Child Protective Service workers, what was the worst case you have seen? (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] CPS workers of Reddit what was the worst case you have seen the one that hit me the hardest was before I actually started going out on my own and was shadowing the after-hours team we got a call from a different state worker about a family who had moved to our state and we needed to follow up the family had six kids and the barely twelve year old girl in the family was a registered sex offender at 12 it was heartbreaking it was a blended family and the mom who was the Bayeux parent of the girl believed that the girl had been exposed to porn and sex by her bio dad anyway one night one of the kids said girl's name touched my penis the parents shocked talked to each kid individually where they all disclosed that she had touched them not knowing how to handle it they called CPS in their state for help CPS came out called the cops and for reasons that weren't clear to me the child was placed on the registry by a judge in my experience usually they try and patient and other therapies before going that route but apparently that state and judge did things differently so when the family moved to our state we had to go out to make sure the family was following adequate guidelines for example the girl was not allowed to be alone with her siblings she couldn't swim in the pool at the same time as her siblings she couldn't go to school or the park or birthday parties because she was a sex offender her siblings couldn't have friends over she was such a sweet kid it really was such a sad situation she told us she wanted to be a fashion designer and her favorite thing to do was play xbox with her siblings all the kids were in therapy and they appeared to harbor no ill will toward her I think about this case a lot and I always wonder what happened to their family late to contribute but thought I would add I am a neurosurgeon not a CPS worker the case was infantile rape the true disgust however is when you consider the mechanics that result in the degree of injury a child is flexible but weak in the effort to rape her both hips were grossly dislocated a child's orifices are obviously too small for such penetration so the vagina and anus were severely torn the penis entered the rectum at least a few times resulting in rectal tears and colonic perforation the vagina and cervix were torn as well and the uterus was severely damaged the baby to deal with crying may have been hit against an object resulting in multiple rib and spinal fractures as well as a depressed skull fracture I have been in neurosurgery for over 10 years now and this was the only time I let out a tear and vomited violently the infant did not survive I did not have the heart to follow up on the perpetrator for I feared my reaction if I were to learn he got away or if I did not agree with the punishment I'm not a CPS worker but I worked Criminal Investigations for the Army for a number of years and worked very closely with CPS on our child abuse / neglect cases one particular case sticks with me five years later we received a call around 1700 which is usually a good indicator that we're going to be responding to a legit call the bad ones always seem to come in right before we head home for the evening the call came in from CPS they had received a call from a soldier's unit the soldier husband was in the field for training exercises and had gotten a very vague emergency call from his wife that she was having some medical problems husband asked his unit to send somebody to go check on his wife to make sure she was okay too easy unit sends a guy over who finds the wife in the kitchen covered in blood from the waist down in her underwear he also notices a blood trail from a back room into the kitchen / foyer area there is a bloody spatula on the counter what's more is that there is animal feces and trash covering the entirety of the house safe for walking paths there are two small children crying from somewhere in the back of the house this dude immediately makes two calls one back to his command and one to C PS command notifies husband who is immediately sent home command also calls us we receive this call after the one from CPS CPS reports the same story they also inform us that the CPS worker who responded to the house had to call for help because they threw up from the smell of the house before they even got inside we respond we observe exactly what was initially reported the sight is unimaginable if you've never seen something like it the smell was something between death and landfill we wore Tyvek suits to move around the house when we finally get the wife cleaned up she tells us that while I using the bathroom she had a very early term miscarriage she states that she had no idea what to do so she grabbed the spatula from the kitchen and scooped the miscarriage into some diapers and towels she then put everything into the freezer her intent was to keep them until her husband came home and then decide what to do batshit craziness of this aside CPS and law enforcement have now seen the conditions of this house after hospital visits and making sure everyone is physically and mentally healthy we hear back to the house with CPS to see what we're actually looking at two-story townhouse the entire house was covered in trash food dishes clothing etc and animal feces the dining table was covered with dirty dishes and rotting food the food in the fridge was expired and moldy there was no sitting room on the couch in the living room the master bedroom had a queen bed no sheets the mattress had a dark brown stain covering over half the mattress was