten a shorter sentence but you took a slightly longer one because rowdy rebel would have gotten a longer one so can you explain to me like kind of the details of what happened ah so many shoes that the court he tells me stop and baby off for a little more time single cuts the time will officiate and I was in a mess over okay so you ended up taking more years so so your man could get last years so it's like it's like um if me and you were co-defendants right and they say hey listen you can take this three years but if you take it you know he's gonna have to go to trial yeah I'm saying or you could take five years and both y'all just get five years and I just both go up you know I'm saying so it's like why would I take the three years and then set my brother up yeah I'm saying so [ __ ] it we we both won't get the same sentence and we're gonna go in together and we gonna come out together and that's gangster I'm saying I feel like that's you know that that's that I feel like they kept in a honey yeah I'm saying and you know that's that's what's up yo bobby schmurder comes home same year actually as Takashi I think he's really gonna be selling he's gonna pop because because regardless of what when you keep it rim when you keep it above P that when you keep it genuine people are gonna they feel out here yeah I'm saying and there's not enough of that going on in this world so when they see real comradery real like real like sacrifice you know I mean people are gonna open their doors like this you know I'm saying I feel like they're gonna take over the world and I feel like if Takashi would've did that he would have had the same treatment yeah I'm saying and um big shout out to all of them you know well what do you think about pop smoke beefing with Casanova oh I I don't really know what would happen I mean I kind of like I kind of saw something but I didn't I mean somebody told me about it you know I mean but I didn't well pop smoke had posted a video this was about a week ago or so he said y'all old dudes better pack it up this ain't no trashing over [ __ ] no scary al [ __ ] y'all know that the wus run the city I don't know what that's about I don't know though the politics behind that so really can't talk about that but what I will say is this New York is finally like making like New York is looking strong right now yeah I'm saying like you got five-year farmer Fabio Fabio farming you got pop smoke you got all of these people coming out of New York and it's looking like you know is looking strong yeah I'm saying and [Music] I don't feel like we need to be beefing the most each other find it you know I'm saying I feel like you know I feel like home I feel like that's just gonna that's just gonna cause more because I remember this year rolling loud right rolling loud pop smoke was one of them he couldn't perform I've Roland out Casanova couldn't perform at rolling loud I believe um who else a few people couldn't perform that role in loud and that's because of that type of behavior yeah I'm saying that type of you know and now you you start you you know I'm saying you stopping the growth of something about beefing yeah I'm saying I feel like I feel like on us as New York we should we should focus on um how to how to how to how to make us how to make the unit's stronger how to make Asha stronger you know I'm saying instead of a set of beefs I really don't need to have it if beefs that need to happen and beefs need to happen yeah I'm saying but if it doesn't need to happen I feel like we should be really helping each other come up versus trying to like stun anybody [ __ ] well Meek Mill kind of try to put in his two cents about this whole thing you know you said y'all Brooklyn dudes be beefing with each other too much lol stop pumping that [ __ ] if you're not involved with them guys get the money and if you official and you stay around and say something but then people started kind of tagging him about his history and he said well Who am I to talk right I beef with every rapper in my city before except maybe a few and it's true Meek Mill was beef over Cassidy he is you know before they arrived at one point he was beef with everyone in Philly at some point I just want to say this okay if you look at all the rap beefs in hip-hop over all the years you will be hard-pressed to find anyone that actually benefited from a rap beef in the long term I honestly can't really name damn knee or anyone like okay you know fifty was be from ja rule and you know you could say that he came out on top in the process he got shot nine times people other people got shot and beat up and I think certain people lost their lives you know supreme is doing life in prison that's somewhat connected to that whole beef and everything else like that so can you say that he really won that that rap beef in the long term I don't think so right Biggie and Tupac were beefing they both ended up dead at the end beef is not good money yeah I'm saying beef is good for cloud but beef is not good for money beef is good for like to sell like a story but beef is not good for money you know I mean nobody does that does game money once beef you know I'm saying or nobody that that that you know that's why that and I feel like you know that's gonna stop in with your beef in it is good for Instagram and in the story but if you look at if you look at like oh the promoters people that own these these these these venues you know I don't want you to come I don't care if you're gonna bring two million people in here you know I'm sampling if that's who millions gonna end up getting like me on the news for like you know somebody dying in my venue I don't want that happening I'm saying so you can keep your two million I'd rather take five hundred thousand over here consistently and make my money over here then take two million and and and somebody dies on my premises and stuff like that so I feel like you know at the end of the day beef is not good for bread you know I mean like like yeah and like Casanova Casanova could have been a lot bigger if he didn't have that air you know looming around him all the time yeah I'm saying I feel like you know um you know that's how I feel well yeah I mean Cass no Beau's beefing with with Takashi I'm use really more Takashi beefing with Casanova but I mean we actually posted the footage when they ran into each other at you know at the at the Barclays Center and somebody shot off a gun I mean it was crazy it was literally like about a hundred people and in a hallway and then a gun goes off and everyone's ducking and yeah that's that's crazy and that's always I don't I feel like that's always gonna be in a conversation around Casanova yeah I'm saying like a businessman like a businessman like if I'm trying to do it Barclays center like I will okay cash Casanova no I don't want that crowd over there like yeah I'm saying because that puts that might happen again yeah I'm saying so whenever your name is tied to that it's gonna limit how much bread you gonna get and who's gonna actually you know who's gonna open a door for you yeah I'm saying and yeah I mean I feel like New York don't need that right now I feel like New York needs to uh needs to really show their talent and flourish because I feel like we looking good out here right now I just I just hope you know everybody is able to get they bred the way you know they supposed to I agree I've interviewed Casanova at the start of his career me and pop smoke we spoke on the phone a couple times about doing an interview I like both of those guys I think they're both doing their thing I think they're both really beating the odds of where they should be right now in life based on how they grew up and I just hope that they both appreciate that because that could be taken away from you very quickly have you spoken to Fabio Farah we were actually supposed to do an interview with him and the guy that set it up I don't think was really on top of his game never happy yeah we were supposed to interview you see you should have that Fabio former you shall have that on you shall how that all my bro Sosa geek I'm saying that that's the whole movement over there so see geek either they connect you know me I think you should pull them up me I mean they making Brooklyn look really good right now you know I'm here um so so you know yeah I feel like them I love to see that I love the scene I'm doing they got a fresh new movement right now you're not mean Brooklyn is really looking good New York is looking good and making us look good they got to connect they got the attention Drake right now so siggy got the attention and Drake right now Loyola know me I'm saying I feel like it's it's a beautiful thing you know I'm saying and me being from New York City I love to see that like you know New York City is where hip hop's like started we gotta be and we supposed to be on top yeah I'm saying so I love to see us looking good whether I'm in it or not whether I'm in the picture not I love to see that because I when I grew up that was how it was like yeah I'm saying like New York was on top I'm saying so I love to see that yummy and and I just don't I just hope that you know we able to do that instead of you know coming back with some stupid-ass beef that's gonna you know [ __ ] [ __ ] up well recently I interviewed stunner for Vegas yeah this is the the first artist that the baby signed and when I interviewed the baby right before he blew up the stunner for Vegas was right there we actually did his first interview with one of his first interviews right there now the baby is blown up a stunt for Vegas is blowing up as well and we had this long interview where we talked about a bunch of different stuff and he said no one could say anything negative about the baby you know Vlad say one thing that you think is negative about the baby and I said I think he has a short temper and he was like yeah we know people people love him for that you know people look up to him for that and I understand what you're saying but you know but people love him for it for that type of thing right timber one thing's flaw about isn't even real quick I think there's a short temper yeah ain't no I mean like I think he's too rich to have the kind of temporary okay boom that's what I could say but that ain't no flaw but that's not only people I could say that it's people in yo shoes you feel me like or somebody that's right at that label but I can't nobody else say well you got a shot cuz like you feel me baby don't start with nobody and lo and behold literally a couple days after this interview dropped the whole situation with the bay getting arrested for being involved in beating up that promoter who tries shortchange him and then he gets locked up with no bail and he has to sit there in a cage for I don't know it was like a few days and he gets out and there's still charges pending and there's all this other type of [ __ ] and it's like damn like I didn't want what I said to come true like that but lo and behold it did how do you feel about that whole situation I feel like home or point has to be proven when employee has to be proven you know I'm saying I feel like a message has to be set when it's necessary do I feel like that particular time was necessary no I don't yeah I'm saying what what just happened with with with a little away on the baby I feel like I'm sometimes you have to you have to you have to do certain things I just don't feel like that was one of those times that had to be done I feel like the baby is really like flourishing right now you know I'm saying I feel like he's super talented I feel like he's killing the [ __ ] right now and I feel like that that this is the time for him to part ways with that life that that that um that air you know I'm saying I think he he successfully he successfully used all that other stuff to really bring him into the position everybody can't do that but he successfully did that you know I'm saying and I feel like there's a point of time where you gotta let that [ __ ] go you know I'm saying in order to really keep on going so as either you let it go and keep on growing into a big superstar or you keep on doing it and you turn that and you just don't become what you could have you know I'm saying and people's gonna be scared to put their money in you invest in you people is gonna be scared to book you people is gonna be scared so as big as you are you will see that start um diminishing because of you because of your inability to really start you know maneuvering like growing in that in that space I'm saying so I feel like I feel like um I feel like the baby is dope man I am saying I feel like hopefully this is a wake-up call for him to really you know start moving in a way but he's consistently having these things I'm saying and eventually something's gonna end up really bad you know I mean you can't keep on doing that you can't keep