not positive for blood never figured out what the hell it was the kids only had mattresses on the floor no other furniture in their rooms clothing trash and feces all over the floor the bathrooms I've seen truck stop rest rooms that were cleaner the list of disgusting things in this house goes on CPS gave them three weeks to fix this atrocity where the kids would be removed in that time both husband and wife get into more legal trouble not to detract from the story but their charges included drugs and prostitution CPS finally was able to get the kids out of that home I never learned if the parents regained custody but I pray they didn't it was the absolute worst imaginable house I've ever seen the smell stuck to your clothes housing said the only was the house would be safe to live in again would be if it were completely torn down not to mention the batshit crazy parents it was one of the first cases I investigated but it involved a child death there was actually another worker assigned to take the priority-one cases that day but she was stuck out in the boonies working another emergency when we got the call a two-year-old child had been brought to the emergency room by her mother the child was cold and blue and she had a living sister age three oh I had just been cleared to take p1s and my unit supervisor sent me to start working the case she also called the region to send us a special investigator a CPS investigator with police or military experience they have special privileges in their work by the time we got the report police were already questioning the mother it was my first time to witness a police interrogation the mother refused to speak English during the interview and she had her friend translate for us for some reason there wasn't a Spanish to English translator brought for the interrogation anyway the mom claimed the child had been jumping on the bed with her sister when she fell off the bed and hit her head on the floor she was vomiting later in the evening and when the mom checked in on her the next day the child was dead super sketchy as preliminary reports showed no head injuries we went to the house to investigate the scene with the police and the mom and everything had been stripped there all the furniture and family possessions gone it smelled strongly of bleach it was the first time I had a close look of the mom and she had bruising on her neck a huge and fresh bruise under her chin and her eye was swollen she claimed she slipped and hit her chin on the kitchen counter anyway in the following days we learned the truth a year prior CPS investigated the family when it came out that moms boyfriend was abusing the children pulling their hair out slapping them etc the Department required the mom to end her relationship with the boyfriend which she did and provided therapeutic services for the family but a few months after CPS left the boyfriend came back to the home the night of the two Yoos death she missed her pants while the boyfriend was watching a sports game he got angry and kicked her in the stomach but he kicked her in the stomach so hard it almost lacerated her liver and to the mom was correcting that the child had been vomiting and sick the night before her death this child spent her last hours on earth suffering a painful death the mom had waited so long to take the little girl to the hospital because she wanted to give the boy friendly time to escape he ended up going to Mexico where he was later found brought back and charged for his crime both he and the mom are now in prison the little girl's big sister was reunited with their bio father who had been spending the past few years trying to find the girls he was inconsolable with the news it was by far the worst case I have ever worked child death cases always are as an employee with CPS your job is to protect children and when you work a case with a dead child you feel so useless so helpless I didn't work in CPS but I did work closely with CPS I worked for a non-profit emergency shelter for children who had been abandoned neglected or abused mind you I worked at this shelter ten plus years ago so the details are a bit fuzzy I get a call one night work graveyard about to male sibling group coming in they had been found and picked up at Motel drive the oldest is 11 and the other is nine I start reading their case file and there's a long abuse neglect history after being with us a few days the 11 year old is showing increased signs of PTSD hyper vigilance paranoid aggressive he ends up pulling a knife on another one of the kids in the shelter because they came up from behind and grabbed him apparently the mom who was a heroin user was prostituting the 11 year old out to John's so she could get money slash heroin he would stay awake all night in the motel while she was out of it on heroin to make sure none of the John's came back to hurt her or his younger brother by the time the kid turned 12 he had been expelled from three different elementary schools and was banned from that particular School District eventually mom lost custody in the last I heard as they were placed in foster care not a CPS worker but my mom was a foster parent and ran a daycare out of the home so we've known the specifics and assisted on a number of cases one foster case was a child that was placed with us for about a week he was a tiny little baby and despite being in high school I work up to feed him the mother was a teenage pregnancy who was abandoned by her parents for said pregnancy and simply didn't know how to care for a baby CPS was really understanding and gave her classes and then when she learned how often a baby actually needed to be fed she got her