on running into the wall and think like you know you know you're not gonna you're not gonna get knocked out one day I'm saying so it was like you know hopefully there's a wake-up call for him and he could really like you know allow himself to be as great as he can be I'm saying and it's the same thing for all of us a lot of us we fight when we come from those situations when we come from the places those lessons that that that made us survive in those in those like you know those those those traits that we learn that we pick up that makes us survive and those type of environments are also the same traits that would that will make us deteriorate in another setting in the same thing so you know um yeah I just hope he you know I mean he could he could fix that up I'm saying and stop getting in his own way I'm saying well yeah I interviewed the baby and we talked about a bunch of crazy incidences that happened he had a home invasion that happened where he shot one of the guys you don't need to do no more crazy [ __ ] bro everybody knows the baby like he's like you know I'm saying he's like the John Gotti a rat right now yeah I'm saying I don't think anybody else has that type of you know has done it in that way that he's done it yeah I'm saying has like these big these big big things going on like a buddy killed somebody he did this he did that he did that and he's still in position to be one of the best art is one of the most hottest artists in poppin right now I don't think anybody else has done it like that yeah I'm saying so he's really in position to really like you know get crazy I just hope that you know he could do it here's my take on it from the outside looking in the reality about about money is this you have to learn how to handle increasing amounts of money and that only comes with experience so handling 10,000 is much different than handling a million you may think well I know how to handle 10,000 I'm just going to apply this to everything else doesn't really work that way when you're handling millions of dollars you have to deal with your wins and losses a little bit differently now from this situation from what I understand he was shortchange $10,000 well I'm sure five years ago he might kill somebody over $10,000 because there's principals involved and that was a significant amount of money and so forth but when you have millions of dollars in the bank you have to take these ten thousand dollar losses occasionally or if you don't want to take them then you handle them legally but to go and thug it out with someone over ten thousand dollars the reality is he probably has lost a million dollars by trying to get back ten thousand clear he lost more than a million owes yeah he lost more it made me I'm like now whatever how much he's gonna pay for that lawyer is a lot of money the bail is a lot of money on putting up the bear whatever and then also any other opportunities that he could have got while he was locked up and also right now that's also so I'm sure he lost more than a million dollars I'm saying right and this is what I'm saying you have to learn how to handle millions of dollars you can't just keep applying the same principles as when you were handling thousands of dollars there's a great book called the richest man in Babylon that really goes into this whole thing about how you have to learn you have to take you to losses early on and this is why when people win the lottery they usually lose it all cuz they don't know how to handle those amounts of money I'm rooting for him everyone else is rooting for him but like I said before the biggest flaw I see in the baby is his temper and hopefully he gets over it and continues to mean this like I said like you know that street mentality that starts treatment aisle you can't let nobody slab because if you let them slide there are other people there's gonna you know try to do the same thing so I feel like you know ask the mentality that's being used over there but you know it's a different game right now you you you you get millions of dollars like you know I mean gotta gotta switch it up mammy that's officer well since last time Kodak black has been sentenced to almost four years right that's [ __ ] that's horrible man yeah cuz when you really look at it you could really compare a kodak black to the baby in terms of their overall success like they were both kind of at the top of their game at their height when all this [ __ ] started happening like Kodak black was had platinum singles and gold albums and I'm sure his booking fee was probably at least a hundred thousand he's going to lose tens of millions sitting in a Cell for the next three and a half years I hate to see that I hate to see that and then and then I would hate to see like you know I would hate to see him like maybe 10 15 years later being like washed up the hymns and I watched no more money and damn you just had the whole you had all you had the world of opportunities at your hands and you couldn't just you couldn't get out of your own way I'm saying and I feel like you know I did that a lot too you know so like you know we gotta learn how to get out of our own way it's sad to see see that I don't like that at all well yeah I mean he tried to buy guns and not mention the fact that I think he was on probation or he was a felon or something of that sort and he bought like a bunch of guns one of the guns was found at a shooting as someone as successful as him making legal money you just have to just you know slap your face like yellow you know what are you doing like it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever sucks sucks yeah and then he has to make you through prison because not everyone gets out right think about that how many people do you know that went in got two three years and in the process they end up killing somebody they end up getting stabbed or killed themselves they end up getting involved in a gang and something happens end up getting [ __ ] up by a CEO like so many things to go wrong in that environment that you're just rolling the dice just for no reason yeah so yes free Kodak man free Kodak black okay well along with with Kodak black little Wayne recently got caught with guns and drugs on his plane Lil Wayne Lil Wayne I didn't even know I hear about that yeah so so little Wayne got caught I guess it was a gold-plated gun when they actually searched the plane and he actually took ownership of that guy guess it was a present but they also found bullets cocaine ecstasy marijuana heroin painkillers and cough syrup along with all this now if you remember Wayne had already done some prison time in your gun case yeah in New York right I think he got how many years did he get I think they're like two years now whoa now he did a year was it a year yeah because he didn't write his own and you can't do more than a year okay you got eight month jail sentence right so eight months on Rikers Island that's nothing to sneeze at that's a that's a nice little stretch I mean I'm sure he was a pretty shaky guy wait you say he got eight years eight months eight months Oh a month yeah he was he was in news all right he goes down and I seen yeah so you would think that after going through that that you will not be around any type of guns whatsoever unless it's someone legally assigned to carry that but once again little Wayne is facing a gun charge on a private jet right I want a PJ I believe I believe so yeah they cracking down on that Lin Nome juice world Jews were recently yeah I mean just was a private jet doesn't mean you could just throw anything in there man it's still it's still the FDA and not the FT what did juice world having his own in his private jet what was the specifics today you know jus juice world had like 70 pounds of weed 70 and 70 pounds a week Wow coming into Chicago that was hell there are some guns found on there I believe and that was his who knows I mean was he personally selling weed in Chicago I mean see it's legal now I mean it was about to be legal like I think a few days after he passed I doubt it probably one of his entourage members were hustling on the side very um yeah but you got to be careful who you're around and he died and the reason that he died was because he was trying to get rid of some of the pills he had on him that's the story he swallows man that's the story that the feds were coming and he has some pills on him so you just swallowed him real quick and then he overdosed and died Wow I mean the story goes back I mean Rallo he got caught with a bunch of weed on a private jet like for some reason people feel like private jets are immune to the law like that that's a plane just like a commercial plane it could be searched it could be seized it could be everything and at the end of the day rappers are target yeah of course they they know they know that you know they know what we're around I mean so that's crazy rest in peace the juice world oh man that's like that's a bow I said yeah I mean we just did an article about this Kodak Black was named as the the top of the US Customs list of biggest seizures in 2019 biggest seizures yeah like they took I guess I mean I guess in terms of just high-profile oh yeah yeah because at one point they found like four handguns a load of magazine a cartridge you know in New York with Kodak black I think that's kind of what all the charges piled on top of each other yeah I just look man I'm in my 40s like I want all these guys to do well I don't want to have to keep reporting on these stories I don't want to have to see these people these young men with all this potential a chance to create generational wealth let's put it that way all these guys that we're talking about have a chance to have to basically be American royalty in a way they could they could amass 10 20 50 100 million dollars just like the jay-z's and the deities of the world and set up a situation where their name carries on and they have foundations and they they have you know their kids are rich and their grandkids are rich and their grandkids are rich and so forth and you know but when you give up a kid a whole bunch of money early on before they know how to handle that they usually drop the ball right I mean you know having talent is one thing but being able to like you know being able to uh being able to stay in the game it's a whole nother thing yeah I'm saying you know you you can you can have talent a lot of people have talent but the real talent is being able to you know use that talent and and take yourself out of the position that you're in take yourself to the next level and also keep yourself in the next level yeah I'm saying so I feel like um us being us being you know um talent we need to keep the right people around us yeah I'm saying we need to keep the right people right cuz sometimes like you know um we can be lost in our world where we can be kind of just in our own thing and we need the right team around us to kind of make sure that things are doing good yeah I'm saying things are doing well and that we're not you know going the wrong direction you know me I always feel like this you can have a whole your gang whatever there's always this should always be that one person that's clear minded does does does that can you know lead us to the right direction yeah I'm saying so um you know yeah I agree I agree well you had a series on a YouTube channel where you went into a few different stories from your past which I don't think we covered in our previous interviews one of which is the start a riot on 9/11 in Rikers right what's that about I was on break examine we was in the beacon and the beacon is so Reggie's Islanders come come come come ho comprised of maybe like one suit like six different jails right so it was like asylum is really Island and there's like six different facilities on the island so I was in the beacon at the time and I was in 13 I was in 13 a which is like if you walk in is like home it looks like a big airport wing right it's like big it has big ceilings to floor window like a big gigantic like Airport looking window and in that and our view was of the skyline of New York City and you could see the Twin Towers right there so that morning I was like early in the morning I got up and I walked to the phone I was on a phone and I was talking I was talking on the phone and on I was just I was uh I was I was watching I was talking on the phone with my people and then I see like you know my the news was playing right here right so I'm seeing like I'm talking on the phone whatever and then and then all of a sudden like you see like the news is talking about the airplane flew into the the Twin Towers and the person I was talking to on the phone was like yo um what the hell I'm thinking like it was like I thought it was just a accident you know I was in and it wasn't an accident they didn't then I got off the phone and then um I walked I walked