child back she reached out to us and thanked us for everything and we got regular updates child is two now very happy and loved another case where we called CPS a mother brought her four kids to our deck her oldest son and three daughters oldest son was seven and did most of the care for his younger siblings ranging from two to five in age mother was pregnant again when she was obviously below the poverty line baby was born her kids got progressively more and more dirty to the point my mom reached out in a Facebook group for clothing donations for the kids they'd get dropped off she would bathe them all and dress them again she made excuses for the mother which she says now is her biggest regret she just kept saying this is her fifth child and she's a single mom and a new baby it's hard then we had to care for the baby sickly [ __ ] blood after three days with him my mom called CPS we were never told what happened with them but I remember they came to pick some things up and I remember looking out our front window and seeing them in the workers Carl crying it's hard but you know it's better for them in the end not CPS but I worked in partnership with them in all of these cases CPS workers were on my side on their leadership was against them they had far far too many cases to be safe I witnessed a physical assault on a child it was incredibly violent and the parent could have broken the child's neck while I was watching and moving towards them I dialed 9-1-1 and stepped between them I was later reprimanded for putting myself at risk if the parent was willing to do that in front of me what were they doing when no one could see the state did not move them into foster care because they were too old and the oldest kid could watch out for the younger I had an eleven-year-old threaten suicide and refused to safety contract we called crisis intervention they did not come out because if she didn't safety contract there wasn't a bed within eight hours or so that could take her and if they came out they were responsible for her I stayed with the client for I think about 14 hours I had a bio father returned to the home after prison time for raping his daughter they had the girls follow extensive safety procedures instead of tell the parents he couldn't return there was likely a return to the sexual abuse the state did not want to initiate a removal because she was old enough to learn to protect herself I had a client with birth defects because he and his mother were the product of incest the grandfather raped his much younger sis the mom was the result he raped her and my client was the result he was following the pattern of sexually aggressive behavior and kept being returned from the facility where he was being treated right back to the family where he was being abused it was absurd as a side topic if you're struggling with drug addiction and think you're still a good parent you aren't that's your addiction fooling you get your kids into therapy and let them live elsewhere until you get yourself clean I'm a CPS investigator so on the front line of all the allegations here's some background just so you understand what my obligations are our state splits it up into two divisions DHS and the State Police who have their own division the State Police get the worse allegations such as sexual abuse immersion severe physical abuse and infant deaths DHS gets the more run-of-the-mill like cuts bruises welts striking a child on the face slash head and any kind of neglect medical educational environmental I work for DHS and here's the kicker the state police can't do a removal so if they feel a child is unsafe they have to call us and we Riis's then make a removal based on our decision so the worst case I've worked is a case of neglect in which the ten year old female was in the custody of her legal father he was on cocaine even when he met me for scheduled interviews he was high on cocaine in itself that's just terrible but after every meeting he'd pick up and move so that I couldn't relocate the final meeting he is with my supervisor while I attempt to locate the juvenile in order to take custody he gets the gist of what's going on and has a friend pick the girl up from school and tells us he's having her sent to her aunt's home but she never shows then he drops off - then he starts texting my work cell saying [ __ ] like I'll kill everyone before I love you take her and remember he's high on cocaine finally finally after three full days I find her hiding under one of his friends beds he's arrested for fleeing find out this man is out on bond for taking a knife to the man who he thought called in the report so I take custody of the child and have a hair follicle done she tested significantly positive for cocaine as if she ingested it herself as it was processed through the liver WTF the only good thing is that she went to her aunt's home who had a clean background and is safe girl just though she was on an adventure with her dad the worst case I've seen was a secondary response for the State Police in order to do a removal 8 month old girl was being watched by her mother's boyfriend the mom drove Riggs for a living so she was gone for long periods of time the baby pissed off the man enough that he dipped her we call it baby dipping it's a thing prepare yourself he got water boiling and put it in the tub then put the baby in the water she had extensive burns over 70% of her body that baby is going to have those scars forever and to put yourself there he got pissed off put water to boil and waited for it to get hot waited all that time knowing what the hell he's going to use it for and then did it heard her screaming and then took her