out whatever walked around and we was just like talking about them um the accident everybody was talking about everybody was buying a big window looking at the at the at the at the first Tower that I was in smoke and then while we were at the window the second tower hit boom this is the second airplane hits the top and then everybody is like oh snap and now as I damn this is not accident like everybody's now everybody's talking miles an attack is an attack then he locked us down they like the whole jail they like that a lot so was Danny made all of us lock in so I'm like so we all inside and um and it was like some beef like up and said that cuz you know when you're when you're inside there's only two phones so there's like 50 people 60 people all for two phones and when you're when when something is going on of that stature everybody wants to get on the phone everybody wants to talk to their family everybody's like you know and then you got people like you know just trying to like take the phone peoples China like you know everybody has to speak today family make sure everybody's good but then you got one person or one you know crew trying to take over the phone and just like dominate the phone or whatever I'm saying so when we got when we locked in we all locked in and I'm in my cell like them I'm saying like I'm I'm thinking like everybody is talking about the martial law and I'm thinking like damn people they might come in here and start shooting everybody like killing all of us I didn't know you mean like I didn't know my head was all over the place and I was just stressed out thinking about what was going on my family lives in Chinatown my mom is over there and like the Twin Towers is right over there like downtown Manhattan so I want to give him the phone I'm gonna call and when I tried to call my mom the first time she ain't pick up the phone so now I went back at myself I'm locked in my cell they lock us in for like a couple hours then they let us out for so where my cell was that it was towards the phone so I ran to the phone I got to the phone and um I try to like you know make a phone call I couldn't get through and long story short we got into a fight with this other dude and he had he was a [ __ ] and he was like you know he had a he it was like the whole beacon was a blood how it was like a blood gel there was no other Crips but they was bringing them at that time they was bringing they brought in a couple of them and in my house in 13a there was maybe like four or five of them and he started getting stronger they started trying to make they nuts let they let the nuts hang for the phone or whatever so they try to take that phone and long story so we had a big fight I'm saying whoever you know I started the fight palm and we had a big fight over the phone and it was on 9/11 you mean that's basically what happened yeah I mean 9/11 in the prison system must've been pretty crazy it was super crazy because you don't know first of all you locked up so you can't get on the phone when you want you can't call your family when you you know I mean if they're not picking up the phone you start worrying then if they are picking the phone there's a long line of people that want to get on the phone so it's really stressful you don't know what's going on people saying like you know the martial law they're gonna come in here start shooting people so you stressed out you want to get home to your people and I didn't know what was going on and we got into this big-ass rumble was like a like I was like 7 vs. 7 or 10 vs 10 something like that we all got into a big fight and when I they took us when they broke up the fight the officers came in and broke up the fight they took me out and they handcuffed me they walked me down the corridor and I remember the corridor was a long-ass walkway and I remember there was officers on both sides line all the way down like all the way all you saw was a sea of officers lying on this side lying on this side and I'm walking down the corridor after just starting a riot and I'm just like oh man like they are about to [ __ ] kill me like I'm saying and now I was just like you know that was I was crazy you know I mean that was definitely crazy um but well there was another video you had we talked about you at a war with Crips bikers yeah what was that about so this was no c95 this is another jail in Mikey's island and what happened that time was like home so again this now I'm is different now because there's more Crips in New York right and more Crips in New York State back then there was Rikers Island in prison and upstate prison it was mostly blood everybody was blood you know I mean and Crips used to just get ran out the Crips really couldn't live in a lot of jails that we was in I'm saying so I was a c95 I was in this house and what happened was it was a blood house but one other person one of the leaders one of the head people that was in the house he was blood but one [ __ ] dude came in and he gave him he basically sanctioning he said nothing's gonna happen to him he's good you know I'm saying so what happened was he started he was there and then more Crips started he started pulling more Crips and it was big it became a house that was Bloods and Crips which was really unheard of at the time yeah I'm saying and and because the dude that was there his name was fats blood he was cool and he had he has strengths so he allowed that to happen and in this house there was blood and it was Crips you know I mean and then what happened was um there was a big fight in the house and they took fats out they took a lot of the blood out of the house right um and then now there was just it was just my boy there was one one blood there his name was BG and shout out the BG if anybody watching this BG was good tap-in bro but BG was the blood he was only blood left in the house right and then so BG went to court that morning he packed that they they told him to go to court so they wake you up at like 5:00 in the morning he goes to court and I'm in the house so he goes to court he leaves and then now we go to the yard I like maybe 9:00 a.m. we go to the yard and then all the Crips go to the yard soo so long story short because of the the blood that was there all the time left now the sanction that the Crips had is basically lifted I'm saying now all of the Bloods that had something to say that was like that had an issue with it but never said anything because they dude the blood that was there he didn't let it go down now he was gone so now a fight happens in the yard while I'm in the yard the Bloods pop it off on the Crips right and then and then basically there's a big fight whatever so now some of the Crips go back to the house they come back to the house and um and now BG is the only blood in the house right he's offing he's in court he doesn't know what's going on in the yard he didn't know that there was a big blood a big gang fight in the yard so now some of the Crips are still in the house and these are people that we we live with these are people we ate with these are the people we shared phones with we all feel like a good like a couple months we were living with each other and we were all like sitting at the same table break bread together whatever I was in blood but my bro my bro was so he came back in the house and as soon as he came in the house I told him I was like yo this is what happened boom boom so I'm like yo wassup but what you're doing he was like I can't stay here so he goes in the house he goes in his room and so he ties up a sneaker he packs his [ __ ] up and then I'm like I we out of here now so I'll go pack my [ __ ] up and then we go in the live we go in the dayroom and then we just set it off like yeah I'm saying he popped on won't wanna crypto and I just I followed up because if there was other Bloods there then maybe I would have just let him do his thing or maybe I wouldn't have yeah I mean cuz at the end of the day is my bro yeah I'm saying but if there was other people to fight with him then I would have just let them do they things of blood and crypting I ain't blood I encrypt me I'm saying but because he was by himself I couldn't let him fight five six other Crips my himself you know I'm saying so we fought and we got about it and and that's basically that was basically the story like you know c95 anybody that was dead with us you know I'm sure there's a lot of people that's watching this that kind of test to it there's a lot of people there that song and and we got up out of that building well well you were affiliated with the ghost shadow game yeah but once you get to prison I'm assuming there's not a bunch of ghost shadows around no no no okay why did you never affiliate yourself with a bigger gang with a [ __ ] or blood ID because cuz ohm I mean I affiliated like like meaning like I had homies that like that was blood I had like brothers that I just never joined it I'm saying because I'm I just and trust me they all like they wanted me to be whatever I could have been in any one of them and I could have had I could have status I could have whatever I'm saying but I just never wanted to because I felt like that wasn't that I wasn't me you know I mean that wasn't that wasn't my thing you know I'm saying like I didn't grow up around that you know I mean I wasn't my thing my bro the people that I call my brothers that's their thing so I'm gonna ride with Shaun I'm gonna ride with them yeah I'm saying but I don't need to join any gang to be with them you're the same saying and I felt like and I saw like I saw a lot of this [ __ ] like I didn't want to join the game because it was like you know I didn't know these people yeah I'm saying a lot of people like so I know I know my bro right here that's my bro so I'm a rapper just but I learned to know him so if there's anything that happens with him then I would without a doubt have no problem fighting for you and do whatever for you I'm saying but here comes another guy that I don't know from a hole in the wall he could be a rapist he could be a [ __ ] he could be a rat he could be anything I'm saying he could be 100% no good or he could be somebody that I don't [ __ ] with at all but because we're aligned to we're in the same gang I have to you know do something for him I have to fight for him I have to do something for him and I didn't feel like that's something I wanted to do you know I mean I wanted to pick who I was gonna give my loyalty to I didn't want to just do it for anybody just because it was the cool thing to do you know me and that's why you know I never did that yeah I'm saying yeah I remember you know one of my best friends my son when he got home from prison me and him had kind of a similar conversation I said you know you're friends with all these bloods like how come you never join he goes well he goes here's the reality of it people joined these gangs in prison a lot of people join a [ __ ] for protection yeah I feel like no struggle I feel like you were stronger men if you could just stand by yourself yeah I'm saying like like like I mean it was easy and you know what coming up after a while I saw a lot of Asian people join in Bloods and join in like different gangs and I felt like that's the easy thing to do you know I'm saying that's the easy thing for us do is just join the gang and then now we have 2100 people around us and then we can kind of live you know I mean I felt like the harder thing to do is just standing by yourself and being your own man and just just surviving off of your own what you got yeah I'm saying and I felt like that was always something that I was pride I took pride in like you know I mean I wasn't the biggest gangster you know I'm saying I definitely didn't do nearly half as what somebody else would it did I'm not gonna say that I was like the most feared guy and I was like well I always held my own you know I'm saying I always did what I had to do to survive and I always did what I had to do to maintain what who I was yeah I'm saying and I didn't feel like I had to join the game to do that yeah I'm saying I felt like that would be the weak thing to do well yeah I mean the way he explained to me was a lot of people joined these gangs for protection right he said and the first thing that happens is they'll start sending you on missions they don't want to do themselves right oh you're the new guy okay go go stab this guy go go go go do this illegal thing go go smuggle this in go carry this pack whatever else next thing you know you get caught you're facing you know you start out with a couple years you get five ten years tacked on top of it and you pretty much become a mainstay in the prison and he knew that whole story off jump so he ended up just linking up with this dude Omar who I'm good friends with now as well you know he's out and the two of them just watched each other's back and that's how they got