to his podunk Regional Hospital she had to be transported to the state Children's Hospital then someone else had to call her mother and tell her what her boyfriend did to her daughter and the worst part is you get used to all that first case I went on during training showed up at a house in a trashy town and instantly we are verbally assaulted by an obese belligerent lady this was mom and she was being accused of neglecting her children by not caring for their hygienic needs and not having any food we tell her we need to chat with the kids alone but she refuses and stands by as we start talking she keeps interrupting and yelling whenever we ask anything my trainer calls the cops because she can tell the situation is escalating quickly and we need to talk to the kids cops show up mom sort of calms down and we get to chat with the kids teenage boy is pissed and refuses to tell us anything useful two younger sisters 8 to 11 ish don't say much but they didn't need to say anything two little girls have nits in their hair so bad their scalp is bald and irritated on the back of their heads below the ears their hair was matted and basically one big dreadlock these were white people so matting the hair like that is hard when it's clear that the tide is turning against the mom she yells at the kids to run away and they follow orders we spend the next hour trying to find the kids and then trying to get them away from the mom who huddled them into a neighbor's yard in a corner we get the kids back to a foster care agency office no family was available to take the kids and this was when my heart broke the workers sit the girls on a chair over a large plastic sheet and start removing the nits with a knit brush slash hairbrush I watches hundreds and hundreds of dead slash living knits fall to the plastic under the girls and they start to cry because of it hurting the workers were as gentle as possible but they had to have been infested for months if not longer this is when I totally broke down and left the room and had to collect myself mind you this is around 11 P it turned out the mom had significant mental health needs she wasn't caring for and had been ignored by family for years so no one knew what was going on school officials claimed they didn't notice anything but we suspected the kids weren't coming to the school liked it that way not CPS but we work with him on the regular I had a kid who was younger than two readmitted for large burns guess it wasn't enough the first time thankfully the crimes against children people stepped up this time and sawed through the parents [ __ ] and yanked all the kids out of the house turns out the child had wet themselves and so the parents sprayed them with boiling water kid was so used to paying they never made a peep the whole time we had them not even for putting IVs in and cleaning their burn my case was slightly different from what many would think can be the worst I had a report about an incorrigible child pretty normal stuff parents tried everything but they cannot control their child and are worried about the safety of the other children this particular case was slightly different the child and her two siblings were adopted by their grandparents the grandparents stated that the one child let's say her name was Ellen was threatening to hurt her sibling and actually went as far to chase him around with a knife Ellen was a 12 year old at the time of this report after further investigation and services with the family I learned the full reason for the original adoption when Ellen was younger about 6 with her mother she was being sexually abused by the mother's boyfriend when Ellen's mother found out about the abuse she murdered the boyfriend in front of Ellen and had ellen helped her clean up the mess now comes the grandparents unable to figure out why Ellen his trouble now after talking to Elle and more she was angry at her younger sibling for being normal as he was also present for the murder but too young to remember as I last keep up with the family the grandparent and siblings left Helen behind and moved to another state ellen is currently living with a foster family and is doing much better sorry if this is hard to read or follow I am writing on mobile I can explain more later tonight if people are interested this is not CPS but a very similar issue I did an internship with an organization that helped human trafficking victims it was seriously horrific I cannot understand how any human can treat another human in these horrific manners I will share the worst case without too much detail a 14 year old girl from a South American country was rescued in part of a raid on a forced labor rescue operation the labourers situation was bad enough but the girl was held in a trailer and was provided to the workers for sex the room had a mattress a nightstand with paper towels and a teddy bear when I heard the details I threw up I originally wanted a career in Human Rights this case broke me I realized I did not have the emotional capacity required I felt a lot of guilt after my decision to change track but I also know I am no good to victims when I was so emotionally disturbed and wrapped up I still do advocacy from a distance as a private person I try to help people understand the horrors and I try to keep him I put four possible trafficking situations but I can't be directly involved like I was Humanity is truly terrifying at a fixed word [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit, cps, creepy reddit
Id: irSJ4Do4Mx8
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Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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