through their prison sentence right I mean though I mean I have you know shout out to every CI I feel like yo gangs of are meant to be joined if you know it's it's it's what you grew up in yeah I'm saying I don't feel like anybody should join a gang in there like in there like 30s like 25 what are you joining a gang for but like you know I'm saying I never made sense to me I see grown-ass men joining gangs like you do 29 35 years old what are you doing joining a [ __ ] gang are you dumb like that's something that you grow up in like yeah I'm saying like you know that's why I always respect you know the gangs that are gangs like you know that that's the community that's dumb I mean but if you're just from somewhere else you know me like me like for instance like um from some I'm not I didn't grow up around that yeah I'm saying I did that's not that wasn't me I grew up around go shadows I grew up around the Chinese gang flying dragons this that's what I grew up in and that's what I decided to do yeah I'm saying I didn't want to join something because you know it would make my bid easier or it would make you know it would make me more in favor you know I felt like that I'd be [ __ ] I'm saying well I guess when you join the ghost shadows there was a like an initiation ritual around it yeah can you say what that was um there was like home it's like a so what we did what I went through was basically like you know um they brought they brought in so before we did the initiation ritual they just had us there you know basically like I kind of like the Mafia type like you're not a Manman yet you're like you know just just like you know whatever was that cold your associate you're an associate right so we was the I did that for a little while and then they Pam picked us the kids they hand-picked us to be a part of the family so when we did that is like they picked a cup like maybe like it was like maybe seven of us and then um the ritual was basically like you know we had to buy son which is like swear in front of the god of the gangsters right and and if you for Buddhist was the Buddhist tradition there's like a God he has like a sward is his name is kwa Anquan right so it's like is he has a sward has a red face so that's the God that all the gangsters pray to you know I'm saying and basically there was a ritual that you know we just swore our um we made it off so all of our brothers that was there and to their to the gang you know me and they had a [ __ ] chicken they cut the [ __ ] chicken and a snake they cut the [ __ ] snake and then they drank the blood and we all had to drink out of that she you had to drink snake blood and chicken blood yeah how did that taste that tasted disgusting I don't even think I drink I just did a little bit like that he really but but what that did for me was like it really [ __ ] my head up right cuz I really felt like damn I'm really a part of something like ancient and something like and don't we drinking blood and it was just like oh my god this is like the real thing like I'm really a part of like something like you know I mean something that's you know something that's that's been around for a long time and it just made me look at it with the air of like you know like a just exclusiveness like I just really thought I was a part of something big you know and it was yeah yeah I mean I interviewed Michael Franzese he was the highest ranking mafia member from one of the main five families in New York who actually left the Mafia and he talked about the whole ritual there I mean they think they they cut your finger and then they they take like a picture of like the some saying they burn it and they basically say like blood in blood out and so forth so then a year and a half later you were actually made correct there was a ceremony where they burned something in your hand I believe yeah it was a picture of a saint Catholic goal to God they prick your fingers and blood drops on the floor and they burn a saint in your hands and you're taking off yeah it's interesting how these ceremonies kind of get people to buy in right into this fairly crazy lifestyle that will usually end you in jail or prison or dead right yeah well speaking of gangs I recently interviewed King tone who's the former leader of the Latin Kings right being in New York and being in New York prisons I assume that you were around a lot of Latin Kings definitely well speaking of gangs I recently interviewed King tone who's the former leader of the Latin Kings right being in New York and being in New York prisons I assume that you were around a lot of Latin Kings what was interesting you know during our conversation and I don't know if you saw the interview but it was a pretty pretty interesting interview got real upset during certain times and you got very emotional about certain topics that we spoke about but they talked about what we talked about how the Latin Kings were considered the most organized gang like they had a very specific structure where people had to answer to other people there was a hierarchy there's rules as regulations and you just didn't see that in a lot of other gangs right what did you notice about the Latin Kings that was different I just saw like that the lay the land you know well if you compare them to like the black gangs um because that's basically what you had in there you had the lions and you had the blacks in prison that was basically them though you know the majority in there I feel like the Latinos the Latin gangs they had more of their culture like meaning like they came from you know Puerto Rico or wherever else and they had like their you know they had more of a solid you know solid they stuck together more they looked out for each other more when the Latins came in you know I mean no matter who they are no matter what they are they gave them food they gave him whatever soap whatever they needed to you know they looked out for each other and I saw that um the the the black population was more like they didn't really they didn't really do that you know I'm saying they really just looked out for whoever gangs that they were in whatever stuff like that so I felt like there was more structure in terms of that you know I mean like that has just stuck together a little bit more and I definitely trickles that definitely um that definitely showed in their gang structure and all that too as well you know I'm saying well yeah I mean King tone was actually addicted to crack and couldn't read while he was in Rikers and those guys took him in and basically saved him I know school king bumi resides I seen you you prove you fire that but you're stupid you really don't know what you want right he knew read this and when I couldn't really say that's why you might because you stupid and I never heard of somebody tell it to me like that you just mad cuz you stupid but you then he gave me the food you come from great people like Lolita LeBron ox ago he told me what Puerto Rico was but my mother and father never took the time because they were so busy I found an identity and not the Kings in the history of my being told by a Latin King who learned it that way some people joined these groups because they lost and they want to be found some join for protection because they scanned the jail some join whatever I joined because it was what made me fear I read the Bible hundred times I was it on I was in Teen Challenge all that [ __ ] none of that touch me like that man's gracious love when I was in my lowest point right and he rose through the ranks and became the leader of the New York Latin Kings and the guy that really passed the baton to him was this guy named King blood are you familiar with the story of king blood I guess was ultimately convicted of ordering hits in prison you know using letters and so forth you know coded language he was sentenced to 250 years with the first forty five years in solitary confinement where he was only allowed to see immediate family members of which he had none right this was the harshest sentence since World War two right have you ever heard of sentences like this like to that extent I mean that's that's pretty harsh what did they give Pistol Pete I don't know if they gave him that much bomb I know they gave him something making him pretty hard sentenced to because he was doing that too yeah I'm not sure I'm not actually able to find it but yeah it's pretty crazy and one of the things that really kind of stood out with the Latin King story was I guess the level of viciousness around the gang at one point kind of a war broke out between kind of you know the leadership in New York and they found this one guy who was a Latin King member they had killed him cut out the Latin King tattoo on his body burned him decapitated him and they never found his head Wow yeah this is the this is the type of thing that was going on did you see that kind of thing where it's like look we're a certain gang or a certain crew with like okay we're gonna do we're gonna be so overly violent so over-the-top to just send a message to everyone that were the craziest ones out here yeah I mean it was definitely more like that you know we were coming up in a 90's definitely you know because everybody everybody you're surrounded by you're surrounded by like you know savages yeah I'm saying so in that world the most the most gruesome the most violent wins I'm saying so that's who's in control so you know when you're around when you're dealing with that type of people you have to like really such a mark so I definitely seen you know I seen that type of stuff when I was coming up you know I mean that that was all over that was that was with the Latin Kings but that was in all neighborhoods and I'm saying when when I was coming up you had the BTK you know I'm saying and China sound of warning kills and they were like really they really date so what happened in Chinatown at that time was China the Chinese was already in Chinatown you know I'm saying but then here comes the Vietnamese after the Vietnam War the refugees came in so when they came in they already came from this type of environment this type of you know war-torn environment and that's you know that's what they grew up in so when they came into Chinatown they were doing stuff like that killing people cold blood you know I'm saying they were like you know um don't want grenades and inside the the the the police vehicles you know I'm saying they were just you know they were really make their presence be known I mean and I think New York City at that time was like really flooded with that like you really saw that a lot yeah I mean you if you didn't see it you heard about it it was like really you know it was prevalent crazy throwing grenades into cop cars man Wow okay well China Mack always a pleasure when we get together make sure you check out that new song with Method Man wu-tang remix right make sure you go check that out and come check out my channel China Mack TV pull up to my channel yeah I'm saying where I tell you know our stories prison stories I got Mac eats where I eat food and yeah I get off a parole in in about a couple weeks I just came back from getting my passport so it's gonna be a big thing for me like you know I'm definitely I'm Devin been off of parole offer paper since I was like 15 years old oh so you about to go to China yeah I'm definitely about to go to China I'm definitely just about to go around so like you know and when I mean by all papers like I've been in some type of paper like institution I was in probation parole in prison juvenile whatever I haven't been off completely since I was 15 years old so I'm finally about to get off as about to be a great thing and I'm about to just you know start showing me just living life like you know I mean just enjoying you know all the things that I wasn't able to you know for most of my life yeah I mean just traveling you know just picking up and going to somewhere and just trying to food and just doing different things so I'm definitely about to start doing that on my channel and pull up the china mag TV and you know see a success story men are real success story yams in that's what it is man that's what it is well congrats on everything you're doing every time I see you you're doing well it seems like you've you know gradually improved your whole situation since we originally met which is right when you first got out of prison right and man I love to see that I absolutely love it man so thank you rolling up again man thank you for for the opportunities man I appreciate you brother of course man my pleasure until next time all right peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 195,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, China Mac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 30sec (7350 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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